Tesfaye Beyene GC
Tesfaye Beyene GC
Tesfaye Beyene GC
General information
of the Company
1.1.1 Introduction
This technical proposal is submitted in response to the invitation for bids construction of different
Building Constructio Projects.
The proposal is based on the bidding document provided works construction that comprises
Construction of Different Building construction with quality and specification.
Thus, TESFAYE BEYENE GC truly appreciates the extent of the service required and proudly is an
excellent position to successfully handle this assignment, especially due to the fact that our company is
organized by personnel with excellent qualification and extensive outstanding experience related to
water supply, sanitation, Irrigation projects and to the invited assignment in particular.
As result of which, TESFAYE BEYENE GC proudly confirmed that the company has prepared itself
to offer this assignment and submitted this technical proposal in response to the bid invitation.
TESFAYE BEYENE GC is established in accordance with the Ethiopia Trade law in the year 2018
G.C and registered with Oromia National Regional State Trade & Market Development Bureau and
Oromia Construction Authority as General Contractor (GC-5) and Water Work General Contractor(WC-
The company has professionals with extensive experience in the Building Construction, Road
The key staffs are specialists in the field of Civil Engineering ,Surveying Engineering Water Supply and
The initiative for the formation of TESFAYE BEYENE GC is to contribute to the achievements of the
country’s economic developments plan by construction industry with effective project implementation at
Not only this, the company was established in order to involve in the construction sectors which
includes water supply and sanitation facilities, irrigation schemes, drainage &sewerage infrastructures,
health facilities, schools, other related commercial, institutional and the like.
With this frame work, the company currently is working on the construction industries focusing on the
Currently the company is located and based in On Gage College Building Room No.308, Arround
Addisu Gebeya ,Gullele Sub City, Finfinne Ethiopia.
The TESFAYE BEYENE GC is coming forth in the construction industry being one of the best
competitive construction firms in the country. It is a profit making company,
Which has the following directions in order to be strong and solvent both technically and financially?
Equipping the company with modern machineries, equipment, dump trucks, vehicles, etc.
Making strong development counterparts of different GOs and NGOs organization, which are
involving in the construction sector.
Marking a joint venture with other similar companies and/ or firms.
Ensuring transparency with stakeholders
Making a strong company through strengthening with staffs and financial resources, device an
alternative income generating activities such as buildings, etc.
As company understands, the intent of the program is development of water supply projects in towns
which comprises of supply and installation of pipes and fittings. The company also understands the
emergency of the project.
Building Construction
Our company also engaged in Building construction works
Water Work Construction is one of our company works with high quality that fit the space ,
time, and cost of the project.
Machinery Rental: - We provide all this equipment’s to our value-able clients on demand and
to those how went to rent.
Construct all the civil works as per the design, specification and drawings
Carryout construction and supervision of the project components.
Prepare measurement takeoff sheets and payment certificate
Prepare progressive construction reports during implementations
Prepare as built drawing after completion of the whole works.
Letter Of Bid
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Date: Jan 15, 2024 G.C
Complete Legal Name and Address of the Seat of the Bidder Nationality2
In response to your Bidding Documents for the above Procurement Number: we, the undersigned,
hereby declare that:
(a) We have examined and accept in full the content of the Bidding Documents for the,
Procurement Number: 41/SMK -11/2016we hereby accept its provisions in their entirety, without
reservation or restriction.
(b) We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Bid are true and accept that
any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
(c) We, the undersigned, offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents dated the
following Works: Different Buildng Construction
(d) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (e) below is:
(e) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are: N/A
Unconditional Discounts: If our bid is accepted, the following discounts shall
Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied using the following
method: N/A
Conditional Discounts: If our bid(s) are accepted, the following discounts shall apply. N/A
One signed original Bid Submission Form must be supplied together with the number of copies specified in the Instruction to Bidders.
Country in which the legal entity is registered.
Add/delete additional lines for members as appropriate. Note that a subcontractor is not considered to be a member for the purposes of this
bidding procedure. If this Bid is being submitted by an individual Bidder, the name of the Bidder should be entered as "leader" and all other
11 | P a g e
lines should be deleted.
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Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied using the following
method: N/A
(f) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of None from the date fixed for the Bid submission deadline in
accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted
at any time before expiry of that period;
(g) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without, for the purpose of restricting
competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other bidder or competitor
relating to:
i. Those prices;
ii. The intention to submit a bid; or
iii. The methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered.
(h) The prices in this bid have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by TESFAYE BEYENE
GC directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or competitor before bid opening.
(i) We, including any subcontractors for any part of the contract resulting from this procurement
process, are eligible to participate in public procurement in accordance with ITB Clause 4.1 and
have not been debarred by a decision of the Public Procurement and Property Administration
Agency from participating in public procurements for breach of our obligation under previous
(j) We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have had our business
activities suspended and not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing;
(k) We have fulfilled our obligations to pay taxes according to Ethiopian Tax laws
(l) We have read and understood the provisions on fraud and corruption in GCC Clause 5 and confirm
and assure to the Public Body that we will not engage ourselves into these evil practices during the
procurement process and the execution of any resulting contract;
(m) We have not committed an act of embezzlement, fraud or connivance with other Bidders.
(n) We have not given or have been offered to give inducement or bribe to an official or procurement
staff of the client office to influence the result of the Bid in our favor.
(o) We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than two bids in this bidding process, other than
alternative bids in accordance with the Bidding Document;
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(p) We do not have any conflict of interest and have not participated in the preparation of the original
Schedule of Requirements for the Public Body;
(q) If our bid is accepted, we commit to submit a performance security in accordance with the GCC
Clause 58 of the Bidding Documents, in the amount of 10% the total contract Amount or the due
performance of the Contract;
(r) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from
eligible countries Ethiopia;
(s) We will inform to Client Office immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances at
any stage during the implementation of the contract. We also fully recognize and accept that any
inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this Bid may result in our exclusion
from this and other contracts funded by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of
(t) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall not constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is
prepared and executed.
(u) The bid submission sheet has to be summated with original technical requirements, must be filled
properly and must be signed by Authorized person. Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection
of the bid.
(v) We understand that you reserve the right to reject any or all Bids that you may receive.
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of: - TESFAYE BEYENE GC
Dated on [15th] day of JAN 2024G.C
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1. Valid trade license indicating the stream of business in which the 2016 EC is engaged;
2. VAT registration certificate issued by the tax authority.
3. A valid tax clearance certificate issued by the tax authority ;
4. Business organization registration certificate or trade license issued by the country of establishment
5. Relevant professional practice certificates.
6. Bid Security; and
7. Other documents requested by the Public Body
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Conflict of Interest
We, the undersigned, apply that TESFAYE BEYENE GC do not have any compliance with condition
of Contract form 12
Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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We, the undersigned, apply that TESFAYE BEYENE GC having been registered in the public
Procurement and Property Administration Agency’s Suppliers List in accordance with ITB
Clause 4.7.
Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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We, the undersigned, apply that TESFAYE BEYENE GC do not have any compliance with condition
of ITB Clause 4.4 as Government owned entity
Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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As mentioned above we kindly confirm that we TESFAYE BEYENE GC do not have any Bank
Ineligibility as described in ITB 4.4.
Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Signed: -
Duly authorized to sign the Qualification for and on behalf of: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
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Principal---------------------------------TESFAYE BEYENE GC
Specimen of signature/initial , ,
2. The Agent may not delegate this authority to any third person without prior consent of the principal
3. This power of Attorney is made pursuant to Article 2199 of the Ethiopian Civil Code and shall be
effective as of 15th Jan of 2024 G.C.
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3. Technical Proposal
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Key Personnel
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Article I
This Agreement is made in Robe town in this day Dec 09, 2016 E.C up to June 30, 2016
E.C between Yohannis Kumsa Construction Machinary Rental Tel no. +251-917-32- 51-
15 (hereinafter called Lessee) on one side and Jamaal, Asmare and his friends Joint
Venture on Building Construction Work Tel +251-922-03-70-00 (here in after called
Jamaal, Asmare and his friends Joint Venture on Building Construction Work is
private company that is engaged in building Construction Work in Bale Zone. Now the
contractor s interested to different construction projects in the year 2016 E.C using the rent
following machineries.
on the other hand Yohannis Kumsa Construction Machinary Rental also a private
company that Owens several Construction Equipment is willing to provide the following
machineries .
2.1 The lessee will avail the Construction Equipment to lesser immediately in the event
that he is awarded the contract .the machinery will stay in the project until the required
parts of the works are completed
2.2 Provide the operators drivers, maintenance, and spare parts throughout the rental
Article III
3.1 Assign Proffessionals Engineers & Technichians to guide the Said Works
3.2 Pay to the lesse the agreement rate per hour for the period themachineries remain
under his control.
3.4 Rental fees shall be paid to Lesse on monthly basis for the works sone/hr.
For Lesse (Yohannis Kumsa Construction Machinary Rental )
For Lesser (Jamaal, Asmare and his friends Joint Venture on Building Construction
Name Signature
1. …………………………. …………………….
2……………………………. ……………………..
3……………………………. ………………………
Company Experience
General Work Experience
Of The Company
Starting Ending
year Year Contract Identification Role of bidder
2014 2015 Contract name- Construction of 2nd Generation Prime Contractor
Comprhensive Health Post
Brief description of the work – Construction of 12
Health Block, Dry Latrine OPD,Placenta,Icrination
Amount of Contract 26,082,549.87
Name of Employer-Barbare Woreda Health Office
Address – Barbare Woreda , Bale Zone in Oromia
Sign contract agreement within two days of receipt of the form of agreement
Submit to the client the necessary bonds and documents together with detail work
schedule after signing the contract.
Handing over the sites and identifies the prose sitting of each construction point of
different components as much as possible in collaboration with the client representatives,
zone and/ or woreda teams and community.
During the construction period, the company will,
Communicate officially the client representatives at community, woreda and zonal level
as to create the necessary awareness of the project executions.
Commence the work and mobilize the relevant crews, materials and equipment’s as per
the detail work schedule approved by the client within 15 days after signing the
Ensures and Carry out construction supervision, and administration in collaboration
client representatives and Zonal Construction Authority teams
As much as possible, interested local community members will be deployed as per their
skills required for the work
Activity as a capacity building,
The company will promotes on the job training and capacity building to help
communities to maintain their Construction facilities. For this reason the company will
give attention to the deployment of community members.
Ensure all the construction materials mobilized as per specified in the project document
and specification that approved by the client
Ensure all the construction work will be done as per the specification and drawings;
design provided by the client, any changes, additional works or omission of part of the
work will be done after the approval of the client.
Problems and issues with relation to land owner ship and related issues will be reported
to the client, zone regional responsible bodies for solution.
Progress report inclusive of problems and action taken, measurement take off sheets and
payment certificate submitted to the client within a period in agreed format and as
deemed by the client.
After Completion of the project
o All system should be tested and its proper functioning of all components should be
confirmed and any defects will be rectified accordingly.
o The company will officially handed over the project to the client with all the necessary
technical information
o The company will produce as built drawings and submit to the client on time as specified
and agreed in the contract document
Documents to use at site
The daily activities at site will be recorded and the different docs will be provided at site
level which includes; site dairy, site books, store requisition and store issue voucher. In
addition, the construction drawings, layouts and revised schedules (if any) will be kept at
site for easy management of the project execution.
Pursuant to the condition of contract in the bid document, the works of project shall be
completed on contract date after signing of the contract and the project will be commenced just
following the signing of contract agreement.
• The company proposed to complete the works on or before end of contract period is
signing of the contract.
Regarding the timeframe to undertake detail activities, which includes; site handover, and job
layouts, mobilization of materials, machineries, manpower and construction crews as well as
time required for field construction works and reporting time is fairly allocated. With this
intention, the detail Activity schedule and duration required is presented in the following tables
Notes- Depending on condition of the project awarded, all required personnel; equipment and
construction schedules will be deployed.
ESHS Management
Strategies &
3.8.1 Onsite Safety & Healthy
We require high standards of health, safety & the environment to be observed at all stages of the
contract and all parties to work to current legislative standards and best practice in the industry as
a minimum standard.
The following targets have been established for the duration of this project:
Eliminate/reduce accidents, occupational ill health and damage when undertaking work.
To complete the project without any adverse criticism from any enforcing authority.
Put into effect our safety and environmental policy.
Further develop good practice on this project and throughout the organizations.
Environment Objectives & Targets are set at the organizations level and will be displayed on
the site notice board.
Safety measures shall be taken including the provision of helmets, color as specified on the
contract document, gloves, medical care, etc. to ensure that workmen are protected against injury
and loss of life while on work. We will always practice safe working conditions by pointing out
possible cause of danger with our mitigating measures:
We will establish, provide, equip and maintain throughout the contract period, suitable and
sufficient first-aid facilities for the general use of our workers and subcontractors work
We will make sure the scaffoldings and false works are statically stable, well fixed and
braced and maintained for safety throughout the period of their usage.
Make sure the site is clear from sharp or any used construction materials that may cause
physical damage to the workers.
Provide hand glove for bar benders and concrete workers and other employees as required.
Provide earth moving machineries to be equipped with warning sounds in reverse mode.
Make sure every excavated pit is provided with protective sign guards.
Providing a system to isolate the site from flooding.
In addition to the above safety measures, there are concerns that arise from the weather condition
the project site location. From the general climatic condition of Ethiopia, the project may fall in
the rainy season where soil protection mechanisms are vital during bulk and pit excavation; in
which case we shall brace side walls of foundation excavations with appropriate struts.
Moreover; we have planned to offer nursing service onsite to aid workers with 1 st aid and to
deliver ill and injured employees to the proper health center in the city of Addis Ababa. And also
to create awareness and prevention mechanisms since the passing rainy season with upcoming
climatic condition might make the workers susceptible to infectious diseases.
Furthermore; we shall create the awareness of general safety for all the workers. We will hold
regular safety meetings led and organized by safety officer appointed for this specific purpose, at
which the supervisors and workers gather before start of shift and discuss a selected safety topic.
These meetings offer the workers a chance for interactive feedback, insight into the upcoming
work, and the opportunity to ask questions or express any safety concerns that they might have.
We will invite Occupational Safety and Health Authorities (OSHA) Consultative Services to
visit the project and do a safety consultation. This is an excellent opportunity for the project team
in general to take advantage of safety resources while minimizing the risk of fines for unsafe
a) Site rules
The following site rules are mandatory throughout the duration of the project.
Safety helmets, boots with steel toe protection, long trousers (i.e. NO SHORTS), high
visibility vest or coats, and short sleeved shirt must be worn at all times as a minimum
requirement on site.
Eye protection must be worn for all cutting, grinding and drilling operations. Also, for
the handling and use of hazardous substances, chemicals, liquids and gases.
Boots must be worn when working with concrete or similar material.
All site personnel must be able to clearly understand any instructions or safety
information which is communicated in the Afan Oromo or other Ethiopian Language.
Protection of the public is to be considered at all times and any interface that may exist
between them and the construction works.
All injuries, near misses and environmental incidents are to be reported and entered into
the accident/incident book, and inform the Site Manager immediately.
All site personnel are to ensure that when handling fuels, oils and chemicals, and that
care is taken to prevent spillage.
The consumption of alcohol or the taking of illegal drugs on site is forbidden. Personnel
suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs (whether consumed on or off
site) will be asked to leave immediately.
All personnel on site are responsible for maintaining a tidy work area, minimizing waste
and ensuring that any waste generated is taken to the appropriate disposal point. Clear
up notices will be in operation on site. Failure to comply will result in a charge to the
relevant sub-contractor/laborer.
Site personnel are required to undergo a site induction prior to undertaking any works
on site.
Tool box talks will be conducted on a regular basis on activities deemed to be
appropriate for particular site personnel. Time must be made available by sub-
contractors for personnel to attend.
Weekly inspections (as detailed by the manufacturer) will be undertaken by the trained
operator and submitted to site management.
All equipment on site is to be fitted with mirrors in order to maintain 360 degree vision
around the machine.
All personnel will sign in and out at the Site Office / designated area upon arriving and
leaving the site.
All delivery times should be planned and coordinated through our management. Failure
to notify site management may result in refusing entry to site.
We reserve the right to remove any personnel from site who do not adhere to these
rules, or conduct themselves in a polite cooperative manor to the site management,
construction personnel, or to members of the public.
3.10.1 History of Non-performing Contracts
Bidder’s name: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
Contract non-performance did not occur during the stipulated period, in accordance with Sub-Factor
3.3 of Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
Contract non-performance during the stipulated period, in accordance with Sub-Factor 3.3 of
Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
Year Outcome as Contract Identification Total Contract Amount
Percent (current value)
of Total Assets
NONE Contract NONE
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
Matter in dispute:
Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
No pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 3.4 of Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification
Pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 3.4 of Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria, as indicated below
Year Outcome as Contract Identification Total Contract Amount
Percent (current value)
of Total Assets
NONE Contract NONE
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
Matter in dispute:
Page 2 of 3
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
Matter in dispute:
NONE Contract NONE
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
attar in dispute:
Page 3 of 3
Litigation History , in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
No litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evalation and Qualification criteria ,Sub
factor 4.2
litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evalation and Qualification criteria ,Sub factor
4.2 as indicated below
Year Outcome as Percent Total Contract Amount
Contract Identification
of of Net worth (ETB)
NONE Contract NONE
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
Matter in dispute:
NONE Contract NONE
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
attar in dispute:
Bidder’s name: TESFAYE BEYENE GC
Page 1 of 1
Identification: Name
of Client: Address of
Matter in dispute:
Historic Information For Previous 2014 Years All in ETB
Type of Financial
Information(ETB) Currently
Year 3 Year 2 Last Year
Year 1 Completed Year
Statement of Fianncial Position (Information from Balance Sheet)
Total Equity/Net
Worth (NW)
Current Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0
1. Total Revenue
3,961,617.87 4,481,544.18 19,299,491.05 21,103,766.49 30,935,549.90
2011, 2012 ,2013,2014 & 2015 E.C
Audited Financial statements
Annual Turnover of the Company
*Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for work in progress or
completed over the number of years specified in Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria,
Sub-Factor 4.2, divided by that same number of years.
4.3.2 Financial Resources of the Company
Financial Resources
3. Real Asset
The Work Methods discussed under each item of works are proposed with care and in
response to the efficient and effective accomplishment of their corresponding Work
Schedule proposed for the project.
Upon receipt of Letter of Award from Client, we shall immediately make an arrangement
with concerning parties to conduct site mobilization meeting. The meeting will be held
among Procuring Entity’s representatives, Designers, special consultants as required by
Engineer or Engineer’s Representative, Contractor’s Representative, and major
Subcontractors. The Engineer or Engineer’s Representative presides the meeting and the
following Agenda will be discussed.
Location of temporary site offices: The temporary site offices for both the Contractor and
Engineer’s Staffs will be located at site as per the site layout presented after approval of the
Consultant. Alongside, office equipment, furniture and other required facilities will be
mobilized for the use of project staffs. There after we will start with the necessary
mobilization of resources and undertake site activities in accordance with our proposed
schedules set out in Appendix 1.
Location of unloading, layout & storage areas: Materials will, where possible, be
delivered direct to the agreed location on site where required. Storage of materials will be
fenced off on site to prevent trespass and damage or put under temporary constructed
warehouse on site as appropriate.
Site security arrangements: The construction site office and store will be fenced, with
24Hr security watchmen in place. The appointment of watchman on site will be arranged in
consultation with the Procuring Entity.
Most of the construction works will be executed with our own force by deploying the
necessary materials, manpower and equipment to the project site.
Immediately after site take over, sample approval, purchasing and supply of construction
materials will be carried out from the approved local material source.
The type and quantity of purchasing process of required materials will be carried out ahead of the
proposed material schedule in consideration of the lead time. A special program will be
designed for ordering materials which need more time for production and delivery to the site
especially for those materials to be supplied from abroad.
Temporary site accommodation and welfare comprising of the offices, meeting and Induction
room, canteen, stores and other welfare facilities and will be formed within the plot area.
Location and detail of site accommodation and welfare are shown in enclosed site layout.
TESFAYE BEYENE GC will install a temporary site offices and facilities within the plot for
office staff including TESFAYE BEYENE GC Employer, Engineer (As indicated in Schedule
of Project Requirements TESFAYE BEYENE GC Project Management and Construction Team
and subcontractors etc.
Toilets and washing facilities will be set up adjacent the main project offices. These facilities
shall include restrooms, toilets and cold drinking water points. If required, satellite toilet
facilities will be set up within the construction area; these will be strategically located to cause
minimal disruption to the construction program. All welfare facilities will be clearly displayed
on the site plans. All site and welfare facilities will be maintained and cleaned TESFAYE
BEYENE GC on a regular basis. Waste water will be stored in septic tanks that will be emptied
regularly off site.
Canteen/Rest Area
TESFAYE BEYENE GC will set up a canteen at the rest area with toilets and washing
facilities. The canteen will provide foods at subsidize prices to the labor and staff. The canteen
area will be relaxing place to unwind and to have a good meal for the labor and staff. The
canteen will have cooking and warming stations such us stove, ovens, and Coffee and tea
makers. It will also have refrigerator and freezer in order to provide ample amounts of food
while on the job.
In addition, it offers a refuge for labors during their meal time. Whether they are searching for a
place to wake up with coffee before work or are in need to rest from the sun at lunch time the
canteen area will be their ideal destination.
The canteen setup will follow the national and international standard with food safety and health
Labor Transportation
Access to labor buses will be strictly controlled and deliveries will be restricted during the time
of shift start and finishing. The bus areas will be clearly coordinated and set out to minimize
disruption to construction operations.
Local skilled and semi-skilled labor is generally expected to reside in the city and city outskirt.
Sufficient transportation such as buses, mini bus etc. shall be provided for the commuting of
labor from city and back. However, transportation of subcontractor labor shall be managed by
subcontractor. Buses, mini bus etc. will arrive and dispatch from assigned assembly point. Others
may travel in groups in privately owned vehicles.
Temporary Services
Power and Fuel
TESFAYE BEYENE GC will provide generators within the project boundary for office power and
construction power usage. A temporary power scheme will be designed and implemented by
TESFAYE BEYENE GC taking into account transformer requirements. Exact locations of
generators will be determined based on the approved mobilization plan and major equipment. If
in case, main power is available from local authority TESFAYE BEYENE GC may use that
power for all the construction activities as well as for site offices. A standby generator will be
kept to cater for power requirement in case of any disruption to this supply. We will also
provide fuel tanks to supply fuel for both generators and all our equipment and plant.
However, once the adjacent substation will become operational, the source of power supply for
the project will be taken to the same.
The source of water that is required to the site for construction use will be from the River on
which the project is proposed. The delivery of water shall be on a daily basis by a Water Trucks,
numbers are depends on the volume requirement by both site and camp accommodation.
Drinking water shall be tested and approved by statutory authorities.
TESFAYE BEYENE GC will provide tanks for construction use and drinking water. These
tanks will be located where best suited and a temporary water supply scheme will be designed
and installed. Permanent riser shall be used in a temporary condition to provide water supplies
to each level for construction purposes. These water supplies will also be used to provide water
for welfare areas. For the hot summer TESFAYE BEYENE GC will employ measures to
ensure that drinking water is kept cool for use by its employees.
Temporary drainage tanks will be installed within the project premises for foul water. These
tanks will be emptied on a daily basis and will be fitted with devices that send an audible and
visual warning to state that the volume of the tank is nearing its capacity. The temporary risers
used by the water supply will also contain the drainage pipes.
Wireless telecommunications facility will be provided due to remote location of project site.
Mobile phone and hand held communication radios would be used to communicate around the
TESFAYE BEYENE GC shall use ready-mix concrete throughout the construction period
TESFAYE BEYENE GC shall discuss and comply with all requirements for the purpose of
ordering and the supply of concrete. Concrete will be delivered to the site in the agreed timing
as per the regulation in this area. TESFAYE BEYENE GC will comply with the Environment
Management Guidelines about the cleaning out of concrete trucks and the wash areas that need
to be provided as well as the handling of such waste.
TESFAYE BEYENE GC will comply with the Environment Management Guidelines about the
cleaning out of concrete trucks and the wash areas that need to be provided as well as the handlin
g of such waste. Suitable locations and access of concrete placing boom will be clearly identified
in Site Logistics/Mobilization and will be submitted to Employer/Engineer during construction st
Due to space and safety concerns within the site, movement of concrete mixers and concrete
boom placer will be well monitored during concrete operation.
o At minimum, the follow Equipment will be used during the earth work: One wheel loader,
one excavator, six dump trucks, one Jack hammer, two hand compactors, three dumpers, two
total stations and other equipment required for safety.
o We will conduct an investigation and acquire information about site services might have
been placed/embedded below the ground. If services found it be rerouted not to affect the site
o The surveyor would conduct the site survey to make/stake out the lines and levels to the
required excavation for foundation as per the design.
o The area to be excavated shall be properly marked and clear before starting
o Once excavation start the depth will be periodically checked by a surveyor to avoid
over excavation.
o The bank of excavated area shall be sloped 30 degrees and will be maintained to avoid a
collapse of the bank into the excavated area.
o All excavated material which shall be cart way to the approved distance km by engineer’s
from the project site.
o For all excavation activities, adequate safety barriers, sign boards, advance warning
signs would be used.
o For foundation, as soon as the excavation reached the required depth/elevation the
surface will be compacted to 95% of MDD.
o Third party will inspect the compaction and submit the test report for approval.
Substructure Concrete Work