Astronomy Relevant To Astrology Day 2

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FIRST Semester
Paper I
Part 2 : Astronomy Relevant To Astrology

Books : Laws Of Nature by Dr M Anjaneyulu – Part 1 Chapters 1 – 7;

Elements of Vedic Astrology Volume 1 by Dr K S Charak – Chapters II and III.
Astronomy ( Relevant to Astrology) by V P Jain.

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Shobha N ICAS Pune 2

Lord Ganesha ॐ Shri Ganeshaya Namah

ॐ गं गणपतये नम:
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:
ॐ गं गणपतये नम: My Salutations To Lord Ganesha.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha My Salutations To Lord Ganesha.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha My Salutations To Lord Ganesha.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Shobha N ICAS Pune
ॐ Shri Ganeshaya Namah
Lord Ganesha

ॐ व तु ड महाकाय​ सय ू को ट सम भ​। O Lord With Curved Trunk, One With Huge Body,
न व नम ् कु मे दे व​ सव कायषु सवदा॥ One With The Radiance Of Crore Suns,
Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha Please remove obstacles in all of my tasks, all the
Nirvighnam Kurume Deva Sarva Kareshu Sarvada time.

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Goddess Saraswati ॐ Shri Saraswatye Namah

ॐ सर व त नम तु यं वरदे काम प ण । Salutations Mother Saraswati, giver of boons,

fulfiller of desires.
व यार भं क र या म स धभवतु मे सदा ।। Bless me, so that I begin my studies successfully,
Saraswati namastubhyam varade kamarupini may there be accomplishments.
Vidyaarambham karishyaami Siddhir-bhavatu me sadaa

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All Gurus ॐ Shri Gurubhyo Namah

ॐ यानमूलं गु मू तःपूजामूलं गु पदम ् ।

म मल
ू ं गु वा यं मो मूलं गु कृपा ॥ The
Meditation is the Form of the Guru,
Worship is the Feet of the Guru,
The Root of Mantra is the Word of the Guru,
Dhyana Moolam Gurur Murti Pooja Moolam Gurur Padam The Root of Liberation is the Grace of the Guru.
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vaakyam Moksha Moolam Gurur Kripaa

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Navagraha Dhyana Shlokam

ॐ आ द याय च सोमाय म गलाय बध ु ाय च ।

गु शु श न य च राहवे केतवे नमः ॥

Om Adityaaye Somaaye Mangalaaye

Budhaaye cha Guru Shukra Shani Bhyas
cha Rahuve Ketuve Namah.

My Salutations to Aditya (Sun), Somaya (Moon),

Mangala (Mars) and Budha (Mercury). I also
salute Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani
(Saturn) as well as Rahu and Ketu.
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Navagraha Stotra
अथ नव ह तो II
• जपाकुसम
ु संकाशं का यपेयं महद यु तम ् I • I pray to the Sun, the day-maker, destroyer of all sins, the
enemy of darkness, of great brilliance, the descendent of
तमो रंसवपाप नं णतोSि म दवाकरम ् II १ II
Kaashyapa, the one who shines like the japaa flower.(1)
• द धशंखतष
ु ाराभं ीरोदाणव संभवम ् I
• I pray to the Moon who shines coolly like curds or a white
नमा म श शनं सोमं शंभोमक
ु ु ट भष
ू णम ् II २ II shell, who arose from the ocean of milk, who has a hare on
him, Soma, who is the ornament of Shiva's hair.(2)
• धरणीगभ संभत
ू ं व यु कां त सम भम ् I
• I pray to Mars, born of Earth, who shines with the same
कुमारं शि तह तं तं मंगलं णा यहम ् II ३ II
brilliance as lightning, the young man who carries a spear.(3)
• यंगुक लका यामं पेणा तमं बुधम ् I
• I pray to Mercury, dark like the bud of millet, of unequalled
सौ यं सौ यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं णमा यहम ् II ४ II beauty, gentle and agreeable.(4)
• दे वानांच ऋषीनांच गु ं कांचन सि नभम ् I • I pray to Jupiter, the teacher of gods and rishis, intellect
incarnate, lord of the three worlds.(5)
बु धभत
ू ं लोकेशं तं नमा म बहृ प तम ् II ५ II
• I pray to Venus, the ultimate preceptor of demons,
• हमकंु द मण
ृ ालाभं दै यानां परमं गु म ् I promulgator of all learning, who shines like the fiber of snow-
सवशा व तारं भागवं णमा यहम ् II ६ II white jasmine.(6)

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Navagraha Stotra
अथ नव ह तो II
• नीलांजन समाभासं र वपु ं यमा जम ् I • I pray to Saturn, the slow moving, born of Shade and
Sun, the elder brother of Yama, the offspring of Sun, he
छायामातड संभत
ू ं तं नमा म शनै चरम ् II ७ II who has the appearance of black collyrium. (7)
• अधकायं महावीय चं ा द य वमदनम ् I • I pray to Rahu, having half a body, of great bravery, the
सं हकागभसंभत
ू ं तं राहुं णमा यहम ् II ८ II eclipser of the Moon and the Sun, born of Simhikaa. (8)
• पलाशपु पसंकाशं तारका ह म तकम ् I • I pray to Ketu, who has the appearance of Palaasha
flower, the head of stars and planets, fierce and
रौ ं रौ ा मकं घोरं तं केतुं णमा यहम ् II ९ II terrifying. (9)
• इत ी यासमख
ु ो द तम ् यः पठे त ् सस
ु मा हतः I • Those who read the song sung by Vyasa, will be joyous,
दवा वा य द वा रा ौ व न शां तभ व य त II १० II sovereign and powerful, and will succeed in appeasing
obstacles, occurring by day or by night. (10)
• नरनार नप
ृ ाणांच भवेत ् दःु व ननाशनम ् I
• Bad dreams of men, women and kings alike will be destroyed
ऐ वयमतुलं तेषां आरो यं पुि टवधनम ् II ११ II and they will be endowed with unparalleled riches, good
health and enhancing nourishment .(11)
• हन जाः पीडा त कराि नसमु दवाः I
• All the pain, devastation caused by fire, planets and
ता सवाः शमं याि त यासो ुते न संशयः II १२ II
stars will be of the past, so spoke Vyasa,
• II इ त ी यास वर चतम ् आ द याद नव ह तो ं emphatically.(12)
संपणू II • Thus ends the song of praise of the nine planets
composed by Shri Vyasa Muni.
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Navagraha Stotra
अथ नव ह तो II
Japakusuma samkasham kashyapeyam maha-dyutim Neelaamjana samabhasam ravi-prutram yama-grajam
Tameorim sarva-paapa-ghnam pranatosmi diva-karam Chhaya-martamda sambhutam tam shanim pranama-myaham

Dadhi-shamkha-tusha-raabham kshiraarnava
Ardha-kayam maha-viram chandra-ditya vimardhanam
samudbhavam Simhi-kagarbha sambhutam tam rahum pranama-myaham
Namami shashinam soma shamborma-juta bhushanam

Dharani-gabha sombhutam vidyutkamti samaprabham Palasha puspa-samkasham taraka graha mastakam

Kumaram shakti-hastam tam mangalam pranama- Rowdram rowdra-tmakam ghoram tam ketum pranama-myaham
Iti vyaasa mukhodgiitam yah pateth susa-maahitah
divaa vaa yadi vaa raatrau vighna shaantir-bhavishhyati
Priyamgu-kakaashyamam rupena-pratimam budham
Sowmyam sowmya-guno-petam tam budham pranama- nara naaree nrupaanaam cha bhave ddusvapnanaashanam
myaham Ishvaryamatulam teshaamaarogyam pushti varthanam
graha nakshatrajaah peedaa staskaraagni samudbhavaah
Devanamcha rushinamcha gurum kamchana-sannibham Taassarvaah prashamam yaanti vyaaso broote nasamshayah !!
Buddi-matam trilo-kesham tam namami bruha-spatim
Iti shrii vyaasa virachitam navagraha stotram sampoornam
Hima kumda-mruna-labham daityanam-paramam-gurum
Sarwa-shastra prava-ktaram bhar-gavam pranama-

Shobha N ICAS Pune 10

ॐ सह नाववतु । om sahana vavatu |
saha nau bhunaktu |
सह नौ भनु तु । saha viryam karavavahai |
सह वीय करवावहै । tejasvi navadhitamastu ma vidvishavahai |
om shantih shantih shantih ||
तेजि व नावधीतम तु मा व वषावहै ।
ॐ शाि तः शाि तः शाि तः ॥

Om, may God protect both teacher and student

May He nourish us together
May we work together with great energy
May our studies be enlightening.
May there be no hate among us
Om peace, peace, peace

Method of Study
Day 1 : Sunday : 05 Feb 2023 Day 2 : Saturday : 11 Feb 2023
Topic 1: Introduction. Topic 4: The Moon.
Topic 2: The Solar System. Topic 5: Zodiac.
Topic 3: The Earth. Topic 6: Eclipses

oDay 3 : Sunday : 12 Feb 2023 oDay 4 : Saturday : 18 Feb 2023

Topic 7 : Aprakashit Upagraha. Topic 9 : Planetary Motion.
Topic 8 : Ayanamsha. Topic 10: Astronomical
Coordinate System.

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Topics studied last class

Topic 1 : Introduction.
Topic 2: The Solar System.
Topic 3: The Earth.

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Topics studied last class
• Units of distances :
AU : Astronomical Unit – average distance between earth and
Sun – approximately 150 million kms.
Mercury is 1/3rd of an AU from Sun.
Saturn is 9.6 AU from Sun.
Light Year : Distance light can travel in one earth year.
Light : 300,000 kms per second.
1 Light Year is 9.5 trillion kms.( 3x x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 9.46x )

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Topics studied last class
• 108 in Astronomy Relevant to Astrology:
• The Sun diameter is : 108 times the Earth diameter.
• The distance between Sun and Earth is : 108 times the Sun diameter
• The distance between Moon and Earth is :108 times the Moon
• Zodiac 12 Rashis and 9 grahas : 12 x 9 = 108
• 27 Nakshatras and 4 padas : 27 x 4 = 108
• Our learned Sages/Rishis ensured that we encompassed Sun and
Moon along with Earth in our sense of Gratitude and prayer to the
Universe so the number 108 attained significance.
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Topics studied last class
• Cosmology:- branch of Astronomy and Astrophysics that includes the
study of structure, dynamics, and development of the Universe.
• Attempts to explain how Universe was formed, what happened in the
past and what might happen to it in the future.
• Big Bang Theory : Rapid Expansion.
• Vedic Concept : Rig Veda ; Yajur Veda.
• "Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde".
• “As is the individual, so is the universe, as is the universe, so is the
• The Solar System : Various Planets including earth. Earth’s axis is tilted
23.5 °: Seasons.
• Example chart.
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Topics to be studied today

• Topic 4: The Moon.

• Topic 5: Zodiac.
• Topic 6: Eclipses

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Topic 4 : The Moon

• 4.1 Phases of the Moon.

• 4.2 Moon’s Nodes ( Rahu and Ketu ).

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)

• 4.1 Phases of the Moon.

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
• Moon is the satellite to the Earth.
• Moon orbits 360 degrees round the earth in 27.3 days.
This is known as Sideral period of the Moon. Sid
meaning – of the stars.
• Moon has no light of its own and reflects the light of the
• Importance of Moon
Janma Rashi , Janma Nakshatra ; Transit ;Mind.

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
Importance Of Moon : BG - Ch 2 - 62,63

यायतो वषया पुंस: संग तेषूपजायते। ोधा भव त स मोह: स मोहा म ृ त व म:

म ृ त ंशा बु धनाशो बु धनाशा ण यत

संगा संजायते काम: कामा ोधोऽ भजायते ।।63।।

Mind - thoughts - attachment - desire - anger -

delusion - confusion - destruction of intelligence
- complete destruction.

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
Importance of Moon :
Mind - thoughts - attachment - desire - anger -
delusion - confusion - destruction of intelligence
- complete destruction.
BG - Ch 2 - 62,63

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
• New Moon – the moon is not visible
• Waxing Crescent – the Moon starts growing
• First Quarter – the moon looks like half a
• Waxing Gibbous – still growing
• Full Moon – we see the entire circle of the
Moon lit up
• Waning Gibbous – the Moon starts shrinking
• Third Quarter – again only half a circle is
• Waning Crescent – the Moon is about to Crescent is a curved shape that is thicker in the middle and
disappear tapers to thin points at each end.
• New Moon (again) – the new Moon is not Gibbous is illuminated part more than a semicircle but less
visible than a circle

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
• New Moon – the moon is not visible
• Waxing Crescent – the Moon starts growing
• First Quarter – the moon looks like half a circle
• Waxing Gibbous – still growing
• Full Moon – we see the entire circle of the Moon lit up
• Waning Gibbous – the Moon starts shrinking
• Third Quarter – again only half a circle is visible
• Waning Crescent – the Moon is about to disappear
• New Moon (again) – the new Moon is not visible
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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
• New Moon (Amavasya) to Full Moon (Poornima) is Waxing phase
(Shukla Paksha) 15 Tithis
• Full Moon (Poornima) to New Moon (Amavasya) is Waning phase
(Krishna Paksha) 15 Tithis.
• Total 30 Tithis.
• Amavasya to Amavasya is 360 deg. So 360 degrees divided by 30
Tithis = 12 degree/Tithi.
• The period of the Lunar phases e.g. new moon to new moon called
the synodic month is 29.5 days ( 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
Degrees and Tithis
Shukla Paksha Krishna Paksha

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)

• 4.2 Moon’s Nodes ( Rahu and Ketu ).

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Topic 4 : The Moon (Continued)
Rahu and Ketu are the important Lunar Nodes.
When the Moon intersects the ecliptic while going from south
to north of the ecliptic, it is the ascending node of the Moon
which is called Rahu. While crossing the ecliptic going from the
north to the south i.e., the descending node of the Moon is
called Ketu. The moon’s orbit inclined at an angle of 5 degrees
to the ecliptic.
So, they are always 180 degree apart. Ra and Ke are always
opposite each other in the birth chart, thus creating the
Karmic axis.
Their motion is retrograde at an average speed of about 19
deg 30 mins each year. So approximately 18 months stay in
one sign.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses

• 6.1 Meaning of Eclipse

• 6.2 Occultation
• 6.3 Solar Eclipse
• 6.4 Lunar Eclipse
• 6.5 Role of Rahu & Ketu in eclipses
• 6.6 Combustion

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.1 Meaning of Eclipse

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Eclipse is a celestial state in which a celestial body ( such as a
Moon ) comes between the source of light ( Sun) and other
celestial body ( such as the Earth ) so that the light source is
not seen fully or partially
• An eclipse occurs when a heavenly body moves through the
shadow of another heavenly body. This may be partial or full.
• An eclipse of the sun is when moon is between the earth and
the sun. An eclipse of the moon is when the earth is
between the sun and the moon.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.2 Occultation

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Occultation is the temporary disappearance of one celestial body
as it moves out of sight behind another body .
• The phenomenon of obscuration (covering up ) of one celestial
body by another passing in front of it is called occultation
• Example : Moon passing in front of a star or planet. (Moon-Mars).
• Occultation of Mars By Moon.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.3 Solar Eclipse

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• The Sun is a very large light source and the only
illuminated heavenly body.
• Its diameter exceeds that of both Earth and the Moon.
• All planets revolve around the Sun, the Moon moves
around the earth and along with the Earth it moves
around the Sun.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• An eclipse occurs when a heavenly body moves through the shadow

of another heavenly body. This may be partial or full.
• Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.
• Sun , Moon and Earth should be in a straight line.
• Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth ( New Moon Day /
Amavasya).That is the longitudes of Moon and Sun are the same.
• The longitude of Moon should be near longitude of Rahu /Ketu.
• (+/-18°).

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.
• This shadow is of three types namely: Umbral, Penumbral and Antumbral.
• Umbra: Centre dark portion, complete blockage of light
• Penumbra: Outer portion, light source partially covered
• Antumbra: Beyond Umbra, lighter part of the shadow that begins where
the Umbra ends

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Sun and Moon Size (Moon is so small compared to Sun,then how come it causes
Total Solar Eclipse?)

• Sun’s diameter is 1.4 million Km and Moon is 3,474 Km. Sun is therefore 400 times
larger than the Moon

• However the Sun distance from Earth is 150 million Kms and earth to moon is
384,400 Kms hence Sun is 400 times farther away.

• Hence Sun and Moon appear same size as seen from Earth and makes possible a
total eclipse of the Sun.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.4 Lunar Eclipse

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• An eclipse occurs when a heavenly body moves through the shadow
of another heavenly body. This may be partial or full.
• Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s
• Sun , Moon and Earth should be in a straight line.
• Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon ( Full Moon Day /
Purnima). The difference between the longitudes of Moon and Sun
is 180° i.e. opposite to each other ( 6 signs apart ).
• The longitude of Moon should be near longitude of Rahu /Ketu.
• (+/-11°).
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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow.
• This shadow is of two types namely: Umbral and Penumbral .
• Umbra: Centre dark portion, complete blockage of light.
• Penumbra: Outer portion, light source partially covered.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Entire Moon disk enters the Earth's Umbra. The effects are
Moon (Full Moon;
Lunar Earth Umbral Total Lunar Eclipse especially striking, as often the Moon will look like it has taken
on a red color.
A portion of the Moon disk enters Earth's Umbra. A part of
Partial Lunar Eclipse
the Moon looks like it’s in total darkness.
Moon passes through the Earth's Penumbra. It is difficult to
Penumbral Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Solar Eclipse Visible in India ; Date : 21 June 2020 ; Time : 12 11 pm ; Place : Mumbai

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Lunar Eclipse Visible in India ; Date :17 July 2019 ; Time : 0308 am ; Place : Mumbai

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.5 Role of Rahu and Ketu in eclipses

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• Alignment Role
• Mathematical Role
• Symbolic Role
• Karmic Role
• Importance

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Alignment Role:-
Rahu Ketu is the name given to the Nodes of the Moon. Rahu is the North Node and
Ketu is the South Node. They are points on the ecliptic where the Moon is in alignment
with the Sun and the Earth. They indicate the precise point of the harmony with the
three most important influences in our life- the Sun (Soul), the Earth (body) and the
Moon (Mind)

Mathematical Role:-
The eclipses occur in the vicinity of Rahu Ketu during the Full Moon and the New
Moon. During New Moon when it is +/- 18° from Rahu Ketu, the Solar eclipse takes
place. At the full Moon +/- 11° from the nodal position, the Lunar eclipse takes place.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Symbolic Role:
Rahu Ketu are considered great enemies of the Sun and the Moon because they told Lord Vishnu about them.
They symbolically swallow the two luminaries during the eclipses. Their capacity to darken the Sun and the
Moon make Rahu Ketu the most powerful influences in the Zodiac. The Sun around whom the other planets
and the solar system revolves, the Moon which controls life on earth, are obscured by Rahu Ketu during
eclipses. Rahu Ketu represent Cosmic Law which everyone including the Sun and the Moon have to obey.
Karmic Role:-
Their role as Karmic indicators of our life is connected with their power to cause eclipses. As they symbolically
eclipse the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (the Mind), they have a great part to play in darkening our
perspective in order to bring in new light. Rahu Ketu are the personal eclipse points but linked to
transformation and regeneration. Therefore they are areas where you need to work out your Karma, past as
well as future. They are our Karmic responsibilities. We have to learn to look beyond the momentary darkness
that Rahu Ketu represent.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
The Gods without the help of Rahu and Ketu could not find the secret of immortality. In the same way
we as humans cannot find our higher selves without understanding the lessons of Rahu and Ketu.

They represent the darker side of our nature which we need to overcome. Our inner emotions are
like the ocean being churned. We have to learn to recognize the precious from the dross and finally
find Amrita- the secret of immortality or true happiness.

The conflict between our attachment to materialistic achievements (this gives us momentary
happiness which is a fantasy as it has no real basis, the domain of Rahu) and liberation of the soul,
finding bliss and tranquillity which is eternal and everlasting (Ketu is the Moksha karaka significator
for spiritual realization).

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)


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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Chapter 85 -BPHS - Inauspicious Births.
• 1-4. The Venerable sage said-O Maitreya ! Now I will describe to you
the circumstances in which the births are inauspicious in spite of the
Ascendant and the planets being well disposed. Although the
Ascendant may be well disposed , births will be inauspicious if they
take place on Amavasya (the last day of the dark half of the month), on
Chaturdashi (14th Tithi) Krishna Paksha (dark half of the month) , at
the time of solar and lunar eclipses. But there are remedial measures
for obtaining relief from the evil effects of such births which are
being described in the foregoing chapters.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Chapter 91 .Remedies from Birth in Eclipses.
• 1-14. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! a person whose birth takes place at
the time of solar or lunar eclipse, suffers from ailments, distress and
poverty and faces danger of death. Therefore I am going to describe
for the benefit of the mankind the remedial measures required to be
undertaken to nullify the above evil effects.
• (7) Offer worshipful regards to -the priest performing the remedial
rites, and (8) Lastly feed as many Brahmins as possible within one's
• By performance of the remedial measures in the manner described
above, - evil effects of the inauspicious birth are wiped off and the
native enjoys happiness and is blessed with good fortune.
Shobha N ICAS Pune
Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• Mr Donald Trump
Name :- Mr Donald Trump ; dob:14 June 1946; tob: 1054 hrs (10.54 am); pob: Queens NY.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Name : Mr Donald Trump; dob:14 June 1946; tob: 1054 hrs (10.54 am); pob: Queens NY.

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• 6.6 Combustion

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Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• Combustion.
• When planets go too near the Sun, they are known as combust.
• The Solar fire burns them out.
• Mercury and Venus that are always close to the Sun are the two
planets that can take the energy of the Sun better than the
others can.
• Planets that are combust are hidden behind the Sun, therefore
they become ineffectual depending on their degree of closeness
to the Sun.
• They are also known as Asth – or planets have set and will be
reborn shortly.

Shobha N ICAS Pune 58

Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
• When planets are within certain degrees of the Sun they are
considered combust.
These are
• Moon 12°
• Mars 17°
• Mercury 14° (12° in retrograde)
• Jupiter 11°
• Venus 10° (8° in retrograde)
• Saturn 15°

Shobha N ICAS Pune 59

Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)

• How much strength a combust planet may lose is dependent

on many factors in a horoscope, and it is not decided on the
basis of combustion only. It will also depend on how close is
the combustion and the Sign occupied by the combust

Shobha N ICAS Pune 60

Topic 6 : The Eclipses (Continued)
Combustion :-

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Topic 5 - Zodiac

• 5.1 Ecliptic (Ravi Marg)

• 5.2 Movable and Fixed Zodiac
• 5.3 Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac
• 5.4 Names of Zodiac Signs (Western and Hindu)

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Topic 5 - Zodiac ( Continued)
• Ecliptic is the apparent path of the
Sun amongst the fixed stars on the
• Actually it is the Earth that is
moving round the Sun.
• It is inclined at 23°28' to the
celestial Equator.

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Topic 5 - Zodiac ( Continued)
Zodiac is an imaginary belt of
about 9 deg North or South of
the ecliptic within which all the
planets remain in the course of
their movement.

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Fixed / Sidereal Zodiac
• The fixed Zodiac is one in which the first point of Aries is always
fixed in the nakshatras - at an angle of 180 degrees to Chitra star.

• They are divided into twelve divisions each of 30 deg and each
division is called a sign or Rashi aligned to the 27 Nakshatras .

• The longitudes in this system are called Nirayana or Sidereal


Shobha N ICAS Pune

Movable / Tropical Zodiac
• In the movable Zodiac or Tropical zodiac the first point of Aries is the vernal
equinox (aligned to seasons). This is the point where the ecliptic intersects the
celestial Equator. This point precedes by about 50.3 arc seconds each year.

• Due to attraction of the Sun and the Moon on the protuberant portions of the
Earth on the Equator, the first point of Aries moves slowly in the direction
opposite to that of the yearly motion of the Sun.

• The longitudes measured in this system are called tropical or Sayana


• The twelve signs in this system are of 30 deg each starting from vernal
equinox and the signs do not always cover the same span of 30 deg over the
ecliptic as in Nirayana system.

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Names of Zodiac Signs (Western and Hindu)
The 12 rashis are:-
1. Mesha: Aries ruled by Mars - 0 to 30 degrees
2. Vrishabha : Taurus ruled by Venus - 30 to 60 degrees
3. Mithuna : Gemini ruled by Mercury - 60 to 90 degrees
4. Kartaka: Cancer ruled by the Moon - 90 to 120 degrees
5. Simha: Leo ruled by the Sun - 120 to 150 degrees
6. Kanya: Virgo ruled by Mercury - 150 to 180 degrees
7. Tula: Libra ruled by Venus - 180 to 210 degrees
8. Vrishchika: Scorpio ruled by Mars - 210 to 240 degrees , Ke is co - ruler
9. Dhanu: Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter - 240 to 270 degrees
10. Makara: Capricorn ruled by Saturn - 270 to 300 degrees
11. Kumbha: Aquarius ruled by Saturn - 300 to 330 degrees ,Ra is co - ruler
12. Mina: Pisces ruled by Jupiter - 330 to 360 degrees

Shobha N ICAS Pune 67

Positional Dignity of planets
BPHS : Chapters 3 and 4
Planet Exalted Signs / Debilitated Signs/ Mool Trikona Own Sign
Deepest Exaltation Deepest Debilitation degrees
degrees degrees
Sun Aries 10 Libra 10 Leo 1 to 20 Leo
Moon Taurus 2 Scorpio 2 Taurus 3 to 30 Cancer
Mars Capricorn 28 Cancer 28 Aries 1 to 12 Aries , Scorpio
Mercury Virgo 15 Pisces 15 Virgo 15 to 20 Gemini , Virgo
Jupiter Cancer 5 Capricorn 5 Sagittarius 0 to 10 Sagittarius , Pisces

Venus Pisces 27 Virgo 27 Libra 0 to 15 Taurus , Libra

Saturn Libra 20 Aries 20 Aquarius 0 to 20 Capricorn , Aquarius

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Positional Dignity of planets(Continued)
BPHS : Chapters 3 : Permanent Friendship
Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

Su - F F N F E E

Mo F - N F N N N

Ma F F - E F N N

Me F E N - N F N

Ju F F F E - E N

Ve E E N F N - F

Sa E E E F N F -

Shobha N ICAS Pune
Names of Zodiac Signs (Western and Hindu)
• Chapter 36 -BPHS - Yoga Karakas.
• 16. RAHU AND KETU : The shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu give
predominantly the effects of the Lord of the house with whom they
are in conjunction or of the house in which they are situated.
• Notes: Some learned writers of Astrology recognize Aquarius as the
own sign of Rahu and Scorpio as that of Ketu. But some others think
that these shadowy planets have no sign of their own. Perhaps Sage
Parashara also has the same view in this respect .Mutually
contradictory sentences are found in books on Astrology with regard to
giving lordships of signs to Rahu and Ketu.

Shobha N ICAS Pune

Positional Dignity of planets(Continued)

Planet Exaltation sign Debilitation sign M T sign Own Sign

Rahu * Taurus Scorpio Gemini Aquarius

Ketu * Scorpio Taurus Sagittarius Scorpio

* Difference of opinion

Shobha N ICAS Pune

• Topic 7: Aprakashit Upagrahas:
• 7.1 Dhuma
• 7.2 Vyatipata
• 7.3 Paridhi
• 7.4 Indrachapa
• 7.5 Sikhi ( Upaketu)
• 7.6 Utility of Aprakashit upagrahas in prediction.
• Topic 8 :Ayanamsha:
• 8.1 Meaning of Equinox.
• 8.2 Equinoctial Points
• 8.3 Nutation
• 8.4 Precession of Equinoxes.
• 8.5 Ayanamsa.
• 8.6 Sayana and Nirayana System.
• 8.6 Determination of Approximate Ayanamsha.
• 8.7 Names of various Ayanamshas.

Shobha N ICAS Pune 72



Shobha N ICAS Pune 73

Goddess Durga Devi
ॐ दं ु दग
ु ायै नमः
ॐ दं ु दगु ायै नमः
ॐ दं ु दग ु ायै नमः

Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

ॐ य बकं यजामहे
सुगि धं पुि टवधनम ् ।
उवा क मव ब धनान ्
म ृ योमु ीय मामत
ृ ात ् ॥

Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-[A]mrtaat ||

Om. We pray The Three-Eyed Lord Shiva who is fragrant and who increasingly nourishes the
devotees. Worshipping him may we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality just as
the ripe cucumber easily separates itself from the binding stalk.

ॐ पणू मदः पण
ू मदं पण
ू ा पण
ु मद
ु यते
पूण य पूणमादाय पूणमेवाव श यते ॥
ॐ शाि तः शाि तः शाि तः ॥

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-

Puurnnashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-
Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

All is full and abundant, always

This, all that is within you, and That, all that is around you, is
From that fullness, fullness is forever born again
Remove fullness from fullness and still, only fullness remains
Om Peace, Peace, Peace!


Shobha N ICAS Pune 77

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