Laboratory Activities For Practices in Pest Management

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Laboratory Activities for Practices in Pest Management:

Module: Introduction to Pest Management

Activity 1: Pest Museum: Students collect and identify common pests (insects, rodents, weeds) found in
their local environment, creating a small museum exhibit.
Activity 2: Historical Timeline of Pest Management: Students research and create a timeline depicting
major advancements in pest control practices throughout history.
Module: Pest Biology and Ecology

Activity 3: Insect Dissection: Students dissect representative insects to observe their anatomy and internal
Activity 4: Field Pest Observation: Students conduct a field trip to a local park or garden to observe pest
behavior and ecological interactions.
Activity 5: Pest Life Cycle Modeling: Students design and present models illustrating the life cycles of
key pest species.
Module: Principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Activity 6: IPM Case Study Analysis: Students analyze real-world case studies of successful IPM
programs implemented in different settings.
Activity 7: Develop an IPM Plan: Students work in groups to develop an IPM plan for a specific scenario,
considering various control methods and monitoring strategies.
Activity 8: IPM Debate: Students participate in a debate on the role and limitations of different IPM
components (chemical vs. non-chemical methods).
Module: Chemical Control Methods

Activity 9: Safe Pesticide Handling Demonstration: Observe and practice safe procedures for handling,
mixing, and applying pesticides under controlled conditions.
Activity 10: Pesticide Calculations: Students practice calculating accurate pesticide dilutions and
application rates for various scenarios.
Activity 11: Virtual Pesticide Label Analysis: Analyze actual pesticide labels online, identifying key
information and safety precautions.
Module: Non-Chemical Control Methods
Activity 12: Design a Physical Trap: Students design and build a simple physical trap for a specific pest,
testing its effectiveness.
Activity 13: Explore Biological Control Agents: Research and present on different biological control
agents (predators, parasitoids) used for pest management.
Activity 14: Organic Pest Management Techniques: Experiment with organic pest control methods like
homemade solutions and beneficial plants.
Module: Specific Pest Management Problems

Activity 15: Bed Bug Simulation: Participate in a simulation exercise to identify and manage a simulated
bed bug infestation.
Activity 16: Termite Detection and Control Strategies: Conduct a mock inspection for termite activity and
discuss various control methods.
Activity 17: Food Safety and Pest Management: Analyze pest management challenges and best practices
in commercial food establishments.
Module: Environmental Considerations and Sustainability

Activity 18: Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluate the environmental impact of different pest
control methods using a life cycle analysis approach.
Activity 19: Debate on Sustainable Pest Management: Students participate in a debate on the feasibility
and challenges of achieving sustainable pest management practices.
Activity 20: Design an Eco-Friendly Pest Control Campaign: Students create a public awareness
campaign promoting environmentally friendly pest management practices.
Module: Communication and Education in Pest Management

Activity 21: Role-Playing Client Communication: Students role-play scenarios where they explain pest
management options to clients in a clear and professional manner.
Activity 22: Design Public Education Materials: Students develop brochures, posters, or social media
posts promoting responsible pest management practices for specific audiences.
Activity 23: Mock Pest Control Presentation: Students deliver presentations simulating professional pest
control consultations, addressing potential risks and client concerns.
Note: Adapt these activities based on your available resources, lab space, and student skill level. Ensure
all activities comply with safety regulations and responsible handling of materials.

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