Chemistry PP4

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Example of an emulsion is
A. Butter B. Smoke C.Cod Liver Oil D. Rock Salt
Which one of the following is not an aerosol
A. Fog B. Mountain mist C. Fire D. Oil in water
which is used for making cloudseeding
A. Siver lodide B. Chargcd sand C. Salt D. All of them
The clement absent in the fertilizers is
A.Nitrogen B. Oxygen C. Potash D. Phosphorous
7. Chemical name of Plaster of Paris used in idol making and castings
A. Calcium sulphate hydrate B.Calcium sulphate
C.Magnesium Hydroxide D. None of them
8. What is known as quick silver?
A. Silver B. Mercury C. Sugar D.Calcium
9. Chemicalname of Ethylene used for artificial ripening of fruits is
A. Retinol B. Acetylene C. Ethenc D. Rock salt
10. The main element in living matter is
A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Calcium D. lodinc
11. What state of CO, is called Dry lee?
A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. Allof them
12. The inventor of insulin that treats Diabetes is
A. Benting B.Millikan C. Ure D. Fleming
13. Gun powder is produced from?
A. Coal B. Potassium Nitrate C.Sulphur D. All the above
14. The most abundant matter after salt in sca water?
A. MgCl B. KCI C.Calcium Carbonate D. Mg Br
15. The instrument that measures the strength of material
A. Richter scale B. Mohs scale C. Rigid meter D. Cytometer
16. The average pH value of milk is
A. 5 B. 5.5 C. 6.5 D. 7.4

17. Chemotherapy method was invented by

A.Ehrlich B. Kohen C.Artur Winnet D. Nicolaus

18, The inventor of Fluoroscent tube S

A. Thomas Alva Edison B. Becquerel
C. Sir George Kecley D. Wheler
19. Chemically Rasasindhuram is a?
A. Mercuric Acid B. Ammonium chloride
C. Potassium nitrate D.Zinc Oxide
20. The element present in stainless steel is
A. Iron B.Chromium C. Nickel D. Allthe above
21. Metal alloy used to make aircraft parts is
A.German silver B.Magnalium C. Duralamin D. Wood metal
22. The raw material needed to make porcelain is
A. Loam soil B. Feldspar C. Sand D. All the above
23. The laughing gas is
A. Nitrous oxide B. Acetylene C.Butane D. CO,
24. Atomic number and mass of Copernicium, the latest element found are
A. 112, 260 B. 260, 112 C. I12, 278 D. I14, 290
25. The material harder than Diamond is
A. Zinc phosphite B. Beta material
C. Hypo D. Polyvinylchloride
26. In which liquid the animal semen is preserved?
A. Nitrogen B. Hydrogen C. Oxygen D. CO2
27. First organic material made by man
A. Rayon B. Hypo C. Urea D. Nylon
28. pH value of acid rains is
A. equal to 7 B. Less than 7 C. More than 7 D. 8.5
29. In which chemical substance does gold soluble?
A. King of chemicals B. Aqua Regia
C. Hydrochloric acid D. Sodium hydroxide
30. The gas filled in balloons and aircraft's tyres is
A. Helium B. Neon C. Normal air D. Hydrogen
31. The first metal used by man is
A. Silver B. Gold C. Copper D. Iron
32. Who is known as father of mnodern chemistry
A. Dalton B. Lavoisier C. Boyle D. Mendeleev
33. Which of them is not a noble metal?
A. Silver B. Mercury C. Gold D. platinum
34. The inert gas that is used most by man is
A. Helium B. Neon C. Argon D. Krypton
35. The shape of Buckminsterfullerene looks like
A. Volleyball B. Football C. Cricket ball D. Badminton ball
The mineral derived from monazite is
A. Uranium B. Thorium C. Sodium D. Zinc
37. The first metal alloy used in human civilization
A. Nichrome B. Tin C. Bronze D. Steel
18. The materíal present in gunmetal is
A. Copper B. Stannus C. Zinc D. Alltheabove
39. Which is known as soda gas?
A. CO B. CO, C. SO, D. H,S
40. Ratio of salt and ice in freezing mixture
A. 1:2 B. 2:1 C. 2:3 D. 3:2
41. Salt used to recover the fainted
A. Rock B. Sea C. Smelling D.Liquid
42. Chemical name of cooking soda
A.Sodium bicarbonate B. Sodium carbonate
.Magnesium hydroxide D. Calcium phosphate
43. Wich is used in developing photography plates
A. Alum B. Common water C. Hypo D. Spirit
44. This is used to polish ornamnts
A. Feldspar B. Garnet C. Mica D. Talc
45. Coffee and tea stains are removed with
A. Borax powder B. Chlorine water
C. Sulphur dioxide D. All the above
46. Wich is used to find the sugar content in a solution is
A. Lactometer B. Saccharimeter C. Planimeter D. Pyrometer
47. Inventor of chlorine is
A. Carl Sabile B. Harrison C. Scheele D. Cricks
46. Where is Central glass and ceramic research centre located?
A. Chandigarh B. Vadodara C. Nagpur D. Jadhavpur
49. Where is National Chemical laboratory located?
A. Pune B. Nagpur C. Shillong D. Kavaratti

DO. City where Indian Institute of Chemical biology is located.

A. Hyderabad B. Mysore C. Kolkata D.Cochin

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