Tafsir of Quran & Qulaities of Mufassir

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1. Sources of Tafsir
2. Qualities of Mufassir


Q (a) What is Tafsir? Outline the sources of Tafsir. [10]

P1: Introduction
P2: Tafsir of Quran by Quran
P3: Tafsir of Quran by Hadith
P4: tafsir of Quran by Successors
P5: tafsir of Quran by Successors of Successors

P1: Fasara (to explain)

Tafsir (the explanations)

Tafsir ul Quran (the explanations of Quran)

Mufassir (the explainer of Quran)

Types of Quranic Verses

Can be understood Explanations are required
without explanations for their understanding

Sources of Tafsir
a) Quran b) Hadith c) Companions d) Successors

P2: Tafsir of Quran by Quran

- It is the most authentic explanations of Quran.
- The explanations are in the words of Allah through other verse(s) in Quran.
- In this, a verse of Quran is explained by another verse/verses of Quran.
→ 2:37 (Al- Baqarah). It refers to Dua-e-Adam.
“Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration ...”
→ 7:23 (Al- A’raf) is Dua-e-Adam.
“They (Adam and Eve) said: “Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If you do not forgive us
and have Mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.”

P3: Tafsir of Quran by Hadith

- It is the second most authentic explanations of Quran.
- The explanations are in the words of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) through his Sunnah.
- In this, a verse of Quran is explained by Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
→ 2:43 (Al-Baqarah) is about Prayer & Zakat. “Establish regular prayer & give poor-tax.”
→ Hadith explaining method of Prayer. “Offer prayer as you see me offering.”
→ Hadith explaining time of Zakat. “There is no Zakat on the one until the year passes over.”

P4: Tafsir of Quran by Companions

- In this, the words of companions are trusted as the authentic explanations of Quranic verses.
- Companions and their words are trusted because:
a) They learned Quran directly from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
b) They devoted themselves to learn Quran.
- It is stated in Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik:
“Ibne Umar learned Al-Baqarah in 8 years.”
- This shows companions were dedicated for learning Quran.
c) They are praised in Quran and Sunnah.
- As they were reliable therefore their Tafaseer are also considered as reliable.

P5: Tafsir of Quran by Successors

- Successors were the students of companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
- They learned Quran from the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
- Their Tafaseer are accepted or rejected as per the following principle.
- If their Tafsir conflicts with Quran, Hadith or companions, it is considered as unreliable.
- If it does not conflict with any of these, it is considered as authentic and reliable.


Q (b) Who can make Tafsir of Quran? [4]

- Mufassir means commentator of Quran. He interprets verses of Quran.

- According to the earlier scholars, a qualified Mufassir must have the following skills/characteristics.

General Requirements:

a) Muslim
b) Adult
c) Sane
d) Scholar (Alim)

Specific Requirements:

a) Knowledge of Hadith
b) Knowledge of Nasikh & Mansukh
c) Knowledge of Shan-e-Nuzool
d) Knowledge of Arabic Language:

(i) Arabic Syntax & Grammar

(ii) Arabic Lexicography

to recognize different meanings.

(iii) ilm-e-Ishtiqaq
to recognize root of a word.

(iv) ilm-e-Balaghat
to recognize the metaphorical meanings.

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