Election Manual 2022-Final-Draft As at 17TH Aug. 2022

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The organisation and conduct of election in a challenging environment require election duty
officials with the knowledge and skills to deliver on the expectations of the electorate, the
Commission and the numerous election stakeholders. Over the years, we have witnessed
tremendous improvements in the way and manner we conduct elections. In all these elections,
the Commission kept refining and improving its processes and procedures to continue with the
task of ensuring the credibility of the electoral system in Nigeria. This Manual is part of the
continuous efforts of the Commission to improve on the credibility of the electoral process,
including the review the Procedure for Elections to conform to the requirements of the Electoral
Act 2022 and the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on Covid-19 Protocols.

In 2015, when the use of technology for the accreditation of voters was at its infant stage, voters
were subjected to separate periods for accreditation and voting. By 2019 the Commission
reviewed the Voting Procedure to allow for Continuous Accreditation and Voting, thus
assisting voters to cast their votes with minimal delay and in a less cumbersome manner.

Such developments and innovations informed the desire for improved training and re-training
of personnel involved in the delivery of electoral services at all levels. These will enable
officials to imbibe the right knowledge, skills and attitude needed for the discharge of credible
electoral duties, based on the laws and guidelines governing the conduct of elections; which
are simplified in the Manual for Election Officials. Hence, this Manual is the reference book
for election officials and other stakeholders.

I, therefore, recommend this publication for use by all categories of election officials and other
stakeholders in the process.

Professor Mahmood Yakubu

Independent National Electoral Commission
May 2022

2022 Manual for Election Officials iii

The compilation and review of this Manual to the current standard, with a focus on making it
more user-friendly for election officials was, by no means an easy task to accomplish. In fact,
it could only be possible with the support and cooperation of the top-level management of the
Commission. It is for this reason that The Electoral Institute remains grateful to the
Commission and, particularly, for the leadership of the Hon. Chairman, Professor Mahmood
Yakubu, and his unprecedented support and encouragement during the review exercise.

The Electoral Institute also appreciates the contributions of Members of the Board of The
Electoral Institute; the S. A. to Hon. Chairman INEC, Prof. Mohammed J. Kuna (for reading
the proofs and adding the bit on the EMSC); Director-General TEI, Dr. Sa’ad Umar Idris for
providing leadership to the Manual Review Committee and guidance; and Dr. Binta Kasim
Mohammed, Director Training (who drove the review process).

Other members of the Manual Review Committee: Engr. Chidi Nwafor, (Director ICT), Mal.
A.T. Yusuf (Director E-Ops), Dr. Ibrahim Sani (Director Research and Documentation), Victor
Aluko (Director Voter Education and Publicity), Tunde Ojedokun (Ag. Administrative
Secretary, TEI), Ifeanyi Agoha (Deputy Director, Training), Paul Ayaeze, (Deputy Director,
Voters Registry), Dr. Eborty, Emmanuel (DD Human Resource Mgt), Anthony Ezomo (Asst.
Director, Training), Ajayi Babatunde (Asst. Director, ICT), Festus Aisien (Asst. Director Voter
Registry), Samuel Omale (Asst. Director, Legal), Yakubu Ishaku M. (Asst. Director P&M),
Suleiman A. Gambo (Chief Admin. Officer HRM), Oje S. Bolaji (Chief Admin. Officer EOPs),
Victoria Ogbo (Chief Admin. Officer, G & I), Magdalene Aku (Chief Admin. Off. VEP),
Okoye Adaeze (Asst. Chief Admin. Officer EOPs), Okorie Cynthia (Chief Admin. Officer),
Adesoji Abiodun (Asst. Chief System Analyst), Iloabuchi James (Prin. Legal Officer),
Kingsley Magbuin (Snr. Legal Officer) Ayeni Olajire Julius (SPO) Engr. Zaharadeen Usman
(Snr. Engr, ICT), Olalekan Akogun (Snr. Admin. Off.), Bala Ato Agyo (PDPO I), and Blessing
O. Elemson (PAO) - Secretary to the Manual Review Committee) as well as all other staff of
the Training Department are also appreciated and commended for their individual and
collective efforts at enriching the manual with relevant contents in line with electoral laws.
Special thanks to Mr. John Irem the resource person to the Manual Review Committee, Mr.
Seray Jah (Country Director, IFES), Obaje Ukeh, and Judith Abiem-Toryem of IFES for
providing Technical Support.

Professor Abdullahi Abdu Zuru,

Chairman, Board of The Electoral Institute (BEI)
May 2022

Board of the Electoral Institute

Prof. Abdullahi Abdu Zuru - Chairman
Prof. Kunle Cornelius Ajayi - Member
Prof. Rhoda H.Gumus - Member
Dr. Baba Bila - Member
Mal. Mohammed Kudu Haruna - Member
Barr. Festus Okoye - Member
Professor Adele Jinadu - Member
Dr. Kole Shettima - Member
Dr. Mary I. Nwogu - Member

2022 Manual for Election Officials iv


Terms & Acronyms Definitions

Accreditation The process of verifying and validating the eligibility of
a prospective voter before he/she votes.
Area Council (AC) An administrative division of the third tier of
government in the Federal Capital Territory.
Assistant Presiding An Official who assists the Presiding Officer in a Polling
Officer (APO) Unit on Election Day

Ballot box A transparent box in which voters drop their ballots.

Ballot Paper A paper on which a voter thumb-prints his/her choice of
candidate at an election.
Bimodal Voter A Bimodal Accreditation System A technological
Accreditation equipment used to verify and
System (BVAS) authenticate the biometrics of a voter before voting.
An election to replace member of the Legislature,
Bye-Election occasioned by death, resignation, recall, or on
appointment into a different office.
Check-list An inventory of items required for conduct of voting in
an election.
Clusters A number of Polling Units located in an area for easy
Collation Tabulation or summation Summation and Tabulation of
votes cast at an election.
Collation Centre A designated place where election results are summed up
and tabulated for each candidate.
Collation Officer (CO) An Election Official who receives election results for
tabulation and summation.
Constituency A geographical area represented by an elected person
Collation Support and ICT Technical Election Officials who help with collation
Result Verification of election results
System (CSRVS)
Desk Officers (Dos) Designated Election Officials in charge of specific
election duty
Election The act of choosing one candidate out of many through
Open-secret ballot.
Election Official An Officer of the Commission or designated by the
Commission and charged with the responsibility of
conduct and supervision of an election.
Electoral Alternative A mechanism for settling electoral dispute through
Dispute Resolution dialogue without recourse to legal adjudication.
Electoral Officer (EO) A staff of the Commission who heads the Commission's
office at the Local Government Area or Area Council
2022 Manual for Election Officials v

Electoral Operation This is a support centre that serves as an early warning

Support Centre system in Election Day processes. The Centre maintains
(EOSC) contact with all Election Officials, and monitors for
timelines compliance and identifies adverse incidence(s)
in order to provides necessary support.
General Elections Elections conducted in the Federation at large for Federal
and State Elective positions.
INEC Result ViewingAn ICT Web Portal designed for real time viewing of
Portal (IReV Portal) uploaded election results
Local Government An administrative division of the third tier of government in
Area the Federation.
Nigeria Centre for A Federal Government agency responsible for disease control
Disease Control in the Country
Party Agent A representative of a political party at designated electoral
activity (Collation Centre etc).
Poll The process of voting at an election.
Polling Agent Any person appointed by a political party to represent it at a
Polling Unit to observe the conduct of elections.
Polling Unit (PU) A designated location where registered voters cast their
votes on Election Day.
Poll Official Any officer of the Commission engaged in the conduct of
polling at an election.
Personal Protective Clothing, helmets, goggles or other equipment designed to
Equipment (PPE) protect the wearer’s body from injury or infection.
Presiding Officer (PO) A Poll Official in charge of the conduct of elections in a
Polling Unit on Election Day and oversees the other officials
under his polling unit.
Register of Voters The list of persons eligible and registered to vote at an
Registration Area (RA) A defined geographical area covering a number of Polling
Registration Area A designated location(s) at every Registration Area
Centres (RACs) (RA)/Ward, where Poll Officials and election materials are
camped overnight for easy and timely movement to Polling
Units on Election Day.
Super RAC Is a collection of two or more RACs located in a Centre.
Rejected Ballot An improperly cast ballot at an election.
Resident Electoral An election official who is in charge of all elections in a
Commissioner (REC) State.
2022 Manual for Election Officials vi
Returning Officer (RO)An election official who collates and declares the results of
an election and returns the winner of the election.
Run-off Election An election conducted when the first election failed to
produce a clear winner for the position of President,
Governor and Chairman of an Area Council of the FCT.
Spoiled Ballot Paper A torn or damaged ballot paper that cannot be used for
Supervisory Presiding A Poll Official who supervises the conduct of an election in
Officer (SPO) a cluster of Polling Units.
Persons with Disabilities Persons affected with one or more types of disability or
(PWDs) handicapped persons or physically challenged.

2022 Manual for Election Officials vii

Voter Code of Conduct (VCC) A set rules to guide voter behaviour at polling
Visually Impaired/ Blind Voters with visual challenges or completely blind

Voter Identification A unique number assigned to a voter for his

Number (VIN) identification usually contained in the Register of
Voters and his Permanent Voter Card (PVC).

2022 Manual for Election Officials viii

Foreword .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Acknowledgements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Glossary of Terms/Accronyms .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Overview of the Manual .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
INEC Mission, Vision And Guiding Principles .. .. .. .. ..

CHAPTER ONE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
1.0 Introduction: Elections and the Electoral Process in Nigeria
1.1 Mandate of the Commission.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
1.2 Types and Date of Elections .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
1.3 Polling Units and Collation Centres .. .. .. .. .. ..
1.4 Eligibility Criteria for Voters .... .. .. .. .. … …
1.5 Appointment of Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers .. . ..
1.6 Method of Voting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

CHAPTER TWO .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2.0 Election Officials, Stakeholders, Materials Equipment .. ..

2.1 Election Officials. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.1.1 Professional Ethics of Election Officials .. .. .. .. ..
2.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Election Officials .. .. .. ..

2.2 Stakeholders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.1 Persons Allowed into the Polling Stations/Polling Unit and Collation Centres on
Polling Day .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.2` Role of Security Agents .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.3 Appointment of Polling Agents .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.4 Role of Election Observers .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.5 Role of Accredited Journalists .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.2.6 Media Interviews .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2.3.0 Election Materials .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …

2.3.1 Receiving Non-Sensitive Materials … …. …. … … …
2.3.2 Checklist of Non-Sensitive Election Materials .. .. .. ..
2.3.3 Receiving Sensitive Election Materials .. ... .. .. ..
2.3.4` Checklist of Sensitive Materials.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.3.5 Customization and Colour Coding of Balloting Instruments .. .. ..
2.4.6 Polling Unit Booklet .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2.4.0 Election Technology Devices … … … … … ..

2.4.1 Sample of Permanent Voter Card (PVC) .. .. -- .. ..
2.4.2 Features of PVC .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.4.3 Functions of the PVC .. .. .. ... .. .. ..

2.5.0 The Electronic Voter Register (EVR) … … … … …

2.5.1 Sample of EVR .. ….. … .. .. . .. ..
2.5.2 Features of the EVR … …. …. …. …. …. …. …
2.5.3 Functions of EVR ……` …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

2.6.0 Technological Devices for PWDs

2022 Manual for Election Officials ix
2.7.0 Overview of The Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) … …
2.7.1 The Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) .. .. .. ..
2.7.2 Features of the BVAS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.7.3 Functions of the BVAS .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.7.4 Packing and Unpacking of BVAS .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.7.5 Charging the BVAS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2.8.0 Use of The BVAS for Verification and Authentication

2.8.1 Power the BVAS “On/Off”
2.8.2 Login to the BVAS Software .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.8.3 Use of BVAS for Accreditation --- --- --- --- --- -- --
2.8.4 Use of BVAS for Verification --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2.8.5 Use of BVAS for Authentication --- --- --- --- ---- --
2.8.6 Use of BVAS for Export of Accreditation Data .... .. .. ..

2.9.0 Electronic Transmission/Upload of Election Result and Publishing to the INEC

Result Verification (Irev) Portal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.9.1 Election Result Upload .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2.9.2 INEC Result Verification (IReV) Portal .. .. .. .. ..

CHAPTER THREE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3.0 Election Procedures .. .. .. .. .. .. … ..
3.1.0 Preparing for the Polls.. … … … … … … …
3.1.2 Locating the Polling Unit
3.1.3 Registration Area Centres (RACs)/Super Registration Area Centres (Super RACs) ..
3.1.4 The Election Monitoring and Support Centre (EMSC)… … … … …
3.1.5 Handling Persons with Disabilities…… … … … …. … …
3.1.6 Voting by Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)… … … … … …
3.2.1 Setting Up Procedure.. … …. …. … … … … …
3.2.2 Setting up the Polling Unit.. … … … … … … … …
3.2.3 Accreditation and Voting at Appropriate Polling Unit .. … … …
3.3.0 Polling Procedure.. … … … … … … … … …
3.3.1 Accreditation and Voting … … … … … … … …
3.3.2 Opening of Polls … … … … … … … … …
3.3.3 Close of Polls at PU … … … … … … … … ….
3.4.0 Sorting, Recording and Counting of Ballots. .. … … … … ….
3.4.1 Preparing for Ballot Sorting.. … … … .. … … …
3.4.2 Sorting of Ballots.. … … … … … … … … …
3.4.3 How to Record Votes on Form EC8A series .. … … … … ….
3.4.4 Counting and Recording of Votes … … … … … … ….
3.4.5 Packing Up… … … … … … … … … … …

CHAPTER FOUR .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …

4.0 Collation and Declaration of Results .. .. .. …. … …

4.1.0 Health Guide at all Collation Centres .. .. .. … …. … …
4.2.0 Collation and Declaration Procedures .. .. ..
4.2.1 Collation of Election Results .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
4.2.2 Collation at Registration Area (RA)/Ward .. .. .. .. ..
2022 Manual for Election Officials x
4.2.3 Collation of Presidential Election Results at the LGA .. .. ..
4.2.4 Collation of Presidential Election Results at State/FCT Level .. ..
4.2.5 Final Collation and Declaration of Presidential Election Results .. ..
4.2.6 Collation of Senatorial District Election Results at LGA/Area Council Level..
4.2.7 Final Collation and Declaration of Senatorial District Election Results.. ..
4.2.8 Collation of Senatorial District Election Results with less than one (1) LGA ....
4.2.9 Collation of Federal Constituency Election Results at LGA/Area Council Level..
4.2.10 Final Collation and Declaration of Federal Constituency Results .... ..
4.2.11 Collation of Governorship Election Results at LGA Level .. .. ..
4.2.12 Final Collation and Declaration of Governorship Election Results at State Level..
4.2.13 Collation and Declaration of State Constituency Election Results with not more than
one LGA at LGA Level.. .... .. .. .. .. .. ..
4.2.14 Collation of State Constituency Election Results with more than one LGA at
LGA Level .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
4.2.15 Collation of State Constituency Election Results with less than One LGA at State
Constituency Level.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

4.3.0 Management of the Margin of Lead Principle .. .. … …

4.3.1 Response Scenarios .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
4.4 Resumption of Result Collation Following a DisruptionElection Collation Flow
Charts .. .. .. .. … … … .. .. ..
4.5 Request for Leave to Comment or Raise Objection by Polling Agents.. … ..
4.6 Cancellation of Results… … … … … … … … ..
4.7 Persons Allowed to be Present at Collation Centres… … … … …
4.8 Power of Returning or Collation Officer to Remove Persons from Collation Centre
4.9 Set-Up Procedure at the Collation Center… … … … …. …
4.10 Election Collation Flow Charts

CHAPTER FIVE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
5.0 MISCELLANEOUS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
5.1 Conflict Prevention at the Polling Unit/Voting Point … … … …
5.2 Electoral Offences and Penalties .. .. … … .. ..
5.3 Tips for Poll Officials on Basic Security in Election Duties (BaSED) ….
5.4.0 NCDC Protocols on the Covid-19 Pandemic in Training of Election Officials…
5.4.1 The SARs-CoV-2 2019
5.4.2 Voter Code of Conduct (VCC) for Elections During Covid-19 Pandemic… ….
5.5.0 General Health Safety Measures for Election Officials
5.5.1 Polling Unit Health Tips… … … … … … … ..
5.5.2 Handling Health Materials at the Close of Poll… … … … …
5.5.3 Health Safety Tips at RACs… … …. … …. … …
5.5.4 Health Safety Tips at Collation Centres… … … … … …
5.5.6 Health Tips for Post-Election Activities… … … … … …
5.5.6 Monkey Pox… … … … …. …. … … …
5.5.7 First Aid Measures for Snake/Scorpion Bite … … … … ….
5.5.8 Bleeding… … …. … … … … … … …
5.5.9 Diarrhoea

APPENDICES .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
II FORMS AND ILLUSTRATIONS .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2022 Manual for Election Officials xi
REGISTRATION AREA LEVEL .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
THEMSELVES .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
HELD/CANCELED) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(ELECTION NOT HELD/CANCELED) .. .. .. .. .. ..
(ELECTION NOT HELD/CANCELED) .. .. .. .. .. ..
(ELECTION NOT HELD/CANCELED) .. .. .. .. .. ..
(PU SUMMARY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(RA SUMMARY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(LGA SUMMARY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(STATE SUMMARY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(NATIONAL SUMMARY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
POLLING UNIT STAFF DETAILS .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
SECURITY PERSONNEL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
ACCREDITATED ATTENDEES .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2022 Manual for Election Officials xii


An Election Manual provides basic operational instructions and guidance on principles and
procedures for the conduct of elections. In this Manual, The Electoral Institute has packaged,
in a most simplified manner, the provisions of the laws and guidelines governing the conduct
of elections in Nigeria for use by election officials at all levels.

The review of the current manual is borne out of the need to incorporate the legal requirements
of the Electoral Act 2022. The Commission’s policy on conducting elections in context of the
COVID-19 pandemic and other health emergencies is still retained in compliance with the PTF
protocols. The manual contains four chapters, each having sub-sections for ease of
comprehension by users. In Chapters One and Two, the Manual identifies the categories of
personnel for elections and their duties as well as explains in detail the Election Procedures
with illustrations, including infographics to acquaint users with practical ideas about Polling
Unit layout and design. These chapters also highlight the inter and intra-working relationships
between and amongst personnel at Polling Unit level as well as the vertical levels of results
collation, which provide for synergy and coherence in the role of personnel, involved in the

In Chapters Three and Four, the Manual deals with the duties of Collation and Returning
Officers. These categories of officials, together with Presiding Officers, superintend over
election results management, which constitute the core mandate for the assessment of the
fairness and credibility of electoral process; which also contributes to sustenance of the
Commission’s integrity and national pride. It is for this reason the Manual provides useful
insight into some likely scenarios and offer helpful suggestions on suitable ways for managing
them; including tips on conflict prevention and basic election security techniques for poll
officials. It is also necessary to take cognizance of the boxed Notes where vital pieces of
information about the Manual are placed for emphasis.

It is the hope of The Electoral Institute, that thorough reading and application of this Manual
will help election officials deliver on the Commission’s mandate of free, fair, credible and
inclusive elections.

Sa’ad Umar Idris, Ph.D

The Electoral Institute
May 2022

2022 Manual for Election Officials xiii

Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles

To serve as an independent and effective Election Management Body (EMB) committed to
the conduct of free, fair and credible elections for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.

To be one of the best Election Management Bodies (EMBs) in the world that meets the
aspirations of the Nigerian people.

Guiding Principles
The principles that guide INEC in the fulfilment of its Vision and Mission are:

AUTONOMY: Relentlessness in the pursuit of autonomy for effective electoral


TRANSPARENCY: Openness in all activities and in relations with stakeholders, the media,
service providers and the people of Nigeria.

INTEGRITY: Demonstration of high moral standards and honesty in all dealings with
the people of Nigeria.

CREDIBILITY: Credibility in all actions and activities thereby remaining an institution

that people can trust.

IMPARTIALITY: Creation of a level playing field for all political actors.

DEDICATION: Commitment to providing quality electoral services for the people of


EQUITY: Fairness and justice in dealing with all people.

EXCELLENCE: Promotion of excellence and ensuring that merit remains the basis for
the recruitment and compensation of staff.

TEAMWORK: Creation of a conducive environment that promotes teamwork among its

staff at all levels

2022 Manual for Election Officials xiv


1.1 Mandate of the Commission:

The Commission is mandated to conduct Elections into the following Executive Offices and
Legislative Houses:
(a) President and Vice President;
(b) Governor and Deputy Governor;
(c) National Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives);
(d) State Houses of Assembly;
(e) Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Area Councils; and
(f) Councilors of FCT Area Councils Legislature.

1.2 Types and Date of Elections:

(a) General Elections: Election to the office of President and Vice President, as well as
National Assembly, shall hold on the 3rd Saturday in February, of any General Elections
year; while election to the office of Governor and Deputy Governor as well as members
of the State Houses of Assembly, shall hold two (2) weeks thereafter or as may be
determined by the Commission;
(b) Off-cycle Elections: Any Governorship election that falls due outside a General
Election, the election shall hold on the Saturday following the 100th day to the end of the
tenure of the incumbent, or as may be determined by the Commission.
(c) FCT Area Council Election:

(i) Whenever the end of tenure of FCT Area Councils coincides with a General Election
year, election into the office of Chairman and Vice Chairman and Councillors of the Area
Councils shall be held with the election for Governor and Deputy Governor and the State
Houses of Assembly.

(ii) Where the end of tenure of FCT Area Councils does not coincide with a General Election
year, the election to the office of Chairman and Vice- Chairman and Councillors of the
Area Councils shall hold on the Saturday following the 100th day to the end of the tenure
of the incumbent, or as maybe determined by the Commission.

1.3 Polling Units and Collation Centres

(a) What is a Polling Unit? It is a place established by the Commission where voting takes

(b) Where is a Polling Unit located? Polling Units are located within enclosures in public
places, accessible to every voter; including Persons with disabilities (PWDs). These
public places include public schools, civic centres, town halls and communal open
spaces. Canopies may be provided for Polling Units located in open spaces;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 1

Polling Units shall not be in places of worship, palaces of traditional rulers and private

(c) What is a Collation Centre?: A place designated by the Commission where election
results are computed and tabulated for each political party and winners of election

(d) Where are Collation Centres Located? Collation Centres are located within enclosures
in INEC Offices or LGA/Areas Council Offices, accessible to designated election
officials, party agents, observers and media; including Persons with disabilities (PWDs).

1.4 Eligibility Criteria for Voters

A person shall be eligible to vote at an election conducted by the Commission if:
(a) He/she is a Nigerian Citizen;
(b) He/she is a registered voter;
(c) His/her name appears on the Register of Voters;
(d) He/she presents himself/herself physically (not by proxy) with a valid Permanent
Voter’s Card (PVC) at the Polling Unit where he/she was registered; and
(e) He/she is accredited using BVAS on presentation of a valid Permanent Voter’s Card
(PVC) at his/her Polling Unit.

1.5 Method of Voting

Voting shall be by Open-Secret Ballot System where voters thumb-print on the ballot for
candidates of their choice in secret and cast their votes in the open.

Voting shall be in accordance with the Continuous Accreditation and Voting System (CAVS)
procedure as specified in the INEC Regulations and Guidelines 2022 and the Election Manual,
and any other Guide issued by the Commission.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 2


2.1. Election Officials

These are INEC permanent and ad hoc staff, who are directly involved in the conduct and
supervision of the electoral process.

2.1.1 Professional Ethics of Election Officials

Election Officials have a major role to play in the electoral process. The manner, in which they
discharge their duties, affects the degree of confidence voters will have in the electoral process.
Election Officials should be courteous, polite, and helpful at all times. Voters should be treated
equally and with respect. Unethical and corrupt practices by election officials shall incur severe
punishments under the law.
Election officials should be guided by the following principles:

(a) Integrity;
(b) Impartiality;
(c) Transparency;
(d) Professionalism;
(e) Gender sensitivity; and
(f) Due consideration and support for the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers and
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).
2.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Election Officials

Below is a brief description of their duties: Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC)

Is the head of the Commission in a State - a position which confers on him/her the responsibility
to oversee the activities of the Commission in that State as follows:
(a) The overall conduct and supervision of the Federal and State elections in a State; as well
as the Area Council Elections in the FCT;
(b) Takes delivery of all sensitive and non-sensitive materials for elections from the National
Headquarters of the Commission and distributes same to Electoral Officers;
(c) Supervises the recruitment and training of all staff for elections in a State;
(d) Liaises with political parties and other stakeholders to ensure the successful conduct of
elections; and
(e) Assisted by the Administrative Secretary (AS).

2022 Manual for Election Officials 3 Electoral Officer (EO)
Is the Head of the Commission’s Office in the Local Government Area (LGA) of a State, or an
Area Council (as in the case of the FCT) with the following responsibilities:
(a) Conducts and supervises elections in an LGA or Area Council;
(b) Receives election materials from the REC for distribution to Supervisory Presiding
Officers (SPOs) for delivery to Presiding Officers (POs) prior to voting; and retrieves
same from SPOs after elections;
(c) Assists in training of Poll Officials;
(d) Reports any security concern or incident to Security Agents;
(e) Keeps safely (securely) election results, ballot boxes and other election materials
returned; and
(f) Assisted by three Assistant Electoral Officers (AEOs) namely, AEO Administration,
AEO Operations and AEO RACs as well as other LGA staff. Returning Officer (RO)

(a) collates (tabulates and sums up) the votes cast, announces the scores of candidates and
declares the winner in the election in a particular constituency; and
(b) decides any question arising from or relating to rejected ballots, announcement of scores of
candidates and the return of a winner Collation Officer (CO)

Collates and announces the votes scored by candidates at any of the levels of collation as
(a) Registration Area/Ward CO – collates and announces results from Polling Units within
a Registration Area (RA)/Ward, and completes Forms EC 40H(2) – PWD Voter
Information and Statistics.

(b) Local Government Area (LGA CO) – collates and announces results from the various
Registration Areas/Wards for the LGA/Area Council, State Assembly, Governorship,
National Assembly and Presidential Elections (at the LGA/Area Council levels).
Completes Forms EC 40H(3) – PWD Voter Information and Statistics. He/She shall also
be the Area Council Returning Officer in the elections to Area Councils in the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT)

(c) State Constituency CO – collates and announces results from all the RAs/LGAs within
a State Constituency for the State Assembly Election. He/she shall also be the State
Constituency Returning Officer in the State House of Assembly Election.

(d) Federal Constituency CO – collates and announces results from LGAs within a Federal
Constituency. He/she shall also be the Federal Constituency Returning Officer in the
election to the House of Representatives.

(e) Senatorial District CO – collates and announces results from LGAs within a Senatorial

2022 Manual for Election Officials 4

District. He/she shall also be the Senatorial District Returning Officer in the election to
the Senate.

(f) State CO – collates and announces results from all LGAs within a State in the
Presidential and Governorship Elections. He/she shall also be the Returning Officer in
the Governorship Election. He/she completes Forms EC 40H(4) – PWD Voter
Information and Statistics.

(g) Chief Electoral Commissioner – collates and announces the results from all the states
of the Federation in the Presidential Election and is the Returning Officer in that election.
This shall be the Chairman of INEC or his delegated Representative. He/she completes
Forms EC 40H(5) – PWD Voter Information and Statistics. Technical Support Staff at Elections

These are permanent staff of INEC and/or Ad-hoc staff deployed to provide support services
at the various levels
(a) Registration Area Technical Support (RATECH) provides the following services;
(i) Carries out refresher training for the presiding officers at the Registration Area Centre
(ii) Provides support on the use of the Bimodal Voters Accreditation System (BVAS)
(iii) Fixes malfunctioning BVAS;
(iv) Configures a new BVAS for any polling unit with a malfunctioning BVAS; and
(v) Verifies, confirms and admits the Polling Unit results uploaded at the Polling Unit by
Presiding Officers on the INEC result viewing portal (IReV).

(b) Local Government Area/Area Council Technical Support Services

(LGATechSS/RACTechSS) - Assists the LGA/Area Council Technical Supervisor in
providing support to the RATechSS in a Local Government Area/Area Council.

(c) Local Government Area/Area Council Technical Supervisor - Coordinates and

supervises technical issues at the LGA/AC.

(d) State Technical Supervisor - Coordinates and supervises technical issues at the State.

(e) State ICT Supervisor - Coordinates and supervises all ICT activities in the state during
an election. Electoral Operations - CSRVS Technical Support: These are permanent staff of the
Commission deployed at elections as Collation Support and Result Verification Secretariat
(CSRVS) charged with the responsibility of providing support to the Collation/Returning
officers on Election Day at the various levels of collation. However, the deployment of the
Collation Support Secretariat (CSRVS) is dependent on the types of election. Hence the
designations are defined on the basis of the category of Collation as follows: National Collation
Support Secretariat for presidential Elections (NCSS), Senatorial District Collation Support
Secretariat (SDCSS), Federal Constituency Collation Support Secretariat (FCCSS), State

2022 Manual for Election Officials 5

Constituency Collation Support Secretariat (SCCSS), Local Government Collation Support
Secretariat (LGCSS) and Registration Area Collation Support Secretariat (RACSS). Registration Area (RA), Local Government Area (LGA)/Area Council and
Constituency Supervisors
These are Permanent Staff of INEC deployed by the Operations Department of the Commission
to Supervise the conduct of the election at RA, LGA/AC, and Constituency levels. Monitors
These are Permanent Staff of INEC deployed by the Planning and Monitoring Department of
the Commission to monitor the conduct of the election at RA, LGA, and Constituency levels. Supervisory Presiding Officer (SPO)

The Supervisory Presiding Officer (SPO) supervises the conduct of Poll in a cluster of Polling
Units in an RA. He/she trains Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers and is accountable to
the Electoral Officer. The work of the SPOs covers Pre-Election, Election, and Post-Election,
as detailed below.

a) Pre-Election Duties: Before Polling Day, the SPO shall:

(i) Attend a Two-day training on Election Processes and Procedures;
(ii) If selected, participates in the training of Poll Officials (Presiding Officers and Assistant
Presiding Officers), visits the INEC State Office or the LGA/AC Office, as the case
may be, to ascertain his/her area of posting, at least three (3) days before Election Day;
(iii) Locate and visit Registration Area Centres (RACs/Super RACs) and Polling Units
under his/her supervision at least two days before Election Day. Makes arrangements
for tables and chairs to be used at the Polling Units on Election Day;
(iv) Liaise with the EO to obtain the list of the poll officials under his/her supervision;
(v) Contact the Poll Officials under his/her area of supervision once the deployment list is
ready. Inform them to come prepared on the eve of the election for onward movement
to RAC/Super RAC;
(vi) Report to INEC LGA/AC Office at 7.00am on the eve of the election to assist the
Electoral Officer in distributing sensitive and non-sensitive election materials;
(vii) Record all election materials collected from the Electoral Officer in Form EC 25B
(Material Receipt and Reverse Logistics Form);
(viii) Obtain the list of political parties/candidates contesting the elections from the Electoral
(ix) Collect from the Electoral Officer the list of vehicle and boat drivers posted to his/her
area of supervision. This should include name, phone number and vehicle/boat number;
(x) Ensure that Poll Officials and election materials are conveyed to RAC/Super RAC by
4.00pm latest on the eve of the election;
(xi) Ensure that all the necessary materials for the activation of the RAC/Super RAC are
available such as (mats, bathing soap, tissue, drinking water, generating set, mosquito
net, buckets among others);

2022 Manual for Election Officials 6

(xii) Inform the Electoral Officer if there are shortages of the personnel deployed at the
RAC/Super RAC after taking roll-call;
(xiii) Facilitate a refresher training (assisted by the RA Supervisor and RATECH) for Poll
Officials at the RAC/Super RAC. This is to perfect strategies for a smooth polling
process including checking the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) for
Operational readiness;
(xiv) Ensure that all sensitive and non-sensitive election materials are distributed and
deployed to the designated Polling Units in the right quantity and at the right time.
(xv) Liaise with security agents (collect their names, organisation and phone number) to
ensure that order is maintained within the Polling Units under his/her supervision.

(a) The SPO should ensure that all sensitive and non- sensitive materials and
personnel are complete in their right quantities and numbers.

(b) The SPO has no right to replace anyone without the express permission of
the Electoral Officer (EO)

b) Election Duties: On the day of every election, the SPO is expected to perform the
(i) Distribute polling unit election materials to the Presiding Officer in his/her area of
(ii) Confirm that vehicles, boats, security agents, election materials, and Poll Officials are
available and ready for movement to Polling Units at 5 a.m;
(iii) Ensure that all Poll Officials depart their RAC/Super RAC early enough to arrive at
their respective polling unit before 7.00 am;
(iv) Supervise the orderly movement of staff and materials to Polling Units, with Poll
Officials posted to the farthest Polling Units leaving first;
(v) Undertake regular visits to Polling Units under his/her supervision to address issues
during the period of elections;
(vi) Keep your phone line on and be available at your area of responsibility throughout
Election Day.
(vii) Make and receive calls to and from the EOSC to report/ascertain the situation of things
on Election Day.
c) Post -Election Duties: The SPO is expected to perform the following:
i) Before close of Polls, confirm that vehicles/boats are available to convey Poll Officials
and election materials to Ward/Registration Area Collation Centre and subsequently to
INEC LGA/Area Council Office. This is to prevent Poll Officials from boarding
unauthorised vehicles.
ii) Ensure that Results of the Poll for designated Polling Units (EC 8A series) are delivered
to the Registration Area Collation Officer (RACO) by the Presiding Officers.
iii) Ensure the delivery of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation Systems (BVAS) to the
Registration Area Collation Officer (RACO) by the Presiding Officer and retrieve it

2022 Manual for Election Officials 7

from the RACO after collation.
iv) Ensure that all election materials returned by the Presiding Officer are submitted to the
Electoral Officer immediately after the elections.
iv) Check that all forms are filled accordingly and packaged appropriately before collection
of materials from Poll Officials.
v) Ensure that reverse logistics is done in an orderly and efficient manner, on a first come,
first serve basis.
vi) Ensure that retrieval of all election materials ends latest by 8.00am the day after
elections so that Poll Officials are released on time
vii) Hand over all returned election materials to the Electoral Officer. The Polling Team and Responsibilities

A Polling Unit (PU) Team comprises of:
i. Presiding Officer (PO); Ballot Paper Issuance and PU Overseer;
ii. Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) I/Poll Clerk; Verification;
iii. Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) II; Register-Check, Inking and Statistics; and
iv. Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) III; Queue Controller and PVC Check

(a) Presiding Officer (PO); Ballot Paper Issuance and PU Overseer:

Is in-charge of all activities at the Polling Unit on Election Day, including Polling, Sorting,
Counting of votes as well as the Announcement of election result(s) as follows:
i) Takes delivery of and inspects all materials and equipment for election from the
Supervisory Presiding Officer and ensures their security, particularly the sensitive
materials, such as the ballot papers and result forms.
ii) Must be at the Polling Unit early (at least one hour before the official commencement of
polling) to set up the Polling Unit.
iii) Coordinates activities in the Polling Unit under his/her supervision.
iv) Pastes Posters: EC 30A – Polling Station Poster, EC 30A(I) – Polling Unit Information
Poster, EC 30B – Polling Zone Poster, EC 30C – Voting in Progress Poster, EC 30E -
PWD Poster, Voter Code of Conduct Poster.
v) Requests the APO III or any other official to loudly read out the Voter Code of Conduct
vi) Issues ballot paper(s) to voters and ensures that voters deposit thumb-printed ballot
paper(s) into the appropriate ballot box.
vii) Provide the Braille Ballot Guide or magnifying glass to Visually Impaired registered voters
as may be applicable.
vii) Completes Forms EC 40H(1) – PWD Voter Information and Statistics.
viii) Designates a safe area where voters who wish to observe the counting of votes and
announcement of results shall wait after they cast their votes.
ix) Returns all election materials, other than the Result Sheets and the Bimodal Voter
Accreditation System (BVAS), to the SPO for delivery to the EO after elections.
x) Delivers the completed Result Sheets and Bimodal Voter Accreditation System to the
Registration Area Collation Officer (RACO).
xi) Reports any security incident to the Security Agents at the Polling Unit and, where

2022 Manual for Election Officials 8

necessary, invites the Police or Security Agents to maintain order, keep the peace, or
arrest any person committing an offence.
xii) Instructs the removal of a Polling Agent who aids and abets election malpractices at a
Polling Unit.
xiii) Documents adverse incidents on Polling Unit Booklet and informs the appropriate
authority and persons.
xiv) Ensure that Polling Staff, Accredited Observers, Polling Agents, Security, Accredited
Media sign the attendance register in the Polling Unit Booklet
xv) responds to calls from the EOSC for periodic updates of the elections progress and report
xvi) pastes the completed Publication of Result Poster EC.60(E) at the Polling Unit
xvii) transmits accreditation data using the BVAS
xviii) Upload a scanned copy of the EC8A and electronically transmit the election result as
prescribed in the Regulations and Guidelines for the Conduct of Elections.

i. The Presiding Officer may have a person who is acting in a disorderly manner or fails to
comply with lawful order removed from the Polling Unit; and
ii. A Candidate can represent himself/herself as a Polling Agent in the Polling Unit/Collation
Centre as long as no other Polling Agent is accredited for the party at that unit or centre.

(b) Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) I/Poll Clerk: Verification

The APO I shall be designated as the Poll Clerk. Where polls have commenced and the
PO for any reason has to leave the Polling Unit, the APO I (Poll Clerk) shall act in
his/her place, pending his/her return or replacement. His main duties are:
i) Works under the supervision of the PO;
ii) Assists with collection of materials from the SPO;
iii) Assists with the return of election materials to the SPO; and
iv) Verifies and authenticates the voter using the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System

(c) Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) II: Register-Check, Inking and Statistics
i) Assists with the collection of election materials from the SPO;
ii) Confirms that voter’s details in the PVC are contained in the Register of Voters and
ticks the appropriate box(es) by the voter’s name before polling;
iii) Request that a prospective voter removes his/her face masks for proper
identification when necessary;
iv) Applies indelible ink on the appropriate finger of the voter before polling;
v) Completes Forms EC 40H – PWD Voter Information and Statistics (PU). Where
applicable, write “F” or “M” to indicate gender;
vi) Assists in the preparation and sorting of the ballots;
vii) Fills Publication of Result Poster – EC.60(E) for Presiding Officer to sign, date and
2022 Manual for Election Officials 9
post/paste; and
viii) Assists with the return of the election materials to the SPO at the close of poll

(d) Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) III: Queue Controller and PVC Check
i) Ensures orderly queuing of voters;
ii) Removes all campaign materials, if any, from the Polling Unit;
iii) Conducts Voter/Peace education before the commencement of poll;
iv) Arranges separate queues for men and women in areas where the mingling of men
and women in the same queue is not allowed;
v) Creates a separate queue for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs);
vi) Determines that the voter is at the correct Polling Unit; upon inspection of the PVC
held by the voter if the APO III discovers that the PVC is not for the Polling Unit,
the APO III will advise the voter to proceed to the appropriate Polling Unit; and
vii) Confirms that the voter has not voted anywhere by inspection of the cuticle of the
fingernails if satisfied, direct the voter to the APOI.

2.2 Stakeholders and Their Roles

These are individuals or groups involved in the conduct of election. They include- the
Contestants/Candidate, accredited Polling or Party Agents, Security Agents, accredited
Journalists, Foreign and Domestic Observers, as well as the Voters.

2.2.1 Persons Allowed into the Polling Stations/Polling Unit and Collation Centre on
Polling Day:
The following shall be allowed into the Polling Unit/Collation Centre on Polling Day:
(a) Security Agents;
(b) Candidates or their accredited Polling Agents;
(c) Accredited Domestic and Foreign Observers;
(d) Accredited Journalists/Media;
(e) Voters (at Polling Units where they are registered ONLY); and
(f) INEC Officials on Election Duty.

2.2.2 Security Agents and Their Roles

Security agents with the Police as Lead agency on Election Duty shall:
(a) Provide security at the Polling Units/Polling Stations and Collation Centres to ensure
that the Polling Units, counting of ballots, collation and declaration of results are
conducted without any disturbance;
(b) Take necessary measures to prevent violence or any activity that can threaten to disrupt
the elections;
(c) Comply with any lawful directive(s) issued by, or under the authority of INEC;
(d) Ensure the safety and security of all Election materials, by escorting and guarding such
materials as appropriate;
(e) Protect Election Officials at the Polling Stations/Units and Collation Centres, especially
in the course of their movement from one point to the other until the process is completed;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 10

(f) Arrest, on the instruction of the Presiding Officer, or any other designated INEC official,
any person(s) causing any disturbance, or preventing the smooth conduct of proceedings
at Polling Stations/Units as well as at the Collation Centres;
(g) On the instruction of the Presiding Officer, stand at the end of the queue of voters at the
Polling Unit, if any, at 2:30p.m., to prevent any person from joining the queue;
(h) Accompany the Presiding Officer to deliver the election results, ballot boxes and other
election materials safely to the RA/Ward Collation Centre;
(i) Accompany Collation Officers to deliver election results to the Returning Officer and,
subsequently, to the Resident Electoral Commissioner, or Electoral Officer, as the case
may be, for the handover of election materials and reports.

Security Agents are not allowed to:
(a) interfere with polling procedures, counting of the ballots, or the collation and declaration of
result; and
(b) handle any election material or, in any way, interfere in the conduct of the polls or counting
of ballots.

2.2.3 Appointment of Polling Agents and Their Roles

A political party sponsoring candidate(s) can appoint one person as its Polling Agent for each
Polling Unit; one Polling Agent for each Collation Centre; and a Representative at each point
of distribution of electoral materials in the constituency where it is sponsoring candidate(s) for
an election, by notice in writing, signed, addressed, and delivered to:
(a) Chairman of the Commission, in the case of polling agents for collation at the Presidential
(b) Resident Electoral Commissioner, in the case of polling agents for Collation at the
Governorship Election;
(c) Electoral Officer, in all cases of polling agents for Polling Units / and polling agents for
Registration Area/Ward and LGA;
(d) uploaded to the web portal not later than the last day stipulated in the Timetable and
Schedule of Activities for the election.

However, no person shall be qualified to be appointed or serve as a Polling Agent to any

political party if, being a person employed in the public service of the Federation, State, Local
Government or Area Council when he/she has not resigned or withdrawn or retired from such
employment at least 90 days before the date of the election.

With regard to the Polling Agents, Election Officials shall:

(i) Allow each party to be represented by one accredited Polling Agent at a time in Polling
Unit and Collation Centre;
(ii) Inspect and ensure that the letters of appointment/accreditation are duly endorsed by
2022 Manual for Election Officials 11
their parties before letting the Polling Agents into the Polling Units, or Collation Centres;
(iii) Allow the Polling Agents to observe the distribution of election materials, polling, sorting
and counting of ballots as well as the announcement of results;
(iv) Commence the election or collation processes even if no Polling Agent is present in the
Polling Unit, or Collation Centre, respectively;
(v) Allow Polling Agents to draw their attention to any observed irregularities;
(vi) Allow Polling Agents to inform the PO if they believe that a voter is under the age of 18
years, or has committed an offence of impersonation;
(vii) Allow Polling Agents to countersign the result forms at the Polling Units and the
Collation Forms at the Collation Centres;
(viii) Issue completed, stamped, signed and dated copies of the Statement of Result of Poll
Forms and the Collation of Result Forms to Polling Agents present; and
(ix) Not allow party agent to interfere with polling procedure and handling of election

(a) The notice of appointment as a polling agent shall contain the names, addresses and recent
passport photographs of the polling agents and the respective Polling Units or Collation
Centres to which they have been assigned and to be submitted not later than 14 days before
the election. Any notice sent in late will be rejected;
(b) Only a Polling Agent whose name had been submitted to the Commission in the prescribed
manner shall receive a copy of the result sheet at a Polling Unit or Collation Centre;
(c) The names of the Polling Agents for a Polling Unit should be sent by the EO to each PO before
polling begins. Also, a candidate can stand as his/her Polling Agent at any Polling Unit or
Collation Centre;
(d) Polling Agents shall comply with lawful directives issued by or under the authority of the
Commission or its officials including directive to leave the Polling Unit or Collation Centre,
whenever and wherever necessary;
(e) A Polling Agent who aids and abets election malpractices at a Polling Unit or Collation Centre
shall be disqualified and on the instruction of the Poll Official/ Collation Official shall be
removed from the Polling Unit/Collation Centre and shall be liable to prosecution; and
(f) Party Agents are not allowed to:
(i) interfere with polling procedures, counting of the ballots, or the collation and declaration of
(ii) handle any election material or, in any way, interfere in the conduct of the polls or counting of
(iii) hold media interviews within the Polling Unit.

2.2.4 Election Observers and Their Roles

Domestic and Foreign Observers are appointed by their respective organizations and may be
accredited by the Commission to observe the Elections. They have the right to observe the
entire election process, including the counting of ballots at the Polling Units and the collation
and declaration of results at the Collation Centres. Duly Accredited Election Observers who
are wearing the Observer badges issued by the Commission for the election are entitled to:
(a) Observe polling, sorting and counting of ballots as well as the collation, announcement

2022 Manual for Election Officials 12

and declaration of results; and
(b) Invite the attention of an Election Official to any observed irregularities, but shall not, in
any way, interfere in the process.

With regard to Election Observers, Election Officials shall:

(i) Check that all Observers are duly accredited and wear their observer badges while in the
Polling Unit;
(ii) Allow Observers to observe the distribution of election materials, accreditation process,
voting, sorting and counting of ballots as well as the collation, announcement and
declaration of results; and
(iii)Allow Observers to call their attention to any irregularities, without interfering with the

Observers are not allowed to:
(a) Handle election materials or interfere in the conduct of poll or counting
of ballots or wear the badge or symbol of any political party; or
(b) Hold media interviews within the Polling Unit.

2.2.5 Accredited Journalists and Their Roles

Accredited Journalists have an important role to play, by reporting objectively on the conduct
of the elections. Media professionals may only enter the Polling Unit, if this does not disrupt
polling. They may interview the Presiding Officer or his/her authorized representative with
his/her consent. Such interview shall however be conducted outside the Polling Unit, if
activities within the Polling Unit permit this. Accredited Journalists may not film or copy any
part of the process which may reveal personal details of any voter.

Accredited Journalists are allowed to:

(a) Be in the Polling Unit- from the opening of poll on Polling Day and observe all stages of
the polling process - from sealing of the ballot box to closing activities provided they do
not compromise the secrecy of the vote;
(b) Move around the Polling Unit, as long as their movements do not, in anyway, interfere
with the process, or obstruct the flow of voters, or the work of Polling Officials;
(c) Interview the Presiding Officer or his/her authorized representative with his/her consent
outside the Polling Unit; and
(d) Observe the securing of Election materials for overnight storage and transportation.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 13

Accredited Journalists are not allowed to:
a) interview a Polling Official, Voter, Observer, Polling Agent, or any Special Guest, inside
the Polling Unit during polling
b) film, photograph or interview any individual within the Polling Zone, without her/his
c) film or photograph any voter marking a ballot, or acquire any pictures, film footage or
audio commentary, which records personal details of that voter
d) film, photograph or copy the Register of Voters, Voter Cards or any balloting instruments
or equipment.

2.2.6 Media Interviews

During interviews, the Presiding Officer may respond to general factual questions; but may not
offer interpretations or opinions on the process. All interviews must take place outside the
Polling Unit.
The PO may respond to factual questions such as:
(a) Polling procedure;
(b) Voter turn-out in the Polling Unit;
(c) Duties as a Polling Official and what training was received; and
(d) INEC Professional Ethics for Election Officials.

The PO shall not offer interpretations or opinions, such as:

(i) Giving results on the local, regional or national level;
(ii) Comment on expected election outcomes;
(iii) Offer commentary on candidates or political parties;
(iv) Offer opinions on policy, compliance or speculate on other issues; and
(v) Comment on rumours.

2.3 Election Materials

2.3.1 Receiving Non-Sensitive Election Materials
Before the commencement of the election, the Presiding Officer (PO) shall:
Step1: Receive non-sensitive items from the SPO;
Step2: Verify to ensure that all materials have been received and are in right quantity.
(The Assistant Presiding Officer I shall assist in doing this)
Step3: Record all items received on Form EC.25B (Electoral Material Receipt/Reverse
Logistics Form) in the Polling Unit booklet.
Step4: Sign the Forms, keep one copy and give the other copy to the SPO.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 14

2.3.2 Checklist of Non-Sensitive Materials


1 Form EC 17 – Oath Form Two (2) Copies per To be Returned at
Poll Official Close of Poll
2 Polling Units Booklet One (1) Booklet per To be Returned at
PU Close
of Poll
3 FORM EC25A- Electoral Materials Receipt- One (1) Booklet per To be Returned at
Booklets LGA & RA Close
of Poll
4 FORM EC 25A (1) Materials return receipts- One (1) Booklet per To be Returned at
Booklets LGA & RA Close
of Poll
5 FORM EC25B- Electoral Receipt -Wards Five (5) Copies per To be Returned at
&Units Voting Point Close of Poll
6 FORM EC25B (1)- Materials Receipt-Reverse Five (5) Copies per To be Returned at
Logistics Voting Point Close of Poll
7 FORM EC25D-Distribution of sensitive One (1) Booklet Per To be Returned at
Materials, attendance Register LGA & RA Close of Poll
8 Poster EC 30PWD – Written Instruction Four (4) Copies per To be pasted before
PU commencement of poll
9 Poster EC 30A – Polling Station Poster Four (4) Copies per To be pasted before
PU commencement of poll
10 Poster EC 30A(I) – Polling Station Information Two (2) Copies per To be pasted before
Poster PU commencement of poll
11 Poster EC 30B – Polling Zone Poster Four (4) Copies PU To be pasted before
commencement of poll
12 Poster EC 30C – Voting in Progress Poster Two (2) Copies per To be pasted before
PU commencement of poll
13 Four Copies per To be pasted before
POSTER EC30D-Collation Center Poster Collation Centre commencement of poll
14 Form EC 40A – Ballot Paper Account and Four (4) copies per PU To be Returned at
Verification Form Close of Poll
15 Form EC 40B – Spoilt, Rejected Ballot Paper Two (2) copies per PU To be Returned at
Form Close of Poll
16 Form EC 40C – Statement of Used and Unused Two (2) copies per PU To be Returned at
Ballot Paper Form Close of Poll
17 Form EC 40D – Undertaking with regards to Two (2) copies per PU To be Returned at
Impersonation Form Close of Poll
18 Form EC 40E – Authority to Remove Person Two (2) copies per PU To be Returned at
who Misconducts himself/herself Form Close of Poll
19 Envelopes EC 50A – Miscellaneous Election Two (2) copies per PU To be Returned at
Materials Close of Poll
20 Envelopes EC 50B – Register of Voters One (1) Copy Per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
21 Envelopes EC 50C – Unused Ballot Papers Three (3) Copies Per To be Returned at
PU Close of Poll

2022 Manual for Election Officials 15

22 Envelopes EC 50D – Ballot Paper Account One (1) Copy Per PU To be Returned at
Form Close of Poll
23 Envelopes EC 50E – Counterfoils of Ballot Three (3) Copies Per To be Returned at
Papers PU Close of Poll
24 POSTER EC60A - Notice of Election Poster Three (3) Copies per
25 POSTER EC60B - Notice of List of Candidates Three (3) Copies per
Poster Unit/VP
26 POSTER EC60C - Notice of Nomination Poster Three (3) Copies per
27 POSTER EC60D - Notice of Poll Poster One Hundred (100)
Copies per RA
28 Poster EC60E -

29 Blue Biro Three (3) Pieces Per To be returned at close

Official of Poll
30 Red Biro Two (2) Pieces Per PU To be returned at close
of Poll
31 Black Biro Two pieces Per PU To be returned at close
of Poll
32 Micro Drip Dry Four (4) Pieces Per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
33 Marker Pen One (1) Piece per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
34 Cellotape One (1) Piece per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
35 Masking Tape One (1) Piece per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
36 Twine Rope Two (2) Rolls Per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
37 Liquid Gum One (1) Bottle Per To be Returned at
Polling Unit Close of Poll
38 Election Bag One per SPO &
Collation centre
39 INEC Sticker-Election Duty One Hundred Copies
per RA
40 Presiding Officer Stamp One (1) Piece Per To be Returned at
Polling Unit Close of Poll
41 Asst. Presiding Officer Stamp One (1) Piece Per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
42 Indelible Ink – Marker Pen Four (4) Pieces Per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
43 Drawing/Tack Pins One (1) mini pack per To be Returned at
PU Close
of Poll

44 For Presiding Officers

2022 Manual for Election Officials 16

For Asst. Presiding Officers I

For Asst. Presiding officers II

For Asst. Presiding Officers III

For Supervisory Presiding Officer

For Reg. Area Collation Officer One (1) per Poll
Official per PU To be Returned at
For LGA Collation Officer
Close of Poll
For State Constituency Collation Officer
For RA Level Collation Political Party Agents
ID Cards
45 Seal for Ballot Boxes Eight (8) Pieces per To be Returned at
PU Close of Poll
46 Ballot Box Sticker Six (6) per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
47 Scissors One (1) per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
48 Life Jacket Where applicable
49 Voting Cubicles One (1) per PU To be Returned at
Close of Poll
50 Ballot Box Direction Poster One (1) per PU/VP
51 For Result Sheets
One (1) Per PU x No. To be Returned at
For Used Ballot Papers of Elections Close of Poll

For Result Sheet

2022 Manual for Election Officials 17

52 Seal for Collapsible Ballot Boxes Two (2) Pieces Per PU

53 Dry Cell Batteries Six (6) Pairs X

Rechargeable Lamp
54 Drawing/Tack Pins One (1) Pack Per
Polling Unit
55 Checklist One (1) Per Polling


56 For Presiding Officers

For Asst. Presiding Officers I

One (1) Per Officer To be Returned at
For Asst. Presiding Officers II Close
For Asst. Presiding Officers III
57 Rechargeable/Solar Power Lamp Two (2) per Collation
Centre and Five (5) Per
58 12 Digit Dual Powered Calculator One (1) Per Collation
Seal-For Non-Collapsible Ballot Boxes Four (4) Pieces Per PU

60 Ballot Box with Green Lid
Ballot Box with Black Lid One (1) Per PU
To be Returned at
Ballot Box with Red Lid

61 Canopies One (1) Big Canopy To be Returned at

of Poll
62 Table and Chairs Three (3) Tables & Five To be Returned at
(5) Chairs per PU Close of Poll
63 Assistive Aids One (1) Per PU To be deployed for
specific PU and to be
returned at Close of
64 Electronic Voter Register (EVR) Two (2) Sets of Black To be Returned at
and White Copies) Close of Poll
65 Braille Ballot Guide Where applicable To be Returned at
Close of Poll
66 COVID-19 awareness booklet, kit and One (1) per Election
handout Official
67 Facemask Two (2) per Election
68 Infrared thermometer One (1) per RA
69 Voter Code of Conduct Poster One (1) per PU

2022 Manual for Election Officials 18

2.3.3 Receiving Sensitive Election Materials
The PO shall:
Step 1: Receive sensitive materials for use at the Polling Unit from the SPO at the RAC.
Step 2: Record on Form EC.40A the serial number range of the ballot papers and the total
quantity of ballot papers for each type of election received from the SPO.
Step 3: Check the materials to ensure they are complete and are in the right quantity.

2.3.4 Sensitive Materials Checklist

The following in the box below is the Checklist of Sensitive Materials that the Presiding
Officer will receive at the RAC for the:
(a) Presidential and National Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives) Elections;
(b) Governorship and State Houses of Assembly Elections.


1. Form EC 8A (Presidential) One (1) booklet
2. Form EC.8A (I) (Sen. Election) One (1) booklet
3. Form EC.8A (II) (House of One (1) booklet
Representatives Election)
4. Ballot papers for Presidential Equal the number of registered One (1) booklet
Election voters in the Polling Unit contains 100 leaves
5. Ballot papers for Senatorial Equal the number of registered One (1) booklet
Election voters in the Polling Unit contains 100 leaves
6. Ballot papers for House of Equal the number of registered One (1) booklet
Representatives Election voters in the Polling Unit contains 100 leaves
7 Bimodal Voter Accreditation One (1) piece per PU Spare available with
System the RATECH
8 Electronic Voter Register Two (2) (Coloured Copies) Sets To be Returned at
(EVR) of Close of Poll

1. Form EC.8A One (1) booklet

(Governorship Election)
2. Form EC.8A (1) (House One (1) booklet
Assembly Election)
3. Ballot papers for Equal the number of registered One (1) booklet
Governorship Election voters in the Polling Unit contains 100 leaves
4. Ballot papers for House of Equal the number of registered One (1) booklet
Assembly Election voters in the Polling Unit contains 100 leaves
5. Bimodal Voter Accreditation One (1) piece Per PU Spare available with
System the RATECH
6. Electronic Voter Register Two (2) Sets of Coloured To be Returned at
(EVR) Copies) Close of Poll

2022 Manual for Election Officials 19

2.3.5 Customization and Colour Coding of Balloting Instruments
The PO shall note that balloting instruments may be customised in the following manner:
i. Ballot Boxes -------------------- Unique coding
ii. Ballot Papers ------------------- Specific to LGAs/Area Councils
iii. Result Sheets (EC.8Series) ------------------ Specific to PUs, RAs, LGAs/Area
Councils and Constituencies

2.3.6 Polling Unit Booklet

This is a compendium of election forms. The Presiding Officer is expected to fill the Forms in
the Booklet and submit same to the Supervisory Presiding Officer at the end of each election.
The booklet contains the following:
(a) Readiness Check;
(b) Form EC 25 B: Electoral Material Receipt/Reverse Logistics;
(c) Form EC 40 A: Ballot Paper Account and Verification Statement;
(d) Form EC 40 B: Statement of Rejected and Spoilt Ballot;
(e) Form EC 40 C: Statement of Used and Unused Ballot Papers;
(f) Polling Unit Staff Details;
(g) Political Party Agents Attendance Register;
(h) Security Personnel Register;
(i) Accredited Attendees (Media/Observers);
(j) Information on PWDs (Summary); and
(k) Declaration by Presiding Officer Sheet.

2.4.0 Permanent Voter Card (PVC)

2.4.1 Sample Copy of Permanent Voter Card
Below is a sample of the Permanent Voter Card showing the Front and Back views:

Sample PVC

2.4.2 Features of PVC

The card has the following features:
(a) PU Code (1)
(b) Voter’s image (2)
(c) VIN (Voter Identification Number) (3)

2022 Manual for Election Officials 20

(d) Delimitation (4)
(e) Voter’s Name (5)
(f) Voter’s Date of birth (6)
(g) Voter’s Gender (7)
(h) Voter’s Occupation (8)
(i) Voter’s Address (9)
(j) Barcode (1D containing the VIN) (10)
(k) QR code (2D containing the information of the VIN, delimitation, address) (11)
(l) Card Serial Number (12)
(m) Last Name, VIN of the voter and Date of registration (13)
(n) Batch Number (14)
(o) Voter fingerprints indicator (15)

2.4.3 Functions of the PVC

(a) It is the only form of identification for voting; and
(b) It serves as acknowledgement that the voter is duly registered.

2.5. Understanding The Electronic Voter Register (EVR)

The Electronic Voter Register (EVR) is a compilation of names of all eligible voters, on
Polling Unit Basis.

2.5.1: Sample Page of the EVR

2022 Manual for Election Officials 21

2.5.2 Features of the EVR
(a) Delimitation data;
(b) Photograph;
(c) Name (Surname First);
(d) VIN - Voter Identification Number;
(e) QR code;
(f) Year of Birth;
(g) Occupation;
(h) Gender;
(i) Thumbprint box;
(j) Mobile Number box; and
(k) Election Type checkboxes
(i) P/NA: Presidential/National Assembly;
(ii) G/HA: Governorship/House of Assembly;
(iii) ACE: Area Council Elections;
(iv) RPRE: Presidential Runoff; and
(v) RGOV: Governorship Runoff.

2.5.3 Functions of the EVR

The authentic register of voters used for safe keeping of the names and delimitation data of
eligible voters by States, Local Government Level, Wards and Polling Units for easy retrieval
when needed.

2.6.0 Technological Devices for PWDs

The Commission has made available some technological devices and systems for the inclusion
of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in electoral and political processes and they include:


Magnifying glass- to Hold handle, place ballot
make the symbols/ paper underneath to enable
1 Albinism alphabets (ballot paper) the enable the person with
bold Albinism or low vision cast
an informed vote
In the absence of a sign Once the Presiding Officer
Language interpreter,notices a person with
poster EC30PWD ‘the hearing impairment/deaf,
written instruction’ he/she should be allowed to
should be pasted in all come to the front of the cue
2 Hearing impairment Polling Unit, it has to be attended to
pictorials to enable the
hearing impaired/deaf
follow the polling
procedures on Election
Ramps and rails make This device is placed across
3 Physical impairment
mobility easier. slightly elevated surfaces to

2022 Manual for Election Officials 22

allow Persons with
disabilities (PWDs) access
Polling Units
Persons with Visual
impairment that can read
Braille should be given the
Braille is used for Braille Ballot Guide to cast
4 Visual impairment persons with visual his/her vote or is the person
impairment. cannot read braille he/she
should be allowed to be
assisted by a person he/she
brought from home to assist
Persons with spinal cord Such persons should be
injury can perform all quickly attended to if
5 Spinal cord injury activities but due to their identified.
condition, they cannot
stand or sit for long hours.
This form is used to Presiding Officers should
capture the disaggregated ensure that the
Form EC40H data of Persons with disaggregated data of PWDs
Disabilities who voted are captured.

2.7.0 Overview of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS)

2.7.1 What is BVAS?

The INEC Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) is a system that allows for voter authentication
using fingerprint and facial recognition technology. The BVAS comprises of software and hardware
components. It is also used to scan and upload PU result sheet which will be visible to the public on the
INEC Result Viewing (IReV) Portal: www.inecelectionresults.ng

2.7.2 Features of the BVAS

(a) Hardware Component: The hardware component of the BVAS has the following

1 3 7 11
45 9

Fig. 12: Bimodal Voter Accreditation System - Used for Voter Accreditation

2022 Manual for Election Officials 23

1. Fingerprint Scanner 7. Microphone
2. Front Camera 8. Volume Button Up/Down button
3. Touch Screen 9. USB Type A port
4. Back Camera 10. USB Type C port
5. LED Flash 11. Speaker &
12. SIM Card & SD Card slots and Device Battery enclosedwithin
6. Power Button the Back Cover
Features of the BVAS corresponding to the numbering in the figures A - D.


(b) Software component: The BVAS runs on Android OS with the relevant software for the
various functions it is designed to perform installed.

2.7.3 Functions of the BVAS

(a) The BVAS is used during accreditation, to verify a voter’s PVC by scanning the Barcode
on the PVC or QR code on the voter register or using the last six (6) digits of the VIN
or using the last name of the voter;
(b) Authenticates the bearer of the Card as the legitimate owner of the PVC by either
fingerprint or facial matching; and
(c) Scan and upload Polling Unit (PU) Result sheet which will be visible on the IReV portal.

2.7.4 Packing and Unpacking of BVAS

The BVAS is usually stored in a box with its accessories. While unpacking the BVAS,
confirm the following components are contained in the box:
(a) USB cables (USB Type A, C and mini-USB);
(b) Charging Adapter;
(c) Keyboard;
(d) The BVAS; and
(e) Power Bank.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 24

At the end of Polls, ensure that all components listed above are appropriately packed into the

2.7.5 Charging the BVAS

(a) Plug in the USB Type-C cable into the appropriate port on the BVAS and plug the
other end of the cable to the Charging Adapter or Power Bank;
(b) If you are using the Charging Adapter, it needs to be plugged to the mains supply
socket; and
(c) The Charging status/percentage will be seen to be displayed alongside the battery icon
on the screen of the device.

2.9.0 Use of The BVAS for Verification and Authentication

2.9.1 Power the BVAS “On/Off”

(a) To turn ‘On’ the BVAS: press and hold the power button for about 3-4seconds; and
(b) To turn ‘Off’ the BVAS: press and hold the power button for about 3-4 seconds: this
displays 3 options on the screen of the device; then tap on the ‘Power Off ’button

2.9.2 Login to the BVAS Software

Step1: Switch on the device and launch the INEC BVAS Application to get the
dashboard below:


Step 2: Enter the username and password on the BVAS login screen and tap
on the LOGIN button (At this point, the system immediately activates
the device camera and prompts the operator to capture his/her face);

Step 3: Capture photo of your face to login.

Upon successful Login, the Dashboard is displayed as seen in fig. 15 below:

2022 Manual for Election Officials 25

Fig.15: BVAS Application Dashboard
2.8.3 Use of BVAS for Accreditation
Tap on the ELECTION button on the BVAS dashboard shown in fig. 15 to
proceed to the Election Dashboard (Fig. 16): Elections Dashboard displaying
options to begin Voter Accreditation, information on Device Configuration
(i.e. PU information), Total number of Registered Voters and Total number
of Accredited Voters as Shown below:

Fig. 16: Election Dashboard

2022 Manual for Election Officials 26

2.8.4 Use of BVAS for Verification
The APO I shall:

Step 1: Collect the PVC from the Voter;

Step 2: Type-in the Voter’s Last name in the field provided; OR
Enter the Last Six digits of the Voter’s VIN in the field provided; OR
Click on the Bar/QR code scanner button on the ELECTIONS dashboard to scan
the Bar code on the PVC or the QR code on the Register of Voters. This leads to the
Accreditation Dashboard (Fig. 17) below:

Fig. 17: Searching for a voter information

Step 3: Click on the ‘ACCREDITATION’ button to verify the voter. The Voter’s
information is displayed (Fig 18) as below:

Fig. 18: Verifying a voter

If a voter is duly registered i n t h e PU, his/her information will be displayed as

above and is thus verified.
2022 Manual for Election Officials 27
2.8.5 Use of BVAS for Authentication
The APO I shall:

Step 1: Clean the BVAS with the prescribed disinfectant wipes after every use;
Step 2: Click on the voter’s image displayed on the screen of the BVAS as shown in fig above
and then click ‘VERIFY’ to initiate the authentication process. Two options are
available for voter’s authentication (fingerprint or facial authentication), as seen in fig.
19 below;
(i) To Verify Fingerprint: This option activates the Fingerprintscanner (on some devices,
it prompts to allow access to fingerprint scanner first) in readiness to authenticate the
fingerprint of the voter. Click on the Verify Fingerprint icon to activate the fingerprint
scanner (Click ‘OK’ if prompted to allow access) and request thevoter to place his/her
finger on the fingerprint window on the BVAS to authenticate the voter. If it fails, re-
click Verify fingerprint to re-attempt. If it fails after 3 attempts, use the ‘Verify Photo’
option to authenticate using the facial of the voter;

(ii) To Verify Photo: This option activates the device camera to capture a photo of the
voter for facial authentication. Click on the Verify Photo icon to launch the Camera
and capture a passport photo of the voter (preferably a smiling face). The BVAS will
automatically compare the captured photo with the voter’s photo on the BVAS and
will return a verification successful message if it successfully authenticates (Figure
XX). Click ‘Return’ to continue.

Step 3: Click ‘Accredit another’ (Figure X and X) to return to the dashboard and continue
with the next voter on the queue. The Accredited voters increments as more voters
are successfully accredited. Figure XX

Fig. 19: Options for Authentication using Photo or Fingerprints of a Voter

2022 Manual for Election Officials 28

Prompt to allow access to fingerprint scanner

Fig. 20: A successful fingerprint authentication

2022 Manual for Election Officials 29

Fig. 21: A failed attempt of fingerprint authentication

Figure 22: A successful Facial authentication

2022 Manual for Election Officials 30

Figure 23: Confirmation of a successful facial authentication

Fig.25: BVAS Dashboard displaying Total number of accredited voters. Notice that
accredited voters has changed from 0 to 1 after a successful accreditation.

2.8.6 Use of BVAS for Export of Accreditation Data

At the end of accreditation and voting, the accreditation data is uploaded to the INEC backend.
This requires availability of a data service which is usually provided by the SIM inserted in the
BVAS. The Export Data tab under the Elections tab on the BVAS application’s Home Screen
is used to upload all accreditation data to the INEC backend.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 31


Fig.23: Transmitting/Uploading Accreditation data to the INEC backend.

Step 1: Click on EXPORT DATA in fig. 23A to upload the accreditation data.
Step 2: Select Network on the pop-up to upload to the INEC backend as shown in Fig. 23B
Step 3: Wait for the data to upload to 100% as shown on Figs. 23 C. Click on CONTINUE
on Fig 23 D to complete the process.


Fig. 24: LOGOUT- Tap on the LOGOUT button to exit the BVAS application.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 32

2.9.0 Electronic Transmission/Upload of Election Result and Publishing to The INEC
Result Verification (IReV) Portal

At the completion of polls, the presiding officer (PO) completes, signs, dates and stamps the
Polling Unit (PU) result sheet(s). These results are then scanned and uploaded to a centralised
database using the BVAS device. The results will then be published to the IReV after it has
been validated at the RA Collation Centre by the RATechSS on approval of the result by the
Collation Officer.

2.9.1 Election Result Upload

To scan and upload the result sheet(s) at the PU, the PO shall follow the following steps:

Step 1:Launch the Chrome browser on the BVAS device

Fig 25: Results Upload Screen

Step 2: Enter the URL: http://upload-live.inecelectionresults.ng in the address bar of the

browser to launch the result upload portal;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 33

Step3: Enter the unique login details (username and password) provided for the PU. Note that,
this is different from the login for the BVAS application and is unique for every PU;

Step 4: Select “Upload document” on the Election type you want to upload. There
may be more than one Election type depending on the Election(s) taking
place on the day of Election;

Step 5: Click “Choose File” and select “Camera” to scan/snap the completed result
sheet for the Election type to be uploaded. Scan the result sheet as shown in
Fig. XXX

2022 Manual for Election Officials 34

2022 Manual for Election Officials 35
Step 6: Select the 2 checkboxes to confirm that the election details are correct and
that the result sheet selected is correct and click “Upload Signed Result
Sheet” to upload the result sheet to the central database.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 36

Step 7: The uploaded result sheet will be uploaded and awaiting Validation by the RATechSS
and a message informing the PO to contact the Collation Officer for Validation of the
uploaded result is displayed.

2.9.2 INEC Result Viewing (IReV) Portal

The validated PU result(s) sheet(s) uploaded by the PO will be available for public view on the
web address https://www.inecelectionresults.ng. The portal is accessible anywhere by the
public. An account is required to be created by users to access the uploaded contents on the

2022 Manual for Election Officials 37



3.2.0 Preparing for the Polls
3.1.1 Locating the Polling Unit
The Supervisory Presiding Officer (SPO) and the Registration Area (RA) Supervisors shall,
at least two days before polling day, visit the location of the Polling Units under their
supervision to:
(a) Identify the most suitable layout for the Polling Units; and
(b) Make arrangement for tables and chairs to be used at the Polling Units on Election Day

3.1.7 Registration Area Centres (RACs)/Super Registration Area Centres (Super

(a) What are RACs and Super RACs ?
RACs are designated locations at every Registration Area (RA), where Poll Officials and
election materials are camped overnight for easy and timely movement to Polling Units on
Election Day. A Super RAC is a collection of two or more RAs located in a centre.

(b) Where are RACs/Super RACs Located ?

RACs are usually located at public buildings such as schools, town halls and other government-
owned buildings within the area which is central, or relatively central within the Registration
Area. RACs/Super RACs are activated with the necessary facilities and RAC items for use by
Poll Officials. Poll Officials shall arrive at the RACs/Super RACs no later than 4.00pm on the
eve of Election, in order to be close to their Polling Units.

(c) Layout of RACs

2022 Manual for Election Officials 38

3.1.3 The Election Monitoring and Support Centre (EMSC)
The Commission established the EMSC as a coordinating Centre for the Election Management
System (EMS), Election Risk Management (ERM) and Electoral Operations Support Centre
(EOSC). Its purpose is to effectively track and monitor critical pre-election, election and post-
election processes. The EMSC framework provides the Commission with 360-degree visibility
on critical electoral processes and activities that assist to identify threats/risks, compliance
monitoring, assessment of election readiness and performance evaluation. It also serves as an
early warning system on Election Day processes and activities. The Centre maintains contact
in a coordinated manner with all Election Officials, monitors timely compliance; harvests and
log reports as well as takes appropriate action(s) on all adverse incidents identified. On Election
Day, Election Officials, especially Supervisory Presiding Officers (SPOs) and Presiding
Officers (POs) would be contacted on their mobile phones to give situation reports on the
polling process.

The Centre has national operational structure, having secretariats in the 36 INEC State Offices,
including the FCT. Trained focal Desk Officers (DOs) for the EMS, ERM and EOSC, known
as EMSC Desk Officers, have the following responsibilities:

(a) EMS DO
(ii) Monitors the EMSC dashboard;
(iii) Uses provided reporting and communication tools to facilitate data collection;
(iv) Uses the reporting formats for EPP Calendar of Activities, Green, Amber, Red Zone to
prepare report in line with the reporting periods;
(v) Ensures validation of reports by task owners;
(vi) Transmits and uploads reports to HQ EMSC Secretariat, as directed by the REC or
Administrative Secretary; and
(vii) Functions as Secretary to the EMSC State Secretariat.

(b) ERM DO
(i) Monitors ERM state indicators for internal and external threats/risks;
(ii) Liaises with ICCES and CSOs to gather threats/risks data;
(iii) Prepares reports on threats/risks for Green, Amber and Red Zones; and
(iv) Ensures available threats/risks reports for Green, Amber and Red Zones reporting periods
are uploaded to the dashboard.

(i) Monitors EMSC Red Zone activity schedules;
(ii) Receives data from the EOSC in the standard format and updates the dashboard with
threat and compliance indicators on RAC Activity, Continuous Accreditation and Voting
and Collation using the standard format; and
(iii) Prepares and submits summary reports on RAC Activity, Continuous Accreditation and
Voting as well as Collation using the standard format.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 39

(d) ICT and VEP DO, INEC Citizens Contact Centre (ICCC) and other Services
(i) Monitors, verifies and Supports Pre-Election, Election-Day and Post-Election activities
through calls from citizens and electoral officials;
(ii) Monitors and responds to social media live streaming;
(iii) Displays accreditation data during election at Situation Control Room; and
(iv) Displays INEC Result Viewing Portal (IReV) at Situation Control Room.

3.1.4 Handling Persons with Disabilities

(a) Introduction
(i) What is Disability?
“Disabilities are a social consequence of impairments (such as deafness, paralysis,
albinism or blindness)”. Therefore, disability can be said to be the outcome of interaction
between the impaired individual, the society and the environment.

(ii) Types of Disabilities

There are various types of disabilities. They include:
➢ Albinism;
➢ Hearing impairment;
➢ Physical impairment;
➢ Intellectual impairment;
➢ Visual impairment; and
➢ Persons affected by leprosy etc.

(b) Best practices towards the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in electoral and
political processes
The inclusion of persons with disabilities in the electoral and political processes must be done
holistically from the time of registration to accreditation and actual voting:

(i) Presiding Officer’s should ensure that the election environment can easily be accessed
by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to participate in the process by making sure that
accreditation desks, ballot box and voting cubicles are placed on level ground to for essay
accessibility of the Polling Unit by PWDs especially those on wheelchair as well as those
with low mobility;

(ii) Understand who a person with disability is and the different types of disabilities;

(iii) Presiding officers should endeavor to paste the written instructions (Poster EC30PWD)
at the Polling Unit to ensure that persons with hearing impairment/deaf are able to follow
through the voting procedures;

(iv) It is necessary to understand that most persons with hearing impairment are hard to
identify. Conscious effort should be made by PO to identify and allow these people vote.
This can be done by making general announcement prior to the commencement of the
process for these persons to be identified;

(v) POs should ensure the secrecy of the ballot especially for visually impaired/blind voters,
every vote cast by a blind or visually impaired person should be properly guided and
submitted appropriately to avoid cancellation of such ballot paper;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 40

(vi) Presiding Officers should remember to fill the form EC40H to ensure that disaggregated
data of PWDs who voted are captured appropriately;

(vii) Ensure that PWDs are identified and given priority during Registration or voting in
accordance with Commissions policies;

(viii) Presiding Officers should ensure that visually impaired persons who can read Braille are
given the Braille Ballot Guide to cast their vote when provided; and

(ix) A Person with Albinism or visually impaired should be given the magnifying glass to
enable to enable them cast an independent vote.

(c) Correct way to mark a ballot by the Visually Impaired Persons (VIPs)

(i) First Option (Assisted VIP)

➢ VIPs who cannot vote independently are allowed to bring a person of their choice from
home to assist him/her in casting a ballot. NOTE INEC official or Political Party
Agents are not allowed to help a VIP cast a ballot;
➢ After verification and authentication of your Permanent Voter Card (PVC), by the
INEC Official to ensure it belongs to the VIP, the INEC Official will stamp the back of
the ballot paper and endorse signature and hand the ballot over to the VIP;
➢ Indelible Ink will be marked on the cuticle of the VIP finger as proof that the VIP has
➢ The VIP will then proceed to the voting cubicle to cast his/her ballot for the Political
Party of his/her choice; and
➢ After casting the ballot, the VIP will drop the ballot paper in the ballot box.

(ii) Second Option (Voting Independently)

➢ After verification and authentication of your the Permanent Voter Card (PVC) by the
INEC Official to ensure it belongs to the VIP, the INEC Official will stamp the back of
the ballot paper and endorse signature;
➢ The INEC Official will insert the ballot paper into the Braille Ballot Guide and give to
the Visually Impaired Person (VIP);
➢ Indelible Ink will be marked on the cuticle of the VIP finger as proof that he/she has
voted; and
➢ The VIP will proceed to the Voting Cubicle, then use one finger to trace the acronym
of the Political Party of his/her choice and use the other finger to stain with the stamp
pad and neatly thumbprint on the perforated area of the Braille Ballot Guide for his/her
preferred Political Party.

(d) Voting by the Visually Impaired Persons/Blind voters (VIBs)

(i) The PO shall allow a voter who is visually impaired or with other forms of
disability, who is unable to distinguish symbols or who has any other physical
disability to be accompanied into the Polling Unit and be assisted to vote by a
person chosen by him/her, other than an Election Official, a Polling Agent or a

2022 Manual for Election Officials 41

security personnel on election duty;

(ii) Visually Impaired registered voters may, where available, use the Braille Ballot
Guide or magnifying glass; and

(iii) No person shall accompany a voter to the voting area or assist a voter in marking a
ballot paper, except as specified d(i) above.

NOTE 9: Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), visibly pregnant women, nursing

mothers and the aged shall be given priority access to voting at the Polling Units

3.1.5 Voting by IDP

For ease of operations, IDPs that will participate in elections should be identified
and classified on the basis of location namely, Intrastate (internally displaced
persons within the state) and Interstate IDPs (internally displaced but hosted in
another state).
(a) Election category:
Intrastate IDPs shall participate in all election categories when and where
applicable, while interstate IDPs shall only participate in presidential elections in
order to limit the challenges associated with suspicion over transmission of results
across state borders and constituency boundaries.

(b) Voting by PWDs and Priority Access

Deliberate effort shall be made to implement special arrangement to aid Persons
living with disabilities, visibly pregnant women, nursing mothers or breast-
feeding mothers and the elderly and grant them priority access to voting centres.
The PWDs shall make use of Assistive voting devices where available.

(c) IDPs Delimitation Details and Voting Centres

States and FCT are required to organize IDP voting information and identify IDP
voting centres. Voting centres may be located at IDP camps or at centralized
locations outside IDP camps. No duplication of Polling Units within and across
state boundaries.

(d) Election Day Activities

Voting procedures
Voting at designated IDP voting centre is strictly by the use of Permanent Voters
card (PVC). No voting by proxy. BVAS must be configured to PU level ONLY.
Voting for IDPs will be conducted on PU basis. Where deemed required,
2022 Manual for Election Officials 42
additional units of BVAS may be deployed to a PU to manage congestion.
(e) Accreditation and Voting
The voting procedure shall be strictly in accordance with Continuous
Accreditation and Voting System (CAVS) procedures stipulated in the Manual
for Election Officials.


(a) The Presiding Officer shall allow a voter who is visually impaired or is unable to distinguish symbols
or who suffers from any other physical disability:
(i) To be accompanied into the Polling Unit and be assisted to vote by a person chosen by him/her, other
than an election official, polling agent, or security personnel, on election duty; and
(ii) Where available, visually impaired/blind registered voters may use the Braille Ballot Guide or
magnifying glass.
(b) PWDs, Visibly Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers and Elderly Persons shall be granted priority
access to voting at the PUs.

NOTE 10:
(i) No voting by proxy.
(ii) No IDP shall be accredited to vote at any PU other than the one to which
he/she is assigned based on the PVC; has his/her name in the registers of
voters; he or she presents his/her PVC; his/her identity verified by the
BVAS or as otherwise determined by the Commission.
(iii) All other polling procedures: close of poll at the PUs, sorting and Counting
of ballots; Recording of Votes on EC8A series, Export data, pack-up and
reverse logistics etc shall be as specified in the current edition of Manual
for Election Officials.

(f) Collation and Declaration of Result

Election results (EC8A series) from IDPs voting centre shall be transported to the
RA collation centre for that ward/RA. The Result collation procedures and
processes for all levels of collation as detailed in the Manual for Election
Officials shall be followed be it (RA/LGA/state & Federal Constituency etc) for
all election type (State House of Assembly, National Assembly, Governorship
and Presidential elections).

3.2.0 Setting Up Procedure

3.2.4 Setting up the Polling Unit

To set up the Polling Unit on Election Day, the PO with his/her polling team shall at 8:00am
Step 1: Remove all campaign materials, if any, from the Polling Unit;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 43

Step 2: Hang up posters such as: Polling Zone, Polling Unit, Voting in Progress, PWD
Poster, Voter Code of Conduct Poster etc;
Step 3: Set up the layout of the PU in accordance with approved layout on Page 26,
using the twine (rope) provided;
Step 4: Arrange the tables and chairs to facilitate easy access for the voters and in line with
the Commission’s approved format illustrated in this manual on page 26;
Step 5: Set up the voting cubicle in such a way that the voter can mark his/her ballot
paper(s) in secure manner. Place the Ballot Box not more than two (2) meters away
from the voting cubicle in the direction of the Presiding Officer and away from the
Polling Agents;
Step 6: Place one stamp pad in the voting cubicle for use by the voter to thumb-print the
ballot paper(s);
Step 7: Place the Register of Voters, Indelible Ink and Biro on Table one (1) for use by the
Assistant Presiding Officer (APO II);
Step 8: Place INEC stamp, stamp pad, biro and assistive aids on Table two (2) for use
by the PO;
Step 9: Check the Bimodal Voter Accreditation Systems (BVAS) for operational
Step10: Display the BVAS to all persons present at the Polling Unit to ascertain that total
accreditation indicates zero (0) on the dashboard;
Step11: Open the ballot box and display it in the full view of all persons present at the
Polling Unit, to show that the ballot box is empty;
Step 12: Lock the ballot box with the seal provided and place it in not more than two (2)
meters away from the voting cubicle in the direction of the Presiding Officer and
away from the Polling Agents; and
Step 13: Allow the accredited Polling Agents, Observers and Journalists to enter the Polling
Unit and sign the attendance Register in the Polling Unit Booklet.

NOTE 11:
Where there are no Polling Agents or Observers present, the Poll Officials shall go ahead with
the steps above.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 44

3.2.5 Accreditation and Voting at Appropriate Polling Unit
(a) Voting shall be in accordance with the Continuous Accreditation and Voting System
(CAVS) procedures.
(b) No person shall be accredited to vote at any Polling Unit other than the one to which
he/she chooses or is assigned; has his/her name in the register of voters; he/she presents
his/her valid Permanent Voter’s Card; his/her identity verified by the Bimodal Voter
Accreditation System (BVAS), or as otherwise determined by the Commission
(c) No voter shall cast his/her vote other than by being physically present at the Polling
Unit, in the manner prescribed by the Commission and as elaborated in this manual.
(d) The Presiding Officer shall regulate the admission of voters into the Polling Unit and
shall exclude all other persons; except candidates or their Polling Agents, other poll and
election officials, security officials, accredited observers and accredited journalists.
(e) In accordance with Section 47 (2) of the Electoral Act, 2022 a person intending to vote
shall be verified to be the same person on the Register of Voters by the use of the
Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) or any other device, in the manner
prescribed by the Commission.
(f) Any poll official who fails to verify voters in the manner prescribed by the Commission
shall be deemed to be guilty of dereliction of duty and shall be liable to prosecution.

3.3.0 Polling Procedure

3.3.1 Accreditation and Voting
The polling procedure to be used in this election requires a prospective voter to cast his/her
2022 Manual for Election Officials 45
vote immediately after being accredited. Accreditation is a process of ascertaining that a voter’s
name is in the Register of Voters in a particular Polling Unit where he/she registered to vote in
an election.

On Election Day, accreditation and voting shall commence at 8.30am and close at 2:30pm or
as maybe determined by the Commission, provided that all voters already on the queue by
2:30pm shall be allowed to accredited and vote.

The accreditation process shall comprise of:

(a) Checking the Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) of the voter;
(b) Positive identification of the voter in the BVAS;
(c) Authentication of the voter by matching his/her fingerprints or face (facial recognition)
using the BVAS;
(d) Positive identification of the voter in the Register of Voters;
(e) Completing Forms EC40(I)-PWD Voter Information and Statistics;
(f) Inking of the cuticle of the finger of the voter (where applicable); and
(g) Arranging priority voters’ line for pregnant women, nursing or breast-feeding mothers,
aged persons and persons with physical disabilities.

3.3.2 Opening of Polls

At 7:00am or at a time prescribed by the Commission:

(a) The Presiding Officer Shall:

Step 1: Arrange tables and chairs in line with the Polling Unit layout on page 24 45;
Step 2: Remove all campaign materials pasted within the Polling Unit and paste relevant
EC 30 series posters, conspicuously, at the Polling Unit;
Step 3: Ensure that all poll officials (PO, APO I, II and III) properly sanitise their hands
with the alcohol-based hand sanitiser provided;
Step 4: At 8:00am or at a time prescribed by the Commission introduce himself/herself, the
Poll Officials, Polling Agents and Accredited Observers present and cross-check
the adequacy of electoral materials;
Step 5: He/She shall invite Polling Agents to observe the electoral materials to be used for
Step 6: He/she shall record the quantity, serial numbers, and other particulars of the
sensitive materials in the prescribed forms for the conduct of the election;
Step 7: Between 8:00am to 8:30am or at a time prescribed by the Commission the PO shall:
(a) open and display the empty ballot box and the BVAS to persons present at the
Polling Unit, and then close and seal the ballot box in amanner prescribed by the
(b) Explain the accreditation and voting procedures to all present;
(c) Separate the queue between men and women, where the culture does not allow the
mingling of the genders;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 46

(d) Create a separate queue for PWDs, visibly pregnant and the aged;
(e) Request the APO III or any other official to read out loudly the Voters Code of
Conduct (VCC) at the outer voting area and paste VCC Poster conspicuously at the
Polling Unit;
(f) Allow voters into the Polling Unit in an orderly queue; and
(g) Declare the Polling Unit open for accreditation and voting.

NOTE 12:
In introducing the Poll Officials and explaining the Polling Procedure, the Presiding Officer
shall call the voters together and request the APO III to read out loudly the following Voters’
Code of Conduct in a firm and polite manner as follows:

1. Good morning, everyone. My name is ......…………………………………….

2. With me are my colleagues (mention their names and positions)

3. Please listen to the following instructions carefully.

4. We are about to commence polling now, as it is already 8:30am and we shall end at

5. This is the ballot box(es) that will be used for the election. As you can see, it is empty
(Display it to the crowd and close and seal the box(es)

6. Also, this is the BVAS which is devoid of any previous data (Display it to them as well)

7. There shall be two queues (an outer queue and an inner queue). The inner queue is in the
voting area while the outer queue is in the waiting area for people who have come to
vote. (At this point, the APO III shall bring voters into the inner queue in manageable

8. Any registered voter who joins the queue before or at 2:30p.m. would be accredited to
vote. However, any voter who comes after 2:30p.m. would not be allowed to join the
queue to vote.

9. The voting process is a continuous accreditation and voting system, i.e., as you are being
accredited, you proceed to vote immediately.

10. If your name is not in the Register of Voters and you do not have a Permanent Voters
Card (PVC) you will not be accredited to vote.

11. If the BVAS does not read your PVC, you will not be accredited to vote.

12. If in process of accreditation the BVAS does not recognise any of your fingers, do not
panic, facial recognition can be used to verify and accredit you to vote, after which you
will be issued with a stamped, signed and dated ballot paper.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 47

13. Please cross-check that the ballot given to you has the details above, otherwise, your vote
would be rejected.

14. When casting your vote, make sure that you thumb print in only one box of your chosen

15. Please check your PVC to make sure you are in the right PU, if it is not, please, you are
advised to go to your appropriate polling unit.

16. All COVID-19 protocols as issued by the NCDC shall be observed in this PU. The use of
unbranded face masks is what is acceptable here. Make yourself available for temperature
checks and also, 2-meter distancing between voters must be maintained. If a person is
showing symptoms, he/she will be politely requested to leave the queue or voting area and
shall be attended to by the designated officials.

17. Do not take your phones or any photographic device into the voting cubicle.

18. Do not show your vote to anyone and do not accept money for your vote.

19. Fold ballot paper vertically inward after thumb printing, flatten and slide in to the ballot
box. This is to ensure that your thumbprint does not smear on another party and render your
vote invalid and to ensure the secrecy of your choice.

20. Please cooperate with us so we can complete this exercise in good time. Obey all directives
issued by election officials, including security officials and be orderly at all time. INEC
shall not tolerate assault of any election official and you may be protected for doing so.

21. Now, let us form the designated queues and remain orderly as we commence the process. A
queue for PWDs , visibly pregnant women, nursing mother and aged) these category of
people will be given priority access before others.

22. I hereby declare the Polling Unit open for accreditation and voting.

NOTE 13:
i) Any person without a face mask shall be requested to leave the voting area.
ii) Social distancing of two (2) metres, that is six (6) feet, shall be maintained by
everyone present at the Polling Unit
iii) Separate the queue between men and women, where religion or culture does not allow
the mingling of men and women.
iv) Provide a separate queue for the PWDs, pregnant women, nursing mother, and the
aged. This category of voters shall be granted priority access to voting at the Polling

2022 Manual for Election Officials 48

(b) The APO III (Queue Controller and PVC Check)
The voter shall present himself/herself to APO (III) who shall:
Step 1: Request for the PVC from the voter;
Step 2: Determine that he/she is at the correct Polling Unit;
Step 3: Upon inspection of the PVC held by the voter, if the APO III discovers that the PVC
is not for the Polling Unit, the APO III will advise the voter to proceed to the
appropriate Polling Unit; and
Step 4: Confirm that the voter has not voted anywhere by inspecting the cuticle of the
fingernails, and if satisfied, direct the voter to the APOI

(c) The APO I (Verification) Shall:

Step 1: Clean the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System with disinfectant wipes after every
Step 2: Request for the PVC from the voter;
Step 3: Call up the voter’s data on the BVAS by reading the bar code on the back of the
PVC or reading the QR code against the name of the voter in the Register of Voters
or entering the last six digits of the Voter Identification Number (VIN) of the
voter into the BVAS or searching the BVAS with the surname of the voter;
Step 4: On appearance of the voter’s data on the BVAS, the APO I shall ascertain that the
photograph on the PVC is that of the voter and that the Polling Unit details
correspond with those of the Polling Unit; and
Step 5: Request the voter to place the appropriate finger in the place provided on the BVAS
for authentication or, if this fails, capture the photo of the face of the voter with the
BVAS to match the face of the voter to the picture in the BVAS using the device’s
facial recognition facility.
Step 6: If the fingerprint or face of the voter matches, request the voter to proceed to APO

NOTE 14:
i. Verification means that the voter’s information is found on the BVAS.
ii. Authentication means that a finger-print or face of the voter matches his/her
biometrics on the BVAS.
iii. Appropriate finger refers to any of the fingers of the voter captured during Voter
iv. Where the voter has no fingers but she/he has been accredited facially by the BVAS,
he/she shall continue with the voting process.
v. Where the BVAS cannot authenticate the finger-print or the facials, the voter will not
be allowed to vote.

(d) APO II (Register Check, Inking and Statistics)

The verified voter shall then present himself/herself to the APO II who shall:
Step 1: Request for the PVC of the voter;
Step 2: Check the Register of Voters to confirm that the voter’s name, details and VIN are
2022 Manual for Election Officials 49
as contained in the Register of Voters;
Step 3: Tick the appropriate horizontal boxes below the voter’s details on the Register,
showing the category of election, and that the person's name is on the Register of
Step 4 Provide voters with disability the appropriate voting assistive material, where
available, according to their respective disability status;
Step 5: Document the status of the voter; if the voter is a PWD by completing the PWD
Form EC 40H as prescribed; and
Step 6: Apply indelible ink to the cuticle of the finger to indicate that the voter has been
accredited to vote in that election as explained below:
How to apply the indelible ink:The indelible ink must be applied on the cuticle of
the appropriate thumb / finger of the voter’s hand according to the type of election,
(i.e., in the case of General Elections it would be applied to any of the applicable
five fingers of a voter, but in the case of Stand-alone Elections, it would be applied
to the left thumb of a voter).

The PO (Ballot Issuance and Overseer)

The accredited voter shall proceed to the PO who shall:
Step 1: Check the cuticle of the appropriate finger/thumb-nail of the voter to confirm that
he/she has been accredited;
Step 2: On being satisfied that the person before him/her has been duly accredited, stamp,
sign and write the date of the election on the back of theWRONG
ballot INKING
paper(s) for the
respective categories of elections;
Step 3: Fold vertically inwards and flatten the ballot paper(s);
Step 4: Issue the pre-folded and endorsed ballot paper(s) to the voter;
Step 5: Request the voter to remove his/her cell phone or any photographic device in his/her
possession before proceeding to voting cubicle;
Step 6: Direct the voter to the voting cubicle to mark his/her choice on the ballot paper;
Step 7: Ensure that the voting cubicle and ballot box are accessible for PWD to
independently complete the voting process; and
Step 7: Ensure that the voter deposits the thumb-printed ballot paper in the appropriate
ballot box.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 50

NOTE 15:
Where the voter is a Visually Impaired Personality (VIP), the PO shall provide him/her the
Braille Ballot Guide or magnifying glass, as the case may be and allow the voter who is
virtually impaired or with other forms of disability, who is unable to distinguish symbols
or who has any other physical disability to be accompanied into the Polling Unit and be
assisted to vote by a person chosen by him/her other than an Election Official, a polling
agent or a security personnel on election duty


Where the voter is a VIB, the PO shall provide him/her the Braille Ballot Guide or
magnifying glass, as the case may be and allow the voter who is virtually impaired or with
other forms of disability, who is unable to distinguish symbols or who has any other physical
disability to be accompanied into the Polling Unit and be assisted to vote by a person chosen
by him/her other than an Election Official, a polling agent or a security personnel on election

NOTE 16:
(a) After a voter casts his/her vote, a security personnel shall ensure that the voter leaves
the voting area taking every personal item, and if he/she intends to observe the
counting of votes and announcement of result, shall move to the designated area for
that purpose; and

(b) No person shall accompany a voter to the voting area or assist a voter in marking a
ballot paper, except as specified in the Regulations and Guidelines 2022.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 51

Scenario A:
Where a voter cannot be identified by the BVAS for the Polling Unit using the methods
outlined in Clause 19(d) of the Regulations and Guidelines or where the voter’s
fingerprint or face cannot be matched with the details in the BVAS, the voter shall not be
allowed to vote. In that case, the APO I shall:
(i) Politely request the voter to leave the Polling Unit; and
(ii) Tick the appropriate box against the voter’s name and label FA (Denoting Failed
Scenario B:
In the event of sustained malfunction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System
(BVAS), the Presiding Officer (PO) shall:
i. Immediately inform the LGA and RA Supervisors, the Supervisory Presiding Officer
(SPO), the Electoral Officer (EO), and the Election Monitoring and Support Centre
(EMSC) for replacement;
ii. Suspend Accreditation and Voting until a new BVAS is made available;
iii. File a report of the incident to the designated Official; and
iv. Inform the voters and polling agents of the situation.
Scenario C:
Where a replacement BVAS is not available by 2:30 pm, the Presiding Officer shall:
i. Inform the LGA and RA Supervisors, SPO, EO, and EMSC of the situation;
ii. File a report of the incident; and
iii. Inform the voters and polling agents that accreditation and voting for the affected
Polling Unit shall continue the following day.

Scenario D:
Where a BVAS is replaced during polling, the data of verified voters in the
malfunctioning BVAS shall be merged with data in new BVAS for purposes of
determining the number of verified voters.

3.3.3 Close of Polls at PU

The PO shall:
Step1: At 2.30pm, request the security personnel to stand at the back of the last person (if
any) in the queue;
Step2: Allow all voters already in the queue to continue to vote, until the last accredited
voter has voted;
Step3: After every voter on the queue has voted, declare voting closed; and
Step4: Cancel all the unused ballot papers by crossing them out.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 52

3.5.0 Sorting, Recording and Counting of Ballots;
3.5.1 Preparing for Ballot Sorting
The PO shall:
Step 1: Obtain the number of voters accredited from the BVAS and record on Form EC8A;
Step 2: Send the number of voters accredited from the BVAS to INEC backend server;
Step 3: Count the number of accredited voters in the Register of Voters;
Step 4: Compare the number voters accredited by the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System
with the number of ballots cast;
Step 5: Prepare “Party name tags” for the various parties and for rejected ballots;
Step 6: Count the unused ballot papers and record the quantity and serial number of the
unused ballot papers on Form EC40A;
Step 7: Count the counterfoils of the used ballot papers and record the quantity on Form
EC 40A;
Step8: Put the counterfoil of the used ballot papers in envelop EC50E;
Step9: Count any spoilt ballot papers, record the quantity and their serial numbers on Form
EC 40C;
Step10: Put the spoilt papers in envelope EC50A;
Step11: Announce the SEAL serial number to verify the seal; and
Step12: Cut the seal to unlock the Ballot Box and empty the content in full view of all
persons present.

3.5.2 Sorting of Ballots

The PO shall:
Step1: In the case of General Elections, sort according to the type of elections; then sort
out the ballot papers by party into separate piles for each party and one pile for
rejected ballots;
Step2: Loudly call out (i) the Party for each Valid vote OR (ii) each Rejected vote in the
presence of the Polling Agents and Accredited Observers and place in appropriate pile;
allow inspection of votes on demand by a Polling Agent, provided that such inspection
shall only be allowed once;
Step3: Show all rejected ballots to the Party Agents and Observers present;
Step4: Write the word “REJECTED” in the front of every rejected ballot;
Step5: Where any objection against such rejection is raised by a candidate or Polling
Agents, write the words “Rejected but Objected to” on the front of the ballot;
Step6: Count and record the quantity and serial numbers of Rejected ballots on Form EC.
40B (in PU Booklet); and
Step7: Put all rejected ballots in envelope EC.50A.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 53

NOTE 18:
REJECTED BALLOTS: A ballot shall be rejected if:
i. The choice of the voter is not clear;
ii. The back of the ballot paper has not been stamped, signed and dated by the PO;
iii. The ballot is without any thumb-print of a Voter; and
iv. The ballot contains any writing or mark that identifies the Voter.

3.5.3 How to Record Votes on Form EC 8Aseries

The PO shall:
Step1: Record the number of registered voters as contained in the register of voters;
Step2: Refer to Form EC.40A to record the total number of ballot papers issued to the
Polling Unit and the number of unused ballot paper;
Step 3: Refer to Form EC.40B to record the number of rejected ballots and Form EC.40C
to record spoilt ballot papers;
Step 4: Record the valid votes scored by each of the political party in figures and in words
in the spaces provided in Form EC8A series;
Step 5: Add up and record the total valid votes scored by all the parties at the bottom of the
Form as well as in the box for item 7 at the top of Form EC8A series;
Step 6: Add up the number of spoilt ballot papers, plus the number of rejected ballots, plus
the total valid votes to get the number of used ballot papers and record same in the
box provided in Form EC8A series;
Step 7: Cross out NOT CONTESTED phrase at the bottom of the Form EC8A series where
election was held; and
Step 8: Write his/her name on the relevant Form EC8A series with stamp and date. He/she
shall then sign the Form and request the Polling Agents present to countersign it;
3.4.4 Counting and Recording of Votes
Immediately after sorting of ballots, the PO shall:
Step 1: Loudly count the votes scored by each party;
Step 2: Write on a sheet of paper the number of valid votes scored by each party to allow
for cross-checking, before recording same on Form EC.8A (1);
Step 3: In order to ascertain the number of used ballot papers, verify the result of the poll
by adding the following:
a) The number of spoilt ballot papers;
b) The number of rejected ballots; and
c) The number of valid votes scored by parties.
Step 4: Verify the results according to the prescribed procedure; and
Step 5: Enter the scores of the candidates in both words and figures in the appropriate
forms EC 8A series;
Step 6: Cross-check the scores of the candidates/parties and the Totals; and
The PO shall then:
Step 1: Sign, date and stamp the appropriate Form EC 8A;
2022 Manual for Election Officials 54
Step 2: Announce loudly the votes scored by each political party;
Step 3: Request the candidates or their polling agents, where available at the Polling Unit,
to countersign; Refusal of any candidate or polling agent to countersign the
appropriate form EC 8A shall not invalidate the result of the Polling Unit;
Step 4: Keep the originals of EC8 series and the first pink copies for the Commission;
Step 5: Give to the Polling Agents and the Police, a duplicate copy each of the completed
Step 7: Paste the completed Publication of Result Poster EC 60 (E) at the Polling Unit;
Step 8: Complete Form EC 40H (I) for PWD Information and Statistics;
Step 9: Complete the PWD information boxes in the PU booklet;
Step 10: Transmit the election result electronically to the collation system as prescribed in
the Regulations and Guidelines for the Conduct of Elections 2022;
Step11: Use the BVAS to Scan/take a picture of the completed, signed, stamped and dated
Form EC8A;
Step 12: Upload the scanned copy of the EC8A to the INEC Result Viewing Portal (IReV)
as prescribed by the Commission;
Step 13: Take the BVAS and the original copy of each of the forms Form EC8A in tamper-
evident envelope to the Registration Area/Ward Collation Officer, in the company
of security agents; and
Step 14: The polling agents may accompany the Presiding Officer to RA/Ward Collation

NOTE 19:
a) All the first duplicate copies (Electoral Operations Copy) of Form EC 8 series
(Statement of Result of Polls, Collation and Declaration of Results of Elections) at
various levels are for the Commission and should be handed over to the
RA/LGA/State/Constituency Supervisors for documentation at the EOPs
Department. Non-compliance shall be treated as dereliction of duty.
b) Second duplicate copies are to be handed over to the Police and subsequent copies to
Party Agents present at the Polling Stations.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 55

NOTE 20:
(a) Spoilt Ballot Papers:
If a ballot paper is badly torn by the PO when detaching it from the ballot booklet, or the
ballot paper is by accident mishandled in such a manner that the ballot paper cannot be
used for voting, the PO shall write the word "Cancelled" on the front of the ballot paper
and place it in envelope EC.50A. The PO shall then issue a fresh ballot paper to the voter.

(b) Accidental Destruction of Ballot Paper:

A voter who, by accident, spoils his/her ballot paper such that it cannot be used for voting,
may present it to the PO and, if satisfied that the ballot paper is spoilt, the PO shall issue
another ballot paper to the voter, in place of the spoilt ballot paper and the spoilt ballot
paper shall be marked “Cancelled” by the PO, recorded in Form EC 40B in the Polling Unit
Booklet and put it in the envelope- EC.50A;

(c) Thumb-printing of Ballot Paper:

The thumb-printing of the ballot paper(s) by voters must be done in secret and depositing
the folded ballot(s) in the ballot box, done in open view of all person’s present and

(d) Number of Voters in Voting Cubicle:

Only one voter at a time will be allowed in each compartment of the voting cubicle for
thumb-printing the ballot paper(s).

NOTE 21:
a) Where the total number of votes cast at a Polling Unit exceeds the number of
accredited voters at the Polling Unit, the result of the election for that Polling Unit
shall be declared null and void, and a report in that regard shall be made to the
Collation Officer.

b) Where after a crosscheck and recount, the total sum of spoiled ballot papers, rejected
ballots and valid votes is not equal to the total number of used ballots, an anomaly
exists, and the Presiding Officer shall submit a written report to the RA/Ward
Collation Officer.

c) The RA/Ward Collation Officer shall examine the report of the Presiding Officer on
any discrepancy in ballots and votes and further attempt to reconcile the figures.
Where the figures cannot be reconciled, the RA/Ward Collation Officer shall make
his/her own report to the LGA Collation Officer, attaching the Presiding Officers’

d) For a Polling Unit where election is not held or is cancelled, or poll is declared null
and void in accordance with the Regulations and Guidelines 2022, the Presiding
Officer shall report same in writing to the RA/Ward Collation Officer explaining the
nature of the problem and the Collation Officer shall fill Form EC40G as applicable.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 56

NOTE 22:
(a) Only ballot papers with the official watermark and stamp prescribed by the Commission
shall be counted by the Presiding Officer. If the Presiding Officer, however, ascertains
that a ballot paper without the official watermark prescribed by the Commission actually
belongs to a booklet of ballot papers assigned to the Polling Unit, it shall be counted;

(b) If a Presiding Officer notices any ballot paper without the official watermark and stamp,
he/she should immediately escalate and act on further instructions received by him/her;

(c) In computing the spread factor for Elections to the office of the President, Governor of
a State, or Area Council Chairman (in the case of the FCT Council Elections), the
Returning Officer shall use the total valid votes cast at the Elections; and

(d) Refusal of any Candidate or Polling Agent to countersign Form EC.8A series will not
invalidate result of the Poll.

NOTE 23:
The number of used ballot papers (a+b+c in (c) Step 3) plus the number of unused ballot
papers should be equal to the total number of ballot papers issued to the Polling Unit.
a) Where the sum of the total number of spoilt, rejected, valid votes and unused ballot
papers, does not equal the total number of ballots received, carry out a thorough check
and recount.
b) Where an anomaly exists, the PO shall inform those present of the problem, then
enter the votes scored by each of the political parties and the other information in
the affected FormEC.8A series and write the words "ANOMALYEXISTS" across
the form and submit a report along with the ballot papers and the Form EC. 8A (1)
to the RA/Ward Collation Officer after thorough reconciliation.
c) Where the total number of votes cast at a Polling Unit exceeds the number of
accredited voters at the Polling Unit, the result of the election for that Polling Unit
shall be declared null and void, and a report in that regard shall be made to the
Collation Officer.
i. Where the result of poll is rendered null and void, the PO shall write the words
"NULL AND VOID" across the affected Form EC.8A series;
ii. Where the result of poll is rendered null and void, the PO shall state the nature
of the problem and ensure that this is delivered to the RA/Ward CO; and
iii. A Polling Agent/Candidate may request a recount. However, such a recount
shall be done only once.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 57

2022 Manual for Election Officials 58
2022 Manual for Election Officials 59
3.4.5 Packing Up
Following the completion of recording of the votes on Forms EC.8A and/or EC8A (1) and
(II), the PO shall:
Step 1: Put the original of Form EC.8A and/or, EC.8A (1) (Statement of Result of Poll
from the Polling Unit) and PU Booklet in the tamper-proof envelope(s) and
complete the Form EC40H(I) from Form EC40H;
Step2: Put the Used ballot papers in Envelope EC.50V;
Step3: Gather the other envelopes containing the following items separated during the
sorting process:
i. Envelope EC50A: Envelopes containing Unused ballot papers;
ii. Envelope EC50C: containing Counterfoils of ballot papers;
iii. Envelope EC.50A: containing Rejected and Spoilt ballot papers;
Step4: Put the following envelopes in the ballot box:
i. Envelope EC.50E: Envelope(s) containing counterfoils of the used ballot
ii. Envelope(s) containing the used ballot papers (EnvelopeEC.50V)
Step5: Seal ballot box with the seals provided.
Step6: Put all the remaining envelopes in the INEC bag:
i) Tamper-proof envelope containing the original copy of Form EC.8A,
EC.8A (I) and EC40H & EC40H (1);
ii) Envelope (s) EC.50A containing unused ballot papers;
iii) Envelope (s) EC.50A containing rejected and spoilt ballot papers;,
iv) All extra copies of Form EC.8A, EC.8A (1) and all miscellaneous materials,
such as the INEC stamps, indelible ink, stamp pads and biros etc. should be
put into the bag.
Step 7: At the close of the poll, the PO and APOs shall ensure that materials are properly
disinfected, carefully packaged and that used personal protective materials are
hygienically packaged for disposal. Reusable personal protective materials shall
also be carefully packaged and sent to designated collection points.
Step 8: Proceed immediately to the RA/Ward Collation Centre and nowhere else,
accompanied by the Assistant Presiding Officers (APOs), Polling Agents and
Security Agents with the:
i. EC8A (Result Sheet);
ii. Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS);
iii. INEC Bag with all electoral materials;
iv. Ballot box; and
v. Voting cubicle.
Step 9: Submit the completed original copies of Form EC 8A series and EC 40H &
EC40H(I) contained in the tamper-proof envelope and the Bimodal Voter
Accreditation System(s) to the RA/Ward CO and all other materials to the SPO.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 60

NOTE 24:
Reverse Logistics
It shall be the responsibility of election officials at all levels to ensure the safe return of all
election materials placed in their custody to designated locations after every election.
Reverse logistics should be carefully monitored, and materials returned should be audited
by the relevant units of the Commission. It shall be the responsibility of the APOs
(especially APO II) to assist the Presiding Officer in reverse logistics.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 61



4.1 Health Guide at all Collation Centres:

a) There shall be a designated area outside the Collation Hall for the implementation of
safety and health measures such as the compulsory wearing of face mask, hand
sanitizing and body temperature check.
b) There shall be 2 metres (6 feet) queuing distancing for all seeking to enter the collation
c) There shall also be 2 metres (6 feet) seat-spacing arrangement within the collation hall.
d) In order to prevent overcrowding during collation, only one polling agent of a party on
the ballot (or the candidate in person) for the election(s) shall be allowed into the
collation hall.
e) Seats may be reserved for Election Observers based on available space in the Collation
Hall and other COVID-19 considerations. Where there is not enough space to
accommodate all Election Observers in the Collation Hall, Observer groups may be
requested to elect those to represent all observers in the collation hall.

4.2.0 Collation and Declaration Procedures

4.2.1 Collation of Election Results:
The collation and declaration of election results shall be done at the following levels
depending on the type of election:
i) Registration Area–RA/Ward (Collation for all elections) including that of Councillor
in the case of FCT;
ii) Local Government Area – LGA (Collation for all Elections) including that of
Collation and Declaration of Chairmen in the case of FCT;
iii) State Constituency (Collation and Declaration of State House of Assembly Elections);
iv) Federal Constituency (Collation and Declaration of House of Representatives
v) Senatorial District (Collation and Declaration for Senatorial District Elections);
vi) Governorship (Collation and Declaration for Governorship Elections); and
vii) Presidential (Collation and Declaration for Presidential Election).

NOTE 25:
i) In order to remain focused on their assignment, Collation Officers are not allowed to
make or receive telephone calls during collation.
ii) In determining the Electoral two-thirds (2/3) requirement for candidates contesting for
Executive positions, such as the President, Governor of a State, or Chairman of Council
(in case of the FCT), the Returning Officer shall be guided by the approved
computation template for calculating the Electoral two-thirds (2/3) for the position in

2022 Manual for Election Officials 62

iii) It is mandatory for designated election staff to collect and deposit all Electoral
Operations copies of results with their supervisors within the prescribed time.
Non-compliance shall be treated as dereliction of duty.
There is a difference between Spoilt Ballot Paper and Rejected Ballot Paper.
Therefore, on no account should Spoilt Ballot Papers be added to Rejected Ballot

4.2.2 Collation at Registration Area (RA)/Ward:

The Registration Area/Ward Collation Officer shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of Forms EC8A, EC8A (I), and EC8A (II) for
the Presidential, Senatorial and the House of Representatives Elections,
respectively, including the EC40H(I) and EC40G;
Step 2: Take delivery of the original copies of Forms EC8A and EC8A (I) for Governorship
and the State Houses of Assembly elections, respectively;
Step 3: Take delivery of Forms EC8A and EC8A(I) for the Area Council Chairmanship and
Councillorship elections of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) respectively;
Step 4: Receive the BVAS from the respective Presiding Officers;
Step 5: Compare the number of voters verified by the BVAS with the number of accredited
voters and the total votes cast for the Polling Unit as contained in the Form EC8A
series in each Polling Unit;
Step 6: Receive and consider, if any, the reports of anomalies, adverse incidents, and
equipment failure from the Presiding Officers including reports of where polls are
either cancelled or not held;
Step 7: Validate the scanned copy of Form EC8A and upload same to the IReV Portal with
the assistance of the Registration Area Technical Support Staff (RATechSS);
Step 8: Submit the BVAS to the respective Supervisory Presiding Officers (SPOs), in
tamper-proof envelopes;
Step9: Collate the votes entered in Forms EC8A, EC8A(I) and EC8A(II), for the
Presidential, Senatorial and House of Representatives Elections, respectively;
Step10: Collate the votes entered in Forms EC8A and EC8A (I) for Governorship and
State Houses of Assembly Elections, respectively;
Step11: Collate the votes entered in form EC8A and EC8A (1) for Area Council Chairmen
and Councillorship elections, respectively;
Step12: Add up the polling unit results to get the RA/Ward summary.
Step 13: Enter the votes in both figures and words in the appropriate spaces in Forms EC8B,
EC8B(I) and EC8B(II), as the case may be;
Step 14: COMPLETE the Forms (EC8B, EC8B(I) and EC8B(II)) as required, date and sign
same and get the Polling Agents to countersign;
Step 15: Complete Form EC40G for Polling Units, where election is cancelled or not held;
Step 16: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8B to the INEC
RA Supervisor;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 63

Step 17: Distribute copies of each of the Forms EC8B, or EC8B(1) and EC8B(II), to each
Polling Agent and the Police;
Step 18: Take custody of the original copies of Forms EC8B, EC8B(I) and EC8B(II) together
with other materials and equipment and reports (if any) received from Presiding
Officers at the election and deliver same to the LGA Collation Centre;
Step 19: Implement any other result management procedure as prescribed by the
Commission with the assistance of the Collation Support and Result Verification
System (CSRVS) Officer or RATechSS, where applicable;
Step 20: Electronically transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of collation as
prescribed by the Commission; and
Step 21: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC. 60E and display it at the
Collation Centre

NOTE 26:
(a) Where there is any discrepancy in a result submitted by a Presiding Officer to
the RA/Ward Collation Officer as verified from the result transmitted or
transferred directly from the Polling Unit, the RA/Ward Collation officer shall:
i) Request explanation(s) from the Presiding Officer(s) concerned about the
circumstances of the discrepancy;
ii) Locate the point of discrepancy, resolve the discrepancy using the electronic result
and request the Presiding Officer to endorse the resolution; and
iii) Make a report of the discrepancy to the next level of collation.

Collation at RA/Ward Level where Election extends to the following day in some
PUs: Where at a Polling Unit, accreditation and voting are to continue the following day
on account of the non-availability of a required replacement BVAS, the RA/Ward
Collation Officer shall:
i. Inform the Polling Agents and stakeholders at the Collation Centre of the situation.
ii. Collate the available results from the unaffected Polling Units.
iii. On conclusion of (ii) above, proceed immediately to the LGA/Area Council Collation
Centre where the results from (ii) above shall be saved until the following day, when
the RA collation shall resume, including the results of the affected polling units; and
iv. Inform the LGA/Area Council Collation Officer of the situation, who shall then proceed
with the Collation of the results of the unaffected RAs/Wards.

4.2.3 Collation of Presidential Election Results at the LGA:

The Local Government/Area Council Collation Officer in charge of the Presidential Election
Step 1: Take delivery of all the original copies of Forms EC8B from the Registration
Area/Ward C ol l ati on Offi ce rs, together with other materials and reports,
relating to the election, including Form EC40 (G) (if any);
Step 2: Collate the results for the Presidential Election, by entering the votes scored by each

2022 Manual for Election Officials 64

Political Party in the original copy of Form EC8B into Form EC8C in figures and
Step 3: Add up the RA/Ward results to get the LGA/Area Council summary;
Step4: Cross-check the totals and entries in the EC8C with the Collation Support and
Result Verification System (CSRVS) secretariat;
Step5: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 6: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8C and request the Polling Agents to countersign;
Step7: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8C to the INEC
LGA/Area Council Supervisor;
Step 8: Distribute copies of the forms to the Polling Agents and the Police;
Step 9: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of affected Polling Units where
election was not held or were cancelled from Forms EC 40G into Form EC40G(I);
Step10: Complete the PWD Status Form EC 40H (III) using Form EC 40H (II);
Step 11: Implement any other result management procedure as prescribed by the Commission
with the assistance of the Collation Support and Result Verification System (CSRVS)
Officer or RATechSS;
Step 12: Electronically transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of collation,
as prescribed by the Commission;
Step13: Take the original copies of Forms EC8C to the Presidential Collation Officer at the
State Collation Centre together with other materials and reports relating to the
election, including Form EC40G(I); and
Step 14: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

4.2.4 Collation of Presidential Election Results at State/FCT Level:

The State/FCT Collation Officer for the Presidential Election shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of Form EC8C from the Local Government
Area/Area Council Collation Officers, together with other materials and reports
relating to the election, including Form EC40G (I);
Step 2: Collate the votes scored by each political party from Forms EC8C into Form EC8D
by entering the votes scored in both words and figures, into the spaces provided;
Step 3: Add up the LGA/Area Council collated results to obtain the State/FCT Summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals and entries in Form EC8D with the Collation Support and
Result Verification System (CSRVS) secretariat for computational accuracy;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of affected Polling Units from Forms
EC.40G (I), into Form EC.40G (II), where elections were cancelled or not held, in
respect of all the LGAs/Area Councils in the State/FCT;
Step 6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8D and request the Polling Agents to countersign:
Step 8: Handover the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D to the Resident
Electoral Commissioner;
Step 9: Distribute copies of forms EC8D to polling agents and the Police;
Step 10: Complete the PWD Status Form EC40H(IV) using Form EC40H(III);
Step 11: Implement any other result management procedure prescribed by the Commission
with the assistance of the Collation Support and Result Verification System

2022 Manual for Election Officials 65

(CSRVS) Officer or the Registration Area Technical Support Staff (RATechSS)
Step 12: Transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of collation as prescribed by
the Commission;
Step 13: Take the original copy of Form EC8D, together with other materials and reports
relating to the election, which were returned by the LGA/Area Council Collation
Officers, to the National Collation Centre, in a tamper-evident envelope; and
Step 14: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

4.2.5 Final Collation and Declaration of Presidential Election Results

The Chief Electoral Commissioner (Chairman of INEC), who is the Returning
Officer for the Presidential Election shall: -

Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of Forms EC8D from the State/FCT Collation
Officers, together with other materials and reports relating to the election, including
Form EC40G(II); and EC40H(IV), where available;
Step 2: Collate the votes scored by each political party from Forms EC8D, received from
State/FCT Collation Officers, into Form EC8D(A) and enter the votes scored by
each Political Party, in both figures and words in the spaces provided;
Step 3: Add up the collated State/FCT results to obtain the national summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals and entries in Form EC8D(A) with the Collation Support
and Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat for computational accuracy;
Step5: Transfer the total number of Accredited Voter of Polling Units, where elections
were not held or cancelled for the respective States, from Forms EC 40G (II) into
form EC 40G(III);
Step 6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8D(A) and request the polling agents to
Step 8: Retain the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D(A);
Step 9: Distribute copies of forms EC8D(A) to polling agents and the Police
Step 10: Compare the total number of voters affected in Form EC40G (III) with the Margin
of Win between the two leading candidates;
Step 11: If the margin of win is more than the figure recorded in Form EC40G (III),
proceed to enter the scores of the candidates in Form EC8E for the declaration of
the Presidential election result.
Step12: The Chief Electoral Commissioner and Returning Officer for the Presidential
election shall complete Form EC8E and return the candidate who:
i. Has the majority (highest number) of votes cast at the election; and
ii. Has not less than one-quarter of the votes cast at the election in at least two-
thirds of all the States in the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory,
Step13: The Chief Electoral Commissioner and Returning Officer for the Presidential
election shall then proceed to:
i. Distribute copies of Form EC8E to polling agents or candidates of each
Political Party in the election and the Police;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 66

ii. Complete the PWD status Form EC40H (V) using Form EC40H(IV).
Step 14: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

NOTE 27:
Conditions for run-off and supplementary elections
a) Where no candidate meets the requirements of the majority of votes cast and the electoral
two-thirds, as provided in the INEC Regulations and Guidelines for ELECTIONS,
2022, a runoff election shall be organized by the Commission within 21days in line
with the provisions of Section 134 (2) to (5) of the Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).
b) Where the margin of lead between the two leading candidates in an election is NOT
IN EXCESS of the total number collected PVCs of the Polling Units where elections
were not held or were cancelled in line with Sections 24(2 & 3), 47(3) and51(2) of
the Electoral Act 2022, the Returning Officer shall decline to make a return until polls
have been conducted in the affected Polling Units and the results collated into a new
Form EC8D(A) and subsequently recorded into Form EC8E for Declaration and
Return. This is the Margin of Lead Principle and shall apply wherever necessary in
making returns for all elections in accordance with the INEC Regulations and
Guidelines for Conduct of Election 2022.

NOTE 28:
Uncontested Presidential Election:
Where a Presidential election is uncontested, the Commission shall follow the procedure
outlined in Section 133 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as

2022 Manual for Election Officials 67

4.2.6 Collation of Senatorial District Election Results at LGA/Area Council Level:
The Local Government/Area Council Collation Officer in charge of Senatorial
District Election shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of all the original copies of forms EC8B(I) from the
Registration Area/Ward Collation Officers together with other materials
and reports relating to the election, including forms EC40(G) and the
EC40H(II), if applicable;
Step2: Collate the results for the Senatorial District election by entering the
votes from Forms EC8B(I) into form EC8C(I), in figures and words, in
the space provided;
Step3: Add up the RA/Ward results to obtain the LGA/Area Council summary;
Step4: Cross-check the totals and entries in EC8C(I) with the Collation Support
and Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat, for computational
Step5: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step6: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8C(I) and request the polling agents
or candidates to countersign;
Step7: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8C(I) to
the designated INEC Official;
Step 8; Distribute copies of the forms to the polling agents or candidates and the
Step9 Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where
elections were not held or cancelled for the respective RAs from Forms
EC40G into form EC40G(I);
Step10: Complete the PWD status Form EC 40H (III) if applicable;
Step 11: Electronically transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of
collation, as prescribed by the Commission;
Step12: Take the original copies of forms EC8C(I) to the Senatorial District
Collation/Returning Officer at the Senatorial District Collation Centre
together with other materials and reports relating to the election,
including form EC40G(I); and
Step 13: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it
at the Collation Centre.

4.2.7 Final Collation and Declaration of Senatorial District Election

The Senatorial District Collation/Returning Officer for the Final Senatorial District
Election shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of forms EC8C(I) from the
LGA/Area Council Collation Officers together with other materials and
reports relating to the election including form EC40G(I);
Step 2: Collate the results of the Senatorial District election by entering the votes
in the original copies of forms EC8C(I) into form EC8D(I) and enter the
votes scored in both figures and words in the spaces provided;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 68

Step 3: Add up the LGA/Area Council results to obtain the Senatorial District
Step4: Cross-check the totals and entries in the EC8D(I) with the Collation
Support and Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where
elections were not held or cancelled for the respective LGAs form
EC40G(I) into form EC40G(II);
Step6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step7: Sign, date and stamp the form and request the polling agents or
candidates to countersign;
Step 8 Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Forms EC8D(I)
to the INEC Senatorial District Supervisor;
Step 9: Distribute copies of forms EC8D(I) to polling agents or candidates and
the Police;
Step 10: Enter the score of each candidate into the declaration of result Form
EC8E(I) for the Senate and return as elected the candidate who scores
the highest number of valid votes cast at the election;
Step 11: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Forms EC8E(I)
to the INEC Senatorial District Supervisor;
Step12: Distribute copies of form EC8E(I) to polling agents and the Police;
Step13: Complete the PWD status Form EC40H(IV), if applicable;
Step 14: Where two or more candidates score exactly equal number of highest votes,
the Returning Officer for the Federal Constituency election shall not return any
of the candidates and a fresh election shall be held for the candidates who polled
the equal number of votes on a date fixed by the Commission;
Step 15: Submit to the Resident Electoral Commissioner, the original copies of forms
EC8D(I) and EC8E(I) together with other materials relating to the election; and
Step16: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it
at the Collation Centre.

4.2.8 Collation of Federal Constituency Election Results with less than one LGA
The Local Government Council Collation Officer in charge of Federal Constituency
(House of Representatives) Elections with less than one LGA shall:

Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of forms EC8B(II) from the RA Collation Officers
together with other materials and reports relating to the election including, where
applicable forms EC40G and EC40H(I);
Step 2: Collate the results of the Federal Constituency election by entering the votes in the
original copies of forms EC8B(II) into Form EC8C(II) and enter the votes scored
in both figures and words in the space provided;
Step 3: Add up the RA results to obtain the Federal Constituency summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals and entries Form EC8C(II) with the Collation Support and
Results Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat where available
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held/cancelled for the respective RAs from Forms EC40G into Form EC40G(I);
Step 6: Cross-check the entries in form EC8C(II) and announce loudly the votes scored by
each political party;
2022 Manual for Election Officials 69
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the form EC8C(II) and request the polling agents to countersign;
Step 8: Issue the originals and the first duplicate copies of forms EC8C(II) to INEC
Designated officials and distribute other duplicate copies to Polling Agents and the
Step 9: Enter the score of each candidate into form EC8E(II) for the Federal Constituency
and return as elected the candidate who scores the highest number of valid votes
cast at the Federal Constituency election;
Step 10: Issue the originals and the first duplicate copies of Forms EC8E(II) to INEC
designated officials and distribute other duplicate copies to polling agents and the
Step 11: Complete where applicable, the EC40H(III) using the EC40H(II);
Step 12: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the Collation

4.2.9 Collation of Federal Constituency Election Results at LGA/Area Council

The Local Government Council Collation Officer in charge of Federal Constituency (House of
Representatives) Elections shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of all the original copies of forms EC8B(II) from the Registration
Area/Ward Collation officers together with other materials and reports relating to
the election including forms EC40(G)and EC40H(I), if available;
Step 2: Collate the results for the Federal Constituency (House of Representatives) election
by entering the votes in the original copies of forms EC8C(II) in figures and words
in the space provided;
Step 3: Add up the RA/Ward results to obtain the LGA/Area Council summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals and entries in form EC8C(II) with the Collation Support and
Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 6: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8C(II) and request the polling agents to
Step 7: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8C(II) to the
designated INEC Official;
Step 8: Distribute copies of the forms to the polling agents and the Police;
Step 9: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held or was cancelled for the respective RAs from Form EC40G into Form
Step 10: Complete the PWD status Form EC40H(III), if applicable;
Step 11: Electronically transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of collation as
prescribed by the Commission;
Step 12: Submit the original copies of forms EC8C(II) to the Federal Constituency (House
of Representatives) Collation/Returning Officer at the Federal Constituency
Collation Centre together with other materials and reports relating to the election,
including form EC40G(I) and
Step 13: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre

2022 Manual for Election Officials 70

4.2.10 Final Collation and Declaration of Federal Constituency Results
The Federal Constituency (House of Representatives) Collation/Returning Officer for the
Federal Constituency Election shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of forms EC8C(II) from the Local Government
Area/Area Council Collation Officers together with other materials and reports
relating to the election including form EC40G(I);
Step 2: Collate the results of the Federal Constituency (House of Representatives) election
and enter the votes in the original copies of forms EC8C(II) into form EC8D(II) by
entering the votes scored in both figures and words in the space provided;
Step 3: Add up the LGA/Area Council results to obtain the Federal Constituency (House of
Representatives) summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals and entries in form EC8D (II) with the CSRVS Secretariat;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held/cancelled from the respective LGAs from forms EC40G(I) into form EC
Step 6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8D(II) and request the polling agents to
Step 8: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D(II) to the
designated INEC Official
Step 9: Distribute copies of forms EC8D(II) to polling agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 10: Enter the score of each candidate into the declaration of result from EC8E(II) for
the Federal Constituency (House of Representatives) and return as elected the
candidate who scores the highest number of valid votes cast at the Federal
Constituency (House of Representatives) election;
Step 11: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D(II) to the
designated INEC Official;
Step 12: Distribute copies of form EC8E(II) to polling agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 13: Complete the PWD Status Form EC40H (IV), if applicable;
Step 14 Where two or more candidates score exactly equal number of highest votes,
the Returning Officer for the Federal Constituency election shall not return any of
the candidates and a fresh election shall be held for the candidates who polled the
equal number of votes on a date fixed by the Commission;
Step 15: Submit to the Resident Electoral Commissioner the original copies of forms
EC8D(II) and EC8E(II) together with other election materials; and
Step 16: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 71

NOTE 29: Over voting
(a) Where an election is declared null and void in one or more Polling Units for over voting
in line with Clause 40 of the INEC Regulations and Guidelines for ELECTIONS, 2022,
another date shall be fixed for supplementary election in the affected Polling Units and
returns for the affected constituencies shall not be made until polls are conducted in the
affected Polling Units.
(b) Where the total number of voters who collected their Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs)
in the Polling Units where over voting occurred is less than the margin by which the
leading candidate is ahead of the second candidate, indicating that the outcome of the
election will not be affected by the supplementary election, the Returning Officer shall
make a return and a declaration.
(c) Where an election is postponed as a result of serious breach of the peace or natural
disasters or other emergencies in line with Section 24 of the Electoral Act 2022, returns for
the affected constituencies shall not be made until polls are conducted in the affected
Polling Units.
(d) However, where an election is postponed as a result of serious breach of the peace or
natural disasters or other emergencies in line with Section 24 of the Electoral Act 2022 and
it is ascertained that the total number of voters who collected their Permanent Voters’
Cards (PVCs) in the Polling Units affected by the postponement is less than the margin
by which the leading candidate is ahead of the second candidate in the election,
indicating that the result of the election will not be affected by the outcome of polls in
the Polling Units affected by the postponement, the Returning Officer shall make a
return for the election in the constituency.


(a) Where an election is postponed in one or more Polling Units due to the non-
replacement of malfunctioning BVAS in line with Section 47(3) of the Electoral
Act 2022, a new election shall be scheduled within 24 hours and a return for the
concerned constituency shall not be made until polls are conducted in the affected
Polling Units.

(b) However, where an election is postponed in one or more Polling Units due to the
non-replacement of malfunctioning BVAS in line with Section 47(3) of the
Electoral Act, 2022 and it is ascertained that the total number of voters who
collected their Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs) in the Polling Units affected by
the postponement is less than the margin by which the leading candidate is ahead
of the second candidate in the election, indicating that the result of the election
will not be affected by the outcome of polls in the Polling Units affected by the
postponement, the Returning Officer shall make a return for the election in the

4.2.11 Collation of Governorship Election Results at LGA Level:

The Local Government Area/Area Council Collation Officer in charge of Collation of
Governorship Election shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of all the original copies of Forms EC8B from the Registration
Area/Ward Collation Officers together with other materials and reports relating to
the election including the Forms EC40(G) and EC40H(II), if any;
2022 Manual for Election Officials 72
Step 2: Collate the results for the Governorship election by entering the votes in the original
form EC8B into form EC8C, in figures and words;
Step 3: Add up the RA/Ward results to get the LGA/Area Council summary;
Step 4: Crosscheck the totals and entries in EC 8C with the Collation Support and Result
Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 6: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8C and request the polling agents to countersign;
Step 7: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held/cancelled for the respective RAs/Wards from Forms EC40G into Form
Step 8: Hand over the Electoral Operation copy (top copy) of Form EC8C to the designated
INEC official
Step 9: Distribute copies of the Form to the polling agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 10: Complete the PWD status Form EC40H(III) using EC40H(II);
Step 11: Electronically transmit or transfer the result directly to the next level of collation as
prescribed by the Commission;
Step 12: Submit the original copy of form EC8C to the Governorship Collation Officer at
the State/FCT Collation Centre together with other materials and reports relating to
the election, including forms EC40G(I) and EC40H(III), where applicable; and
Step 13: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre

4.2.12 Final Collation and Declaration of Governorship Election Results at State

The State Collation/Returning Officer for the Governorship shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of form EC8C from the Local Government
Area/Area Council Collation Officers together with other materials and reports
relating to the election including form EC40G(1) and EC40H (III), where available;
Step 2: Collate the votes scored by each Political Party from forms EC8C into form EC8D
by entering the votes scored in both words and figures in the spaces provided;
Step 3: Add up the LGA results to obtain the State summary;
Step 4: Crosscheck the totals of entries in form EC8D with the Collation Support and
Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units, where elections
were not held or cancelled from forms EC40G (I) into form EC40G(II), in respect
of all LGAs;
Step 6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each political party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8D and request the polling agents or candidates
to countersign;
Step 8: Handover the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D to the Resident
Electoral Commissioner;
Step 9: Distribute copies of form EC8D to Polling Agents and the Police;
Step 10: Compare the total number of voters on form EC40G (II) with the Margin of Win

2022 Manual for Election Officials 73

between the two leading candidates;
Step 11: If the margin of win is more than the figure recorded in form EC40G(III), proceed
to enter the scores of the candidates in form EC8E for the declaration of the
Governorship election result;
Step 12: Complete Form EC8E, sign, date, stamp and declare the result of the Governorship
election and return the candidate who:
i. Has the majority of valid votes cast at the election; and
ii. Has not less than one-quarter of the valid votes cast at the election in each of
at least two- thirds of all the LGAs in the State;
Step13: Handover the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8E to the Resident
Electoral Commissioner;
Step 14: Distribute copies of Form EC8E to Polling Agents or candidates of each political
party in the election and the Police;
Step15: Complete the EC40H(IV), using the EC40H(III);
Step16: Submit to the State Resident Electoral Commissioner the original copy of Form
EC8D and the Declaration of Result Form (EC8E) together with other election
materials; and
Step17: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

4.2.13 Collation and Declaration of State Constituency Election Results at LGA

Level with one LGA:
The LGA Collation Officer in charge of State/FCT Constituency (House of Assembly) Election
shall: -
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of forms EC8B(I) from RA/Ward Collation
Officers together with other materials and reports relating to the election including
Form EC40G(I) and EC40H(II), where applicable;
Step 2: Collate the results for the State Constituency (State House of Assembly) election
by entering the votes in the original copies of forms EC8B(I) into form EC8C(I) in
words and figures in the space provided;
Step 3: Add up the RA/Ward results to obtain the LGA/Area Council summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals of entries in Form EC8C(I) with the Collation Support and
Result Verification System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held/cancelled for the respective RAs from forms EC40G into Form
EC40G(1), where applicable;
Step 6: Announce loudly the votes scored by each Political Party;
Step 7: Date, sign and stamp the forms and request the polling agents to countersign;
Step 8: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8C(I) to the
designated INEC Official;
Step 9: Distribute duplicate copies of the form to the Polling Agents or candidates and the

2022 Manual for Election Officials 74

Step 10: Enter the score of each candidate into form EC8E(I) for the State/FCT Constituency
(State House of Assembly) and return as elected the candidate who scores the
highest number of valid votes cast at the State/FCT Constituency (State/FCT House
of Assembly) election;
Step 11: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8E(I) to the
designated INEC Official;
Step 12: Distribute copies of form EC8E(I) to polling agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 13: Complete where applicable, the PWD status Form EC40H(III), using the
Step 14: Where two or more candidates score exactly equal number of highest votes, the
Returning Officer of the State/FCT Constituency (House of Assembly) election
shall not return any of the candidates and a fresh election shall be held for the
candidates who polled equal number of votes on a date fixed by the Commission;
Step 15: Submit the original copies of form EC8C(I) to the Electoral Officer (EO) at the
State/FCT Constituency Collation Centre together with other materials and reports
relating to the election, including form EC40G(I) and EC40H(III), where applicable
Step 16: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

4.2.14 Collation of State Constituency Election Results with more than one LGA at
LGA Level:
The State Constituency (State House of Assembly) Collation/Returning Officer for the State
Constituency (State House of Assembly) Election, comprising more than one LGA shall:
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of Forms EC8C(I) from the LGA Collation
Officers together with other materials and reports relating to the election including
Forms EC40G(I) and EC40H(III) where applicable;
Step 2: Collate the results of the State House of Assembly election by entering the votes in
the original copies of forms EC8C(I) into Form EC8D(I) and enter the votes scored
in both figures and words in the spaces provided;
Step 3: Add up the LGA results to obtain the State/FCT Constituency summary
Step 4: Cross-check the totals with the Collation Support and Result Verification System
(CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
not held/cancelled for the respective LGA from Forms EC 40G (I) into Form EC
40G (II);
Step 6: Cross-check the entries in form EC8D(I) and announce loudly the votes scored by
each Political Party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8D(I) and request the Polling Agents to
Step 8: Handover the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8D(I) to the
designated INEC Official;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 75

Step 9: Distribute copies of forms EC8D(I) to Polling Agents or candidates and the Police
Step 10: Enter the score of each candidate into Form EC8E(I) for the State House of
Assembly and return as elected the candidate who scores the highest number of
valid votes cast at the State Constituency election;
Step11: Distribute copies of forms EC8E(I) to Polling Agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 12 : Complete where applicable, the PWD status Form EC40H(IV), using the
Step13: Where two or more candidates score exactly equal number of highest votes, the
Returning Officer of the State Constituency (House of Assembly) election shall
not return any of the candidates and a fresh election shall be held for the
candidates who polled the equal number of votes on a date fixed by the
Step 14: Submit to the Electoral Officer the original copies of Forms EC8D(I) and Form
EC8E(I), together with other election materials; and
Step15: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre.

4.2.15 Collation of State Constituency Election Results with less than One LGA at
State Constituency Level:

The State Constituency (State House of Assembly) Collation/Returning Officer for the State
Constituency (State House of Assembly) Election comprising less than one LGA shall: -
Step 1: Take delivery of the original copies of forms EC8B(I) from the RA/Ward Collation
Officers together with other materials and reports relating to the election including
Form EC40G(1);
Step 2: Collate the results of the State/FCT House of Assembly election by entering the
votes in the original copies of Forms EC8B(I) into Form EC8C(I) and enter the
votes scored in both figures and words in the spaces provided;
Step 3: Add up the RA/Ward results to obtain the State/FCT Constituency summary;
Step 4: Cross-check the totals of entries with the Collation Support and Result Verification
System (CSRVS) Secretariat;
Step 5: Transfer the total number of Collected PVCs of Polling Units where election was
cancelled/not held from Forms EC40G into Form EC40G(1);
Step 6: Cross-check the entries in Form EC8C(I) and announce loudly the votes scored by
each Political Party;
Step 7: Sign, date and stamp the Form EC8C(I) and request the Polling Agents to

Step 8: Hand over the Electoral Operations copy (top copy) of Form EC8C(I) to the
designated INEC Official;
Step 9: Distribute copies of Forms EC8C(I) to Polling Agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 10: Enter the score of each candidate into form EC8E(I) for the State House of
Assembly and return as elected the candidate who scores the highest number of
valid votes cast at the State Constituency election;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 76

Step 11: Distribute copies of form EC8E(I) to Polling Agents or candidates and the Police;
Step 12: Complete where applicable, the EC40H(III), using the EC40H (II);
Step 13: Where two or more candidates score exactly equal number of highest votes, the
Returning Officer of the State Constituency (House of Assembly) election shall
not return any of the candidates and a fresh election shall be held for the candidates
who polled the equal number of votes on a date fixed by the Commission;
Step14: Submit to the Electoral Officer the original copies of Forms EC 8C (I) and Form
EC8E(I), together with other Election materials; and
Step14: Complete the Publication of Result of Poll Poster; EC60E and display it at the
Collation Centre
NOTE 30:
Collation/Returning Officers should be at their Collation Centers by 1:00pm on Election
Day, in order to set up the Centre.


4.3.1 Response Scenarios
In managing the Margin of Lead principle, a number of practical and effective field responses
and result management techniques have been found effective in minimizing the impact of the
adverse implication of “number of registered voters outstanding”.

S/N Adverse Factor Required Response Expected

1. Non-deployment at PU by the Announce a fresh date of a Conduct of
Commission due to logistics supplementary election Supplementary
challenges election
2. Willful Obstruction and Resistance Credit affected PUs with Zero Conclusion of Process
to deployment/distribution of votes and shall not count in the
materials application of the Margin of Lead
3. Voter Resistance to use of BVAS Credit affected PUs with Zero Conclusion of Process
or any electoral device as may be votes and shall not count in the
determined by the Commission application of the Margin of Lead
4. The use of the BVAS is A time for a supplementary Conduct of
discontinued midway into the election shall be announced Supplementary election
elections due to sustained
malfunction and no replacement is
available before 2:30pm or any
extended period for voting
approved by the Commission
5. Whenever Zero votes are entered or Collation and Returning Officers Conclusion of the
elections are rescheduled shall ensure that the number of process
voters in the affected Polling Units
are accounted for in compiling
their results in order to prevent
2022 Manual for Election Officials 77
discrepancies in the figures for
registered voters in the Register of
Voters and the figures as collated

6. Violent disruption at substantial A fresh date for election in the Conduct of

number of PUs in a constituency affected Polling Units may be Supplementary
before announcement of result announced by the Commission, Election
provided that further
supplementary election may not
hold in the case of persistent
disruptions and violence.
7. Violent disruption after Regenerate the affected results Conclusion of the
announcement of result, including from electronically transmitted process
destruction of ballot papers and results, or results from the IReV
result sheets Portal or duplicate hardcopies, fill
new replacement result sheets with
the approval of the Resident
Electoral Commissioner and
proceed with collation of result
8. Snatching/Destruction of result Regenerate the affected results Conclusion of the
forms enroute or at collation from electronically transmitted process
centres. results, or results from the IReV
Portal or duplicate hardcopies, fill
new replacement result sheets with
the approval of the Resident
Electoral Commissioner and
proceed with collation of result
9. Where ballot materials are still Proceed with available materials and Conclusion of the
available or remaining after conclude that stage of the election. process
disruption at any stage of the
10 However, where ballot materials A new date will be announced by Conduct of
are inadequate, after disruption at the Commission to conclude the Supplementary
any stage of the election. election Election

4.4 Resumption of Result Collation Following a Disruption

The following Principles shall guide resumed collation of election results after a disruption:
(a) As much as practicable, Collation and Returning Officers who have commenced
collation of the result of an election shall continue with the collation when it
resumes. However, the Commission shall appoint new COs and Ros if the former
ones are not available or if in the determination of the Commission it has become
necessary to replace them.
(b) Voting takes place at Polling Units. Therefore, Forms, EC8A and EC60E are the
building blocks for any collation of result.
(c) All INEC staff (permanent and ad hoc) involved in the resumed collation of
results shall conduct the process with openness and transparency.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 78

(d) In the course of collation of results, there shall be opportunity for all interests to
be heard insofar as they are not disruptive. However, the Commission and its
designated officials, including Collation Officers (COs) and Returning Officers
(ROs) shall have the final say in the collation of results.
(e) The collation shall be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect among all
participants. There shall be zero tolerance for disruptive behaviour and
intemperate language, and all participants must act with decorum.
(f) At every level of collation, where INEC copy of collated results from the
immediate lower level of collation exists, it shall be adopted for collation.
(g) Where INEC copy of collated results from the immediate lower level of collation
does not exist, the Collation Officer shall ask for duplicates from the following
bodies in the order below:
i. The Nigerian Police Force; and
ii. Agents of Political Parties.
(h) When a duplicate result sheet is tendered for collation from sources other than
INEC, it shall be compared with other duplicate copies available. A duplicate
copy shall only be accepted for collation if:
i. Political parties accept it by consensus; or
ii. A majority of political parties and the Collation Officer or Presiding Officer who
first collated or recorded the result accept it as a true copy of the result in question.
(i) Where no hardcopy of collated results is available, the results, where possible,
shall be regenerated from the preceding level (Collation or Polling Unit) in
accordance with Clause 93 of the INEC Regulations and Guidelines for Conduct
of Election 2022.

4.5 Request for Leave to Comment or Raise Objection by Polling Agents

A Polling Agent may request leave from the Collation Officer (CO) or Returning Officer (RO),
as applicable, to comment or raise objection on any issue during collation. The CO or RO shall
rule on the merit of the comment or objection, provided that no comment or objection shall be
allowed to disrupt the process of collation.

4.6 Cancellation of Results

Rejection, cancellation or voiding of any result shall be strictly in accordance with the Electoral
Act 2022 and the INEC Regulations and Guidelines for Conduct of election 2022 and must be
recorded in the appropriate Form EC40G.

4.7 Persons Allowed to be Present at Collation Centres

The following persons are allowed to be present at the Collation Centres, provided they are
properly documented and issued the necessary identification badges:
a. Collation and Returning Officers;
b. INEC personnel;
c. One Polling Agent per party or candidate. Candidates who choose to serve as their own
agents should inform the Commission in good time for proper documentation and
2022 Manual for Election Officials 79
d. Approved and designated security officials;
e. Properly accredited election observers; and
f. Properly accredited media persons/organizations.

4.8 Power of Returning or Collation Officer to Remove Persons from Collation Centre
The Returning Officer or Collation Officer shall have the power to request security officials to
remove any person from the collation Centre who, in his/her determination, is acting in a
disruptive manner. Such a person may also be granted reprieve subsequently if the RO or CO
so determines.

4.9 Set-Up Procedure at the Collation Center

The set-up of the Collation Centre is shown in Figure … below with the external and internal
layout indicated. Due consideration should be given to inlets and emergency exits with safety
in mind.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 80

4.10 Election Collation Flow Charts

2022 Manual for Election Officials 81


This section deals with special topics that could have significant impact on the electoral
process, personnel or materials.
5.1 Conflict Prevention at the Polling Unit
Conflict at Election may manifest in a number of ways. Often it occurs during registration,
candidate selection process, or election campaign on Election Day at the Polling Units as well
as during collation and declaration of results. In this chapter we shall concentrate on conflict at
the Polling Unit.

Election Officials can prevent election conflict by strict adherence to the procedure contained
in this manual. Election Officials should ensure that the environment at the Polling Unit
remains peaceful and that election process proceeds in an orderly manner.

Attempts should be made by Poll Officials to prevent conflict degenerating into violence. Poll
Officials need to be courageous in performing their duties even in difficult circumstances.
Security agents should be used when necessary, and Poll Officials should avoid putting
themselves in danger on Election Day (Refer to professional ethics).

NOTE 31:
The Electoral Alternative Dispute Resolution (EADR) is a mechanism for preventing and
resolving conflict during election, it offers on the spot mediation, geared towards building
measures that improves the credibility of the electoral process.

The following table indicate the types of conflict that may arise at the Polling Unit. This is
intended to assist the Presiding Officer and other Election Officials to anticipate some potential
conflict areas and prevent them using EADR mechanisms.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 82

1 Electoral Materials
a Delay in arrival of Polling 3 Explain situation to all present.
Polling Unit not
Election materials Agents/ opening at4an Contact the SPO or INEC to
on election day Voters appropriate time, obtain the materials.
Inadequate election Polling Voting is 5 Check materials to ensure
materials e.g. ballot Agents / interrupted or sufficient ballot papers equal to
papers etc. Voters when ballots are the number of registered voters
exhausted. are issued
b Election materials Voting can bei) Involve the Security Agents.
are stolen/snatched disrupted or 6 Inform INEC
ii) 2 Voting and Voters

a Voters complain Polling Voters disrupt

i) Listen carefully to the voters.
about delays and Agents/ polling. ii) Review set-up to see if process
long queues Voters can be sped up.
iii) Explain to voters that all eligible
voters in the queue will be
allowed to vote.
iv) Advise the security agents to
be aware of their
b Election Officials Election Disruptioni)of Listen carefully to the accusations
are accused of Officials voting. ii) Investigate– refer to the list of
improper conduct. election offences contained in
this manual.
Polling iii) If the accusations are not
Agents/ valid, explain that proper
Voters procedures have been followed –
referring to this manual as
necessary guide
v) If the accusations are valid
complete the appropriate Form
EC40E and hand it over to the
security agent for further action.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 83

c Voter’s name does Voters Disruption
i) of Check that the voter is at the
not appear in the voters voting right Polling Unit where
register but the voter has a he/she registered. If not,
voter's card send voter to proper Polling
iii) If voter’s name is not on
register, he/she cannot vote
and must be politely sent
d Voter has no voter’s card Voters Disruption ofiv) Explain politely that the
voting voter shall not be allowed
to vote.
v) 3 Polling Agents and Parties
a Campaigning is Parties Disruption ofa) Investigate - refer to the
conducted in or near the Candidates voting list of
Polling Unit. vi) of fences
b Polling Agents interfere Polling People are i) Remind the Polling Agents of
with the voting process Agents/Voter unable to mark their role.
s their ballot b) If necessary request the
papers in secret. security agent to remove
the Polling Agent.
c Polling Agents do not Polling ▪ Educate the Polling Agents
Interference in
appear to be properly Agents the process about their role.
informed of their role. ii) Inform them of Election Day
Disruption of
▪ 4 Security Agents
a Security agents are Security Interference1in Investigate to determine
accused of favouring a Agents
particular party and/or the Process validity of accusation.
interfering with the voting
process and/or acting with 2
Disruption of If accusation is valid, the PO
undue force. Polling
Agents voting should contact INEC for
▪ assistance.

5 Counting process
a Polling Agents and voters Polling Further delay
1 of Organize the polling unit to
complain about the length Agents the counting allow the orderly sorting and
of time needed to sort and process counting of ballots.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 84

count the ballots. Voters Disruption2 of, Explain the process to those
the counting present.
process. 4 Announce the results and
distribute the results forms
as soon as counting is
completed and verified.
b Problems with rejected Polling Disruption3 of Using the manual as
ballots. Agents the counting necessary, explain to the
process. agents criteria for rejecting a
Polling agents ballot and their right to
do not accept object.
the results.
c Problems with tabulation Polling Disruption of,i. Check to ensure the correct
of results Agents the counting recording of the number of
process. ballot papers issued to the
polling unit, as well as used
and unused ballot papers.
ii. Explain the process to
agents and voters present
4 If problem still exists with
the calculation, submit a
report to the RA (Ward)
Collation Officer.
Polling Agents
do not accept
the results.


L ACT, 2022
(a) Section 8(5) Section 8(5) Section 8 (5) Staff of the
A person who, being A fine of Commission
a member of a N5,000,000 or
political party, imprisonment for
misrepresents a term not more
himself by not than two years or
disclosing his both.’
affiliation, or
connection to any
political party in
2022 Manual for Election Officials 85
order to secure an
appointment with
the Commission in
any capacity,
commits an offence.
2 Section 12 S.12(2) S.12(3) Registered Voters
Registering in more A fine not more
than one registration than ₦100,000 or
centre or registering imprisonment for
more than once in a term not more
the same registration than one year or
centre. both.

3 Section 16 S.16(2) S.16(3) Registered Voters

Holding more than A fine not more
one valid Voter’s than N500,000 or
card imprisonment for
a term not more
than one year or

4 Section 18 S.18(3) S.18(5) Resident Electoral

Issuance of a A fine not more Commissioners/Elec
replacement than ₦200,000 or toral Officers
permanent voter's imprisonment for
card to any voter less a term not more
than 90 days before than two years or
polling day. both.
5 Section 19 S.19(1) S.19(5) Resident Electoral
failure to display or A fine of Commissioners/Elec
publish the voters’ N100,000.00 or toral Officers
register imprisonment for
a term of six
months or both.
6 Section 22 S. 22(a)(b)(c) S.22(c) Any Person
(a) unlawful A fine not more
possession of any than ₦500,000 or
voter's card whether imprisonment not
issued in the name of more than two
any voter or not; or years or both.
(b) sells or attempts
to sell or offers to
sell any voter's card
whether issued in the
name of any voter or
not; or
(c) buys or offers to
buy any voters' card
whether on his own

2022 Manual for Election Officials 86

behalf or on behalf
of any other person,
7 Section 23 S.23(a)(b)(c)(d) and S.23(e) Any person
(e) A fine not more
(a)after demand or than N100,000 or
requisition made of imprisonment for
him or her under this a term not more
Act without just than one year or
cause, fails to give both.
any such
information as he or
she possesses or
does not give the
information within
the time specified;
(b) in the name of
any other person,
whether living, dead
or fictitious, signs an
application form for
registration as a
voter to have that
other person
registered as a voter;
(c) transmits or is
involved in
transmitting to any
person as genuine a
declaration relating
to registration which
is false in any
material particular,
knowing it to be
(d) intentionally
procures the
inclusion in the
Register of Voters of
his or herself or any
other person with the
knowledge that he or
she or that other
person ought not to
have been
registered; or
(e) by his or herself
or any other person
procures the
registration of a
fictitious person

2022 Manual for Election Officials 87

8 Section 26 S.26 (1) S.26(2) Election Officials
Failure to affirm or punishable under
swear to an oath of section 120
loyalty and (dereliction of
neutrality duty)
9 Section 29 S.29(8) S.29(8)
Presenting to the A fine of
Commission the ₦10,000,000.
name of a candidate
who does not meet
the qualification
stipulated in this
10 Section 30 S. 30(2) S.30(3) Political parties
Prohibition of A fine not more
Double Nomination than ₦100,000 or
to the same office imprisonment for
a term of three
months or both,
but his or her
action shall not
invalidate the
11 Section 57 S.57(1) Shall be arrested Any person
Impersonating and prosecuted for
another in obtaining an offence of
a ballot paper impersonation
12 Section 60 S.60(1-5) S.60(5) Presiding Officer
(1) The Presiding A fine not more
officer shall, after than N500,000 or
counting the votes at imprisonment for
the polling unit, a term of at least
enter the votes six months
scored by each
candidate in a form
to be prescribed by
the Commission as
the case may be.
(2) The form shall be
signed and stamped
by the presiding
officer and counter
signed by the
candidates or their
polling agents where
available at the
polling unit.
(3) The presiding
officer shall give to
the polling agents
2022 Manual for Election Officials 88
and the police
officer where
available a copy
each of the
completed forms
after it has been duly
signed as provided
under subsection (2).
(4) The presiding
officer shall count
and announce the
result at the polling
(5) The presiding
officer shall transfer
the results including
total number of
accredited voters
and the results of the
ballot in a manner as
prescribed by the
(6) A presiding
officer who willfully
contravenes any
provision of this
section commits an
13 Section 64 S.64(9) S.64(9) Collation
Intentionally collates A fine of Officer/Returning
or announces a false N5,000,000 or Officer
result. imprisonment for a
term of at least
three years or both.

14 Section 73 S. 73(3) S.73(3) Presiding Officer

A Presiding officer A fine of
who intentionally N10,000,000 or
announces or signs imprisonment for a
any election result in term of at least one
violation of year or both.
subsection (2)
commits an offence.
15 Section 74 S. 74(1) A maximum fine of Resident Electoral
Willful failure to N2,000,000 or Commissioner (REC)
provide Certified True imprisonment for a
Copies (CTC) of any term of 12 months
electoral document to or both.
parties in election
petition within 14 days

2022 Manual for Election Officials 89

after an application
has been made.
16 Section 75 S. 75 (5) S. 75(5) An
An association, its (a) the association Association/Principal
executive member or to a fine of Officers of the
principal officers who N5,000,000; and Association
in Registering a (b) each executive
political party gives or principal officer
false or misleading of the association to
information, commit a fine of
an offence. N3,000,000 or
imprisonment for a
term of at least two
years or both.
17 Section 78(1) S.78(1) S.78(1) Political
Any association that (a) N5,000,000 for parties/Association
retains, organises, the first offence;
trains or equips any (b) N7,000,000 for
person or group of any subsequent
persons for the offence; and
purpose of enabling (c) N500,000 for
them to be employed every day that the
for the use or display offence continues.
of physical force or
coercion in promoting
any political objective
or interest or in
such manner as to
arouse reasonable
apprehension that they
are organised and
trained or equipped for
that purpose contrary
to section 227 of the
Constitution of
Federal Republic of
Nigeria 1999 (as
18 Section 78(2) S.78(2) S.78 (2)(a)(b) Any Person/Group of
Any person or group A fine of persons.
of persons who aids N5,000,000 or
or abets a political imprisonment for a
party in contravening term of five years
the provisions of or both.
section 227 of the
Constitution of
Federal Republic of
Nigeria 1999 (as
amended) commits
an offence.
19 Section 83 S,83(4) S.83(4) Political parties
Failure to provide to A fine not more
the Commission any than N1,000,000.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 90

information or
clarification to the
which may be
to the provisions of
the Constitution or
any other law,
guidelines, rules or
regulations made
pursuant to an Act of
the National

20 Section S.85(a)(b) S.85(a) (b) Political Party

85(a)(b) a) Holds or possesses a fine of at least
any fund outside N5,000,000;
Nigeria in
contravention of
section 225 (3) (a) of
the Constitution of
Federal Republic of
Nigeria 1999 (as
amended), commits
an offence
b) retains any fund or
other asset remitted to
it from outside
Nigeria in
contravention of
section 225 (3) (a) of
the Constitution is
commits an offence
and shall on
conviction forfeit the
funds or assets to the
Commission and in
addition may be
liable to a fine of at
least N5,000,000.

21 Section 86 S.86(1) S.86(2) Any official of

Failure to submit to A fine of the political party.
the Commission a N1,000,000 or
detailed annual imprisonment for a
statement of assets term of six months
and liabilities and or both.
analysis of its sources
of funds and other
assets, together with
statement of its
expenditure including
2022 Manual for Election Officials 91
hard and soft copy of
its list of members or
in such a form as the
Commission may

22 Section 87 S.87(2) S.87(2) Any individual,

Exceeding the (a) in case of a candidate or political
contribution limits political party, a party
placed by the fine not more than
Commission on the N10,000,000 and
amount of money or forfeiture of the
other assets which an amount donated;
individual can and
contribute to a (b) in case of an
political party or individual, a fine of
candidate. five times the
amount donated in
excess of the limit
placed by the
23 Section 88 S.88(2-7) S.88(9-11) Political party,
Knowingly (9) A candidate Candidates and any
exceeding the who knowingly other person
limitation on election acts in
expenses. contravention of
2.The maximum this section,
election expenses to commits an offence
be incurred by a and is liable on
candidate at a conviction to a fine
presidential election of 1% of the
shall not exceed amount permitted
N5,000,000,000. as the limit of
(3) The maximum campaign
amount of election expenditure under
expenses to be this Act or
incurred by a imprisonment for a
candidate in respect term not more than
of governorship 12 months or both.
election shall not
exceed (10) Any individual
N1,000,000,000. who knowingly
(4) The maximum acts in
amount of election contravention of
expenses to be subsection (9) is
incurred by a liable on conviction
candidate in respect to a maximum fine
of Senatorial and of N500,000 or
House of imprisonment for a
Representatives seat term of nine
shall not exceed months or both.
N100,000,000 and

2022 Manual for Election Officials 92

N70,000,000 (11) An accountant
respectively. who falsifies, or
(5) In the case of conspires or aids a
State Assembly candidate to forge
election, the or falsify a
maximum amount of document relating
election expenses to to his expenditure
be incurred by a at an election or
candidate shall not receipt or donation
exceed N30,000,000. for the election or
(6) In the case of a in any way aids and
chairmanship abets the
election to an Area contravention of
Council, the the provisions of
maximum amount of this section
election expenses to commits an offence
be incurred by a and is liable on
candidate shall not conviction to a fine
exceed N30,000,000. of N3,000,000 or
(7) In the case of imprisonment for a
Councillorship term of three years
election to an Area or both.
Council, the
maximum amount of
election expenses to
be incurred by a
candidate shall not
exceed N5,000,000.
(8) No individual or
other entity shall
donate to a candidate
more than
24 Section 89 S.89(3) S.89(4) Political party
Failure to a maximum fine of
submit election N1,000,000 and in
expenses to the the case of failure
Commission in a to submit an
separate audited accurate audited
return within six return within the
months after the stipulated period,
election the court may
impose a maximum
penalty of
N200,000.00 per
day on any party
for the period after
the return was due
until it is submitted
to the Commission.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 93

S.89(7) A maximum fine of
incurring election N1,000,000 and
expenses beyond the forfeiture to the
limitation set by the Commission, of the
Commission in amount by which
consultation with the expenses
political parties. exceed the limit set
by the

25 Section 92 S.92 S.92(7) An aspirant or

Running a campaign (a) in the case of an candidate/ political
in any derogatory aspirant or party.
manner. candidate, to a
maximum fine of
N1,000,000 or
imprisonment for a
term of 12 months;
(b) in the case of a
political party, to a
fine of N2,000,000
in the first instance,
and N1,000,000 for
any subsequent

S.92(8) Any person or group

Any person or group A fine of of persons
of persons who aids N500,000 or
or abets a political imprisonment for a
party, an aspirant or a term of three years
candidate in or both.
contravening the
provisions of
subsection (5),
commits an offence.
26 Section 93 S.93 (a) in the case of a Candidates,
Directly or indirectly candidate, aspirant, Aspirants, or persons
using force or or person or group or group of persons.
violence during a of persons, to a
political campaign maximum fine of
N1,000,000 or
imprisonment for a
term of 12 months;
(b) in the case of a Political party.
political party, to a
fine of N2,000,000
in the first instance,
and N500,000 for

2022 Manual for Election Officials 94

any subsequent
27 Section 94 S.94(1) S.94(2b)
Failure to comply maximum fine of
with the limitation on N500,000
political broadcast
and campaign by
political parties.
28 Section 95 S.95(6) S.95(6) Public
Failure of public (a) a public media, Media/Principal
media to allocate to a fine of Officers and other
equal media time N2,000,000 in the officers of the Media
among political first instance and house.
parties or candidates N5,000,000 for
at similar ours of the subsequent
day subject to the conviction; and
payment of (b) principal
appropriate. officers and other
officers of the
media house, to a
fine of N1,000,000
or imprisonment
for a term of six
29 Section 96 S.96(2) S.96(3) Principal officer of
Prohibition of (a) in the case of a the Corporate body
broadcast, 24 hours body corporate to a
preceding or on maximum fine of
polling day. N1,000,000; and
(b) in the case of an
individual to a
maximum fine of
N1,000,000 or to
imprisonment for a
term of six months
or both.

30 Section 97 S. 97(1) S.97(1) Political

Prohibition of campaign(a) to a maximum parties/Candidates or
based on religion or fine of N1,000,000 any person or any
or imprisonment association.
for a term of 12
months or both; and
(b) in the case of
political party to a
maximum fine of
31 Section 114 S. 114. S.114(1)(h) Any person/
A person who — A maximum fine of permanent and Adhoc
(a) without authority, ₦1,000,000 or to Staff of INEC
destroys, mutilates, imprisonment for a
defaces or remove or

2022 Manual for Election Officials 95

makes any alteration term of 12 months
in any notice or or both.
document required
for the purpose of
registration under this
(b) presents his or
herself to be or does
any act whereby he or
she is by whatever
name or description
howsoever, included
in the register of
voters for a
constituency in which
he or she is not
entitled to be
registered or causes
his or herself to be
registered in more
than one registration
or revision centre;
(c) publishes any
statement or report
which he or she
knows to be false or
does not believe to be
true so as to prevent
persons who are
qualified to register
from registering as
(d) makes in any
record, register or
document which he
or she is required to
prepare, publish or
keep for the purpose
of registration, any
entry or statement
which he or she
knows to be false or
does not believe to be
(e) impedes or
obstructs a
registration officer or
a revision officer in
the performance of
his or her duties;
(f) without proper
authority, wears the

2022 Manual for Election Officials 96

identification of a
registration officer or
assistant registration
officer or wears any
other identification
purporting to be the
identification of a
registration officer or
assistant registration
(g) forges a
registration card; or
(h) carries out
registration or
revision of voters at a
centre or place not
designated by the
commits an offence.
32 Section 115 S.115 S.115(1)(k) Any person/
(1) A person who — A maximum term permanent and Adhoc
(a) forges any of imprisonment Staff of INEC
nomination paper or for two years.
result form,
(b) willfully defaces
or destroys any
nomination paper or
result form,
(c) delivers to an
electoral officer any
nomination paper or
result form knowing
it to be forged,
(d) signs a
nomination paper or
result form as a
candidate in more
than one constituency
at the same election,
(e) forges any ballot
paper or official mark
on any ballot paper or
any certificate of
return or result form,
(f) willfully destroys
any ballot paper or
official mark on any
ballot paper or any
certificate of return or
result form,
(g) without authority
gives a ballot paper or

2022 Manual for Election Officials 97

result form to any
(h) willfully places in
any ballot box any
unauthorised paper or
result form,
(i) willfully removes
from a polling station
any ballot paper or
result form whether
or not the ballot paper
or result form was
issued to him or her in
that polling station;
(j) without authority
destroys or in any
other manner
interferes with a
ballot box or its
contents or any ballot
paper or result form
then in use or likely to
be used for the
purpose of an
(k) signs a
nomination paper
consenting to be a
candidate at an
election knowing that
he or she is ineligible
to be a candidate at
that election,
commits an offence

(2) A person who —

(a) without proper
authority prints a
ballot paper or what S.115(2)(d)
purports to be or is A maximum fine
capable of being used of ₦50,000,000 or
as a ballot paper or imprisonment for a
result form at an term not less than
election, 10 years or both.
(b) being authorised
by the Commission to
print ballot papers or
result form, prints
more than the number
or quantity the

2022 Manual for Election Officials 98

(c) without authority,
is found in possession
of a ballot paper or
result form when he
or she is not in the
process of voting and
at a time when the
election for which the
ballot paper or result
form is intended, is
not yet completed,
(d) manufactures,
constructs, imports
into Nigeria, has in
his or her possession,
supplies to any
election official or
uses for the purpose
of an election, or
causes to be
constructed or
imported into
Nigeria, supplies to
any election official
for use for the
purpose of any
election, any ballot
box including any
appliance, voting
device or mechanism
or by which a ballot
paper or result form
may or could be
secretly placed or
stored in, or having
been deposited
during polling may be
secretly diverted,
misplaced or
commits an offence.
33 Section 116 S.116 S.116 Any person
Any person who, at a A maximum fine of
political meeting — ₦500,000 or
(a) acts or incites imprisonment for a
another to act in a term of 12 months
disorderly manner for or both.
the purpose of
preventing the
transaction of the

2022 Manual for Election Officials 99

business for which
the meeting was
convened, or
(b) has in his
possession an
offensive weapon or
commits an offence.
34 Section 117 S.117 S.117 Registered Voters/any
Any person who — A maximum fine of person.
(a) being entitled to a ₦1,000,000 or
voters card, gives it to imprisonment for a
some other person for term of 12 months
use at an election or both.
other than an officer
appointed and acting
in the course of his or
her duty under this
(b) not being an
officer acting in the
course of his or her
duty under this Act,
receives any voters
card in the name of
some other person or
persons for use at an
election uses it
(c) without lawful
excuse has in his
possession more than
one voters card, or
(d) buys, sells,
procures or deals,
with a voters card
otherwise than as
provided in this Act,
commits an offence.
35 Section 118 S.118 A maximum fine of Any person
(1) No person shall ₦500,000 or
provide for the imprisonment for a
purpose of conveying term of six months
any other person to a or both.
registration office or
to a polling unit any
government vehicle
or boat, or any
vehicle or boat
belonging to a public
corporation except in
respect of a person

2022 Manual for Election Officials 100

who is ordinarily
entitled to use such
vehicle or boat and in
emergency in respect
of an electoral
36 Section 119 S.119 A maximum fine Any person
(1) Any person who of ₦500,000 or
— imprisonment for
(a) applies to be a term of 12
included in any list of months or both.
voters in the name of
some other person,
whether such name is
that of a person living
or dead or of a
fictitious person,
(b) having once to
his or her knowledge
been improperly
included in a list of
voters under this Act
as a voter entitled to
vote at any election,
applies, except as
authorised by this
Act, to be included
in any other list of
voters prepared for
any constituency as
a voter at an
(c) applies for a
ballot paper in the
name of some other
person, whether
such name is that of
a person living or
dead or of a fictitious
(d) having voted
once at an election
applies at the same
election for another
ballot paper,
(e) votes or attempts
to vote at an election
knowing that he or
she is not qualified
to vote at the
election, or
2022 Manual for Election Officials 101
(f) induces or
procures any other
person to vote at an
election knowing
that such other
person is not
qualified to vote at
the election,
commits an offence.

(2) Any person who

commits the offence
of impersonation or a maximum fine of
who aids, abets, ₦500,000 or
counsels or procures imprisonment for
the commission of a term of 12
that offence. months or both
37 Section 120 S. 120 A maximum fine Any person
(1) Any officer of ₦500,000 or
appointed for the imprisonment for
purposes of this Act, a term of 12
who without lawful months or both.
excuse commits any
act or omits to act in
breach of his or her
official duty
commits an offence.

(2) Any polling A maximum fine

official who fails to of ₦500,000 or
report promptly at imprisonment for
his or her polling a term of 12
unit on an election months or both.
day without lawful
excuse commits an
offence of
dereliction of duty.

(3) Any polling A maximum fine

agent, political party of ₦500,000 or
or party agent who imprisonment for
conspires to make a term of 12
false declaration of months or both.
result of an election
commits an offence.

(4) Any person who Imprisonment for

announces or a term of 36
publishes an election months.
result knowing same

2022 Manual for Election Officials 102

to be false or which
is at variance with
the signed certificate
of return commits
and offence.

(5) Any returning

officer or collation
officer who delivers Imprisonment for a
or causes to be maximum term of
delivered a false three years without
certificate of return an option of fine.
knowing same to be
false, commits an

(6) Any person who

delivers or causes to
be delivered a false
certificate of return Imprisonment for a
knowing same to be term of three years.
false to any news
media commits an
38 Section 121 (1) Any person who a maximum fine of Any person
does any of the ₦500,000 or
following — imprisonment for a
(a) directly or term of 12 months
indirectly, by his or or both.
herself or by any
other person on his or
her behalf, corruptly
makes any gift, loan,
offer, promise,
procurement or
agreement to or for
any person, in order
to induce such person
to procure or to
endeavour to procure
the return of any
person as a member
of a legislative house
or to an elective
office or the vote of
any voter at any
(b) upon or in
consequence of any
gift, loan, offer,
procurement or
2022 Manual for Election Officials 103
agreement corruptly
procures, or engages
or promises or
endeavours to
procure, the return of
any person as a
member of a
legislative house or to
an elective office or
the vote of any voter
at any election;
(c) advances or pays
or causes to be paid
any money to or for
the use of any other
person, with the
intent that such
money or any part
thereof shall be
expended in bribery
at any election, or
who knowingly pays
or causes to be paid
any money to any
person in discharge or
repayment of any
money wholly or in
part expended in
bribery at any
(d) after any election
directly, or indirectly,
by his or herself, or
by any other person
on his or her behalf
receives any money
or valuable
consideration on
account of any person
having voted or
refrained from
voting, or having
induced any other
person to vote or
refrain from voting or
having induced any
candidate to refrain
from canvassing for
votes for his or
herself at any such
commits an offence.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 104

(2) A voter commits
an offence of bribery
where before or Any person who
during an election commits the
directly or indirectly
offence of bribery
by his or herself or by
is liable on
any other person on conviction to a
his or her behalf, maximum fine of
receives, agrees or ₦500,000 or
contracts for any imprisonment for a
money, gift, loan, or
term of 12 months
valuable or both.
consideration, office,
(5) Any person who
place or employment,conspires, aids or
for his or herself, or
abets any other
for any other person,
person to commit
for voting or agreeing
any of the offences
to vote or for under this Part of
refraining or agreeing
this Act commits
to refrain from voting
the same offence
at any such election.
and is liable to the
same punishment.
39 Section 122 S.122(1) S.122 (4) Any person
Failure to maintain A maximum fine of
the requirement of ₦100,000 or
secrecy in voting. imprisonment for a
term of three
months or both.

40 Section 123 Any person who — A maximum fine of Any person

(a) votes at an ₦100,000 or
election or induces or imprisonment for a
procures any person term of six months
to vote at an election, or both.
knowing that he or
she or such person is
prohibited from
voting at the election;
(b) before or during
an election, publishes
any statement of the
withdrawal of a
candidate at such
election knowing it to
be false or reckless as
to its truth or falsity;
(c) before or during
an election publishes
any statement as to
the personal character

2022 Manual for Election Officials 105

or conduct of a
candidate calculated
to prejudice the
chance of election of
the candidate or to
promote or procure
the election of
another candidate and
such statement is
false and was
published without
reasonable grounds
for belief by the
person publishing it
that the statement is
true, commits an
41 Section 124 (1) Any person who A maximum fine of Any person
knowingly votes or ₦100,000 or
attempts to vote in a imprisonment for a
constituency in term of six months
respect of which his or both.
or her name is not on
the register of voters
commits an offence

(2) Any person who A fine of

knowingly brings ₦100,000 or
into a polling unit imprisonment for a
during an election a term of six months
voter's card issued to or both
another person
commits an offence.
42 Section 125 Any person who at an a maximum fine of Any person
election acts or ₦500,000 or
incites others to act in imprisonment for a
a disorderly manner term of 12 months
commits an offence. or both.

43 Section 126 (1) No person shall a fine of ₦100,000 Any person

do any of the or imprisonment
following acts or for a term of six
things in a polling months for every
unit or within a such offence.
distance of 300
metres of a polling
unit on the date on
which an election is
held —
(a) canvass for votes;
(b) solicit for the vote
of any voter;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 106

(c) persuade any
voter not to vote for
any particular
(d) persuade any
voter not to vote at
the election;
(e) shout slogans
concerning the
(f) be in possession of
any offensive weapon
or wear any dress or
have any facial or
other decoration
which in any event is
calculated to
intimidate voters;
(g) exhibit, wear or
tender any notice,
symbol, photograph
or party card referring
to the election;
(h) use any vehicle
bearing the colour or
symbol of a political
party by any means
(i) loiter without
lawful excuse after
voting or after being
refused to vote;
(j) snatch or destroy
any election
materials; and
(k) blare siren.
(2) No person shall
within the vicinity of
a polling unit or
collation centre on
the day of which an
election is held —
(a) convene, hold or
attend any public
meeting during the
hours of poll as may
be prescribed by the
(b) unless appointed
under this Act to
make official

2022 Manual for Election Officials 107

operate any
amplifier or public
address apparatus; or
(c) wear or carry any
badge, poster, banner,
flag or symbol
relating to a political
party or to the
(3) A person who
contravenes any of
the provisions of this
section commits an

(4) Any person who

snatches or destroys
any election material Imprisonment for a
or any election device term of 24 months.
commits an offence.

44 Section 127 A person who — a fine of ₦100,000 Any person

(a) corruptly by his or or imprisonment
herself or by any for a term of 12
other person at any months or both.
time after the date of
an election has been
announced, directly
or indirectly gives or
provides or pays
money to or for any
person for the
purpose of corruptly
influencing that
person or any other
person to vote or
refrain from voting at
such election, or on
account of such
person or any other
person having voted
or refrained from
voting at such
election; or
(b) being a voter,
corruptly accepts or
takes money or any

2022 Manual for Election Officials 108

other inducement
during any of the
period stated in
paragraph (a),
commits an offence.
45 Section 128 A person who — A fine of Any person
(a) directly or ₦1,000,000 or
indirectly, by his or imprisonment for
herself or by another a term of three
person on his or her years
behalf, makes use of
or threatens to make
use of any force,
violence or restrain;
(b) inflicts or
threatens to inflict
by his or herself or
by any other person,
any minor or serious
injury, damage,
harm or loss on or
against a person in
order to induce or
compel that person
to vote or refrain
from voting, or on
account of such
person having voted
or refrained from
Page 61 of 119
House of Reps.
(c) by abduction,
duress, or a
fraudulent device or
impedes or prevents
the free use of the
vote by a voter or
thereby compels,
induces, or prevails
on a voter to give or
refrain from giving
his vote; or
(d) prevents any
political aspirant
from free use of the
media, designated

2022 Manual for Election Officials 109

mobilization of
political support and
campaign at an
election, commits an

5.3 Tips for Poll Officials on Basic Security In Election Duties (BaSED)
i. Ensure you attend security briefings at the RAC before deployment. This will give you
key information and insights about risks and threats in the area you are deployed.
ii. Before deployment, ensure that you receive the telephone number of a competent
official (Security agencies or INEC) to call when in distress. You can also contact the
EMSC, EMSC Secretariat. (Paul to supply)
iii. Collect the contact of the Electoral Operations Support Centre for your State.
iv. Do not move unless a security escort accompanies you.
v. Security officials on election duties are there for your protection. Maintain a cordial
relationship with them. If a security official stops you be polite, present your ID if
requested and obey security directives.
vi. Be security conscious at all times. It is important to know the security situation in your
area and avoid areas that are identified as officially off limits, considered politically
sensitive or where security incidents are known to take place.
vii. It is important for staff to be aware of their environment e.g., security points, escape
points, difficult terrain etc. and culture of the community they are deployed.
viii. Maintain this awareness of and be sensitive to change. Be aware of individuals who
may be acting suspiciously and report such behaviour.
ix. Do not panic. Always assess situations and provide the best response. Try as much as
possible to not react in a violent manner and most importantly stay away from situations
that could be threatening.
x. If you find yourself in the trunk of a car, kick the back-tail lights out; stick your arm
through the hole and wave.
xi. Do not hesitate to call attention to yourself if you are in danger: scream, shout, blow
the horn of your vehicle.
xii. Personal safety is an individual responsibility. The best way to be safe is to avoid
trouble in the first place rather than try to remove yourself later.
xiii. Be sure to gain an understanding of the host community’s traditions and beliefs. Respect
the culture and customs of the environment in which you work.
xiv. Besuretobehaveprofessionallyatalltimes.Inspireconfidencewhenperformingyourduties.
xv. Never discuss politics or religion; these may incline people to assume bias and possible
misuse of office in favour of a candidate.
xvi. Drivers should be aware of strange objects while driving especially during convoy
movement, some of these objects may be an IED or unexploded ordinance.
xvii. It is important for all drivers to know alternative routes in case there is a security threat
and main roads are not available.
xviii. Ensure you carry, with you, essential items on your trip e.g., soap, deodorant, clothing,
food and money. However, be sure not to carry costly items. Remember, you are
2022 Manual for Election Officials 110
responsible and accountable for your safety and security.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 111

5.4.0 NCDC Protocols on Prevention of Covid-19/ other Infectious Diseases and Other
Health Emergencies During Election

5.4.1 THE SARs-CoV-2 2019

The SARs-CoV-2 2019 or COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of


(g) Symptoms
COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people
will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.
The most common symptoms are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Serious
symptoms include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or
pressure and loss of smell or taste.

(h) Prevention
You can protect yourself and others from infection by:
(i) Washing your hands with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds; or using an
alcohol-based sanitizer;
(ii) Avoiding face touching at all times;
(iii) Practicing respiratory etiquette (for example, coughing into a flexed elbow);
(iv) Covering your face with face mask or face shield; and
(v) Staying away from large groups of people

(i) Health Issues

The most immediate challenge that COVID-19 poses to the electoral process is health related.
In order to protect voters, election officials and other stakeholders in the electoral process, the
Commission shall implement the following:

(j) General Protective Measures

(i) The use of facemasks is advised for all involved in the election process;
(ii) The Commission shall provide face masks for all election officials;
(iii) Alcohol-based hand sanitizers will be provided for election officials at the Polling
(iv) Methylated Spirit and cotton wool will be provided for the disinfection of the Bimodal
Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) after the fingerprint of each voter is read; and
(v) Adherence to current protocols issued by the NCDC/ Presidential Task Force (PTF) on

5.4.2 Voters Code of Conduct (VCC) for Infection Prevention

(a) Wearing of facemask at Polling Units and all election locations is advised. An
improvised face mask using a handkerchief, scarf or such materials is acceptable;

(b) If possible, please make provision for your own face mask. An election official may
request you to lower your mask for proper identification when necessary;

(c) Any voter showing symptoms such as, coughing, sneezing, among others, and a high
temperature of 370C or more, will be requested to leave the queue or voting area and
shall be attended to by designated officials.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 112

(d) Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces or leaning on walls and other surfaces at the
Polling Unit. You may request for hand sanitizer which will be given to you if available.

(e) An election official may ask to clean your fingers with an antiseptic before your
fingerprint is read with the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System.

(f) Please, ensure that you go away with your used protective materials such as face masks
and hand gloves. Do not litter the Polling Unit!

5.5.0 General Health Safety Measures for Election Officials

5.5.1 Polling Unit Health Tips
(a) Physical distancing of two (2) meters (6 feet) apart is advised on the queues. Queues
may be demarcated for physical distancing of two (2) metres (6 feet) using twines and
markings. Tags may be used for batching of voters and crowd control;
(b) The APO III and security officials shall ensure compliance with health measures; and
(c) Where hand washing facilities are available, voters should be encouraged to wash their
hands thoroughly, before joining the queue.

5.5.2 Handling Health Materials at the Close of Poll

At the close of polls, the PO and APOs shall ensure that materials are properly
disinfected, carefully packaged and that used personal protective materials are
hygienically packaged for disposal. Reusable personal protective materials shall also
be carefully packaged and sent to designated collection points.

5.5.3 Health Safety Tips at RACs

(a) State Offices of the Commission shall conduct a thorough assessment of RACs to
determine their suitability for elections. The designation of RACs and Super
RACs shall be on a case-by-case basis, having due regards for the expanse of the
territory, terrain and adequate space where they serve;
(b) Where there is insufficient space in an RA and no suitable alternative facility is
available for a Super RAC option, canopies may be deployed outdoors to increase
the available area for use;
(c) COVID-19 and other infectious disease awareness shall be included in RAC
briefing. Handouts, flyers and information kits should be distributed to election
staff at the RACs; and
(d) Staff showing serious symptoms such as fever and coughing for COVID-19 or
other infectious diseases will receive medical attention and replaced immediately
from the reserve on the approval of the Electoral Officer and REC.

5.5.4 Health Safety Tips at Collation Centres

(a) There shall be a designated area outside the Collation Hall, for the implementation
of safety and health measures, such as wearing of face mask, hand sanitizing and
body temperature check;
(b) There shall be observance of safe distancing on queuing for all seeking to enter the
collation hall and adequate sit spacing arrangement within the collation hall and
(c) In order to prevent overcrowding during collation, only one polling agent of a party
on the ballot (or the candidate in person) for the election(s) shall be allowed into
the collation hall.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 113

5.5.5 Health Tips for Post-Election Activities
(a) For Reverse logistics:
(i) Election staff must ensure that used but reusable PPEs are carefully packaged and
sent to designated collection points; and

(ii) Used PPE must be disposed in the prescribed manner.

(b) All post-election debriefings
These should preferably be done electronically. Where face-to- face debriefings take
place, the COVID-19 and other infectious disease prevention protocol shall be followed.

5.5.6 Monkey Pox

(a) What is Monkey Pox Disease?
A rare disease caused by infection with the monkey pox virus. It is spread mainly
through human contact with infected rodents or primates e.g. monkey but can also be
spread through skin to skin contact with an infected person. Monkey Pox is rarely fatal
and symptoms include – Fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes,
rashes [raised bumps, blisters, large pus filled pimples that eventually scab over].
Symptoms are mild and usually resolve in 2 – 4 weeks.

(b) Prevention
(i) Avoid close contact [including sexual contact] with people who are sick or have a
(ii) Do not share eating utensils or cups;
(iii) Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water aren’t available, use
an alcohol based sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol;
(iv) Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth. If you need to touch your
face, make sure your hands are clean;
(v) Don’t touch live or dead wild animals;
(vi) Don’t touch or eat products that come from wild animals [Bush Meat]; and
(vii) Avoid touching materials such as bedding that have been used by animals.

Note 32:
For Election Officials, it is advised that hand sanitizers be used regularly, the BVAS
machines be disinfected after each use and hand gloves be made available for Election
officials especially those who are more in contact with the voters – POs and APOs.

5.5.7 First Aid Measures for Snake/Scorpion Bite

(a) Don’t panic;
(b) Call for assistance if possible;
(c) Wash bite with soap and water;
(d) Keep the bitten area still and lower than the heart level;
(e) Cover the area with a clean cool compress or a moist dressing to ease swelling
and discomfort;
(f) Remove all rings, watches, constrictive clothing in case of swelling;

2022 Manual for Election Officials 114

(g) Note the time of the bite it can be reported to the emergency room health care
providers if needed;
(h) If possible try to remember to draw a circle around the affected area [for a snake
bite] and mark time of the bite and the initial reaction;
(i) It is helpful to remember what the snake looks like in size and the type of snake if
you know it in order to tell the emergency room staff;
(j) Don’t apply a tourniquet;
(k) Don’t cut the wound to remove the venom;
(l) Don’t try to suck the venom out;
(m) Don’t drink caffeine or alcohol which could speed up the body’s absorption; and
(n) Get to a hospital as soon as possible.
(a) Call for help;
(b) Press a clean cloth/ bandage firmly with your palm to control bleeding;
(c) There may be need to apply a tourniquet with a cloth and note the time; and
(d) Maintain pressure on the wound until bleeding stops or you can get to a hospital.

(a) Call for help;
(b) Replace fluids by taking Oral Rehydration Salts if available or with diluted juices.
(c) Drink more water but slowly;
(d) Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol; and
(e) Rest or get to a hospital if symptoms worsen.

Note 33:

For other minor health emergencies, the contents of the First Aid Box provided at each RA
should be made use of before proceeding to a hospital.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 115





I………………………………… of ……….……..............................….. do solemnly swear/affirm

(1) I will at all times be faithful to the Federal Republic of Nigeria;
(2) As ………………………………… I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability
in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Electoral Act and the
guidelines issued by the Independent National Electoral Commission.
(3) I will do right to all candidates and Political Parties according to the law: without fear or
favour, affection or ill will.
So help me God.

Sworn to/Affirm at the……………………………(State / Federal) High Court Registry

this …………………...………..day of.............………………..20………………


NOTE: The Oath/Affirmation of Neutrality binds Election Officials to the legal and ethical
standards intended to guide their activities during the entire Electoral Process. All Election
Officials must adhere to these standards and implement them in good faith. The Independent
National Electoral Commission (INEC) will sanction Election Officials for violation of the
Oath/Affirmation of Neutrality.

2022 Manual for Election Officials 116


EC 8A(I)
State Constituency: _____________________________________ Code
Local Government Area:__________________________________Code
Registration Area:____________________________________Code
Polling Units:________________________________________Code

1. Number of Voters on the Register..........................................................

2. Number of Accredited Voters................................................................
4 Number of PVCs Collected…………………………………………
4 Number of Ballot Papers Issued to the Polling Unit................................
5. Number of Unused Ballot Papers...........................................................
6. Number of Spoiled Ballot Papers............................................................
7. Number of Rejected Ballots....................................................................
8. Number of Total Valid Votes (Sum of valid votes cast for all Parties).........
9. Total Number of Used Ballot Papers (sum of #5 + #6 +#7 above).............


TOTAL VALID VOTES Record Total Valid Votes under #7 above
I ……………………………………………………. (Name of Presiding Officer) hereby certify that the
information contained in this Form is a true and accurate account of votes cast in this Polling Unit
and that the election was CONTESTED / NOT CONTESTED.

Stamp/Signature of Presiding Officer …………………………… Date ………….…….....….

2022 Manual for Election Officials 117

EC 8 B


STATE________________________CODE__________________REGISTRATION AREA____________________CODE ______________________


1 2














NAME OF COLLATION OFFICER______________________SIGNATURE/DATE__________________STAMP ______________________

NAME/SIGN OF PARTYAGENT ……………………………………………………………............……………….


2022 Manual for Election Officials 118


2022 Manual for Election Officials 119

EC 25 B (I)


State:_______________Code ___________L.G.A__________Code Reg.

Area____________Code __________ Polling Unit______Code
_______________________________of __________________________
duly appointed as:
Registration/Polling Unit have received the following Electoral Forms, Materials and
Equipment from:
Name ________________________________
Address _______________________________
Designation ____________________________
Task Force/ Supervisory Presiding Officer/ Electoral Officer/ Resident Electoral

Signature of Collector Date

2022 Manual for Election Officials 120


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POLLING UNIT CODE…………………………………………………………………..

I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(Full Names)
Polling Agent for:……………………………………………………
(Names of Candidates and Political Parties)
hereby declare that I have reasonable cause to believe that the person applying for a ballot
paper in the name of:
……………………………………………..…………. …………………………….......
(Name given by the applicant)
whose number on the register of voters:…………………………………………………….
has committed an offence of impersonation and I undertake to substantiate the charge in a court
of law

DATED this……………………………………...Day of…………………………….20__

Signature of Polling Agent
Signed by the above named
Polling Agent in my presence

Name & Signature of Presiding Officer

2022 Manual for Election Officials 124








NAME OF POLLING UNIT ……………………..CODE: …………………………………

(Full Name of the Presiding Officer)

Presiding Officer in Charge of this Polling Unit, hereby authorize you

(Name of Person authorized)

To remove from Polling Unit any person whose removal I order on the grounds that he has
mis-conducted him/herself or has failed to obey any lawful order by me.

DATED this………………………………..Day of…………………………….2018

Signature of Presiding Officer

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