Els W2

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DAILY LESSON Teacher RENLIE JANE P. PEDRONAN Learning Area Earth and Life Science
LOG Teaching Dates and Time November 14-18, 2022 Quarter 2


A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of unifying themes in the study of life
B. Performance The learners should be able to value life by taking good care of all beings, humans, plants, and animals.
C. Learning Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and function, evolution, and ecosystems) in the study of life show the connections among living
Competencies/Ob things and how they interact with each other and with their environment (S11/12LT-IIa-3)
jectives (inc. LC
Codes) SLO:
1. Name the unifying themes in the study of life;
2. Describe the unifying themes illustrated;
3. Explain the connection among living things and their interaction with the environment;
4. Give details on how these themes serve as the foundation in the study of biology; and
5. Value life by taking good care of all beings, human, plants and animals.
II. CONTENT Unifying Themes in the Study of Life
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 MELCs p. 508
2. Learner’s Material Self-Learning Module 2
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Review lesson on the historical Review lesson the different Review lesson the different
lesson or presenting development of life by the unifying themes in the study of unifying themes in the study of
the new lesson emerging pieces of evidences. life. life.
B. Establishing a Decode the given numbers to the
purpose for the corresponding twenty-eight letters
lesson of the alphabet, then arrange the
letters to reveal the magic word
related to Biology.
C. Presenting examples/ Show a picture of how human
instances of the new evolved 6 million years ago.
D. Discussing new COLLABORATION: There will be
concepts and 10 stations and each group will
practicing new skills arrange the jumbled letters with
#1 the given facts and clues.
E. Discussing new Discuss the unifying themes in the
concepts and study of life while answering the
practicing new skills activity of the learners.
F. Developing mastery The learners name the unifying
theme illustrated.
G. Finding practical Read and analyze the given
applications of question.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making Using the template given, the
generalizations and learners share ideas about the
abstractions about the mentioned themes and relate it to
lesson science, technology and society.
I. Evaluating Learning Paper and pencil test
J. Additional Activities Explain how Biology can be
for Application or studied from a microscopic
Remediation approach to global approach.

A. No. of Learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who
earned 80% on the earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who
require additional require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for
activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation
B. Did the remedial C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work?
lessons work? No. of _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have
learners who have caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
caught up with the
C. No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who
continue to require continue to require remediation continue to require remediation continue to require remediation continue to require remediation
D. Which of my teaching Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well:
strategies worked _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning
well? Why did these _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games
work? _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary
activities/ exercises activities/ exercises activities/ exercises activities/ exercises
_____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method
_____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method
_____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
_____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/
poems/ stories poems/ stories poems/ stories poems/ stories
_____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction
_____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama
_____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method
_____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method
_____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method
_____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk
Why? Why? Why? Why?
_____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items
_____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials
E. What difficulties did I _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners
encounter which my _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional
can help me solve? Materials Materials Materials Materials
_____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of
Technological Equipment Technological Equipment Technological Equipment Technological Equipment
_____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific
Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment
_____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer
Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory
_____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness
F. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved: Noted:


School Principal I EPS/Monitoring Supervisor

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