2025 Specimen Paper 2 Mark Scheme

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Cambridge O Level


Paper 2 Calculator For examination from 2025
Maximum Mark: 80


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4037/02 Cambridge O Level – Mark Scheme For examination
SPECIMEN from 2025
Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the specific content of the mark
scheme or generic level descriptions for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptions for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptions for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.

Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).

Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the
syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the question as indicated by
the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.

Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level descriptions.

Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may be limited according
to the quality of the candidate responses seen).

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SPECIMEN from 2025


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptions in

Maths-Specific Marking Principles

1 Unless a particular method has been specified in the question, full marks may be awarded for any correct method. However, if a calculation is required then no
marks will be awarded for a scale drawing.
2 Unless specified in the question, answers may be given as fractions, decimals or in standard form. Ignore superfluous zeros, provided that the degree of accuracy
is not affected.
3 Allow alternative conventions for notation if used consistently throughout the paper, e.g. commas being used as decimal points.
4 Unless otherwise indicated, marks once gained cannot subsequently be lost, e.g. wrong working following a correct form of answer is ignored (isw).
5 Where a candidate has misread a number in the question and used that value consistently throughout, provided that number does not alter the difficulty or the
method required, award all marks earned and deduct just 1 mark for the misread.
6 Recovery within working is allowed, e.g. a notation error in the working where the following line of working makes the candidate’s intent clear.

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SPECIMEN from 2025

The following notes are intended to help with understanding of mark schemes in general, but individual mark schemes may include marks awarded for specific reasons
outside the scope of these notes.

Anything in the mark scheme which is in square brackets […] is not required for the mark to be earned, but if present it must be correct.

When a part of a question has two or more ‘method’ steps, the M marks are in principle independent unless the scheme specifically says otherwise; and similarly where
there are several B marks allocated. The notation ‘dep’ is used to indicate that a particular M or B mark is dependent on an earlier mark in the scheme.

Types of mark

M Method mark, awarded for a valid method applied to the problem.

A Accuracy mark, given for a correct answer or intermediate step correctly obtained. For accuracy marks to be given, the associated Method mark must be earned or

B Mark for a correct result or statement independent of Method marks.


awrt answers which round to

cao correct answer only
dep dependent on the previous mark(s)
FT follow through after error
isw ignore subsequent working (after correct answer obtained)
nfww not from wrong working
oe or equivalent
rot rounded or truncated
SC special case
soi seen or implied

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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

1(a) 4 3 B1 for x = 2
x = 2, x = 5 oe
M1 for 5x – 7 = their (–3) oe, soi or 25x – 35 = their (–15) oe,
A1 for x = 5 oe

Alternative method
B1 for 25x2 – 70x + 40 = 0 oe
M1 for factorising e.g. (5x – 4)(x – 2)
A1 for x = 2, 5

1(b) Finds three correct critical values: B1

–1.5 to –1.4 inclusive
0.8 to 0.9 inclusive
B2 B1 for either inequality correct
2 9−5 M1
A correct pair of inequalities: x ⩽ –1.45 and –0.4 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.85

m= oe
9 = their 2(8) + c oe or M1
5 = their 2(6) + c oe or
Y – 9 = their 2(X – 8) oe or
Y – 5 = their 2(X – 6) oe
ln y = 2 ln x – 7 A1
Correct completion to answer: y = eln x –7 = e–7x2 nfww A1
Alternative (B1)
ln y = p + q ln x soi
9−5 (M1)
m= oe
9 = their 2(8) + c oe or (M1)
5 = their 2(6) + c
y = e–7x2 (A1)

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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

3 Uses b2 – 4ac: M1
62 – 4(2k – 1)(k + 1)
–8k2 – 4k + 40[*0 where * is = or any inequality sign] oe M1 dep on first M1
Condone one sign or arithmetic slip in simplification
Factorises or solves their 3-term quadratic expression or equation for M1 e.g. (5 + 2k)(8 – 4k) oe
critical values
Finds correct critical values: –2.5 oe, 2 A1
A1 mark final answer
4(a)(i) 3 × 10! × 4 M1
–2.5 ⩽ k ⩽ 2

43 545 600 oe A1
4(a)(ii) 5! × 8 × 7! oe M1
4 838 400 oe A1
4(b)(i) C3 M1
84 A1
4(b)(ii) C1 × 4C1 × 5C1 oe M1
60 A1
5 dy B1
= sec2 x
dy dy M1
= their r
h dx x =-

2h A1

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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

6 dy 1 M2 dy k
= × –3 M1 for = , k ≠ –3
dx 5 − 3x dx 5 − 3x
dy 3 A1
dx x =- 5 20

y = ln 20 isw or 2.9957… B1
20 M1 1
m⊥ = oe FT −
3 J 3N
their KK− OO
20 A1 FT their y and their perpendicular gradient
y – ln 20 = (x + 5) oe, isw or
y – 2.9957… = 6.67(x + 5) oe, isw
–5.45 or –5.449[35…] rot to 4 or more significant figures A1
7(a)(i) (x – 8)2 + (y – 5)2 – 64 – 25 + 73 = 0 oe M1
(8, 5) A1
r=4 A1
Alternative (B1)
Centre (8, 5)
r= (− 8) 2 + (− 5) 2 − 73 oe
r=4 (A1)
7(a)(ii) [Distance between (10, 6.5) and centre =] (10 − 8) 2 + (6.5 − 5) 2
M1 FT their (8, 5)

[Distance between (10, 6.5) and centre < radius] 2.5 oe < 4 A1
7(b) [r2 – r1 =] 4 – 1.5 = 2.5 [= distance between centres] B1
8(a)(i) Uses correct Pythagorean identity in the left-hand side of the given M1
1 − sin 2 2x
identity e.g.
1 + sin 2x
(1 − sin 2x) (1 + sin 2x) A1
oe and completion to given answer
1 + sin 2x
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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

8(a)(ii) 2 M1
sin 2x =

1 –1 JK2NO M1 dep on first M1

x= sin K O soi
2 3
20.9 or 20.905… rounded or truncated to 4 or more figures A2 with no incorrect values in range
and A1 for either angle correct, ignoring extra values
69.1 or 69.094… rounded or truncated to 4 or more figures
8(b) J r
N 1 M1
tan KKy − OO = soi
2 3
r r M1 dep on first M1
y=6 + 2

2 A1 with no incorrect values in range

π oe or
2.09 or 2.094[39…] rot to 4 or more sig figs
9(a) [radius =] 8 2 + 15 2 or 17

8 M1 FT their 17 if necessary
[angle AOB =] π – 2 tan–1 oe or
J 2 N
17 + 17 2 − 30 2O
cos-1 KK O oe
# #
L 2 17 17 P
2.16[167…] A1
8 + 8 + 30 + 17 × 2.16[167…] M1 FT their 17 and their 2.16[167…]
82.7[485…] A1
9(b) 1 2 M1
Complete correct plan including use of r θ
432[.362…] A1

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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

10(a) J N2 B1
Identifies the correct term: 5C2 × (2k)3 × KK− OO [× x2] oe, soi
8k3 M1 FT only for correct term with bracketing errors; condone one slip.
10 × = 160 soi
k = 2 nfww A1
10(b)(i) 1 + 18x + 135x B2 B1 for any 2 terms correct or for all 3 correct terms listed but not
or M1 for a correct unsimplified expansion, e.g.:
1 + 6(3x) + 15(3x)2
10(b)(ii) Uses constant/coefficient of x to find a = –2 only B2 17
B1 for both a = 2 and –2 or for both a = and –2
b = 469 only B1 FT their calculated value of a
11(a) 30 B1
y= oe
J 2 M1 30 1 2
30N FT their 2 providing 10π = 3 πx y was attempted
S = rx x 2 + KKtheir 2 OO x
L x P
Correct completion to given answer A1

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SPECIMEN from 2025

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks

11(b) B2 B1 for [π ×] (x6 + 900) 2 , k ≠ 3 or 0
d ([r] x6 + 900 ) 1 −1
= [π ×] (x6 + 900) 2 × 6x5
dx 2
Applies correct form of quotient or product rule, e.g.: M1
d ([r]) x6 + 900 )
1 1 FT their
rx c3x5 (x6 + 900) - 2m − r (x6 + 900) 2 dx

− rx-2 (x6 + 900) 2 + r c3x5 (x6 + 900) - 12m

dS M1 dep on previous M1
their = 0 and attempt to solve
6 A1
2.77 or 2.768[2…] rot to 4 or more sig figs or 450 isw
12 x coordinate of A = 6 soi B1
x coordinate of B = 9 soi B1
k – 3 = (9 – k)(k – 3) M1
k = 8 [therefore C(8, 5)] A1
(8 – 6) × 5 or 10 oe soi B1
R V 3 M2 M1 for 2 correct terms
SF (x) = y their 9 (12x − 27 − x 2) dx =W 12 x 2 − 27x − x
S their 8 W 2 3
their 10 + F(their 9) – F(their 8) M1 dep on at least M1 for integration
38 2 A1
or 12 or 12.7 or 12.66[66...] rot to 4 or more sig figs nfww
3 3

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