Psychological Problems Topic Guide
Psychological Problems Topic Guide
Psychological Problems Topic Guide
Topic Guide 3
Psychological problems – How would
psychological problems affect you?
Psychological problems 2
Specification requirements 2
Guidance 3
3.1 Content 3
3.2 Studies 8
Caspi et al. (2003) Influence of Life Stress on Depression:
Moderation by a Polymorphism in the 5-HTT Gene 8
Young (2007) Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Internet
Addicts: Treatment Outcomes and Implications 11
3.3 Issues and debates 14
Resources and references 15
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
Specification requirements
Candidates are expected to demonstrate and apply the knowledge, understanding and
skills described in the content.
To demonstrate their understanding, candidates should explain ideas and use their
knowledge to apply, analyse, interpret and evaluate, as appropriate.
Candidates may be asked to consider the following issues when evaluating studies:
Research methods are delivered in Topic 11. However, as a way to aid candidates in
evaluating the studies, centres can encourage them to consider the methodology of the
key studies as they progress through each individual topic. For example, candidates
could consider the issues with using a questionnaire in Young (2007) (3.2.2) when
evaluating the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for internet addiction.
Although candidates will not be directly assessed on practical activities, the experience
they gain will give them a better understanding of this subject and may enhance their
examination performance.
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3.1 Content
3.1.1 Understand the two mental health problems unipolar depression and
addiction, including the symptoms and features according to the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD) of:
a. depression
b. addiction
Candidates need to know the symptoms and features of both depression (3.1.1a) and
addiction (3.1.1b) according to the ICD. It may be beneficial to candidates for centres
to provide or ask candidates to find a copy of the ICD, and to select the prominent
symptoms of depression and addiction. Candidates could then look at the current
prevalence of these mental health problems, their prevalence over time (which can link
to 3.1.2) or culture, who is more commonly affected in terms of age and gender, and any
other factors which may influence risk. Centres may wish to focus on the symptoms from
the ICD-11 (due to be published in 2018), which adopts the term addiction for a variety
of substances or behaviours (e.g. alcohol) in the current draft version or depression in
various forms (e.g. recurrent depressive disorder). The current ICD-10 adopts slightly
different titles for the mental health issues so these could be a focus instead.
Application of the symptoms and features of each mental health issue to stimulus
materials would benefit candidates. Centres could develop scenarios and examples from
which candidates can identify the symptoms that are evident.
3.1.2 How the incidence of mental health problems changes over time
Candidates need to learn how the incidence of mental health problems changes
over time (3.1.2). Centres may want to focus on the two compulsory mental health
issues (depression and addiction) but could also investigate other mental health issues
(e.g. obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, phobias). Candidates could
look at official statistics and consider the frequency and prevalence of the chosen mental
health issues over time. Centres could look at how different factors change over time,
such as gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic group. This could all link to topic 3.3 Issues
and debates, where candidates have to understand how psychology has changed over
time. In topic 4 the focus is on the brain, which could be relevant for mental health
problems in terms of how they affect individuals (3.1.3), drug therapy that acts on
neurotransmitters (3.1.8), and the function of neurotransmitters (4.1.3a) in the
brain. Additionally, centres could consider the cultural variation in the incidence of mental
health problems over time. Centres may choose to link their delivery to 3.1.3 and
consider how the incidence of mental health problems changing over time could affect
individuals and society.
Scott lives in Imbondu and has recently been diagnosed with a mental health problem.
The incidence of his mental health problem has been rising in Imbondu.
How does the incidence of mental health problems, like Scott’s, change over time?
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
Candidates need to consider how mental health problems can affect both
individuals and society (3.1.3). Centres may want to focus on the two compulsory
mental health issues (depression and addiction) but could also investigate other mental
health issues (e.g. OCD, schizophrenia, phobias).
Candidates need to look at the impact of the chosen mental health problems on the
individual, which could link to the symptoms (3.1.1) and the incidence over time
(3.1.2). The impact on the individual in terms of the social, emotional and occupational
factors could be considered.
Candidates need to look at the impact of the chosen mental health problems on society,
which could link to the symptoms (3.1.1) and the incidence over time (3.1.2). The
impact on society in terms of healthcare, crime, economic costs and wider social factors
(e.g. attitudes in terms of stigma and discrimination) could be considered.
Scott lives in Imbondu and has recently been diagnosed with a mental health problem.
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drawing on the concepts delivered in the ‘issues and debates’ content, where themes
such as nature versus nurture could be used to evaluate explanations.
Scott has been recently diagnosed with depression. His parents have both been
diagnosed with depression. How could genes explain Scott’s recent diagnosis?
What strengths and weaknesses are there of this explanation for Scott’s diagnosis?
Scott has recently been diagnosed with depression. He failed a recent psychology test
and is now considering dropping out of school. He recently suggested that life was
pointless and he has no future.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
6) then they could use both operant conditioning (6.1.1a–f) and social learning
theory (6.1.1g–k). For addiction, classical conditioning basics could be delivered (e.g.
unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), neutral stimulus (NS),
conditioned stimulus (CS), conditioned response (CR)) and then addiction applied to
different stimulus>response learning scenarios. The operant conditioning principles of
reinforcement (positive and negative) and punishment (positive and negative) could be
delivered and then applied to different contingency-based scenarios. Social learning
concepts of role models, observational learning and vicarious reinforcement could be
delivered and then addiction applied to different imitative learning scenarios.
Scott watched his Dad smoking. The next day Scott tried a cigarette.
Candidates need to know how cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could be used
as a treatment for both depression (3.1.7a) and addiction (3.1.7b). The use of a
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) (3.1.7) may be delivered following cognitive
theory (3.1.5). CBT is a treatment based on the premise that thoughts determine
feelings. Patients are taught to monitor their thoughts and identify those that trigger
faulty, irrational feelings and actions whilst they learn new coping skills and ways to
prevent a relapse. For addiction, there is a direct link to Young (2007) (3.2.2) which
gives a useful overview of the CBT process and its application to mental health problems.
Types of treatment can be evaluated through comparisons to each other and the nature
of the thinking or behaviours that they aim to change. Candidates can also use theories
and explanations for evaluation, such as whether CBT can work effectively with mental
health patients if their behaviour is the result of a gene (e.g. the 5-HTT gene).
Supporting evidence can be used to evaluate treatment programmes and there are
several psychological studies suitable for CBT, most notably Young (2007) (3.2.2).
Equally, candidates may wish to consider the practicalities of the programmes, for
example the long-term effectiveness of CBT outside a hospital setting once the patient is
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discharged. Candidates may want to determine how likely the mental health patient is to
engage in adaptive thinking and behaviours as a result of the treatment.
Scott has been diagnosed with addiction and has been sent for CBT. What might Scott
experience during his CBT sessions?
Candidates need to know how drugs could be used as a treatment for both
depression (3.1.8a) and addiction (3.1.8b). The use of drugs (3.1.8) may be
delivered following genes as an explanation (3.1.4) or through the concepts of
neurons and synapses (4.1.3) in topic 4 (the brain and neuropsychology). The use of
drugs as a treatment for depression would focus on anti-depressant drugs and may
encompass the different types of anti-depressants available (e.g. tricyclics, SSRIs). The
concept of the serotonin system is explored in Caspi et al. (2003) (3.2.1) so there
could be links here. The use of drugs as a treatment for addiction may focus on the
treatment of drug addiction (e.g. methadone for heroin). This could be linked to the
function of neurotransmitters (4.1.3a) and synaptic functioning (4.1.3b). Centres
may also want to link to the issues and debates (3.3) as the use of drugs is based on
the nature argument that depression or addiction can be treated internally.
Types of treatment can be evaluated through comparisons to each other and the nature
of the neurochemical imbalances or behaviours that they aim to change. Candidates can
also use theories and explanations for evaluation, such as whether drug treatment can
work effectively with mental health patients if their behaviour is the result of a faulty
cognitions (consistent with cognitive theory). Supporting evidence can be used to
evaluate treatment programmes and there are several psychological studies suitable for
drug treatment. Equally, candidates may wish to consider the practicalities of the
programmes, for example the long-term effectiveness of drug treatments if they are not
taken once the patient is discharged. Candidates may want to determine how likely the
mental health patient is to take their drugs if they cause serious side effects.
Scott has been diagnosed with addiction and has been prescribed drugs.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of drug treatment for Scott?
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
3.2 Studies
Candidates should understand the aims, procedures and findings (results and
conclusions), and strengths and weaknesses of:
3.2.2 Young (2007) Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Internet Addicts: Treatment
Outcomes and Implications
Study One
Previous research had suggested that depression was linked to stressful life experiences,
but not all those who underwent stressful life experiences developed depression. The
diathesis–stress theories of depression suggested this was because those who developed
depression did so due to a genetic vulnerability.
Anti-depressant drugs differ in their mode of action but there is one type that target
serotonin (SSRIs). Therefore, the researchers investigated the role of a gene involved in
serotonin (the 5-HTT gene). People with either one or two short (s) alleles of a genotype
involved in serotonin efficiency (the 5-HTTLPR genotype) have been found to have lower
serotonin efficiency than those with one or two copies of the long (l) allele.
The main aim was to see why stressful experiences lead to depression in some people
but not others.
The researchers wanted to investigate the role of a gene involved with serotonin to see if
it contributed to depression.
The study was longitudinal and therefore investigated participants at ages 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13, 15, 18, 21 and virtually all again at age 26 (96% of the original cohort). The
participants were not recruited by the researchers but were taken from a previous study
of 1037 people – this was the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study.
For the current study, 847 Caucasian non-Maori study members were selected from the
previous study group of 1037 participants and then divided into three groups:
Group 1 (n=147, 17%): two copies of the short (s) allele of the 5-HTTLPR genotype
Group 2 (n=435, 51%): one copy of the short (s) allele, and one copy of the long (l)
allele of the 5-HTTLPR genotype
Group 3 (n=265, 31%): two copies of the long (l) allele of the 5-HTTLPR genotype.
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Measure 2 – depression
For each of the groups at age 26, the depressive symptoms for the past year were
assessed using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule.
For each of the groups at age 26, an informant (someone who knew them well) was
asked via questionnaire about depressive symptoms for the past year for 96% of the
There were no differences across the three groups in terms of the number of stressful life
events experienced. This suggested that the 5-HTTLPR genotype did not influence
exposure to stressful life events.
Measure 2 – depression
For the participants across the groups:
DSM-IV depressive episode experienced in past year: 17%
past-year suicide attempt: 3%.
Later analyses confirmed that the 5-HTT gene appeared to moderate the effects of
stressful life events (the presence of one or more (l) alleles reduced their impact).
The researchers then assessed the impact of childhood maltreatment to see if the 5-HTT
gene moderates all life events, and not just those experienced in adulthood. There was a
significant interaction – childhood maltreatment predicted adult depression only among
those carrying the (s) allele.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
The 5-HTT gene interacts with life events to predict depressive symptoms, an increase in
symptoms, diagnosis of depression, new-onset diagnoses, suicidality and an informant’s
report of depressed behaviour. Those carrying an (l) allele were less likely to develop
depression or suicidality.
Furthermore, the (l) allele moderated the effects of probable or significant childhood
Candidates may be asked to consider the following issues when evaluating studies:
● validity
● reliability
● generalisability
● ethics
● objectivity
● subjectivity.
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Study Two
To see how effective cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) would be for those suffering
from internet addiction.
Participants were 114 clients recruited from the Center for Online Addiction in
Pennsylvania, USA. Of these, 42% were women, 84% were Caucasian, they had mean
ages of 38 and 46 for males and females respectively, and 61% had a 4-year bachelor’s
All participants had been screened using the Internet Addiction Test with some
participants excluded beforehand for showing high-risk behaviours.
After initial screening, participants had sessions with a principle investigator over a
number of weeks involving CBT.
A client outcome questionnaire was given to the participants at the 3rd, 8th and 12th
online sessions and then at a 6-month follow-up. There were 12 questions which used a
5-point Likert scale and assessed:
how effective counselling was at helping the clients achieve the targeted treatment
goals, and the quality of the counselling relationship
motivation to quit abusing the internet
ability to control offline activities
improved relationship functioning
improved offline sexual functioning (if applicable).
The most common problematic online applications reported by the clients were:
pornography, chat (sexual), gambling for men (with a minority reporting gaming)
chat (sexual) for women (with a minority reporting general chat, online auction
houses, shopping and gaming).
The table below shows the mean ratings given by the clients using the 5-point Likert
scale (0=not at all; 5=extremely helpful) for the therapist–client interaction across the
sessions and during follow-up.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
Therapy variable Session 3 Session 8 Session 12
Ability to develop a
3.85 4.28 4.58 3.96
supportive relationship
Overall quality of the
3.56 4.12 4.36 3.90
counselling environment
Overall quality of the
3.35 4.25 4.55 4.10
counselling relationship
Clients found the counselling environment comfortable to conduct therapy, and their
relationship with the therapist improved over time.
The table below shows mean ratings given by the clients for the outcome goals using the
5-point Likert scale (0=not at all; 5=extremely helpful).
Outcome goal Session 3 Session 8 Session 12
Motivation 4.22 3.96 4.54 4.36
Time management 3.95 4.06 4.33 4.22
Relationship function 2.95 3.66 4.42 3.99
Sexual function 2.15 2.99 3.26 3.16
Engagement in offline
2.67 4.46 4.66 4.87
Abstinence from problematic
3.45 4.28 4.55 4.35
CBT and related techniques enabled clients to decrease thoughts and behaviours
associated with compulsive internet use. Relapse prevention was achieved by clients over
a 6-month follow-up too.
Furthermore, rationalisations that led to compulsive use were reduced and proactive
lifestyle changes to adapt to life without the internet were achieved.
Candidates may be asked to consider the following issues when evaluating studies:
● validity
● reliability
● generalisability
● ethics
● objectivity
● subjectivity.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
The issues and debates content in each compulsory topic, including research methods, is
designed to enable candidates to understand the wider issues in psychology that
underpin psychological knowledge and research. These are delivered within specific topic
content. Candidates can, however, draw upon issues and debates in their evaluations
and extended open essays across each topic area (compulsory and/or optional), and
while this is not an expected feature of responses, it may – if appropriate, accurate and
relevant – be creditworthy in examinations. For example, if they chose to evaluate the
use of drug treatment using nature and nurture concepts this can be an acceptable
Issues and debates will be specifically assessed in Paper 1 through an extended open-
response question.
The nature and nurture debate (3.3.1) has been included in this topic because a lot of
the concepts and ideas link to either nature (e.g. genes) or nurture (e.g. observational
learning) with an interaction between the two (e.g. Caspi et al., 2003).
Candidates need to know how to define the terms nature (3.3.1a) and nurture
(3.3.1b), and to develop an understanding of the interaction between the two as an
explanation of human behaviour. The use of content, theories and research drawn
from psychological problems (3.3.1c) can be used to exemplify candidate
understanding of the nature and nurture debate (3.3.1).
Other areas of the specification could also be considered as part of the nature and
nurture debate, such as how mental health problems affect individuals and society
(3.1.3). The relative impact of genes (3.1.4) or role models (3.1.6) could be
considered in terms of how the individual or society could be affected by depression.
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Sources suggested here are additional guidance for centres to aid with teaching resources and ideas. These are
not compulsory components and centres should select delivery content as appropriate to their candidates.
Centres can draw upon any research evidence to support evaluations and explanations of topic areas. This list
is not exhaustive.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
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Further suggested resources can be found in the ‘Getting Started’ publication, where a
scheme of work has been provided.
– this site has a number of free short books about key areas of psychology. –a useful site with books, articles and summaries of some of the
key concepts. –
Psychology ‘Crash Course’ is a YouTube channel that provides 40 short overviews of
psychological issues.
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3 How would psychological problems affect you?
*All weblinks included here have been checked as active at publication, however the nature of online
resources is that they can be removed or replaced by webhosting services and so it cannot be guaranteed that
these sites will remain available throughout the life of the qualification.
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