I believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future. Like the
forester planting an oak seedling knowing he or she will never see the tree in all
its glory, I know I may never see the fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling
is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow.
The good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn.
I know that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge
based on past experiences and prior learning. I know that students do not all
learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe it is my responsibility as a
teacher to be an effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities, and
prior knowledge. I must then plan learning experiences that will both challenge
and allow every student to think and grow.
I believe a good teacher must also understand motivation and the effects of
peer interactions on learning. I want all my students to achieve at high levels,
so I avoid sorting them and setting them up to compete with each other. I know
most learning happens through social interaction; therefore, I structure
learning so that students productively collaborate and cooperate with each
other the vast majority of class time.
The good teacher must know her subjects and how to help students learn those
subjects. I know the good teacher must have a deep appreciation of how
knowledge is created in the discipline, how it is organized and how it is linked to
other disciplines. I use my knowledge of the discipline to expose my students to
modes of critical thinking, encouraging them to analyze, apply, synthesize, and
evaluate all they read and hear. I love the subjects I teach, and I know how to
make them come alive for my students.
A good teacher cannot begin or continue to inspire learning without being a
learner. The good teacher must constantly learn what is new in the discipline.
In fact, the good teacher often helps to create new knowledge. To live this
belief, I must continuously examine my teaching methods and find new ones. To
remain connected to my students, their lives and the schools in which they will
practice their professions, I must be a student of society and the constantly
changing worlds in which students live. I eagerly and willingly learn from my
students as they learn with me.
I believe a teacher is the most powerful of role models. I am ever aware of the
awesome obligation I have to “walk my talk” with my students. If I ask them to
live their values and beliefs, I must do the same. I expect the best — of myself
and others — and, therefore, I usually get the best. I try to treat all people
with dignity and respect, and I expect my students to do so also.
_ “Paradise Lost” is an epic poem written by John Milton. In this poem, he explains the fall of
the paradise that God made in the beginning of the creation. He takes the reader to hell and
gives them an understanding of what is going on and the way he envisions hell to be. Milton
then explains how Satan and his followers plan to deal with losing the war to God. He also
takes us on Satan’s journey to find man and describes the way Satan plans to destroy the
paradise that he discovers when he eventually finds Earth and the new creation God made. In
Book I, Milton starts off at the end of the war with God, and Satan and his followers being
cast down to hell. So, I Personally, enjoyed the Paradise lost after the fact that I had to
read the whole thing. Even though it was somewhat of a hard to read due of how it's written.
I enjoy the poetry since it was written intriguing and amusing to the reader. Paradise lost is
an epic poem written by John Milton. Adam and Eve's fall from grace is described by Milton,
who also explains how and why it occurs and situates the narrative within a larger framework
of Satan's rebellion and Jesus's resurrections. The Paradise lost illustrates two moral
pathways that one can take after disobedience the downward spiral of escalating sin and
degradation, represented by Satan and road to redemption, represented by Adam and Eve. I
can so relate to this poem, because sometimes I disobey the rules of my parents and I make
wrong decision. I would recommend this poem to younger generation. I think that they will
appreciate this promo because it delivers a lot of moral lessons and it helps for them to know
that never disobey god or if not, you will be punished.
Reflection on the Scarlet letter
_The Scarlet Letter was a very intriguing book. I like this story because not only is it
written very well but it provides numerous Lesson to young readers. This novel also presents
history about harsh how the lawas when back then. I felt that the novel taught me to tell
the truth and reveal the sins or mistakes I will make throughout my life. Arthur and Hesler
keep Pearl's father-ship a secret from the reader for the duration of the book. Arthur
suffers from guilt sickness. He lets Hester take all the blame for bearing the child, but he
secretly has "A" on his chest. I can identify to this because I use to get my younger sister in
trouble. I would feel bad for letting her bear the entire burden. The audience for this book,
in my opinion, should be young adults. They learn about history while also learning to accept
responsibility for their own actions. They might learn from it to tell the truth and accept
the consequences instead of carrying around guilt.
Reflection of The Road not Taken and Stopping by Woods
by the Snowy Evening Frost by: Robert Frost
_Robert Frost's poem "The road not taken" is one of my favorites because it
imparts many valuable moral lessons to the reader and also has application to
everyday life. The line from Robert Frost's poem "The road not taken" that reads,
"In life there are many decisions we will face and there are points where we must
let take the road often cannot determine the outcome" really resonates with me
because I've made a lot of poor decisions in my life, which is why this poem is so
helpful to me.
In order to avoid regrets, I need to be sure my decisions are the proper ones
before I make them. This poem is about making choices in life and the choices
that shape our future. Making the right decisions and choices is therefore
essential to a person's life. A bad choice or decisions can ruin our lives.
_The Whistle was a very fascinating and enjoyable story. It teaches us that it
is okay to make a mistake so that you won't make a same mistake. Benjamin
Franklin, the child in the story, commits a mistake. His mother gave him his
first pocket money. His quite excited and uses all of the pennies. Even though
he makes a mistake, his mother reminds him that the lesson he has learned
today is to never spend too much on a whistle. It is genuine, we will all make
mistakes in life, no matter how big or tiny. However, we must draw conclusions
from our blunders. It's not all that bad to fail. It aids in bringing your
weakness to light and identifies areas for improvement, the principle for life,
that is to avoid paying more than things are worth.