Pre-Calculus Vocab

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"If you don't have vocabulary for a content area, you don't know the content area—

and that's what opens the door for us. We can actually build background knowledge
by directly teaching certain vocabulary in a certain way." ~ Robert Marzano


absolute error dot product matrix inversion real numbers

absolute value edge matrix multiplication real-world function
acceleration ellipse matrix subtraction reciprocal
add radical expressions equivalent forms of equations minimum/maximum of function recurrence equation
addition counting procedure equivalent forms of inequalities minor axis recurrence relationship
adjacency matrix Eulerian circuit monomial recursive equation
algebraic function exponent multiply polar coordinates regression coefficient
angle of depression exponential function multiply radical expressions regression line
arc factor theorem natural log right triangle geometry
area under curve factorial natural number roots & real numbers
asymptote of function factorial notation negative exponent scalar
axis of symmetry Fibonacci sequence normal curve sequence
base e finite graph normal vector series
Cartesian coordinates foci orthogonal series
center force parabola sigma notation
central angle formal mathematical induction parameter sine
chain rule function composition parametric equation sinusoidal function
chord function notation path speed
circle fundamental theorem of algebra periodic function standard form
circuit general form permutation statistic
classes of functions global/local behavior phase shift step function
combination graph theory pi subtract radical expressions
complete the square imaginary number point of tangency sum of the roots
complex conjugate theorem independent events polar coordinates surface area cylinder
complex number infinite geometric series polynomial surface area sphere
component form interest polynomial addition synthetic division
compound event interval of convergence polynomial division tangent
compound interest inverse function polynomial function term
conjugate axes irrational conjugate theorem polynomial multiplication theorem
conjugate complex number irrational number polynomial subtraction theorem direct proof
continuity law of cosine population theorem indirect proof
correlation law of sine position vector transitive axes
cosine limit postulate trigonometric form
Cramer's Rule line equation powers trigonometric ratio
cross product line segment precursive function trigonometric relation
curve fitting linear probability distribution unit vector
degree of vertex local max product of the roots upper/lower bounds
DeMoivres Theorem local min product rule validity
dependent events log function Pythagorean theorem vector
derivation logarithm quotient rule vector addition
derivative logarithmic function radical expression vector division
dilation of object in a plane major axis radical function vector multiplication
direct function mathematical theories radius vector subtraction
directrix matrix radius velocity
displacement vector matrix addition range of function vertex
divide polar coordinates matrix division rational exponents vertex
divide radical expressions matrix equation rational function vertex edge graph
domain of function matrix inverse rationalize the numerator walk

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