Vocabulary Words

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X intercept vertex Relation Quotient
Y intercept Domain Function notation Area
Zero Range Substitution Product
Linear Exponential Independent variable Difference
Line Exponent Dependent variable Sum
Slope Interval notation X intercept Integers
Rate of change Quadratic Y intercept Rational numbers
Per Linear Zero(s) Real numbers
Slope-intercept form of a line Reasonable Domain and Root(s) Irrational numbers
Point slope form of a line Range Solution(s) Is
Standard form of a line Infinity Quadratic Greater than
m=slope=rise/run All real numbers Factor Less than
b=y-intercept Coordinate plane Binomial Equal to
Function Number line Polynomial Number categories
Perpendicular X-axis Monomial Distributive property
Parallel Y-axis Trinomial Correlation
Horizontal Origin Quadratic equation Positive
Vertical Perimeter Axis of symmetry Negative
No correlation
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Vocabulary Words tracker.
Linear Quotient
Relation vertex
X intercept Area
Function notation Domain/ Range
Y intercept Product
Substitution Domain
Zero Difference
Independent variable Range
Linear Sum
Dependent variable Exponential
Line Integers
Quadratic Exponent
Slope Rational numbers
X intercept Interval notation
Rate of change Real numbers
Y intercept Quadratic
Per Irrational numbers
Zero(s) Linear
Slope-intercept form of a line Is
Root(s) Reasonable Domain and
Point slope form of a line Greater than
Solution(s) Range
Standard form of a line Less than
Quadratic Infinity
m=slope=rise/run Equal to
Factor All real numbers
b=y-intercept Number categories
Binomial Basic
Function Distributive property
Polynomial Coordinate plane
Perpendicular Scatterplots
Monomial Number line
Parallel Correlation
Trinomial X-axis
Horizontal Positive
Quadratic equation Y-axis
Vertical Negative
Axis of symmetry Origin
No correlation

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