Pp2 Schemes of Work Mathematics

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1 1
2 1- CLASSIF By the end of the Communication Responsibility Realia 1.Observ
5 ICATION Sorting & sub-strand, the 1. Which objects are and Learners look at Counters ation
grouping learner should be similar or look alike? collaboration and talk about charts 2.Oral
able to: 2. What objects have objects with question
a) identify same colour, size, Critical thinking different colour, s
similarities and shape, and texture? and problem size, shape and
differences between 3. Which objects look solving texture.
objects for alike?
distinguishing one 4. Which objects are Imaginative and demonstrate sorting
object from the other different? creative and grouping
b) sort and group 5. Why have you objects by more
objects in their grouped these objects than one attribute
environment together?
(colour, size, shape,
c) group objects in 6. Why should we
texture, use and
the environment store materials after
according to more use
than one attribute demonstrate
sorting, grouping
and comparing
objects by more
than one attribute
(colour, size, shape,
texture, use and
type) up to four

groups or pairs,
individually, sort
and group objects
according to more
than one attribute
up to four groups.

specific attributes to
other objects in the

related to sorting
and grouping

materials in their
respective corners.

and group objects

according to more
than one attribute
using ICT devices

3 1- By the end of the Communication Responsibility Realia .Observa

5 Sorting & sub-strand, the 1. Which objects look and Learners collect a Counters tion
grouping learner should be alike? collaboration variety of objects charts 2.Oral
able to: 2. What makes them from the question
Matching look alike? Critical thinking environment s
and a)group objects in 3. What is the use of and problem
pairing the environment these items? solving to match and pair
according to more 4. How can we care objects according to
than one attribute for Imaginative and likeness/sameness/u
b) appreciate the creative se
materials in the
environment for their demonstrate
uniqueness and matching and
diversity pairing according

c) identify
among objects in
the environment
d) identify
differences among
objects in the

4 1- By the end of the Communication Responsibility Realia .Observa

5 Matching sub-strand, the 1. Which objects look and Learners collect a Counters tion
and learner should be alike? collaboration variety of objects charts 2.Oral
pairing able to: 2. What makes them from the question
a) identify look alike? Critical thinking environment s
similarities 3. What is the use of and problem
among these items? solving to match and pair
objects in the 4. How can we care objects according to
environment for Imaginative and likeness/sameness/u
b) identify creative se
differences among
objects in the
environment demonstrate
c) match objects matching and
according to pairing according

likeness or sameness to more one

in the environment attribute (sameness,
d) pair objects likeness and use)
related to each other
according to or individually
sameness, likeness, learners match and
use, type pair objects
relationship, part and according to more
whole than one attribute
e) use appropriate (likeness, sameness
vocabulary related to or use)
matching and pairing
objects for effective items matched or
communication paired
f) appreciate the use
of different objects
songs/recite poems
in the environment
on relationship/use
of objects from the

match and pair

objects according to
more than one
attribute using ICT

5 1- CLASSIF By the end of the Critical thinking Responsibility Realia Observat

5 ICATION Ordering sub-strand, the Which objects are and problem Learners talk about Counters ion
learner should be (shorter, taller, solving different objects in charts
able to: smaller, bigger)? the environment in
a) collect and 2. Which among Self efficacy relation to size.
identify different these two objects is
objects in their shorter, longer, ordering objects
environment for smaller or bigger according to size up
exploration and to five objects.
b) arrange objects in
the immediate
ordering objects
according to size up
according to size in
to five objects.
ascending up to five
objects for
groups, pairs,
comparison. individually order
c) arrange objects in objects according to
the immediate size up to five
environment objects.
according to size in
descending order. learners compare
d) arrange objects in objects of different
the environment sizes up to five.
according to more
than one attribute big and small
e) differentiate objects using ICT
objects of different devices.
sizes in the
environment arrange objects in
f) use different ascending and
objects in the descending order
environment in their using ICT devices
daily activities
g) use appropriate
vocabulary related to
ordering in their
daily life experiences
for effective
6 1- By the end of the Communication Responsibility Realia .Observa
5 PATTERN sub-strand, the 1. Which objects look and Learners observe Counters tion
S learner should be alike? collaboration and talk about charts 2.Oral
able to: 2. Which objects different objects in question
a) observe objects in comes next in the Critical thinking the environment. s
the environment for series? and problem
the purpose of 3. What object has solving demonstrate
identifying patterns. been used to make a arranging objects to
b) identify pattern? Self efficacy make a pattern.
similarities and 4. Which other
differences among pattern can you demonstrate
objects make? arranging objects to
c) arrange similar 5. Which part of the
make patterns
objects to make a pattern repeats itself
(shape, colour).
d) use different or pairs,
objects to make
e) identify patterns in learners arrange
objects to make
different objects
pattern (shape,
within the
colour, number cut-
(clothes, animals,
seeds, leaves)
the missing objects
in a series to make
a pattern.

and talk about

different patterns on
their clothes, foot
prints, buildings,
flower gardens.

different shapes
using ICT devices
to make patterns.

patterns using ICT


7 1- By the end of the Communication Responsibility Realia .Observa

5 PATTERN sub-strand, the Which other pattern and f) identify the Counters tion
S learner should be can you make? collaboration repeating part of the charts 2.Oral
able to: Which part of the patterns. question
pattern repeats itself? Critical thinking g) appreciate s
a) identify the and problem pattern s in their
repeating part of the solving environment
patterns. h) enjoy making
b) appreciate pattern different patterns
Rote s in their with objects found
NUMBE counting environment in the environment
RS c) enjoy making
different patterns Demonstrate rote
with objects found in counting 1-50.
the environment Learners to rote
count 1-50 with
d) rote count actions (clapping,
numbers 1-50 for nodding ,jumping,
eeveloping numeracy skipping, hopping).
f) rote count using Learners perform
actions up to 50 for singing games or
enhancing rhymes related to
rote counting

8 1- NUMBE By the end of the Communication Patience Realia .Observa

5 RS Rote sub-strand, the Are you able to and Responsibility Demonstrate rote Counters tion
counting learner should be count1-50 with collaboration counting 1-50. charts 2.Oral
able to: action? Learners to rote question
a) rote count 2. Can you count 1 - Critical thinking count 1-50 with s
numbers 1-50 for 50? and problem actions (clapping,
developing solving nodding ,jumping,
numeracy skills skipping, hopping).
b) rote count using Self efficacy
actions up to 50 for Learners perform
enhancing singing games or
acquisition of rhymes related to
numeracy rote counting.
c) enjoy rote
counting up to 50 in to radio and
their daily life. television
programmes on rote

watch video clips

on rote counting
with actions

9 1- By the end of the Communication Love Realia .Observa

5 Number sub-strand, the 1. Which number can and Unity Learners observe Counters tion
recognitio learner should be you see on the chart/ collaboration Patience and read numerals charts 2.Oral
n able to: flashcard? Responsibility on number flash question
a) identify numerals 2. How many letters Critical thinking cards or number s
1-20 for does your name and problem charts.
enhancement of have? solving
acquisition of 3. Which number identifying numbers
formation of have you modelled? Self efficacy on flashcard or
number symbols 4. Which two charts.
b) appreciate use of numbers look alike Imaginative and
numbers and develop on the chart? creative about numbers
curiosity for found on objects in
numbers in daily life the environment.
songs and model
numbers 1-20.

that look alike.

groups, learners
play number
recognition games
such as (fishing
game, domino
games, skittle
game, snake and
ladder games,
treasure hand, post
office game).

numbers, type
number symbols,
identify number
numerals using ICT

1 1- By the end of the Communication Love Realia .Observa

0 5 .4 Number sub-strand, the How many (books, and Respect Teacher Counters tion
sequencing learner should be pencils rubbers are on collaboration Unity demonstrates charts 2.Oral
able to: the table? Peace counting objects 1- question
a) observe objects in 2. How many learners Patience 20 s
different groups or are in your group? Responsibility
sets for 3. How many count objects for
distinguishing boys/girls are in numbers 1-20 (body
different types of your group parts, colours of the
similar objects national flag,
b) count concrete different types of
objects 1-20 for food, objects in the
developing skills class)
c) demonstrate one
to one pairs, individually,
correspondence learners count
while counting people or objects in
concrete objects their class up to 20
d) enjoy counting
objects within their counting games
environment involving counting
e) appreciate the use objects 1-20
of one
numerals with
appreciation of concrete objects for
increase in value numbers 1-
c) arrange number
cards in sequence by
completing missing
d) enjoy arranging
numbers in sequence
in day to day

1 1- By the end of the Communication Love Realia .Observa

1 5 .4 Number sub-strand, the How many (books, and Respect Teacher Counters tion
sequencing learner should be pencils rubbers are on collaboration Unity demonstrates charts 2.Oral
able to: the table? Peace counting objects 1- question
a) observe objects in 2. How many learners Patience 20 s
different groups or are in your group? Responsibility
sets for 3. How many count objects for
distinguishing boys/girls are in numbers 1-20 (body
different types of your parts, colours of the
similar objects group national flag,
b) count concrete different types of
objects 1-20 for food, objects in the
developing skills class)
c) demonstrate one
to one pairs, individually,
correspondence learners count
while counting people or objects in
concrete objects their class up to 20
d) enjoy counting
objects within their counting games
environment involving counting
e) appreciate the use objects 1-20
of one
numerals with
appreciation of concrete objects for
increase in value numbers 1-
c) arrange number
cards in sequence by
completing missing
d) enjoy arranging
numbers in sequence
in day to day

1 1- NUMBE Number By the end of the Critical thinking Responsibility Realia .Observa
2 5 RS Value sub-strand, the Which group has and problem Learners Counters tion
learner should be 3,4,5,...20 objects? solving demonstrate and charts 2.Oral
able to: relate the number question
a) collect objects Self efficacy symbol and their s
from the value. 3.written
b) count groups of demonstrate and
objects in the s
relate the number
environment and symbol and their
select the value.
number symbol. learners count
c) differentiate the concrete objects
number value of and relate them to
objects in the the number symbol.
d) appreciate the and individually
value of numbers in learners complete
their daily life number value
experiences puzzles.
e) relate number
value with objects in match and pair
the environment number symbols
with corresponding
quantity of objects
using ICT devices



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