Dlp-Pe 8

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Lesson Plan

Instructional Plan in
Subject Physical Education (P.E) Grade Level 8
The learners undertakes physical
Learning Competency
activity tests and physical fitness Code PE8PF-Ia-h-23

Date Day Section Schedule Duration Room

A. Objectives
Through varied learning activities, 80% of the learners should:
Cognitive: Identify what are the physical activity tests and physical
fitness assessments.
Intended Learning
Affective: Express appreciation on the importance of physical
Psychomotor: Demonstrate different physical fitness components by
joining an activity.

 Laptop and PPT

Instructional Materials  Video clips
 Tape measure, Weighing Scale, Exercise mats, Ruler and Stopwatch

Kto12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide, May2016, P43

Have Fun Teaching. (2011, January 22). Stretching Song [Video].

Refences (APA style-

American Psychological
 Department of Education, 2013. Physical Education and Health 8,
Learner’s Module. Philippines: Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc.
Stand up and let us put our self to the holy present of the lord. (In
Prayer the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit
Let the students stand for the ice breaker.Play a music
and everyone should dance.


Preparatory Activity Let us check the attendance

(10 minutes) Attendance for today, say present if your “Present, Teacher”
name is called.
Now before we proceed to our
lesson for today, who can tell
me what we have discussed
last meeting? “Last meeting we
discussed what is
Alright, thank you. Now we will
be talking about the physical
fitness components which is
divided into four health-related
components and six skills-
related components .
This time, let us heck if you can still remember the
concepts from your previous lesson.

Using the pool of letters below, look for 10 words which

correspond to the definitions written in vertical and
horizontal manners. Write your answers in a 1/4 sheet of


1. This refers to the future plan or desired results that a
person or a group of people wanted to achieve in a
specific timeline.
2. This refers to the general condition of the body.
3. This is an inborn, biologically determined drive to attain
a goal or satisfy a need.

4. This is an objective or result toward which efforts are
5. This is a person’s essential being that distinguishes
them from others.
6. This refers to the manner, position or direction in which
something is set.
7. This is defined as the feeling of longing or hoping for
someone or something to happen. 8. This is the ability to
produce energy at work.
8. It is the ability to sustain the necessary activity level for
a specific competitive sport.
10. This is the condition of an individual being physically
fit and health.
Divide the class into 4 groups and assign each group a
physical activity test or physical fitness assessment.

GROUP 1- Weight, Height and Waist
GROUP 2- Sit and Reach and Zipper Test
GROUP 3- 3–Minute Step Test
GROUP 4- Curl-ups and 90 – Degree Push-up

Have each group present or discuss first what physical

activty test or fitness they are assign.

After each group presents their activity, have the whole

class participate in the activity together.
Ask students to reflect on how they felt during the physical
Analysis Ask them which physical fitness component they think they
need to improve on based on their performance.
Discuss the importance of proper form and technique
when engaging in physical activity to prevent injury.
Discuss the different types of physical fitness, such as
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and

The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is a set of procedures

intended to determine a student’s level of physical

Five Health- Related Fitness

1. Cardiovascular Fitness is the ability of the heart
Abstraction (cardio) and circulatory system (vascular) to supply
oxygen to muscles for an extended period of time.
Example: 1 km. run, cycling and step- test
2. Muscular Strength refers to the maximum amount of
force a muscle can exert against opposing force.
Example: Push- ups and sit- ups
3. Muscular Endurance refers to the ability of the muscle
or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions
against resistance for an extended period of time.
Example: Partial Curl-Up and planking
4. Flexibility is the ability to move a body part through a
full range of motion at a joint.
Example: Sit-and-Reach
5. Body Composition is used to describe the percentage
of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies.
Example: Identifying your height and weight to determine
your BMI (Body Mass Index).
Now, with the same groups create a five-minute dance
exercise routine and perform it together. Make sure to
follow health safety protocols in doing the activity. Take
note also of the components of Health-Related Fitness in
doing your routines.


1. What Health-Related Fitness Component/s is/are

present in your Zumba routine?
2. How do you feel when dancing together?
3. What do you think is the significance of this Zumba
routine to you?
C. Evaluation
Get 1/4 sheet of paper for the 10 item quiz. Answer this
following questions.

Directions:Write T if the statement is true and F if it is


1. Fitness is a condition in which an individual has enough

Assessment energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
2. Setting goal is as easy as sleeping.
3. To be physically fit, goals help us to attain our target.
4. Swimming is an example of cardiovascular exercise.
5. Push- ups and sit- ups is a muscular strength activity.
6. Health-related components promote total health and
prevent the beginning of diseases and problems
associated with physical activities.
7. Health-related fitness are composed into 10
8. Body Composition is used to describe the percentage
of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies.
9. Flexibility is the not an ability to move a body part
through a full range of motion at a joint.
10. Physical fitness is divided into five health-related
fitness components and six skill-related fitness
For your assignment that will be submitted nextweek.
Track your physical activity for one week and write a
reflection on how it made you feel and any improvements
you noticed.

D. Enrichment/ Assignment/ Agreement

Prepared by:


Part-time Instructor

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