Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
If you require evidence based real time information, you should not consult
What are the skills of EBM ?
Acquiring the evidence
Appraising the evidence
Applying the evidence
PG. 1
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
There are five type of questions: {Therapy, Prevention, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Etiology}
PG. 2
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
In adults with depression, Is Duloxetine (DE) more effective than Therapy
Escitalopram (EM)in relieving depressive symptoms?
In hypertensive patients, does the use of Calcium channel blockers prevention
(CCBs) as compared to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) reduce
the risk of progression to end-stage renal disease?
In stroke patients, is CT scan more accurate than 2D-Doppler Diagnosis
unltrasound for diagnosis of carotid artery disease?
In low-back pain (LBP) patients, Treated with opioids with in the first prognosis
two week of LBP onset what is the probability of work disability at 3
Among college students, by how much does smartphone addiction etiology
(SPA) Increases the risk of dry eye disease?
§ Point 1:
Are obesity people an increased risk of mortality from covid-19 as compared to non-obesity people?
à P (concept1) àO (concept3) à I (concept2)
Extract Key Concepts
an abstract idea, which can usually be presented in more than one way with words &
phrases in the text of articles E.g. Smartphone and students.
§ Point2:
PG. 3
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
§ Point3:
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to obtain Controlled vocabulary and Keywords
Concept 3
Concept 2
Concept 1
1.3M 1.6M
PG. 4
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
Evidence does not abolish your clinical judgement, evidence is just a guide
PG. 5
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
c) Clinical guidelines
statements that include recommendations, intended to optimize patient care, that
are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits
and harms of alternative care options.
The study of the occurrence, states, and processes in specified populations, including the
study of the determinants influencing such processes, and the application of this knowledge
to control relevant health problems.
PG. 6
Chapter 1: Evidence-based Healthcare
Clinical Epidemiology
“The application of epidemiological knowledge, reasoning, and methods to study clinical
issues and improve clinical care”
Refers to the application of statistical principles & methods to test research
questions in healthcare
PG. 7