Sailing Direction For The Changhua Wind Farm Channel

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A. Foreword
The main purpose of the Sailing Direction is to establish the sailing order
of vessels in the Changhua Wind Farm Channel in order to maintain and
improve navigation safety and efficiency. Vessels using the Changhua
offshore navigation areas are strongly advised to place this Sailing Direction
on the bridge as reference for navigation and routes planning.

B. General Provisions
I. Changhua offshore navigation areas
Changhua offshore navigation areas refer to the water areas
surrounded the Changhua offshore wind farms (from the Port of Taichung
to the Port of Mailiao) of which the northern border is the north reporting
line and its southern border is the south reporting line including the
Changhua Wind Farm Channel, precautionary areas, and the inshore
traffic zone of Changhua.
II. Changhua Wind Farm Channel
The traffic separation scheme (TSS) is adopted for the Changhua
Wind Farm Channel. The coordinates for each point and reporting line of
the Channel are listed below. The boundaries of the shipping lanes and
reporting lines can be found from the figure in the annex.
(I) The Traffic Separation Scheme(TSS)
The Channel is separated into the northbound traffic lane,
southbound traffic lane, separation zone, east traffic buffer zone, and west
traffic buffer zone. The boundary coordinates of such areas are as follows:
1. Northbound traffic lane:A traffic lane, two miles wide, for
northbound traffic is established between the separation zone and
a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(1)24°09’.96 N, 120°12’.42 E
(7)24°08’.52 N, 120°09’.00 E
(9)23°57’.42 N, 120°00’.36 E
(11)23°52’.98 N, 119°59’.22 E
2. Southbound traffic lane:A traffic lane, two miles wide, for
southbound traffic is established between the separation zone and
a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(14)23°56’.28 N, 119°52’.74 E
(4)24°14’.34 N, 120°06’.72 E
3. Separation zone:A separation zone, one mile wide, is bounded
by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(2)24°12’.42 N, 120°09’.24 E
(12)23°54’.78 N, 119°55’.62 E
(13)23°55’.32 N, 119°54’.66 E
(3)24°13’.08 N, 120°08’.40 E
4. East traffic buffer zone(Reserved Zones):The East traffic buffer
zone(Reserved Zones) is established between the northbound
traffic lane and a line connecting the following geographical
(6)24°07’.26 N, 120°11’.28 E
(8)23°56’.40 N, 120°02’.88 E
(10)23°52’.32 N, 120°01’.86 E
5. West traffic buffer zone(Reserved Zones):The West traffic
buffer zone(Reserved Zones) is established between the
southbound traffic lane and a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
(15)23°57’.00 N, 119°51’.30 E
(5)24°15’.36 N, 120°05’.46 E
(II) Reporting lines
Six reporting lines have been established so that vessel traffic in the
Channel can be effectively monitored and organized::
1. T Line : 119°57.0'E 【 A line drawn from 24°25.0'N to south
reaching the northern boundary of the western part of Changhua
Wind Farm】
2. N Line:24°25.0'N 【A line drawn from 119°57.0'E to 120°23.0'E】
3. C Line : 120°23.0'E 【 A line drawn from 24°25.0'N to south
reaching the coast】
4. P Line : 119°45.0'E 【 A line drawn from 23°42.0'N to north
reaching the southern boundary of the western part of Changhua
Wind Farm】
5. S Line:23°42.0'N 【A line drawn from 119°45.0'E to 120°05'.67E】
6. M Line:120°05'.67E 【A line drawn from 23°42.0'N to north
reaching the southern boundary of the eastern part of Changhua
Wind Farm】
III. Precautionary areas
Given that the northern and southern ends of Changhua Wind Farm
Channel are the areas with high shipping traffic density in which vessels
entering or exiting the Channel and inbound and outbound traffic gather,
ship movements are difficult to predict. Precautionary areas are
accordingly established for the north and south ends of the Changhua
Wind Farm to recommend vessels to pay close attention to the
surrounding situations, including proximity risks during transit.
IV. Inshore traffic zone of Changhua
Inshore traffic zone of Changhua refers to the navigation areas
between the Changhua coast and the eastern part of Changhua Wind Farm

Channel. They are separated from Changhua Wind Farm Channel and are
less affected by the north-south traffic using the TSS, therefore is mainly
provided for vessels of less than 300 gross tonnage and fishing boats
registered under the flag of the Republic of China to navigation under the
guidance of this Sailing Directions to ensure their safety in navigation.
V. Changhua Offshore Wind Farm Vessel Traffic Services (referred to
as "Changhua VTS" in the Sailing Directions)
The Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) are established in accordance with
the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
The VTS is established to monitor vessels sailing in Changhua Wind Farm
Channel to provide navigational warnings and other related assistances.
Changhua Offshore Wind Farm Vessel Traffic Services shall be referred
to as Changhua VTS.

C. Changhua VTS Reporting Mechanisms

I. Vessels required to comply with the reporting mechanisms:
(I) All vessels passing and using the Changhua Wind Farm Channel for
navigation are required to report to Changhua VTS, including pre-
arrival notifications and reporting on arrival.
(II) Vessels that must pass through the Changhua Wind Farm Channel due
to an emergency or must use the traffic buffer zones or the separation
zone of the Changhua Wind Farm Channel to avoid imminent danger,
pre-arrival notification is not required.
II. Communication
(I) All vessels passing and sailing in the Changhua Wind Farm Channel
must be equipped with AIS, VHF, and radio equipment defined in the
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) for Sea Area
A1 and A2. The AIS must be kept operational and correctly set with
updated information. For VHF, Channel 16 and designated channels

must be watched throughout the passage. For vessels using DSB and
SSB, the designated frequencies must be watched. Report to Changhua
VTS through the designated channels/frequencies for pre-Arrival
notification and reporting upon arrival.
(II) Changhua VTS designated VHF channels:
Channel Function
16 Distress, urgency and safety calling
68 Reporting upon arrival
74 Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information
(III) Changhua VTS designated DSB and SSB frequencies:
Equipment Frequency Function
Reporting upon arrival
and promulgation of
SSB 8806 KHz
Maritime Safety
Reporting upon arrival
and promulgation of
DSB 27.120 MHz
Maritime Safety
*4372/8803/13194KHZ are backup frequencies for SSB.
(IV) The standard languages used for reporting and communication with
Changhua VTS shall be Chinese or English, using the IMO Standard
Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP), where necessary.
III. Pre-Arrival Notification
(I) All vessels (excluding military vessels, Republic of China government
ships, and fishing boats registered under the flag of Republic of China)
are to declare the required information using the annexed Pre-Arrival
Notification Form (PAN) 8 hours before entering Changhua Wind
Farm Channel:

E-mail [email protected]

(II) The contents of the Pre-Arrival Notification shall include the following
information. The format of the Pre-Arrival Notification is provided in
the attachment:
1. Vessel name, vessel call sign, MMSI, and IMO or ship number.
2. Vessel type and gross tonnage.
3. Vessel length and width.
4. Fore and aft draft.
5. Estimated reporting line of passage and arrival time.
6. Previous port.
7. Destination port/destination wind farm and estimated time of
8. Cargo type and quantity.
9. Number of seafarers, passengers, and total number of people on
10. Shipping agency in the Republic of China and partner marine
casualty rescue operator.
11. Other matters regarding navigation safety which must be reported
to Changhua VTS or requested to provide (e.g., any DG cargo on
board, existence of damage or defects which may affect vessel
structure, cargo, or vessel equipment, or conditions which may
affect the vessel’s navigation safety based on related IMO
(III) Confirmation of Pre-Arrival Notification: Only after the Pre-Arrival
Notification is logged by Changhua VTS that subsequently responds
with "Pre-Arrival Notification received" may the vessel proceed the
reporting procedure when arriving at the reporting line.
(IV) Resubmission of Pre-Arrival Notification:Under any of the following
circumstances, Pre-Arrival Notification should be resubmitted to
Changhua VTS:
1. Confirmation from Changhua VTS is not received 4 hours before
arrival at the reporting line.
2. The estimated time of entry into the Changhua Wind Farm Channel
deviates by 4 hours or more from the original estimated time.
IV. Reporting upon arrival
(I) Vessels shall report to Changhua VTS using the designated
communication channel and language when they cross respective
reporting positions, as follows:
1. Vessels planning to enter the southbound traffic lane should report
when they pass through Reporting Lines T, N, or C.
2. Vessels planning to enter the northbound traffic lane should report
when they pass through Reporting Lines P, S, or M.
3. Fishing boats, offshore wind farm work vessels or vessels less than
300 gross tonnage planning to enter the east traffic buffer zone
should report when they are within the range of 1 nautical mile
ahead of the eastern border of the traffic buffer zone or pass
through any reporting line.
4. Fishing boats, offshore wind farm work vessels or vessels less than
300 gross tonnage planning to enter the west traffic buffer zone
should report when they are within the range of 1 nautical mile
ahead of the western border of the traffic buffer zone or pass
through any reporting line.
5. Fishing boats or vessels less than 300 gross tonnage planning to

pass through Changhua Wind Farm Channel should report when
they are within the range of 1 nautical mile ahead of the outer
limits of the traffic lanes.
(II) Contents of report:
1. Vessel name and call sign (military vessels and Republic of China
government ships are only required to provide the vessel name).
2. Vessel position (latitude and longitude).
3. Course and speed.
4. Other matters regarding navigation safety which must be reported
to Changhua VTS or is requested to provide (refer to C. III. (II)
Point 11 of the report contents)
(III) Verification of report upon arrival: Vessels which have completed the
Pre-Arrival Notification and Reporting Upon Arrival are permitted to
enter or pass through Changhua Wind Farm Channel only after the
verification and confirmation conducted by Changhua VTS under the
principle of innocent passage with the response of "Entry is permitted".

V. Surveillance authority and responsibility of Changhua VTS and port

(I) Vessels departing from the Ports of Taichung or the Port of Mailiao and
planning to enter Changhua Wind Farm Channel shall report to
Changhua VTS according to this Sailing Direction and acknowledge
the Reporting upon Arrival confirmation prior to surveillance.
(II) Vessels shall be monitored by Changhua VTS when they are on
Changhua Wind Farm Channel. They shall be discharged from the
Changhua VTS surveillance after they leave Changhua Wind Farm
Channel. Vessels bound for the Port of Taichung or the Port of Mailiao
shall report to the local VTS centers of the respective ports in

accordance with their port regulations.
(III) The VTS communication channels of the Ports of Taichung and
Mailiao are as follows. Please refer to the 「GUIDE TO TAICHUNG
for further information.
Port Call sign Purpose
Vessel reporting upon arrival, ship-
shore communication, and
Port of Taichung CH14
exchange of information between
Taichung VTS
vessel and pilots.
CH16 Distress, urgency and safety calling
Estimated time of arrival (ETA),
Mailiao ship-shore communication, or
Port of CH13
Port exchange of information between
Radio vessel and pilots.
CH16 Distress, urgency and safety calling

D. Vessel Navigation Regulations

I. General provisions:
(I) Vessels navigating in the Changhua Wind Farm Channel or Changhua
offshore navigation area should comply with the "1972 International
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), as amended",
in particular Rule 10 applicable to the traffic separation scheme and
regulations therein regarding the display of signals and lights, crossing
as well as giving way to avoid collision. Every vessel shall at all times
proceed at a safe speed.
(II) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if
obliged to do so shall report to Changhua VTS to obtain approval and
cross quickly on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the

general direction of traffic flow. This minimizes the time a crossing
vessel is in the lane irrespective of the tidal stream, and should lead to a
clear encounter situation with vessels passing through the traffic lanes.
(III) Except for military vessels, Republic of China government ships,
vessels with less than 300 gross tonnage and fishing boats registered
under the flag of the Republic of China shall, as a principle, sail in the
inshore traffic zone of Changhua. However, if obliged to use the
Changhua Wind Farm Channel due to navigation safety concerns, they
must follow relevant regulations in "III. Changhua VTS Reporting
Mechanisms" and "IV. Vessel Navigation Regulations" and pass
through the East or West traffic buffer zones whenever possible.
(IV) In addition to the aforementioned provisions, vessels are also required
to comply with the following regulations specified for different
categories of vessels.
II. General vessel navigation regulations:
(I) The southbound and northbound traffic lanes of the Changhua Wind
Farm Channel are only provided for navigation by the following
categories of vessels:
1. Military vessels and Republic of China government ships.
2. Passenger ships regardless of gross tonnage.
3. Fishing boats not registered under the flag of Republic of China
regardless of gross tonnage.
4. Vessels carrying hazardous cargoes defined in Article 1.4 of
Resolution MSC. 433(98) "Guidelines and Criteria for Ship
Reporting Systems" regardless of gross tonnage.
5. In addition to the aforementioned vessel categories, vessels of 300
gross tonnage and upwards which are not fishing boats registered
under the flag of Republic of China.
(II) Vessels in towing or pushing operations, regardless of gross tonnage,
must use the East and West traffic buffer zones of the Changhua Wind
Farm Channel for navigation.
(III) Foreign military vessels and government ships must not pass through
the Changhua Wind Farm Channel without prior application and
III. Navigation and operation regulations for fishing boats registered
under the flag of Republic of China:
(I) Fishing boats should pass through the East and West traffic buffer
zones and the inshore traffic zone of Changhua and they should avoid
entering the southbound and northbound traffic lanes and separation
(II) Fishing boats are prohibited from conducting fishing activities in the
northbound traffic lanes, southbound traffic lanes, and separation zone
of the Changhua Wind Farm Channel, and should avoid impeding the
safe passage of any vessel following the traffic lanes.
IV. Navigation regulations for offshore wind farm service vessels:
(I) Vessels bound for the west wind farm must turn into the west traffic
buffer zone from the south or north precautionary areas before
proceeding to the destination wind farm. Vessels bound for the east
wind farm must turn into the east traffic buffer zone from the south or
north precautionary areas before proceeding to the destination wind
(II) Vessels bound for the east wind farm may proceed through the inshore
traffic zone of Changhua, if considering their under keel clearance as
sufficient for safe passage.
V. Anchoring or other operation regulations:
(I) Except for fishing boats, no vessels may use the wind farm area for

navigation without the permission from Changhua VTS.
(II) No vessel may anchor on Changhua Wind Farm Channel and near the
northern or southern ends of the Channel. If a vessel needs to anchor
due to emergency, the vessel must report to Changhua VTS and follow
its advices for temporary anchoring in the traffic buffer zone or
separation zone. (Note that there are submarine power cables crossing
the Channel and an LNG pipeline along the East buffer zone.) Such
vessels must display appropriate lights and signals according to
COLREG and immediately leave the area once the cause of emergency
or crisis is eliminated.
(III) Vessels sailing on Changhua Wind Farm Channel are prohibited from
undertaking any underwater, surface or overwater operations such as
dredging and surveying without prior permission of Changhua VTS.

E. Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Operation Rules

I. Competent authority
Changhua Vessel Traffic Services (call sign:Changhua VTS) is
operated and managed by the Maritime and Port Bureau (MPB), Ministry
of Transportation and Communications (MOTC). Duties of the Changhua
VTS include monitoring vessel movements in Changhua Wind Farm
Channel and, where necessary, assisting in notifications to maritime
search and rescue authorities, the Coast Guard Administration of the
Ocean Affairs Council, or other related government agencies.
II. Implementation Items
(I) Accept reporting upon arrival from vessels planning to enter
Changhua Wind Farm Channel.
(II) Watch VHF CH16 and working channels continuously.
(III) Use equipment including RADAR, AIS, and VHF to monitor
navigation status of vessels in the Changhua Wind Farm Channel.
(IV) Provide navigation safety related information to vessels.
(V) Remind vessels of cautions in navigation or give advices when
developing dangerous situations are discovered.
(VI) Issue navigational warnings to vessels violating the guidance of
Sailing Directions for Changhua Wind Farm Channel.
(VII) Notify and liaise in maritime incidents.
(VIII) In the event of a distress, emergency, marine casualty or incident
involving a vessel, notify the cooperating rescue or salvage operators
of the vessel to respond, with the approval of the competent authority.
III. Actions for vessels in violation of this Sailing Directions
(I) Vessel that fails to report or navigate in accordance with the Sailing
Directions, shall be reported by Changhua VTS to the Port State
Control agency for intensive ship inspections. Where necessary, related
information may be reported to the competent authority of the flag state
for investigation and penalty.
(II) The competent authority may request assistance from the Coast Guard
Administration of the Ocean Affairs Council to maintain order and
safety at sea under the following circumstances:
1. Where a vessel refuses recommendations or related administrative
provisions of Changhua VTS and the competent authority deems
that its actions are or may be inconsistent with "innocent passage"
2. Where a vessel enters Changhua Wind Farm Channel without an
entry permission from Changhua VTS.
3. Where a vessel in the Changhua Wind Farm Channel is without
displaying AIS signal.

F. Supplemental Provisions
I. Navigation risks in Changhua offshore navigation areas
(I) Considering that most southbound and northbound vessel traffic merges
to Changhua Wind Farm Channel, thus the increase in traffic density,
all vessels passing through Changhua Wind Farm Channel should pay
close attention to changes in their surroundings to prevent risks.
(II) Considering that the wind farm areas are open for passage, there are
risks at all sections of the Changhua Wind Farm Channel that vessels
may come out from wind farm areas. Seafarers should keep a sharp
lookout and watchkeeping to enhance navigation safety.
(III) Whenever the captain, after evaluating possible risks, believing that
navigating in the Changhua offshore navigation areas or Changhua
Wind Farm Channel may affect the vessel safety, may consider the
characteristics of the vessel, loading conditions, and water
environment, seek other safe ways suitable for navigation, and
formulate appropriate sailing plans. However, it is not advisable to pass
through the area between Mudouyu Island of Penghu and the western
part of the wind farm off the coast of Changhua.
II. Notices for ships in Changhua offshore navigation areas
(I) Changhua VTS only provides navigation safety information and
principled advices. This does not relieve the duties of the captain and
watchkeeping seafarers specified in International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
(STCW) and other international instruments and regulations. The
captain has the ultimate responsibility and obligation for maintaining
the safety of the vessel, cargo and persons onboard.
(II) Where there are no safety concerns, vessels not destined to a port of
Republic of China are advised to pass through the high seas.
(III) Vessels that discover any violation of this Sailing Directions, obstacles
affecting navigation safety, equipment damage, or other emergency in

the Changhua offshore navigation area shall report to Changhua VTS
(IV) The Republic of China government ships carrying out test and survey
missions may, after acquiring permissions from Changhua VTS, switch
off the AIS, cross Changhua Wind Farm Channel, or undertake
approved operations thereon. However, they shall pay attention to the
movements of ships in vicinity and avoid collisions.
(V) The Republic of China government ships carrying out search and
rescue missions, reconnaissance tasks or pollution prevention
assignments may, given the assurance of navigation safety, switch off
the AIS, cross Changhua Wind Farm Channel, or enter the wind farm
areas. They may report to Changhua VTS provided that such
notifications do not affect the execution of their missions. However,
they shall pay attention to the movement of ships in vicinity and avoid


Attached Figure


Pre-Arrival Notification Form of Changhua wind farm Channel

Ship's Particular and Contact Details

IMO No. Call Sign
Ship's Name
Ship's Name
(in Chinese, if any)
Gross Tonage Type of Ship
Flag State MMSI No.
Length (LOA) Breadth
Name of Company with
Title / Name:
24hr Contact Details
Name of Agent with 24hr Contact Details Title / Name:
Name of Salvage Contractor
Title / Name:
with 24hr Contact Details
Voyage Information
Draft Forward Draft Aft
No. of Crew No. of Passengers
Last port of call
(Port or Windfarm)
Date(UTC): yyyy/mm/dd
ETA to the Destined Port Facility/ Windfarm
Name/ Class of Cargo Cargo Laden
Fuel Oil (R.O.B) Diesel Oil (R.O.B)
Ballast on Board Total No. of people
Do you have DG Cargo on board? (please attach the DG ☐ Yes
(Especially Class 1 and 7) list) ☐ No
Do you have any Hazardous and/or (please attach the such ☐ Yes
Potentially Polluting cargo onboard? cargo list) ☐ No
Information related to ChangHua wind farm Channel
☐T ☐N ☐ C ☐ P ☐ S ☐ M line
Name and Time of
Date(UTC): yyyy/mm/dd
Reporting Line to cross
Any Other Circumstances Related to Navigation Safety and/or Asked to Report
to the Authority (Optional)

The form must be submitted to Changhua VTS by Email immediately if any


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