Instructions For Course Assignments

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No. Assessment Due date Weighting Work arrangement
1 Reading assignment & reflection Weeks 2-14 20 Individual
2 Library research project Week 7 30 Individual
3 Research Proposal Weeks 12-15 30 Group work
Research Proposal (Written form)
4 Research Proposal Weeks 13-14 20 Group work
Oral presentation of the research proposal

6.1. Late Submission

Requests for the granting of extensions to due dates for assessment items (such as orals,
assignments, essays, presentations, role plays, projects, reports, etc.) must be made directly with
the lecturer or via email at least 24 hours prior to the submission date, unless the medical or other
circumstances are such that the student cannot reasonably be expected to have applied by the
appropriate due date. The request must also contain documentation satisfactorily supporting the
request. If an extension is approved, the student will be notified via email.
An extension made on medical grounds will be for the number of days for which the medical
certificate indicates the student was unwell, and will not exceed 14 days. Students who are ill for
more than 14 days may wish to apply for withdrawal without academic penalty.
The penalty for late submission of assessment without prior approval of an extension to
assessment due date is 10% of the marks available for the assessment item per calendar day that
the assessment is overdue.

6.2. Assessment detail

I. Reading assignment, reflection & quizzes

Due date: Weeks 2-14; Weight: 20%

Task description:
1. Reading assignment
The purpose of this task is to prepare for class each week. You will be asked to read assigned
reading and answer a few questions about the key concepts/main points in the reading. The
questions will help you find where you should focus in preparing for class.

2. Reflection
Each week you may like to spend 10 minutes after class to answer the following questions:
a. What was the most important thing you learned during the class?
b. What was something you had known or learned but it was reinforced?
c. Write down a question you have concerning the topic(s) discussed.
d. What worked well for you in class?
e. What didn’t work well for you in class?
Please summarize your reflection on what you have learned and how you think you may be able
to apply your learning in your study or future work in approx. 100 words. You do not need to
answer all questions.

3. Quizzes
You will take some small quizzes during the course to demonstrate your understanding and
ability to apply new knowledge and skills in practice.

II. Library research project

Due Date: Week 7; Weight: 30%; Submission: Submit an e copy via GG form and a hard copy.

Task Description:
The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience in reading the introduction and
literature review sections of research articles and identifying how research questions are
motivated and how the research questions are examined.

Each student should select TWO research articles from the library collection. The articles should
be related to the topic research of his/her group. For each article, in a separate entry, answer the
following questions.

1. What were the objectives of the research?

Identify the research objective(s). Please DO NOT COPY the objectives; rewrite them in your
own words.
2. What research question(s) did the article attempt to answer?
Identify the research question(s) and, where relevant, any hypotheses tested.
3. What methodology was used?
Identify the research methodology used to address the research question(s).
4. What were the findings?
State the results of the study. Were the research questions proved or disproved?

Please choose the two articles very carefully as the credibility of the article will be assessed.

Each entry should be 200 words in length. You are expected to summarize the article in the
light of the four questions above. Bibliographic details for each article should be cited at the
beginning of each entry.
After completing the 2 entries, write a short (up to 400 words) comparison of your findings for
the 2 articles analyzed. Comment on differences and similarities across the 2 articles and why
you think these differences and similarities exist. These common features might include the kind
of research questions asked and the motivations used, the participants of the studies, etc.
Style notes:
1. Number your entries.
2. The article should be cited at the beginning of each entry using APA (submitted) format.
3. Use double spacing. 12 point font. Follow APA format for paragraph text. 2.5cm margin
in both sides and top and bottom.
4. English expressions should be of a high standard.
5. Write the number of words in the end of your assignment.

III. Research proposal and presentation

Type: Research Proposal;

Due Date: Weeks 12-15;
Weight: 50%;
Submission: Submit an e-copy via GG form.

Task Description:

1) Mini research proposal (30%) Write a research proposal of 2500 words (excluding
references), explaining the proposed design of your research project.

Purpose: To research a specific topic in your study area (i.e., language learning and
teaching, translating, interpreting, cross-cultural communication in language learning and
teaching, language studies, etc.).

1. An Introduction clearly stating the research topic and establishing the relevance of the
research. Organization of the paper should be clearly specified.

2. A Literature Review (body) whose structure is apparent and appropriate. Transitions

should be clearly indicated. There should be demonstrated mastery of important concepts
and findings, covered in sufficient detail.

3. A clear statement of the Research Question, motivated by the literature review. Key
terms should be clearly defined.

4. Methodology should be clear and appropriate for the research question. Information
about the context of the research, participants, data collection method, instruments used
for data collection and data analysis should be given.

5. Use of proper APA format. English expression should be of a high standard.

2) Research Proposal Presentation (20%)

You will give a 10-15 min presentation on your research proposal.

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