Diagnostic Test Q3
Diagnostic Test Q3
Diagnostic Test Q3
DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR QUARTER 3 have its way. When finally the wind got tired of
blowing, the bamboo tree still stood in all its
General Directions: Read carefully. beauty and grace.
Choose the correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Who is the author of the essay. “ Pliant Like
Write T if the statement is true, and F if false. a Bamboo”?
a. I.V. Mallari
1. All multimedia resources are meant to help b. I.V. Mendoza
us in our tasks. c. I.V. Mendez
2. You can post everything you like in the
social media. 3. Caution should be taken when 2. What are the two trees mentioned in the
using any of the multimedia resources. essay?
4. Nowadays, information is easily accessed in a. Mango and molave
multimedia than in books. b. mango and bamboo
5. Multimedia is helpful in giving presentations. c. mango and atis
3. Which is not included as a description of the
mango tree when the wind blew so hard?
Write T if the statement expresses a a. It would not sway.
correct use of oral language and behavior b. It stood fast.
when giving information, narrating c. It was not too sure of itself.
events and personal recounts. Write F if
it does not. 4. Who dominated the Filipinos for more than
300 years?
1. Use hand and body gestures to emphasize a. Americans
your points. b. Spanish
2. Do not look at the audience so that you will c. Japanese
not be distracted.
3. Use grammatically correct language. 5. What does the word “Pliant” mean?
4. Talk really fast. a. Stiff
5. Modulate your voice to be heard by b. firm
everybody in the audience. c. flexible
6. Move anywhere without a purpose.
7. Follow the time limit. 6. What Filipino characteristic is reflected in the
story, “Pliant like a Bamboo”?
a. Resiliency
Read comprehensively the article below b. humor
and reflect on it by answering the c. gallantry
questions within the text using your own
opinion and ideas. There is no need to 7. What did the Spaniards leave to the Filipinos
write your answers but be sure to reflect after more than 300 years?
on them. a. Rich experience and culture
b. inadequate experience and culture
PLIANT LIKE THE BAMBOO (AN EXCERPT c. boastful experience and culture
by Ismael Mallari
8. What implied characteristic is reflected in
There is a story in Philippine folklore about a this line, “The mango tree stood fast, it would
mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being able not yield.”?
to agree as to which the stronger of the two a. proud
was, they called upon the wind to make the b. flexible
decision. The wind blew hardest. The mango c. humble
tree stood fast. It would not yield. It knew it
was strong and sturdy. It would not sway. It 9. Which Filipino characteristic is justified by
was too proud. It was too sure of itself. But this line, “The Filipinos will welcome any kind
finally its root gave way, and it tumbled down. of life situation offered to him.”?
The bamboo tree was wiser. It knew it was not a. Flexible
as robust as the mango tree. And so every b. humble
time the wind blew, it bent its head gracefully. c. boastful
2. That's exactly what I think...
10.Which term is not synonymous to the word 3. I have my own thoughts about that.
“benevolence”? 4. I cannot agree with this idea.
a. Rude 5. I'm sorry, but I disagree (with you).
b. kind
c. generous
Read each item carefully.