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A 15mm Fantasy Battle Wargame 1

By Harun Bahri
This document is copyright 2022 Sharktopus Games LLC

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Cult of Immortality………….3
Faeland Defenders………. 17


The Cult of Immortality

Unit Name Unit Type POINTS FA Max

Vampire Lord General Hero 9 1
Vampire Noble Hero Lvl 2: 2pts/Lvl 3: 4pts/Lvl 4: 6pts 3
Necromancer Hero Lvl 1: 2pts/Lvl 2: 4pts 2
Lvl 3: 6pts/Lvl 4: 8pts
Banshee Hero Lvl 1: 3pts/Lvl 2: 5pts 2
Lvl 3: 7pts/Lvl 4: 9pts
Skeleton Warriors Infantry 7/12/22 4
Skeleton Archers Infantry 8/14/28 3
Zombies Infantry 5/9/18 4
Ghouls Infantry 7/12/22 3
Wights Heavy Infantry 9/16/32 3
Wraiths Infantry 9/16/NA 2
Bone Knights Cavalry 10/18/35 3
Death Knights Cavalry 11/20/38 2
Dire Wolves Beast 6/11/20 2
Hell Bats Swarm 7/12/22 2
Death Chariot Chariot 8/14/NA 2
Hell Coach Chariot 12/22/NA 1
Zombie Giant Monster 8 3
Corpse Eater Gargantuan 32 1
Zombie Dragon, Young Monster 10 2
Zombie Dragon, Adult Monster 18 1
Zombie Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan 38 1
Bone Thrower War Machine 6/10/NA 2
Corpse Catapult War Machine 7/12/NA 2

Keyword Base Stat Improvements:
Horse Hero Cav 30mm +1 MA +1 HP +1 Arm
Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 12”.

Nightmare Hero Cav 30mm +1 MA +1 HP +1 Arm

Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 12”.
• Spellcasters riding a Nightmare gain +1 Mana every turn.

Hell Coach Hero 60mm +3 MA +4 HP +1 Arm

Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 16”.
Adult Zombie Hero Mon 60mm +10 MA +15 HP +2 Arm
Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 16”.

Vampire Lord General Hero, Inf

FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
6 3/3+ -/- 4+ 4 3+ 9
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Inspiring: Any unit within 6” of this unit may reroll failed Leadership checks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 2 Spellcaster.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May wear magic armor.
• May have up to 2 Misc. magic items.
• Increase to Level 3 Spellcaster (+3 pts).
• Increase to Level 4 Spellcaster (+6 pts).

May Ride:
• Horse (+1 pts)
• Nightmare (+2 pts)
• Hell Coach (+8 pts)
• Adult Zombie Dragon (+22 pts)

Vampire Noble Hero, Inf
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 2 6 1/4+ -/- 5+ 2 6+ 2
Level 3 6 2/4+ -/- 5+ 3 5+ 4
Level 4 6 3/3+ -/- 4+ 4 4+ 6
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Slayer: When this unit makes melee attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May wear magic armor.
• May have 1 Misc. magic item.
• 1 Vampire Noble may carry the Armies Battle Standard (+2 pts).
• 1 Vampire Noble may be given the Spellcaster Level 1 special ability (+3pts).

May Ride:
• May take a Horse (+1 pts each).
• Up to 1 Vampire Noble may take a Nightmare (+2 pts).
• Up to 1 Vampire Noble may take a Hell Coach (+8 pts).
• Up to 1 Vampire Noble may take an Adult Dragon (+22pts).

Necromancer Hero, Inf
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 1 6 1/6+ -/- 7+ 1 5+ 2
Level 2 6 1/6+ -/- 7+ 2 5+ 4
Level 3* 6 2/6+ -/- 7+ 3 4+ 6
Level 4* 6 2/5+ -/- 7+ 4 4+ 8
Special Abilities:
• Spellcaster: Can cast spells.
• *: This model may be the army General.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May have 1 Misc. magic item.
• Level 3+ may have 2 Misc. magic items.
• 1 level 3+ Necromancer may ride a Hell Coach.

May Ride:
• May take a Horse (+1 pts)
• May take a Nightmare (+2 pts)
• May take a Hell Coach (+8 pts)
• Up to 1 Necromancer may take an Adult Zombie Dragon (+22 pts)

Banshee Hero, Inf
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 1 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 6+ 1 6+ 3
Level 2 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 6+ 2 6+ 5
Level 3 6 2/5+ 1/5+ 6+ 3 6+ 7
Level 4 6 2/5+ 2/5+ 6+ 4 6+ 9
Ranged Attack:
• Scream of Death: Rng: 10”.

Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Ghostly: This unit can move through terrain, obstacles, and other units if it has enough
movement to move completely past them. It treats all terrain, obstacles, and other units as open
ground. This unit may not end its movement on top of an obstacle or other unit.
• Magic Resistance (0): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +0 bonus.
• Spellcaster: Can cast spells.
• Kiss of Death: Choose a friendly unit within 6”. That unit gains a +1 bonus to their melee To Hit
attacks until the End of the Turn Phase.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May have 2 Misc. magic item.
• Level 3+ may have 3 Misc. magic items.

Skeleton Warriors Infantry

FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 6/5+ -/- 6+ 8 5+ 60mm 7
Regiment 6 12/5+ -/- 6+ 15 5+ 120x60 12
Legion 6 24/5+ -/- 6+ 30 5+ 120mm 22
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.

• Up to 4 units may take a magic banner.

Skeleton Archers Infantry
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/6+ 5/5+ 7+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Regiment 6 10/6+ 10/5+ 7+ 15 5+ 120x60 14
Legion 6 20/6+ 20/5+ 7+ 30 5+ 120mm 28
Ranged Attack:
• Longbow: Rng: 16”.

Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.

• Up to 1 unit may take a magic banner.

Zombies Infantry
FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 5 5/6+ -/- 7+ 8 6+ 60mm 5
Regiment 5 10/6+ -/- 7+ 15 6+ 120x60 9
Legion 5 20/6+ -/- 7+ 30 6+ 120mm 18
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.

• Up to 2 units may take a magic banner.

Ghouls Infantry
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base: Pts:
Battalion 6 5/5+ -/- 7+ 8 5+ 60x60 7
Regiment 6 10/5+ -/- 7+ 15 5+ 120x60 12
Legion 6 20/5+ -/- 7+ 30 5+ 120x120 22
Special Abilities:
• Battle Lust: This unit adds an additional +2” to its movement when making a charge action.
• Berserker: This unit must charge the closest enemy unit. It ignores the effects of fear and terror.
And it must use its consolidation movement to move towards the closest enemy unit and engage
them in melee if it has enough movement to do so.
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.

• Up to 1 unit may take a magic banner.

Wights Heavy Infantry

FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/4+ -/- 4+ 8 4+ 60mm 9
Regiment 6 10/4+ -/- 4+ 15 4+ 120x60 16
Legion 6 20/4+ -/- 4+ 30 4+ 120mm 32
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Slayer: When this unit makes melee attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.

• Up to 2 units may take a magic banner.

Wraiths Infantry
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/4+ -/- 6+ 8 5+ 60mm 9
Regiment 6 10/4+ -/- 6+ 15 5+ 120x60 16
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Ghostly: This unit can move through terrain, obstacles, and other units if it has enough
movement to move completely past them. It treats all terrain, obstacles, and other units as open
ground. This unit may not end its movement on top of an obstacle or other unit.
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.

• 1 unit may take a magic banner.

Bone Knights Cavalry

FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 12 6/5+ -/- 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 10
Regiment 12 12/5+ -/- 5+ 15 5+ 120x60 18
Legion 12 24/5+ -/- 5+ 30 5+ 120mm 35
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Impact (2/4/8): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2, 4, or 8 wounds in the first round
of melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment/Legion)).

• Up to 3 units may take a magic banner.

Death Knights Cavalry
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 10 8/4+ -/- 4+ 8 4+ 60mm 11
Regiment 10 15/4+ -/- 4+ 15 4+ 120x60 20
Legion 10 30/4+ -/- 4+ 30 4+ 120mm 38
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Ghostly: This unit can move through terrain, obstacles, and other units if it has enough
movement to move completely past them. It treats all terrain, obstacles, and other units as open
ground. This unit may not end its movement on top of an obstacle or other unit.
• Impact (2/4/8): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2, 4, or 8 wounds in the first round
of melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment/Legion)).
• Thunderous Charge: This unit gains an additional +1 to hit when it makes a successful charge.

• Up to 2 units may take a magic banner.

Dire Wolves Beast

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 12 5/5+ -/- 6+ 8 6+ 60x60 6
Regiment 12 10/5+ -/- 6+ 15 6+ 120x60 11
Legion 12 20/5+ -/- 6+ 30 6+ 120x120 20
Special Abilities:
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

Hell Bats Swarm
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 16 5/6+ -/- 7+ 8 6+ 60mm 7
Regiment 16 10/6+ -/- 7+ 15 6+ 120x60 12
Legion 16 20/6+ -/- 7+ 30 6+ 120mm 22
Special Abilities:
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Scout: This unit can be deployed anywhere on the table, but it must be fully within terrain. This
unit may be deployed after all normal and advanced deployment units have been completed by
both players.
• Skirmisher: Ranged attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
• Unbreakable: This unit ignores Fear and Terror and automatically passes all Morale tests.

Death Chariot Chariot

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 10 5/5+ -/- 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Regiment 10 10/5+ -/- 5+ 15 5+ 120x60 14
Special Abilities:
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Impact (2/4): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 or 4 wounds in the first round of
melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment)).
• Rampage: When this unit makes a consolidation move and contacts another enemy unit, it counts
as charging in the next round of melee combat. The enemy does not get to make a reaction

• Up to 1 unit may have a magic banner.

Hell Coach Chariot
FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 16 5/5+ -/- 4+ 8 5+ 60mm 12
Regiment 16 10/5+ -/- 4+ 15 5+ 120x60 22
Special Abilities:
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Ghostly: This unit can move through terrain, obstacles, and other units if it has enough
movement to move completely past them. It treats all terrain, obstacles, and other units as open
ground. This unit may not end its movement on top of an obstacle or other unit.
• Impact (2/4): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 or 4 wounds in the first round of
melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment)).
• Magic Resistance (1): If this unit is targeted by an enemy spell, it may automatically attempt to
dispel it with a +1 bonus.
• Rampage: When this unit makes a consolidation move and contacts another enemy unit, it counts
as charging in the next round of melee combat. The enemy does not get to make a reaction
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and is a level 1 Spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

• May have a magic banner.

Zombie Giant Monster

FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
6 5/5+ -/- 4+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Special Abilities:
• Crush (1): This unit automatically does 1 wound in melee combat.
• Impact (1): When this unit charges, it automatically does 1 wound in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Really Strong (2): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

Corpse Eater Gargantuan
FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
6 20/5+ -/- 4+ 30 4+ 120mm 32
Special Abilities:
• Crush (4): This unit automatically does 4 wounds before any melee attacks are made in every
round of melee combat.
• Impact (6): When this unit charges, it automatically does 6 wounds in the first round of melee
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Really Strong (3): Enemies suffer a -3 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.
• Thunderous Charge: This unit gains an additional +1 to hit when it makes a successful charge.

Zombie Dragon, Young Monster

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 5/5+ 3/6+ 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 10
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 3”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (1): This unit automatically does 1 wound in melee combat.
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that
causes fear ignores the effects of fear caused by enemy units. NOTE: A fear causing unit is still
susceptible to terror.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (1): When this unit charges, it automatically does 1 wound in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Really Strong (1): Enemies suffer a -1 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 1 spellcaster.

Zombie Dragon, Adult Monster
FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 10/4+ 5/5+ 4+ 15 4+ 60mm 18
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 4”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (3): This unit automatically does 3 wounds in melee combat.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (2): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 wounds in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Really Strong (2): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 2 spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

Zombie Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan

FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 20/3+ 8/4+ 3+ 30 3+ 120mm 38
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 5”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (5): This unit automatically does 5 wounds in melee combat.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (5): When this unit charges, it automatically does 8 wounds in the first round of melee
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Really Strong (3): Enemies suffer a -3 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 3 spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

Bone Thrower War Machine
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 4 3/6+ 5/5+ 7+ 6 6+ 60mm 6
Regiment 4 6/6+ 10/5+ 7+ 12 6+ 120x60 10
Ranged Attack:
• Bolt Thrower: Rng: 40”. No armor saves allowed.

Special Abilities:
• Slow to Fire: This units ranged weapon cannot be used to Stand and Shoot.

Corpse Catapult War Machine

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 3 4/5+ 5/5+ 7+ 8 5+ 60mm 7
Regiment 3 8/5+ 10/5+ 7+ 15 5+ 120x60 12
Ranged Attack:
• Catapult: Rng: 80”. No armor saves allowed.

Special Abilities:
• Slow to Fire: This units ranged weapon cannot be used to Stand and Shoot.


Faeland Defenders

Unit Name Unit Type POINTS FA Max

Wild Elf General Hero 8 1
Wild Elf Noble Hero Lvl 2: 2pts Lvl 3: 4pts 3
Lvl 4: 6pts
Druid Hero Lvl 1: 2pts Lvl 2: 4pts 2
Lvl 3: 6pts Lvl 4: 8pts
Dryad Hero Lvl 1: 3pts Lvl 2: 5pts 2
Lvl 3: 7pts Lvl 4: 9pts
Fae Archers Infantry 8/14/28 4
Fae Guard Infantry 7/12/22 4
Henge Guard Infantry 9/16/NA 2
Rangers Infantry 10/18/ NA 3
Pixies Swarm 5/9/18 4
Treemen Saplings Large Infantry 8/14/28 4
Fae Riders Cavalry 10/18/35 3
Henge Riders Cavalry 11/20/38 2
Giant Hawk Riders Monstrous Cavalry 8/14/ NA 2
Treemen Monstrous Infantry 10/18/35 3
Ancient Treeman Monster 8 2
Force of Nature Monster 10 1
Henge Guardian Gargantuan 35 1
Forest Dragon, Young Monster 10 2
Forest Dragon, Adult Monster 18 1
Forest Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan 38 1
Bolt Thrower War Machine 6/10/ NA 2
Treeman Strongarms Monstrous War 8/14/NA 2

Keyword Base Stat Improvements:
Horse/Stag Hero Cav 30mm +1 MA +1 HP +1 Arm
Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 12”.

Unicorn Hero Cav 30mm +1 MA +1 HP +1 Arm

Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 12”.
• Spellcasters riding a Unicorn gain +1 Mana every turn.

Giant Hawk Hero Mon Cav 30mm +2 MA +2 HP +1 Arm

Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 16”.

Adult Dragon Hero Mon 60mm +10 MA +15 HP +2 Arm

Special Rules:
• Increase units Mv to 16”.

Wild Elf General Hero, Inf

FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
6 3/4+ 1/3+ 6+ 4 3+ 8
Ranged Attack:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”.

Special Abilities:
• Eagle Eye: Reroll Nat 1’s on ranged attacks.
• Inspiring: Any unit within 6” of this unit may reroll failed Leadership checks.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May wear magic armor.
• May have 2 Misc. magic items.

May Ride:
• Stag/Horse (+1 pts)
• Giant Hawk (+3 pts)
• Adult Dragon (+22pts)

Wild Elf Noble Hero, Inf
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 2 6 1/5+ 1/4+ 6+ 2 6+ 2
Level 3 6 2/4+ 1/3+ 6+ 3 5+ 4
Level 4 6 3/4+ 1/3+ 6+ 4 4+ 6
Ranged Attack: Upgrades:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”. • May wield a magic weapon.
• May wear magic armor.
Special Abilities: • May have 1 Misc. magic item.
• Eagle Eye: Reroll Nat 1’s on ranged attacks. • 1 Hero may carry the Army Battle Standard
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain. (+2 pts).

May Ride:
• May take a Stag/Horse (+1 pts).
• May take a Giant Hawk (+3 pts).
• Up to 1 Wild Elf Noble may take an Adult
Dragon (+22pts).

Druid Hero, Inf

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 1 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 7+ 1 5+ 2
Level 2 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 7+ 2 5+ 4
Level 3* 6 1/5+ 2/5+ 7+ 3 5+ 6
Level 4* 6 1/5+ 2/5+ 7+ 4 4+ 8
Ranged Attack: Upgrades:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”. • May wield a magic weapon.
• May have 1 Misc. magic item per level.
Special Abilities:
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain. May Ride:
• Spellcaster: Can cast spells. • May take a Stag/Horse (+1 pts)
• *: This model may be the army General. • May take a Unicorn (+2 pts)
• May take a Giant Hawk (+4 pts)
• Up to 1 Druid may take an Adult Dragon

Dryad Hero, Inf
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Pts
Level 1 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 6+ 1 5+ 3
Level 2 6 1/6+ 1/6+ 6+ 2 5+ 5
Level 3* 6 2/5+ 1/5+ 6+ 3 5+ 7
Level 4* 6 2/5+ 2/5+ 6+ 4 4+ 9
Ranged Attack:
• Kiss of Seasons: Rng: 10”.

Special Abilities:
• Magic Resistance (0): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +0 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain without penalty.
• Spellcaster: Can cast spells.
• *: This model may be the army General.
• Blessing of the Fae: Choose a unit within 6”. That unit gains a +1 bonus to their Armor Saving
Throws for the rest of the turn.

• May wield a magic weapon.
• May have 1 Misc. magic item per level.

Fae Archers Infantry

FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/6+ 5/5+ 7+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Regiment 6 10/6+ 10/5+ 7+ 15 5+ 120x60 14
Legion 6 20/6+ 20/5+ 7+ 30 5+ 120mm 28
Ranged Attack:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”.

Special Abilities:
• Hawk Eye: When this unit makes ranged attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

• Up to 2 units may have a magic banner.

Fae Guard Infantry
FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 6/5+ -/- 6+ 8 5+ 60mm 7
Regiment 6 12/5+ -/- 6+ 15 5+ 120x60 12
Legion 6 24/5+ -/- 6+ 30 5+ 120mm 22
Special Abilities:
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

• Up to 3 units may have a magic banner.

Henge Guard Infantry

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 6/4+ -/- 6+ 8 4+ 60mm 9
Regiment 6 12/4+ -/- 6+ 15 4+ 120x60 16
Special Abilities:
• Battle Lust: Gain an additional +2” to its movement when making a charge action.
• Brutal Charge (2): This unit gains 2 additional melee attacks on the first round of combat when it
makes a successful charge.
• Elusive (1): Melee attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
• Fanatical: This unit is immune to Fear and Terror and may reroll failed morale checks.
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Skirmisher: Ranged attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.

Rangers Infantry
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/4+ 5/3+ 6+ 8 4+ 60mm 10
Regiment 6 10/4+ 10/3+ 6+ 15 4+ 120x60 18
Ranged Attack:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”.

Special Abilities:
• Hawk Eye: When this unit makes ranged attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.
• Elusive (1): Melee attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Piercing (1): Ranged attacks have -1 Arm save penalty.
• Scout: Deploy anywhere after all other units.
• Skirmisher: Ranged attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
• Stealth: Ranged attacks targeting this unit from further than 6” away suffer an additional -2 to hit
penalty this unit.

Pixies Swarm
FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/6+ -/- 7+ 8 6+ 60mm 5
Regiment 6 10/6+ -/- 7+ 15 6+ 120x60 9
Legion 6 20/6+ -/- 7+ 30 6+ 120mm 18
Special Abilities:
• Magic Resistance (1): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +1 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

Treemen Saplings Large Infantry

FA Max: 4
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/5+ -/- 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Regiment 6 10/5+ -/- 5+ 15 5+ 120x60 14
Legion 6 20/5+ -/- 5+ 30 5+ 120mm 28
Special Abilities:
• Crush (1/2/3): This unit automatically does 1, 2, or 3 wounds in melee combat (depends on unit
size (Battalion/Regiment/Legion)).
• Magic Resistance (0): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +0 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

• Up to 2 units may have a magic banner.

Fae Riders Cavalry
FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 12 6/5+ 3/5+ 6+ 8 5+ 60mm 10
Regiment 12 12/5+ 7/5+ 6+ 15 5+ 120x60 18
Legion 12 24/5+ 15/5+ 6+ 30 5+ 120mm 35
Ranged Attack:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”.

Special Abilities:
• Advanced Deploy: May be deployed up to 6” beyond the normal deployment zone and may be
deployed after all normal deployment has been completed.
• Hawk Eye: When this unit makes ranged attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.
• Nimble Rider: This unit pivots for free and may make any number of pivots during its movement
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.

• Up to 2 units may have a magic banner.

Henge Riders Cavalry

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 10 8/4+ -/- 4+ 8 4+ 60mm 11
Regiment 10 15/4+ -/- 4+ 15 4+ 120x60 20
Legion 10 30/4+ -/- 4+ 30 4+ 120mm 38
Special Abilities:
• Impact (2/4/8): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2, 4, or 8 wounds in the first round
of melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment/Legion)).
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Nimble Rider: This unit pivots for free and may make any number of pivots during its movement
• Thunderous Charge: This unit gains an additional +1 to hit when it makes a successful charge.

• Up to 2 units may take a magic banner.

Giant Hawk Riders Monstrous Beast Cavalry
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 16 6/4+ 3/4+ 6+ 8 4+ 60mm 8
Regiment 16 12/4+ 7/4+ 6+ 15 4+ 120x60 14
Ranged Attack:
• Fae Longbow: Rng: 20”.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (2/4): This unit automatically does an additional 2 or 4 wounds in melee combat (depends
on unit size (Battalion/Regiment)).
• Fly: Unit can fly
• Hawk Eye: When this unit makes ranged attacks, it may reroll all To Hit attack dice that rolled a
natural, unmodified 1.
• Impact (2/4): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 or 4 wounds in the first round of
melee combat (depends on unit size (Battalion/Regiment)).
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Scout: Deploy anywhere after all other units.
• Skirmisher: Ranged attacks targeting this unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.

Treemen Monstrous Infantry

FA Max: 3
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 6 5/5+ -/- 4+ 8 5+ 60mm 10
Regiment 6 10/5+ -/- 4+ 15 5+ 120x60 18
Legion 6 20/5+ -/- 4+ 30 5+ 120mm 35
Special Abilities:
• Crush (2/4/8): This unit automatically does 2, 4, or 8 wounds in melee combat (depends on unit
size (Battalion/Regiment/Legion)).
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Magic Resistance (1): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +1 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (1): Enemies suffer a -1 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.

• 1 unit may take a magic banner.

Ancient Treeman Monster
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
6 5/4+ -/- 4+ 8 4+ 60mm 8
Special Abilities:
• Crush (2): This unit automatically does 2 wounds in melee combat.
• Impact (1): When this unit charges, it automatically does 1 wound in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Magic Resistance (1): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +1 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (2): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.

Force of Nature Monster

FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
6 5/4+ 3/5+ 5+ 8 4+ 60mm 10
Ranged Attack:
• Wrath of Nature: Rng: 12”.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (2): This unit automatically does 2 wounds in melee combat.
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks.
• Impact (2): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 wounds in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Magic Resistance (2): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +2 bonus.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (2): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 2 Spellcaster.

Henge Guardian Gargantuan
FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
6 20/5+ 10/6+ 4+ 30 4+ 120mm 35
Ranged Attack:
• Elemental Bolt: Rng: 14”. Push target enemy unit back 3”. Unit must pass a Leadership test or
have it’s facing determined by the opponent.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (4): This unit automatically does 4 wounds before any melee attacks are made in every
round of melee combat.
• Impact (6): When this unit charges, it automatically does 6 wounds in the first round of melee
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Magic Resistance (2): Dispel enemy spells targeting this unit with a +2 bonus.
• Really Strong (3): Enemies suffer a -3 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a lvl 2 Spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.
• Regeneration (2): At the beginning of the End of the Turn phase, this unit regains 2 hit points.

Forest Dragon, Young Monster
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 5/5+ 3/6+ 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 10
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 3”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (1): This unit automatically does 1 wound in melee combat.
• Fear: Engaged enemy units suffer an additional -1 penalty to their morale checks.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (1): When this unit charges, it automatically does 1 wound in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (1): Enemies suffer a -1 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 1 spellcaster.

Forest Dragon, Adult Monster

FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 10/4+ 5/5+ 4+ 15 4+ 60mm 18
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 4”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (3): This unit automatically does 3 wounds in melee combat.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (2): When this unit charges, it automatically does 2 wounds in the first round of melee
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (2): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 2 spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

Forest Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan
FA Max: 1
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
16 20/3+ 8/4+ 3+ 30 3+ 120mm 38
Ranged Attack:
• Breath Weapon: Rng: 5”. Living units suffering 1+ casualties must pass a Ld test or break and flee.

Special Abilities:
• Crush (5): This unit automatically does 5 wounds in melee combat.
• Fly: This unit ignores other units and terrain when moving and can charge any enemy units within
its LoS and charge range, ignoring intervening units. This unit may not end its movement on top of
an obstacle, impassible terrain, or units. This unit does not suffer the 1” movement penalty when
making a pivot. This unit may make any number of pivots during its movement. This unit may not
enter terrain.
• Impact (5): When this unit charges, it automatically does 5 wounds in the first round of melee
• Killing Blow: When this unit makes melee attacks, all To Hit attack dice that rolled a natural,
unmodified 10 ignore armor and no saving throw is allowed.
• Large: Cannot gain cover from obstacles.
• Pathfinder: Move through terrain.
• Really Strong (3): Enemies suffer a -3 penalty to armor saves vs melee attacks.
• Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells and counts as a level 3 spellcaster.
• Terror: Engaged enemy units suffer a -2 penalty to their morale checks. A unit that causes terror
ignores the effects of fear and terror caused by enemy units.

Bolt Thrower War Machine

FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 4 3/6+ 5/5+ 7+ 6 6+ 60mm 6
Regiment 4 6/6+ 10/5+ 7+ 12 6+ 120x60 10
Ranged Attack:
• Bolt Thrower: Rng: 40”. No armor saves allowed.

Special Abilities:
• Slow to Fire: This units ranged weapon cannot Stand and Shoot as a charge reaction.

Treeman Strongarms Monstrous War Machine
FA Max: 2
Mv MA/MtH RA/RtH Arm HP Ld Base Pts
Battalion 5 4/5+ 5/5+ 5+ 8 5+ 60mm 8
Regiment 5 8/5+ 10/5+ 5+ 15 5+ 120x60 14
Ranged Attack:
• Thrown Boulders: Rng: 20”. No armor saves allowed.

Special Abilities:
• Slow to Fire: This units ranged weapon cannot Stand and Shoot as charge reaction.
• Move and Shoot: This unit may march and shoot in the same turn without penalty.


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