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Naggaroth (Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6th edition) [2,303pts, 4 Casting Dice,

3 Dispel Dice]

Standard (Dark Elves)


Dark Elf Highborn

Selections: Black Dragon, General, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield
Rules: Fly, Hate High Elves, Large Target, Noxious Breath, Terror
Armour: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Profile: Black Dragon, Dark Elf Highborn,
Weapon: Hand Weapon


Dark Elf Noble

Selections: Battle Standard Bearer, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak
Armour: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Profile: Dark Elf Noble, Weapon: Hand Weapon

Selections: Level 2
Rules: Hate High Elves, Sect Enmity
Profile: Sorceress


Selections: 10x Corsairs, Light Armour, Sea Dragon Coat, Two Hand Weapons
Categories: CORE
Rules: Hate High Elves
Armour: Light Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Profile: Corsairs, Weapon: Additional Hand

Selections: 20x Corsairs, Light Armour, Musician, Reaver, Sea Dragon Coat, Standard Bearer,
Two Hand Weapons
Categories: CORE
Rules: Hate High Elves
Armour: Light Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Profile: Corsairs, Reaver, Weapon: Additional
Hand weapon
Dark Elf Warriors
Selections: 16x Dark Elf Warriors, Repeater Crossbow
Categories: CORE
Rules: Hate High Elves
Profile: Dark Elf Warriors

Dark Elf Warriors

Selections: 20x Dark Elf Warriors, Lordling, Musician, Shield, Spears, Standard Bearer
Categories: CORE
Rules: Hate High Elves
Armour: Shield, Profile: Dark Elf Warriors , Lordling


Cold One Knights

Selections: 5x Cold One Knights, Dread Knight, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield
Categories: SPECIAL
Rules: Fear, Hate High Elves, Stupidity, Thick Skinned
Armour: Heavy Armour, Shield, Profile: Cold One, Cold One Knight, Dread Knight, Weapon:

Cold One Knights

Selections: 5x Cold One Knights, Dread Knight, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Standard
Categories: SPECIAL
Rules: Fear, Hate High Elves, Stupidity, Thick Skinned
Armour: Heavy Armour, Shield, Profile: Cold One, Cold One Knight, Dread Knight, Weapon:


Black Guard
Selections: 20x Black Guard, 20x Halberds, 20x Heavy Armour, Master, Musician, Standard
Categories: RARE
Rules: Hatred, Stubborn
Armour: Heavy Armour, Profile: Black Guard, Master, Weapon: Halberd
War Hydra
Selections: War Hydra
Categories: RARE
Rules: Breathe Fire, Large Target, Scaly Skin 3+, Terror
Profile: War Hydra
Beastmaster Apprentices
Selections: Two Hand Weapons
Rules: Hate High Elves
Profile: Beastmaster Apprentice, Weapon: Additional Hand weapon
Beastmaster Apprentices
Selections: Two Hand Weapons
Rules: Hate High Elves
Profile: Beastmaster Apprentice, Weapon: Additional Hand weapon

Profile Summary

Armour Saving Throw Modifier Special rules Ref

Heavy Armour 5+
Light Armour 6+
Sea Dragon Cloak
Shield -1 SV, -2SV with HW

Profile Mv WS BS S T W I A Ld Ref
Beastmaster Apprentice 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Black Dragon 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8
Black Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 9
Cold One 7 3 0 4 4 1 3 2 3
Cold One Knight 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Corsairs 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Dark Elf Highborn 5 7 6 4 3 3 8 4 10
Dark Elf Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9
Dark Elf Warriors 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Dread Knight 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 8
Lordling 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Master 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9
Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
Sorceress 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8
War Hydra 6 4 0 5 5 6 2 5 6
Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref
Additional Hand weapon +1A
Halberd CC only As User +1 Requires 2 Hands
Hand Weapon CC only As User
Lance +2S on charge Mounted models only.

Selection Rules
Breathe Fire: ()
Fear: Unit causes Fear (BRB p81)
Fly: Unit can fly ()
Hate High Elves: Reroll missed hits on first round of combat. ()
Hatred: Hatred: Black Guard arc vicious killers and bate everybody and everything (see page 84-85 of the
Warhammer rulebook for the rules for hatred). (Dark Elves AB 2001 p6)
Large Target: Add +1 to hit for shooting (BRB)
Noxious Breath: Breath Weapon, any units taking casualties from this ttack must pass a leadership next
turn in order to charge. Does not effect undead or daemons although damage as normal.
Scaly Skin 3+: Scaly Skin gives 3+ saving throw ()
Sect Enmity: May not join a unit with an Assassin ()
Stubborn: Raised from birth to protect the Witch King himself, Black Guard would rather die than give
ground. Black Guard are stubborn (see page 85 of the Warhammer rulebook).
Stupidity: Subject to Stupidity (BRB p82)
Terror: Unit causes Terror (BRB p81)
Thick Skinned: A cold one has scaly skin which acts like armour giving the rider a +2 Armour save for being
mounted insread of normal +1 (Dark Elves AB 2001 p8)

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