Chapter 123 Group 4

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Chapter l

Background of the Study
Technology has become an important part of teaching and learning in
today’s schools. In the last several years, there has been a considerable increase
in the use of technology in education. Teachers and students are using computers
and digital resources more regularly to enhance teaching and learning. It includes
a variety of instructional methods and materials that are presented via computer
programs, multimedia, and interactive simulations. Ghavifekr, S. & Rosdy, W.A.W.

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is the practice of using technology to

facilitate and enhance classroom instruction. Using tutorials, drills, and problems
to help convey ideas and assess the student’s understanding, a computer-assisted
instruction (CAI) application combines text, images, sound, and video to improve
learning. According to several research, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has
a favorable impact on students’ reading achievement (McCreary & Maginnis,
1989), business education (Din, 1996), and teachers’ perceptions of CAI (Berry,
1994). When Stennett (1985) reviewed the research on CAI in education, he
discovered positive outcomes. Although the described research supports the use
of CAI as an addition to the information provided by the course teacher, it is still
not clear whether CAI is a successful educational tool on its own. When comparing CAI
to conventional educational approaches, some research reported no positive
outcomes (LaBonty, 1989; Morrell, 1992; Ruef & Layne, 1990; Wiksten, et al,
A more specific term, computer assisted instruction (CAI), is used to
describe drill-and-practice, tutorial, or simulation activities that are provided
independently or in addition to conventional, teacher-led education (Grimes, 1997;
Batey, 1986). The phrase “computer-aided instruction” (CAI) describes how a
learner interacts with a computer in a direct instructional capacity. With or without
teacher guidance, CAI delivers course content in a variety of ways (Lockard et al.,
1997). Applications for CAI are used on a wide range of computer platforms and
operating systems.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is refers to the use of computers and
technology to enhance the teaching and learning process. It helps on promoting
learning through the use of interactive multimedia, software, and digital resources.
CAI can be found in various forms, including tutorials, simulations, educational
games, and online courses.
With this, the researchers was encouraged to know the effect of Computer
Assisted Instruction (CAI) to the academic performance of III-BEED Block 19
students in Technology for teaching and learning 1 in the elementary Grades. It will
examine how the use of CAI impacts student’s comprehension, retention, and
application of knowledge. Therefore, the conduct of this study was to assess the
effectiveness of computer assisted instruction (CAI) to the academic performance of III-
BEED Block 19 students in the specific subject Technology for teaching and
learning 1 in the elementary grades.

This study focuses on the impact of CAI on the academic performance of

III-BEED Block 19 students in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 in the
elementary grades. Technology has become an integral part of the educational
system. It offers new opportunities for teaching and learning by providing
interactive and engaging activities that can enhance students’ understanding and
retention of learning material.

The study findings will contribute to the understanding of the role of CAI in
enhancing the academic performance of III-BEED Block 19 students in Technology
for Teaching and Learning 1. This research can inform educators and institutions
about the benefits and challenges associated with incorporating CAI into
elementary education programs, ultimately aiming to improve the quality of teacher
preparation for the digital age.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to identify the Effectiveness of Computer
Assisted Instruction (CAI) to Academic Performance of lll-BEED-BLOCK-19
Students in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 in the Elementary Grades.
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the benefits of Computer Assisted Instruction to the

Academic Performance in terms of:
a. visuals?
b. comprehension?
c. complex topics
2. What are the effects of Computer Assisted Instruction to the Academic
Performance of lll-BEED-BLOCK-19 students in Technology for Teaching and
Learning 1 in the Elementary Grades?
3. What are the suggested recommendations about Computer Assisted
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will contribute to the benefit of society,
considering that the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) plays an
important role in industry today.
More specifically, this study shall be beneficial to the various groups of
Students - for from to be aware on Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction
(CAI) and to inform and create a wiser individual to students.
Future Researchers - fair study will serve as a guide that could help them to be
used as a tool for their research study.
Parents - spending to much time on the computer for an recreational purposes in
particular been found to be related to areas of public health concern in children /
adolescents, including obesity and substance use.

Scope and Delimitation

This study has a descriptive research design focusing on the
Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) to Academic Performance of
lll-BEED-BLOCK-19 students in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 in the
Elementary Grades of academic year 2023 - 2024.
This will be focused on lll-BEED-BLOCK-19 students only. The 20
questionnaires will be randomly distributed to each student in lll-BEED-BLOCK-19. The
sample size is expected to be small due to the fact that the researchers will
only gather data on a specific school.
Atkinson, R. C., & Wilson, H. A. (1968). Computer-Assisted Instruction.
162(3849), 73–77.
Chapter ll
This chapter contains all the related literature of the study and the
conceptual framework. It contains theories and significant researches that
helped the researchers to develop their ideas in creating a learning
instrument. Through the years, changes come along our ways which really
affect every one of us, different inventions and creations that brought
advantages and disadvantages in terms of living.
Related Literature
The literature is legion in its number of studies confirming the
effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in the promotion of
academic achievement. Currently, educational researchers are focusing
their efforts on the effects of such instruction in differing educational
settings, perhaps in agreement with the findings of Mauriel (1989), which
disclose that the essence of student differences lies in their differing social,
economic, demographic, and educational backgrounds. Hence, the
purpose of this research was to determine whether there is a difference
among the responses of secondary urban,~ al, and suburban students to
computerassisted instruction.

The effectiveness of computer assisted instruction (CAI) on

academic performance has been widely studied in the educational
research literature. While I can't provide specific recent studies beyond my
knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, I can outline some key themes
and findings from existing literature up to that point.
Improved Learning Outcomes: Many studies have shown that CAI can
lead to improved academic performance, especially in subjects like
mathematics and science. The interactive and adaptive nature of CAI can
help tailor instruction to individual student needs.
Engagement and Motivation: CAI often engages students through
interactive multimedia, gamification, and immediate feedback. This
increased engagement can positively impact academic performance.

Self-Paced Learning Computer Assisted Instruction allows

students to progress at their own pace. This can be beneficial for students
who need more time to grasp a concept or for those who can advance
more quickly. Individualized Learning Computer Assisted Instruction can
adapt to the learning styles and needs of individual students, making it
effective for learners with different abilities and backgrounds.
It provides flexibility in terms of time and location of learning, which
can be particularly helpful for students who have other commitments.
Computer Assisted Instruction systems often generate data on student
performance, which can be used to identify areas where students are
struggling and provide targeted support. Some studies have noted that
the effectiveness of computer assisted instruction can vary depending on
the quality of the software, teacher involvement, and student motivation.
It's important to use computer assisted instruction as a supplement to
traditional instruction, not a replacement in all cases.

International Journal of Higher Education 9 (5), 115-124, 2020

Twenty-first century classrooms have come with a lot of changes in
instructional delivery at various levels of education. However, most
lecturers in Nigerian universities still adopt the traditional method of
instruction not minding the demands of the twenty-first century
classrooms. As a result of this, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on
the impact of computer-assisted instruction on the students' achievement
in physics. This study, therefore, sought the efficacy of computer-assisted
instruction (CAI) on students' achievement in physics. A randomized
controlled trial experimental design was adopted for the study using a
sample of 120 participants. Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was used to
collect data for the study. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the
data. It was found that Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) had a
significant effect on students' achievement in physics at posttest and
follow-up assessments.

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional

technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material
and monitor the learning that takes place. This study was designed to see
the effect of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on
the academic achievement of secondary school students in the subject of
science. The major objectives of the study were:(1) To find out the relative
effects of computer-assisted instruction as a supplementing strategy on
academic achievement in science; and (2) To investigate the difference
between treatment effects on male and female students. To achieve the
objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested:(1) There
is no significant difference between the mean scores of the students
taught science with CAI as supplementing strategy and without CAI; and
(2) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male
and female students of experimental and control groups. Secondary
school students studying science subjects constituted the population of the
study. The students of 9th class of The City School, H-8, Islamabad, were
selected as sample of the study. Only students studying biology as an
elective subject were included in the sample. Sample students were
assigned to either the experimental group and or control group. Both the
groups were equated on the basis of their achievement scores in previous
semester in the subject of biology. Each group comprised 20 students.
There were two different treatment patterns applied during the experiment.
Both the groups were taught through routine method by the same teacher.
Computer-assisted instruction was used as additional strategy for the
experimental group. During the experiment period, the experimental group
received the treatment of. computer-assisted instruction whereby the
students were exposed to certain web-cites consisting of drill and practice,
tutorials, simulations and animation. Meanwhile the control group was kept
busy in other activities such as guided practice and independent practice.
This was adopted to control the variable of time and to realize the primary
objective of the study. The experiment continued for six weeks. In order to
find out treatment effects, a teacher-made post-test was administered to
the experimental as well as control group immediately after the treatment
(teaching) was over. Significance of difference between the mean scores
of both the groups on the variable of previous achievement was tested at.
05 level by applying t-test. To see the treatment effects for male and
female students both the groups, the factorial design (2X2 analysis of
variance) was applied. Analysis of data revealed that the students taught
through computer-assisted instruction as supplementary strategy
performed significantly better. Computer-assisted instruction was found
equally effective for both male and female students.

Related Studies
This study concluded that knowledge, analysis, and synthesis
skills were major indicators of growth. Students' evaluation and application
skills were significantly improved by the CAI in the experimental group.
However, the CAI had little impact on comprehension ability. The findings
of this study suggested that CAI should be used as an effective teaching
approach to enhance teaching quality and that doing so will make it
feasible to remove linguistic, geographical, and ethical biases between
teachers and students.
According to this study's findings, CAI has a favourable impact on
students' academic achievement and increases interest in the topic of
auto-mechanics. It was discovered to be more helpful, rewarding,
effective, and captivating when used to educate car mechanics in technical
colleges. In order to help teachers and students of auto mechanics
develop the skills necessary for using CAI for teaching and learning the
auto mechanics trade in technical colleges, it was advised that school
administration provide opportunities for in-service training and outfit
computer labs.
This study investigated the effects of computer assisted instruction
(CAI) on secondary school students' performance in biology. Also, the
influence of gender on the performance of students exposed to CAI in
individualized or cooperative learning settings package was examined.
The research was an experimental involving a 3 x 2 factorial design. The
sample for the study comprised 120 first year senior secondary school
students (SSS I) sampled from three private secondary schools, in Oyo
State, Nigeria. The students' pre-test and post test scores were subjected
to Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings of the study showed
that the performance of students exposed to CAI either individually or
cooperatively were better than their counterparts exposed to the
conventional classroom instruction. However, no significant difference
existed in the performance of male and female students exposed to CAI in
either individual or cooperative settings. Based on the research findings.

Meta-Analyses Look for meta-analyses that compile and analyze

the results of multiple studies. They provide a comprehensive view of the
effectiveness of CAI. Educational databases like ERIC, JSTOR, or Google
Scholar are good places to start. Educational Journals Explore journals
like the "Journal of Educational Computing Research," "Computers &
Education," and "Educational Technology Research and Development" for
individual studies on CAI's impact on academic performance.

Theses and Dissertations Many graduate students conduct

research on this topic. University databases often make these theses and
dissertations available for public access.
Government Reports Educational departments and agencies often publish
reports on educational technology and its impact. Check government
websites and repositories.

Educational Technology Conferences Proceedings from conferences like

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) and AECT
(Association for Educational Communications and Technology) may have
relevant studies.
Books: Some educational researchers and experts have written books on
the topic. Search for authors like Richard E. Clark or Richard Culatta.

Educational Organizations: Organizations such as the International

Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the American Educational
Research Association (AERA) often publish research on this subject.).
Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

What are the effects

of Computer Assisted What are the
. What are the
Instruction to the suggested
benefits of Computer
Academic recommendations
Assisted Instruction
Performance of lll- about Computer
to the Academic
BEED-BLOCK-19 Assisted Instruction?
Performance in terms
of: students in
Technology for
a. visuals?
Teaching and
b. comprehension Learning 1 in the
c. complex topics Elementary Grades?

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework showing the “Effectiveness of Computer Assisted

Theoretical Framework

Computer Assisted Instruction


Conducted a survey and distribution of

questionnaires to be answer by the
Gaps Bridged by the Study
The researcher review of related studies has been made, it was observed
that the previous found were focus only to the acts by which the people do by using
internet connection and discusses some information regarding to individual needs,
accommodating varied learning paces and styles, reducing the gap between fast and
slow learners.
The study entitled “Computer Assisted Instruction as perceived by the
students of Daraga Community College of Daraga Albay School Year 2023-2024” is
distinctive or because this study discusses the different problem of computer assisted
instruction, awareness of student from that, and the preventions by the group of people,
compare to the other related studies found.
Definition of Terms
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). CAI refers to the use of the computer as a tool to
facilitate and improve instruction. CAI programs use tutorials, drill and practice
simulation, and problems solving approaches to present topics, and they test the
student’s understanding. (wikieducator).
Academic Performance. The measurement of the student achievement across various
academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievements
using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized test.
(ballotpedia).the academic achievement of III BEED block 19 students technology for
teaching and learning 1 in the elementary grades using the computer assisted
instruction (CAI).
Bachelor of elementary education (BEED). An undergraduate teacher education degree
program structured to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary level. It
aims to develop highly motivated and competent and pedagogy for elementary
education. (perpetualdalta). The III BEED BLOCK 19 students used as respondents of
the study.
Technology for teacher and learning 1 in the elementary grades. This is an introductory
course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the use of technology for
teaching and learning. (masaolms).

Chapter lll
This section presents the research design used in the study together
with the sampling procedures, research instruments, data gathering
procedures, and statistical treatment of data.
Research Method
The researcher utilized the descriptive method of research
particularly the use of questionnaires for assessment to the respondents.
The research analyzed and interpreted the results of the answers.
The respondents have given to the questions that were presents
beforehand. The study describes, discussed, interpreted the assessment
and evaluation of the students and presented facts in order to gain
knowledge and hypotheses regarding the respondent insight about the
research topic, Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) to the
Academic Performance of lll-BEED-BLOCK-19 students in Daraga
Community College, which was introduced to the respondents beforehand.
The interview will be transcribed into narrative and descriptive form,
and the data have been collected through the using of a questionnaire.
Descriptive statistics, frequencies, percentages, and a pie chart were used
to address the study objectives and enhance the significance of the data'
interpretation. Once more, further descriptive statistics such as the mean
and standard deviation were applied to provide a broader understanding of
the study's phenomenon.

Research Design
The descriptive research design was used in assessing the
effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in enhancing the
academic performance of third-year BEED Block-19 students in the
subject of Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 in elementary grades.
The researchers considered the descriptive method suitable for the study
as it responds to research questions of quantitative natures. Data
collection and analysis techniques from the said methodology were

The chosen respondents of this study are 20 of the 54 students of
III-BEED BLOCK 19 student of Daraga Community College. The target
sample size of the study is 20 in III-BEED BLOCK 19 students who
randomly chosen by the researchers. The participants III-BEED BLOCK 19
students of Daraga Community College was chosen to become the
respondents because, the researchers want to know more on how the
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Technology for Teaching and
Learning 1 in the Elementary Grades affect the academic performance of
the student. Based upon the research, it is important that students are
aware of the benefits and dis-benefits of studying Technology for Teaching
and Learning 1 in the Elementary Grades.

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