ND RPT 4 Xii Che Neet 08-12-23
ND RPT 4 Xii Che Neet 08-12-23
ND RPT 4 Xii Che Neet 08-12-23
CuSO 4
(a) + lime (b) CuSO 4 + NaOH ( aq ) |
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH
CuSO 4 + Na2 CO 3 |
(c) (d) None of these
(c) Cl
Cl Cl
| |
50. Wolf kishner reduction, reduces CH 3 −CH −CH −CH 2 −CH 3
(a) −COOH group (b) −C≡C – group (d)
62. Grignard's reagent reacts with ethanal 69. Which does not react with Fehling solution
(acetaldehyde) and propanone to give (a) Acetaldehyde (b) Benzaldehyde
(a) Higher aldehydes with ethanal and higher (c) Glucose (d) Formic acid
ketones with propanone
(b) Primary alcohols with ethanal and secondary 70. Schiff's reagent gives pink colour with
alcohols with propanone (a) Aldehydes (b) Ethers
(c) Ethers with ethanal and alcohols with (c) Ketones (d) Carboxylic acid
(d) Secondary alcohols with ethanal and tertiary 71. Which one of the following is reduced with zinc and
alcohols with propanone hydrochloric acid to give the corresponding
(a) Acetamide (b) Acetic acid
63. Benzaldehyde reacts with ammonia to form
(a) Benzaldehyde ammonia (c) Ethyl acetate (d) Butan–2–one
(b) Urotropine
72. Acetone reacts with iodine to form iodoform in the
(c) Hydrobenzamide
presence of
(d) Aniline CaCO 3
(a) (b) NaOH
MgCO 3
64. Fehling solution is (c) KOH (d)
(a) Ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution
(b) Acidified copper sulphate solution 73. Which of the following aldehydes give red
precipitate with Fehling solution ?
(c) Copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide +
(a) Benzaldehyde (b) Salicylaldehyde
Rochelle salt
(c) Acetaldehyde (d) None of these
(d) None of these
66. Which one of the following on oxidation will not (a) 6-formyl-2-methyl-hex-3-enoic acid
give a carboxylic acid with the same number of (b) 2 , 5 -dimethyl-6 -carboxy-hex-3-enal
carbon atoms (c) 2 , 5- dimethyl -5- carboxy-hex -3- enal
CH 3 COCH 3 CCl 3 CH 2 CHO
(a) (b) (d) 2 , 5-dimethyl-6 -oxo-hex-3-enoic acid
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 CHO
(c) (d)
75. Using the provided information in the following
67. The reagent with which both aldehyde and acetone paper chromatogram:
react easily is
(a) Fehling's reagent (b) Grignard reagent
(c) Schiff's reagent (d) Tollen's reagent
Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371
Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371
CH 3 CH 3
| |
87. Which of the following alkenes will show maximum
(iv)CH 3 −C == C −CH 3 number of hyperconjugation forms ?
(a) (i) > (ii) > (iii) > (iv) (b) (iv) > (iii) > (ii) > (i)
(c) (iii) > (ii) > (i) > (iv) (d) (ii) > (iii) > (iv) > (i) (a) CH2 = CH2 (b) CH3–CH=CH2
(a) Inductive effect transfer electrons from one 88. Which of the following cannot exhibit
carbon atom to another. hyperconjugation ?
(b) Inductive effect is the polarisation of bond
(c) Net charge develops in the molecule by (a) CH3 (b)
inductive effect.
(c) CH3CH = CH2 (d)
(d) Inductive effect is distance independent.
83. Decreasing –I effect of given groups is : 89. The C–C bond length in propene is little shorter
(1.49 Å) than the C–C bond length (1.54 Å) in
(i) –CN (ii) –NO2 ethane. This is due to
(iii) –NH2 (iv) –Cl
(a) + effect of CH3 (b) Mesomeric effect
(a) iii > ii > i > iv (b) ii > iii > iv > i
(c) Resonance effect (d) Hyperconjugation
(c) iii > ii > iv > i (d) ii > i > iv > iii