Social Studies Exam, Form 1

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1.A socio-cultural practice that needs to be encouraged in Ghana is

A. puberty rites.

B. vestal virgins.

C. widowhood rites.

D. female genital mutilation.

2.Rites of passage refers to

A. transmitting culture from one generation to another.

B. significant transitional changes in an individual's life.

C. moving from one geographical area to another.

D. becoming a responsible individual in one's community.

3.Culture refers to

A. the customs of a people.

B. singing, drumming and dancing.

C. norms and values of a people.

D. the way of life of people.

4. The big six in the political history of Ghana did not include

A. Dr. J. B. Danquah.

B. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

C. Mr. Casely Hayford.

D. Mr. Obetsebi Lamptey

5. At the national level self-reliance for economic growth calls for development of

A. import trade.

B. human resource.

C. religious beliefs.
D. multi-party politics.

6. A nation is said to be self-reliant when

A. she imports all her basic needs

B. she exports large quantities of cash crops

C. she produces most of her basic needs

D. other countries depend on her for capital

7. The best condition necessary for peace building in the Ghanaian society is

A. education and hard work.

B. justice and fairness.

C. religion and politics.

D. independence and productivity.

8. In an attempt to build and maintain peace, it is important that the parties at conflict should

A. demonstrate tolerance.

B. expose the mistakes of each other.

C. insist on their rights.

D. solicit the services of a good lawyer.

9. The conscious effort to create an atmosphere of harmonious living in a society is referred to as

A. conflict management.

B. conflict resolution.

C. peace building.

D. peace restoration.

10.Which of the following statements best explains self concept? The

A. inborn characteristics of a person.

B. personal and physiological abilities of a person.

C. physical and psychomotor nature of a person.

D. whole nature of a person.

11.The basic level of Abraham Maslow's Theory of Needs is

A. physiological.

B. safety.


D. social.

12.The belief in one's own capabilities is

A. Self-actualization.

B. self-confidence.

D. self-esteem.

13. A situation where a person hides his/her identity and pretends to be what he/she is not is referred
to as

A. false identity.

B. false order.

C. image hiding.

D. second image.

14. A person with a positive self-image

A. believes in himself/herself.

B. does his/her work.

C. loves to argue with others.

D. takes delight to compete.

15. Self-actualization is mainly achieved through

A. economic prosperity.

B. intellectual development.

C. goal-setting and determination.

D. formal and informal education.

16. A person who fails to appreciate himself is said to have a poor

A. self-image.

B. imagination.

C. socialization.

D. education and background.

17. The identification of one's other self is important because it helps one to know

A. what others would like one to be.

B. who one is born to be.

C. who none would like to be.

D. how others see one.

18. The ultimate goal of Maslow's theory of needs is the

A. desire of self-actualization.

B. needs of security.

C. needs to satisfy hunger and shelter.

D. needs to self-esteem.

19. It is necessary for the individual to know

himself/herself in order to

A. be admired by others.

B. become very popular.

C. be invited to social gatherings.

D. relate better with others

20. A highly cherished virtue in the traditional society is

A. chastity before marriage

B. late pregnancy

C. boasting of one's wealth

D. having a lot of assets

21. A burning sensation in the male genital organ and the discharge of yellow threads of

pus are symptoms of

A. syphilis

B. gonorrhoea

C. candidiasis

D. bilharzias

22. One of the arguments against the use of condoms is that

A. they are very expensive

B. they are not easily available

C. couples feel shy to use them

D. they can interfere with sexual pleasure

23. Differences in values systems of the youth and adults are known as

A. the generation gap.

B. conflict between young and old.

C. social change.

D. betrayal of the youth.

24. The following are characteristics of the youth except that they

A. manifest energy and exuberance.

B. desire for change.

C. have inborn love for activity.

D. tend to be very conservative.

25. One of the aims of the National Service Scheme in Ghana is to

A. give employment to the youth.

B. intimidate the educated youth.

C. let the youth pay for their education.

D. develop the spirit of patriotism in the youth.

26. The youth can contribute effectively to national development when given

A. sufficient money.

B. proper education and guidance.

C. unlimited freedom.

D. full control over country's affairs.

27. Most often the youth are not actively involved in decision making in the society because they are

A. impatient and arrogant.

B. not knowledgeable.

C. inexperienced in life.

D. immature to work.

28. The nation's expectation of the youth in economic development is very high because they

A. constitute the potential labour force.

B. are more knowledgeable than the elderly.

C. are capable of bearing risk.

D. are precise in decision making.

29. In Ghana, the contribution of the youth to national development is very minimal mainly because

A. do not have sufficient capital.

B. lack the right orientation and exposure.

C. are marginalized.
D. lack self-confidence.

30. The youth can enhance the development of a nation when given

A. enough money.

B. the necessary education and guidance.

C. unrestricted freedom.

D. charge of leadership positions.

31. One benefit a country enjoys for being self reliant is

A. building a well organised security force.

B. creating a physically healthy society.

C. promoting internal peace and security.

D. reduce over-dependence on foreign goods.

32. A country is said to be self-reliant when she

A. controls her co-operation with other nations.

B. controls the world's major financial institutions.

C. relies mainly on foreign capital for development.

D. relies on her own resources and efforts for development.

33. The challenges of political independence in Ghana can best be met through

A. cultural heritage.

B. electing experienced leaders.

C. formulating policies.

D. positive attitude to work.

34. Ghanaian misconstrued the implication of independence of the nation to be

A. an end to the problems facing the nation.

B. shifting the responsibilities to the citizens.

C. synonymous with joyous celebration of 6th March.

D. the need for hard work to eradicate poverty.

35. During adolescence, the child becomes

A. engaged in economic activities.

B. fully matured to marry and procreate.

C. independent of his/her parent.

D. more self-conscious of the physical changes.

36. Female genital mutilation has been outlawed in Ghana because

A. it is human right abuse.

B. it is not carried out by specialist.

C. it stigmatizes the victims.

D. only a few people engage in it.

37. A major goal of the adolescent reproductive health programme in schools is to help student

A. avoid contracting malaria.

B. cope with emotional problems.

C. exercise their bodies regularly.

D. increase their sexuality.

38. According to Abraham Maslow's theory of needs of the individual, needs are arranged in a

A.hierarchical order.

B. horizontal order.

C. universal order.

D. vertical order.

39. Which of the following factors is not an avenue for planning future financial security?

A. Bank loans

B. Buying shares

C. Insurance schemes

D. Monthly savings
40. The most reliable avenue for the youth to get employment is

A. acquisition of skills.

B. consulting the internet for vacancies.

C. making personal contacts.

D. searching for newspaper advertisements.



1.a)Explain the concept false identity. 4mks

b) Describe four ways by which an individual can build self-confidence. 16mks

2. (a) Explain the following terms:

i. Political independence. 2mks

ii. Self-reliance. 2mks

b) Discuss four measures that Ghana can use to be self-reliant. 16mks

3. a. Justify four reasons why adolescents need to know about their reproductive features. 16mks

b. Distinguish between Reproductive Health and Reproductive Right. 4mks

4.(a) Define the concept self and personality. 4mks

(b) Give four reasons why it is necessary for an individual to know himself/herself. 16mks

5.a.In what four ways can the youth contribute to the socio-economic development of your area? 16kms

b. List four institutions which can train the youth and equip them with skills. 4mks

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