TVE1 Introduction

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This encompasses competencies

required of a Technical–Vocational
Trainer to perform the tasks in the
areas of instructional delivery/
facilitation, competency assessment,
This qualification is designed to and maintenance of training resources
enhance the knowledge, skills, / facilities.
positive attitude and work
values of the learner in
accordance with the prevailing Suggested Nominal Training Duration:
standards in the Technical and 128 hrs. ( Basic Competencies)
Vocational Education and 136 hrs. ( Core Competencies)
Training (TVET) sector. Total: 264 hours

• Lead workplace Communication
• Apply math and science principles
in technical training
• Apply environmental principles and
advocate conservation
• Utilize IT applications in technical
• Lead small teams
• Apply work ethics, values and
quality principles

• Work effectively in vocational education and
• Foster and promote an inclusive learning
• Ensure healthy and safe learning environment
• Maintain and enhance professional practice
• Develop and promote appreciation for costs
and benefits of technical training
• Develop and promote understand-ing of global
labor markets.

• Plan training session
• Facilitate learning session
• Utilize electronic media in facilitating training
• Supervise work-based learning
• Conduct competency assessment
• Maintain training facilities
Competency Based Simulated training session
Curriculum (CBC) learning environment that
a curriculum that mirrors real-life work and
emphasizes what learners are scenarios
expected to do rather than
mainly focusing on what they
are expected to know
• Hand tools (for the target trade areas)
• Computer and peripherals
• LCD projector
• Electronic /Multimedia equipment
• Trainingfacilities/ equipment
• Audio video materials
• Hand outs
• Manuals
• Graduate of baccalaureate degree or equivalent in
training/experience along the field of Technical -
Vocational Education and Training
• Certified at the same or higher NC Level in the qualification
that will be handled (for technical trainers)
• Able to communicate orally and in writing
• Physically fit and mentally healthy
• Proficient in quantitative and qualitative analysis
• Proficient in verbal reasoning.
Major Examination 30%
Project/Performance Task 40%
Quizzes 20%
Attendance/ Deportment 10%

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