Philosopy Test

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1. It is the systematic study of ideas and 5. I know how to play a piano.

lasues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental method will you use to prove the statement
truth, a quest for a comprehensive to be true?
understanding of the world, a study of
A Cartesian Method
principles of conduct, and much more, and
B. Objectivity
considered as the Mother of all sciences?
C. Result Based Method
A. Poltical Science D. None of the Above
B. Anthropology
6. What is the branch of philosophy which
C. Philosophy
deals with correct reasoning?
D. Epistemology
A. Aesthetics
2. What is the branch of Philosophy that
B. Epistemology
explores the nature of moral virtue and
C. Logic
evaluates human actions ?
D. Ethics
A Aesthetics
7. What is the Greek word for Man?
B. Ethics
C Epistemology A. Theo
D. logic B. Anthro
C. Anthropos
3. It is the product of questions that allows
D. Minopos
clear answers provide by facts. What is it?
8. He is a mathematician and scientist, and
A Dora
was credited with formulating the
B. Esse
Phytagorean theorem?
C. Epestime
D. Opinion A. Democritus
B. Heraclitus
4. Using the methodic doubt, how will you
C. Phytagoras
change this statement? I am a role model
D. Plato
student in DNHS
9. The Greck philosopher Plato believes that
A. I am a role model student in DNHS
philosophy is brought about by man's sense
B. Am I a role model student in DNHS?
C. Am I role model student in DNHS!
D. Are you a role model student in DNHS? A. Experience
B. Doubt
C. Wisdom
D. Wonder
10. Rene Descartes considers this as a 15. Who is that philosopher who sald that,
reason why people philosophize. "we need to philosophize because of our
tendency to Doubt".
A. Experience
B. Doubt A. Plato
C. Wisdom B. Pythagoras
D. Wonder C. Descartes
D. Karl Jaspers
11. Which statement Is true to
philosophers? 16. It is an activity that requires a person to
be willing to examine one's thoughts,
A. A philosopher is not a lover of wisdom.
feelings and actions and to learn more
B. Philosophers are wise
about one's life and experience.
C. Philosophers are lovers of wisdom.
D. Both B and C A. Reflection
B. Meditation
12. Which statement is not true to
C. Thinking
D. Overthinking
A. It is the father of all sciences.
17. Which statement is not true why we
B. It is the pursuit of wisdom
need to philosophize?
C. It is the mother of all sciences
D. None of the above A. Because we are not driven by the love of
13. If you are a philosopher, which is true to
B. Because of our experience
C. Because of our tendency to Doubt.
A. I am mathematician. D. None of the above
B. I am wise
18. Which statement Is true on Pythagoras?
C. I love truth
D. all of the above A. He is a scientist.
B. He is a Philosopher
14. What is the etymology of the word
C. He is a Mathematician
D. All of the above
A. It came from the Latin word Philos and
19. Which statement is True on the Value of
Sophla which means love of wisdom.
Philosophical Reflection7
B. It came from the Chinese word Philos and
Sophia which means love of wisdom. A. the unexamined life is not a good life.
C. It came from the Greek word Philos and B. Knowing oneself is not crucial in one's life
Sophla which means love of wisdom. C. Virtue has no knowledge of what is good
D. Both B and C and bad
D. None of the above
20. Which statement is not True on "Know 24. This view adheres that there is a
thyself", by Socrates? separation between the body and soul. The
two has no direct relationship. Accordingly,
A. If we do not know ourselves, we are
whatever happens to the body, it will have
bound to make wrong life decisions.
no direct effect to the soul and vice versa.
B. if we know ourselves, we are bound to
make wrong life decisions. A. Monism
C. If we know ourselves, we are not bound B. Biocentrism
to make wrong life decisions. C. Anthropocentrism
D. None of the above. D. Dualism

21. Which statement is true about Love on 25. This view adheres that the body and
the value of philosophical reflection? soul are united with each other. The body
cannot do its functions without the soul and
A. It is something that cannot be exhausted
vice versa.
with definitions.
B. Love is subjective A. Monism
C. Love is unexplainable feeling of attraction B. Alocentrism
D. All of the above C. Anthropocentrism
D. Dualism
22. Which statement is not true on
Cartesian Method? 26. It refers to the clear awareness and
understanding of something?
A. This method is attributed to Rene
Descartes A. Claims.
B. a proposition/idea/statement/belief is B. Facts
TRUE if it can be justified or proven through C. Knowledge
the use of senses. D. Opinion
C. Both A and B
27. Who is Aristotle in terms of nationality?
D. None of the above
A. German
23. Who is Rene Descartes in terms of
B. Austrillian
C. Russian
A. He is a French Philosopher D. Greek
B. He is German philosopher.
C. He is a Greek Philosopher
D. He is a British Philosopher
28. Which Statement Is true about 32. This is a Judgement based on certain
Ignorance and Arrogance? facts.

A. Ignorance and arrogance will make A. Arguments

wisdom possible B. Beliefs
B. Ignorance and arrogance will not make C. Conclusions
wisdom possible D. Explanations
C. Ignorance will make us wise, but
33. Theses are arguments based on faulty
arrogance will not
D. Both A and B
A. Blases
29. Which statement is not true about
B. Fallacies
C. Conclusion
A. knowledgo is unattainable. D. Conflict
B. Knowledge Is attainable
34. These are statements that expresses
C. Truth is achievable
convictions that are not easily explained by
D. Coth Band C
30. Which statement will support why we
A. Arguments
need to engage in philosophy?
B. Bellefs
A. We engage in philosophy so that we C. Conclusion
cannot find answers to questions. D. Explanation
B. The reason why we engage in philosophy
35. Which statement is true on the
so that we can find answers and become
importance of knowing the difference of
Knowledge from opinion?
C. The reason why we engage in philosophy
to become arrogant in life. A. It will not show us the path for good life.
D. All of the above B. It will lead us to the discovery of the self
C. It will show us the path for good life.
31. These are statements which are
D. Both B and C
observed to real or truthful.
36. What is knowledge?
A. Facts
B. Claims A. Knowledge is comprised of ideas and
C. Opinion beliefs of what we know to be true.
D. Knowledge B. It is the product of philosophizing.
C. It is the truth itself.
D. All of the above
37. This refers to the inherent value of a 41. How philosophy defines the "Soul" of
person which cannot be expressed in the Human Person?
quantifiable terms and is considered as the
A. It refers to the physical attributes of a
innate right to be valued and respected?
Human person.
A. Dignity B. It refers to the Dental capacities and
B. Freewill abilities of human person.
C. Interiority C. It refers to the Mental capacities and
D. Spirit abilities of human person.
D. Both A and C.
38. Among the Methods of philosophizing,
which of them believed that a proposition is 42. Among the traits/characteristics of a
true by proving it through action? human person, which of them is a clear
perception of oneself, including his/her
A. Objectivity
thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions?
B. Cartesian Method
C. Result-based A. Self-determination
D. Correspondence theory B. Dignity
C. Self-Consciousness
39. Who is Rene Descartes?
D. Self-awareness
A. He is a German philosopher,
43. Which statement is true about Morality
mathematician and scientist.
B. He Is a French philosopher, A. It is the result of an action taken.
mathematician and scientist. B. It is the goodness and badness of an
C. He is a Greek philosopher, action
mathematician and scientist. C. It is the goodness and truthfulness of an
D. None of the above action.
D. Both A and C
40. "I Can dance". This statement to be true
must be proven by the use of what Method 44. All human person is worth the same as
in philosophizing? any other person in the sense that every
human person is priceless, unique,
A. Objectivity
unrepeatable, and irreplaceable. The
B. Cartesian Method
statement falls on what traits of a person?
C. Result-based
D. Correspondence theory A. Self-determination
B. Self-actualization
C. Self-awareness
D. Dignity
45. In what way that a human person can 49. According to the many scientists around
promote and uphold the dignity of a human the world, if environmental damage will not
person? be stopped, what will happen?

A. Doing either good or bad actions. A. Our future was at risk.

B. Doing good actions B. it will cause food shortage
C. Do nothing C. it will cause catastrophic calamities
D. None of the above D. all of the above

46. Which of the following question is not a 50. Which statement is true is conserving
question for transcendence? and protecting our Planet Earth?

A. Have you ever wanted to become better A. "It is so important to work together as a
at something or to learn something new? human race to make a sustainable future on
B. Do you see yourself becoming a better planet Earth."
person over time? B. Let us plant more trees
C. Have ever imagined a life that is better C. Proper Garbage disposal
than what you are living now? D. All of the above
D. Who are you?

47. What particular discipline in philosophy

that studies the MORAL RELATIONSHIP of
human beings in environment and its non-
human contents?

A. Environmental Psychology
B. Environmental Philology
C. Environmental Theology
D. Environmental Philosophy

48. What particular towards the

Environment that promotes the idea that
order and balance in nature brings about
stability and beauty;

A. Eco-centrism
B. Biocentrism
C. Anthropocentrism
D. Ethnocentrism

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