7 Gravitation PHY11

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Gist of Lesson

 Gravitation and gravity

 Properties of gravitational force
 Newton’s law of gravitation
 Acceleration due to gravity
 Variation of acceleration due to gravity with altitude, depth and latitude
 Inertial and gravitational mass
 Gravitational field and gravitational field intensity
 Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential
 Kepler’s laws of Planetary motion.
 Escape and Orbital Velocity
 Time period, height and energy of a satellite
 Formula and Flow chart

Gravitation is the acting force between two bodies. On the other hand, gravity is the force occurring between an
object and the very big object earth.
Gravitation represents that this force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of both objects. And,
also it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Usually, gravity is being considered as the natural property of earth, due to which the objects are attracted
towards earth

Properties of Gravitational Force

1: The gravitational force is a long-range force, which exists between two particles, regardless of the medium
that separates them.
2: The gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the mass of the two bodies. This means a
larger mass will yield a larger force.
3: The force obeys the inverse square law. The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.
4: On the surface of the earth, the gravitational force produces a constant acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2.
5: Gravitational force always acts as a force of attraction. It tries to pull masses together, it never pushes them
6: It is independent of the intervening medium.
7: Gravitational force is the weakest of the four fundamental forces.
8: It acts along the line joining the centre of the two objects. Therefore, it is called the central force.
9: Gravitational force is directly proportional to the weight.
10: Gravitational force acts even when the objects are not in touch.
Newton’s law of gravitation:
Every particle of matter in this universe attracts every other particle with a force which varies
directly as the product of masses of two particles and inversely as the square of the distance between

F= GMm/R 2
Here, G is universal gravitational constant. G = 6.67 ´10 Nm 2 / kg2

Dimensional formula of G: G = Fr 2 /Mm =[MLT -2 ] [L2 ]/[M 2 ] = [M -1 L3 T-2 ]

Weight: Gravitational force with which a body is attracted towards the centre of the earth.

Acceleration due to gravity (g): Acceleration produced in a body due to gravitational pull of the
earth. g = GM/R 2
Variation of g with altitude:

g' = g(1- 2h/R), if h<<R. Here R is the radius of earth and h is the height of the body above the
surface of earth. The value of acceleration due to gravity decreases with the increase in height.

Variation of g with depth:

g' = g(1- d/R). Here g' be the value of acceleration due to gravity at the depth d. The value of
acceleration due to gravity decreases with the increase in depth.
Variation with latitude:

At poles:-  = 90 °, g ' = g
At equator:-  = 0 °, g' = g (1-ω 2 R/g)
Here ω is the angular velocity.

As g = GM e/R e2 , therefore gpole > gequator

g = g-R

Mass is defined as the amount of matter contained in a body. mass of a body can be found by two different
methods. Those are
Inertial mass: The property of a body to measure its resistance to acceleration is called its inertial mass.
Gravitational mass: The property of a body responsible for the gravitational force it exerts on another body
is called gravitational mass.
Gravitational Mass: - m = FR 2 /GM
Gravitational field: Around a body within which its gravitational force of attraction can be
Gravitational field intensity: Force experienced by a unit mass of an object placed at that point
E = F/m
= GM/r2
Gravitational intensity on the surface of earth (E s):
Es = 4/3 (πRρG)
Here R is the radius of earth, ρ is the density of earth and G is the gravitational constant.

Gravitational potential energy (U): Amount of work done in bringing a body from infinity to a
given point in the gravitational field of the other.

U = -GMm/r
(a) Two particles: U = -Gm 1 m 2 /r
(b) Three particles: U = -Gm 1 m 2 /r12 – Gm 1 m 3 /r13 – Gm 2 m 3 /r23

Gravitational potential (V): Amount of work done in bringing a body of unit mass from infinity to
that point.
V(r) = -GM/r
At surface of earth,
Vs = -GM/R
Here R is the radius of earth.

Kepler’s laws of planetary motion:

Kepler’s first law (law of elliptical orbit): A planet moves round the sun in an elliptical orbit with
sun situated at one of its foci.
Kepler’s second law (law of areal velocities): A planet moves round the sun in such a way that its
areal velocity is constant.
Kepler’s third law (law of time period): A planet moves round the sun in such a way that the
square of its period is proportional to the cube of semi major axis of its elliptical orbit.
2 3
 T ∝ R

 Here R is the radius of orbit.

 T2 = (4π2 /GM) R 3

Escape velocity (v e ): Escape velocity is, in astronomy and space exploration, the velocity needed for a
body to escape from a gravitational centre of attraction without undergoing any further acceleration.

It is defined as the least velocity with which a body must be projected vertically upward in order
that it may just escape the gravitational pull of earth.

ve =
or, v e = =
Here R is the radius of earth and D is the diameter of the earth.

Escape velocity (v e) in terms of earth’s density:- v e = R

Orbital velocity (v 0 ):

v0 =
If a satellite of mass m revolves in a circular orbit around the earth of radius R and h be the
height of the satellite above the surface of the earth, then,
r = R+h

So, v0 = =R
In the case of satellite, orbiting very close to the surface of earth, then orbital velocity will be,
v0 =

Relation between escape velocity v e and orbital velocity v 0 :- v 0 = v e / (if h<<R)

Time period of Satellite: Time period of a satellite is the time taken by the satellite to complete one
revolution around the earth.
T = 2π =
If h<<R, T = 2π

Height of satellite: h = [gR 2 T 2 /4π2 ] 1/3 – R

Energy of satellite:
Kinetic energy, K = ½ mv 0 2 = ½ (GMm/r)
Potential energy, U = - GMm/r
Total energy, E = K+U
= ½ (GMm/r) + (- GMm/r)
= -½ (GMm/r)

Gravitational force in terms of potential energy:- F = – (dU/dR)

Acceleration on moon:
g m = GM m/R m2 = 1/6 g earth
Here M m is the mass of moon and R m is the radius of moon.



1.What is the name of attractive force which act between any two bodies in our universe?
A: Gravitational force. B: Coulomb attractive force C: Nuclear force D: Magnetic force

2.What is the value of Universal Gravitational Constant (G) in C.G.S unit?

A: 6.67 * 10-6 cgs unit. B: 6.67 * 10-7 cgs unit. C: 6.67 * 10-8 cgs unit D: 6.67 * 10-10 cgs unit

3.What is the unit of Universal Gravitational Constant in SI unit?

A: N-m-Kg B: N/m-Kg. C: N-m/Kg2. D: N/m2-Kg

4.What is the value of gravitational acceleration on Earth?

A: 9.8 m-s2. B: 9.8 m/s2. C: 8.9 m-s2. D: 8.9 m/s2

5.The value of gravitational acceleration is –

A: increases as height increase form the earth. B: decreases as height increase from the earth.
C: remains constant. D: None of the above

6.Where the value of gravitational acceleration is less due to the diurnal motion of earth?
A: At Polar region. B: At equator.C: Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn D: None of this

7.In which region of earth the weight of a body is slightly greater?

A: At Polar region B: At equator. C: Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn D: None of this

8.If speed of rotation of earth increases then what would be the value of weight of a body?
A: Weight of a body will increases. B: Weight of a body will decreases
C: Weight of a body remain constant. D: Cannot be answered

9.What is the approximate mass of Sun?

A: 2 * 1034 kg. B: 2 * 1032 kg. C: 2 * 1030 kg. D: 2 * 1028 kg

10.What is the approximate mass of earth?

A: 3 * 1024 kg. B: 4* 1024 kg. C: 5* 1024 kg. D: 6 * 1024 kg

11.What is escape velocity?

A: Velocity of moon. B: Velocity of earth
C: Velocity of a body that allow it to go outside the earth D: Tangential velocity of equator.

12.What is the value of escape velocity of earth?

A: 9.8 km/sec. B: 10 km/sec C: 11.2 km/sec. D: 12 km/sec

13.Does time period of artificial satellite depend on its mass?

A: Yes. B: No

14.What would be the height of an artificial satellite so that it can be observed at same position with respect
to earth?
A: 36000 km above the earth surface. B: 40000 km above the earth surface
C: 26000 km above the earth surface. D: 63000 km above the earth surface

15.How much time a polar satellite take to complete one revolution around earth?
A: 1 hour 30 min. B: 2 hours. C: 2 hour 20 min D: 3 hour

16.What is the weight of a body inside an artificial satellite of earth?

A: It depends on the mass of the body. B: It depends on the velocity of satellite
C: Product of its mass and gravitational acceleration D: Zero
17.Does the gravitational force same for two objects inside and outside the water?
A: Yes. B: No

18.What is the weight of a body of mass 1 kg?

A: 1 kg. B: 9.8 kg. C: 9.8 Kg-m/Sec2. D: 9.8 N

19.Weight of free fall object is

A: mass of the object × gravitational acceleration. B: Zero
C: greater than rest object. D: less than rest object

20.Does escape velocity of a body depend on its mass?

A: Yes. B: No

21.Let the escape velocity of earth is Ve. What would be the escape velocity of a planet whose mass and
radius is double from earth?
A: Ve. B: 2 Ve. C: 4 Ve. D: 16 Ve

22.If the radius of earth is decrease keeping mass constant, then the length of day will
A: decrease. B: Increase. C: remain same. D: cannot say

23.If the earth stop rotating then the weight of an object on north pole will
A: Increase. B: decrease. C: remain same. D: be zero

24.If a stone bring back to earth from moon then its

A: mass will be changed. B: mass and weight will be changed
C: Weight never be changed. D: mass remain constant but weight will be changed

25.Suppose an object is thrown upward with an angle θ providing velocity equal to escape velocity (Ve). The
magnitude of escape velocity will be..
A: Ve. B: Ve Cosθ. C: Ve Sinθ. D: Ve tanθ

26.While revolving an artificial satellite around earth, the required centripetal force is provided by –
A: fuel contained in the satellite. B: gravitational force due to sun
C: gravitational force due to earth. D: Thrust produced by burning fuel

27.In case of planet’s motion –

A: velocity remain constant in its orbit. B: angular velocity remain constant
C: total angular momentum remain constant. D: radius of orbit remain constant.

28.An artificial satellite revolving around earth in a circular orbit. Its

A: linear velocity is constant. B: acceleration is constant
C: acceleration is changing. D: angular velocity constant
29.What is the value of gravitational acceleration inside the earth?
A: 9.8 m-s2. B: Infinite. C: Zero. D: Cannot be calculated

30.In case of free fall the gravitational acceleration on a spherical object depends on__
A: The mass of the object B: The radius of the object
C: The density of the object. D: None of the above

31.Gravitation force between two masses m1 and m2 is proportional to –

A: m1+m2. B: m1-m2. C: m1÷m2. D: m1×m2

32.Two masses m1 and m2 are kept at a distance R. Gravitation force between them is proportional to –
A: R. B: 1/R. C: 1/R2. D: R2
33.Observe the following figures and answer the question.

Which figure showing gravitational vs distance graph is correct?

A: option A. B: option B. C: option C. D: option D

34.Gravitational potential is –
A: proportional to distance. B: inversely proportional to distance
C: proportional to the square of the distance. D: inversely proportional to the square of the distance

35.What is the escape velocity of moon?

A: 2.00 Km/sec. B: 2.38 km/sec. C: 3.28 km/sec. D: 2.83 km/sec

36.What is the escape velocity of sun?

A: 618 km/sec. B: 200 km/sec. C: 322 km/sec. D: 465 km/sec

37.If we throw a ball upward then gravitational acceleration on the ball will be –
A: zero. B: positive. C: negative. D: negligible

38.If we double the distance between two objects, gravitational force will be
A: double. B: half. C: one fourth. D: 4 times greater

39.Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

1. value of gravitational acceleration decreases with height or depth from earth’s surface.
2. gravitational acceleration is maximum at pole.
3. value of gravitational acceleration increase due to rotation of earth.
4. If angular speed of earth become 17 times its present value, a body on the equator becomes weightless.
A: Only option 1 is correct; B: Options 1 and 2 are correct;
C: Option 1, 2 and 3 are correct; D: options 1, 2 and 4 are correct;

40.If we double the mass of an artificial satellite then its orbital speed –
A: will be double: B: will be half of its initial speed;
C: will be one fourth of its initial speed: D: is independent of its mass;

41. If the masses of the Earth and Sun suddenly double, the gravitational force between them will
(A) remain the same. (B) increase 2 times. (C) increase 4 times (D) decrease 2 times

42. According to Kepler’s second law, the radial vector to a planet from the Sun sweeps out equal areas in
equal intervals of time. This law is a consequence of
(A) conservation of linear momentum. (B) conservation of angular momentum
(C) conservation of energy. (D) conservation of kinetic energy

43. The gravitational potential energy of the Moon with respect to Earth is
(A) always positive. (B) always negative. (C) can be positive or negative. (D) always zero
44. The work done by the Sun’s gravitational force on the Earth is
(A) always zero. (B) always positive (C) can be positive or negative (D) always negative

45. If the acceleration due to gravity becomes 4 times its original value, then escape speed
(A) remains same. (B) 2 times of original value
(C) becomes halved (D) 4 times of original value


1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 C

10 D 11 C 12 C 13 B 14 A 15 B 16 D 17 A 18 C&D

19 B 20 B 21 B 22 A 23 C 24 D 25 A 26 C 27 B

28 C 29 C 30 D 31 D 32 C 33 C 34 B 35 B 36 A

37 C 38 C 39 D 40 D 41 C 42 B 43 B 44 C 45 B


Directions: In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

1. Assertion : Universal gravitational constant G is a scalar quantity.

Reason : The value of G is same throughout the universe.

2. Assertion : When distance between two bodies is doubled and also mass of each body is doubled, then the
gravitational force between them remains the same.
Reason : According to Newton’s law of gravitation, product of force is directly proportional to the product
mass of bodies and inversely proportional to square of the distance between them.

3. Assertion : A man is sitting in a boat which floats on a pond. If the man drinks some water from the pond,
the level of water in the pond will decrease.
Reason : The weight of the liquid displaced by the body is greater than the weight of the body.

4. Assertion: During a journey from the earth to the moon and back, maximum fuel is spent to overcome the
earth’s gravity at take-off.
Reason : Earth’s mass is much greater than that of the moon.

5. Assertion : Any two objects in the universe attract each other by a force called gravitation force.
Reason : The force of gravitation exerted by the earth is called gravity.

6. Assertion : An object floats if it displaces an amount of liquid whose weight is greater than the actual
weight of the object.
Reason : During floatation an object experiences no net force in the downward direction.

7. Assertion : Weight of a body on earth is equal to the force with which the body is attracted towards the
Reason : Weight of a body is independent of the mass of the body.
8. Assertion : If we drop a stone and a sheet of paper from a balcony of first floor, then stone will reach the
ground first.
Reason : The resistance due to air depends on velocity only.

9. Assertion : The density of a liquid depends upon the nature and temperature of the liquid.
Reason : The volume of the liquid depends upon temperature.

10. Assertion : The value of acceleration due to gravity changes with the height, depth and shape of the
Reason : Acceleration due to gravity is zero at the centre of the earth.

11. Assertion : It is the gravitational force exerted by the sun and the moon on the sea water that causes to
the formation of tides in the sea.
Reason : Gravitational force of attraction is a strong force.

12.Assertion: The time period of geostationary satellite is 24 hours.

Reason: Geostationary satellite must have the same time period as the time taken by the earth to complete
one revolution about its axis.

13.Assertion: Smaller the orbit of the planet around the sun, shorter is the time it takes to complete one
Reason: According to Kepler’s third law of planetary motion, square of time period is proportional to
cube of mean distance from sun.


1 a 2 a 3 d 4 a 5 B 6 b 7 C

8 C 9 a 10 b 11 C 12 c 13 c


LAW OF ORBIT: The orbit of every planet is an ellipse around the sun with sun at one of the two foci of

LAW OF AREAS: The line that joins a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.
Area covered by the planet while revolving around the sun will be equal in equal intervals of time. This
means the rate of change of area with time is constant.
LAW OF PERIOD: According to this law the square of time period of a planet is directly proportional to the
cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.
Suppose earth is revolving around the sun then the square of the time period (time taken to complete one
revolution around sun) is directly proportional to the cube of the semi major axis.
It is known as Law of Periods as it is dependent on the time period of planets. Answer the following.
1) Kepler’s second law is knows as
a) Law of period. b) Law of area. c) Law of gravity d) None of these
2) Kepler’s third law is knows as
a) Law of period. b) Law of area. c) Law of gravity. d) None of these
3) The velocity of a planet is constant throughout its elliptical trajectory in an orbit.
a) True. b) False. c) None of these
4) Two objects of masses 5kg and 10 kg separated by distance 10m. What is gravitational force between

Answer Key : 1)c. 2) a. 3) a 4) F=3.33 x 10-11N

Satellites in a circular orbits around the earth in the equatorial plane with T = 24 hours are called
Geostationary Satellites. Clearly, since the earth rotates with the same period, the satellite would appear fixed
from any point on earth. It takes very powerful rockets to throw up a satellite to such large heights above the
earth but this has been done in view of the several benefits of much practical application. Weight of an object
is the force with which the earth attracts it. We are conscious of our own weight when we stand on a surface,
since the surface exerts a force opposite to our weight to keep us at rest. The same principle holds good when
we measure the weight of an object by a Spring balance hung from a fixed point e.g. the ceiling. The object
would fall down unless it is subject to a force opposite to gravity. This is exactly what the spring exerts on
the object. This is because the spring is pulled down a little by the gravitational pull of the object and in turn
the spring exerts a force on the object vertically upwards. Now, imagine that the top end of the balance is no
longer held fixed to the top ceiling of the room. Both ends of the spring as well as the object move with
identical acceleration g. The spring is not stretched and does not exert any upward force on the object which
is moving down with acceleration g due to gravity. The reading recorded in the spring balance is zero since
the spring is not stretched at all. If the object were a human being, he or she will not feel his weight since
there is no upward force on him. Thus, when an object is in free fall, it is weightless and this phenomenon is
usually called the phenomenon of weightlessness. In a satellite around the earth, every part and parcel of the
satellite has acceleration towards the centre of the earth which is exactly the value of earth’s acceleration due
to gravity at that position. Thus in the satellite everything inside it is in a state of free fall. This is just as if we
were falling towards the earth from a height. Thus, in a manned satellite, people inside experience no gravity.
Gravity for us defines the vertical direction and thus for them there are no horizontal or vertical directions, all
directions are the same.
1) Astronaut experiences weightlessness in space because
a) Acceleration due to gravity is zero. b) Actual weight of astronaut is zero
c) They are going with same acceleration due to gravity. d) None of these
2) Weighing machine measures
a) Mass of the person. b) Normal reaction exerted by machine on person
c) Both a and b. d) None of these
3) What is geostationary satellite?
4) What is weight? How it is measured?
5) What is weightlessness astronaut in satellite experienced by ?

Answer key : 1) c. 2) b
3) Satellites in a circular orbits around the earth in the equatorial plane with T = 24 hours are called
Geostationary Satellites. Clearly, since the earth rotates with the same period, the satellite looks like
stationary object from earth.
4) Weight of an object is the force with which the earth attracts it. It is measured with the help of spring
5) Weightlessness is condition in which acceleration due to gravity is balanced by satellite as it is moving and
astronaut don’t feel any weight hence called weightlessness. In a satellite around the earth, every part and
parcel of the satellite has acceleration towards the centre of the earth which is exactly the value of earth’s
acceleration due to gravity at that position. Thus in the satellite everything inside it is in a state of free fall.
Thus, in a manned satellite, people inside experience no gravity.
If a stone is thrown by hand, we see it falls back to the earth. Of course using machines we can shoot an
object with much greater speeds and with greater and greater initial speed, the object scales higher and higher
heights. A natural query that arises in our mind is the following: can we throw an object with such high initial
speeds that it does not fall back to the earth ?
Thus, minimum speed required to throw object to infinity away from earth’s gravitational field is called
escape velocity = √(2gr)
Where g is acceleration due to gravity and r is radius of earth and after solving v e 11.2 km/s. This is called the
escape speed, sometimes loosely called the escape velocity. This applies equally well to an object thrown
from the surface of the moon with g replaced by the acceleration due to Moon’s gravity on its surface and r
replaced by the radius of the moon. Both are smaller than their values on earth and the escape speed for the
moon turns out to be 2.3 km/s, about five times smaller. This is the reason that moon has no atmosphere. Gas
molecules if formed on the surface of the moon having velocities larger than this will escape the gravitational
pull of the moon.
Earth satellites are objects which revolve around the earth. Their motion is very similar to the motion of
planets around the Sun and hence Kepler’s laws of planetary motion are equally applicable to them. In
particular, their orbits around the earth are circular or elliptic. Moon is the only natural satellite of the earth
with a near circular orbit with a time period of approximately 27.3 days which is also roughly equal to the
rotational period of the moon about its own axis.
1.) Time period of moon is
a) 27.3 days. b) 20 days. c) 85 days. d) None of these
2. Escape velocity from earth is given by
a) 20 km/s. b) 11.2 km/s c) 2 km/s. d) None of these
3.Define escape velocity. Give its formula
4.Why moon don’t have any atmosphere?
5.What is satellite? Which law governs them?

Answer key: 1) a. 2) b
3) Minimum speed required to throw object to infinity away from earth’s gravitational field is called escape
velocity = √(2gr)
Where g is acceleration due to gravity and r is radius of earth and after solving v e 11.2 km/s. This is called the
escape speed, sometimes loosely called the escape velocity.
4) The escape speed for the moon turns out to be 2.3 km/s, about five times smaller than that of earth.
Therefore all atmospheric gas can go easily out of atmosphere of moon. This is the reason that moon has no
5) Earth satellites are objects which revolve around the earth. Their motion is very similar to the motion of
planets around the Sun and hence Kepler’s laws of planetary motion are equally applicable to them.

Satellites in a circular orbits around the earth in the equatorial plane with T = 24 hours are called
Geostationary Satellites. Clearly, since the earth rotates with the same period, the satellite would appear fixed
from any point on earth. It takes very powerful rockets to throw up a satellite to such large heights above the
earth but this has been done in view of the several benefits of many practical applications. Thus radio waves
broadcast from an antenna can be received at points far away where the direct wave fails to reach on account
of the curvature of the earth. Waves used in television broadcast or other forms of communication have much
higher frequencies and thus cannot be received beyond the line of sight. A Geostationary satellite, appearing
fixed above the broadcasting station can however receive these signals and broadcast them back to a wide
area on earth. The INSAT group of satellites sent up by India is one such group of geostationary satellites
widely used for telecommunications in India.
Another class of satellites is called the Polar satellites. These are low altitude (500 to 800 km) satellites, but
they go around the poles of the earth in a north-south direction whereas the earth rotates around its axis in an
east-west direction. Since its time period is around 100 minutes it crosses any altitude many times a day.
However, since its height h above the earth is about 500-800 km, a camera fixed on it can view only small
strips of the earth in one orbit. Adjacent strips are viewed in the next orbit, so that in effect the whole earth
can be viewed strip by strip during the entire day. These satellites can view polar and equatorial regions. at
close distances with good resolution. Information gathered from such satellites is extremely useful for remote
sensing, meteorology as well as for environmental studies of the earth.

1) Time period of geostationary satellite is

a) 24 hours. b) 48 hours. c) 72 hours. d) None of these
2) Polar satellites are approximately revolving at height of
a) 500 to 800km. b) 1500 to 2000 km c) 3000 to 4000 km d) None of these
3) Which satellite used to view polar and equatorial regions?
4) Write note on polar satellites
5) Write a note on geostationary satellite. Give its applications.

Answer Key: 1) a. 2) a
3) Polar satellites are used to view polar and equatorial regions as they rotate on poles of earth.
4) Polar satellites are low altitude (500 to 800 km) satellites, but they go around the poles of the earth in a
north-south direction. Since its time period is around 100 minutes it crosses any altitude many times a day.
Information gathered from such satellites is extremely useful for remote sensing, meteorology as well as for
environmental studies of the earth.
5) Satellites in circular orbits around the earth in the equatorial plane with time period same as earth are
called Geostationary Satellites.
Applications:- Radio waves broadcast. Satellites widely used for telecommunications in India. GPS system,
navigation system , defence etc.

We know that the earth attracts every object with a certain force and this force depends on the mass (m) of
the object and the acceleration due to the gravity (g). The weight of an object is the force with which it is
attracted towards the earth. Mathematically
Where, W = weight of object m = mass of object g = acceleration due to the gravitational force
As the weight of an object is the force with which it is attracted towards the earth, the SI unit of weight is the
same as that of force, that is, Newton (N). The weight is a force acting vertically downwards; it has both
magnitude and direction. We have learnt that the value of g is constant at a given place. Therefore at a given
place, the weight of an object is directly proportional to the mass, say m, of the object, that is, W α m. It is
due to this reason that at a given place, we can use the weight of an object as a measure of its mass. Answer
the following questions.
1) Dimensions of acceleration due to the gravity (g) is
a) [ML1 T-2 ]. b) [ML-1 T-2 ]. c) [ML1 T-3 ]. d) None of these
2) SI unit of weight is same as
a) Force. b) Mass. c) Acceleration due to gravity d) None of these
3) Which of the following has same unit?
a) Mass and weight. b) Weight and force. c) Pressure and stress. d) Both b and c
4) Whether weight is scalar quantity or vector quantity? Justify your answer.
5) Differentiate between mass and weight.

Answer key: 1) b. 2) a. 3) b
4) Weight is vector quantity as it has magnitude as well as direction which is always towards centre of a
5) Difference between mass and weight is given below
No Mass Weight

Mass is amount of matter in Weight is the measure of force acting on a

a body. mass due to acceleration due to gravity.

2 it is a scalar quantity it is a vector quantity

SI unit of mass is Kilogram
3 SI unit of weight is Newton (N).

4. Mass can never be zero Weight can be zero where gravity is zero.

Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which is proportional to the product of
their masses (m1*m2) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (d2) between them. The force
is along the line joining the centres of two objects.

(i)Gravitational force does not depend on

(a) Masses of objects.(b) Separation between objects (c) Charges on objects (d) None of these
(ii) Force of gravitation varies with masses of object as
(a) Product of masses. (b) Sum of masses. (c) Difference of masses (d) None of these
(iii) When mass of one body is doubled then force of gravitation will become
(a) Force will remain same. (b) Force will become double
(c) Force will become halved. (d) None of these
(iv)What is universal gravitational constant? What is its SI unit?
Answer key : (i) c. (ii) a. (iii) b
(iv) The force of attraction between any two unit masses separated by a unit distance is called universal
gravitational constant denoted by G measured in Nm2/kg2.
1.Why is gravitational potential energy always negative?
2.At what height above the surface of the earth value of acceleration due to gravity is reduced to one fourth of its value
on the surface of the earth?
3.Name two factors which determine whether a planet has atmosphere or not?
4.A body is weightless at the centre of earth. Why?
5.Where will a body weigh more at Delhi or at Shimla? Why?
6.On which fundamental law of physics is Kepler’s second law is based?
7.The mass of moon is nearly 10% of the mass of the earth. What will be the gravitational force of the earth on the
moon, in comparison to the gravitational force of the moon on the earth?
8.Why does one feel giddy while moving on a merry round?
9.Name two factors which determine whether a planet would have atmosphere or not.
10.The force of gravity due to earth on a body is proportional to its mass, then why does a heavy body not fall faster
than a lighter body?
11.A body of mass 5 kg is taken to the centre of the earth. What will be its (i) mass (ii) weight there.
12.Why is gravitational potential energy negative?
13.A satellite revolves close to the surface of a planet. How is its orbital Velocity related with escape velocity of that
14.Does the escape Velocity of a body from the earth depend on (i) mass of the body (ii) direction of projection.
15.Identify the position of sun in the following diagram if the linear speed of the planet is greater at C than at D.

16.A satellite does not require any fuel to orbit the earth. Why?
17.ls it possible to place an artificial satellite in an orbit so that it is always Visible Over New Delhi.
18.If the density of a planet is doubled without any change in its radius, how does "g" change on the planet.
19.Write one important use of (i) geostationary satellite (ii) polar satellite.
20.A binary star system consists of two stars A and B which have time periods TA and TB, radius RA and RB and
masses ma and me which of the three quantities are same for the stars. Justify.


1. Gravitational potential energy is always negative because gravitational force is always attractive in nature.

2. g h = g/4 = g

2R – R = h
3. (1) Acceleration due to gravity at the surface of planet (2) Surface temperature of the planet.
4. At the centre of the earth g = o

5. A body will weigh more at Delhi because at higher altitudes the value of g decreases.
6. Law of conservation of angular momentum.
7. Both forces will be equal in magnitude as gravitational force is a mutual force between the two bodies.
8. When mowing in a merry go round, our weight appears to decrease when We move down and increases when we
move up, this change in Weight makes us feel giddy.
9. (i) Value of acceleration due to gravity (ii) surface temperature of planet.

10. but and does not depend on "m" hence they bodies fall with same "g".
11. Mass does not change.
12. Because it arises due to attractive force of gravitation.

13. When r = R

14. No,
15. Sun should be at B as speed of planet is greater when it is closer to sun.
16. The gravitational force between satellite and earth provides the necessary centripetal force for the satellite to orbit
the earth.
17. No, A satellite will be always visible only if it revolves in the equatorial plane, but New Delhi does not lie in the
region of equatorial plane.
18. "g" gets doubled as g (density)
19. Geostationary satellite are used for tele communication and polar satellite for remote sensing.

20. Angular velocity of binary stars are same is ωA = ωB,


1.What is Kepler’s law of periods? Show it mathematically?
2.With two characteristics of gravitational force?
3.Assuming earth to be a uniform sphere finds an expression for density of earth in terms of g and G?
4.State two essential requisites of geostationary satellite?
5. Does the escape speed of a body from the earth depend on
(a) the mass of the body, (b) the location from where it is projected,
(c) the direction of projection, (d) the height of the location from where the body is launched?
6.Two satellites are at different heights from the surface of earth which would have greater velocity.
Compare the speeds of two satellites of masses m and 4m and radii. 2R and R respectively.
7.What is (i) inertial mass, (ii) gravitational mass. Are the two different?
8.Why the space rockets are generally launched West to East?
9.The figure shows elliptical orbit of a planet m about the sun S. The shaded area of SCD is twice the
shaded area SAB. If t1 is the time for the planet to move from D to C and t2, is time to move from A to B,
what is the relation between t1 and t2?

10.State universal law of gravitation. How the force between the two bodies is affected if the distance
between them is tripled?
1. It states that the square of the period of revolution of a planet around the sun is proportional of a planet to the cube of
the semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit.
i.e. T2 R3
T2 = KR3
where T is time period of revolution
R is the length of semi major axis
K is constant for all planets
2. (1) It is a central force (2) It is a conservation force
(3) It obeys inverse square law. (4) It is a universal force and is always attractive in nature.

3. Since g =
If earth is uniform sphere of mean density P



4. (1)The period of revolution of a satellite around the earth should be same as that of earth about its own axis
(2)The sense of rotation of satellite should be same as that of the earth about its own axis i.e. from west to
east in anti-clockwise direction
5. (a) No. (b) No. (c) No. (d) Yes


where M is mass of the planet,

v0 is independent of mass of the satellite.

7. Inertial mass is the measure of inertia of the body

Gravitational mass of a body determine the gravitational pull between earth and the body.

Both inertial mass and gravitational mass are not different but are equivalent.

8. Since the earth revolves from West to east, so when the rocket is launched from west to east the relative velocity of
the rocket increases which helps it to rise without much consumption of fuel.

9. According to Kepler’s second law areal velocity for the planet is constant


1.A satellite is revolving is a circular path close to a planet of density P. find an expression for its period of revolution?
2.How far away from the surface of earth does the value of g is reduced to 4% of its value on the surface of the earth
Given radius of earth = 6400km
3.Obtain on expression showing variation of acceleration due to gravity with height?
4.Find expressions for (1) potential energy (2) kinetic energy (3) total energy for an artificial satellite.
5.Suppose there existed a planet that went around the sun twice as fast as the earth. What would be its orbital size as
compared to that of the earth?6.Define gravitational potential at a point in the gravitational field. Obtain a relation for
it. What is the position at which it is (i) maximum (ii) minimum.
7.Briefly explain the principle of launching an artificial satellite. Explain the use of multistage rockets in launching a
8.Mention at least three conditions under which weight of a person can become Zero.
9.If the distance between two bodies is increased by 4 times, by what factor should the mass of the bodies be altered so
that gravitational force between them remains the same?
10.What is the force between two spheres each weighing 20 kg and separated by 50 cm.


1. Define and derive the expression for gravitational potential energy.
2. Derive an expression for escape velocity and orbital velocity.
3. Explain the variation of g with latitude.
4. Explain the variation of g with altitude and with depth from the Earth’s surface.


1.The gravitational force between two blocks is F what would happen if a mass of both the blocks as well as
distance between them is doubled?
2.Which is greater the attraction of the earth for 1 kg of aluminium or aluminium or attraction of 1kg of
aluminium for the earth?
3.Distance between two bodies is increased to three times its original value. What is the effect on the
gravitational force between them?
4.The gravitational force between two bodies in 1 N if the distance between them is doubled, What will be the force
between them?
5.The time period of the satellite of the earth is 5 hr. If the separation between earth and satellite is increased
4 times the previous value, then what will be the new time period of satellite.
6.If radius of earth is 6400km, what will be the weight of 1 quintal body if taken to the height of 1600 km
above the sea level?
7.The distance of the planet Jupiter from the sun is 5.2 times that of the earth. Find the period of the Jupiter’s
revolution around the sun?
8.Two planets of radii r1, and r2 are made from the same material. Calculate the ratio of the acceleration due
to gravity on the surface of the planets.
9.If earth has a mass 9 times and radius 4 times than that of a planet "P". Calculate the escape velocity at the
planet "P" if its value on earth is 11.2 kms -1.
10.At what height from the surface of the earth will the value of "g" be reduced by 36% of its value at the
surface of earth.
11.Which planet of the solar system has the greatest gravitational field strength? What is the gravitational
field strength of a planet where the weight of a 60 kg astronaut is 300 N.


1. We know F=
Here m1 = m2 (2m)
r1 = r2 = 2r

i.e. force will remains the same.

2.In accordance with the universal law of gravitation both the forces are equal and opposite.

3. Since r1 3r Force will be decreased to 1/9 times

4. F = 1

6. R = 6400km = 6400 x 103m
h = 1600km
w = mg = 1 quintal = 100 kg = 100x9.8 N
weight (w) = mgh

w = mg

w = 100x9.8
w = 64x9.8N = 64kg
7. Te = 1 year RJ = 5.2 Re

TJ =(5.2) 3/2 x 1year

TJ = 11.86 year



= 7.47 km/sec


11. Jupiter has maximum gravitational field strength gravitational field strength

= 5 N kg -1


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