CBSE Class 11 Physics - Gravitation Notes

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Delhi Public School, Sonepat

Newton’s Law of Gravitation: According to this law any two body in the universe having mass
attract each other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of the masses
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Let two masses be m1 and m2 and r being the distance between them. Then according to the
Newton’s Law of gravitation,
F α m1 m2
And, F α 1 / r2
Therefore, F α (m1 m2) / r2

 F = (G m1 m2) / r2

where G is the constant of proportionality and is called universal gravitational

constant. Value of G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2/kg2 (SI System)

G = 6.67 × 10-8 dyne cm2/g2 (CGS System)

Dimensional formula of G = [M-1L3T-2]

Evidence of Newton’s Law of Gravitation:

1. The earth and other planets go round the sun by virtue of this force.

2. Tides in the sea are result of gravitational force acting on sea water by sun and moon.

3. The time calculated for the launch of satellites is on the basis of gravitational force. If it
would have been wrong satellites could not be launched.

4. The prediction of solar and lunar eclipses is done on the basis of gravitational law

Vector form of Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Let us take two bodies having masses m1 and
m2 and r being the distance between them.

Let F12 be the force exerted on m1 by m2 and F21 be the force exerted on m2 by m1.

Let r21 be the unit vector pointing from m2 to m1.

Similarly r12 be the unit vector pointing from m1 to m2.

F12 = [(G m1 m2) / r2] r21

And, F21 = [(G m1 m2) / r2] r12

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Since, r21 = - r12

Therefore, F12 = - F21

Therefore these two forces are equal and opposite of each other. Hence, this law is in accordance
with the Newton’s third law of motion. Hence the two make action reaction pair.

Gravitation: Force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe.

Gravity: If any body having mass is replaced by earth or a celestial body having a comparable
mass then gravitation is termed as gravity. OR  Gravity is the force with which earth attracts
any body towards itself i.e. weight.

Weight is the measure of gravity.

Characteristics of force of gravity:

1. Gravity follows inverse square law as the force of gravitation is inversely proportional to
the square of distance between two objects.

2. Gravitational forced is a central force i.e. it acts along a line joining the centre of two

3. It is a conservative force i.e. it does not depend upon the path followed by the two

4. Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses of the objects
between which the force acts.

Acceleration due to gravity (g): Gravity is a force and hence some acceleration would be
produced due to it. The acceleration so produced is called acceleration due to gravity.

The acceleration experienced by an object falling freely only under the action of gravity is called
acceleration due of gravity.

Hence on the surface of earth, g = F / m = 9.8 m/s2 where ‘F’ is the gravitational force and ‘m’
is the mass of the object.

SI unit m/s2 and Dimensions [M0L1T-2]

Relationship between g and G: Consider earth to be a perfect sphere of mass ‘M’ and radius
‘R’. Consider a body of mass ‘m’ be placed on its surface.

According to Newton’s universal law of gravitation, F = GMm / R2 --- (1)

Also force acting due to gravity = F = mg --- (2)

Equating the above two equations we get, g = GM / R2

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Therefore ‘g’ does not depend upon mass of the body but depends only on the mass and radius of
the planet. Hence, all objects big or small, light or heavy fall at the same time from the same
height. Lighter objects fall slower than heavier objects due to the air resistance experienced by

Factors affecting ‘g’:

1. Shape of earth  Earth is not a perfect sphere but bulges at equator. Therefore if a body
is taken from pole to equator its distance from the centre of the earth will change.
Consequently, the gravitational force also varies.

2. Altitude / Height from the surface of earth  Let g be the value of acceleration due to
gravity at the surface of earth and g' at a height h above the surface of earth.
If the earth is considered as a sphere of homogeneous composition, then g at any point on
the surface of the earth is given by:

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This expression indicates that the acceleration due to gravity decreases with altitude.

3. Variation with depth  Let g be the value of acceleration due to gravity at the surface of
earth and g' at a depth d below the surface of earth.
If the earth is considered as a sphere of homogeneous composition of density ρ, then g at
any point on the surface of the earth is given by:

g = G Me / Re2 = G 4 π Re3 ρ / 3 Re2 = 4 G π Re ρ / 3 --- (1)

Only the part of earth below the point will contribute gravitational force. Therefore,

g' = G M’ / (Re – d)2

 g' = G 4 π (Re – d)3 ρ / 3 (Re – d)2

 g' = 4 G π (Re – d) ρ / 3 --- (2)

Dividing equation (2) by (1) we get,
g' / g = (Re – d) / Re = 1 – (d / Re)
Since [1 – (d / Re)] < 1 => g' < g
This expression indicates that the acceleration due to gravity decreases with depth.
At the centre of earth d = Re => g' = 0

4. Variation with Latitude and Earth’s Rotation  The expression for variation of g with
rotation of earth and latitude is given as: g' = g [1 – (Re ω2 cos2 λ) / g] where ω stands for
angular velocity of earth’s rotation and λ stands for latitude at a point which is the angle
made by the line joining the point and the centre of the earth makes with the equatorial
(i) As per the relation we can see that acceleration due to gravity decreases with
increase in the angular velocity of rotation of earth.

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(ii) Also if λ increases then cos λ decreases increasing the value of g'. Therefore,
acceleration due to gravity increases with increase in latitude.
At poles, λ = 90° and cos 90° = 0 => g' = g
At equator, λ = 0° and cos 0° = 1 => g' = g – Re ω2 which means there is more
effect of rotation at equator than at poles.

Principle of Launching of satellite: Let earth be a perfect sphere of mass ‘M’ and radius ‘R’. If
a tower is constructed whose height is more than the atmospheric height and a body be projected
with a horizontal velocity ‘v’ then it reaches a point P on the surface of earth. If we keep
increasing the velocity then a velocity will be reached such that the body does not fall on the
surface of earth instead it starts orbiting around the earth. Then this velocity is called orbital
velocity. This is the principle of launching of a satellite where a satellite is launched from a great
height using a launch vehicle i.e. rocket with orbital velocity.

Orbital Velocity: Orbital velocity is the minimum velocity given to a body with which the body
starts orbiting around the earth in a circular path.
Let ‘m’ be the mass of satellite and ‘M’ is the mass of earth which is considered to be a sphere of
radius ‘R’ with centre ‘O’ and ‘r’ be the radius of the orbit. Let ‘h’ be the height of the orbit
above the surface of earth i.e. r = R + h

Centripetal force required for the satellite to go around the circular path
is given by, Fc = mvo2 / r --- (1)
This force is provided by gravitational force between satellite and
planet given by Newton’s law of gravitation i.e. F = G M m / r2 --- (2)
Equating (1) and (2), we get
mvo2 / r = G M m / r2
 vo2 = G M / r
 vo = √G M / r
Also G M = gR2 => Equating this relation in above equation we get
vo = √ [(gR2) / r] = √ [g R2 / (R + h)]

Special case: If h < < R then R + h ≈ R. Therefore, vo = √[(g R2) / R] = √(gR)

Putting the values of g = 9.8 m/s2 and R = 6400 km for earth we get, vo ≈ 8 km / sec. Therefore
the minimum orbital velocity required to launch a satellite close to the surface of earth is 8 km /

Time Period of satellite: We know, time = displacement / velocity

Therefore the time period of a satellite = circumference of orbit / orbital velocity
 T = 2 π r / vo = 2 π (R + h) / √ [g R2 / (R + h)]
 T = (2π / R)√[(R + h)3 / g]
Special Case: If h < < R, T = 2π √(R / g)
Putting the values for earth we get T = 108 minute.

Height of the satellite:

From the expression of time period we can get the expression of height of the satellite as
h = [(T2R2g) / (4 π2)] 1/3 – R

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Escape Velocity: The minimum velocity of projection provided to a body so that it can
escape the gravitational pull of the planet is called escape velocity.

Earth’s gravitational pull exist up to infinity. So we require a velocity of projection which

will project the body upwards so that it goes up to infinity.
Let us consider earth to be a perfect sphere of mass ‘M’, radius ‘R’ and centre ‘O’.
Consider a body of mass ‘m’ on the surface of earth which is projected with a velocity
‘ve’. Consider three points P, Q and S such that OP = R, OQ = x and QS = dx.
Therefore OS = x + dx
Gravitational force of attraction between body at Q and earth = F = GM m / x2
Now let the body get displaced to S by a distance dx. Then dw is the small work
done in displacing the body from Q to S.
Therefore, dw = Fdx = GMm dx / x2
Let W be the total work done in displacing a body from surface of earth to infinity. Then W is
calculated by integrating dw from surface of earth to infinity.
W= dw = GMm dx / x2 [from x = R to x = infinity]

 W = GMm dx / x2 [from x = R to x = infinity]

 W = GM m [ x-1 / -1] [from x = R to x = infinity]

 W = - G M m [ 1/ - 1 / R]

 W=GMm/R --- (1)

This work is done by kinetic energy imparted to the body at the surface of earth.
Therefore, ½ m ve 2 = kinetic energy = W
 ½ m v e2 = G M m / R
 ve = √ (2GM / R) --- (2)
Now g = GM / R Substituting this value in equation (2) we get,
ve = √2 g R --- (3)
Hence escape velocity depends mass and radius
Substituting the values for earth we get,
ve ≈ 11.2 km/sec
Practically a body should be projected with little more velocity than 11.2 km/sec as air resistance
has not been taken into account.

Why moon is not having any atmosphere of its own?

Gravity of moon < < gravity of earth. Therefore, the escape velocity of moon < < escape velocity
of earth. Now if the root mean square velocity of gases > escape velocity of moon then they all
escape the surface of moon and hence it has no atmosphere.
For similar reasons light gases on earth have also escaped as rms velocity of light gases > escape
velocity of earth.

Types of satellites: There are two types of satellites  geostationary satellites and polar

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1. Geostationary satellites: Satellites which have the same time period and same sense of
rotation as that of earth about its own axis. With respect to any point on earth the position
of geostationary satellites never change and always remain stationary.
Characteristics of a Geostationary Satellite:
(i) The time period of such satellites is 24 hours.
(ii) They have the same sense of rotation as that of earth i.e. west to east.
(iii) The orbit of the satellite is concentric and coplanar with the equatorial plane of
(iv) The height of the orbit from the surface of earth is 36000 km.
Applications: They are used as communication satellites and for weather reporting.

2. Polar satellites: The satellites which revolve in the polar orbits around the earth are
called polar satellites. Polar orbit is an orbit whose angle of inclination with equatorial
plane is 90°.
Characteristics of a Polar Satellite:
(i) Polar satellites have a low altitude and cross any location on earth many times in a
(ii) The height of the orbit is about 500 km to 800 km from the surface of earth.
(iii) The time period of polar satellites is around 100 minutes.
Applications: They are used as communication satellites, forecasting weather, in
studying upper region of atmosphere, to determine exact shape and dimension of earth
and to study the cosmic rays and solar radiations.

Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion: There are three laws of planetary motion given by Kepler.

(i) Law of orbits: It states that every planet revolves around sun in an elliptical orbit with
sun at one of its focus.

(ii) Law of areas: It states that the radius vector drawn from sun to planet sweeps out equal
areas in equal intervals of time.
 Area P1SP2 = Area P3SP4
 P1P2 < P3P4
Dividing by time,
 P1P2 / t < P3P4 / t
 Velocity of planet at P1 < Velocity of planet at P3
Therefore the linear velocity of planet increases when planet comes closer to the sun. This
law follows from the law of conservation of angular momentum.

(iii) Law of periods: It states that square of time period of revolution of a planet around sun
is directly proportional to cube of semi-major axis of elliptical orbit.
 T2 α r3

Derivation of Newton’s Law of Gravitation from Kepler’s Law: Let the time period be ‘T’
and angular velocity ‘ω’, mass of planet ‘M’, radius of planet ‘R’ and radius of orbit ‘r’.
Now, ω = 2π / T
But, T2 α r3 => T2 = Kr3
The centripetal force acting on the planet, F = M r ω2

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 F = M r 4π2 / T2
 F = M r 4π2 / (Kr3)
 F = (4π2 / K) (M / r2)
Now to get Newton’s formula of gravitational force 4π2 / K is directly proportional to M.
 4π2 / K = GM
 F = G M m / r2
Thus we can arrive at Newton’s formula of gravitation from Kepler’s law.

Gravitational Field: It is the modified area around a material body / mass in which its influence
can be felt due to the gravitational force it exerts i.e. when a mass is kept near another mass it
experiences a gravitational force of attraction which becomes zero when the other mass is taken
at a distance infinitely away from the first one.
Gravitational field extends up to infinity.

Gravitational Field Intensity (I): Gravitational field intensity at a point in the

gravitational field is defined as the force experienced by a unit mass placed at that point. It
is represented by I and is a vector quantity. SI unit: newton / kg = N/kg and CGS
unit: dyne / g
Let us consider a body of unit mass at a distance ‘x’ from a planet of mass ‘M’ and
radius ‘R’.
Force experienced by unit mass placed at P = GM / x2 --- [Since m = 1]
 I = GM / x2

Gravitational Potential: Gravitational potential at a point inside the gravitational field is

the amount of work done in bringing a unit mass from infinity to that point.
Consider earth to be a perfect sphere of mass ‘M’, centre ‘O’ and radius ‘R’. Also let a
unit mass be placed at point P on surface of earth. Therefore OP = R. Let OQ = x and
OS = x + dx
Force experienced by unit mass placed at point Q = GM / x2
If the mass is further displaced through a distance dx then the small work done is
dw = F dx = G M dx / x2
Work done in bringing body from infinity to P is calculated by integrating it.
 W= dw within limits x = to x = R

 W= G M dx / x2 within limits x = to x = R

 W=GM x-2 dx within limits x = to x = R

 W = - G M [ 1/ x] within limits x = to x = R

 W = - G M [1/ R – 1/ ]

 W = - G M / R = Gravitational Potential
Potential is negative when force is attractive in nature and when it is positive the force is
repulsive in nature. Here the potential is negative implying gravitational force is attractive.

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Also gravitational potential increases as we move away from earth and the maximum value of
gravitational potential is zero when r = .

Gravitational Potential Energy: Gravitational potential energy of a body is the point in

the gravitational field is defined as the amount of work done in bringing that body from
infinity to that point.
Consider earth to be a perfect sphere of mass ‘M’, centre ‘O’ and radius ‘R’. Also let a
body of mass ‘m’ be placed at point P on surface of earth. Therefore OP = R. Let OQ = x
and OS = x + dx
Force experienced by mass ‘m’ placed at point Q = G M m / x2
Let dw be the small work done in displacing the body from Q to S by a distance dx.
Then dw = G M m dx / x2
 W = dw from x = to x = R

 W= G M m dx / x2 from x = to x = R

 U = - G M m [1 / x] from x = to x = R

 U = - G M m [1 / - 1 / R]


 Gravitational potential energy = gravitational potential × mass of the body

Gravitational potential energy is negative showing that gravitational force is attractive in nature.
(i) If body is brought from distance r2 to r1 such that r2 > r1
Gravitational potential energy = - G M m [1/r1 – 1/r2]
Since r2 > r1 => 1/r2 < 1/r1 => Change in gravitational potential energy is negative
 As the body is moved closer to earth gravitational potential energy decreases.
(ii) If r1 = R and r2 = R + h
If we are going from r1 to r2 then the change in potential energy = - G M m [1/r2 – 1/r1]
 ∆U = - G M m [1/(R + h) – 1/R]
 ∆U = (- G M m / R) [ (1 + h/R)-1 – 1]
Since h << R therefore expanding it binomially,
∆U = (-G M m / R) [1 – h/R – 1 + negligible terms]
 ∆U = G M m h / R2
 ∆U = m g h [Since g = G M / R2]
 Gravitational potential energy = m g h

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