The Following Are The Objectives of First Aid

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1. The following are the objectives of first aid, except.

a. To alleviate the suffering.

b. To prevent added
c. To prolong life
d. To help for others
2. The purpose of first aid training is.
a. To prevent accidents.
b. To prolong life
c. To alleviate the sufferings
d. To safety awareness
3. It occurs when a person touches an infected person’s body fluids.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Airbrone
d. Vector
4. It occurs when a person inhales infected droplets that have become airborne as when a person
cough or sneezes.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Airborne
d. Vector
5. It is when a person touches a contaminated object.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Airborne
d. Vector
6. It occurs when an animal such as dog, or an insect such as a tick, transmits a pathogen into the
body of a person through bite.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Airborne
d. Vector
7. What is BSI stands for?
a. British Standards Institution
b. Body Substance Isolation
c. Blood Stream Infection
d. Body Standard Isolation

8. What should your first action be when treating an electrical burn?

A. Ensure that the casualty is still breathing.

B. Wash the burn with cold water.

C. Check for danger and ensure that contact with the electrical source is broken.
D. Check for level of response.

9. What is an open fracture?

a. A fracture in which the bone ends can move around.

b. A fracture in which the bone is exposed as the skin is broken.

c. A fracture which causes complications such as a punctured lung.

d. A fracture in which the bone has bent and split.

10. Which medical condition will develop from severe blood loss?

A. Shock.

B. Hypoglycemia.

c. Anaphylaxis.

D. Hypothermia.

11. What names are given to the three different depths of burns?

A. Small, medium and large.

B. First, second and third degree.

C. Minor, medium and severe.

D. Superficial, partial thickness, full thickness.

12. What is a faint?

A. A response to fear.

B. An unexpected collapse.

C. A brief loss of consciousness.

D. A sign of flu.

13. What steps would you take to control bleeding from a nosebleed?

A. Sit casualty down, lean forward and pinch soft part of nose.

B. Sit casualty down, lean backward and pinch soft part of nose.

C. Lie casualty down and pinch soft part of nose.

D. Lie casualty down and pinch top of nose.

14. What is the first step in providing first aid?

a) Assess the scene for safety
b) Apply direct pressure to the wound
c) Perform rescue breaths
d) Elevate the injured limb

15. How do you recognize the signs of a heart attack?

a) Chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea

b) Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating

c) Pale skin, weakness, confusion

d) Severe headache, slurred speech, numbness in one side of the body

16. What is the correct method to control severe bleeding?

a) Apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site

b) Apply pressure directly to the wound with a clean cloth or your hand

c) Elevate the injured limb above the level of the heart

d) Apply ice to the bleeding area

17. What is the correct method to remove a bee stinger?

a) Scrape it off with a credit card or your fingernail

b) Squeeze it out with tweezers

c) Apply ice to numb the area, then pull it out with tweezers

d) Leave it in place and seek medical attention

18. How do you treat a sprained ankle?

a) Apply heat to the affected area

b) Elevate the injured limb and apply ice wrapped in a cloth

c) Massage the area to reduce swelling

d) Continue to use the injured limb as normal

19. What should you do if someone is experiencing a heatstroke?

a) Encourage them to drink cold water as quickly as possible

b) Move them to a cool place, remove excess clothing, and apply cool, wet towels or ice packs

c) Wrap them in blankets to raise their body temperature

d) Massage their limbs to improve circulation

20. What is the correct technique for administering CPR to an infant?

a) Use only chest compressions without rescue breaths

b) Perform rescue breaths without chest compressions

c) Perform chest compressions with two fingers in the center of the chest

d) Perform chest compressions with the heel of one hand on the center of thechest.t

21. How do you treat a minor burn that does not involve broken skin?

a) Apply an ice pack directly to the burn

b) Rinse the burn with cold water and cover it with a sterile dressing

c) Apply an adhesive bandage over the burn

d) Apply butter or oil to the burn to soothe the pain

22. What is the recommended treatment for a snakebite?

a) Apply a tourniquet above the snakebite

b) Suck out the venom from the snakebite

c) Immobilize the affected limb and seek medical attention immediately

d) Apply heat to the snakebite area to neutralize the venom.

23. Usually, which type of hydrant is a flush hydrant?

a. Warm-climate hydrant

b. Wet-barrel hydrant

c. Dry-barrel hydrant

d. Standpipe-barrel hydrant

24. The most serious burns, which can destroy skin and even
underlying tissue, are:
 A. First-degree burns

B. Second-degree burns

C. Third-degree burns

D. All of the above

 25. The first thing to do for a third-degree burn is:

o A. Check MSDS instructions

o B. Get immediate medical attention.

o C. Apply wrapped ice packs or cool water.

o D. None of the above

 26. The first thing to do for a first-degree burn is:

o A. Apply wrapped ice packs or cool water.

o B. Get immediate medical attention.

o C. Check MSDS instructions

o D. Apply moisturizer.

 27. First-aid treatment for chemical burns usually involves:

o A. Elevating the burned body part for an hour

o B. Applying petroleum jelly.

o C. Flushing the affected skin or eyes with water for 15 minutes

o D. None of the above


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