Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering 3 QP

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1 Crop production in many areas of the world needs the application of large volumes of water.

However, when the water evaporates from the soil, traces of salts are left behind. After
several years, the soil becomes too salty for most plants to grow in it.

(a) (i) State three functions of water in plants.



3. [3]
(ii) With reference to the water potential gradient, explain why plants may die when
grown in salty soil.


(b) Some plants are able to pump salts out of their roots.

(i) Name the process plants could use to pump salts out of their roots.

(ii) Suggest how the process named in (i) could affect the rate of growth of the plants if
the process was operating all the time.

(iii) Plants need mineral salts for normal, healthy growth. Complete the table by naming
two minerals that plants need and stating their functions.

iner function

(c) An article in a school science magazine stated, ‘Many plants contain genes which
enable them to pump salts out of their roots. These genes can be made more active by
genetic engineering, enabling the plants to remove salts before the plants are damaged.’

Explain whether you think that the process described in the article above is an example
of genetic engineering.


(d) Some scientists believe that washing the salts out of the soil using even more water is a
better alternative to genetic engineering.

State two problems that could be caused by washing the soil with extra water.


2. [2]

2 Fig. 4.1 shows the change in percentage of disease-causing bacteria that were resistant to
the antibiotic penicillin from 1991 to 1995.



percentage 20
of bacteria
resistant to
penicillin 10

1991 1993 1995
time / years

Fig. 4.1

(a) (i) Describe the change in the percentage of bacteria resistant to penicillin between
1991 and 1995.


(ii) Explain how a population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can develop.

(b) Although bacteria can cause disease, many species are useful in processes such as
food production and maintaining soil fertility.

(i) Name one type of food produced using bacteria.


(ii) Outline the role of bacteria in maintaining soil fertility.

(c) Bacteria are also used in genetic engineering.

Human cell Bacterium

1 4
DNA thread

DNA plasmid
chromosomes 5
in nucleus
2 isolated

insulin gene

production of insulin

Fig. 4.2
Complete the table below by identifying one of the stages shown in Fig. 4.2 that
matches each description.

number of
description of the stage
the stage
the plasmids are removed
from the bacterial cell
a chromosome is removed
from a healthy human cell
plasmids are returned to the
bacterial cell
restriction endonuclease
enzyme is used
bacterial cells are allowed to
reproduce in a fermenter


[Total: 15]
3 If the glucose in the blood rises above its normal concentration, insulin is secreted to bring
the concentration back to normal.

(a) (i) Suggest one explanation for a rise in the concentration of glucose in the blood.


(ii) Name the organ that secretes insulin.


(iii) Describe the role of the liver in bringing the concentration of glucose in the blood
back to normal.


(iv) State the term that describes how a substance, such as glucose, in the body is
maintained at a constant level.


(b) Diabetics are unable to control their blood glucose levels naturally.

Human insulin can now be made using bacteria that have been genetically engineered.

(i) Insulin is a protein. Suggest why insulin has to be injected rather than taken by


(ii) Explain how bacteria can be genetically engineered and used to make human


[Total: 11]

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