CV1011 - 2 Forces Moments and Equilibrium (Scalars)

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CV1011 Mechanics of Materials

Topic 2: Forces, Moments,

Equilibrium of a Body (Scalar
A/P Yang En-Hua
Office: N1-01b-56
: 6790 5291
: [email protected]
Resultant Force: ∑ F; Resultant Moment: ∑ M
Topic 2

Equivalent Force System: Equilibrium:

(∑F)1= (∑F)2; (∑M)1 = (∑M)2 ∑F= 0; ∑M = 0;

Reactions At Supports:
Simplification of Force System: FBD of whole member/structure;
Apply equilibrium conditions.
Complicated force system is
equivalent to a simpler one.
Internal Forces [N(x), V(x), M(x)]:
Topic 3
FBD of a segment of member;
Apply equilibrium conditions.
CG, Centroid, Distributed Load:
Distributed gravitational force is Topic 4
𝑑𝑉 𝑑𝑀
simplified as a single force mg SFD, BMD (−𝑤 = ,𝑉 = ):
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
applied at CG…
FBD of a small segment of member (dx);
Apply equilibrium conditions.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua)

Learning Objectives
 Force in 2-D
 Moment in 2-D
 Couple moment in 2-D
 Equivalent system in 2-D
 Reduce to a single force and couple moment
 Further reduce to a single force
 Rigid body equilibrium in 2-D
 Free-body diagram
 Support reactions in 2-D
 Two-force member
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 3
Force in Cartesian Form (2-D)
• A force F may be resolved into two components along the x and y
F is the resultant of 2 forces Fx and Fy
where Fx = F cosθ ; Fy = F sinθ

• We can also represent F with a magnitude: F = √(Fx2 + Fy2) and

direction tanθ = Fy / Fx

• Thus, we have 2 ways to express a force in 2D:

Fx and Fy
F and θ

• Resultant force of n forces:

FRx = 𝑛𝑖=1 Fxi FRy = 𝑛𝑖=1 Fyi
F = √(FRx2 + FRy2) and direction tanθ = FRy / FRx
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 4
Find resultant force

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Two forces act on the ring.
Knowing that the resultant force has
a magnitude of 1 kN and is directed
vertically downward, determine

a) The magnitudes of F1 and F2 for θ =

FRx = 0 N b) The magnitudes of F1 and F2 if F2 is
to be a minimum.
FRy = -1000 N
via the scalar approach.

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Resultant force has a magnitude of 1 kN

a) The magnitudes of F1 and F2 for θ = 30°

Solution: Addition by force components

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Resultant force has a magnitude of 1 kN

b) The magnitudes of F1 and F2 if F2 is to be a minimum.

FRx = F1 sin 20° - F2 sin θ = 0 N (1)
FRy = -F1 cos 20° - F2 cos θ = -1000 N (2)
From Eq. (1): F1 = (sin θ/sin 20°) F2
Then, Eq. (2) becomes:
-F2 (sin θ/sin 20°) cos 20° - F2 cos θ = -1000 N
2.7475 F2 sin θ + F2 cos θ = 1000 N
(2.7475 sin θ + cos θ) F2 = 1000 N
F2 = 1000 / (2.7475 sin θ + cos θ)
dF2 / dθ = 0
- 1000 (2.7475 cos θ - sin θ) = 0
θ = 70°

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 8

Resultant force has a magnitude of 1 kN

b) The magnitudes of F1 and F2 if F2 is to be a minimum.

F₂ = F₂θ
dF₂/dθ = 0

FRx = F1 sin 20° - F2 sin 70° = 0 N

FRy = -F1 cos 20° - F2 cos 70° = -1000 N

0.3420 F1 – 0.9397 F2 = 0 N
0.9397 F1 + 0.3420 F2 = 1000 N

F1 = 940 N
F2 = 342 N

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 9


The moment of a force indicates

the tendency of a body to turn
about an axis passing through a
point O.

In 2-D analysis, the moment of F about a point

O is represented by a vector MO normal to the
plane containing F and of magnitude
MO = F d,
where d is the ⊥ distance from point O to the
line of action of the force.

Direction of rotation: (+) for CCW (counter-clock-wise), (-) for CW moments.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 10

Moment of a system of forces

The resultant moment produced by a
system of forces about any point O is
equal to the sum of the moments of the
individual forces about that point.

MRo = Σ Fi di

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 11


Determine the resultant

moment of the four
forces acting on the rod
about point O.

Solution: Assume that CCW moment is positive

MRo = Σ Fd clockwise moment >> negative value !!
= -50×2 + 60×0 + 20×(3 sin30°) - 40×(4 + 3 cos30°)
= -334 N⋅m = 334 N⋅m

The negative sign indicates that the rotation is CW.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 12
Moment of a Couple
Two // forces equal in magnitude
and opposite in direction form a

It tends to produce a pure rotation of

the body about an axis normal to
the plane containing the forces.

The moment of a couple is defined as

The resultant force of a couple is zero, but
the moment of a couple is not zero, and
is independent of the point about which moments of the
couple are taken.
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 13
In 2-D, two couples are equal if F1d1 = F2d2 and they cause
the same sense of rotation (either clockwise or CCW ).
In each of the 3 cases, the moment of couple equals 8 N⋅m.

In each of the 2 cases, the

moment of couple equals
12 N⋅m to turn the shaft
connected to the centre of
the wheel.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 14

The moment of a couple is
the same, independent
of the point about which
moments of the couple a b
are taken.

Try to calculate the

moment of the 2 forces
about a, b, c, will give
you the same moment
of 8 N⋅m.
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 15
Two couples act on the
beam. Knowing that the
resultant couple is zero,
determine the magnitudes
of the forces P, F and the
distance d.

Use the definition of a couple to find P and F.
Next, resolve the 300 N force into x, y components. Take
moment about point A. Equate the moment to zero.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 16

From the definition of a
P = 500 N

F = 300 N.

Resolve the 300 N force into vertical & horizontal components.

Given that the net moment equals zero. So
+ ΣM = -(500)(2) + (300 cos30º)(d) - (300 sin30º)(0.2) = 0
Now solve this equation for d.
d = (1000 – 60 sin 30º) / (300 cos 30º) = 3.96 m

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 17

Equivalent System

• A method to simplify a system of forces and couple moments acting

on a body to a single force and couple moment acting at a specified
• Such simplification makes it easier to understand the overall effect on
the body (e.g., to calculate the support reactions)

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua)

Equivalent System: Simplification Approach
An equivalent force and couple moment system shall produce the
same translation and rotation on a rigid body.

MA = F d
Moving a force from point A to O creates an additional couple moment
M. This new couple moment can be applied at any point on the body.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 19

Replace the three coplanar
forces on the jib crane by a
force and couple moment
acting at its base, point A.

1. Sum all the x and y components of the forces to find FR
2. Sum all the moments resulting from moving each force to point A to
find MR.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 20

1. Force summation:
ΣFx = -1.75 – 1.50 = -3.25 kN
ΣFy = -0.60 – 2.00 = -2.60 kN
FR = (-3.25i – 2.60j) kN

2. Moment summation:
MA = Σ(r ×F) = 1.75×1 – 0.6×0.6 + 1.5×2.2 - 2.0×1.6 = 1.49 kN·m


CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 21

Further Simplification of a Force and
Couple Moment System

Any system of external forces acting on a rigid body can be reduced to a

single force and couple moment at an arbitrary point O.
The single force and couple moment system can be further reduced to
a single force that creates the same translation and rotation at O by
moving FR to a point P.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua)

Replace the three coplanar
forces on the jib crane by a
single force and specify where
the force’s line of action
intersects the column AB and
boom BC.

1. Sum all the x and y components of the forces to find FR
2. Sum all the moments resulting from moving each force to point A to
find MR.
3. Move FR vertically to a distance y. The same external effect on the
body is maintained if FRx y = MR.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 23

= =

1. Force summation 3. If FR acts on column AB

ΣFx = -1.75 – 1.50 = -3.25 kN + MA = FRx y + FRy × 0
ΣFy = -0.60 – 2.00 = -2.60 kN → y = 1.49/3.25 = 0.458 m

FR = (-3.25i – 2.60j) kN 4. If FR acts on beam BC

2. Moment summation + MA = FRx × 2.2 + FRy x

= 3.25 × 2.2 - 2.60 x
MA = 1.75×1 - 0.6×0.6 + 1.5×2.2
→ x = 2.177 m
- 2.0×1.6 = 1.49 kN·m

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 24

Rigid Body Equilibrium in 2-D
For equilibrium, the net external forces as
well as the net external moment on the rigid
body must be equal to zero. In 2-D space,
that is
ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0, ΣMA = 0
where A is any point in the plane of the forces.
• External forces include applied loads, support reactions, and
the weight of the body.
• A body is considered rigid when deformations between its
parts are negligible before and after applying a load.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 25

Free-body Diagram (FBD)
To analyze a physical system, first create an idealized model.
1. Isolate the body.
2. Draw an outline shape.
3. Show all the external forces (known & unknown) exert
on the body.
4. Apply the equations of equilibrium to solve for any

Pin support

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 26

Two smooth pipes, each having a
mass of 300 kg, are supported by the
forks of the tractor. Draw a FBD for
both pipes together, assuming no
friction at all contact surfaces.

• The weight of the pipe = 300×9.81 = 2943N

Free-body diagram passes through the centroid of the body.
• The reactions T, F, P are normal to the
supporting surfaces.
• Internal forces between the pipes are not
shown as they are a pair of equal but
opposite collinear forces which cancel each

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 27

Smooth contact
between A/E/C/B,
draw FBD of A and


CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua)

Reactions at Support in 2-D Problems

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 29

Reactions at Support in 2-D
Types of
connection Reaction No. of unknowns

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CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 31
Fixed support prevents
translation & rotation
Draw the FBD of the uniform

The beam has a mass of 100 kg.

Free-body diagram
• The reactions at the wall are shown
as Ax, Ay and the couple MA. Their
sense has been assumed.
• The weight of the beam W = 100×
9.81 = 981 N acts through the
center of gravity G, which is 3 m
from A.
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 32
Reactions at Support in 2-D Problems
General rules
1. If a support prevents translation of a body in a given
direction, then a force is developed on the body in the
opposite direction.
2. If rotation is prevented, a couple moment is developed
on the body.
3. When the sense of an unknown force or moment is
not apparent, assume an arbitrary direction. The sign
of the solution will indicate whether the assumption is
correct or not.

Refer to Textbook for other types of connections.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 33
The FBD of the following body is shown. What will be the
easiest way to solve for the reactions?
Hint: Use an eqn of equilibrium with only one unknown, if

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 34

The rod is supported at A by a smooth
wall and at B and C by the rollers.
Determine all the support reactions.
Use the x’, y’ coordinate system.
Choose an equilibrium eqn with only
one unknown.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 35

Important Notes
When solving 2-D equilibrium problems:
1. Draw a free-body diagram and identify support reactions
2. Establish a suitable x-y coordinate systems
3. Apply equations of equilibrium to solve for the unknowns.
4. The order in which we apply equations may affect the
simplicity of the solution. Choose an equation with one
unknown if possible.
5. The solution to some problems can be further simplified
if we recognize members that are subjected to special
arrangement of forces

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 36

Two-force Member
When a member is subject to zero couple moment, and
forces are applied at only two points on a member, it is
called a two-force member.

If a 2-force body is in equilibrium,

then the two forces must be
collinear, equal in magnitude but
opposite in sense and must act along
the line joining the two points of

The member can be of any shape

but must have negligible weight.

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 37

The FBD of the following body is shown. What will be the
easiest way to solve for the reactions?
Hint: Use an eqn of equilibrium with only one unknown, if

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 38

Member BC
If a 2-force body is in equilibrium, then the two forces must be collinear,
equal in magnitude but opposite in sense and must act along the line
joining the two points of application.
Typical 2-force member: pin connected/supported without load/moment
inside the member.

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Member AB

CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 40

 Force in 2-D
 Moment in 2-D
 Couple moment in 2-D
 Equivalent system in 2-D
 Reduce to a single force and couple moment
 Further reduce to a single force
 Rigid body equilibrium in 2-D
 Free-body diagram
 Support reactions in 2-D
 Two-force member
CV1011 – MOM (A/P Yang En-Hua) 41

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