Grade 9 Assignment Feb

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1. Skryf netjies en leesbaar./ Write neatly and legible.
2. Beantwoord alle vrae./ Answer all the questions.
3. Laat reëls oop tussen antwoorde./ Leave open lines between your answers.
4. Trek ‘n lyn na elke vraag / Draw a line after each question
5. Rond af tot 2 desimale plekke / Round off to two decimal places.
6. Wys alle bewerkings. / Show all calculations.


2 18
Gegee: / Given: √ 9+25 ; π−4 ; √3 −27 ; ; ; √−27
3 2

Kies uit die gegewe lys / Choose from the given list

1.1 ‘n Natuurlike getal / A natural number (1)

1.2 ‘n Negatiewe irrasionale getal / A negative irrational number (1)

1.3 ‘n Nie-reële getal / A non-real number (1)

1.4 ‘n Rasionale getal wat nie ‘n heelgetal is nie /

A rational number which is not an integer (1)


Gegee: / Given: 70 ; 300

2.1 Skryf bogenoemde in priemfaktore / Write the above numbers in prime factors (2)

2.2 Bepaal nou die KGV en GGD van 70 en 300 /

Hence determine the LCM and HCF of 70 and 300 (2)


3.1 Skryf in eenvoudigste vorm / Write in simplest form

4 2
: (2)
7 3

3.2 Verminder 64 kg in die verhouding 5 : 8 /

Decrease 64 kg in the ratio 5 : 8 (2)

4.1 Marizaan kan óf teen 5 km/h skool toe stap, óf teen 15 km/h fietsry.
As sy fietsry, neem dit haar 10 minute om tot by die skool te kom.
Hoe lank sal dit haar neem om skool toe te stap? /
Marizaan can either walk to school at 5 km/h or ride her bicycle at 15 km/h.
If she rides her bicycle, it takes her 10 minutes to get to school.
How long will it take her if she walks to school? (2)

4.2 Is 4.1 direkte of omgekeerde eweredigheid? Gee ‘n rede. /

Is 4.1 direct or indirect proportion? Give a reason. (2)


5.1 Die prys van ‘n DVD word by ‘n uitverkoping met 12 % verminder na R131,99.
Bereken die afslag wat gegee is op die DVD /
The price of a DVD at a sale is reduced with 12 % to R131,99.
Determine the discount given on the DVD. (2)

5.2 Die prys van petrol word vermeerder van R12,58 per liter na R13,28 per liter.
Bereken die persentasie-toename in die prys. /
The price of petrol is increased from R12,58 per litre to R13,28 per litre.
Determine the percentage increase in the price. (2)

5.3 ‘n Motor ry teen ‘n gemiddelde spoed van 106 km/h vir 2 uur 45 minute. /
A motor car drives at an average speed of 106 km/h for 2 hours 45 minutes .

5.3.1 Bereken die afstand wat die motor aflê. /

Determine the distance that the car will travel. (2)

5.3.2 Teen watter konstante spoed moet die motor ry om dieselfde afstand in
2 uur 35 minute af te lê? /
At which constant speed must the car drive to travel the same distance in
2 hours 35 minutes? (2)


6.1 Floors koop ‘n fiets wat R5 200 gemerk is op huurkoop. Hy betaal 10 % as deposito.
Die winkel voeg R410 by die uitstaande balans vir finansieringskoste. /
Floors buys a bicycle that costs R5 200 on hire purchase. He pays a 10 % deposit.
The shop adds R410 to the outstanding balance for financial costs.

6.1.1 Bereken die bedrag van die maandelikse paaiemente oor 6 maande. /
Determine the amount of the monthly payment over 6 months. (3)

6.1.2 Bereken die totale bedrag wat hy vir die fiets betaal. /
Determine the total amount that he pays for the bicycle. (1)

6.1.3 As huurkoop bereken word, word die enkelvoudige of saamgestelde formule gebruik? /
If hire purchase is calculated, must you use the simple or compound formula? (1)

6.2 Gielie belê R12 500 vir 3 jaar teen 8,25 % saamgestelde rente. Hoeveel rente het
hy na 3 jaar verdien? /
Gielie invests R12 500 for 3 years at 8,25 % compound interest. How much interest
did he earn after 3 years? (4)

6.3 Brian wil Suid-Afrikaanse rand vir Britse pond omruil. As R1 vandag 0,075199 pond
werd is, hoeveel pond sal hy vandag vir R2 100 kry, as hy kommissie van 1,5 % aan ‘n
agent moet betaal? /
Brian wants to exchange South-African rand for Brittish pound. If R1 is worth 0,075199
pound, how many pounds will he get for R2 100 if he must pay an agent commission
of 1,5 % ? (3)

1 1
7.1 Azalia het ‘n sak grondbone. Sy gee daarvan vir Monefa en eet self daarvan op. /
3 5
1 1
Azalia has a bag of peanuts. She gives of it to Monefa and eats of it.
3 5

7.1.1 Watter breuk bly oor? / What fraction is left over? (1)

7.1.2 Watter persentasie het sy self geëet? / Which percentage did she eat
all by herself? (1)

7.1.3 As daar 35 grondbone in die pakkie was, hoeveel het sy vir Monefa gegee? /
If there were 35 peanuts in the packet, how many peanuts did she give to Monefa? (2)

1 1
7.2 Hendrik het 2 pizzas. Hy verdeel dit in stukkies. Elke stuk is van die pizza.
2 8
In hoeveel stukke kan hy die pizza verdeel? /
1 1
Hendrik has 2 pizzas. He divides it into slices. Each slice is of the pizza.
2 8
In how many slices can he divide the pizza? (2)


8.1 Die lengte van ‘n reghoek is 5,34 cm. Die oppervlakte is 21, 54 cm2 .
Wat is die breedte van die reghoek? /
The length of a rectangle is 5,34 cm. The area is 21,54 cm2 .
What is the breadth of the rectangle? (2)

8.2 ‘n Pannekoek is 2,3 mm dik. Suné bak 45 pannekoeke. Hoe hoog is die stapel
pannekoeke? Gee jou antwoord in cm. /
A pancake is 2,3 mm thick. Suné bakes 45 pancakes. How high is the pile of pancakes?
Give your answer in cm. (2)

8.3 Johan koop 22 toffies en betaal R13,20, maar 10 toffies en 5 suigstokkies kos R6,75.
Bereken die prys een toffies en een suigstokkie. /
Johan buys 22 toffees and pays R13,20, but 10 toffees and 5 suckers cost R6,75.
Determine the price of one toffee and one sucker. (2)

8.4 Clicks se spesiale aanbod van “koop 3 en betaal vir 2” geld tans op Crunchies.
As 1 Crunchie R7,95 kos, hoeveel sal ek vir 22 Crunchies betaal? /
Clicks has a special promotion “buy 3 and pay for 2” on crunchies. If I buy 22 Crunchies,
how much would I pay? (2)
[TOTAAL: 50]

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