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The Department of Computer and Engineering (CSE)

Siddhartha Institute of Technology And Sciences
Narapally , Ghatkesar, Medchal.
Hyderabad, Telangana.

Inter-personal Communication and Building Vocabulary

The term "functional" should be considered in the broad sense of providing learners with the skills and
abilities they need to take an active and responsible role in their communities, everyday life, the workplace and
educational settings. Functional English requires learners to communicate in ways that make them effective and
involved as citizens, to operate confidently and to convey their ideas and opinions clearly.
One of the chief reasons why people want to learn a foreign language is this: They want to be able to “do
things” in that language. That is, they want to “agree or disagree with someone”, “accept or reject an offer”,
“deny something”, “express likes/dislikes”, “offer food and drink”, “compliment someone” and do a lot of things
like these. In other words, they want to use that language and perform a number of “everyday communicative
Functions like these are everyday functions, because you’ll have to perform these functions whenever
you deal with people. In fact, you’ll have to perform each of these functions not once, but several times, every

How to Start A Conversation

Starting a conversation can be one of the most stressful things in life, but also one of the most rewarding.
Being good at starting conversations is essential in our career, romance and many other aspects of life, so start
Conversation Starting Tips
 Research interesting things to talk about.
 Before you approach somebody to talk, relax.
 Ask interesting questions.
 Don't focus on seeming clever.
 Be prepared to listen.
 Avoid controversial subjects, complaining or gossip.
 Be yourself!
Step 1: Before You Start a Conversation
 Before you start a conversation, it's a good idea to make sure you'll have something interesting to
 You'll be more interesting if you keep up with interesting things happening in popular culture and the
 Follow the news, read good books and unusual websites, watch stimulating movies and TV shows, etc.

 Form opinions about things, and be prepared to articulate them in an interesting way.
 If there is a specific person you are planning to talk to, do a little research into things you know they're
interested in.
 Even knowing a few interesting details about their favorite sports team or TV show could give you
something to talk about.
 If you are very shy, you can even make a list of possible conversational topics.
 Try to think of unusual subjects and questions that should be interesting to anyone. For example, which is
a better superpower: flight or invisibility?
 Don't be ashamed of making a list. Think of it as something to fall back on.
 You might feel silly, but it can be helpful to use a mirror to practice conversation.
 This gives you a more objective idea of how you sound and helps you practice your body language.

Step 2: Starting a Conversation

 You've done your prep work. Now you're out and about, and ready to mingle!
 Before you approach anybody, relax.
 If you're tense, you'll make other people tense. Calm down, try to think of this as an enjoyable
experience, and let your body language become very casual and welcoming.
 Remember, there's really nothing to be so afraid of. Even if the conversation is a little dull or awkward,
it's hardly the end of the world.
 If you spot a stranger you want to talk to, give them a quick but thorough look to see if you can get any
ideas about their possible interests. A band t-shirt is an obvious sign about the kind of music that person
likes. Look for other clues in the person's clothing.
 You can also check out your surroundings for possible things to talk about.
 Is there anything interesting in the area? Is there some sort of unusual art or architecture nearby? Do you
have any mutual friends there?
 Say hello and shake their hand, if the circumstances seem appropriate. In certain situations, shaking
hands could seem too formal. In other situations, it could seem too personal.
 If you know you have some common ground with the person, you can start by focusing on that. Talk
about your neighborhood, a teacher you share, something at work, etc.
 If the person has nice clothing, you can start a conversation with a compliment and a question. When
You Have Nothing to Talk About "I like your coat! Where did you get that?"
 Complimenting their clothing is one thing, but you should avoid commenting on the person's physical
appearance too soon. Telling somebody they have nice eyes when you just met could seem creepy.

 Don't compliment the person for something unless you really mean it. If you give them a false
compliment and they see through it, you'll look like you're trying to scam them for some reason.
 Don't go into the conversation trying to sound clever. Be ready to listen.
 Focus on questions to get things going. Ask about the person, and if a certain subject seems to bring
them to life, follow up on it.
 If you want to have an interesting conversation, ask interesting questions. If the other person is just
answering "yes" or "no" a lot, your questions probably aren't open-ended enough.
 If you're paying attention to the other person, you won't be focused on yourself, so you're less likely to be

Step 3: Joining a Conversation

 If you notice an interesting conversation already in progress, you can try to join it.
 If only two people are chatting, don't attempt to join that conversation.
 A conversation between two people is too intimate to intrude on, and you'll seem rude. Stick to bigger
 Even with groups of three or more, carefully observe their behavior to make sure they're not discussing
something too personal for you to join in. If their conversation seems to have hit a momentary lull, you
can jump in with a short comment or question to get them talking again.
 If they're discussing the weather, for instance, you could ask if anybody has heard if it's supposed to rain
 Don't linger, and don't butt in.
 If there never seems to be a pause in the conversation, move on before your presence becomes awkward.

Step 4: Things to Avoid

 There are many common mistakes that people make when they are trying to start a conversation.
 You don't want to have an argument, so avoid potentially controversial subjects like politics, sex or
religion with somebody you don't know well.
 Don't get too personal too soon.
 Don't ask about heavy subjects like death, divorce, etc.
 Don't interrupt the other person, or monopolize the conversation. Talk about yourself, but not to an
excessive degree.
 Definitely don't try to make yourself sound cool by criticizing others.

 This will probably just make you sound insecure. Besides, the person you're talking to could turn out to
be a close friend of the person you're tearing down!
 Avoid complaining.
 Even if you're going through some bad things in your life, don't share your problems with somebody you
just met.
 If you're trying to interest somebody, you don't want to seem negative or depressing.


 Perhaps the most important tip we can offer is that old cliche: be yourself. it became a cliche for a reason.
By letting your true self show when you meet somebody, you're going to be a lot more interesting than
you would be if you tried to impress them with some fake persona.
 You've lived a lifetime full of experiences, and there is a whole Earth around you full of fascinating
things. You've got a lot to talk about!
So, don't be shy. Get out there and mingle.

Using The Right Body Language

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication involving the use of stylized gestures, postures, and
physiologic signs which act as cues to other people. Humans, unconsciously, send and receive non-verbal
signals all the time Understanding body language.
16 ways to improve body language
1. Don’t cross your arms or legs – You have probably already heard you shouldn’t cross your arms as it
might make you seem defensive or guarded. This goes for your legs too. Keep your arms and legs open.
2. Have eye contact, but don’t stare – If there are several people you are talking to, give them all some eye
contact to create a better connection and see if they are listening. Keeping too much eye-contact might
creep people out. Giving no eye-contact might make you seem insecure. If you are not used to keeping
eye-contact it might feel a little hard or scary in the beginning but keep working on it and you’ll get used
to it.
3. Don’t be afraid to take up some space – Taking up space by for example sitting or standing with your
legs apart a bit signals self-confidence and that you are comfortable in your own skin.
4. Relax your shoulders – When you feel tense it’s easily winds up as tension in your shoulders. They might
move up and forward a bit. Try to relax. Try to loosen up by shaking the shoulders a bit and move them
back slightly.
5. Nod when they are talking – nod once in a while to signal that you are listening. But don’t overdo it and
peck like Woody Woodpecker.
6. Don’t slouch; sit up straight – but in a relaxed way, not in a too tense manner.
7. Lean, but not too much – If you want to show that you are interested in what someone is saying, lean
toward the person talking. If you want to show that you’re confident in yourself and relaxed lean back a
bit. But don’t lean in too much or you might seem needy and desperate for some approval. Or lean back
too much or you might seem arrogant and distant.
8. Smile and laugh – lighten up, don’t take yourself too seriously. Relax a bit, smile and laugh when
someone says something funny. People will be a lot more inclined to listen to you if you seem to be a
positive person. But don’t be the first to laugh at your own jokes, it makes you seem nervous and needy.
Smile when you are introduced to someone but don’t keep a smile plastered on your face, you’ll see
9. Don’t touch your face – it might make you seem nervous and can be distracting for the listeners or the
people in the conversation.
10. Keep your head up - Don’t keep your eyes on the ground, it might make you seem insecure and a bit lost.
Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon.
11. Slow down a bit – this goes for many things. Walking slower not only makes you seem more calm and
confident, it will also make you feel less stressed. If someone addresses you, don’t snap you’re neck in
their direction, turn it a bit more slowly instead.
12. Don’t fidget – try to avoid, phase out or transform fidgety movement and nervous ticks such as shaking
your leg or tapping your fingers against the table rapidly. You’ll see nervous and fidgeting can be a
distracting when you try to get something across. Try to relax, slow down and focus your movements.
13. Use your hands more confidently – instead of fidgeting with your hands and scratching your face use
them to communicate what you are trying to say. Use your hands to describe something or to add weight
to a point you are trying to make. But don’t use them to much or it might become distracting. And don’t
let your hands flail around, use them with some control.
14. Lower your drink – don’t hold your drink in front of your chest. In fact, don’t hold anything in front of
your heart as it will make you seem guarded and distant. Lower it and hold it beside your leg instead.

15. Keep a good attitude – last but not least, keep a positive, open and relaxed attitude. How you feel will
come through in your body language and can make a major difference. For information on how make
yourself feel better read 10 ways to change how you feel and for relaxation try, A very simple way to feel
relaxed for 24 hours.
16. Don’t stand too close –one of the things we learned from Seinfeld is that everybody gets weirder out by
a close-talker. Let people have their personal space, don’t invade it.

Vocabulary Building

Synonyms and Antonyms:

What are synonyms?
Synonyms are different words (or sometimes phrases) with identical or very similar meanings.
Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called

In this section, a word or a group of words are underlined in each sentence. For each underlined
part, Four words/phrases are listed below. Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined

His style is quite transparent .
(a) verbose (b) involved
(c) lucid (d) witty

Explanation: the word “lucid” is nearest in meaning to the word “transparent”. So (c) is the
correct answer.
Now attempt the following

1. Few teachers have been spared the problem of an obstreperous pupil in the class.
(a) sullen (b) unruly (c) lazy (d) awkward

2. His visit to foreign countries brought about a seachange in his outlook and his attitude to
(a) complete change (b) partial change
(c) favourable change (d) unfavourable change

3. He found a lucrative assignment.

(a) good (b) profitable (c)excellent (d)significant

4. It took him a long time to come round after the operation.

(a) recover (b) walk (c) move (d) eat

5. The student’s attitude towards his teacher was deferential

(a) evasive (b) rude (c) indifferent (d) respectful
6. There was intermittent rainfall throughout the afternoon.
(a) heavy (b)sporadic
(c) continual (d)respectful

7. The thief skillfully eluded the police net.

(a) avoided (b) jumped
(c) crossed (d) jilted

8. He explained his precarious strategy to his followers in unequivocal terms.

(a) unmistakable (b)unnatural
(c) unknown (d)forceful

9. This variety of pigeon has now become extinct .

(a) extant (b) rare
(c) distinct (d)dead

10. Swift is known in the world of letters for his misogynism .

(a) hate for mankind (b) hate for womankind
(c) love for the reasonable (d) love for womankind

Write the synonyms of the following:


Write the synonyms of the following words

i. worsen
ii. frank
iii. consent
iv. tendency

The antonym of a word is a word which means the opposite.

In this section, each sentence consists of a word or a phrase which is underlined, followed by four
words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the underlined word
or phrase.

Rani is a smart girl.
(a) lazy (b) active
(c) indecent (d) casual

The word which is nearest opposite in meaning to the underlined word “smart” is “lazy”.
Now attempt the following:

1. Many people try to resist reforms in the society.

(a) fight (b) accept (c) welcome (d) repel

2. His interpretation of the poem is superficial .

(a) mysterious (b) difficult
(c) profound (d) mystical

3. Poets often prefer ambiguity to

(a) clarity (b) certainty (c) rationality (d) perversity

4. The actor is well known both for his humility and courage.
(a) pride (b) determination (c) honesty (d) gentleness

5. Feasibility of the project is under study.

(a)Unsuitability (b)Cheapness
(c)Impropriety (d)Impracticability

6. No one can admire a deceitful boy.

(a) dull (b) sincere
(c) mischievous (d) aggressive

7. He gave a shallow argument in defence of his case.

(a) unpretentious (b) learned
(c) complicated (d) considered

8. His health appeared to have further deteriorated because of his exasperating outing at
(a) augmented (b) thrived
(c) improved (d) enhanced

9. The remarks made by the advocate in the court were effectively concise.
(a) obscure (b) verbose
(c) perspicuous (d) piquant
10. We have carefully read your explanation and it sounds plausible .
(a) incoherent (b) unconvincing
(c) undesirable (d) impertinent

Write the antonyms of the following:



Word Roots

aud, audit, aur

 audible ( adjective): can be heard
o aud + ible
o Your voice is barely audible over the sound of the train whistle.

 auditorium (noun): a place where one goes to hear something

o audit+ orium
o The band played in the school auditorium

 auricular
o aur + ic + ul + ar
o The auricular ability of the cat is well-known.

 animal (noun): a living creature
o anim + al
o A dog is an animal.

 animate (verb): to give spirit or support, to supply movement

o anim + ate
o The artist animated the cartoon.

 animosity (noun): hostility, ill will

o animos + ity
o There isn't any animosity between us.

ann, annu, enni

 annals (noun): record of events, historical records
o ann + al + s
o The annals of the organization are kept in notebooks.

 annual (adjective): yearly

o annu + al
o She is planning on going to the company's annual meeting.

 annuity (noun): money payable yearly

o annu + ity
o Joan is going to invest her annuity in the stock market.

 anniversary (noun): the yearly celebration of an event

o anni + vers + ary
o John's parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary in April.

 perrenial (adjective): enduring, persisting for several years

o per + enn + ial
o I would like to buy some perrenial plants.

 benevolent (adjective): marked by goodwill
o bene + vol + ent
o The "Salvation Army" is known as a benevolent society for its acts of charity.

 benign (adjective): harmless, mild, gentle

o ben + ign
o The doctor removed a benign tumor from my neck and I went home the same day.

 bibliography (noun): a list of written works
o biblio + graph + y
o Olaf listed a brief bibliography at the end of his paper.

bio, bi
 biology (noun): the study of life
o bio + log + y
o In biology class the students learned about how the human body works.

 chronic (adjective): marked by a long period of time, recurrence
o chron + ic
o Gabrielle has a chronic back disorder and cannot lift heavy objects.

 chronicle (noun): a historical account arranged in order of time

o chron + icle
o The teacher asked us to read a chronicle on the Revolutionary War.

 chronological (adjective): arranged in order of time

o chrono + log + ical
o The text book listed the presidents in chronological order.

cogn, gnos
 cognizant (adjective): aware
o cogniz + ant
o The man was cognizant of the danger of walking through the park at night.

 diagnose (verb): to recognize (diseases) by symptoms

o dia + gnose
o The patient was diagnosed with Lyme's disease.

 agnostic (noun): one who believes that any ultimate reality is unknowable
o ag + gnost + ic
o John is unsure of the reality of god and considers himself to be an agnostic.

 recognize (verb): to know, to identify
o re + cogn + ize
o I thought I recognized your face from somewhere.

 corpse (noun): a dead body
o corpse
o A corpse was found floating in the river.

 corpulent (adjective): having a large body

o corp + ul + ent
o The corpulent politician jabbed a fat finger in the air.

 incorporate (verb): to unite into one being

o in + corp + or + ate
o The artist incorporated paint, photographs, and fabric into her artwork.

 corporate (adjective): formed into a body or association, united in one group

o corp + or + ate
o The corporate structure allowed many people to work as a group.

 credible (adjective): can be believed, reasonable
o cred + ible
o The witness gave a credible account of the accident.

 credulous (adjective): too ready to believe

o cred + ul + ous
o The credulous child believed the story about flying horses.

 incredible (adjective): unbelievable, amazing

o in + cred + ible
o Makiko said she just saw an incredible horror movie.

o The salesperson deducted five dollars off the purchase price of the radio.

 deduce (verb): to make a decision or draw a conclusion by reasoning

o de + duce

 indicate (verb): to show, to point out

o in + dic + ate
o The gas gauge indicates that we are almost out of gas.

 dictate (verb): to speak for a person to record, to issue an order

o dict + ate
o The lawyer dictated the letter to her secretary.

 predict (verb): to say what will happen in the future

o pre + dict
o Joseph predicts that he will get married in ten years.
 addict (verb): to be devoted to something in an obsessive manner
o ad + dict
o Leslie is addicted to betting on the horse races.

doc, doct
 doctor (noun): a person who has received the highest degree a university offers, a physician
o doct + or
o Andre is going to medical school so that he can be a doctor like his mother.

 doctrine (noun): something that is taught, dogma

o doctr + ine
o We learned about the doctrine of "manifest destiny" in our American history class.

 docile (adjective): obedient, easily taught

o doc + ile
o Mrs. Galindez wants to buy a docile dog for her son.

 document (noun): an official paper

o docu + ment
o The library houses many government documents in its collection.

dog, dox
 orthodox (adjective): holding conventional beliefs
o ortho + dox
o I don't know if my interpretation of that book is orthodox or not.

 dogma (noun): an established opinion

o dog + ma
o Some people find the dogma associated with that organization disturbing.

 paradox (noun): a statement that seems to contradict itself but contains some truth
o para + dox
o The paradox of the matter is that I want to see the opera but I also want to stay home.

dec, dign
 decorate (verb): to make something look attractive or suitable
o dec + or + ate
o Linda decorated her apartment with paintings and plants.

 decent (adjective): conforming to standards, good, kind

o dec + ent
o This magazine contains a decent article on home improvement.

 dignity (noun): quality of being worthy, noble, honored

o dign + ity
o I haven't yet had the dignity and honor of being grand marshall of the parade.

duc, duct
 conduct (verb, noun): v. to lead or guide, n. a person's behavior

o con + duct
o Jared was conducted into the doctor's office by the nurse.
o Arnelle's conduct was inexcusable and she should apologize to the class.

 educate (verb): to train, to provide schooling for

o e + duc + ate
o The school tries to educate its students to be productive members of society.

 induct (verb): to install in office or to enroll in military service

o in + duct
o Mindy was inducted into the army last month.

 deduct (verb): to subtract

o de + duct

o I deduced from the trail of crumbs and the empty milk carton that the children were home.

 produce (verb, noun): to bring forward, to make to bear or yield; something made or grown
o pro + duce
o The lawyer produced new evidence at the trial.
o The produce from the farm will go to the market next week.

 seduce (verb): to persuade (especially into doing something wrong), to tempt

o se + duce
o Money and power have been known to seduce many honest people.

 induce (verb): to persuade, cause, or bring about by artificial means.

o in + duce
o If a child swallows poison, it is suggested that vomitting should be induced.

fict, feign
 feign (verb): to pretend
o feign
o The child feigned illness in an attempt to avoid the test.

 fiction (noun): something produce from imagination, an invented story

o fict + ion
o The excuse Marvin just gave for not doing his homework is pure fiction.

 effigy (noun): a figure representing a disliked person.

o e f + fig + y
o The children made an effigy of their nasty neighbor.

 figure (noun): shape, pattern, drawing

o fig + ure
o The figure Louise drew on the paper looks nothing like an apple.

 figment (noun): a thing that does not exist, something made up

o fig + ment
o Ghosts and monsters are figments of an active imagination.
 diffident (adjective): hesitant in acting, shy
o dif + fid + ent
o The diffident student would not speak in front of the class.

 fidelity (noun): the quality of being faithful, accuracy

o fid + el + ity
o The fidelity of this video reproduction is quite good.

 confide (verb): to trust, to trust another person with a secret

o con + fide
o Joan confided in her friend and told her a secret.

 geography (noun): a science that describes the earth's surface
o geo + graph + y
o The geography of New York varies from the sandy shores to rocky mountains.

grad, gress, gree

 grade (noun): a stage in a process, a mark indicating quality
o grade
o Ali hopes to receive a passing grade on his midterm exam.

 progress (verb, noun): to move forward; forward movement

o pro + gress
o Mina progressed to the next level in her French language program.
o There hasn't been much progress made in getting the house built -- only the frame is up.

 degree (noun): a step or stage in a process, a rank, a level of intensity

o de + gree
o There is a high degree of stress associated with being a police officer.

graph, graf
 graphic (adjective): written, drawn, vividly shown
o graph + ic
o Dominic is planning to study graphic art.

 graffitti (noun): drawings or writing on a wall

o graph + itti

Many people find the graffitti on the subway trains disturbing.

One-word Substitutes:
Give one word substitutes to the following:

The practice of being married to more than one person at a time.

The murder of one’s own mother

A box or cage for keeping rabbits

A place where aero planes are housed

A place where animals are kept

A subject in which you learn about stars and planets

One who looks at the bright side of things

A number of stars grouped together

The study of birds

One who believes in God

One who does not believe in God

A place where dogs are kept

One who is present everywhere

A place where money is coined

Words often confused

Differentiate the meaning between the following pairs of words and use them in your own
affect – effect
object (N) -- object (V)
eminent – imminent
stationary -- stationery
verbal -- verbose
moral -- morale
judicious -- judicial
accept -- except

Prefixes and suffixes

1. Prefixes
A prefix is a group of letters at the beginning of a word which changes the word’s meaning. Here is a list
of the most common prefixes and examples of how those prefixes are used.

Anglo- relating to the UK or England an Anglophile (= someone who loves England)

ante- before or in front of antedate • antenatal • anteroom

anti- 1 opposed to or against anti-racist laws

2 preventing or destroying an anti-aircraft missile

auto- 1 operating without being controlled by humans autopilot (= a computer that directs an aircraft)
2 self an autobiography (= a book that someone writes about their own life)

bi- two bilingual (= speaking two languages) • bimonthly (= happening twice in a month or once every two

centi-, cent- hundred a centimetre • a century

co- with or together a co-author • to coexist

contra- against or opposite to contradict (= say the opposite) • contraception (= something that is used to
prevent pregnancy)
counter- opposing or as a reaction to a counter-attack (= an attack on someone who has attacked you)

cross- 1 across cross-border

2 including different groups or subjects a cross-party committee (= one formed from many political
parties) • cross-cultural
cyber- involving, using or relating to computers, especially the Internet cybercrime • cyberculture • cyberspace

de- to take something away deforestation (= when the trees in an area are cut down)
dis- not or the opposite of dishonest • disbelief • to disagree

e- electronic, usually relating to the Internet email • e-commerce. Note: ‘e-’ is usally joined onto a word with a
hyphen (as in e-commerce) but email is usually written without a hyphen.

eco- relating to the environment eco-friendly tourism (= tourism which does not damage the environment)

en- 1 used to form verbs which mean to put into or onto something encase • encircle • endanger
2 used to form verbs which mean to cause to be something enable • endear • enrich

Euro- relating to Europe Europop (= modern, young people’s music from Europe)

ex- from before an ex-boyfriend • an ex-boss

extra- outside of or in addition to extracurricular activities (= activities that are in addition to the usual school

geo- of or relating to the Earth geophysics • geology

hyper- having a lot of or too much of a quality hyperactive • hypersensitive (= more than normally sensitive)

ill- in a way which is bad or not suitable ill-prepared • an ill-judged remark

in-, il-, im-, ir- not incorrect • illegal • impossible • irregular

inter- between or among international • an interdepartmental meeting

intra- within an intranet

kilo- a thousand a kilometre • a kilogram

mega- 1 informal extremely megarich (= extremely rich)

2 one million 40 megabytes

micro- very small a microchip • microscopic (= extremely small)

mid- in the middle of mid-July. • a man in his midforties • mid-afternoon/-morning

milli- a thousandth a millisecond

mini- small a miniskirt (= very short skirt) • a minibus

mis- not or badly mistrust • to misbehave

mono- one or single monolingual • a monologue

multi- many a multi-millionaire • a multi-storey car park

neo- new neo-fascists

non- not or the opposite of non-alcoholic drinks • nonsmokers

omni- everywhere or everything omnipresent • omniscient

out- more than or better than to outgrow• to outnumber • to outdo someone (= to show that you are better than

over- too much to overeat • overpopulated

photo- connected with or produced by light photosensitive • photosynthesis

poly- many polygamy (= having more than one husband or wife at the same time) • a polygon (= shape with
many sides)

post- after or later than postwar • a postgraduate

pre- before or earlier than pre-tax profits • pre-school

pro- supporting pro-democracy demonstrations

pseudo- false a pseudonym (= false name used especially by a writer) • pseudo-academic

psycho- of the mind or mental processes psychology

quasi- partly quasi-religious ideas

re- again to remarry • a reusable container

retro- looking at or copying the past retrograde • retrospective

self- of or by yourself or itself self-doubt • self-critical

semi- half or partly a semicircle • semi-frozen

socio- relating to society socio-economic

sub- 1 under or below subzero temperatures

2 less important or a smaller part of a larger whole a subsection

super- extremely or more than usual a supermodel • super-rich

tele- over a long distance, done by telephone, or on or for television He worked in the telecommunications

thermo- relating to heat or temperature a thermostat (= piece of equipment that controls temperature) • a
trans- 1 across transatlantic flights
2 showing a change to transform• to translate

tri- three a triangle • a tripod

ultra- extremely ultra-modern architecture • ultra careful

un- not or the opposite of unhappy • unfair • to unfasten

under- 1 not enough undercooked potatoes • underprivileged children

2 below underwear • an underpass

2. Suffixes
A suffix is a group of letters at the end of a word which changes the word’s meaning and often its part of
speech. Here is a list of the most common suffixes and examples of how those suffixes are used.

-able/-ible changes a verb into an adjective meaning ‘able to be’

avoid ➔ avoidable • admire ➔ admirable • like ➔ likeable

-age changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘the action described by the verb or the result of that action’
marry ➔ marriage • break ➔ breakage • spill ➔ spillage

-aholic, -oholic makes a noun meaning ‘a person who is unable to stop doing or taking something’
a workaholic • an alcoholic

-al 1. changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘relating to’

culture ➔ cultural • nation ➔ national • nature ➔ natural
2. changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘the action described by the verb’
approve ➔ approval • remove ➔ removal

-an, -ian 1 makes a noun meaning ‘a person who does something’ historian • politician
2 makes an adjective meaning ‘belonging somewhere’ American

-ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency makes a noun meaning ‘an action, state, or quality’
performance • independence • preference

-ation, -ion changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘the process of the action described by the verb, or the result of
that action’ educate ➔ education • explain ➔ explanation • connect ➔ connection

-centric makes an adjective meaning ‘having the stated thing as your main interest’ Eurocentric

-ed makes an adjective meaning, ‘having this thing or quality’ bearded • coloured • surprised

-ee changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘someone that something is done to’
employ ➔ employee • interview➔ interviewee • train ➔ trainee

-en changes an adjective into a verb meaning ‘to become or make something become’
thick ➔ thicken • fat ➔ fatten • soft ➔ soften

-ence, -ency See –ance -er, -or changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘the person or thing that does the activity’
dance ➔ dancer • employ ➔ employer • act ➔ actor • cook ➔ cooker (= a machine for cooking) •time ➔

-esque makes an adjective meaning ‘like or in the style of someone or their work’
a Dali-esque painting • a Kafka-esque nightmare

-ful changes a noun into an adjective meaning, ‘having a particular quality’

beauty ➔ beautiful • power ➔ powerful • use ➔ useful

-hood makes a noun meaning ‘the state of being something and the time when someone is something’
childhood • motherhood
-ian See –an -ible See –able

-ical changes a noun ending in -y or -ics into an adjective meaning ‘relating to’
history ➔ historical • politics ➔ political

-ing makes an adjective meaning ‘making someone feel something’

interest ➔ interesting • surprise ➔ surprising • shock ➔ shocking
-ion See –ation

-ise See –ize

-ish makes an adjective meaning

1 slightly a grayish colour • a smallish (= quite small) house
2 typical of or similar to a childish remark
3 approximately fiftyish (= about fifty)

-ist 1 makes a noun meaning ‘a person who does a particular activity’ artist • novelist • scientist
2 makes a noun and an adjective meaning ‘someone with a particular set of beliefs’ communist • feminist

-ive changes a verb into an adjective meaning ‘having a particular quality or effect’
attract ➔ attractive • create ➔ creative • explode ➔ explosive

-ize, -ise changes an adjective into a verb meaning ‘to make something become’
modern ➔ modernize • commercial ➔ commercialize

-less changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘without’ homeless people • a meaningless statement• a hopeless

-like changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘typical of or similar to’ childlike trust • a cabbagelike vegetable

-ly 1 changes an adjective into an adverb describing the way that something is done She spoke slowly
• Drive safely.
2 makes an adjective and an adverb meaning ‘happening every day, night, week, etc.,’ a daily newspaper
• We hold the meeting weekly.
3 changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘like that person or thing’ mother ➔ motherly • coward ➔

-ment changes a verb into a noun meaning ‘ the action or process described by a verb, or its result’
develop ➔ development • disappoint ➔ disappointment

-monger makes a noun meaning ‘a person who encourages a particular activity, especially one which causes
trouble’ a war-monger

-ness changes an adjective into a noun meaning the quality or condition described by the adjective
sweet ➔ sweetness • happy ➔ happiness • dark ➔ darkness • ill ➔ illness

-ology makes a noun meaning ‘the study of something’ psychology (= the study of the mind) • sociology (= the
study of society)

-or See –er

-ous changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘having that quality’ danger ➔ dangerous • ambition ➔

-phile makes a noun meaning ‘enjoying or liking something’ a Francophile (= someone who loves France) • a
bibliophile (= someone who loves books)

-proof makes an adjective meaning ‘protecting against, or not damaged by, a particular thing’ a bullet-proof vest
• a waterproof jacket

-ridden makes an adjective meaning ‘full of something unpleasant or bad’ a guilt-ridden mother

-ship makes a noun showing involvement between people • friendship • a relationship • partnership

-speak used to form nouns to mean the special language used in a particular subject area or business
Computer speak • marketing speak

-ward, -wards makes an adverb meaning ‘towards a direction or place’ inward • forward • homeward

-wise changes a noun into an adverb meaning ‘relating to this subject’Weather-wise, the holiday was great. •
How are we doing time-wise?

-y changes a noun into an adjective meaning ‘having a lot of something (often something bad)’
noise ➔ noisy • dirt ➔ dirty • smell ➔ smelly

Add prefixes or suffixes to the given meanings

i. ______________archy = without government
ii. ______________script = written afterwards
iii.construct ___________= act of constructing
iv. book _______________= a small book

An analogy is a comparison showing resemblance between two or more entities; calling attention to these
likenesses is to draw an analogy.

Analogies help people to relate known things to unknown things. They are also argumentative tools used
in debate that are useful in creating perspectives by relating to similar, possibly unrelated things.
There are four kinds of analogies

Non-Argumentative or Illustrative Analogies

The non-argumentative or illustrative analogies attempt to compare one thing to another with intent to explain,
not to argue.

Descriptive Analogies
The descriptive analogies is often used to create a lively description.
"Ants never make their way to an empty granary: no friends will visit departed wealth"
This analogy allows the reader to form a picture, it does not establish or prove a conclusion.

Explanatory Analogies
This analogy creates understanding between something unknown by relating it to something known. It provides
insight by edifying, understanding by relating what you don't know with what you do know. Not to persuade, but
to understand.

Argumentative Analogies
Argumentative analogies help us to form an inference by making a comparison between things that are familiar
to us and things that are not so familiar.

Deductive Analogies
Treating like cases alike; being consistent with our comparisons. Irrelevant reasons should be kept out. Often
deductive analogies use hypothetical or made-up comparisons in order to make a point. The idea then is whether
or not the "unknown" and the "known" are actually similar.

Eg: "We would think it wrong for creatures from outer space, vastly more intelligent than humans, to inflict pain
on us in raising humans for their meat counters. So analogously, it is wrong for us to inflict pain on animals, just
because we are more intelligent than they are" (M. Daniel).

For this analogy, you would have to consider: is an alien from outer space similar to us? (Treat like-as-like). If
we disagree that aliens and humans are similar than this analogy is not effective.

Inductive Analogies
These analogies are more for basis of predictions rather than decisions/persuasion. This type of analogy
draws comparison between cases and suggests that since the analogy hold some respects, it is likely to hold in
other respects as well.
Eg: A certain type of medication was tested on a rat. The rat developed a serious side effect and therefore a
human being would.

This is a prediction based on the fact that human beings and rats have certain similarities that may cause us to
react similarly.
Ex: A certain type of medication was tested on a house fly. The house fly died; therefore a human being would
This analogy is not a good one. We are more similar to rats than to house flies. Rats and human beings are
both mammals, whereas a housefly is an insect. In deductive analogies the "known" and the "unknown" must
both be real things, neither are allowed to be hypothetical.

An example is:


(A) ewe : kid

(B) mare : foal
(C) hen : rooster
(D) ram : lamb
(E) sow : pig

The answer is B, because just as a cow is the mother of a calf, a mare is the mother of a foal. None of the other
choices show a mother/offspring relationship.

Idioms and Phrases

To be in the air
- It's already the beginning of August, and our holiday is still in the air.

To know something backwards

- I can't understand why you failed the exam, when you know mathematics backwards.

To fit the bill

- A glass of cold beer would now just fit the bill, in this hot dry weather.

To mean business
- He wants to show you he means business, and he will go to any lengths to make his point.

With flying colors

- Michael passed his exams with flying colors. And he is as happy as a bird.

To pack one's bags

- If you keep treating me this way, I'll have to tell you to pack your bags and go. It's finished between us.

To foot the bill
- Come on, Jeff, you promised to foot the bill! Don't lose your balance now.

To beat about the bush

- You were sitting for hours beating about the bush. I'll give you 5 min., come straight to the point.

To be a bit off color

- Mary is a bit off color today. Something is the matter with her.

All of a sudden
- All of a sudden the telephone rang. And it startled Janet who was engrossed in watching in the climax of the

To take on board
- The jury has taken his suggestion on board. They are considering it seriously.

To have a change of heart

- When he saw the child sitting there, he had a change of heart. And he repented for his ignorance

To fall on deaf ears

- I'm afraid your idea will fall on deaf ears. They are conservative and don't take kindly to new ideas.

Around the clock

- We were studying round the clock to pass the exam. It was a tough routine.

It's daylight robbery

- What the mechanic charges for fixing one car is daylight robbery. But we have no other option now.

To get to the bottom of something

- I couldn't get to the bottom of the mystery. It kept eluding me.

Down and out

- He was down and out for years. But he's coming back with a punch.

To throw somebody off balance

- Just thinking about the interview throws me off balance. It's an unnerving prospect.

To look somebody in the eye

- Can you look me in the eye and tell me it's true? I think you probably can't.

To turn the clock back

- I wish I hadn't said that. If only I could turn the clock back. But now nothing can be done.

Cold comfort
- Being rich is cold comfort, if you have no family. Money can't buy you affection.

Somebody's days are numbered

- He has been rude to customers too often; his days are numbered. The boss is going to dismiss soon.

A drop in the ocean
- Whatever help we give will just be a drop in the ocean. But still something has to be done.

To make a go of something
- Don't be afraid to make a go of it. Put it your best effort.

Acid test
- The project is an acid test of his leadership. It has to be seen whether he will prove his stuff.

Not to have a clue

- They don't have a clue where to begin. The problem is complex.

To hold center stage

- A stable economy holds center stage in our policy. In the coming years, major economic problems have to be
brought to a resolution.

To keep at arm's length

- The new chairperson keeps everybody at arm's length. He is a kind of haughty person.

To promise the moon

- You know John. He promises the moon even when he knows very well he cannot possibly deliver.

To walk on air
- Since her honeymoon she has been walking on air.

On cloud nine
- When I won the competition, I was on cloud nine. It was pure delight after so much struggle and hardship.

To catch someone in the act

- I always knew he was a thief, and at last he was caught in the act.

A dead end
- This argument is hopeless. Can't you see that we've come to a dead end.

In black and white

- I have the proof - in black and white. Nobody can deny this now.

To play ball
- He was in a very tricky situation, he had no choice, he had to play ball. The whole group had voted his
proposal down.

Out of the blue

- Nobody expected it two days before. The news came out of the blue. And it was a pleasant surprise.

Body and soul

- I love going abroad, I'm a keen traveler, body and soul. This time I'll be maintaining journals also.

At all costs
- It's a very difficult exam but I have to pass it at all costs. My whole career is at stake.

To come clean
- Everybody thinks she should come clean. It's obvious that she is guilty.

To be in a class of one's own

- My granny's pancakes are in a class of her own. Ah! the taste of old times!

Keep in the dark

- She always keeps me in the dark about her plans. You never know what she is going to do next.

Cut and dried

- I can't give you a cut and dried answer. The situation is much more intricate than you imagine.

To get one's act together

- Unless she gets her act together, she won't pass the exam. It's time she put in some hard work.

To make no bones about something

- She made no bones about her disappointment. And she couldn't have hidden it even she wanted to.

To go by the book
- You have no choice - you'll just have to go by the book. If not, you'll be in a pickle.

To rack one's brains

- I racked my brains to remember where I'd last seen him. It was so close to my recollection and yet eluded me.

To put something on the backburner

- When she got married, her career was put on the backburner. Anyway she wasn't much interested in taking up a
In any case
- In any case, we'll have to come to a compromise.

To drop somebody a line

- You know that Mark is too lazy to write, but I think he could drop a line to his mother at least form time to

To make ends meet - I can hardly make ends meet on my salary. I am just managing to eke out a living.

At the expense of
- Sylvia would never go to work, she prefers to be on the dole - and live at the expense of other people.

To fight a losing battle

- My brother says "Apple" is fighting a losing battle with "Microsoft".

To turn one's back

- When I needed her help, she turned her back on me. And really that was what I expected from her.

To have got something down to a fine art

- She's got shopping down to a fine art. And it presents no problem because she wallows in money.

To bear in mind
- We must bear in mind her last words. She definitely wanted to leave all her money to a Charity Home.

In any case
- I had very little time to prepare. In any case, I'll try to pass the exam.

To take into account

- We should take into account all the facts before we arrive at a decision.

To feel it in one's bones

- He will certainly marry her. I can feel it in my bones.

Hit the hay

- It's late, so I guess I'll hit the hay.

With a vengeance
- When he realized his vices, he set himself on the path of virtue with a vengeance. Now he is determined to
make his mark as a saint.
Use the following idioms / phrases in your own sentences
Bolt from the blue
By hook or crook
To be abreast of
Be all and end all
In the air
Bell the cat
Blow one’s own trumpet
A burning question
At sixes and sevens
A cat and dog’s life
To beat about the bush
A fish out of water
Call a spade a spade
Crocodile tears
In the air

Group Discussion


In these days of intense competition, employers are not satisfied with mere interviews for employees to
assess their behaviour in a group. Human beings are gregarious animals and they interact in several groups in
every-day social, academic, professional and political. Hence, discussion has now become an indispensable
criterion for choosing candidates for higher positions in professional life.
What is a group discussion?
A Group Discussion is a forum where people sit together; discuss a topic with the common objective of
finding a solution for a problem or discussing an issue that is given to them.

A Group Discussion has three main objectives. They are to test
1. The candidate’s knowledge of the subject.
2. His ability to communicate with others.
3. His behaviour in the group, which may reflect his personal traits, leadership qualities, attitudes, spirit of
accommodation, tolerance, self-confidence etc.


Group Discussion can be divided into two broad categories based on the topic/issue given for discussion.
They are:
Topic – based Group Discussion and
Case- based Group Discussion (also called Case Studies)

Most of the management institutes (as a part of their admission process) as well as most organizations
(as a part of their campus recruitment process) use Topic- based Group Discussions. There are a few institutes
or organizations that use Case studies in the Group Discussions in their selection process.


In topic-based GDs, the group members are given a topic to discuss. A topic is typically in the form of a
statement (some times the topic may not be a complete statement. For eg:”The biggest problem faced by our
country is…” could be a GD topic). By the end of the discussion, the group should strive to arrive at consensus
on the issue that is covered by the topic. The Topic-based Group Discussions are of two types:

These are such that you need to have some knowledge about the topic to be able to speak on the topic. An
example for this type of topics is “India should withdraw from WTO.” Here, unless you have some knowledge
about WTO, what other countries have done, what India’s views are on the matter, etc., you will not be able to
speak effectively on the topic. Knowledge- based topics mostly cover current economic issues. It is mainly
focused on the following topics:
a) Economic topics
b) Social topics
c) Political topics
d) Sports/Films related topics
e) IT based, etc.
f) Legal topics

These do not require a knowledge base in any specific area for you to be able to talk about them.
Common, day- to- day knowledge is sufficient to do a good job of talking about such topics. Your worldly
knowledge and common sense will help you in speaking on the topic. It is sub-divided into two categories:


In case studies, a short description of a situation (called a case) is given to all participants. The case will
be a problem situation that requires a solution. The participants have to study the case, analyze the problem and
discuss their views about the problem solution to the problem with other members of the group. IIM
Ahmedabad, IIM Indore etc., have been giving case-based Group Discussions as a part of their selection

The moderator stands in the background and observes the participants’ confidence, tact, temperament,
alertness ability to convince others with their line of thinking and argument.

There are generally five to ten people in a group discussion. The candidates who assemble for a
discussion are assigned serial numbers such as 1, 2, 3 and so on. Clear instructions are given that they should not
disclose their names. They bear the number tags during the course of discussion and numbers addresses each.

Once the topic for discussion is chosen, the candidate has to decide either to speak in favour of the topic
or against the topic.
The candidate should have sufficient facts either to contradict or to support the issue. The language should be
simple and lucid. The candidate should be tactful while contradicting the views of other participants. Blunt
statement such as ‘Your arguments are baseless’, or ‘You are absolutely wrong’, is not in good taste. The
candidate has to disagree without sounding rude by saying things such as ‘I beg to differ’.

Some patterns of starting a discussion:

 We have assembled here to discuss …
 Let us get down to business.
 Shall we set the ball rolling?
 Shall we make a start?

Some patterns for interrupting a discussion:

 Sorry to interrupt you …
 Excuse me, but …
 Could I make a suggestion, please?
 Could I say something …?
 Sorry to disagree with you.
 If I could make a point here …

Some patterns of ending a discussion:

 I think that covers everything.
 It is time to wind up.
 Shall we close the discussion then?

Time allotted:
Normally, each group is given 15 to 20 minutes for discussing the topic. However there can be variations
in the time that is allowed for the discussion. In some cases, the Group Discussion may be terminated much
earlier or it can be extended to 30 minutes or more. One point that you should bear in mind is that the time
required for the discussion does not depend on the group size. Whatever the size of the group, 15 to 25 minutes
is what is normally required (and is normally given) for a Group Discussion. Sometimes the moderator may not
pre – specify the duration of the GD.

How to improve your performance in Group Discussion:

Now that we have understood what Group Discussions are all about and what the moderator looks for in
the participants, let us understand how you can enhance your performance in a GD. There are definite ways of
improving your participation and performance in a Group Discussion. There are three different aspects that you
should take care of to improve your performance in GDs. They are:

Building your knowledge base

Generating ideas about the topic
Improving your participation in GD
Displaying Positive Body Language
Respecting the opinions of other participants
Being polite with the other participants

Here, we provide you with a number of prompts for a topic. You should use these prompts and generate points
for all the topics.


1. What do we mean by religion?
2. Is religion faith in God alone, or is it a way of life?
3. What is opium?
4. How can religion act as opium?
5. What are the conditions under which people resort to taking opium?
6. Why will religion become the opium?
7. What are the interests of the people who peddle the religion to be the opium to the masses?
8. Under what circumstances will masses not take religion as opium?
9. Should we bring in any measures to stop people taking religion as opium or is perfectly all right for religion to
be the opium of the masses?
10. Can any instance be cited either in the present or in the past where religion has been used as the opium of
11. Who are the people who will de-addict the masses from this opium?

Interview Skills

Interview Process
There are many different types of interviews designed to serve different purposes or situations.
Regardless of the type of interview, most will incorporate the following stages: establishing rapport, exchanging
information, and closing the interview. Pay attention to the job titles of the interviewer(s). This can help you
decide how much technical detail to provide in your responses.

Establishing Rapport
This is a very important part of the interview because while establishing rapport, first impressions are made,
and the tone of the interview is set. Some people suggest that the decision to hire is greatly influenced by the first
five minutes of the interview. A good interviewer will introduce him/herself, and take the lead. Follow his or her
lead - if they are chatty, be chatty; if they are formal, be formal. Some employers use what seems to be casual
conversation to get to know you on a more personal level - this may be crucial to a hiring decision!

 Smile and maintain eye contact. This is one way of communicating confidence, even if you don't feel

 If the interviewer offers his or her hand, shake it firmly. If they don't, it is appropriate to offer yours.

 Wait until the interviewer sits or offers you a seat before sitting down.

 If the interviewer is making small talk, participate. Keep your answers short and positive.

Exchange of Information
This is the bulk of the interview. It is your opportunity to let the interviewer know what you have to offer,
and your chance to learn more about the organization.

 When you answer a question, look the interviewer in the eye.

 Be aware of the interviewer's reactions. If he or she looks confused, ask if you can clarify anything.

 Be aware of what your body is saying. Avoid closed postures. Sit upright, but not stiffly. Try to find a
comfortable position as that will make you feel more relaxed.

 Control your nervous habits. Don't swing your foot, talk with your hands (to an extreme), or fiddle
with jewellery, buttons, pens, etc.

 Show that you are interested in the job by asking questions.

 Try not to appear bored or anxious. Don't look at your watch.

Closing the Interview

When the interviewer is done gathering the information that is needed, he or she will ask if you have
anything to add, or if you have any questions. This is your opportunity to mentally review your inventory of
skills and make sure that you have communicated everything that you wanted to. If any of your questions have
not been addressed during the course of the interview, now is the time to ask them.

 Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration.

 Ask when you can expect to hear from him/her.

 If it is not known when a decision will be reached, ask if you can phone in a week's time to inquire
about the progress.

 If the interviewer offers his/her hand, shake it firmly. Otherwise, it is fine to offer yours first.

 If not already discussed, you can offer to leave a sample of your work, or portfolio if you have one.

Types of Interview
Panel/Board Interviews
Candidates are interviewed by two or more individuals. This process is commonly used by governments
and large organizations. It is important to maintain eye contact with the person asking the question and give an
answer with an example to support it. Always acknowledge the other interviewers' presence by making eye
contact while answering rotating questions. Direct your attention at the beginning and end of your response to
the person who asked you that question. The questions asked in the interview are often set out in advance. The

board may already have decided which answers they will accept/prefer for the questions. Ignore note-taking by
board members. Obtain employers' names prior to the interview and use them during the conversation.

One-On-One Interviews
Candidates are interviewed by one person. These interviews tend to be more informal, however, it always
depends on the employer's style. The interviewer will often have a series of prepared questions, but may have
some flexibility in their choices. It is important to maintain eye contact with the person interviewing you.

Impromptu Interviews
This interview commonly occurs when employers are approached directly and tends to be very informal
and unstructured. Applicants should be prepared at all times for on-the-spot interviews, especially in situations
such as a job fair or a cold call. It is an ideal time for employers to ask the candidate some basic questions to
determine whether he/she may be interested in formally interviewing the candidate.

Second Interviews or Follow-Up Interviews

Employers invite those applicants they are seriously considering as an employee following a screening or
initial interview. These interviews are generally conducted by middle or senior management, together or
separately. Applicants can expect more in-depth questions, and the employer will be expecting a greater level of
preparation on the part of the candidate. Applicants should continue to research the employer following the first
interview, and be prepared to use any information gained through the previous interview to their advantage.

Telephone Interviews
Have a copy of your resume and any points you want to remember to say nearby. If you are on your
home telephone, make sure that all roommates or family members are aware of the interview (avoids loud
stereos, etc.). Speak a bit slower than usual. It is crucial that you convey your enthusiasm verbally, since the
interviewer cannot see your face. If there are pauses, don't worry, the interviewer is likely just making some

Group Interviews
Employers bringing several candidates together in a group situation to solve a problem are testing your
ability to work in a team environment. They want to know how you will present information to other people,
offer suggestions, relate to other ideas, and work to solve a problem. In short, they are testing your interpersonal
skills. It is difficult to prepare for this type of interview except to remember what is being testing and to use the
skills you have to be the best team player and/or leader you can be. Some employers will take you to meet the
staff who would be your co-workers if hired. This is a very casual type of interview, but leaving a positive and
friendly impression is no less critical.

Interview Preparation
Research is a critical part of preparing for an interview. If you haven't done your homework, it is going to
be obvious. Spend time researching and thinking about yourself, the occupation, the organization, and questions
you might ask at the end of the interview.

Know Yourself
The first step in preparing for an interview is to do a thorough self-assessment so that you will know what
you have to offer an employer. It is very important to develop a complete inventory of skills, experience, and
personal attributes that you can use to market yourself to employers at any time during the interview process.

In developing this inventory, it is easiest to start with experience. Once you have a detailed list of
activities that you have done (past jobs, extra-curricular involvements, volunteer work, school projects, etc.), it is
fairly easy to identify your skills. Simply go through the list, and for each item ask yourself "What could I have
learned by doing this?" "What skills did I develop?" "What issues/circumstances have I learned to deal with?"

Keep in mind that skills fall into two categories - technical and generic. Technical skills are the skills
required to do a specific job. For a laboratory assistant, technical skills might include knowledge of sterilization
procedures, slide preparation, and scientific report writing. For an outreach worker, technical skills might include
counselling skills, case management skills, or program design and evaluation skills. Generic skills are those
which are transferable to many work settings. Following is a list of the ten most marketable skills. You will
notice that they are all generic.
 Analytical/Problem Solving
 Flexibility/Versatility
 Interpersonal
 Oral/Written Communication
 Organization/Planning
 Time Management
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Self-Starter/Initiative
 Team Player

Often when people think of skills, they tend to think of those they have developed in the workplace.
However, skills are developed in a variety of settings. If you have ever researched and written a paper for a
course, you probably have written communication skills. Team sports or group projects are a good way to
develop the skills required of a team player and leader. Don't overlook any abilities you may have.

When doing the research on yourself, identifying your experience and skills is important, but it is not all that you
need to know. Consider the answers to other questions such as:
 How have I demonstrated the skills required in this position?
 What are my strong points and weak points?
 What are my short term and long term goals?
 What can I offer this particular employer?
 What kind of environment do I like? (i.e. How do I like to be supervised? Do I like a fast pace?)
 What do I like doing?
 Apart from my skills and experience, what can I bring to this job?
 What are the trends are in the area. Is technology changing the job?

Know the Occupation

The second step in preparing for an interview is to research the occupation. This is necessary because
in order to present a convincing argument that you have the experience and skills required for that
occupation, you must first know what those requirements and duties are. With this information uncovered,
you can then match the skills you have (using the complete skills/experience inventory you have just
prepared) with the skills you know people in that occupational field need. The resulting "shortlist" will be
the one that you need to emphasize during the interview.

It is also in your best interest to identify the approximate starting salary for that position, or those similar.
There are several ways to find out about an occupation:
 Acquire a copy of the job description from the employer (Human Resources/Personnel) or check with
Student Employment Services. If you are responding to an advertisement, this may also supply some details.

 If you belong to a professional association related to the occupation, use its resources. These associations
often publish informative newsletters and sponsor seminars. It is also a good way to meet people working in
the field.
 Conduct information interviews with people working in the field.
 Read articles about people in the occupation, and articles written by people in the occupation. Sources
include newspapers, magazines and the internet.
 Find out what the future trends are in the area. Is technology changing the job?

Know the Organization

The more you know about an organization, the better prepared you will be to discuss how you can meet its
needs. Some of the characteristics that you should know about an organization are:

 Where is it located?
 How big is it?
 What are its products and who does it serve?
 How is the organization structured?
 What is its history?

 Have there been any recent changes, new developments?

There are a number of ways in which you can access this information. Most medium- to large-sized
organizations publish information about themselves. You can access this a number of ways:

 On campus at the Student Employment Services (company literature and business directories) or at the Drake
Centre Library
 The Winnipeg Centennial Library has a business microfiche with information on over 5000 Canadian
companies and business directories
 Many companies have internet home pages which you can locate by searching by industry and company
 Finally, you can visit or phone the organization and request some information on their products, services or
areas of research

If the organization is fairly small, or fairly new, there may not be much information published. In this case, it
will be necessary to do an information interview. Contact someone within the organization, introduce yourself,
explain that you are considering moving into the field, and ask if it would be possible to meet with him/her to
inquire about the company/organization and about what exactly the position would involve.

Prepare Questions

If the organization is fairly small, or fairly new, there may not be much information published. In this case, it
will be necessary to do an information interview. Contact someone within the organization, introduce yourself,
explain that you are considering moving into the field, and ask if it would be possible to meet with him/her to
inquire about the company/organization and about what exactly the position would involve.

Having completed your background research, you are now ready to prepare questions to ask the interviewer(s).
Try to think of questions for which the answer was not readily available in company literature. Intelligent well
thought-out questions will demonstrate your genuine interest in the position. Be careful how many questions you
ask, however, as too many can imply you feel the interview was not successfully run. Pick your questions with
care - this is your chance to gather information, so ask about what you really want to know. Avoid sounding
critical by mentioning negative information you may have discovered. This is one of the most effective ways to
compare different employers, so for issues of particular importance to you (for example, whether they support
staff upgrading), you should ask the same questions of each employer. Some sample questions are:

 What are the most significant factors affecting your business today?
 How have changes in technology most affected your business today?
 How has your business/industry been affected by the recession?
 How has your company grown or changed in the last couple of years?
 What future direction do you see the company taking?
 Where is the greatest demand for your services or product?
 Where is most of the pressure from increased business felt in this company?
 Which department feels it the most?
 How do you differ from your competitors?
 How much responsibility will I be given in this position?
 What do you like about working with this organization?
 Can you tell me more about the training program?
 Have any new product lines been introduced recently?
 How much travel is normally expected?
 What criteria will be used to evaluate my performance?
 Will I work independently or as part of a team?
 How did you advance to your position?
 What are the career paths available in this organization?
 When can I expect to hear from you regarding this position?

It is very important to ask the last question because employers want to hire individuals who are interested in the
position - and asking this question definitely helps to demonstrate interest on your part. Exercise judgment when
asking questions to an employer. When being interviewed by a large company that has a high profile, one would
not ask the question "What is the history of your company and how was your company started?" You can find
the answer to this question in the company's annual report or articles in magazines/newspapers. However, small-
and medium-sized companies do not always produce publicly available annual reports and it may be difficult to
access information on the company and its role in the industry. This question is appropriate if you have exercised
all other ways to find out the answer.

Sample Question and answers:

Q. Was there ever a time that you were challenged or put under pressure?
A. Yes. I recently had to meet a very tight project deadline for an important customer. Would you like for me to
go on?

Q. Yes, please do. What were the circumstances?

A. One of our top customers wanted complex product modifications in only a week, including matching changes
to the standard user manual. It was my job to customize the user manual, by working with the engineer who was
to make the modifications. During our first project meeting, I recommended that I write an addendum to the user
manual, which would be quicker than editing the entire manual. The project team and our customer thought it
was a good idea, so that's what I did.

Q. Good recommendation. When did you feel challenged or under pressure?

A. Well, I felt pressured right away, because I knew that the deadline was tight even for an addendum, and this
particular customer was so very important to our business.

Q. How did you cope with the pressure?
A. I turned the pressure into challenge. A good challenge makes me determined, and determination gives me the
energy to meet the challenge.

Q. Can you give me an example to help me better understand what you mean?
A. Sure. It's like when I challenge myself to jog a little further than I have before. I'm determined to do it, which
in turn, gives me the energy to do it. The same thing happened on the project.

Q. Good analogy. How did you go about accomplishing the project?

A. To save time, I started with the same template I initially created for the standard manual. It took only a few
tweaks to modify it for an addendum. Then I worked extra hours in my office or took my laptop home with me
after hours and worked on it there.

Q. What was the outcome?

A. I made the deadline on time. Our customer was so pleased with the addendum, that my manager gave me an
out-of-cycle promotion. Our CEO took the project team out to dinner at a nice restaurant, where he presented
Gold Achievement Awards to all of us.

Maybe it's a little too perfect for a "normal" job applicant during a nerve-racking behavioral interview, but you
get the idea.

Q. Tell me about yourself.

A. This is the dreaded, classic, open-ended interview question and likely to be among the first. It's your chance to
introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related.

Q. Why do you want to leave your current job?

A. Be careful with this. Avoid trashing other employers and making statements like, "I need more money."
Instead, make generic statements such as, "It's a career move."

Q. What are your strengths?

A. Point out your positive attributes related to the job.

Q. What are your weaknesses?

A. Everybody has weaknesses, but don't spend too much time on this one and keep it work related. Along with a
minor weakness or two, try to point out a couple of weaknesses that the interviewer might see as strengths, such
as sometimes being a little too meticulous about the quality of your work. (Avoid saying "I work too hard." It's a
predictable, common answer.) For every weakness, offer a strength that compensates for it.

Q. Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

A. Answer with positive, work-oriented adjectives, such as conscientious, hard-working, honest and courteous,
plus a brief description or example of why each fits you well.

Q. What do you know about our company?

A. To answer this one, research the company before you interview.

Q. Why do you want to work for us?

A. Same as above. Research the company before you interview. Avoid the predictable, such as, "Because it's a
great company." Say why you think it's a great company.

Q. Why should I hire you?
A. Point out your positive attributes related to the job, and the good job you've done in the past. Include any
compliments you've received from management.

Q. What past accomplishments gave you satisfaction?

A. Focus more on achievement than reward.

Q. What makes you want to work hard?

A. Naturally, material rewards such as perks, salary and benefits come into play. But again, focus more on
achievement and the satisfaction you derive from it.

Q. What type of work environment do you like best?

A. Tailor your answer to the job. For example, if in doing your job you're required to lock the lab doors and work
alone, then indicate that you enjoy being a team player when needed, but also enjoy working independently. If
you're required to attend regular project planning and status meetings, then indicate that you're a strong team
player and like being part of a team.

Q. Why do you want this job?

A. To help you answer this and related questions, study the job ad in advance. But a job ad alone may not be
enough, so it's okay to ask questions about the job while you're answering. Say what attracts you to the job.
Avoid the obvious and meaningless, such as, "I need a job."

Q. How do you handle pressure and stress?

A. This is sort of a double whammy, because you're likely already stressed from the interview and the
interviewer can see if you're handling it well or not. Everybody feels stress, but the degree varies. Saying that
you whine to your shrink, kick your dog or slam down a fifth of Jack Daniels are not good answers. Exercising,
relaxing with a good book, socializing with friends or turning stress into productive energy are more along the
lines of the "correct" answers.

Q. Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.

A. The interviewer is likely looking for a particular example of your problem-solving skills and the pride you
show for solving it.

Q. Where do you see yourself five (ten or fifteen) years from now?
A. Explain your career-advancement goals that are in line with the job for which you are interviewing. Your
interviewer is likely more interested in how he, she or the company will benefit from you achieving your goals
than what you'll get from it, but it goes hand in hand to a large degree. It's not a good idea to tell your potential
new boss that you'll be going after his or her job, but it's okay to mention that you'd like to earn a senior or
management position.

Q. What qualifies you for this job?

A. Tout your skills, experience, education and other qualifications, especially those that match the job
description well. Avoid just regurgitating your resume. Explain why.

Q. Why did you choose your college major?

A. The interviewer is likely fishing to see if you are interested in your field of work or just doing a job to get
paid. Explain why you like it. Besides your personal interests, include some rock-solid business reasons that
show you have vision and business sense.
Interview Purpose
The interview is an opportunity for both the employer and the applicant to gather information. The
employer wants to know if you, the applicant, have the skills, knowledge, self-confidence, and motivation
necessary for the job. At this point you can be confident that the employer saw something of interest in your
resume. He or she also wants to determine whether or not you will fit in with the organization's current
employees and philosophy. Similarly, you will want to evaluate the position and the organization, and determine
if they will fit into your career plans. The interview is a two-way exchange of information. It is an opportunity
for both parties to market themselves. The employer is selling the organization to you, and you are marketing
your skills, knowledge, and personality to the employer.
Common Mistakes by interviewees:
Oversell Trying too hard to impress; bragging; acting aggressively.

Undersell Failing to emphasize the fact that you have related skills; discussing
experience using negative qualifiers (i.e. "I have a little experience...").
Body Language It is easy to create a negative impression without even realizing that you are
doing it. Are you staring at your feet, or talking to the interviewer's shoulder?
Be aware of what your actions say about you.
Lack of Honesty The slightest stretching of the truth may result in you being screened out.
Negative Attitude The interview is not an opportunity for you to complain about your current
supervisor or co-workers (or even about 'little' things, such as the weather).
Lack of Preparation You have to know about the organization and the occupation. If you don't, it
will appear as though you are not interested in the position.
Lack of Enthusiasm If you are not excited about the work at the interview, the employer will not
assume that your attitude will improve when hired.
Keep in mind that rejection is a normal part of every job search. For every position, if 100 people apply, 99
will be rejected. If you are rejected, it does not mean that you are not a good applicant. It simply means that you
were not the best applicant for that particular job at that particular time. Don't get discouraged. Rejection
happens to everyone and is not a reflection of you. Consider each new application a new opportunity.

 Walt Disney's idea for Disneyland was rejected by six major banks before being accepted. They said
no one would come.

 A record company which had the opportunity to sign the Beatles rejected them. They felt that electric
guitar music was only a phase

Rèsumè writing

What is a Rèsumè?
Rèsumès are what people use to get jobs, right?

A résumé is a one or two page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience.
Your résumé’s purpose is to get your foot in the door. A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude
you from consideration.

To prepare a successful résumé, you need to know how to review, summarize, and present your
experiences and achievements on one page. Unless you have considerable experience, you don't need two pages.
Outline your achievements briefly and concisely.

Your résumé is your ticket to an interview where you can sell yourself!

How to Prepare an Effective Rèsumè!

1. Essentials of Rèsumè
Before you write, take time to do a self-assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as
your work experience and extracurricular activities. This will make it easier to prepare a thorough resume.

2. The Content of Your Rèsumè

Name, address, telephone, e-mail address, web site address

All your contact information should go at the top of your résumé.

 Avoid nicknames.
 Use a permanent address. Use your parents' address, a friend's address, or the address you plan to
use after graduation.
 Use a permanent telephone number and include the area code. If you have an answering machine,
record a neutral greeting.
 Add your e-mail address. Many employers will find it useful. (Note: Choose an e-mail address
that sounds professional.)
 Include your web site address only if the web page reflects your professional ambitions.

Objective or Summary
An objective tells potential employers the sort of work you're hoping to do.

Be specific about the job you want. For example: To obtain an entry-level position within a financial institution
requiring strong analytical and organizational skills.
 Tailor your objective to each employer you target/every job you seek.

New graduates without a lot of work experience should list their educational information first. Alumni can list it
after the work experience section.
 Your most recent educational information is listed first.
 Include your degree (A.S., B.S., B.A., etc.), major, institution attended, minor/concentration.
 Add your grade point average (GPA) if it is higher than 3.0.
 Mention academic honors.

Work Experience
Briefly give the employer an overview of work that has taught you skills. Use action words to describe
your job duties. Include your work experience in reverse chronological order - that is, put your last job first and
work backward to your first, relevant job. Include:

 Title of position,
 Name of organization
 Location of work (town, state)
 Dates of employment
 Describe your work responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and achievements.

Other information
A staff member at your career services office can advise you on other information to add to your resume.
You may want to add:
 Key or special skills or competencies,
 Leadership experience in volunteer organizations,
 Participation in sports.

Ask people if they are willing to serve as references before you give their names to a potential employer.

Do not include your reference information on your resume. You may note at the bottom of your resume:
"References furnished on request."

3. Rèsumè Checkup
You've written your resume. It's time to have it reviewed and critiqued by a career counselor. You can
also take the following steps to ensure quality:

 Run a spell check on your computer before anyone sees your resume.
 Get a friend (an English major would do nicely) to do a grammar review.
 Ask another friend to proofread. The more people who see your resume, the more likely that
misspelled words and awkward phrases will be seen (and corrected).

These tips will make your resume easier to read and/or scan into an employer's data base.
 Use white or off-white paper.
 Use 8-1/2- x 11-inch paper.
 Print on one side of the paper.
 Use a font size of 10 to 14 points.
 Use non-decorative typefaces.
 Choose one typeface and stick to it.
 Avoid italics, script, and underlined words.
 Do not use horizontal or vertical lines, graphics, or shading.
 Do not fold or staple your resume.
 If you must mail your resume, put it in a large envelope.

Action Words
Use action words to describe your experience and accomplishments. Here are some actions words to use:
 achieved  drafted  originated
 acquired  edited  oversaw
 adapted  eliminated  performed
 addressed  enforced  planned

 administered  established  prevented
 analyzed  evaluated  produced
 anticipated  expanded  programmed
 assembled  explained  promoted
 assisted  forecasted  provided
 audited  formed  publicized
 budgeted  founded  published
 calculated  generated  recruited
 centralized  guided  reorganized
 changed  hired  reported
 collaborated  implemented  researched
 composed  improved  resolved
 condensed  informed  reviewed
 conducted  insured  selected
 constructed  interpreted  separated
 contracted  interviewed  set up
 converted  launched  simplified
 coordinated  maintained  solved
 created  managed  surveyed
 cultivated  marketed  staffed
 demonstrated  minimized  supervise
 designed  motivated  taught
 developed  negotiated  tested
 devised  obtained  trained
 discovered  operated
 used
 doubled  organized
What Employers Want
Employers say they are impressed by job candidates who have excellent communication skills, good
grooming habits, and relevant work experience. Employers say they want trustworthy new hires who can move
right in, get along with their co-workers, and get the job done without having to be babied at each step.

Top 10 Qualities Employers Seek

1. Communication skills (verbal and written)
2. Honesty/integrity
3. Teamwork skills (works well with others)
4. Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)
5. Motivation/initiative
6. Strong work ethic
7. Analytical skills
8. Flexibility/adaptability
9. Computer skills
10. Organizational skills

Sample Rèsumè

Denise F. Moore
2657 Uphill Ave.
Somewhere, CT 06677

[email protected]
Career Objective:
To obtain an entry-level position requiring strong analytical and organizational skills in the engineering

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
School of Engineering
B.S., Mechanical Engineering with focus in automotive engineering, May 2003
Honors: Daniel M. Joseph Prize in Mechanical Engineering, 2003
Phi Beta Kappa

Professional Experience
Co-op engineer, Ford Motor Corp., Detroit, MI, Spring 2002
Worked on advanced test project that involved mechanical design, CAD/CAM composites technology,
automobile structures, and coordination among project groups.

Mini-Baja Team Participant, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Fall 2002.

Worked on six-member team of students to design and build a miniature stock car for competition in National
Society of Automotive Engineers competition. Our car won.

Intern, General Motors Corp., Detroit, MI, Summer 2001

Assisted in experimental and literature research, prepared figures and data for technical papers, and computed
engineering calculations.

Assistant Mechanic, Dewey's Garage, Trumbull, CT, Summer 1999 and 2000.
Performed oil changes, tire rotations, radiator flushes, troubleshooting problems with customers' cars.

Related Course Work

Thermodynamics, deformable solids, statics, materials science, basic circuits, fluids mechanics, controls, heat
transfer, vibrations, statistics, design, turbomachinery, automotive structural design.

Computer Skills
CAD, AutoCAD, MathCAD, C++, Word, Access, Excel.

President, Society of Automotive Engineers, campus chapter, Fall 2000-present
Peer tutor
Intramural baseball, 1998-2001
Intramural basketball, 1998-2001

Letter Writing

Letters remain hugely important in our everyday lives. People still feel the need to have something
confirmed in writing and a letter can add the all important personal touch. But there are pitfalls to letter writing.
Below are our top tips for getting your letter right.

1. Define your purpose
Before you begin writing a business letter, ask yourself:

 Why am I writing this letter – what has led up to it?

 What do I hope to get out of it (my maximum aims)?

 What do you expect to get out of it (my realistic aims)?

 What is the best way to achieve this?

What information do I need to provide? For example, dates of previous letters, dates you saw
advertisement, dates of appointments, addresses of shops and people, names of people involved,
reference or account numbers.
What arguments do I need to use?

2. The first paragraph

The first paragraph of the letter should introduce the subject matter and either state or imply your purpose in

3. The body of the letter

The body of the letter should consist of one or more paragraphs. It should develop clearly and logically the
argument and facts of the case. If there is more than one paragraph, each paragraph should focus on a separate
aspect of the subject matter and there should be clear links between paragraphs.

4. The final paragraph

The final paragraph should leave the reader in no doubt about your attitude towards the subject of the letter. It
may, for example, spell out what you would like to see happen. It should be positive and unambiguous.

5. Achieve the right tone

Although the reader of your letter may be unknown to you, it is important to achieve a suitable tone in your
writing and not to be too casual or too formal. So, as far as possible:

 Avoid Jargon whenever possible.

 Use shorter sentences rather than longer ones.

 Avoid using the passive. For example write, ‘We sent you that letter by mistake’, rather than the more
pompous, ‘Our letter was sent in error’.

 Don’t let your feelings get the better of you.

 Don’t try to be too clever.

 Be clear and to the point, but don’t be too blunt.

6. Adopt a clear layout
Adopt a letter layout that is clear and consistent. For example, if you put a comma after the person’s name in the
greeting, include one after Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely; either indent the paragraphs or leave a space
between them, without indentation.

7. Sincerely or Faithfully?

If you are writing to someone whose name and title you do not know, use the greeting Dear Sir or Madam, and
the ending Yours faithfully, signing yourself with your initials and surname.

If you are writing to a named person, address them as Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms, and end Yours sincerely, followed
by your first name and surname.

If you have met them or spoken to them by phone, or otherwise feel that you have some acquaintance with them,
address them by their first name and sign yourself Yours sincerely, using your first name.

If you need some extra inspiration then we have sample letters for almost every occasion from letters of
resignation to letters of condolence, letters of complaint to letters booking a holiday.

We also have plenty of useful phrases to get your letter started, finished, and on the right track.

The Format – The Main Parts

A business letter is more formal than a personal letter. It should have a margin of at least one inch on all four
edges. It is always written on 8½"x11" (or metric equivalent) unlined stationery. There are six parts to a business

1. The Heading. This contains the return address (usually two or three lines) with the date on the last line.
Sometimes it may be necessary to include a line after the address and before the date for a phone number, fax
number, E-mail address, or something similar.

Often a line is skipped between the address and date. That should always be done if the heading is next to the left
margin. (See Business Letter Styles.)

It is not necessary to type the return address if you are using stationery with the return address already imprinted.
Always include the date.

2. The Inside Address. This is the address you are sending your letter to. Make it as complete as possible.
Include titles and names if you know them.

This is always on the left margin. If an 8½" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business
envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.

An inside address also helps the recipient route the letter properly and can help should the envelope be damaged
and the address become unreadable.

Skip a line after the heading before the inside address. Skip another line after the inside address before the

3. The Greeting. Also called the salutation. The greeting in a business letter is always formal. It normally begins
with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name.

It normally has a title. Use a first name only if the title is unclear--for example, you are writing to someone
named "Leslie," but do not know whether the person is male or female. For more on the form of titles, see Titles
with Names.

The greeting in a business letter always ends in a colon. (You know you are in trouble if you get a letter from a
boyfriend or girlfriend and the greeting ends in a colon--it is not going to be friendly.)

4. The Body. The body is written as text. A business letter is never hand written. Depending on the letter style
you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

Skip a line between the greeting and the body. Skip a line between the body and the close.

5. The Complimentary Close. This short, polite closing ends with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its
left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the
heading does.

The block style is becoming more widely used because there is no indenting to bother with in the whole letter.

6. The Signature Line. Skip two lines (unless you have unusually wide or narrow lines) and type out the name
to be signed. This customarily includes a middle initial, but does not have to. Women may indicate how they
wish to be addressed by placing Miss, Mrs., Ms. or similar title in parentheses before their name.

The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The term "By direction" in the second line
means that a superior is authorizing the signer.

The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and
the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

Ten Tips for Writing Effective Cover Letters

1. A creative, well-written cover letter is often the best way to make your résumé stand out from the endless
sea of applicants and find its way into the “must read” pile of the person making the hiring decisions.
Here are 10 simple tips to help your cover letter wow: Make yourself stand out. Get the competitive
edge by writing a cover letter that focuses on your unique and exceptional qualities. What makes you an
ideal candidate? Be strategic, persuasive, and concise.
2. Target the right person. Sending your letter to the proper person can make all the difference. Avoid
generic addresses such as “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam.” Instead, call the
company and find out the name and title of the person who does the hiring for the job that you’re
interested in. Remember to ask for the correct spelling of his or her name.

3. Stay simple. Keep your cover letter brief. Never send a letter that is more than a page in length; half a
page is ideal. Be sure to use clear, professional language while steering away from buzzwords, acronyms,
jargon, or anything overly personal.

4. Make it shine. The overall visual impression of your cover letter can be just as important as what’s
written upon it. Make sure to use crisp, quality stationery. Match the style of copy on your cover letter

with the style of your résumé. Stick with one font and avoid solid walls of text that make the reader’s
eyes bounce right off the page. Break your text into digestible morsels with lots of white space.

5. Be an attention getter. Don’t waste your first paragraph by writing a dull introduction. Grab the
employer's attention from the start by pointing out how you can make a difference in a way no other
candidate can. Keep in mind that you have only about one to two seconds to get your initial point across
before the reader moves on to the next letter.

6. Sell yourself. Don’t expect to wow a prospective employer with a lengthy checklist of what you’ve done
in the past. Instead, position your accomplishments in terms of how you could bring the same benefits to
their company. Your cover letter needs to answer the question “What’s in it for my company?” Clarify
how your expertise will benefit them directly.

7. Hire a proofreader. Never underestimate the negative effect of bad writing, which can greatly hurt your
chances of landing a new position. Invest in your career by hiring a professional writer or editor to check
your cover letter for spelling, grammar, and overall readability.

8. Avoid exaggeration. There’s nowhere to hide when you finally land in an interview and the prospective
employer wants to know what you meant by “best in the world.” Avoid saying anything that sounds like
hyperbole, which can project the wrong image and damage your credibility. And remember never to
speak poorly of former employers or coworkers.

9. Close encounters. Don’t depend on the employer to take action. Request an interview and tell the
employer when you will follow up to arrange it.

10. Don’t forget the follow-up. After sending in your cover letter and résumé, it’s imperative that you
follow up. You’ll greatly increase your chances of getting an interview if you call the employer directly
after writing, rather than just sitting back and waiting for a call.

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is intended to test the reader’s ability to understand, interpret and anlyze texts on
different topics and his/her own range of vocabulary. The questions in this section are based on the passage
containing difficult constructions and words. Knowledge of the roots, prefixes, suffixes will help in grasping the
meanings of words.

Approach to be adapted:
The following guidelines will help in answering the question.
1) All the questions are based on the given text, and the answers also must be based on the text.
2) Skim the questions first and note the key items in them.
3) Read the first and last sentences of each paragraph for a possible clue to the theme of the text.
4) Read the whole passage making a note of the main points, important conclusions, names,
definitions, places and numbers.
5) In case, you cannot make out the meanings of given words, read the nearest sentences and try to
grasp the contextual meanings of the words.
6) Learn prefixes, suffixes and roots of words so that it will be easy to understand the meanings of
7) Knowledge of grammatical functions of words helps in identifying the synonyms and antonyms
of words.
8) Do not read the answer choices before reading the questions.
9) Use an elimination strategy to arrive at the correct answers.
10) Try to read between the lines for implied meanings and views of the author.
11) Don’t get stuck over any one question or part of the passage.
12) Keep the answer brief and to the point.

Guessing Meaning of Vocabulary from Context:

In order to understand what you are reading from an English text, you need to guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words (words you do not know) from the context. This will help you read faster and easier. Do
Exercise 1 before studying how you can guess the meaning of vocabulary from context.

Exercise 1 Find the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. She had often come into conflict with her mother-in-law.
a) announcement b) attainment c) argument

2. The old woman’s blunt questions embarrassed her, making her momentarily tongue-tied.
a) emit b) ashamed c) loathe

3. We just need a couple more chairs so everyone can sit down.

a) one b) two c) three

4. Please, Uncle Jack, give me a piggyback!

a) a ride on someone back or shoulder b) a small bag c) people who arrived to settle in Bangkok 2000

5. Ladda does not like to eat papaya or carrots, which is high in vitamin A, so she lacks it. Her mother keeps
telling her that an inadequate supply of vitamin A can lead to blindness.
a) too big b) not enough c) full

There are many myths about reading. They include:

 Word for word reading always helps comprehension
 You should always try to remember 100% of what you have read
 Reading with a pointer (like your finger) is an unsophisticated technique and invariably slows you down
or shows you are poor at reading.
 Reading slowly is the only way to fully understand.

There are many techniques that you can use to develop your reading style and the way you read should be
chosen to suit the task. Let’s take a look at some types of reading.

Types of reading
Reading for facts, guessing meanings from context, scanning, skimming, inferring meaning, critical reading.

This is also known as “previewing”. You begin by checking what you are reading - a rapid glance is all that it
entails. You give yourself quick answers to the following questions:

* Is it what I need?
* Is it up to date?
* Is it right for the task?
* Are all the contents relevant - or only some?

Sampling requires you to examine the contents of what you are reading in slightly more depth than rapid
survey. So typically, you would look at the introduction and headings of the material, skim over the content of
each and establish in your mind the:
* Relevance of the content
* Usefulness of the content
* Suitability of the content


Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you read the newspaper, you're
probably not reading it word-by-word, instead you're scanning the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to
four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited
amount of time. Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest in your research.

There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the first and last
paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen. You might
read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This
technique is useful when you're seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension. Skimming
works well to find dates, names, and places. It might be used to review graphs, tables, and charts.


Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. You
search for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know what you're looking for, so you're concentrating on
finding a particular answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words

and phrases. Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your
questions. Once you've scanned the document, you might go back and skim it.

When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first,
second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes
the author will put key ideas in the margin.

Reading off a computer screen has become a growing concern. Research shows that people have more
difficulty reading off a computer screen than off paper. Although they can read and comprehend at the same rate
as paper, skimming on the computer is much slower than on paper.

Word by word reading:

This type of reading is time consuming and demands a high level of concentration. Some material is not
readily understood and so requires a slow and careful analytical read. People use this type of reading for
unfamiliar words and concepts, scientific formulae. It can take up to an hour just to read a few lines of text.

Critical Reading :
A method of reading for study is called critical reading the aim is to understand the material in some depth.
The method involves five simple steps; Survey, Question, Read, Recall and Review.

 Survey: skim through to gain an overview and not key points.

 Question: devise questions you hope the text will answer.
 Read: slowly and carefully.
 Recall: from memory, write down the main points made by the chapter.
 Review: revisit your questions - compare these to your recall and establish how well the text has
answered them; fill in any gaps by further reading and note-taking.

Critical reading is the ability to evaluate the credibility of a piece of writing. All writers have a purpose
when they write, and usually, a writer will choose or emphasize facts and details which support his or her
purpose, and ignore facts which don't. As a good reader, you need to be aware of that.

In this exercise, you will see a number of quotations from different "interest groups" or "lobbies". A lobby or
interest group is a group of people who have a common interest and who work together to publicize and promote
their point of view. In the exercise, you will read quotations from five lobbies:
The forestry industry: The forestry industry makes money from cutting
down trees. Therefore, they want to be able to continue to cut trees, and they
want to discourage any alternative ways of producing pulp and paper.
The environmentalists: The environmental lobby want to protect the
forests against logging companies, so they would like to show how
destructive logging is, and how valuable the forests are.
The hemp farming lobby: The hemp farmers would like the fibre hemp
plant to be legal so that they can grow it. They want to show how useful it is
for making paper and other products, and they would like people to
understand the difference between the marijuana plant and the fibre hemp
The marijuana legalization lobby: These people would like marijuana to
be legal. They are interested in linking the fibre hemp plant with marijuana,
because they think it may be possible to legalize BOTH kinds of plant. They
want to show how useful industrial hemp is, and at the same time, they want

to convince people that marijuana is harmless.
The Canadian government: The Canadian government has just legalized
industrial hemp, but they want to keep marijuana illegal, so they want to
show that it is dangerous. They also get lots of taxes from the forestry
industry, so they do not want to restrict logging too much.

Now choose the answer you think is correct.

1. "The rainforests are quite simply the richest, oldest, most productive
and most complex ecosystems on Earth."
a) the forestry industry
b) the environmentalists
c) the hemp farming lobby
d) the marijuana legalization lobby

2. "Some have calculated that if Canada converted the entire pulp and
paper production in Canada to hemp, it would be necessary to plant
hemp over 18% of the country."
a) the forestry industry
b) the marijuana lobby
c) the environmentalists
d) the hemp farming lobby

3. "Farmers... can grow hemp without pesticide or herbicide application

because it grows quickly and is not likely to fall to disease."
a) the Canadian government
b) the hemp farming lobby
c) the forestry industry
d) the marijuana legalization lobby

4. "Each year, forest fires destroy more forests than are used for
making pulp and paper."
a) the environmentalists
b) the Canadian government
c) the hemp farming lobby
d) the forestry industry

5. "Decriminalizing cannabis could well result in a greater use of the

drug by Canadians, thereby increasing the health and safety hazards
associated with it."
a) the marijuana legalization lobby
b) the hemp farming lobby
c) the Canadian government
d) the environmentalists

6. "The government added marijuana in 1923 to The Opium Act of

1908 without any health concerns inherent in the law whatsoever. The
Opium Act was introduced as a purely racist measure to deport and jail
a) the hemp farming lobby
b) the Canadian government
c) the forestry industry
d) the marijuana legalization lobby

7. "67% of the fibre used to make Canadian pulp and paper comes
from sawmill residue and recovered paper that used to be disposed of in
a) the environmentalists
b) the hemp farming lobby
c) the forestry industry
d) the marijuana legalization lobby

8. "Hemp is about business control of what drugs people consume.

These two questions have and the environment. Marijuana is a moral
question about the government's nothing in common but the shape of
the leaf, and we have to separate the issues."
a) the hemp farming lobby
b) the marijuana legalization lobby
c) the forestry industry
d) the Canadian government

9. "In the Vancouver Grasstown Riot, of 1971, police attacked and

injured hundreds of peaceful marijuana smokers in one day."
a) the marijuana legalization lobby
b) the forestry industry
c) the Canadian government
d) the hemp farming lobby

10. "Logging is still the biggest employer and the single biggest
contributor to tax revenue in BC."
a) the hemp farming lobby
b) the forestry industry
c) the Canadian government
d) the hemp farming lobby

Technical Report writing

In higher education and work, formal reports communicate information to others without the need for
meetings. If you are required to explain your work to others in this way, effective reports are vital. Effective
reports will give you a professional image and get others to take your work seriously.

Report writing in Higher Education: You may be required to produce written reports as part of your
course, so you will have opportunities to enhance your report writing skills. Reports can form a regular part of
assessed work and can be needed if you're involved in extra-curricular activities with societies or external

Report writing at work: Reports are a way of informing and persuading people as well as initiating
change. You might prepare or contribute to annual, project or progress reports. A well-structured report that has
clear objectives will get more attention and is more likely to produce the intended results.

Types of Report:

Incident Report a report describing something that has happened

Accident Report a report describing how someone was hurt or something was damaged

Sales Report a report describing how many goods or services were sold, and the reasons
for any differences from the plan

Progress Report a report describing how close you are to completing something you planned

Feasibility Study / Report a report on how practical a proposal is

Recommendation Report a report on what your organisation should do

Site a report on what has happened in a place, and how close your organisation
is to finishing construction

Case Study an academic report on how and why something has changed over time

Reports have their own structure and this is distinct from the form of an essay. Essays are mainly used to
allow you to demonstrate your ideas and arguments to others. Written reports provide specific research-based
information which results in a course of action being decided and acted on. Reports are designed to give
information concisely and accurately. A formal report has an impersonal and objective "tone of voice". The main
argument is clear and uses a minimum of words. Accurately presented facts are in the main body of the report -
your evaluation of these is in the "conclusions" and "recommendations" sections.

A report differs from an essay in that a report:

 presents information, not an argument
 is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader

 uses numbered headings and sub-headings
 uses short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable
 uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)
 may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)
 does not always need references and bibliography
 is often followed by recommendations and/or appendices

Reports tend to follow a standard structure but much depends on the circumstances in which they are being
written. It helps to ask your lecturers, employers or mentors what they expect - there may be an accepted way of
writing a report appropriate to your course, employment or professional body.

A report should generally include the following sections.

(Sections marked with an asterisk (*) are essential: others are optional depending on the type, length and purpose
of the report.)

 Letter of transmittal
 Title page*
 Table of contents
 List of abbreviations and/or glossary
 Executive summary/abstract
 Introduction*
 Body*
 Conclusion*
 Recommendations
 Bibliography
 Appendices

Letter of transmittal
This is a letter to the person who commissioned the report, in which you effectively hand over your work to
that person. Include:
 the purpose of the letter (eg. Here is the final version of the report on ‘Underwater Welding’ which was
commissioned by your organisation.)
 the main finding of the report
 any important considerations
 an acknowledgement of any significant help
 an expression of pleasure or gratitude (eg. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on this

Title page
This must contain:

 the report title which clearly states the purpose of the report
 full details of the person(s) for whom the report was prepared
 full details of the person(s) who prepared the report
 the date of the presentation of the report

Table of Contents
(usually only if the report is longer than, say, ten pages)

This is a list of the headings and appendices of the report. Depending on the complexity and length of the
report, you could list tables, figures and appendices separately. Make sure the correct page numbers are shown
opposite the contents. Up-to-date word processing packages can generate a table of contents for you.

Abbreviations and/or glossary

If necessary, you should provide an alphabetical list of the abbreviations you have used in the report, especially
if they may not be familiar to all readers of the report.

If you have used a lot of technical terms, you should also provide a glossary (an alphabetical list of the terms,
with brief explanations of their meanings).

Acknowledgements (if appropriate)

This is a short paragraph thanking any person or organization which gave you help in collecting data or
preparing the report.

Abstract (Summary or Executive Summary)

An abstract is quite different from an introduction. It is a summary of the report, in which you include one
sentence (or so) for every main section of your report. For example, you can include:

 the context of the research

 the purpose of the report
 the major findings (you may need several sentences here)
 the conclusions
 the main recommendations

Write the abstract after you have written the report.

 Give enough background information to provide a context for the report.
 State the purpose of the report.
 Clarify key terms and indicate the scope of the report (ie what the report will cover).

The content of the body depends on the purpose of the report, and whether it is a report of primary or secondary

A report of primary research (based on your own observations and experiments) would include:

 Literature review (what other people have written about this topic). The literature review should lead
towards your research question.
 Method (summarizes what you did and why). Use the past tense.
 Findings or results (describes what you discovered, observed, etc, in your observations and experiments).
Use the past tense.
 Discussion (discusses and explains your findings and relates them to previous research). Use the present
tense to make generalizations.

A report of secondary research (based on reading only) would include:

 Information organised under appropriate topics with sub-headings. It is unlikely that your report will
discuss each source separately. You need to synthesise material from different sources under topic
 Analysis/discussion of the sources you are reporting.

Sum up the main points of the report. The conclusion should clearly relate to the objectives of your report. No
surprises please! (that is, don’t include new information here.)

Recommendations (if appropriate)

These are suggestions for future action. They must be logically derived from the body of your report.

(See our page on Using References for more information).

An appendix contains material which is too detailed, technical, or complex to include in the body of the report
(for example, specifications, a questionnaire, or a long complex table of figures), but which is referred to in the
report. Appendices are put at the very end of the report, after everything else. Each appendix should contain
different material. Number each appendix clearly.



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