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J ournal of

Food Chemistry & Nanotechnology https://doi.org/10.17756/jfcn.2018-060

Review Article Open Access

Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure,

Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications and

Osama O. Ibrahim*
Consultant Biotechnology/ Food Safety, Bio Innovation, USA

Correspondence to:

Osama O. Ibrahim, PhD

Consultant Biotechnology/Food Safety Functional oligosaccharides are carbohydrates that have two to ten
Bio Innovation, USA
Tel: 847-682-0655
monosaccharides units linked together with glycosidic bonds. The two linked
E-mail: [email protected] monosaccharides (disaccharides) of maltose, sucrose, and lactose are digestible
oligosaccharides by human gut enzymes. These, digestible disaccharides are
Received: July 30, 2018 sugars and are not classified as functional oligosaccharides.
Accepted: October 04, 2018
Published: October 06, 2018 Functional oligosaccharides are non-digestible by human gut enzymes
Citation: Ibrahim OO. 2018. Functional Oligo- and providing health benefits as fibers and prebiotics [1]. The common known
saccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, functional oligosaccharides are fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides,
Health Benefits, Applications and Regulations. J lacto-sucrose, malto-oligosaccharides, isomalto-oligosaccharides, trehalose,
Food Chem Nanotechnol 4(4): 65-76. cyclodextrins, xylo-oligosaccharides, and soy-oligosaccharides.
Copyright: © 2018 Ibrahim. This is an Open
Functional oligosaccharides have mildly sweet taste and other characteristics
Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International such as, mouth feeling. This mouth feeling characteristic interest food industry
License (CC-BY) (http://creativecommons. to incorporate these functional oligosaccharides in foods as a partial substitute
org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits commercial for fat and sugars, and to improve food texture. With the exception, of malto-
use, including reproduction, adaptation, and oligosaccharides and trehalose, functional oligosaccharides are non-digestible in
distribution of the article provided the original
small intestine digestive enzymes and reached large intestine (colon) where it
author and source are credited.
acts as a growth factor (prebiotics) to enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria
Published by United Scientific Group (probiotics) and inhibit pathogenic bacteria in the colon via competitive exclusion.
These benefits to colon and for other health benefits, plus unique characteristics
have increased the global market of functional oligosaccharides applications in
foods, pharmaceuticals, and in other industrial sectors.
Due to, the increase demand of functional oligosaccharides for their health
benefits and characteristics, functional oligosaccharides are currently produced
enzymatically at higher yield, and lower cost from different natural sources of
carbohydrates as a replacement of costly plants extraction methods.
Two of these enzymatically produced functional oligosaccharides are
cyclodextrins and trehalose. In addition, to their highlighted health benefits, both
have an important pharmaceutical application in drugs delivery systems, in the
case of cyclodextrins, and as cryoprotectants of biological materials, viable cells,
and foods, in the case of trehalose.

Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides, Monosaccharides, Fructo-oligo-
saccharides, Galacto-oligosaccharides, Lacto-sucrose, Malto-oligosaccharides,
Trehalose, Isomalto-oligosaccharides, Cyclodextrins, Xylo-oligosaccharides, Soy-
oligosaccharides, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Drugs delivery systems, Cryoprotectant

Functional oligosaccharides are short chain of carbohydrate polymers that not

Ibrahim. 65
Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

exceeds ten monosaccharides. They are important groups of at lower cost with high yields and purity in replacements to
polymeric carbohydrates that are found in all living organisms natural extraction methods of these oligosaccharides from
in the form of lipopolysaccharides through the reaction of plants tissue that are costly due to, lower yields.
O-glycosidic or N-glycosidic bonds with lipids, or in the
Functional oligosaccharides are classified into four groups:
form of glycoprotein through the reaction on N-glycosidic
bonds with the amino acid asparagine in proteins structure to 1. Sucrose-related oligosaccharides.
function like cell to cell recognitions, interactions or adhesions
2. Lactose-related oligosaccharides.
3. Starch-related oligosaccharides.
In higher plants, functional oligosaccharides are one of
fibers chemical structure in plant tissues, and naturally present 4. Others-oligosaccharides.
in some plants tissue with large amounts such as, in Jerusalem
artichokes from where commercial inulin is extracted [3].
Functional oligosaccharides are also, found in small amounts Sucrose Related Oligosaccharides
in onions, garlic, legumes, wheat, asparagus, and other plants
as food source. All functional oligosaccharides except malto- Fructo- oligosaccharides
oligosaccharides and trehalose are indigestible with prebiotics Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) also, known by the name
property due to, the lack of enzymes in digestive system that oligofructose or oligo fructan are naturally presents in higher
break down these functional oligosaccharides. Undigested plants such as, fruits and vegetables [9]. They are short chain
functional oligosaccharides reached the large intestine of fructose polymer that are different from inulin in the degree
(colon) where beneficial bacteria in the colon are capable to of fructose polymerization (DP). Inulin has higher degree of
hydrolyse, and ferment these functional oligosaccharides fructose polymerization (DP), and is present in higher plants
providing energy and absorbable nutrients such as, short such as, in Jerusalem artichoke.
chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that may have beneficial effect on Fructo-oligosaccharides are manufactured enzymatically
large intestine limning in colon cancer prevention [4]. This, [10] using the enzyme fructosyl-transferase (EC,
property of functional oligosaccharides in the colon gave them or the enzyme ß-fructo-furanosidase (EC Both
the name prebiotics. Prebiotics definition are non-digestible enzymes are derived from mold or bacteria such as, Aspergillus
nutrients that selectively promote the growth of beneficial niger or Lactobacillus bulgaricus, respectively. These two
normal intestinal microorganisms (microbiota) that may have enzymes utilize sucrose as a substrate for the production of
beneficial health effects [5]. Fructo-oligosaccharides chemical structures of [G-(F) n
Functional oligosaccharides have mildly sweet taste with -F], composed of fructose units (F), with β (2→1) glycosidic
mouthfeel and texture characteristic [6] that interest food bonds, and glucose terminal unit (G), with α (1→2) glycosidic
industries in utilizing these oligosaccharides to improve food bond. End products from these enzymatic reactions are fructo-
texture, and as, partial replacement for fats and sugars [7] oligosaccharides, and the by-product of free glucose units. Free
in healthy foods. Other common properties for functional glucose units in the reaction mixture inhibit the enzymatic
oligosaccharides are zero or low calorie, low sweetener process causing low yield of fructo-oligosaccharides. To
intensity that are about one third of sucrose sweetness, high improve the yield, the released by-product of free glucose is
soluble in water than sucrose, heat stable, hydrolyse only at removed by using cross flow ultrafiltration membrane, while
high acid environments, and non-carcogenic. retaining the enzyme in the production process.
Common health benefits of functional oligosaccharides Fructo-oligosaccharides are also, produced enzymatically
are prebiotics that enhance beneficial bacteria such as at high yield from the polysaccharide inulin as a substrate using
Bifidobacterium species and Lactobacillus species in the colon, the enzyme inulinase (EC, derived from Aspergillus
increase the digestion of lactose metabolism, enhance minerals niger. The substrate inulin is extracted with high yield from
absorption, improve the good ratio of HDL/LDL, decrease higher plants such as, from Jerusalem artichoke, and the
serum lipids, decrease blood cholesterol, improve blood enzyme inulinase hydrolyse the long chain inulin of fructose
pressure, decrease fecal PH, remove toxics from the body, and polymer into short chains of fructo-oligosaccharides [11].
have lower glycemic index. There are three major chemical structures of fructo-
Functional oligosaccharides have been used extensively in oligosaccharides that are produced enzymatically as a mixture.
foods, and as dietary supplements for health benefits to regulate These are; kestose (GF2), nystose (GF3), and fructofuranosyl
and control blood glucose for diabetes, reduce lipid level for nystose (GF4), of which the fructose units (F) are linked at
patients with hyperlipidemia symptoms, control body weight, the ß (2→1) glycosidic bonds, and the terminal glucose unit
and for healthy colon. In addition, functional oligosaccharides (G) is linked to fructose unit at the α (1→2) glycosidic bond
have applications in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agrichemical (Figure 1).
formulations, and in encapsulation technology [8]. Fructo-oligosaccharides are water soluble with a sweetness
Due to, the great interest of these types of oligosaccharides about 0.3 to 0.6 time of sucrose depends on the mixture ratio
for health benefits and other applications, enzymatic process of these three chemical structures of fructo-oligosaccharides,
has been developed to produce functional oligosaccharides have higher viscosity than sucrose at the same concentration

Journal of Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology | Volume 4 Issue 4, 2018 66

Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

due to, their larger molecular weights, thermostable than Lactose Related Oligosaccharides
sucrose, have PH 4.0 to 7.0 which is the normal PH range to
food products, and have estimated caloric values about 1.5 to Galacto-oligosahharides
-2.0 kcal/gram which is about half the caloric values of sucrose.
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GalOS) are naturally occurred
These properties, qualified fructo-oligosaccharides to be used
in milk at low concentration [18], and commercially produced
as a substitute for sucrose in foods such as, yogurt, nutrition
enzymatically by trans galactosylation of milk sugar lactose
bars, diet beverages, other food products, and in low-calorie
as a substrate, using the microbial enzyme ß-galactosidase
sweetener for diabetes [12]. Fructo-oligosaccharides are also,
(EC derived from the mold Aspergillus oryzae.
used as dietary fiber for constipation and traveler’s diarrhea.
This enzyme uses one of the two disaccharide lactose in
In addition, for the use as prebiotics to enhance the growth
the enzymatic reaction as galactose donor, and the second
of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Fructo-oligosaccharides are
lactose as galactose acceptor for the production of galacto–
being claimed to improve mineral absorption, and decrease
oligosaccharides (Figure 2).
phospholipids, serum cholesterol, and triglycerides [13].

Figure 2: Production of galacto-oligosaccharides from lactose

The enzyme galactosidase catalyzes two reactions; the first reaction is the
hydrolysis of lactose into galactose and glucose, the second reaction is trans-
galactocylation of galactose as a donor to the second lactose forming galactose-
oligosaccharides with different degrees of galactose polymerization.

Chemical structure of galacto-oligosaccharides chain

[G-(Gal)2-Gal], are varies in galactose (Gal) unit’s length
with a terminal of glucose (G) unit. The degree of galactose
polymerization is in the range of two to eight galactose units
(Figure 3), depends on different factors. These factors are;
the enzyme property and activity, lactose concentration as a
substrate, enzymatic reaction time, optimum conditions (pH,
temperature, etc.), and enzymatic process method (free or
immobilized enzymes) [19]. Enzymatic reaction endpoints
are galacto-oligosaccharides, free galactose, and free glucose.
The presence of free galactose and glucose as by-products
Figure 1: Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) inhibit the enzymatic reaction causing low yield of galacto-
A mixture of Kestose (GF2), Nestose (GF3), and Fructofuranosyl nystose
(GF4) which fructose units (F) are bound at β (2→1) glycosidic bonds, and
oligosaccharides. To improve the enzymatic reaction and yield,
glucose terminal unit (G) is bound at α (1→2) glycosidic bond. the released free galactose and glucose units are removed by
using cross flow ultrafiltration membrane, while retaining the
enzyme in the production process [20].
Fructo-oligosaccharides are general recognized as safe
(GRAS) by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [14], and
by other worldwide regulatory agencies for food applications
and pharmaceutical drugs formulations. In the European
Union, fructo-oligosaccharides are approved for use in infant
formulas in combination with galacto-oligosaccharide [15]
and in the year 2013, Food Standards of Australia, and New
Zealand concluded that no adverse effects on healthy infants
fed fructo-oligosaccharides up to 3.0 grams per litre for periods
ranging from one week to three months [16].
The accepted daily intake of fructo-oligosaccharides
should not exceed 20 grams/day for adults, and 4.2 grams/day Figure 3: Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)
Composed of galactose chain linked together with ß (1-6) glycosidic bonds, and
for infants less than one year old [17]. Higher daily intake of bound to glucose terminal by ß (1-3) or ß (1-4) glycosidic bond.
fructo-oligosaccharides could have side effects [18] such as,
intestinal gas (flatulence), intestinal noises, bloating, stomach
Galacto-oligosaccharides are commercially available as a
cramps, diarrhea, and may have negative effects on patients
polymer of galactose with different degree of polymerization
suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and patients
(DP), and are used as low cariogenic as a substitute for high
suffering from small intestinal bacteria overgrowth syndrome
cariogenic sugars such as, sucrose, glucose, or fructose, with

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

properties of having pleasant taste, providing texture, mouth substrates to produce lacto-sucrose at high yield, and lower
feeling to foods, having moisture retaining capacity, and cost [28].
thermostable during food processing. In addition, to have
health benefits such as, neglectable impact on blood glucose
level due to, the lack of galacto-oligosaccharides digestible
enzymes in the digestive system and having prebiotic
properties [21].
Galacto-oligosaccharides are used in wide varieties of
adult foods in such as, backed goods, beverages, and in infant
formula at the range of 6.0 to 7.2 grams per litre together with
fracto-oligosaccharides at the range of 0.6 to 0.7 grams per
litre [22]. Other applications are as dietary supplement, in
cosmetics, and in pharmaceutical products.
Health benefits of galacto-oligosaccharides as prebiotic
stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria such as,
Bifidobacterium species, and lactobacillus species that inhibit
the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as, Escherichia
coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Clostridium species via Figure 4: Lacto-sucrose
competitive excision, plus, enhance immune response, improve Trisaccharide composed of galactose, glucose, and fructose linked together with
stool frequency, and relieve symptoms of constipation. glycosidic bonds.
Constipation symptoms are the main problem for infants,
elderly and pregnant women. [23].
This rare oligosaccharide of lacto-sucrose is non-digestible,
Because of the prebiotic property of galacto- non-cariogenic, promotes intestinal mineral absorption,
oligosaccharides, the application is not limited to human but and is suitable for low-calorie food products, with multiple
also, in animal feeds to improve the health and growth of farm applications as food additive in both foods and beverages such
animals, and to reduce antibiotics use as a way to minimize as, baked goods, ice-creams, candies, infant formula, juices,
the concern of immerging antibiotics resistance against and mineral water. The degree of lacto-sucrose sweetness is
microbial pathogens for both human and animals [24]. Plus, similar to sucrose and its, functional properties are similar to
the incorporation of galacto-oligosaccharides in animal feeds other functional oligosaccharides.
have positive impact on environment in reducing methane gas
Lacto-sucrose is generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
emission from ruminates animals [25], and reducing fecal odor
by FDA in United States, and by other worldwide regulatory
from animals’ farms due to, the non-fermentable properties of
agencies for the formulation of foods and functional foods
galacto-oligosaccharides [26].
products. Plus, it is marketed as prebiotics to regulate intestinal
Galacto-oligosaccharides are generally recognized as safe microflora [29] for selectively increase the beneficial bacteria
(GRAS) by FDA in the Unites States, and by other worldwide of Bifidobacterium species, and inhibit enteric pathogenic
regulatory agencies due to, their presence naturally in human bacteria including Enterobacteriaceae family and Clostridium
milk, yogurt, and in both human and animals’ intestinal tracks perfringens in the colon. The suggested daily intake of lacto-
from milk lactose fermentation by resident intestinal microflora. sucrose for adults is in the range of 3.0 grams/day.
The recommended daily intake of galacto-oligosaccharides is
In addition, lacto-sucrose, has potential applications as
in the range of 0.3 to 0.4 gram/kilogram body weight, and the
excipient for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics formulations
only known side effect of galacto-oligosaccharides intake is
[30]. Some research publications demonstrated that the
transient osmotic diarrhea that occurred when consumed at
consumption of lacto-sucrose as prebiotic benefit patients
higher dose [27].
with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [31]. Plus, there are
several patents highlighted the application of lacto- sucrose as
an active ingredient in drugs for the prevention of some skin
Lacto-sucrose is a trisaccharide oligosaccharide composed diseases [32].
of galactose, glucose, and fructose (Figure 4), that occurred
naturally at low concentration in yogurt when both sucrose
and lactose sugars are present together in the milk, and Starch Related Oligosaccharides
commercially produced enzymatically using both sucrose
Starches are homo-polysaccharide of glucose units and are
and lactose sugars as substrates. Microbial enzymes used
the storage form of carbohydrates in higher plants. [33]. There
for this enzymatic process are levansucrase (EC,
are two types of starches amylose and amylopectin. Amylose
or fructofuranosidase (EC Both enzymes have
starch is unbranched homo-polysaccharide of hundreds of
transfructosylation activities, that transfer fructose unit
glucose units linked together by α-(1→4) glycosidic bonds
from sucrose to lactose. The major production method of
(Figure 5). Amylopectin starch is the branched homo-
lacto-sucrose is by enzyme Immobilization technology in a
polysaccharide of thousands of glucose units formed in main
continuous process using both sucrose and lactose sugars as

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

Malto-oligosaccharides are composed of glucose units
joined together by α (1→4) glycosidic bonds and are a series
of linear oligosaccharides composed of two (G2), three (G3),
four (G4), five (G5) and six (G6) of glucose (G) units.
Figure 5: Amylose starch
Leaner homo-polysaccharide composed of hundreds of glucose units linked Enzymatic process for the production of malto-
together by α-(1→4) glycosidic bonds. oligosaccharides is by adding the enzyme malto-
chain linked together by-α (1→4) glycosidic bonds, and oligosaccharide forming amylase (MFAses) [34] to starch
after every 25-30 glucose units a branch point is formed by a slurry that have been liquefied by the enzyme α-amylase
glucose unit joint to the main chain with α-(1→6) glycosidic (EC, and to improve the production yield of malto-
bonds (Figure 6). These two types of starch are substrates for oligosaccharides the second enzyme pullulanase (EC
enzymatic production of starch related oligosaccharides. is also, added to the starch slurry to break down α-(1→6)
glycosidic bonds in the branched starch of amylopectin. The
majority of malto-oligosaccharides produced by these multiple
enzymatic processes are a mixture of different degree of
glucose (G) polymerization of maltotriose (G3), maltotetraose
(G4), maltopentaose (G5), and maltohexaose (G6) (Figure 8).

Figure 6: Amylopectin starch

Branched homo-polysaccharide cmposed of thousands glucose units in main Figure 8: Malto-Oligosaccharides (MOS)
chain linked together by-α (1→4) glycosidic bonds, and every 25-30 glucose Linear chain of glucose units joined together by α (1→4) glycocidic bonds.
units a branch point is formed by glucose unit joint to the main chain with by
α-(1→6) glycosidic bond. The branched chain of 15 to 25 glucose units linked
together by α (1→4) glycosidic bonds. Malto-oligosaccharides are digestible nutrient sweetener,
with characteristics of low sweet, low calorie, and have low
There are several starch related oligosaccharides that are osmotic pressure, with multiple applications [35] in food
produced via enzymatic processes from these two types of processing, beverages, dairy products, juices, jams, cakes, wines,
starch. They are malto-oligosaccharides, trehalose, isomalto- and functional foods.
oligosaccharides, cyclodextrins, nigero-oligosaccharides, Malto-oligosaccharides are marketed in the form of syrup
and gentio-oligosaccharides (Figure 7). From these starch or powder. The syrup form is viscous, transparent liquid, and
related oligosaccharides malto-oligosaccharides, isomalto- appears as color less or yellowish that has moderate sweet
oligosaccharides, trehalose, and cyclodextrins are naturally taste, with applications in candies and sweet syrup products.
present and are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by Food The powder form appears white, and also, has moderate sweet
and Drugs Administration (FDA) in United States, and by taste, with applications in food products [36] such as, infant’s
other worldwide regulatory agencies for safe applications in formulas, healthcare products, sport drinks for athletes, backed
both foods and pharmaceuticals industries for health benefits. goods, and lower mellow beers.
Applications of malto-oligosaccharides for health benefits
[37] are to relax tiredness, to improve intestines peristalsis/
functions, and to prevent constipation. Other application for
highly purified malto-oligosaccharides, is in clinical chemistry
as a substrate for measuring blood glucose.

Trehalose is non-reducing disaccharide of two glucose
units linked together with α (1→1) glycosidic bond (Figure 9).
It is naturally present in mushrooms, yeast fermented dough
Figure 7: Microbial enzymes for the production of Starch related for baked goods, and in other food products [38].
(1). malto-oligosacccharides forming amylase, (2). α-Glucosidase, (3). Trehalose is commercially produced from yeast cells by
cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase), (4).maltooligosyltrehalose extraction process or produced enzymatically from malto-
synthase (MTSase) & maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (MTHase)
oligosaccharides as a substrate, using two mutases enzymes in
(5). ß-Glucosidase
the process. The first mutase enzyme is malto-oligosyltrehalose

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

stabilizer for dried foods, fruit filling, nutrient bars, instant rice,
instant noodles, bakery creams, sugar coating, and fruits. In
pharmaceutical industry, trehalose is used as cryo-protectant
[40] for mammalian cells, and therapeutic proteins to limit the
damage after freezing. Trehalose is also, used as an ingredient
along with, hyaluronic acid in the artificial tears products for
the treatment of tear dry eye.
Health benefits of trehalose includes, low potency in
promoting tooth decay, and in triggering a small increase of
blood insulin levels. Some research studies demonstrated that
daily intake of 10 grams of trehalose improve glucose tolerance
and reduce the progress of insulin resistance. Furthermore,
Figure 9: Trehalose researchers suggested that trehalose can potentially reduce
None reducing disaccharide formed from two glucose units joined together
by α (1→1) glycosidic bond giving the name α D-glucopyranosyl (1→1)-α
the development of metabolic syndrome and reduce other
D-glucopyranoside. associated lifestyle-related diseases such as, type 2 diabetes
[41]. The only, reported disadvantages from trehalose intake is
synthase (MTSase, EC with a mechanism to the high glycemic index, and is not suitable for patients with
shift the α (1→4) glycosidic bond from reducing end of the active celiac diseases, or GLUT 1 deficiency syndrome, [42] a
two glucose units into α (1→1) glycosidic bond. The second disorder affecting the nervous system that can have a variety
mutase enzyme is malto-oligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase of neurological signs and symptoms, (GLUT 1, is the protein
(MTHase, EC with a mechanism to cleave the α that transport glucose across brain barrier).
(1→4) glycosidic bond that is next to the α (1→1) glycosidic Trehalose, is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by
bond in the terminal disaccharide of malto-oligosyltrehalose Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in United States and
to produce the end product of trehalose, plus, a shorter chain is also, approved in the European Union (EU), Australia, and
of α (1→4) malto -oligosaccharide [39] (Figure 10). New Zealand, and is commonly used in Japan, Taiwan, and
South Korea in food formulations.

Isomalto- oligosaccharides
Isomalto-oligosaccharides (ISMO) are composed of 3
to 6 glucose units linked together with indigestible α (1→6)
glycosidic bonds, and present naturally at low concentrations in
honey, and in fermented foods such as, in soy sauce. Isomalto-
oligosaccharides is manufactured on large scale by enzymatic
process [43] using starch as a substrate. This enzymatic
process, involves first amylase enzymes for starch liquefaction
and scarification, followed by the enzyme transglucosidase
(EC to convert glucose glycosidic bonds α (1→4)
in starch into indigestible glycosidic bonds of α (1→6) in
isomalto-oligosaccharides chemical structure, plus generating
Figure 10: Enzymatic production of Trehalose from Malto-Oligosaccharides some impurities of free glucose, maltose, and maltotriose.
Two mutases enzymatic processes: The first mutase is maltooligosyltrehalose These impurities, of glucose, maltose, and maltotriose are
synthase (MTSase) that shift the α (1→4) glycosidic bond from reducing fermentable sugars that can be removed by yeast fermentation
end of two glucose units into α (1→1) glycosidic bond. The second mutase
[44], to produce pure forms of isomalto-oligosaccharides with
enzyme is maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (MTHase) that cleave
the α (1→4) glycosidic bond that is next to the α (1→1) glycosidic bond in different degrees of glucose (G) polymerizations composed
terminal disaccharide of malto-oligosyltrehalose to yield the end product of isomaltose, panose, isomatotriose, and some other higher
trehalose, and α (1→4) a shorter chain of malto –oligosaccharide. oligosaccharides (Figure 11).
Isomalto-oligosaccharides are first produced in Japan for
This non-reducing disaccharide of trehalose can be
Asian market, and then became more widely commercially
hydrolyse (breakdown) by the intestinal lining enzyme
available worldwide in the form of syrup or powder. Isomalto-
trehalase (EC into two glucose units as a source of
oligosaccharides have low calorie and mild sweet taste, with
energy providing 4 calories/gram which, is similar to calorie
food applications, as bulking agent, and for adding fibers
generated from sucrose intake. Trehalose is 45% sweeter of
to food products. In addition, isomalto-oligosaccharides
sucrose, heat stable, and stabilizer. Stabilizer property helps
blend with intensive zero calorie sweeteners to mask their
in preserve cell structure, biological materials, and foods
unpleasant taste. Intensive zero calorie sweeteners are artificial
after heating or freezing, with applications in food, and
sweeteners such as saccharine, aspartame, stevia, sucralose,
pharmaceutical industries.
and acesulfame-k that are used as sugar substitute in diet and
In food industry, trehalose is used as texturizer, and functional foods. As prebiotic, isomalto-oligosaccharides have

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

Cyclodextrins are produced enzymatically [46] using starch

as a substrate, first the starch is liquefied by heat treatment or
by the enzyme α-amylase, then the liquefied starch is treated
with the microbial enzyme of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase
(CGTase, EC to synthesize a mixture of all forms of
cyclodextrins in a ratio that is vary depends on the property
of the CGTase enzyme used. Separation of these three
types of cyclodextrins individually is performed by column
chromatography, or by taken advantage of the different water
solubility of these three types of cyclodextrins.
The ring-shape of the three types (α, ß, and γ) of
cyclodextrins have hydroxyl (hydrophilic) groups outside the
ring and hydrophobic groups of glyosidic oxygen bonds in
Figure 11: Isomalto-Oligosaccharides (IMO)
the cavity (inner circle). This confirmation of glucopyranose
Composed of 3 to 6 glucose units linked together with an indigestible α
(1→6) glycosidic bonds. The mixture is mainly composed of: molecules makes cyclodextrins hydrophilic and shaped like
Isomaltose a disaccharide O-α-glucopyranosyl α (1→6) α-D-glucopyranoside. truncated cone rather than perfect cylinder (Figure13) and
Isomaltotriose a trisaccharide of α-D- glucosyl- (1→6) α-D-glucosyl enables cyclodextrins to insert hydrophilic compounds as
(1→6) α-D-glucose. guests inside the cavity, forming what is so-called host/guest
Panose a trisaccharide of α-D-glucopyranosyl (1→6) α-D-glucopyranosyl
inclusion complexes [47]. The cavity size of cyclodextrins is the
smallest for α-cyclodextrin, and the largest for γ- cyclodextrin.

been shown to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in

the colon. Other, health benefits of isomalto-oligosaccharides
are in reducing blood cholesterol and triglycerides, plus assist
the body to absorb minerals from foods [45].
Isomalto-oligosaccharides are general recognized as
safe (GRAS) by FDA in United States and are approved by
other worldwide regulatory agencies with maximum daily
intake of 30.0 grams/day. Over consumption of isomalto-
oligosaccharides may cause gastrointestinal symptoms like
flatulence, bloating, soft stool, or diarrhea.

Cyclodextrins (CD) also known by the name cyclo-
amyloses are family of cyclic oligosaccharides made of
glucose molecules linked together with α (1→4) glycosidic
bonds in a ring forming shape of glucopyranose molecules.
Typical chemical structure of cyclodextrins contain a number
of glucose units ranging from six to eight units, creating a
cone shapes of α-cyclodextrin a six glucose units (G6) ring
molecule, β-cyclodextrin a seven glucose units (G7) ring Figure 13: Cylodextrin cone shape
molecule, and γ-cyclodextrin an eight glucose units (G8) ring The Cyclodextrin exterior is water soluble (hydrophilic groups) and the
molecule (Figure 12) interior is lipophilic (hydrophobic groups), therefore cyclodextrins are water

Cyclodextrins, α, ß, and γ are generally recognized as

safe by FDA in United stated and are approved by other
worldwide organizations for the application in both food, and
pharmaceutical formulations [48] in addition, to the application
of cyclodextrins for drugs delivery system by encapsulating
in cyclodextrins cavities active drug ingredients (ADI) for
Figure 12: Cyclodextrins (CD)
target delivery in human body (Figure 14). Some examples,
Three oligosaccharides are made up of glucose molecules linked together for cyclodextrins in pharmaceutical industry are used as,
with α (1→4) glycosidic bonds in a ring forming cyclic oligosaccharides of: complexing agents to increase the aqueous solubility of poorly
α-Cyclodextrin: Sex glucose unites ring molecule. water-soluble drugs, to increase both drugs bioavailability
ß-Cyclodextrin: Seven glucose unites ring molecule. and stability, to reduce or prevent gastrointestinal irritation,
γ -Cyclodextrin: Eight glucose units ring molecules.
to reduce or eliminate unpleasant smells or tastes, to prevent

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

drug to drug interactions, and to convert oils and liquid drugs are linked together by ß (1→4) glycosidic bonds are vary from
into microcrystalline or amorphous powders [49]. tow to ten units (Figure 15).

Figure 14: Cyclodextrins drugs delivery system

The Cyclodextrin exterior is water soluble (hydrophilic groups) and the The
genomic shape of cyclodextrins creates cavity that allow cyclodextrins to
engulf smaller molecules. The size of the cavity dictated the size molecule
that may be encapsulated. γ-cyclodextrin encapsulate a larger molecule than
α-cyclodextrin. The modified natural cyclodextrin known by the names Figure 15: Xylo-oligosaccharodes
cyclodextrin derivatives are developed to improve binding affinity and Composed of Xylose residues linked together by ß (1→4) glycosidic bonds.
engulfed drug’s efficacy. (n) is the variable number of xylose units linked together.

Unlike γ -cyclodextrin, both α-and β-cyclodextrin, cannot Xylo-oligosaccharides are produced enzymatically using
hydrolyse by human saliva, and by pancreatic amylases [50], xylan as a substrate. Xylan is a pentose polymer of sugar
and are described as non-digestible prebiotic carbohydrates, xylose present in hemicellulose structure of plant cells and
which support the beneficial intestinal microflora in the colon. can be extracted from agriculture residue [55] by using alkali
chemicals such as, potassium or sodium hydroxide (KOH or
In the United States’ cyclodextrins applications in food
NaOH), or by using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
industry are regulated as food additives, and in the European
Union cyclodextrins applications in food industry are Enzymatic process for the production of xylo-
regulated as novel foods. General application of cyclodextrins oligosaccharides from xylan as a substrate, is by using the
in foods are in such as, stabilization of flavors, flavor delivery, microbial enzyme xylanase (EC This enzyme
the eliminations of undesired tastes, the eliminations of hydrolysis ß (1→4) glycosidic bonds that linked xylose units in
microbiological contaminations, and developing browning xylan chemical structure. This enzymatic process was originally
reaction in foods and baked goods. Other examples for the developed and manufactured in Japan, and is recently became
application of ß-cyclodextrin is to remove cholesterol from commercially available worldwide due to, the improved
milk, butter, eggs, and its use in food preservation [51]. production yield that reduced the production cost [56].
In addition, to the application of cyclodextrins in foods, Xylo-oligosaccharides are naturally present at low
and pharmaceutical industries, cyclodextrins have other concentration in fruits, vegetables, bamboo, honey, and milk.
industrial applications such as, in cosmetics, and in agriculture And are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by FDA in U.S.
chemicals formulation. In cosmetic industry, cyclodextrins are and are approved by other worldwide organizations for the
used to control release fragrances from inclusion products such application in foods, and pharmaceutical products formulation.
as, from detergents, perfumes and room fresheners [52]. In
Xylo-oligosaccharides are water soluble, have low caloric
agriculture industry, cyclodextrins are used in manufacturing
value with sweet taste that about 40% sweetness comparing to
complex formulas of pesticides, herbicides, and insects’
sugar sucrose, have humectant, and antimicrobial properties.
repellents for the production of safety products to consumers,
In food industry, xylo-oligosaccharides are incorporated
and to be environmentally friendly [53].
in a wide variety of food products, such as, beverages, dairy
In general, the three types of cyclodextrins have wide products, acid products, salad dressings, alcohol beverages,
range of applications, and ß-cyclodextrin seems to be the more functional foods, and sugarless or low sugar confections.
used especially in pharmaceutical industry due to, the size of In pharmaceutical industry, several clinical trials have
its cavity, its efficacy, and for its lower production cost [54]. been demonstrated a variety of health benefits from xylo-
oligosaccharides consumption such as, reducing blood sugar
and lipid, laxation, and showed beneficial changes in immune
Other Oligosaccharides response. Xylo-oligosaccharides are also, used as prebiotic [57]
and as, soluble fiber in dietary supplement products. These
Xylo-oligosaccharides health benefits have been observed at low daily intake of 1.0
Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) are polymer of five to 4.0 grams/day [58].
carbons (C5) of the pentose sugar xylose which, makes xylo-
oligosaccharides are different from other oligosaccharides that Soy-oligosaccharides
are polymers of six carbon (C6) of hexose sugars. The number Soy beans are rich in oligosaccharides, with small amounts
of xylose units in xylo-oligosaccharides chemical structure that

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and Regulations Ibrahim.

of fructose, rhamnose, and arabinose, in addition, to non- the enzyme α- galactosidase enzyme capable to break down
starch polysaccharides (NSP) that are divided into polymers (hydrolyze) soy-oligosaccharides into fermentable sugars.
of insoluble cellulose, and soluble pectin. These fermentable sugars enhance the growth of enteric
bacteria in the colon. Currently, some scientists did not consider
Soy-oligosaccharides are easily extracted from defatted
soy-oligosaccharides as prebiotic due to, conflict in published
soy meal (DSM) in 50 0C water containing 10% ethanol.
research reports on the property of Soy-oligosaccharides as
The insoluble extract of proteins and cellulose are removed
prebiotic. Some researchers observed a significant increase
by ultrafiltration, and the soluble fraction that contain the
in only the beneficial bacteria of Bifidobacterium species [60],
soy-oligosaccharides is concentrated. The extracted soy-
while others, observed significant increase in both beneficial
oligosaccharides from soy beans is a mixture of raffinose,
bacteria of Bifidobacterium species and the pathogenic bacteria
stachyose, and verbascose. This mixture is also known by the
of Clostridium species. This disputed research reports on the
name Raffinose Series Oligosaccharides (RSO).
prebiotic property of soy-oligosaccharides still needs further
Chemical structures of soy-oligosaccharides (Figure 16) investigation.

Functional oligosaccharides are low molecular weight
carbohydrates with different degrees of polymerization (DP)
of monosaccharides in the range of two to ten units. They are
intermediate chemical structures in molecular weight between
monosaccharides, and polysaccharides. They are present
naturally in small quantities in different natural sources such
as higher plants, algae, bacteria, yeast, and fungi.
Due to, increasing demands of these functional
Figure 16: Extraction of Soy –oligosaccharide oligosaccharides for health benefits, functional oligosaccharides
Soy- oligosaccharides are namely, raffinose, stachyose, and verbascose.
Raffinose is a trisaccharide containing galactose linked by α (1→6) bond
are produced commercially by enzymatic processes at higher
to the glucose unit of sucrose. Stachyose is a tetrasaccharide containing yield and lower costs comparing to extraction methods
extra galactose unit linked to raffinose by α (1→6) bond. Verbascose is from natural sources. Carbohydrates are the main substrates
pentasaccharide containing extra galactose unit linked to stachyose by α for microbial enzymes in the production of functional
(1→6) bond. oligosaccharides enzymatically at large scale operations.

• Raffinose (C18 H32 O16) is a trisaccharide of galactose With the exception of malto-oligosaccharides and
polymer linked by α (1→6) bond to the glucose unit in the trehalose, all known functional oligosaccharides are non-
disaccharide sucrose. digestible dietary fibers with prebiotic properties, that are
gaining consumers demand since 1980s for health benefits.
• Stachyose (C24 H42 O21) is a tetra-saccharide of one The definition of prebiotics are non-digestible compounds
galactose unit linked by α (1→6) bond to the trisaccharide that promote in the colon the growth of healthy endogenous
raffinose. or oral intake live beneficial bacteria. These healthy bacteria
• Verbascose (C30 H52 O26) is penta-saccharide of one (probiotics) with the help of functional oligosaccharides
galactose unit linked by α (1→6) bond to the tetra-saccharide as prebiotics multiply in the colon with high growth rate
stachyose. that inhibit the growth of harmful pathogenic bacteria via
competitive exclusion plus, producing metabolites and short
Soy-oligosaccharides are low calorie sweeteners and chain fatty acids that help maintaining healthy colon. These
soluble fiber that, can make the stools softer. In addition, to metabolites, and short chain fatty acids are generated by the
have common health benefits such as, preventing constipation, microbial fermentation of functional oligosaccharides in
improve absorption of calcium and other minerals, increase the colon. This relationship between probiotics (beneficial
microbial metabolites of short chain fatty acid that help bacteria), and prebiotics (functional oligosaccharides) is
reducing the risk of colon cancer, and minimize toxic referred to synbiotics.
metabolites production that effect liver. The recommended
daily intake of soy-oligosaccharides is 4.0 grams/day, and Furthermore, the low sweetness attribute and low caloric
It is important to highlight that over consumption of soy- values of these functional oligosaccharides makes them
oligosaccharides may trigger abdominal bloating, excessive useful as bulking agents in low calories food formulations.
gas, and diarrhea [59]. This bulking property of these functional oligosaccharides,
stimulates healthy bowel movements, preventing constipation,
The characteristic of α (1→6) linked bonds in soy- and diarrhea symptoms. In addition, these functional
oligosaccharides chemical structures is unbreakable due to, the oligosaccharides are humectants due to, their high moisture
lack of α- galactosidase enzyme in human digestive system. retaining capacity without increasing foods water activity.
The undigested soy-oligosaccharides reached the colon intact This humectants property of functional oligosaccharides
where fermented by intestinal microflora that are producing has multiple applications in foods, pharmaceuticals, and in

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

cosmetics formulations. reported common side effects are bloating and gas when the
consumption of these functional oligosaccharides exceeded
The major known functional oligosaccharides are fructo- the recommended daily intake.
oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, lacto-sucrose,
isomalto-oligosaccharides, malto-oligosaccharides. trehalose, These properties and major health benefits lend the
cyclodextrins, xylo-oligosaccharides, and soy-oligosaccharides. functional oligosaccharides to be added in infant formulas,
These types of oligosaccharides are present naturally at low regular foods, and in the production of functional foods.
concentrations in higher plants, honey, milk, dairy products, Functional foods concept was first introduced in the Japan
algae, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Low concentrations of for health and wellness and are expanded globally with total
these functional oligosaccharides in natural sources makes global market over $90 billion per year.
extraction processes of these types of oligosaccharides from The use of functional oligosaccharides in pharmaceuticals
their natural sources are very costly. Currently, commercial industry as excipients in pharmaceutical drugs formulations
production of these types of functional oligosaccharides are have been documented, and the most common functional
by enzymatic processes using carbohydrates as substrates for oligosaccharides used in pharmaceuticals industry are
specific microbial enzymes. Carbohydrates used as substrates cyclodextrins and trehalose, not only as excipients in drugs
for these enzymatic processes are sucrose from sugar cane or formulations such as, the application of cyclodextrins in
beats, lactose from milk or cheese whey, starch from corn, nanoparticles, liposomes, nasal, ophthalmic, and rectal
wheat, or rice, xylose from wheat bran, barley hulls, or brewery formulations, but for the application in drugs delivery systems.
spent grain, inulin from Jerusalem artichoke, and pentose The concept of drugs delivery system is to deliver the required
polymers from soy beans. dose of active pharmaceutical ingredients (drugs) to the target
These enzymatically producing functional oligosaccharides site with efficiency and precisely at the necessary time period.
are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in United States and Cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin derivatives, have been found
also, granted safety status in both European union and Asia due to be the best candidates for this concept of drugs delivery
to, the fact that they are naturally present at low concentrations systems due to, their capabilities at lower cost to alter physical,
in our daily diet intake, and because they are commercially chemical, and biological properties of pharmaceutical drugs
manufactured from natural carbohydrates as substrates and chemical structure, as potential guest molecule through the
by using natural microbial enzymes in production processes. formation of inclusion complex (encapsulation). This drug
The only, two starch related oligosaccharides that are not delivery system leads to the production of cyclodextrins and
generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in United States and cyclodextrin derivatives at higher purity for the safety of
in other parts of the world are nigero-oligosaccharides and pharmaceutical drugs delivery. These cyclodextrin derivatives
gentio-oligosaccharides. These two oligosaccharides are not are developed to enhance the bioavailability of insoluble
naturally present in plants or in any other natural sources and drugs by increasing their solubility, and to improve the
are manufactured from starch using genetically engineered stability of labile pharmaceutical drugs against dehydration,
enzymes that are not exist in nature. These two starch related hydrolysis, oxidation, or photodecomposition. Cyclodextrins
oligosaccharides (nigero-oligosaccharides and gentio- and derivatives also, have industrial applications such as, the
oligosaccharides) are not approved for food or pharmaceutical encapsulations of foods, cosmetics, and agriculture chemicals.
applications, but they might have other industrial applications. The application of cyclodextrins and derivatives in agriculture
chemicals are in pesticides and fertilizers industry.
Functional oligosaccharides with GRAS statutes have
mildly sweet taste and have certain other characteristics In addition, to multiple applications of trehalose in
such as, mouth feeling and texture. These properties, drawn foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics formulations, trehalose
the interest of foods industry for the application of these has a unique important biopharmaceutical application as
functional oligosaccharides as partial substitute for fats and preservative, and stabilizer for labile therapeutic proteins and
sugars in food formulations. These functional oligosaccharides, as cryoprotectant for the maintenance of mammalian cells,
with the exception of malto-oligosaccharides and trehalose and other biological materials. These unique properties of
have prebiotics property, because they are indigestible and trehalose is recently extended into ophthalmology products
stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. In for the treatment of dry eye syndrome and other eye diseases.
addition, they have multiple health benefits such as, increase
the digestion of lactose metabolism, increase calcium and
other minerals absorption, decrease serum lipids, decrease
blood cholesterol, improve HDI/LDL ratio, improve blood Functional oligosaccharides are commercially
pressure, enhance immune response, trigger anti-inflammatory manufactured enzymatically from natural sources of
response, decrease fecal PH, and eliminate the effect of toxic, carbohydrates. They have unique properties, and health
or carcinogenic chemicals. These functional oligosaccharides benefits, with wide varieties of applications such as, in food
as dietary supplements, stimulate healthy bowel movements, industry as food additives as being regulated in United
and overcome diarrhea or constipation. Recently, some States, and in pharmaceutical industry as being regulated as
researchers suggested that the intake of these functional expedients for drugs formulation. In addition, these functional
oligosaccharides as dietary supplements promote the secretion oligosaccharides have other applications in cosmetics, and
of substances that influence, satiety and weight loss. The only agriculture chemicals.

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Functional Oligosaccharides: Chemicals Structure, Manufacturing, Health Benefits, Applications
and Regulations Ibrahim.

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