P. Engg - Rules-of-Professional-Conduct
P. Engg - Rules-of-Professional-Conduct
P. Engg - Rules-of-Professional-Conduct
The structure for registration process of engineering practitioners are designed as to make the
Engineers Committed to Code of Conduct and completely accountable to carry on their
duties/responsibilities which cannot be compromised at any level of planning, designing,
implementing, maintaining, demolishing etc.
The ethics are fundamental to the values of profession. The service providers and consulting
professional Engineers should adhere to the Code of Ethics while dealing with employers,
employees, associates and society.
The Code of Ethics aims at maintaining high standards of personal and professional conduct,
competency and integrity assuring ethical conduct in fulfilling social responsibility to the society and
global community. It is mandatory that Engineers in profession maintain individual behavior in an
ethical manner ensuring the following:-
Engineers shall abide by the laws of the land in which the work is performed, respect the
local customs, uphold the human rights, safeguard public property/ safety; abjure violence
and acts of terrorism.
Engineers shall treat fairly with all persons irrespective of race, creed, caste, religion, state,
gender or national origin in discharging professional duties.
Engineers shall strive to protect and maintain clean, healthy and safe environments to
comply with statutory requirements.
Engineers shall uphold paramount safety, health and welfare of public and individuals while
exercising their professional work. They shall consider the welfare of society and the
impacts of the natural environment.
Engineers shall comply with the principles and practices of sustainable development in their
professional duties. They will also promote the needs of future generations.
Engineers shall support and recognize the professional and technical societies of their
Whenever Engineers’ professional judgments are overruled of the ground of safety of
public health and welfare of public, are endangered, Engineers shall inform the clients and
employers of the possible consequences providing convincing data.
Engineers shall foster environmental awareness among the public and they shall minimize
foreseeable and avoidable impacts on the environment.
Engineers shall strive to ensure that the engineering projects for which they are responsible
will have minimal adverse effects on the environment and health.
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Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
Engineers shall not maliciously or falsely, injure the professional reputation of another
Engineer or Organization, rather respect their dignity and professional standing.
Engineers shall respect the personal rights of people with whom they work and they shall
go by the legal and cultural values of the societies in which they carry out assignment.
Engineers shall be honest and impartial. They shall serve with complete fidelity the public,
employer and clients.
Engineers shall not solicit or accept remuneration financial or otherwise for services
rendered on a Project other than that from their employers or of their employers’
permission, under specific circumstances.
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Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
When in Public Service as members or Advisors of a Government body, Engineers shall not
participate in activity with respect to services provided by their organization (s) in private
engineering practice.
Engineers shall admit their own errors when proven wrong and refrain from distorting the
facts to justify their mistakes.
Engineers shall refrain himself from making any statement, criticism or argument on
Engineering matters on the inspiration of an interested party, which may cause confusion
or conflict among others.
Engineers shall not offer, guide, solicit/receive and use direct/indirect political contribution
in any amount to influence the award of a contract by a public authority.
Engineers solemnly promise, they shall avoid bribery and extortion in any form and
encounter such acts done by any Member which they shall ethically bound to report to the
IEB or Ethics Board of IEB.
Engineers who shall be convicted by competent tribunal/court of a criminal offence, which
in the opinion of the disciplinary body of IEB renders them unfit to be a Member or a PEng
holder and they shall be deemed to have been guilty of improper conduct.
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