10 Transitions

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Chapter 10 Transitions

What are transitions and how are they used?
 Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next.
 Transitions are used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea
to the next.
 Transitions also show the relationship within a paragraph (or within a sentence)
between the main idea and the support the author gives for those ideas.
 Before using a particular transitional, be sure you understand its meaning and usage
completely and be sure that it's the right match for the logic in context.
 Different transitions do different things.

Addition: All these word could be replaced by "and"

Indeed Moreover Also

Further What is more As well
Furthermore In addition/Additionally In broad terms
Besides Next Not to mention

These transition words add information and express agreement with preceding material.

- Reading is a good way to learn new vocabulary words. Furthermore, it can improve
your ability to spell words correctly.
- Grilling makes meat taste really good. As well, it allows fatty juices to drain away from
the meat.
- Jim had to be careful not to step upon the tiny piglets. Also, he tried to protect the
pretty little things from injury.
- Religion offers people an opportunity to reflect on their personal existence. Moreover, it
brings communities together in a spirit of peace and cooperation.
- He stood me up and left me standing in the rain. What's more, I broke a heel trying to
hail a cab.
- Double-decker buses can move a lot of people through dense urban areas. In addition /
Additionally, they provide a good view from which to see a city.
- He doesn't mind being unemployed right now. Besides, it gives him more time to ride
his skateboard.
- I'd love to own a horse and go riding every day. On the other hand, taking care of the
animal is a very big responsibility.

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Chapter 10 Transitions

Contrast and concession: All these word could be replaced by "but"

However Conversely Otherwise

Unfortunately Nevertheless Nonetheless
Yet Despite By/In contrast
On the other hand Alternatively Even so
These transition words express that there is evidence to the contrary and thus introduce a
change the line of reasoning (contrast).

- We had a small drop in sales last month. However, we are still above the plan.
- He is a great swimmer, but he prefers to play golf.
- I’ve asked you a thousand times not to leave your dirty socks on the floor. Yet, you keep
doing it.
- House prices have gone up this year. In contrast, car prices seem to be stagnating.
- I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, I went to
football practice as usual.
- Joan lived in Tokyo for ten years. Nevertheless, she can't speak any Japanese.
- Sigmund Freud once said: The great question which I have not been able to
answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: What does a
woman want?
- If you love and encourage your children, they will develop good self-esteem. Conversely,
if you are harsh and critical, they may become angry and insecure.
- The Buddha tells us that to keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise, we shall
not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

Important Notes:

When you find two Contrast transitions and HOWEVER is one of them, keep HOWEVER and
remove the other Contrast transition.


1) Two years or less of sea otters can completely eliminate sea urchins in a coastal area.
Nevertheless, without sea otters present, kelp forests run the danger of becoming barren
stretches of coastal wasteland known as urchin barrens.
(B) However,
(C) Hence,
(D) Likewise,

In this question we must choose a contrast transition, but as it is shown there are two
(Nevertheless and However) in this case we must remove Nevertheless and choose However
as a correct answer.

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Chapter 10 Transitions

Effect/Result: All these word could be replaced by "so"

As a result Consequently In consequence

Thereafter Hence Thus
Accordingly Therefore For these reasons
These transition words are time words that are used to show that after a particular time
there was a consequence or an effect.

- I’ve done a pranic healing course. As a result, I’ve been able to cure my neighbor’s sick
- Zack has skipped school on many occasions. consequently, he’s failed his French test.
- He has a race tomorrow. Therefore, he can’t stay out late tonight.
- You didn’t tell me you wanted to come. Thus, we booked only three seats not four.
- He has a race tomorrow. Hence, he can’t stay out late tonight.
- The athlete was caught using drugs. For this reason, he was kicked off the team.

Important Notes:

When you find two Transitions from the same group in the choices, remove both of them.


1- Silk possesses qualities invaluable in nest building. However, birds incorporate silk into their nests.
(A) No change
(B) For this reason
(C) Indeed
(D) Moreover

2- I need to wear reading glasses. In addition, I hate how I look in them.

(A) No change
(B) Therefore
(C) Nevertheless
(D) However

3- I don't like Italian food. Also, I don't eat pasta or pizza.

(A) No change
(B) Therefore
(C) Moreover
(D) Despite

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Chapter 10 Transitions

For example For instance Specially
Particularly In particular

These transition words are used to follow a specific idea after a general idea as an example or
support to it.

- Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. For instance, Swallows leave the
UK in early winter and fly south.
- My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic foods. For example, last week
he went to a restaurant which serves deep-fried rattlesnake.
- A person could change a lot in a few years. Especially, when they were that young.
- The neighboring country is pleasant enough. Particularly, along the river, but the town
itself is purely industrial, and contains no pre-eminent buildings.


Similarly In the same way Likewise

These transition words add information, reinforce ideas, and express agreement with
preceding material.


- You’re not allowed to use your phone here. Similarly, you have to switch it off when
you’re in the library.
- Cutting down on sugar will help you lose weight. In the same way, doing more exercise
will help you get rid of a few kilos.
- The banks advise against sending cash. Likewise, sending British cheques may cause


To conclude–Eventually–At last–Lastly–Finally–In short–Ultimately–To these ends…etc.

These transition words conclude, summarize, or restate ideas, or indicate a final general

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Chapter 10 Transitions

Places and punctuations of the transition words:

a) _________________ . or ; Transition, Subject + Verb

Plenty of tourists visit the area in summer. Accordingly, selling hand-made objects is the
main source of income for locals.

b) _________________ . or ; Subjects, transition, Verb

Plenty of tourists visit the area in summer; selling hand-made objects, accordingly, is the
main source of income for locals.

c) _________________ . or ; Full Sentence……….. , transition

Plenty of tourists visit the area in summer. Selling hand-made objects is the main source
of income for locals, accordingly.

Important Notes:

In transition questions, when you find the option “DELETE THE UNDERLINED
PORTION”, choose it immediately.

1- Students should attend class, otherwise, they may lose their status.
(A) No change
(B) ; otherwise,
(C) . Otherwise
(D) , otherwise

2- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the rapid coronavirus test on Tuesday.
However, It is part of an effort to expand testing in the United States
(B) For instance,
(C) Nevertheless,
(D) Delete the underlined portion.

3- The U.S. government and several U.S. states have brought new lawsuits against Facebook; therefore, the
cases accuse the company of abusing its market power in social networking to destroy smaller
(B) moreover, the cases
(C) the cases
(D) thus, the cases

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

Beginners (But, And, So only)
1) Having a car can be very convenient. Also, it's 7) Beekeeping is an important occupation.
expensive to buy and maintain one. Consequently, it is tiring because the beekeeper
(A) No change must keep himself covered at all times.
(B) Moreover (A) No change
(C) Consequently (B) Thus
(D) However (C) Moreover
2) Hector decided not to use a map. Consequently, (D) On the other hand
he got lost and never found his way out of the 8) Our lives have become complicated. However,
forest. There he died. we've decided to simplify things and move to a
(A) No change log cabin in the country.
(B) Moreover (A) No change
(C) What’s more (B) Accordingly
(D) However (C) In contrast
3) His skin burns very easily. He, besides, decided (D) Also
to stay under an umbrella and wear lots of 9) He spends too much time doing office work even
sunscreen. when he's out with his girlfriend. As a result,
(A) No change she's thinking about ending the relationship.
(B) otherwise (A) No change
(C) therefore (B) Moreover
(D) nevertheless (C) Despite
4) Jim is in love with Graciella. However, he's not (D) Alternatively
sure if she loves him. 10) Nim could easily get a job as a nurse if she
(A) No change moved to the United States; Moreover, she would
(B) Accordingly miss her family in Thailand if she moved away.
(C) Nevertheless (A) No change
(D) Moreover (B) Therefore
5) Living in a cold climate is difficult for some (C) On the other hand
people. In addition, there are many fun winter (D) In face
activities, such as sledding, that you can't do in a 11) The birds in our backyard couldn't find enough to
warm climate. eat. We, alternatively, set up a bird feeder and
(A) No change now they're okay.
(B) On the other hand (A) No change
(C) Moreover (B) thus
(D) Thus (C) however
6) Bill doesn't mind working late; what's more, he's (D) in addition
a little scared of walking home by himself at this 12) They practice their instruments; however, they
time of the night. study theory and music history.
(A) NO change (A) No change
(B) in contrast (B) therefore
(C) in addition (C) in addition
(D) therefore (D) otherwise

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

13) Gas prices rose too high for Matt to 19) She doesn't want to move to San Francisco
afford. Consequently, he sold his car and made because it's too expensive to live there.
his daily commute by bike. Therefore, she likes living in a cold‫ـ‬weather state.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) In contrast (B) She likes
(C) Furthermore (C) However, she likes
(D) Besides (D) Nevertheless, she likes
14) Walter has a lot of work to do. Moreover, he's 20) Owning a house can cost a lot of money. Thus,
too tired to finish it. home ownership is a big part of living the
(A) No change American dream.
(B) Thus (A) No change
(C) As a result (B) In addition
(D) However (C) Therefore
15) Hector was a very good student who studied (D) Delete the underlined portion
constantly; he; consequently, found a very good 21) Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco;
job after he graduated from college. nevertheless, some people believe it should be
(A) No change legalized.
(B) , consequently, (A) No change
(C) , consequently (B) however
(D) consequently, (C) therefore
16) Driving while distracted increases your chances (D) what's more
of getting into an accident. What’s more, it 22) Her singing abilities aren't as good as the others
endangers the lives of other drivers. in the choir. Also, she enjoys singing.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) . What’s more: (B) Therefore
(C) . What’s more (C) However
(D) , what’s more, (D) Conversely
17) It's important to be cautious when using a 23) The rainforests are being destroyed. Many
chainsaw. Hence, accidents and injuries still species of wildlife, however, are becoming
happen. extinct.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) Besides (B) therefore,
(C) Moreover (C) likewise,
(D) Nevertheless (D) for instance,
18) Recycling is an easy way to conserve natural 24) I missed my family; also, they missed their son.
resources. Thus, it can help reduce garbage (A) No change
disposal costs. (B) however
(A) No change (C) in consequence
(B) Despite (D) yet
(C) Also 25) I love to go to the gym. Especially, my sister
(D) Delete the underlined portion prefers to exercise at home.
(A) No change
(B) Moreover
(C) In the same way
(D) In contrast

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

26) The current political situation is worrying. In 28) We have to take care of the environment.
addition, people do not seem to be too worried However, we need to educate our children so
about it. they do not make the same mistake.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) However (B) Nevertheless
(C) Therefore (C) Moreover
(D) Similarly (D) As a result
27) Caracas is fun and the weather there is beautiful. 29) There are lots of beautiful people around me. For
Besides, it is a very dangerous city to live in. instance, I have a wonderful family that supports
(A) No change and loves me dearly.
(B) Therefore (A) No change
(C) Likewise (B) Nevertheless
(D) On the other hand (C) Thus
(D) At least

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions


1) Poachers have hunted and killed too many 6) The United States suffered terribly under
elephants for their tusks. For instance, a weakened economy and a lack of
they have become an endangered species government oversight in 2008. The
in some parts of the world. Democrats, for example, easily won in the
(A) No change November 2008 elections.
(B) Hence (A) No change
(C) However (B) thus,
(D) In addition (C) otherwise,
2) Homelessness produces intense feelings of (D) what's more,
despair in those who don't have a place to 7) The use of fire by early humankind made
live. Nevertheless, it produces feelings of cold climates more inhabitable. However,
guilt among people who are not homeless. it made people more productive by
(A) No change lengthening the number of hours that
(B) However people could do work.
(C) Furthermore (A) No change
(D) Consequently (B) Furthermore
3) Astronomy has been an interest of human (C) Nevertheless
beings for centuries. Moreover, our (D) Therefore
curiosity has led to a better understanding 8) Life in the United States is easy compared
of our place in the solar system and to other parts of the world; also, the stress
human space exploration. of daily American life makes one wonder
(A) No change how easy it really is.
(B) However (A) No change
(C) Thus (B) In consequence
(D) Likewise (C) Similarly
4) There were too many accidents on this (D) On the other hand
road when the speed limit was 55 miles 9) An adequate water supply is important to
per hour. Similarly, the city decided to a farmer's success. Nonetheless, irrigation
lower it to 45 miles per hour. The limit for is used in places where water is in short
snowmobiles was also lowered. supply.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) As well (B) As well
(C) For instance (C) For instance
(D) Delete the underlined portion (D) Therefore
5) In primate troops, males “defend, control, 10) There are many benefits to
and lead the troop.” Despite, the troops are exercising. Nonetheless, you must take
dominated by adult males. some precautions to avoid injury.
(A) No change (A) No change
(B) Nevertheless (B) However
(C) Consequently (C) Moreover
(D) For example (D) Therefore

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

11) No one likes to feed parking meters. 15) To fail, one must first make an attempt. In
However, they are a low-cost alternative to that attempt, experience expands, new
parking garages, and they help keep city ideas blossom, and viewpoints change.
streets free of abandoned vehicles. Nevertheless, even if one does not always
(A) No change accomplish what he or she sets out to do,
(B) Moreover one gains new knowledge from the
(C) Hence attempt.
(D) Likewise (A) No change
12) Kurtis was told not to go out fishing before (B) Therefore
the storm. nevertheless, the coast guard (C) However
came to his assistance when he called for (D) Delete the underlined portion
help. 16) This timber wolf was hunted almost to the
(A) No change point of extinction. Nevertheless, the
(B) . Nevertheless, government put it on an endangered
(C) , nevertheless species list and now it's protected by law.
(D) : nevertheless, (A) No change
13) We have ignored environmental issues for (B) In the same way
many years. For instance, we have a (C) For this reason
plethora of problems related to the matter. (D) However
(A) No change 17) Ninety per cent of the energy used in the
(B) Consequently US comes from fossil fuels, oil, coal, and
(C) However natural gas, but problems arise from other
(D) What's more sources. For example, nuclear power
14) Many people seem too busy to take the plants leave radioactive by-products,
time to understand one another. However, making storage difficult.
my father sees taking time to listen as (A) No change
essential to any relationship. (B) Nevertheless
(A) No change (C) Furthermore
(B) Also (D) Subsequently
(C) For instance
(D) Thus

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions


1) Questions about the Model 3 are more 4) To be legitimate authorities, all

pointed now that General Motors Co governments must uphold man’s rights
(GM.N) has confirmed it expects its and do justice. Otherwise, the people owe a
$35,000 Chevy Bolt electric car to launch lawless and tyrannical ruler no allegiance
at the end of this year. However, German at all.
competitors are speeding up plans to offer (A) No change
luxury electric cars. (B) However, the people
(A) No change (C) The people
(B) Also (D) Moreover, the people
(C) Finally 5) The humorous story is American; the
(D) For example comic story, English; the witty story,
2) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched a French. The humorous story depends for
bold economic revival drive in late 2012, its effect upon the manner of the telling;
known as Abenomics, with fiscal the comic story and the witty story upon
expansion, monetary stimulus and what the matter. The humorous story may be
was supposed to be sweeping reforms. spun out to great length, and may wander
Moreover last arrow has missed its mark around as much as it pleases, and arrive
with critics nowhere in particular. However, the comic
(A) No change and witty stories must be brief and end
(B) For instance with a point.
(C) However (A) No change
(D) Therefore (B) Thus
3) North Korea said the rocket was carrying (C) Additionally
a satellite. It was launched early Sunday (D) In broad terms
morning near the northwestern border 6) The catastrophist theories hypothesized or
with China. The North said the launch is maintained that mountains and species
part of its peaceful program to send were created by sudden dramatic events or
satellite into orbit. What's more, many catastrophes. Moreover, Darwin theorized
experts said the space program is being that nature was the result of cumulative,
used to hide its test of nuclear weapons gradual change.
and ballistic missiles systems. (A) No change
(A) No change (B) However
(B) Especially (C) Thus
(C) In addition (D) Likewise
(D) In contrast

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

7) The silence of the poor reaffirms their 12) Picasso admitted that at the time he was
sense of despair. They feel powerless to working on Les Demoiselles “he was much
alter their condition. Yet, they listen but interested in Iberian” or ancient Spanish
don’t say anything. sculpture. But he may have been
(A) No change influenced by ancient Spanish art.
(B) Conversely (A) No change
(C) Consequently (B) Accordingly,
(D) Also (C) However,
8) The city of Paris might come to have some (D) Moreover,
symbolic value for you, bringing a mood of 13) While the education provided the Indians
joy to your mind. Nevertheless, the in the colleges of the northern provinces
relationship between the city and the included all the white men’s sciences, it
mood is not an inherent, built-in one; it is did not prepare these young men for life in
purely coincidental. the woods. Thus, it did not meet the
(A) No change Indian elders’ educational goals. It is clear
(B) Hence that the Indians and the gentlemen of
(C) In addition Virginia have different educational goals.
(D) For instance (A) No change
9) Presidents, like everyone else, hate to be (B) However
criticized in public. For instance, they all (C) For example
have experienced hostility between (D) Conversely
themselves and the press. 14) The arboreal cacti lack access to moisture
(A) No change because they grow high up in the canopy
(B) In contrast with no root connections to the soil.
(C) In consequence However, both kinds of cacti have had to
(D) Likewise develop features to cut down or reduce the
10) This important trade involving vast loss of moisture.
quantities of textiles was so vital to the (A) No change
economy that not even a war could stop it. (B) Nevertheless
Particularly, it continued or kept on taking (C) In addition
place through the Revolutionary War. (D) Therefore
(A) No change 15) As founder and president of the Children’s
(B) Nonetheless Defense Fund, Marian Wright Edelman
(C) Finally has ensured that the young cannot vote or
(D) As a result make campaign contributions. Therefore,
11) She yearned for the fame that only that they are not ignored in Washington.
world could give. Furthermore, she felt (A) No change
contempt for the world of money, opinion (B) Similarly
and power. (C) Nevertheless
(A) No change (D) Moreover
(B) However 16) The family itself had to remain honest and
(C) Moreover upright. Moreover, the geomancer’s job
(D) Thus was not only to identify bad and good sites
but also to advise on how to mitigate evil
influences or to improve good ones.
Response consequences serve as

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

reinforcers of the behavior, then, and tend frequency as time and reinforcement goes
to perpetuate the behavior. Yet, an infant on.
who spontaneously makes a sound, which (A) No change
is then followed by an attractive (B) Therefore
consequence such as sweet fluid or the (C) However
smiling presence of the mother, will very (D) Likewise
likely repeat the act with increasing
Official Guide Questions

4- Greek yogurt is slightly lower in sugar and (A) NO CHANGE

carbohydrates than conventional yogurt is. (B) For example,
Also, because it is more concentrated, (C) In contrast,
Greek yogurt contains slightly more (D) Nevertheless,
protein per serving. 8- A 1994 survey concluded that only 18
(A) NO CHANGE percent of American colleges required at
(B) In other words, least one philosophy course. Therefore,
(C) Therefore, between 1992 and 1996, more than 400
(D) For instance, independent philosophy departments were
5- The ice sheet begins to show evidence of eliminated from institutions.
thawing in late summer. For example, in (A) NO CHANGE
the summer of 2012, virtually the entire (B) Thus,
Greenland Ice Sheet underwent thawing (C) Moreover,
at or near its surface by mid-July, the (D) However,
earliest date on record.
(B) However,
(C) As such,
(D) Moreover,
6- The spaces are usually stocked with
standard office equipment, such as
9- Public libraries in the United States have
photocopiers, printers, and fax machines.
experienced reducing in their operating
In these locations, however, the spaces
funds due to cuts imposed at the federal,
often include small meeting areas and
state, and local government levels.
larger rooms for hosting presentations.
However, library staffing has been cut by
almost four percent since 2008, and the
(B) In addition to equipment,
demand for librarians continues to
(C) For these reasons,
(D) Likewise,
7- Philosophy is now being seen by many
(B) Consequently,
students and prospective employers as in
(C) Nevertheless,
fact a very useful and practical major,
(D) Previously,
offering students a host of transferable
skills with relevance to the modern 10- The first time I visited the Art Institute of
workplace. In broad terms, philosophy is Chicago, I expected to be impressed by its
the study of meaning and the values famous large paintings. On one hand, I
underlying thought and behavior.

Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

couldn’t wait to view painter Georges than conventionally grown produce

Seurat’s 10-foot-wide A Sunday Afternoon because it has more vitamins and
on the Island of La Grande Jatte in its full minerals, this assertion is not supported
size. by scientific research. For instance, one
(A) NO CHANGE review published in The American Journal
(B) For instance, of Clinical Nutrition provided analysis of
(C) However, the results of comparative studies
(D) Similarly, conducted over a span of 50 years;
11- Two years or less of sea otters can researchers consistently found no evidence
completely eliminate sea urchins in a that organic crops are more nutritious
coastal area. Nevertheless, without sea than conventionally grown ones in terms
otters present, kelp forests run the danger of their vitamin and mineral content.
of becoming barren stretches of coastal (A) NO CHANGE
wasteland known as urchin barrens. (B) However,
(C) In addition,
(F) However,
(G) Hence, (D) Likewise,
(H) Likewise, 15- The programmers, artists, and others on
12- He painted the mural’s first two sections, the team all share the same vision.
featuring images of a tropical rainforest Likewise, anyone considering a career as a
and a Maya pyramid, during the day. Also, video game designer must be skilled
to avoid scrutiny, Siqueiros painted the writers and speakers.
final section of the mural, the centerpiece (A) NO CHANGE
at night. (B) Nevertheless,
(A) NO CHANGE (C) Consequently,
(B) However, (D) However,
(C) Although,
(D) Moreover,

13- Among the possibilities to reconfigure a 16- In the name of health, spending $1.60
building’s lighting is the installation of for every dollar they would have spent
full-pane windows to allow the greatest on food that is 14 grown in a manner
degree of sunlight to reach office interiors. that is considered conventional.
Thus, businesses can install light tubes, Scientific evidence, therefore, suggests
these are pipes placed in workplace roofs that consumers do not reap significant
to capture and funnel sunlight down into a benefits, in terms of either nutritional
building’s interior. value or safety, from organic food.
(B) Nevertheless, (B) furthermore,
(C) Alternatively, (C) however,
(D) Finally, (D) subsequently
14- Although advocates of organic food
preserve that organic produce is healthier
Top Score
Chapter 10 Transitions

1 D / 2 A / 3 C / 4 A / 5 B / 6 B / 7 D / 8 B / 9 A / 10 C / 11 B / 12 C / 13 A / 14 D / 15 B / 16 A / 17 D / 18
D / 19 B / 20 D / 21 C / 22 C / 23 B / 24 A / 25 D / 26 B / 27 D / 28 C / 29 A

1 B / 2 C / 3 C / 4 D / 5 C / 6 B / 7 D / 8 D / 9 D / 10 B / 11 A / 12 B / 13 B / 14 A / 15 C / 16 C
17 A

1 B / 2 C / 3 D / 4 C / 5 A / 6 B / 7 C / 8 A / 9 C / 10 D / 11 B / 12 B / 13 A / 14 D / 15 C / 16 B

Official Guide Questions:

1 A / 2 B / 3 B / 4 A / 5 C / 6 B / 7 B / 8 B / 9 B / 10 C / 11 A / 12 C / 13 C

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