UCF Graphics

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The key takeaways are that the official colors of UCF athletic logos are Black, UCF Gold, and Silver/Gray. Logos have minimum size requirements and specific guidelines must be followed when using them on apparel.

The official colors of UCF athletic logos are Black, UCF Gold, and Silver/Gray.

Each of the UCF athletic logos has a minimum allowable size. In order to ensure clear reproduction and legibility, the logos must not be used any smaller than the sizes shown on page 9.



Color is one of the most important elements of the University of Central Florida athletic identity system. The colors on the right are the official colors for all of the UCF athletic logos. If these colors are not available the logos should be printed in all Black. Logos may also be used in all White on either Black or UCF Gold backgrounds. Logos may be used in all White on other dark color backgrounds only if previously approved (see page 5). UCF athletic logos are never to be reversed.**


UCF Gold
(in lieu of which use *Pantone 872) Process Equivalent: 20c 30m 70y 15k

In addition to the primary colors shown above, the UCF athletic identity system utilizes Silver/Gray and White as important support colors. White helps to add contrast to Black and UCF Gold. Silver is preferred but Gray or its process equivalent can be substituted when necessary.

* Pantone is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. The colors shown on this page and throughout this manual are not intended to match the PANTONE Color Standards. For the PANTONE Color Standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide 1000. ** See individual artwork guidelines.

(in lieu of which use *Pantone 877 or *Pantone 422) Process Equivalent: 0c 0m 0y 30k



The new UCF marks were designed to create a consistent brand for our athletic program. At the same time there are many variations to choose from so that there should be a design compatible to any application. The preferred logo is the primary mark shown largest on this page. Logos that do not contain UCF are for use only when either the school name or monogram have been previously presented. For example, the head alone design can be used inside a brochure if a logo or words identifying the university has been used on the cover. Or the sword logo can be used on a garment if the university name or monogram is identified in a prominent place. All artwork and variations are available in Macintosh and PC digital file formats. For information on using the logos with different words in the banners see page 8.



All of the UCF athletic logos are available in full color (Black, UCF Gold, and Silver/Gray), 2 color (Black and UCF Gold), and all Black. Some examples are shown on the right. Logos may also be used in all White on either Black or UCF Gold backgrounds. Logos may also be used in all White on other dark color backgrounds only if previously approved (see page 5). The logos should never be used in all Silver/Gray.

Full Color

2 Color



Frequently it may be desirable to place the athletic identity logos on a field of color. As shown in the examples on the right, all of the artwork has been created with a built-in outline shape that allows it to work clearly on any background. For this reason it is not necessary to alter the logos before placing them on any color, photograph or complex background. This is true of the full color, 2 color, and the Black logos. The UCF logos should never be reversed. All UCF logos may be used in all White on either UCF Gold or Black backgrounds (or on other dark color backgrounds with prior approval). The all White version of the UCF logos should never be used on light color backgrounds (such as Silver/Gray) or any complex backgrounds. It is never permissible for any photograph, pattern or complex background to show through logos (as in the example at the far right of the bottom row).
* Al l Wh it e logos may be used on either UCF Gold or Black backgrounds (or on other dark color backgrounds with prior approval).

Fu l l Col or

2 Color



On UCF Gold Background

On Black Background

On non UCF Color Background

On Complex Background


So that UCF athletics can maintain the design integrity of its brand and maximize each logos effectiveness as an identifier, it is mandatory that all logos be applied as indicated in this manual without modification. The logos are not to be altered in any way. Shown on the left are unacceptable uses of the UCF athletic logos.
Never switch colors on any UCF athletic logo Never use UCF athletic logos in non UCF colors Never change the tagline typeface in any UCF athletic logo Never use unapproved wording in any UCF athletic logo

Never re-size any element in any UCF athletic logo

Never reproportion any UCF athletic logo

Never add any element to a UCF athletic logo

Never distort any UCF athletic logo without approval

Never angle or rotate any UCF athletic logo

Never reposition or realign any elements in the UCF athletic logos

Never re-space any elements in the UCF athletic logos

Never use any logo without its outline on any background

Never use the UCF athletic logos in all Silver/Gray

Never reverse any UCF athletic logo

Never allow any pattern or photograph to show through any logo


Each of the University of Central Florida athletic logos has an established safe zone. This safe zone is intended to maintain the logos integrity and to avoid visual confusion. No other type or graphic element (including folds, trims or edges) should fall within the safe zone shown. The safe zone for most UCF athletic logos is equal to one sixth of the width of the logo (A). The only exceptions are the four horizontal logos on the far right side of the page. The safe zone for them is equal to one eighth of the width of the logo (B). This safe zone spacing is uniform on all sides of the logo. See the examples for each athletic logos specific safe zone.

1/6 the width of the logo or A

1/8 the width of the logo or B





The six logo configurations shown on the right are capable of presenting different tag line text in the banners. To customize the banner tag lines for a sport or activity simply open the desired art file in Adobe Illustrator (these art files are located on the Live Text UCF logo CD). The desired text can then be typed into the banner and then saved as desired for your use. Only the words below are approved for use in these Live Text files (type size must stay the same and text must be in all caps).


Athletics, Football, Basketball, Softball, Soccer, Golf, Volleyball, Cross Country, Track and Field, Tennis, Cheerleading, Sports Medicine, Rowing, Marketing, Communications All other wording must be approved first by the Athletic Department

Variable tag line text (fit text by expanding or condensing width and adding letterspacing never increase type size or change font)


The primary typeface for the University of Central Florida Identity is UCF Bold Italic. Copperplate Gothic Heavy is the font used in the banner of the UCF logos. Copperplate Gothic Heavy may be ordered from www.myfonts.com. UCF Bold Italic is a custom font and is only available through the University of Central Florida.


UCF Bold Italic

AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz0123456789

Copperplate Gothic Heavy MINIMUM LOGO SIZES
Each of the UCF athletic logos has a minimum allowable size. In order to ensure clear reproduction and legibility, the logos must not be used any smaller than the sizes shown on the right. It is preferred that when possible the logos be used larger than their minimum size.
1.25 1 1 .75

If the fabric color matches one of the official colors exactly (Black, UCF Gold, Silver/Gray or White), the fabric can show through in place of printing that color. If the fabric color does not match any official color, all 4 official colors must be used to print the logo.
These shirts would require three color printing to reproduce the full color UCF logos.


When using logos on apparel, the art may print in Black, UCF Gold, or White as long as there is sufficient contrast with the fabric color. The one and two color UCF athletic logos are a great cost saving alternative to the full color logos.

Two color printing examples

The logo can be used in UCF Gold with approval only. If used it should be created from the Black art files and used on either Black or White as shown.

These two examples show how one color versions of the logos can look on apparel. As shown on the left, various combinations of the UCF athletic typefaces and the single color logos and monograms make it simple to create a variety of simple collegiate designs. As shown on the example on the right, it is also permissible to print just the Black art on a light color fabric without the White outline.


For additional information regarding the use of UCF athletic trademarks please contact: Chancel Taylor Assistant Director, Licensing and Promotions University of Central Florida 407-823-4257 www.ucfathletics.com

For obtaining a license for use of University trademarks by external organizations for commercial purposes: The Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) 290 Interstate North, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30339 770-956-0520 www.clc.com

All art shown in this manual is the property of University of Central Florida and artwork may not be used in any way without prior written permission. 2007 University of Central Florida, all rights reserved.
All logos and manual designed by Rickabaugh Graphics

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