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Monte-Carlo Based Lateral Thruster

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Parameters Optimization for 122 mm Rocket

Mariusz Jacewicz , Robert Glebocki , and Rafal Ozog(&)

Division of Mechanics, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering,

Warsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland

Abstract. One of the current tendencies is to equip the unguided munition AQ1
designed for ballistic shooting with low cost, solid propellant lateral thrusters
based, actuators to achieve the controlled flight functionality and reduce the
collateral damage. The basic technical challenge connected with this type of
pulsed control system is that each from the thrusters could be used only once
which results in projectile low control authority. The thruster parameters have
crucial impact on the achieved hit accuracy. The main goal of this article was to
investigate and understand the influence of control force magnitude on the
guidance process using six-degree-of-freedom numerical simulation. 122 mm
artillery rocket controlled with the aim of 30 solid propellant thrusters mounted
before center of mass was chosen as a test object. Single channel control was
considered. The impact point prediction algorithm based on point mass model
was developed and implemented into a Matlab software. Using Monte-Carlo
simulations the optimum lateral thruster force amplitude was obtained for shots
at low elevation angle. The numerical experiments showed that with the pro-
posed method the circular error probable of the projectile might be reduced 10
times when compared to unguided case.

Keywords: Monte-Carlo  Lateral thruster  Impact point prediction guidance

1 Introduction

One of the modern requirements is to improve the delivery accuracy of the existing
unguided munitions. The object of interest of this work is concentrated on rocket
artillery. The main advantages of this kind of weapon are: long range, high firepower
and high mobility of the launcher [1]. The main disadvantage is high dispersion of the
impact points which makes its area weapon. There exists a tendency to equip the
unguided projectiles with a various kind of actuators like body-fixed canards [2–4], roll
decoupled fins [5], lateral thrusters [6, 7], foldable drag plates and movable internal
parts to achieve the controlled flight functionality. Using this approach, the collateral
damage and the number of projectiles required to eliminate the target could be reduced.
On the other hand, surface to surface rockets have low control authority which
limits the amount of possible control strategies. The guidance methods designed for
guided munition fall into three main categories [5]: reference trajectory tracking,
impact point prediction and trajectory shaping. The main requirements for control

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

R. Szewczyk et al. (Eds.): AUTOMATION 2020, AISC 1140, pp. 1–10, 2020.
2 M. Jacewicz et al.

algorithms intended for smart weapons are the guidance accuracy and low computa-
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tional burden due to limited resources available onboard of the rocket. The trajectory
tracking method [8] relies on flight along prespecified ballistic curve. The path defi-
nition is preloaded onto memory of the onboard computer before the projectile launch.
The advantage of this method is its low cost. The predictive guidance [9, 10] uses a
model of the projectile implemented into a control system to obtain the impact point
location coordinates. In this method the control effort rely on driving the impact point
to the target. The trajectory shaping algorithm is based on the following non-ballistics
trajectories [11]. This method allows to for e.g. extend the range and control the impact
angle of the projectile but the main drawback of this approach is that generally requires
more control authority than predictive guidance.
The main goal of the article was to further extend the study on pulse thrusters to
minimize the dispersion of the rocket and obtain the most suitable thrust force
amplitude of the single lateral thruster when the predictive guidance is applied.

2 Rocket Mathematical Model

2.1 The Test Platform

The analyzed object (see Fig. 1) is 122 mm in caliber, 2.6 m long rocket with four
wrap-around fins. The projectile spins slowly (<30 Hz) during the flight due to small
fin cant angle.

Fig. 1. Surface to surface lateral thruster steered 122 mm rocket.

The parameters before/after main motor burnout was assumed to be: center of mass
location xcg0 = 1.446/xcgk = 1.645 m from the rocket base, mass m0 = 64.75/
mk = 38.5 kg, axial moments of inertia Ix0 = 0.137/Ixk = 0.092 kgm2 and lateral
moments of inertia Iy0 = Iz0 = 38.80/Iyk = Izk = 29.16 kgm2. In the basic unguided
configuration, the rocket parameters were designed for ballistic flight.
The functionality of controlled flight was obtained with equipping the rocket with a
guidance unit composed from power supply, inertial navigation system, onboard
computer and a set of 30 small solid propellant lateral thrusters mounted before the
center of mass and located 1.9 m from the rocket base. The nozzles of thrusters are
spaced equally around the fuselage. In this solution the thrusters generate not only force
perpendicular to the rocket longitudinal axis but also the moment around its center of
mass. The main difficulty connected with this type of actuator is the fact that each
thruster could be fired only once. The limited energy stored in the grain of the thrusters
and limited number of firings provides very low control authority of the rocket. It
means that the achievable lateral accelerations are much lower than in case of high
maneuver air-to-air missiles and the resulting the impact point could be translated only
Monte-Carlo Based Lateral Thruster Parameters Optimization for 122 mm Rocket 3

by several hundred meters when comparing to ballistic, unguided flight. To overcome

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this difficulty the appropriate control algorithm must be designed.

2.2 Model of the Rocket

The rocket was modeled as a six degree-of-freedom (6DoF) rigid body with variable
mass and the center of mass location. Flat Earth approximation was applied. The
equations of motion of the rocket were as follows [12]:
2 3 2 3 2 32 3
U_ Xb 0 R Q U
4 V_ 5 ¼ 1 4 Yb 5  4 R 0 P 54 V 5 ð1Þ
W_ Zb Q P 0 W
2 3 2 31 2 3 2 31 2 32 32 3
P_ Ix 0 0 Lb Ix 0 0 0 R Q Ix 0 0 P
4 Q_ 5 ¼ 4 0 Iy 0 5 4 Mb 5  4 0 Iy 05 4 R 0 P 54 0 Iy 0 54 Q 5
R_ 0 0 Iz Nb 0 0 Iz Q P 0 0 0 Iz R
2 3 2 32 3
x_ n cos H cos W sin U sin H cos W  cos U sin W cos U sin H cos W þ sin U sin W U
4 y_ n 5 ¼ 4 cos H sin W sin U sin H sin W þ cos U cos W cos U sin H sin W  sin U cos W 54 V 5
zn  sin H sin U cos H cos U cos H W
2 3 2 32 3
U_ 1 sin U tan H cos U tan H P
4H_ 5 ¼ 40 cos U  sin U 54 Q 5 ð4Þ
W_ 0 sin U= cos H cos U= cos H R

where U, V, W are rocket linear velocities in body-fixed coordinate frame, P, ::, R are
rocket roll, pitch and yaw rates, U, H, W are Euler angles (roll, pitch and yaw), xn , yn ,
zn are position coordinates of the rocket center of mass in the north-east-down frame.
The m is projectile mass. Ix is the longitudinal and Iy , Iz lateral moments of inertia. The
dot symbol above variables at left side of abovementioned equations is a first derivative
with respect to time. Xb , Yb , Zb are sum of gravity, propulsive, aerodynamic and control
forces and moments in body fixed frame [12]. In similar way, Lb , Nb , Zb are moments
acting on the rocket body.
The main motor thrust force was obtained from the ground tests. The operation time
of the motor was 3 s and the total impulse was 60000 Ns. Thrust force misalignment
angles in pitch HT and yaw planes WT were included into the model.
The aerodynamic characteristics of the rocket were obtained with the aim of the-
oretical and engineering, semi-empirical methods [13, 14]. The nondimensional forces
and moments coefficients were implemented as a function of Mach number, angles of
attack and sideslip into the software using lookup table methodology. Base drag
variations due to main motor state (powered/unpowered phase of flight) were included.
Air thermodynamic properties were used according to U.S. Standard Atmosphere [15].
4 M. Jacewicz et al.

3 Impact Point Prediction Guidance

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At first the firing logic of the thrusters was developed. The thrusters were assumed to be
fired according to scheme presented in Fig. 2a. Using the single channel control the
actuation system generates forces only over a part of single roll cycle (Fig. 2b). In
result, the lateral thruster must be fired at appropriate roll angle.

Fig. 2. (a) Lateral thrusters firing sequence (b) control force direction as a function of roll angle

The thrusters firings conditions were formulated as follows [12, 16, 17]:
• the lateral thruster was not already consumed
• the time t, from the last thruster firing which has occurred at time tlast is longer than
s 2 ð0; 1Þ

t  tlast [ s ð5Þ

• lateral thruster must be fired when is at opposite side than desired flight direction

jc  Ui  p  Pðsd þ ssk Þj\e ð6Þ

where c is angle defined in Fig. 2b, is the lateral thruster location angle Ui . sd is
ignition delay (0.001 s) and ssk is half time of the lateral pulse operation time. e is
angular tolerance of firing error and it was chosen to be 2°.
• the pitch angle H of the rocket is smaller than Hg or the time from launch t is
greater than tg
H  Hg t  tg ð7Þ

• impulses are generated only when

2  2ffi
xt  xp þ yt  yp  r2tt ð8Þ
Monte-Carlo Based Lateral Thruster Parameters Optimization for 122 mm Rocket 5
Author Proof

where xt , yt are target coordinates, xp , yt are predicted impact point location and r2tt
is a small threshold (e.g. 1 m) responsible for guidance accuracy. It prevents from
the undesired consumption of thrusters when the hit error is relatively small (below
several meters) from practical point of view.
Various models could be used to determine the impact point location [9]. Linear
theory based predictive guidance was investigated in [18]. It uses analytical closed form
solution to evaluate the future projectile states. To extend the capabilities of this approach,
modified projectile linear theory intended for fast calculation of the impact point when
projectile is launched at high elevation angles was presented in [19]. The basic constraint
connected with the predictive control is the limited computational power of the onboard
computer. The simple point mass model was used to calculate the impact point of the
rocket. The equations of motion in the navigation On xn yn zn frame were as follows [20]:

¼ Un ð9Þ
¼ Vn ð10Þ
¼ Wn ð11Þ
dUn pqd 2 CX0
¼ Un2 þ Vn2 þ Wn2 Un ð12Þ
dt 8m
dVn pqd 2 CX0
¼ Un2 þ Vn2 þ Wn2 Vn ð13Þ
dt 8m
dWn pqd 2 CX0
¼ Un2 þ Vn2 þ Wn2 Wn þ g ð14Þ
dt 8m

where Un , Vn , Wn are velocities with respect to navigation frame. The air density q was
assumed to be the same as in 6 DOF model and g is gravity acceleration. Drag
coefficient CX0 as a function of Mach number for unpowered phase of flight was used.
The equations of motion are numerically integrated during the rocket flight.
When the target location xt , yt and estimated impact point coordinates xp , yp are
known the range and crossrange errors were computed [5, 21, 22]:
Dx ¼ xp  xt Dy ¼ yp  yt ð15Þ

The angle of correction c was calculated as [22–24]:

cp ¼ mod atan2 ; 2p ð16Þ

No guidance process takes place in the ascending portion of trajectory because the
roll rate of the rocket is too high. The controlled flight starts after vertex of the
6 M. Jacewicz et al.

projectile trajectory and last to the rocket touchdown. The developed mathematical
Author Proof

model of the rocket with the guidance algorithm was implemented in the MATLAB
2018a software. The equations of motion were integrated numerically using ode4
algorithm with fixed step size 1e-4 s. In the simulation the impact points were predicted
with the frequency 10 Hz.

4 Results and Discussion

Monte-Carlo methodology and the developed mathematical model of the rocket were
used to obtain the dispersion patterns. The rocket dispersion is a result of combination
of a various errors such as initial aiming inaccuracies, motor thrust misalignments,
launcher vibrations and wind disturbances, which influence the location of impact
point. The thrust force of the single thruster was modelled as a rectangular pulse. The
operation time of the single thruster was fixed and assumed to be 0.02 s. Other pre-
dictive algorithm parameters were: s = 0.5 s, Hg = 0°, tg = 7 s and r2tt = 1 m. To
investigate the influence of the lateral thruster parameters on rocket delivery accuracy a
series of simulations for various force magnitudes was evaluated. The simulation inputs
(Table 1) were assumed to be an Gaussian random independent variables pseudo-
generated with the aim of Marsenne-Twister algorithm. The standard deviations were
assumed using data from [6, 10, 17].

Table 1. Monte-Carlo parameters used in simulation.

Parameter Mean value Standard deviation Unit
m0 64.75 0.1 kg
mk 38.5 0.1 kg
Ix0 0.137 0.005 kgm2
Ixk 0.092 0.005 kgm2
U0 32 1 m/s
V0 1 0.2 m/s
W0 3 0.2 m/s
P0 1350 4 °/s
Q0 −6 0.2 °/s
R0 0 0.2 °/s
U0 0 2 °
H0 20 0.1 °
W0 0 0.2 °
xn 0 0.03 m
yn 0 0.05 m
zn 0 0.05 m
HT 0 0.01 °
WT 0 0.01 °

In the each case the 400 simulations was evaluated using desktop PC with Intel i7 and
16 GB RAM. Circular error probable (CEP) was used as a measure of the rocket impact
Monte-Carlo Based Lateral Thruster Parameters Optimization for 122 mm Rocket 7
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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 3. The impact point patterns (a) unguided flight and guided flights for thrust force
magnitudes: (b) 200 N (c) 400 N (d) 600 N (e) 800 N (f) 1000 N.

points dispersion. CEP is a radius of circle centered on the target which include 50% of the
impact points. At first, the unguided case was considered. Next, the simulations for
guided flights were evaluated. The obtained hitting patterns were presented in Fig. 3.
8 M. Jacewicz et al.

For unguided flight the lateral dispersion is bigger than longitudinal because of low
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launch elevation angle and the CEP is 184.66 m. When the impact point guidance was
applied the CEP values were reduced rapidly. The smallest dispersion was obtained for
the thrust amplitude 1000 N. No bias error in mean impact point location was intro-
duced when the control algorithm was used.
The obtained hitting errors were presented in the form of histograms in Fig. 4.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 4. The rocket miss distance distributions (a) unguided flight and guided flights for thrust
force magnitudes: (b) 200 N (c) 400 N (d) 600 N (e) 800 N (f) 1000 N.

For the unguided case the miss distances forms a shape similar to Gauss curve.
Several rockets achieved error more than 500 m. For subsequent guided cases a large
number of hit errors below several meters was obtained.
Monte-Carlo Based Lateral Thruster Parameters Optimization for 122 mm Rocket 9

In the Fig. 5 the CEP (vertical axis in logarithmic scale) as a function of lateral
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thruster force magnitude was presented.

Fig. 5. Circular error probable of the rocket for various thrust force magnitudes

The obtained relationship shows that for values larger than 600 N the profit from
increasing the amplitude is negligible. The obtained results proved that with the aim of
carefully selected lateral thruster parameters and a suitable guidance law, the accuracy
of the projectile might be improved significantly.

5 Conclusion

In this article the influence of solid propellant lateral motor side force magnitude on the
dispersion of 122 mm artillery projectile was presented. 6DoF mathematical model in
Matlab was used to investigate behavior of the rocket. The characteristic feature of
lateral thrusters controlled projectile is its low control authority. Predictive algorithm
based on point mass model was used to steer the rocket precisely to the target. Using
the calculated impact error, the control is applied to reduce the predicted miss distance.
Even relatively small 200 N side force allows to reduce the dispersion significantly.
Numerical Monte-Carlo simulations proved, that with the presented approach the cir-
cular error probable could be reduced approximately ten times when compared to
unguided rocket.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by The National Centre for Research and
Development (NCBiR) under project DOB-BIO8/10/01/2016 “Projectiles control system tech-
nology development”.

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