JR Inter IPE Question Bank Chapters 1 To 6

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IPE NOTES - 2023



1. What is physics?
Ans. Physics is a branch of science which deals with the study of nature and natural phenomena.

2. What is beta (β) decay? Which force is a function of it?

Ans. In β-decay, the nucleus emits an electron and an uncharged particle called neutrino. Beta
decay is a consequence of the weak force, which is characterized by relatively
lengthy decay times.

*3. What are fundamental forces in nature?

Ans. The fundamental forces in nature are four. They are:
(i) Gravitational Force
(ii) Electromagnetic Force
(iii) Strong Nuclear Force
(iv) Weak Nuclear Force

4. What is Raman Effect?

Ans. Raman effect: When a beam of light traverses a dust-free, transparent sample of a chemical
compound, a small fraction of the light emerges in directions other than that of the incident
(incoming) beam.

*5. What is the discovery of C.V. Raman?

Ans. Sir C. V. Raman discovered in 1928 that when a beam of coloured light entered a liquid, a
fraction of the light scattered by that liquid was of a different colour. This is known as Raman
Effect. Raman showed that the nature of this scattered light was dependent on the type of
sample present.

*6. What is the contribution of S. Chandra Sekhar to Physics?

Ans. The most important contribution of S. Chandrasekhar in the field of science was –
'The Chandrasekhar Limit' – which explained the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf
star. With his theory, Chandrasekhar showed that the mass of a white dwarf could not
exceed 1.44 times that of the Sun.

7. What is Science?
Ans. Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural
and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

8. What does Classical Physics deal with?

Ans. Classical Physics deals mainly with macroscopic phenomena and includes subjects like
Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Optics and Thermodynamics.

9. What is the contribution of Satyendra Nath Bose to Physics?

Ans. Satyendra Nath Bose is best known for his work on quantum mechanics in developing the
foundation for Bose statistics and the theory of the Bose condensate.

10. What forces are responsible for β-decay?

Ans. Beta decay is a consequence of the weak force, which is characterized by relatively
lengthy decay times.

11. What is reductionism?

Ans. Reductionism is breaking down of a complex system in to simple constituent systems to so
that laws of physics can be applied on these systems and we can understand the working of.
the complex system.

12. What is “Chandrasekhar Limit”?

Ans. 'The Chandrasekhar Limit', which explained the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star,
is a mass 1.44 times that of the Sun.


*1. Why do we have different units for the same physical quantity?
Ans. We have different units for the same physical quantity because,
(i) these units were used in different parts of the world. Every country had its own way to
express these physical quantities with different systems, such as F.P.S., C.G.S., M.K.S. etc.
The SI unit are the standard scientific system.
(ii) Also, The value of a given physical quantity may vary over a wide range. To express the
quantity in proper format, we may need different units.

2. Distinguish between fundamental units and derived units.

Ans. Fundamental units are the units of fundamental quantities such as mass, length and time,
defined by International Scientific community. All those units which are independent of any
other unit (including themselves) are the fundamental units, for example, meter, kilogram,
second etc.
Derived units are the units of quantities derived from the fundamental quantities. These
units which are obtained by multiplying and/or dividing one or more fundamental units with or
without introducing any other numerical factor, for example, unit of speed is m/s, momentum
is kg-m/s.

*3. What are the different types of errors that can occur in a measurement?
Ans. The different types of errors that can occur in a measurement are,
(i) Systematic errors
(a) Instrumental errors including Least count error
(b) Imperfection in experimental technique or procedure
(c) Personal errors
(ii) Random errors

4. Illustrate how the result of a measurement is to be reported indicating the error

Ans. A measurement can be reported as a combination of the measured value and the error
expressed either as absolute error or percentage error.
For example, the time period of a simple pendulum measured experimentally as 2.6 s with an
instrumental error of 0.1 s can be represented as or

*5. How can systematic errors be minimized or eliminated?

Ans. Systematic errors can be minimised by
(i) improving experimental techniques,
(ii) selecting better instruments and
(iii) removing personal bias as far as possible

*6. Distinguish between accuracy and precision,

The accuracy of a measurement is a Precision tells us to what resolution or limit
measure of how close the measured value is the quantity is measured.
to the true value of the quantity.
It depends on errors of measurement and It depends on the resolution (least count) of
can be minimised by using improved the measuring instrument.
methods of observations.

7. What are significant numbers? Write the number of significant digits in the
measurement of 0.002308.
Ans. The reliable digits plus the first uncertain digit are known as significant digits or significant
The number of significant digits in the measurement of 0.002308 is four since this quantity
can be written as 2.308 x 10-3.

*8. What are significant numbers and what do they represent when reporting the result of
a measurement?
Ans. Normally, the reported result of measurement is a number that includes all digits in the
number that are known reliably plus the first digit that is uncertain. These reliable digits plus
the first uncertain digit are known as significant digits or significant figures. They report the
precision of the measurement. Example, time period reported as 2.60 s with three significant
digits is more precise that 2.6 s with two significant digits.

9. What is dimensional analysis?

Ans. Dimensional analysis is the analysis of the relationships between different physical
quantities by identifying their base quantities (such as length, mass, time, and electric charge)
and units of measure (such as miles vs. kilometres, or pounds vs. kilograms) and tracking
these dimensions as calculations or comparisons are performed.

10. How many orders of magnitude greater is the radius of the atom as compared to that of
the nucleus?
Ans. Usually, radius of atom is of an order of 10−10 and radius of nucleus is of an order of 10−15.
Radius of atom = 105 × Radius of nucleus.
Thus, the radius of the atom is 7 orders of magnitude larger than the radius of the nucleus.

*11. Express unified atomic mass unit in kg.

Ans. 1 unified atomic mass unit = 1u
= (1/12) of the mass of an atom of carbon-12 isotope  C
6 including the mass of electrons
= 1.66 × 10–27 kg

12. Write the dimensional formulae for the following quantities:

(i) Gravitational Constant (ii) Surface Tension
Ans. Dimensional formula of Gravitational Constant is [M-1L3T-2]
Dimensional formula of Surface Tension is [M1L0T-2]

13. The percentage error in mass and sped are 2% and 3% respectively. What is the
maximum error in kinetic energy? Calculate using these quantities.
Ans. Kinetic Energy K  mv 2
That is, ln K  ln 0.5  ln  m   2 ln  v 
Considering differential changes by differentiating.
K m v
 2
K m v
Therefore, the maximum error in kinetic energy is
 2%  2  3%   8%

14. The moon is observed from two diametrically opposite points A and B on earth. The
angle q subtended at the moon by the two directions of observation is 1°54'. If the
diameter of the earth is about 1.276×107m, what is the distance of the moon from the

 54  
Ans. The parallax angle  1 54 '  1    1.9  1.9   0.0332 rad
 60  180
Hence, the distance d between the moon and the earth is the quotient of the diameter of
Earth, D and the parallax angel in radians.
D 12.8  103
That is, d    385 103 km
 0.0332

15. Define unified atomic mass unit.

Ans. While dealing with atoms and molecules, the kilogram is an inconvenient unit. In this case,
there is an important standard unit of mass, called the unified atomic mass unit (u), which
has been established for expressing the mass of atoms as
1 unified atomic mass unit = 1u
= (1/12) of the mass of an atom of carbon-12 isotope  12
6 C  including the mass of electrons

= 1.66 × 10–27 kg

16. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T  2 l g . Measured value of ' l ' is
20 cm known to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found
to be 90 s using a wrist watch of 1 sec resolution. What is the accuracy in the
determination of g?
Ans. Time period of one oscillation T  2 l g
Time period of 100 oscillations t  100T  200 l g
 g   200 

That is, ln g  2 ln  200   ln  l   2ln  t 
Considering differential changes by differentiating.
g l t 
   2 
g  l t 
g  1 mm 1s   1 2   9  40   49 
  2             0.272
g  20 cm 90 s   200 90   1800   180 
Therefore, the maximum error in the determination of g is  2.72%

17. The error in measurement of radius of sphere is 1%. What is the error in the
measurement of volume?
Ans. Volume of sphere V   r 3
Considering differential changes,
V  r 
 3 
V  r 
 3 1%   3%
Therefore, the maximum error in the determination of volume is  3%

18. Prove that Planck's constant and angular momentum have same dimensions.
Ans. Planck Constant is defined as (Energy/Frequency)
Thus, dimensions of Planck Constant =[energy] / [frequency]
[Planck constant] = [M1L2T-2] / [T-1] = [M1L2T-1] --- (1)
Angular momentum is defined as (moment of inertia x angular velocity)
Thus, [angular momentum] = [moment of inertia] x [angular velocity]
[angular momentum] =[M1L2T0] x [M0L0T-1] = [M1L2T-1] --- (2)
From Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) we find that both Planck constant and angular velocity has the same
dimensions [M1L2T-1]


1. The states of motion and rest are relative. Explain?

Ans. Rest and motion are relative terms as their positions and motion depend on the observer’s
frame of reference.
A passenger on the train will see other passengers on the train at rest, he will observe the
stationary objects and people outside the train moving.
A person on the platform will see passengers on the train in motion.
Hence, on the basis of the frame of reference of the observer the state of motion or state of
rest appears to us. Therefore, the state of rest and state of motion are relative.

2. How is the average velocity different from the instantaneous velocity?

Ans. Average velocity is (net displacement) / (total duration of motion)
  
 r r2  r1
vav  
t t2  t1
It depends on the initial and final positions and the net displacement and not on the total
distance covered. It may or may not be equal to average speed.
Instantaneous velocity at an instant is defined as the limit of the average velocity as the time
interval becomes infinitesimally small.
 
  r  dr
v  lim   
t  0 t
  dt
Magnitude of the instantaneous velocity is equal to the instantaneous speed.

3. Give an example where the velocity of an object is zero but its acceleration Is not zero.
Ans. Example 1: An object dropped from rest from a height above the ground. Here, the initial
velocity is zero, but acceleration due gravity is g in downward direction.
Example 2: An object project from the ground vertically upward, at the maximum height
above the ground the velocity is zero, but acceleration due gravity is g in downward direction.

4. A car travels the first third of a distance with a speed of 10 kmph, the second third at
20 kmph and the last third at 60 kmph. What is its mean speed over the entire
Ans. When an object cover ‘n’ equal distances with speeds v1, v2, …. vn, then the average speed is
Vmean 
 1   2   ...   s v12 
s v  s v
n 1 1 1
    ... 
Vmean v1 v2 vn
In the given situation, the car travels three equal distances,
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6  3 1 1
Therefore.        
Vmean v1 v2 v3 10 20 60 60 6
Thus, the mean speed of the car over the entire distance is Vmean  3  6  18


1. Can the equations of kinematics be used when the acceleration varies with time? If
not, what form would these equations take?
Ans. No, the equations of kinematics given here are applicable only when the acceleration is
v  v o  at --- --- (1)
1 2
x  vo t  at --- --- (2)
v 2  v o2  2a  x  x o  --- --- (3)
When the acceleration varies with time, the equations of kinematics take the following form of
v t
dv  0
adt --- --- (1)
x t
dx   vdt
--- --- (2)
v x
v dv   adx --- --- (3)

The advantage of these integral equations is that they can be used for motion with either
uniform or non-uniform acceleration.

2. A particle moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration. Its velocity at them t = 0 is
and at time t = t is . The average velocity of the particle in this time interval is
. Is this correct? Substantiate your answer.
Ans. Yes, it is correct.
For uniformly accelerated motion , the equation for displacement is given by,
x  v1t  at 2
And the instantaneous velocity at t is, v2  v1  at … (2)
Combining the two equations, and eliminating a , we can write:
x  v1t   v2  v1  t
v v 
Or x   1 2  t  vt
 2 
 v1  v2  x
where, v   is the average velocity of the particle (applicable for constant
2 t
acceleration only)

3. Can the velocity of an object be in a direction other than the direction of acceleration of
the object? If so, give an example.
Ans. Yes, the velocity of an object can be in a direction other than the direction of acceleration.
Example 1:

A ball projected vertically in upward direction, during its ascent

has velocity in the upward direction, while the direction of
acceleration is downward.

Example 2:

In the case of an object projected in the vertical plane at angle

to the horizontal, i.e. the projectile motion, the direction of
velocity is continuously changing and is never in the direction
of acceleration due to gravity which is always in the downward
4. A parachutist flying in an aeroplane jumps when it is at a height of 3 km above ground.
He opens his parachute when he is about 1 km above ground. Describe his motion.
Ans. Assumptions:
a) Acceleration due to gravity is constant since h<<R
b) Drag force is proportional to velocity of the body; drag force Fd  kv , where k is the
constant of proportionality.
Stage 1: Falling from 3 km height to 1 km height
Taking downward direction as positive, Fnet  mg  kv  ma
 a  g  k , v , where k ,  , a constant.
the speed increases exponentially as v   1  e  k ' t 
Where  has the dimension of speed
Stage 2: Falling from 1 km height to ground
When reaching the height of 1 km above ground, let the speed be v  v0 when the person
opens his parachute. Due to the opening of the parachute the drag force increases to much
higher value than the weight of the person causing exponential deceleration and quickly
attaining a constant terminal velocity when acceleration becomes zero. This terminal speed
will be much lower and thus, the person would be able to land at a comfortable speed.

5. A bird holds a fruit in its beak and flies parallel to the ground. It lets go of the fruit at
some height. Describe the trajectory of the fruit as it falls to the ground as seen by (a)
the bird (b) a person on the ground.
Ans. (a) As the bird is flying parallel to the ground, it possesses velocity in horizontal direction.
Hence the fruit also possesses velocity in horizontal direction and an acceleration in
downward direction. Therefore, the velocity of fruit relative to the bird
in horizontal direction remains zero. Hence
the path of the fruit is a vertical straight line
with respect to the bird. (b) Assuming the
person to be stationary on the ground, the
fruit has an initial velocity in the horizontal
direction with a constant acceleration in the
downward direction. Hence the trajectory of
the fruit as seen by the person on the ground
will be a parabola.

6. A man runs across the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally on to the lower
roof of an adjacent building. If his speed is 9 m s–1 and the horizontal distance between
the buildings is 10 m and the height difference between the roofs is 9 m, will he be able
to land on the next building? (g = 10 m s–2)
Ans. If his horizontal range is greater than 10 m, then he can land safely on the other building.
In vertical direction,
Initial velocity (u) = 0 O 9 ms
Uniform acceleration (a) = +g = +10 ms–2
Distance travelled (s) = height difference = 9m 9m
Time taken (t) = ?
From S  ut  at 2
1 2 1
 S  0  gt  9   10  t 2  5t 2  9
2 2
2 9 3 3
t   t    1.34 s
5 5 2.236
Now horizontal range = horizontal velocity x time of fall = 9 x 1.34 = 12.07 m > 10 m.
Hence, will he be able to land on the next building safely.
7. A ball is dropped from the roof of a tall building and simultaneously another ball is
thrown horizontally with some velocity from the same roof. Which ball lands first?
Explain your answer
Ans. The time of flight for an object projected from a height with vertical component of velocity of
projection is given as
u y  u y2  2 gh
Since the vertical component of the initial velocity is zero in the case of the ball dropped as
well as the ball projected horizontally from the roof of a building, the time of flight will remain
the same.
0  0  2 gh 2h
T 
g g
Hence, both the balls land together.

8. A ball is dropped from a building and simultaneously another ball is projected upward
with some velocity. Describe the change is relative velocities of the balls as a function
of time.
Ans. Taking the vertically upward direction as positive, acceleration due to gravity
a) For a body dropped from building its velocity v1  - gt  u1  0  →(1)
b) For a body thrown up with a velocity its velocity, v2  u  gt →(2)
Therefore the relative velocity of the first ball relative to the second will be
v1,2  v1  v2    gt    u  gt   u
Here the relative velocity remains constant, but the speed of the body dropped from the
building increases at a rate of g m/sec and the speed of the body projected upward decreases
at a rate of g m/sec.

*9. Show that the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of 45⁰ is
one quarter of its range.
Consider an object projected from the ground with a velocity of
magnitude at angle with the horizontal.
The expression for the maximum height (vertical displacement) is
given by
v 2 sin 2  0 v02
H 0 
2g 4g
The expression for the range (maximum horizontal displacement)
is given by
v 2 sin 2 0 v02
R 0 
g g
H  v02 v02  1
Therefore,  
R  4g g  4
Thus, the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of 45⁰ is one quarter
of its range.
10. Derive the equation of motion x  V0t  at 2 using appropriate graph.
Ans. For uniformly accelerated motion , the equation,
v  v0  at … (1)
gives a relation between final and initial velocities v and
v0 of an object.
This relation is graphically represented in the adjoining
The area under this curve is:
Area between instants 0 and t = Area of triangle ABC +
Area of rectangle OACD.
Area of triangle ABC   v  v0  t … (2)
Area of rectangle OACD  v0 t … (3)
The area under v-t curve represents the displacement.
Therefore, the displacement x of the object, from equations (2) and (3), is:
x   v  v0  t  v0 t
But from equation (1), v  v0  at
Therefore, x   at  t  v0t
Or, x  v0 t  at 2


1. A man walks on a straight road from his home to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of
5 km/h. Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back with a speed of
7.5 km/h. What is the magnitude of average velocity and (b) average speed of the man
over the tie interval 0 to 50 min?
 x (x f  x i )
Ans. (a) Average velocity V av    0 since, initial and final positions are the same.
t (t 2  t1 )
 x 2s
(b) Average speed Vav  
t (s v1 )  (s v 2 )
2v1v 2 2  5  7.5  75
    6 km/h
v1  v 2 5  7.5 12.5

2. A car travels the first third of a distance with a speed of 10 kmph, the second third at 20
kmph and the last third at 60 kmph. What is its mean speed over the entire distance?
Ans. Let the total distance covered be km
s s
Time taken to cover the first third of the distance t1   h
v1 10
s s
Time taken to cover the second third of the distance t2   h
v2 20
s s
Time taken to cover the last third of the distance t3   h
v3 60
s s s s
Therefore, the total time taken to cover entire distance t  t1  t2  t3     h
10 20 60 6
3s 3s
The average speed vav    18 km/h
t  6

3. A bullet moving with a speed of 150 m s-1 strikes a tree and penetrates 3.5 cm before
stopping. What is the magnitude of its retardation in the tree and the time taken for it to
stop after striking the tree
Ans. Given:
Initial velocity = 150 m/s
Final velocity = 0
Displacement = 3.5 cm = 3.5 x 10-2 m
v 2  v o2  2a  x  x o 
0  1502  2a  3.5  10 2 
150  150
a  3.21  105 m s-2.
2  3.5  102
Therefore, retardation = 3.21  105 m s-2.
s s 3.5  102
Time, t     4.67  10 4 s
vav  u  v  2 150 2

4. A stone is dropped from a height 300 m and at the same time another stone is
projected vertically upwards with velocity of 100 m/s. Fine when and where the two
stones meet.
Ans. Taking the vertically upward direction as positive, acceleration due to gravity
a) For a body dropped from building its velocity v1   gt  u1  0  →(1)
b) For a body thrown up with a velocity its velocity, v2  u  gt →(2)
Therefore the relative velocity of the first ball relative to the second will be
v1,2  v1  v2    gt    u  gt   u
The displacement of the second body relative to the first before they mee is the height
h from where the first was dropped.
yrel 300
The time when they collide is t    3s
vrel 100
In this time the stone projected upwards will travel,
1 2 1 
y  u2 t  gt  100  3     9.8  32   300  44.1  255.9 m
2 2 
Here the relative velocity remains constant, but the speed of the body dropped from the
building increases at a rate of g m/sec and the speed of the body projected upward decreases
at a rate of g m/sec.

5. A ball A is dropped from the top of a building and at the same time an identical ball B is
thrown vertically upward from the ground. When the balls collide the speed of A is
twice that of B. At what fraction of the height of the building did the collision occur?
Ans. Taking the vertically upward direction as positive, acceleration due to gravity
a) For a body dropped from building its velocity v1  - gt  u1  0  → (1)
b) For a body thrown up let the initial velocity be . Then v2  u  gt → (2)
Therefore, the relative velocity of the first ball relative to the second will be
v1,2  v1  v2    gt    u  gt   u
yrel H
The time when they collide is t   , --- (3)
vrel u
where H is the height of the building.
At the time of collision, v1  2v2 .
From Eq. (1) and Eq. (2),
gt  2u  2 gt
3 gt  2u --- (4)
From Eq. (1) and Eq. (4) v1 
From Eq. (2) and Eq. (4) v2  --- (5)
3g H 3 gH
From Eq. (4) and Eq. (3) u   u2  --- (6)
2 u 2
Let the height at which the collision take place be h from the ground.
Then, u 2  v22  2 gh
Substituting for v2 from Eq. (5) and u 2 from Eq. (6)
u2   2 gh
8u 2
 2 gh
8 3gH h 2
 2 gh  
9 2 H 3


1. The vertical component of a vector is equal to its horizontal component. What is the
angle made by the vector with x-axis?

Ans. Let the vector be r  xiˆ  yjˆ .
 y
Then, the angle the vector makes with the X-axis   Tan 1   .
Given, that x  y    45

2. A vector V makes an angle e with the horizontal. The vector is rotated through an

angle e ' . Does this rotation change the vector V ?

Ans. Even though the magnitude of the vector V remains unaltered during the rotation, the
direction is changing. A vector is defined both by magnitude and direction. Hence, the vector

V changes.

3. Two forces of magnitude 3 units and 5 units act at 60⁰ with each other. What is the
magnitude of their resultant?
Ans. Given: Two forces of magnitude 3 units and 5 unts inclined at 60⁰ with each other
To find the magnitude of their resultant
Solution: Let the vectors be and , with the angle of inclination
By parallelogram law of vector addition,
 
the magnitude of a  b  a 2  b 2  2ab cos 

 32  52  2.3.5cos 60  9  25  15  49  7 units

4. If A  iˆ 
ˆj , what is the angle between the vector and X-axis?

Ans. Given: A  iˆ  ˆj
To find: The angle between the vector and X-axis
  y
For a vector be r  xiˆ  yjˆ , the angle the vector makes with the X-axis   Tan 1   .
Given, that x  y  1    45

Therefore, the angle the vector A  iˆ  ˆj makes with the X-axis is 45⁰

5. When two right angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 units combine, what is the
magnitude of their resultant?
Ans. Given: Two right-angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 unts
To find the magnitude of their resultant
 
Solution: Let the vectors be a  7iˆ and b  24 ˆj
  
a  b  7iˆ  24 j
 
Therefore, the magnitude of  a  b  7 2  242  49  576  625  25 units

   
6. IfP  2iˆ  4 ˆj  14kˆ and Q  4iˆ  4 ˆj  10kˆ , find the magnitude of P  Q .
 
Ans. Given: P  2iˆ  4 ˆj  14kˆ , Q  4iˆ  4 ˆj  10kˆ
To find the magnitude of
Therefore, the magnitude of

7. Can a vector of magnitude zero have non-zero components?

Ans. Let a vector be r  xiˆ  yjˆ  zkˆ .
Given that the magnitude of the vector is zero  r 2  x 2  y 2  z 2  0
Since, the sum of three squares can be zero if and only if, each square is zero, a vector of
magnitude zero cannot have non-zero components.

8. What is the acceleration of a projectile at the top of its trajectory?

Ans. The acceleration of a projectile at the top of its trajectory is the acceleration due to gravity, g =
9.8 m/s2.

9. Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to give the zero vector? Can three
unequal vectors add up to give the zero vector?
Ans. No. When two vectors add up to give the zero vector they necessarily must be in opposite
directions with equal magnitude.
Three unequal vectors can add up to give the zero vector, if according to the Triangle Law of
Addition of vectors they form a closed triangle when drawn in order.

10. Write the equation for the horizontal range covered by a projectile and specify when it
will be maximum.
u 2 sin 2
Ans. The equation for the horizontal range covered by a projectile is R 
where, R is the horizontal range, u is the magnitude of the initial velocity of projection, θ is the
angle of projection and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
The horizontal range will be maximum for a given speed of projection when sin 2  1 , that is
when  = 45⁰.

11. Define projectile motion.

Ans. Projectile motion is the motion of an object projected into the air and moving under the
influence of gravity. it moves along a curved path under constant acceleration directed
towards the centre of the earth.

12. State the parallelogram law of vector addition.

Ans. When two vectors are drawn from the same point representing in magnitude and direction the
two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through
the same point, represents both in magnitude and direction the resultant of the vectors.

     
13. Ifa  b  a  b , what is the angle between a and b
   
Ans. Given: a  b  a  b
 a 2  b 2  2ab cos   a 2  b 2  2ab cos 
 cos   0    90


*1. State the parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude and
direction of the resultant vector.
Ans. Statement: If two co-initial vectors are represented both in magnitude and direction by the
adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their resultant both in magnitude and direction is given
by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through the same point.
  B
Let P and Q be two vectors having the same origin O. C
Let  be the angle between two vectors. Let the side OA 
 Q 
be represented by vector P and side OB is represented by R
Q . The parallelogram OACB is completed. The points O 
 

and C are joined. Now OC represents the resultant R in O
magnitude and direction.
Calculation of
the resultant:
    
In the figure OA  P, OB  Q, OC  R
 OA = OA = P
OB = OB = Q
OC = OC = R
in the triangle COD, OC2 = OD2 + CD2
OC2 = (OA + AD)2 + CD2
OC2 = OA2 + 2 OA.AD + (AD2 + CD2)
OC2 = OA2 + 2 OA.AD + AC2
[ From the triangle CAD, AD2 + CD2 = AC2]
R2 = P2 + 2P. AD + Q2
From the  CAD, cos   AD
AD = AC cos 
AD = Q cos  (  AB = OC)
R2 = P2 + Q2 + 2 PQ cos 
R= P 2  Q 2  2P Q cos  , this gives the magnitude of the resultant
 
Let  be the angle made by the resultant vector R and P .
Then tan  = CD
In the triangle CAD, sin  
CD = AC sin 
CD = Q sin 
Q sin 
 tan   [ AD = Q cos ]
P  Qcos 
 Qsin  
  tan1   this gives the direction of the resultant.
 P  Qcos  

2. What is relative motion? Explain it.

Ans. The motion of one particle in the reference frame another particle in motion is known as
relative motion.
If you look outside the window of a moving train, you will observe that another train stationary
on the next appears to be moving in a backward direction.
 
Let two objects A and B move with velocities v A and v B respectively in ground frame
 
reference. As seen from object A, object B has a velocity  v B  v A  because the
 
displacement from A to B changes steadily by the amount  v B  v A  in each unit of time. We
 
say that the velocity of object B relative to object A is  v B  v A  :
  
v BA   v B  v A 
Similarly, velocity of object A relative to object B is:
   
v AB   v A  v B    v BA
Example: A car moves with a velocity of magnitude 80 km/h toward East, and a bus moves
with a velocity of magnitude 50 km/h toward West. Taking East is positive X-axis and West as
negative X-axis.

v car  80iˆ km/h

v bus  50iˆ km/h
Then the velocity of the car relative to bus is,
  
vcar,bus car bus  
 v  v  80iˆ  50iˆ  130iˆ km/h
That is, for a passenger in the bus, the car ‘appears’ to move with a velocity of 130 km/h
toward East.
 
Since v AB  vBA , for a passenger in the car, the bus ‘appears' to move with a velocity of 130
km/h toward West.

3. Show that a boat must move at angle with respect to the river water in order to cross
the river in minimum time.
Ans. Let a boat starts from a point A on one bank of a river with a velocity Vbr in the direction, as
shown in figure.
The river is flowing along positive x- direction with a B
velocity Vr . Width of the river is W. Then the velocity
boat along y-direction is given by y
Vby = Vbr cos  …………(1) W
 time taken by the boat to cross the river is
Vbr  x
t  …………(2)
Vby Vbr cos  A Vr
From equation (2), time will be minimum, if

 the boat should move at an angle of 90° with respect to river water in order to cross the
river in a minimum time

4. Define unit vector, null vector and position vector.

Ans. A vector is a physical quantity with both its magnitude and direction specified and is denoted
  
as r , a , F etc
Unit Vector: A vector whose magnitude is equal to one to specify a convenient direction is
called a unit vector. It is generally denoted as

r  
rˆ  or r  r rˆ , where r represents the magnitude of the vector r .
Null Vector or Zero Vector: A vector whose magnitude is equal to zero is called a zero or

null vector. Its direction is indeterminate. It is generally denoted as O .
Position Vector:
The position of a particle is described by a position vector and is
drawn from the origin of a reference frame. If the position of a
particle in x-y plane is described as P  x, y  then its position vector is
denoted as where and are unit vectors along
positive X-axis and positive Y-axis respectively.
Thus, the position vector helps to locate the particle in space.

     
5. If a  b  a b , prove that the angle between a and b is 900.
   
Ans. ab  ab

 a2  b2  2abcos   a2  b2  2abcos 
a2 + b2 + 2ab cos  = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos 
2ab cos  = –2ab cos 
4ab cos  = 0
cos  = 0 but 4ab  0.
 = 90
 
Hence the angle between a and b = 90

*6. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a
Ans. Consider a body projected with an initial velocity (u) making an angle ‘’ with the horizontal
OX. OX and OY be the coordinate axes with ‘O’ as origin. The body is subjected to not only
acceleration due to gravity which acts vertically downwards.
The body does not experience acceleration in Y
horizontal direction. The velocity of the projectile is
resolved along the horizontal OX and vertical OY. Let
u cos  and u sin  be the components along OX and

u sin 
OY. The horizontal component of velocity remains P
constant throughout the flight. Only its vertical h
component changes due to acceleration due to X
gravity ‘g’. O u cos  R A
Equation for the trajectory of the projectile:
The distance travelled along OX in time ‘t’
x = (u cos )t ………….(1)
t ………….(2)
ucos 
The distance travelled along OY in time t
1  1 
y  usin t  gt 2  from s  ut  at 2  ………….(3)
2  2 
By substituting equation (2) value of t in equation (3)
 x  1  x 
y  usin     g  
 ucos   2  ucos  
 g  2
i.e., y  x tan    2 x
 2u cos 2
 
Let A  tan  and B  2
2u cos2 
Where A and B are constants
Y = AX – BX2
This is the equation of parabola.
 The trajectory of a projectile is parabola.

7. Explain the terms average velocity and instantaneous velocity. When are they equal?
Ans. 1) Average velocity: The average velocity of the particle is defined as the ratio of
displacement x to the time interval t.
 x (x 2  x1 )
Vx  
t (t 2  t1 )
Average velocity is independent of the path followed by the particle between the initial and
final positions. It gives the result of the motion.

2) Instantaneous velocity: The velocity of a particle at a particular instant of time is known

as instantaneous velocity.
Vx  Lim
x  0  t

The instantaneous velocity may be positive or negative in straight line motion.

In uniform motion the instantaneous velocity of a body is equal to the average velocity.
3) The average velocity does not give any details of the motion of the particle. It gives only the
result of the motion.
4) The instantaneous velocity defines how fast the particle moves at a particular instant of
5) In uniform motion the instantaneous velocity is equal to the average velocity.
8. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are and
respectively, where the terms have their regular meanings.
Ans. Maximum height: When the projectile is at the maximum height its vertical component of
velocity vy = 0
Initial velocity = u sin  Y
Final velocity = 0
distance = S;

u sin 
h = maximum height reached by the body;
acceleration a = –g h

From the equation v2 – u2 = 2as X
02 – (u sin 0)2 = – 2gh u cos 

u2 sin2 
Maximum height attained by the projectile h  ………….(1)
Horizontal range of projectile (R):
The horizontal distance travelled by the projectile from the point of projection during the time
of flight is called its range.
Range R = horizontal velocity x time of Y
2usin 
T  ucos   T  ucos   A
g u sin 
u2 2 sin  cos 
u sin2
2 X
R ………….(2) O u cos  R B

9. If the trajectory of a body is parabolic in one reference frame, can it be parabolic in

another reference frame that moves at constant velocity with respect to the first
reference frame?
Ans. Consider a trajectory moving in the ground frame reference with an initial velocity
 
u  ux ˆi  uy ˆj and acceleration a  gjˆ where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
The velocity of the trajectory
   
   
v  u  at  ux ˆi  uy  g j t  (1)

Let another reference frame move with a constant velocity u'  u' x ˆi  u' y ˆj  (2)
Then, the velocity of the trajectory in the reference frame moving at constant velocity is the
   
    
relative velocity v r  v  u'  ux ˆi  uy  g j t  u'x ˆi  u'y ˆj 
 
 
 v r   ux  u'x  ˆi   uy  u' y   gt j
 
 
Case (i) If u x  u'x  v r   uy  u'y   gt j , the path will be a straight line in the vertical
 
 
Case (ii) If u x  u'x  v r   u x  u'x  ˆi   uy  u' y   gt j , and the path will be a parabolic.

10. A force 2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ N acts on a body which is initially at rest. At the end of 20 second the
velocity of the body is 4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ m/s. What is the mass of the body?
Ans. Given:

Force, F  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ N

Initial velocity, u  0

After time t = 20 s, velocity, v  4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ
  
  v u
Force, F  ma  m  
 t 
Substituting the given quantities,
 4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ 
2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  m  
 20
 
  
20 2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  m 4iˆ  2ˆj  2kˆ 
20  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ   2m  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ 
20  2m
Therefore, mass m  10 kg

11. Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 35 m/s. A woman rides a bicycle with speed of
12 m/s in east to west direction. What is the direction in which she should hold her
Ans. Given: Speed of the rain = 35 m/s vertically down
Speed of the woman = 12 m/s West to East
To find: The direction in which the umbrella is held.
As shown in the figure,
 
Let vr be the velocity of rain and vb the
velocity of the bicycle, the woman is riding.
Both these velocities are with respect to
the ground.
Since the woman is riding a bicycle, the
velocity of rain as experienced by her is
the velocity of rain relative to the velocity
of the bicycle she is riding.
  
That is vrb  vr  vb

This relative velocity vector vrb makes an angle  with the vertical such that,
vb 12
tan     0.343    Tan 1  0.343  19
vr 35
Therefore, the woman should hold her umbrella at an angle of about 19° with the vertical
towards the west.


1. What is inertia? What is the measure of inertia?

Ans. Inertia is a tendency of a body to remain in a state of rest of uniform motion unless acted
upon by an external force. Mass is the measure of inertia.

2. According to Newton’s Third Law, every force is accompanied by an equal and

opposite force. How can a movement ever take place?
Ans. According to Newton’s Third Law, every force is accompanied by an equal and opposite
force, but these forces are action-reaction pairs and act on two bodies and not on the same
body. Thus, the action and reaction pair acting on two difference bodies make them move
simultaneously towards each other.

3. When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun gives a kick in the backward direction.
Ans. When a bullet is fired from a gun, if the force on the bullet by the gun is F, then the force on
the gun by the bullet is (– F), according to the third law. Since a force of the same magnitude
is acting the gun and bullet, but in opposite directions, the gun recoils, i.e., it is kicked in the
backward direction.

4. Why does a heavy rifle not recoil as strongly as a light rifle using the same cartridges?
Ans. When a cartridge is fired from a rifle, if the force on the cartridge by the rifle is F, then the
force on the rifle by the cartridge is (– F), according to the third law.
Impulse, Ft  p  p f  pi  m  v  u 
If the change in momentum of the cartridge is the same in both the cases, then the impulse is
the same on the two rifles. That is, the change in momentum is the same in both the heavy
and light rifle.
Mv being constant, the lighter rifle recoils more strongly than the heavier rifle.

5. If a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces the pieces travel in opposite directions.
Ans. The initial momentum of the bomb at rest is zero.
By the principle of conservation of linear momentum, the net the momentum of the two pieces
after explosion is also zero. Since linear momentum is a vector quantity and is proportional to
the velocities, the two pieces necessarily travel in opposite directions.

6. Define force. What are the fundamental forces in nature?

Ans. Force is a push or a pull that causes a body at rest or in uniform motion to accelerate. Thus,
force is the cause and change in momentum in a given duration is the effect.
Mathematically it is expressed as the rate of change of momentum.
The fundamental forces in nature are four. They are:
(i) Gravitational Force
(ii) Electromagnetic Force
(iii) Strong Nuclear Force
(iv) Weak Nuclear Force

7. Can the coefficient of friction be greater than 1?

Ans. Coefficient of friction is defined as the ratio of the parallel component to the perpendicular
component of the contact force. If the parallel component is greater than the perpendicular
component, the coefficient of friction of friction will be greater than 1.
Yes, the coefficient of friction can be greater than one, depending on the nature of the contact

8. Why does the car with a flattened tyre stop sooner that the one with inflated tyres?
Ans. Due to flattening of tyres, area of contact increases which leads to increase in frictional force.
Because rolling frictional force between the surface and tyre is proportional to area of contact.
Area of contact increases for flattened tyres. So, the rolling frictional force increases and the
car will be stopped quickly.

9. A horse has to pull harder during the start of the motion than later. Explain.
Ans. - Initially, the horse must overcome static friction between cart wheel and road surface and is
required to apply a force great that than the limiting static friction.
- After the motion starts, the cart has to just overcome kinetic friction to continue moving
- The limiting static friction is greater than kinetic friction.
- Hence horse will have to pull harder at the start than during motion.

10. What happens to the coefficient of friction if the weight of the body is doubled?
Ans. Coefficient of Friction is defined as the ratio of the maximum resisting force parallel to the
contact surface to the forces pressing them together, i.e. the normal force. It depends only the
nature of the contact surface. Therefore, by doubling the weight, the coefficient of
friction remains unchanged.

11. Calculate the time needed for a net force of 5 N to change the velocity of a10 kg mass
by 2m/s.
Ans. Given: Net force acting on the object = 5 N
Mass of the object = 10 kg
Change in the magnitude of velocity = 2 m/s
To find: The time taken for the change in velocity
Solution: Acceleration, by Newton’s second Law of motion, a 
Acceleration, by definition, a 
F v m v 10  2
Combining the two equations, we have a   t  4 s
m t t 5
Therefore, the time needed for a net force of 5 N to change the velocity of a10 kg mass by 2
m/s is 4 s

12. A batsman hits back a ball straight in the direction of a bowler without changing its
initial speed of 12 m/s. If the mass of the ball is 0.15 kg, determine the impulse
imparted to the ball. (Assume the linear motion of the ball).
Ans. Given: The initial velocity of the ball, u = +12 m/s considering the initial direction as positive.
The final velocity of the ball, u = -12 m/s considering the initial direction as positive.
Mass of the ball = 0.15 kg
To find: The impulse imparted to the ball
Solution: By Impulse-Momentum Theorem,
Impulse,  p  pf  pi  m  v  u   0.15  12   12    3.6 kg m s-1
The negative sign indicates that the impulse imparted is in the direction opposite to the initial
direction of motion, and the magnitude of the impulse imparted is 3.6 kg m/s.

13. A block of mass 4 kg is resting on a rough horizontal plane and is about to move when
a horizontal force of 30 N is applied on it. If g = 10 m/s2, find the total contact force
exerted by the plane on the block.
Ans. Given: Horizontal force acting on the block = 30 N
Mass of the object = 4 kg
g = 10 m/s2
To find: Total contact force
Solution: Normal contact force, N  mg  40N
Since the block about to move, applied force = limiting statice friction force,
Total contact force, Fc  N2  f 2  402  302  1600  900  2500  50N

14. State the law of conservation of linear momentum.

Ans. The law of conservation of linear momentum states that the total linear momentum of an
isolated system (in which the net external force is zero) of interacting particles is conserved.
15. Define the terms momentum and impulse.
Ans. Momentum = mass × velocity
Dimensional formula =[M1L1T-1]
S.I. Unit = kg m s-1
Impulse = Force × time duration = Change in momentum
Dimensional formula =[M1L1T-1]
S.I. Unit = kg m s-1
Both momentum and impulse are vector quantities

16. State Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

Ans. Newton’s Second Law of Motion states that The rate of change of momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force

17. Determine the maximum acceleration of the train in which a box lying on its floor will
remain stationary, given the co-efficient of static friction between the box and the
train’s floor is 0.15
Ans: Since block is stationary relative to the train, the friction force acting between the block and
the train is static friction force which provides the acceleration to the block equal to the
acceleration of the train in the forward direction as shown in the figure.
 f s  Ma
But the static friction must be less than or equal to the limiting static friction which is given by
the law of static friction as
f s  f L and f L   N
Since the normal force
N  Mg  Ma   Mg
 a   g  a  0.15  9.8
 a  1.47 m/s2.


1. A stone of mass 0.1 kg is thrown vertically upwards. Give the magnitude and direction
of the net force on the stone (a) during its upward direction (b) during its downward
motion (c) at the highest point, where it momentarily comes to rest.
Ans. In the absence of any other force, that is, in free-fall condition, only gravitational force acts.
This gravitational force is always in the downwards direction and has a magnitude = mg = 0.1
x 9.8 = 0.98 N.
(a) During upward direction: magnitude of force 0.98 N in downward direction but momentum
and displacement are in upward direction.
(b) During downward direction: magnitude of force 0.98 N in downward direction but
momentum and displacement are in downward direction.
(c) At the highest point: magnitude of force 0.98 N in downward direction but momentum is
zero as it momentarily stops.

2. Explain the terms momentum and impulse. State and explain the law of conservation
of momentum. Give examples.
Ans: Momentum:

Momentum, P of a body is defined to be the product of its mass m and velocity v, and is
given by:
 
p  mv
Momentum is a vector quantity.
The product of force and time, which is the change in momentum of the body is called
impulse: Impulse = Force × time duration
= Change in momentum
A large force acting for a short time to produce a finite change in momentum is called an
impulsive force.
The law of conservation of momentum states that, the total momentum of an isolated
system of interacting particles is conserved. That is, when there is no external force acting on
a system of particle, the total momentum of the system remains constant.
 
Consider two bodies A and B, with initial momenta p A and pB .
 
The bodies collide, get apart, with final momenta p ' A and p 'B respectively.
pA pB p’A p’B


(Before collision) (After collision)

By the Second Law
  
FAB t  p ' A  p A and
  
FBA t  p ' B  pB
(where we have taken a common interval of time for both forces i.e. the time for which the two
bodies are in contact.)
 
Since FAB   FBA by the third law,
   
 p ' A  p A     p 'B  p B 
   
i.e.  p ' A  p 'B    p A  pB 
which shows that the total final momentum of the isolated system equals its initial momentum.
Examples: 1. Motion of rockets. 2. Motion of air-filled balloons as the air is released from the
balloon. 3. System of gun and bullet – when a bullet is fired the gun recoils (moves in the
opposite direction).

3. Why are shock absorbers used in motor cycles and cars?

Ans: The shock absorbers increase the time of jerk (impact), thereby reducing the impulsive
force. This minimizes the damage to the vehicle. Hence, shock absorbers are used in motor
cycles and cars.

4. Explain the terms limiting friction, dynamic friction and rolling friction.
Ans. Limiting friction: The maximum value of static friction is called ‘Limiting friction’.
Kinetic friction or dynamic friction
When the applied force overcomes the limiting friction and the body into motion. In this
condition motion of the body is resisted by another friction called Dynamic friction or Kinetic
‘The resistance encountered by a sliding body on a surface is known as kinetic friction or
dynamic friction fk.
Rolling Friction
If a wheel or a cylinder or a spherical body like a marble rolls on horizontal surface, the speed
of rolling gradually decreases and it finally stops. The resistance encountered by a rolling
body on a surface is known as “Rolling friction”.

5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction.

Ans. Advantages of friction
(1) Safe walking on the floor, motion of vehicles etc. are possible only with friction.
(2) Nails, screws etc. are driven into walls, wooden surfaces etc. due to friction.
(3) Writing with pens, pencils, holding things with hands etc. is possible if friction is present.
(4) Speed running vehicles etc. can be stopped suddenly when friction is present, otherwise
accidents become large.

Disadvantages of friction
(1) Due to friction there is large amount of loss of energy in machines and engines.
(2) Due to friction wear and tear of engines increase.
(3) Due to friction some energy gets converted into heat which goes as waste.

6. Explain friction. Mention the methods used to decrease it.

Ans. Friction:
1. Friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to slide, across each
2. Friction always opposes relative motion between the surfaces in contact.
3. The amount of friction depends on the materials from which the two surfaces are made.
The rougher the surface, the more friction is produced.
4. Friction also produces heat.
There are mainly three types of friction: static friction, kinetic friction and rolling friction

The methods used to decrease friction

(1) Polishing : By polishing the surfaces of contact, friction can be reduced.
(2) Bearings : The rolling friction is less than the sliding friction hence free wheels of a cycle,
mo car,, dynamos etc., are provided with ball bearings to reduce friction. Bearings convert
sliding motion into rolling motion.
(3) Lubricants : The lubricant forms a thin layer between surfaces of contact. It reduces the
friction. In light vehicles or machines, oils like “three in one” are used as lubricants. In heavy
machines grease is used. In addition to this they guard the mechanical parts from over
(4) Streamlining : Automobiles and Aeroplanes are streamlined to reduce the friction due to

7. State the laws of rolling friction.

Ans. When a body is rolling over the other, then the friction between the bodies.
Laws of Rolling Friction:
(i) The smaller the area of contact, the lesser will the rolling friction.
(ii) The smaller the area of contact, the lesser will the rolling friction.
(iii) The rolling friction force f is proportional to the load L f  r L where r is the
coefficient of rolling friction.
(iv) The rolling friction force f can be expressed as a fractional power of the load L times a
constant k. f  kLn where the constant k and the power n must be determined
(v) The friction force f decreases as the smoothness of the rolling element increases.

8. Why is pulling the lawn roller preferred to pushing it?

Ans. Let a lawn roller be pulled by means of a force F with some angle θ to the horizontal as
shown in the adjoining figure.
By resolving the force into two components.
(1) Horizontal component F cosθ is useful to pull the body and
be greater than the limiting static friction
 F cos   f L . But f L   N
(2) From the vertical components, N  Mg  F sin 
So F cos     Mg  F sin  
 F  cos    sin     Mg
 Mg
 Fpull 
 cos    sin  
Consider a lawn roller be pushed by means of a force F with some
angle θ to the horizontal as shown in the adjoining figure.
By resolving the force into two components.
(1) Horizontal component F cosθ is useful to push the body and
be greater than the limiting static friction
 F cos   f L . But f L   N
(2) From the vertical components, N  Mg  F sin 
So F cos     Mg  F sin  
 F  cos    sin     Mg
 Mg
 Fpush 
 cos   sin  
From the above we can see that Fpush  Fpull ,
since the denominator  cos    sin     cos    sin  
Thus, when we push a lawn roller, the normal component of force applied by us increases the
effective weight of roller, on the other hand, in pulling normal component of our force
decreases the effective weight of roller.
Therefore, it is easier to pull a roller than pushing it.

9. State Newton’s Second Law of motion. Hence derive the equation of motion F = ma
from it.
Ans. Newton’s Second Law of Motion states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force

Under the action of a force F for time interval Δt, let the velocity of a body of mass m change
      
from v to v  v i.e. its initial momentum p  mv changes by p  mv . According to
the Second Law,
 p  p

F or F  k where k is a constant of proportionality.
t t

Taking the limit Δt → 0, the term becomes the derivative or differential co-efficient of p

with respect to t, denoted by .
 
Thus, F  k ------ (1)
  
dp d  mv  dv 
For a body of fixed mass m,  m  ma ------ (2)
dt dt dt
i.e the Second Law can also be written as
 
F  kma ------ (3)
which shows that force is proportional to the product of mass m and acceleration a.
We use Eq. (3) to define the unit of force by choosing a constant value for k. For simplicity,
we choose k = 1.
The Second Law then is
 dp 
F  ma ------ (4)
Thus, we define the unit of force as the force acting on a body of unit mass and producing an
acceleration of one unit.
In SI unit force is one that causes an acceleration of 1 m s-2 to a mass of 1 kg. This unit is
known as newton : 1 N = 1 kg m s-2.
10. A force  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  N acts on a body which is initially at rest. At the end of 20 second
the velocity of the body is  4iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ  m/s. What is the mass of the body?

Ans. Initial velocity u  0
Duration of motion t  20 s

Velocity at t  20 s, v  4iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ m/s 
From Newton’s Second Law,
 
  v  u 
F  ma  m
4iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ 
 ˆ ˆ ˆ
2i  j  k  m
  
 40iˆ  20 ˆj  20kˆ  m 4iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ 
Equating the components of the vectors on both sides, we get,
 m  10 kg

11. Determine the maximum acceleration of the train in which a box lying on its floor will
remain stationary, given the co-efficient of static friction between the box and the
train’s floor is 0.15
Ans: Since block is stationary relative to the train, the friction force acting between the block
and the train is static friction force which provides the
acceleration to the block equal to the acceleration of the train
in the forward direction as shown in the figure.
 f s  Ma
But the static friction must be less than or equal to the limiting
static friction which is given by the law of static friction as
f s  f L and f L   N
Since the normal force
N  Mg  Ma   Mg
 a   g  a  0.15  9.8
 a  1.47 m/s2.

12. State Newton’s Second Law of motion and explain the concept of impulse.
Ans. Newton’s Second Law of Motion states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force

Under the action of a force F for time interval Δt, let the velocity of a body of mass m change
      
from v to v  v i.e. its initial momentum p  mv changes by p  mv . According to
the Second Law,
 p  p

F or F  k where k is a constant of proportionality.
t t

Taking the limit Δt → 0, the term becomes the derivative or differential co-efficient of p

with respect to t, denoted by .
 
Thus, F  k ------ (1)
We choose k  1 by defining the unit of force as the force acting on a body of unit mass and
producing an acceleration of one unit.
Hence, Newton’s Second Law of Motion can be expressed as,
 dp
F ------ (2)
dt 

 dp  Fdt
 
 p   Fdt
The right-hand side of the above equation, i.e., the product of force and ti is called impulse,

J and is defined as
 
J   Fdt , which is equal to the change in momentum.
A large time-varying force acting for a short time to produce a finite and large change in
momentum is called an impulsive force.

13. A circular race track of radius ‘r’ is banked at angle θ. If the coefficient of friction
between the wheels of a race car and the road is µ, then what is optimum speed of race
car to avoid wear and tear on its tyres?
Ans. Consider a car moving in circular path over a banked road as shown in figure.
Since there is no acceleration along the
vertical direction, the net force along
this direction must be zero.
N cos   mg  f sin  --- (1)
The centripetal force is provided by the
horizontal components of N and f .
mv 2
N sin   f sin   --- (2)
But to obtain maximum velocity, vmax , f   N --- (3)
Solving the above three equations for vmax by eliminating N and f we get,

   tan  
vmax  Rg  
 1   tan  

14. Obtain an expression for the acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane.
Ans. Consider a block of mass ‘m’ sliding down a rough inclined plane of inclination θ.
Let the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the inclined surface be µ.
Since there is no acceleration along the direction
perpendicular to the plane, the net force along this
direction must be zero.
N  mg cos   0 --- (1)
Let the acceleration down the inclined plane be a .
Then, mg sin    N  ma
 mg sin    mg cos   ma
 a  g  sin    cos  


1. State the condition under which a force does no work.

Ans. Conditions under which no work is done by a force:
 
Work done, by definition, W  F  d  Fd cos 
Thus, work done by a force is zero if (i) the displacement is zero or (ii) cos   0    90 ,
that is the force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.

2. Define: Work, Power and Energy. State their units.

Ans. The work done by the force is defined to be the product of component of the force in the
direction of the displacement and the magnitude of this displacement.
 
Thus, W  F  d  F  d cos     F cos   d
Power is defined as the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
Energy is thus our capacity to do work.

3. A body falling freely from a height ‘h’, after striking a smooth floor rebounds and h
rises to a height h/2. What is the coefficient of restitution between the floor and the
Ans. Given: A body falling freely from a height ‘h’, rebounds to a height ‘h/2’

v 2g h
Coefficient of restitution, e   2  1
u 2 gh 2

4. What is the total displacement of a freely falling body, after successive rebounds from
the same place of ground, before it comes to stop? Assume that ‘e’ is the coefficient of
restitution between the body and the ground.
Ans. If a body dropped from a height ‘h’ about the ground, falling freely, then rebounds to a height
After successive rebounds at the same place on the ground, it would stop on the ground once
again at the same point at which it is rebounding.
Thus, the displacement will have a magnitude ‘h’.
However, the distance travelled by the body will be/
s  h  2h1  2h2  .....
 h  2e 2 h  2e 4 h  2e6 h  .....
 e2 
 h  2h  2 
1 e 
 1  e2 
 h 2 
1 e 


1. Show that in the case of one-dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity of
approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to the relative velocity of
separation after collision.
Ans. Consider a one-dimensional elastic collision between two billiard balls with equal masses m1
= m2 , moving with speeds v1i and v2i, (v1i > v2i) in the same direction, such that the velocity of
approach vapp is v1i - v2i
The momentum and kinetic energy conservation equations are
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f  m1  v1i  v1 f   m2  v2i  v2 f  --- --- (1)
m1v12i  m2 v22i  m1v12f  m2 v22 f  m1  v12i  v12f   m2  v22i  v22 f  --- --- (2)
Dividing Eq. (2) by Eq. (1) it follows that,
v1i  v1 f    v2i  v2 f 
  v1i  v2i    v2 f  v1 f 
Therefore, the relative velocity of approach  v1i  v2i  is equal to the relative velocity of
separation  v2 f  v1 f  .

2. Show that two equal masses undergo oblique elastic collision will move at right angles
after collision, if the second body is initially at rest.
Ans. Consider the collision depicted in the figure to be between two billiard balls with equal masses
m1 = m2 = m. Initially m1 moves with a speed v1i, while m2 is at rest.
From momentum conservation, since the masses are equal,
  
v1i  v1 f  v2 f
     
v1i v1i   v1 f  v2 f  v1 f  v2 f 
 
v12i  v12f  v22 f  2  v1 f v2 f 
v12i  v12f  v22 f  2v12f v22 f cos  1   2 
Since the collision is elastic and m1 = m2 it
follows from conservation of kinetic energy that
v12i  v12f  v22 f
Thus, 2v12f v22 f cos  1   2   0   1   2   90
Therefore, when two equal masses undergo an oblique elastic collision with one of them at
rest, after the collision, they will move at right angles to each other.

3. Derive an expression for the height attained by a freely falling body after ‘n’ number of
rebounds from the floor.
Ans. Consider a body dropped from a height ‘h’ about the ground, falling freely.
Then, the velocity of approach, vo  2 gh .
Let the coefficient of restitution be e .
Then, the velocity with which it rebounds will be
v1  evo  e 2 gh
And the height to which the body rises after the first rebound is
v 2 e  2 gh 

h1  1   e2 h
2g 2g
After the second rebound, the body rises to
h2  e 2 h1  e 2 2 h
After the third rebound, it rises to
h3  e 2 h2  e 23 h
Since the motion is under uniform gravitational force, the height to which the body rises after
rebounding nth time, will be
hn  e 2 hn 1  e2 n h

12. Define scalar product. Give its properties.

   
Ans. The scalar product or dot product of any two vectors A and B , denoted as A . B (read as
 
A dot B ) is defined as
 
A B  AB cos  , where  is the angle between the two vectors.
Properties of scalar product:
   
a) the scalar product follows the commutative law : A B  B  A
b) Scalar product obeys the distributive law:
      
    
A B  C  A B  AC 
   
  
c) Further, A   B   A  B 

d) If A  Ax iˆ  Ay ˆj  Az kˆ and

B  Bx iˆ  By ˆj  Bz kˆ
their scalar product is
 
 
A B  Ax iˆ  Ay ˆj  Az kˆ  Bx iˆ  By ˆj  Bz kˆ 
 Ax Bx  Ay B y  Az Bz
e) From the definition of scalar product
 
( i ) A A  Ax2  Ay2  Az2
   
(ii) A B = 0, if A and B are perpendicular


1. Develop the notions of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to the work-
energy theorem. State the conditions under which a force does no work.
Ans. Consider the motion of a body of mass m, pulled by a constant force F, and moving with
constant acceleration a, as shown in the figure.
From kinematics we have

where u and v are the initial and final

speeds and s the distance traversed.
Multiplying both sides by m/2, we have

where the last step follows from Newton’s Second Law.

We can generalise the above equations to three dimensions by employing vectors.

The left side of the equation is the difference in the quantity ‘half the mass times the square of
the speed’ from its initial value to its final value. We call each of these quantities the ‘kinetic
energy’, denoted by K.

The right side is ‘a product of the displacement and the component of the force along the
displacement’. This quantity is called ‘work’ and is denoted by W.

Thus, we develop the notions of work and kinetic energy.

Work done on a particle (by a force with displacement ) is defined as
Work refers to the force and the displacement over which it acts. Work is done by a force on
the body over a certain displacement.

And, kinetic energy of a particle of mass m and moving with speed is defined as
Kinetic energy refers to the energy a body possesses by virtue of motion.

From the above we can write,

where and are respectively the initial and final kinetic energies of the object.
This equation leads to the work-energy (WE) theorem.
Statement of Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem:
The change in kinetic energy of a particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force.

Conditions under which no work is done by a force:

Work done, by definition,
Thus, work done by a force is zero if (i) the displacement is zero or (ii) ,
that is the force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.
2. What are collisions? Explain the types of collisions. Show that in the case of one-
dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity of approach of two colliding bodies
before collision is equal to the relative velocity of separation after collision.
Ans. Collision is a process of strong and rapid interaction between two bodies that occurs for a
very short time interval during which a tremendous change and redistribution of momenta
of the interacting bodies takes place ignoring the effect of the other forces.

There are two types of collisions. They are (i) elastic collisions and (ii) inelastic collisions.
Elastic collisions: The collisions in which both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
are known as elastic collisions. The collisions between nuclei and fundamental particles are
elastic collisions. For elastic collisions the coefficient of restitution is one.
Inelastic collisions: The collisions in which momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not
conserved are called inelastic collisions. Inelastic collisions, where the two bodies move
together after collision are called perfectly inelastic collisions. For inelastic collisions the
coefficient of restitution is less than one and for perfectly inelastic collisions the coefficient of
restitution is zero.

Elastic collision in one dimension:

Consider two smooth, non-rotating spheres of masses m1 and m2 moving along a straight line
which coincides with the line joining their centres of mass. They are moving in the same
direction with initial velocities u1 and u2 and after collision the two bodies move with final
velocities v1 and v2 respectively in the same direction.
u1 u2 v1 v2

m1 u1 > u2 m2 m1 v2 > v1 m2

(Before collision) (During collision) (After collision)

In elastic collision both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

According to law of conservation of linear momentum
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
m1(u1 – v1) = m2(v2 – u2) ……..…………..(1)
According to law of conservation of kinetic energy
1 1 1 1
m1u12  m2u22  m1v12  m2 v 22
2 2 2 2
m1 (u12  v 12 )  m 2 (v 22  u 22 ) ………………..(2)

m1(u1  v1 )(u1  v1 ) m2 (v 2  u2 )(v 2  u2 )

From (1) and (2), we get 
m1(u1  v1 ) m2 (v 2  u2 )
u1 + v1 = v2 + u2
u1 – u2 = – (v1 – v2) ……………………(3)

In one dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity before collision is equal to the relative
velocity of separation after collision.

3. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body.
Ans. Statement:
Law of Conservation of Energy states that, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But
it can be converted from one form to another form. The total energy always remains constant.

Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy states that, the total mechanical energy of a
system is constant if the internal forces doing work on it are conservative and the external
forces do no work.
Verification of law of conservation of mechanical energy in
the case of freely falling body:
Let a body of mass ‘m’ be at a height h above the ground. When
it is freely falling with an acceleration due to gravity g, the
potential energy gradually decreases and at the same time the
K.E of the body increases. Let the potential energy at the ground
level be zero.

Let A be the position from where the body is dropped.

Let B be any intermediate position as it falls to the ground. Let its

velocity in the downward direction at this position be v1.

And let C be the position on the ground where it falls. Let its
velocity in the downward direction at this position be v2.
Kinetic energy = mv 2
Potential energy = mgy, where y is the height from the ground.
When the body Velocity, v = 0 1 2 Total mechanical
is at A Height from ground = h KE = 2 mv  0 energy = 0  mgh  mgh
PE = mgh …… (1)
When the body Velocity (from 1 Total mechanical
is at B equations of KE = mv 2  mgx energy =
motion) v1 = 2gx PE = mg  h  x  mgx  mg  h  x   mgh
Height from ground = …… (2)
h  x
When the body Velocity (from 1 Total mechanical
is at C equations of KE = mv 2  mgh energy =
motion) v2 = 2gh PE = 0
Height from ground = 0 …… (3)
In the above three cases total energy of the body is equal to mgh, proved constant. Hence
law of conservation of energy is proved in the case of a freely falling body.

4. Define Kinetic Energy. Deduce the expression for the Kinetic Energy of a body

If V  3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ m/s is the instantaneous velocity of a body of mass 1.50 kg, calculate
its Kinetic Energy.
Ans. The kinetic energy of an object is a measure of the work an object can do by the virtue of its

If an object of mass m has velocity v , its kinetic energy K is
1   1
K  mv v  mv 2
2 2
Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity. The dimensional formula is [M1L2T-2] and is the same as
that of Work.
The expression for the Kinetic Energy of a body
Consider the motion of a body of mass m, pulled by a constant force F, and moving with
constant acceleration a, as shown in the figure.
From kinematics we have

where u and v are the initial and final

speeds and s the distance traversed.
Multiplying both sides by m/2, we have

where the last step follows from Newton’s Second Law.

We can generalise the above equations to three dimensions by employing vectors.
The left side of the equation is the difference in the quantity ‘half the mass times the
square of the speed’ from its initial value to its final value. This is the energy the body has by
virtue of its motion and is called the ‘kinetic energy’, denoted by K.
Thus, the kinetic energy of a particle of mass m and moving with speed is defined as

Kinetic energy refers to the energy a body possesses by virtue of motion.

Numerical Problem:

Given: Mass of the body = 1.50 kg; Velocity, V  3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ
Kinetic Energy,
1   1

K  mv v  1.50  3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ  3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ
2 2
 
K  1.50   9  16  25   37.50 J

5. (a) Define Coefficient of restitution.

(b) Describe a method to determine the coefficient of restitution.
(c) Show that a neutron can lose its Kinetic Energy in an elastic collision with a light
nucleus like deuteron or carbon.
Ans. (a) Coefficient of restitution  e  is defined as the ratio of the relative velocity of separation
v2f  v1 f  to the relative velocity of approach  v 1i  v2i  and is denoted by " e "

v  v 
2f 1f

 v1i  v2i 
" e " depends on the nature of the colliding bodies. e  1 implies a perfectly elastic collision
and e  0 implies a perfectly inelastic collision. The practical value of " e " lies between zero
and one; 0  e  1
(b) Determination of Coefficient of Restitution:
To determine the coefficient of restitution between two surfaces, one of them is taken as the
form of a small sphere, like a rubber ball.
The small ball is dropped from a height " h1 " on a horizontal plate fixed to the ground.
After hitting the plate, let the ball rebound to a height " h2 " from the plate.
Let " v1i " and " v1 f " be the velocities of the ball just before and just after striking plate,
From the kinematics of motion under gravity, taking upward direction as positive,
v1i   2 gh1 and v1 f   2 gh2
Since, the second surface, plate is stationary throughout, v2i  v2 f  0

Coefficient of restitution e 
v 2f  v1 f   0  
2 gh2 h2
 v1i  v2i    2 gh  0

By measuring the heights h1 and h2 , we can determine the Coefficient of Restitution.

(c) Consider a head-on collision between a neutron and a deuterium.
Let the initial velocity of the neutron be " v1i " and its final velocity be " v1 f " .
In an elastic collision, using Conservation of Linear momentum and coefficient of restitution
e  1 we have,
 m  m2 
v1 f   1  v1i
 m1  m2 
Thus, the fractional kinetic energy of the neutron is,
2 2
K1 f  v1 f   m1  m2 
   
K1i  v1i   m1  m2 
Considering the mass of deuterium m2  2m1 , i.e., twice the mass of neutron,
K1 f  m  1
 1 
K1i  3m1  9
Thus, the ratio of fraction of kinetic energy of neutron to that of deuterium is 1 : 8
About 90% of the energy of neutron is transferred to deuterium.


1. A test tube of mass 10 grams closed with a cork of mass m = 1 gram contains some
ether. The test tube is suspended horizontally from a point O by a weightless rigid bar
of length 5 cm. When the test tube is heated the cork flies out under the pressure of
ether gas. What is the minimum velocity with which the cork should fly out of the tube,
so that the test tube describes a full circle about the point O? Neglect the mass of
Ans. Let m1 , m2 and v1 , v2 be the masses and velocities (just after the cork bursts out of the test
tube) of the cork and the test tube respectively.
Given: m1 = mass of cork = 1 g;
m2 = mass of test tube = 10 g
To find: v1 , the velocity of the cork.
By the conservation of linear momentum,
m1v1  m2 v2  0  v2  1 1
For the test tube suspended by a rigid rod to describe a circle,
v2  4 gl (since the rod is rigid)
m1v1 m
  4 gl  v1  2 4 gl
m2 m1
v1  10  4  10  5  102  10 2 m s -1

2. A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a velocity of
600 m/s. If the mas of each bullet is 5 gm, find the power of machine gun.
Ans. Given:
Number of bullets per second =  6 bullets per sec
Mass of each bullet = 5 x 10-3 kg
Speed of each bullet = 600 m/s
Power = rate of transfer of kinetic energy = (no. of bullets per second) x (K.E. of each bullet)
1 1
= N mv 2  6   5  103  600 2  5, 400 W
2 2

3. Find the useful power used in pumping 3,425 m3 of water per hour from a well 8 m deep
to the surface, supposing 40% of the horse power during pumping is waster. What is
the horse power of the engine?
Ans. Given:
Volume of water pumped = 3,425 m3
Depth of well, d = 8 m .
Power wasted = 40%
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m/s2
Mass of water pumped , m = 3,425 m3 x 103 kg/m3 = 3,425 ×103 kg
% of useful power = 100-40 = 60;
∴ efficiency, η=60%
Time , t = 1 hour = 3600 sec.
Useful power delivered = Work done on water / time = mgh/t =
mgh 3425  103  9.8  8
   74588.9 W
t 3600
Actual power of the pump = (useful power / efficiency)   124315 W
Power of the pump in H.P   166.6 H.P

4. A pump is required to lift 600 kg of water per minute from a well 25 m deep and eject it
with a speed of 50 m s-1. Calculate the power required to perform the above task.
Ans: Given:
Mass of water m = 600 kg ,
Depth = h = 25 m
Speed of water v=25m/s,
g = 9.8 m/s2
time t = 1 min = 60 sec.

dE dU dK
Power of motor P = rate of change of total mechanical energy   
dt dt dt
Power to lift water (P1) + raise kinetic energy of water (K.E) per second .

d  mgh  d 2 mu

1 2
 u 2  dm 
  gh  
 50 2   600
  9.8  25     
dt dt  2  dt   2   60
  245  1250   10  14,950 W  14.95 kW

5. In a ballistic demonstration a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50.0 g with speed 200
m s-1 on soft plywood of thickness 2.00 cm. The bullet emerges with only 10% of its
initial kinetic energy. What is the emergent speed of the bullet?
1 1
Ans. The initial kinetic energy of the bullet is K i  mu 2   50  10 3  2002  1000 J
2 2
The final kinetic energy of the bullet as it emerges from the plywood K f  0.1K i  100 J \
If v f is the emergent speed of the bullet, then
2K f 2  100
vf    20 10  63.2 m/s
m 50  103

6. Find the total energy of a body of 5 kg mass, which is at a height of 10 m from the earth
and falling downwards straight with a velocity of 20 m/s (Take acceleration due to
gravity as 10 m/s2.)
Ans: Given:
Mass of body = 5 kg
Height from the ground = 10 m
Speed of the body = 20 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity = 10 m/s2.

Total energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy
1 1 
 mgh  mv 2   5  10  10     5  202   500  1000  1, 500 J
2 2 

7. A ball falls from a height of 10 m on to a hard horizontal floor and repeatedly bounces.
If the coefficient of restitution is 1 . What is the total distance travelled by the ball
before it ceases to rebound?
Ans: Given:
Height from which the ball falls, H = 10 m
Coefficient of restitution = e = 1
Thus, the total distance travelled after a long time before it ceases to bound,

 1  e2 
s  h0 
 10 

 1 1 2 2 
  1  0.5 
 10 
2  2    30 m
1 e   
1 1 2 
 
 1  0.5 

8. A body, freely falling from a certain height ‘h’ after striking a smooth floor, rebounds to
a height h/2. What is coefficient of restitution between the floor and the body?
Ans. Falling from a certain height ‘h’, the velocity of the body just before colliding with the
floor,(velocity of approach) u   2 gh
As it rebounds to a height of h/2, the velocity of the body just before rebounding (velocity of

 2 
separation) v   2 g h gh
By definition, coefficient of restitution,
 velocity of separation  v gh 1
e     
 velocity of approach  u  2gh 2

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