1st Year Physics Test Ch. 12 PDF

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Chapter 01 1st year Physics

Time 1 Hr

Q. 2. Answer the following short questions. (5x3=15)

I. Give the drawbacks to use the time period of a pendulum as a time standard.
II. Why do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of substance, the kilogram
and the mole?
III. An old saying is that “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. What analogous
statement can you make regarding experimental data used in computation?
IV. Does the dimensional analysis gives any information on constant of proportionality that
may appear in an algebraic expression. Explain?
V. The wavelength λ of a wave depends on the speed ν of the wave and its frequency.
Decide which of the following is correct, (i) f = v λ or (II) f =
VI. The period of simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch. What types of errors are
possible in the time period?

Q. 3. Solve the given problems carefully. (5x3=15)

1. A light year is the distance light travels in one year. How many meters are there in one
light year?
2. The length and width of a rectangular plate are measure to be 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm,
respectively. Find the area of the plate.
3. What are the dimensions and units of gravitational constant G in the formula F = G
m1 m 2
4. The speed v of sound waves through a medium may be assumed to depend upon (a) the
density of the medium and (b) its modulus of elasticity E which is the ratio of stress to
strain. Deduce by method of dimensions, the formula for speed of sound.

5. Find the value of g and its uncertainty using T = 2 π

from the following
measurements. Length of simple pendulum l = 100 cm, Time for 20 vibrations t = 40.2 s.
Length was measured by the meter scale of accuracy 1 mm and time by the stop watch
of accuracy up to 0.1 s.
Chapter 01 1st year Physics
Time 1 Hr

Q.1. Tick the correct answer carefully. Over writing is not allowed. (10)

1. The branch of physics which deals with the ultimate particles of which the matter is composed
Plasma physics Atomic physics Nuclear physics Particle physics
2. An alternate unit to kgm/s is
Js Ns Nm N
3. The SI unit of plane angle is
Steradian Radian Degree Candela
4. Which is a derived unit:
Candela Ampere Kelvin Newton
5. If the reading is taken with measuring scale whose minimum division is 1mm, then the correct
reading is:
0.2145 m 0.21 m 0.214 m None
6. 0.0023 can be expressed in scientific notation as:
23 × 10-4 0.23 × 10-2 2.3 × 10-3 None
7. Error occurs due to negligence and inexperience of a person is:
Systematic Error Random Error Personal Error None
8. The dimension of the following pair is not the same
work & energy work and torque Momentum & impulse Mass & moment of
9. As Fd = 6πηrv, the dimension of coefficient of viscosity η is
[ML-1T-1] []MLT -1] [ML-2T-1] [ML]
10. A light year is a unit for
Time Distance Velocity Time period

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