B.SC Assignment - 0

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TDP (GEN) 1st Semester Exam.

, 2021
Answer any one out of two
1. a) Write notes on
i) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ii) de Broglie equation
b) Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of a proton travelling with a speed of 0.1% of the
speed of light.
c) Consider the ground state electronic configuration of Cu and Cr atom (Z = 29 and 24).
Calculate the number of electrons with the azimuthal quantum numbers l = 1 and l = 2 in both
the cases.
d) Predict the hybridization state of the following molecules or ions XeF6, I3-, XeO3, BF4-
e) By using Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity calculate the spin state of Co2+ ion.
f) Draw the shapes of s and px orbitals.
g) Arrange the following into their decreasing order of stability and reactivity with proper
explanation using MOT i) N2, N2+, N2- ii) Li2, Li2-, Li2+ iii) O2, O2+, O2-
(3+3)+2+2+4+1+2+3 = 20
2. a) What is Homolytic and Heterolytic fission?
b) Differentiate between
i) Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
ii) Carbocations and Carbanions
iii) Resonance and Hyperconjugation
iv) (+I) Effect and (-I) Effect
c) Draw the energy profile diagram of 2,3-dicholo butane and arrange the four (04)
conformers into their decreasing order of stability.
d) Write note on
i) Markownikoff’s rule
ii) Saytzeff’s rule
iii) Birch reduction
e) What is Grignard reagent? 2+ (2+2+2+2) + 3 + (2+2+2) + 1 = 20


Signature of the Question Setter
TDP (Honours) 3rd Semester Exam., 2021
Answer any one out of two
1. a) What is Electrochemical series?
b) Write notes on:
i) Electrolytic Reduction
ii) Hydrometallurgy
iii) Van Arkel method
c) Discuss the SHAB principle with example.
d) Arrange the following with increasing order of their acid strength with justification:
HClO2, HClO3, HClO4, HClO
e) Explain how with increasing concentration of H+, value of acidity constant (pKa) decreases?
f) Arrange the following into their decreasing order of thermal stability
i) MgCO3, BaCO3, SrCO3, BeCO3
ii) Na2O2 , K2O2 , Rb2O2 , Cs2O2
iii) Ba(HCO3)2 , Mg(HCO3)2, Sr(HCO3)2, Be(HCO3)2
g) Write notes on diagonal relationship.
h) Who proposed the term ‘inert-pair effect’ and in which year?
1+(2+2+2)+3+2+2+3+2+1 = 20

2. a) Boric acid is a weak acid but in presence of glycerol it acts as strong acid. Explain.
b) Draw the structure of tri-iodide ion (I3-).
c) Writes notes on interhalogen compounds.
d) Write down the important synthesis of Nitrous oxide. Draw its structure and discuss its important
e) Write down the geometry along with hybridization state for the followings
XeF2, XeO3, XeOF4, XeOF2
f) Write down the preparation and uses of the followings (any two)
i) Inorganic Benzene ii) Silicates
iii) Zeolites iv) Silicones
3+2+2+(3+1+1)+4+(2+2) = 20


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Bsc 3rd semester Hons Chemistry Exam 2021
Paper -VII
Answer any 1(one) question from two Total Marks =20

1) a) State Gibbs phase rule and explain each term

b) Draw the phase diagram of water and discuss all various points
c) Define phase and degree of freedom
d) Explain i) Transition point ii) Eutectic point
e) Derive Gibbs Duhem Margules equation

2) a) Write notes on- i) opposing reaction ii) consecutive reaction

b) Differentiate between order and molecularity of reaction
c) Discuss Arrhenius equation for the effect of temperature on rate of reaction
d) Discuss the factors affecting the gases by solids
e) What do you mean by positive and negative Catalyst?
f) Define adsorption and absorption.


Notes: Write your Name, University Roll No, Registration No, Subject, Year and Paper on top of
Each paper. Also send the pdf in the google form provided with each paper.
Bsc 3rd semester Pass Chemistry Exam 2021
Paper -DSC-III

Answer any 1(one) question from two Total Marks =20

1) a) Define phase, components and degree of freedom.

b) Derive Clausius-Clapeyron equation
c) Explain Nernst Distribution law
d) Differentiate between reversible and irreversible cells
e) Discuss neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base
f) Define the followings- i) Degree of hydrolysis ii) Salt hydrolysis iii) Hydrolysis constant

(3+4+3+ 3+4+3=20)

2) a) Write short notes on (with mechanism)

i) Perkin condensation ii) Gabriels phthalimide synthesis
b) Explain isoelectric point with reference to amino acids.
c) How can you synthesis phenyl alanine from phenylacetaldehyde
d) What do you mean by mutarotation
e) What is the major products when glucose is treated with phenylhydrazine


Notes: Write your Name, University Roll No, Registration No, Subject, Year and Paper on top of
Each paper. Also send the pdf in the google form provided with each paper.
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Bsc 5th Semester Hons Chemistry Exam 2021
Paper -XII

Answer any 1(one) question from two Total Marks =20

1) a) If Ᾰ = d2/ dx2 and 𝜓 ⋅ Sin x , then calculate Ᾰ 𝜓 and what is the eigen value?
b) Evaluate the commutators[x, d/dx]
c) Calculate the total number of terms in Hamiltonian of CH4.
d) What do you mean by probability density?
e) Explain the formation of covalent bond in light of i) valence bond theory ii) molecular
orbital theory using quantum mechanical approach
f) Explain variation theorem

3+3+2+2+3+3+4= 20
2) a) What are selection rules for rotational spectra?
b) Explain Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
c) What do you mean by stokes and anti-stokes lines?
d) Discuss the laws of photochemistry.
e) Predict the H-NMR spectrum of ethylacetate
f) What are the selection rule for IR spectroscopy?


Notes: Write your Name, University Roll No, Registration No, Subject, Year and Paper on top of
Each paper. Also send the pdf in the google form provided with each paper.
TDP (Honours) 5th Semester Exam., 2021
Answer any one out of two
(Marks 20)

1. a) State the basic principle and utility of UV-Visible spectrum. How electronic spectrum gives
information on the extent of conjugation?
b) Distinguish between accuracy and precision.
c) What is infrared region? In which region (cm-1) the -OH and -NH2 moieties absorb IR radiation?
d) The standard deviation of 20 observations is 10, then calculate the variance of the samples.
e) What is Beer-Lambert’s law? Derive its mathematical expression indicating the terms used.
f) Identify -OH, -NO2, -OCl, and C=O into chromophores and auxochromes.
g) Why homonuclear diatomic molecules cannot absorb IR radiation?
h) Differentiate positional isomers by Finger-print region in IR spectroscopy?
i) Write the differences between FAAS and FAES.

2. a) What is thermogravimetric analysis? What is its utility?

b) How sample particle size effect the TG curve? Explain the term procedural decomposition temperature
and reaction interval.
c) Differentiate between potentiometric and conductometric titration.
d) What is equivalence point? What are the factors that affecting the conductivity of solution?
e) How retention factor should be calculated? Which spraying reagent is used for the separation of group
1 cations Ag+ & Pb2+?
f) Explain pH meter.
g) Differentiate between specific and optical rotation.
h) What is Enantiomeric excess? A sample contains a mixture of two enantiomers (70% of one
enantiomer and 30% of the other). Calculate its Enantiomeric excess.
i) What do you mean by stationary phase, mobile phase, spraying reagent and retention factor in paper


Signature of the Question Setter
TDP (Honours) 5th Semester Exam., 2021

Answer any one out of two

(Marks 20)

1. a) How journals are different from monographs?

b) Write the name of two search engines relevant to scientific research and illustrate their
c) Briefly discuss about the introduction of a scientific article.
d) Write the significance of abstract section in a research paper.
e) What do you mean by impact factor? How is it calculated? Explain with example.
f) What are TOC alerts? How is it send to the Author?
g) Discuss the anatomy for writing scientific manuscript.

2. a) How store hazardous chemicals in the workplace?

b) Write down the ways that can minimize laboratory waste.
c) What is flash point? Classify flammable and combustible liquids with respect to their flash
d) Give two examples of chemical explosive with their molecular formulae.
e) What precautions do you need before entering in the chemistry laboratory?
f) Discuss the principles used for assessing the degree of purity of laboratory chemicals.
g) Write notes on ANOVA coefficient. Differentiate between One-Way ANOVA and Two-


Signature of the Question Setter
TDP (GEN) 5th Semester Exam., 2021

Answer any one out of two

(Marks 20)
1. a) Differentiate between t-test and F test.
b) Distinguish between accuracy and precision.
c) What are determinate and indeterminate errors?
d) The standard deviation of 20 observations is 10, then calculate the variance of the samples.
e) What is Beer-Lambert’s law? Derive its mathematical expression indicating the terms used.
f) What is molar extinction coefficient (ε)?
g) How can you differentiate geometrical isomers of stilbene by UV-Vis spectra?
h) Explain the basic principle of IR spectra. Write down the utilities of infrared spectroscopy.
i) What is atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy? Describe their uses.


2. a) What is thermogravimetric analysis? What is its utility?

b) What is TG curve? Explain the term procedural decomposition temperature and reaction interval.
c) What do you mean by potentiometric titration?
d) What is equivalence point? What are the factors that affecting the conductivity of solution?
e) What is chromatography? Mention three types of chromatography.
f) Explain optical rotation.
g) Write note on solvent extraction.
h) What is Enantiomeric excess? A sample contains a mixture of two enantiomers (80% of one
enantiomer and 40% of the other). Calculate its Enantiomeric excess.
i) What do you mean by stationary phase, mobile phase, spraying reagent and retention factor in paper


Signature of the Question Setter
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First Semester (Hons)-2021
Paper – CC-1 (20 marks)
Answer any one question:-

1.(a) State and prove Lagranges Mean Value Theorem. Mention its geometric interpretation.

(b) If xyz = a2(x+y+z), then show that the minimum value of yz+zx+xy is 9a2.

If u = tan-1[(x3+y3)\(x-y)], find the value of x δu/δx + y δu/δy.


2.(a) Define centre of curvature and evolute. Find the radius of curvature of y=xe-x at a point where y is

(b) Find the length of the loop of the curve x=t2, y = t-t3/3.

Find the area of the surface of the solid generated by revolution of the asteroid x=a cos3t, y= a sin3t
about the axis of x.

First Semester (Hons)-2021
Paper-CC-2 (20 marks)

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) State and prove De Moivre’s theorem
(b) Reduce the equation x + 6 x − 12 x + 32 = 0 to its standard form and then solve the
3 2



2. (a) Prove that the rank of the product of any two matrices cannot exceed the rank of either of
(b) State and prove the necessary and sufficient condition for a non-empty sub-set S of a group
(G, *) to be a sub-group.
1 Semester-2021
DSC-1 (General)- 20 marks

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) Define uniform continuity of a function with example. Prove that a function which is
uniformly continuous on an interval is continuous on that interval.
(b) State and prove Cauchy’s Mean Value theorem.


2. (a) Find the stationary points of the function f ( x, y) = x + y − 3x − 12 y + 20 . Find also

3 3

the minima, maxima and saddle points of the function.

(b) Determine the asymptotes of the curve x + 3x y − 4 y − x + y + 3 = 0.
3 2 3

Third Semester (Hons)
Paper – CC-5 (20 marks)
Answer any one question:-

1.(a) State and prove Schwarz theorem for the commutativity of the order of mixed derivative at a point
of a function f(x,y).

(b) State Taylor’s theorem for the function of two variables. Using Taylor’s expansion, expand ex tan-1y
about (1,1) upto second degree in (x-1) and (y-1).


2.(a) state and prove fundamental theorem of power series.

(b) State and prove Cauchy’s criterion for uniform convergence.

3 Semester-2021
CC-6 (Hons)- 20 marks

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) Prove by vector method sin(α+)=sinα cos+sin cosα.

(b) Let H be a sub-group of a group G. Then show that the set T = {ghg −1 : h  H } is a sub-
group of G, where g  G.
2. (a) If Z is a set of integers, then show that Z forms a commutative ring with unity for ordinary
addition and multiplication
(b) Prove that a finite integral domain is a field.

3 Semester-2021
CC-7 (Hons)- 20 marks

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) State and prove the necessary and sufficient condition for a vector function to have a
constant direction.
(b) State and prove Stoke’s theorem.
(a) Solve ( y + z − x ) p − 2 xyq + 2 xz = 0.
2 2 2
x2 y2
(b) Show that the family of the curves given by 2 + = 1 is self orthogonal. Here a,
a +  b2 + 
b are constants and  is a parameter.
3 Semester-2021
DSC-3 (General)- 20 marks

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) Show that the set Q of rationals is dense. Examine if Q is Archimedean.

(b) Define derived set of a set with example. Show that the derived set of a set is a closed set.

2. (a) Define convergence and boundedness of a sequence with examples. Prove that every
convergent sequence is bounded. Is the converse true? Justify your answer.
(b) State and prove D’Alembert’s ratio test for a series of positive terms. Hence test the
1 1.2 1.2.3
convergence of the series + + + + .....
3 3.5 3.5.7

Fifth Semester (Hons)
Paper – CC-XI (20 marks)
Answer any one question:-

1.(a) Define Variation function. State and prove Jordan theorem.

1 √1−𝑥 2 𝑑𝑦
(b) Evaluate: ∫0 𝑑𝑥 ∫0 by changing the order of integration.
(1+𝑒 𝑦 ) √1−𝑥 2 −𝑦2


2.(a) Explain Interior, Exterior and Boundary points in a metric space.

(b) When a metric space is said to be compact? Prove that every compact subset E of a metric space
(X,d) is closed.
Fifth Semester (Hons)
DSE-Paper – I (20 marks)
Answer any one question:-

1.(a) State and prove Lami’s theorem.

(b) State the principle of virtual work for any system of coplanar forces acting on a rigid body.

Explain the converse of the principle of virtual work.


2.(a) Find the radial and cross-radial components of acceleration for a particle moving in a plane.

(b) A particle describes an equiangular spiral whose pedal equation is p=r sinα under a force F to the
pole; Find the law of force.

5 Semester-2021
DSE-II (Hons)- 20 marks

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) Solve graphically the following LPP

Min Z = 20 x1 + 10 x2
Subject to x1 + 2 x2  40
3x1 + x2  30
4 x1 + 3x2  60, x1 , x2  0.
(b) Solve the following LPP by simplex method:
Min Z = 2 x1 + x2
Subject to 3x1 + 4 x2  6
6 x1 + x2  3
x1 , x2  0.

2. (a) If X be any feasible solution to the primal problem and V be any feasible solution to the dual
problem, the prove that CX  bV .
(b) Solve graphically the game whose pay-off matrix is
player B
 2 2 3 −1
player A  
4 3 2 6 

Fifth Semester (General)
DSE-Paper – I(A) (20 marks)
Answer any one question:-

1.(a) Define ‘basis’ and ‘dimension’ of a vector space. Show that the set of vectors {(1,-3,2), (2,4,1),
(1,1,1)} is a basis of the vector space V3 over the real numbers.

(b) What do you mean by rank of a matrix. If A and B be two matrices over the same field F and if AB be
defined then show that rank(AB) ≤min[rank A, rank B].


2.(a) Deduce the expression for radial and cross-radial velocities and accelerations of a particle moving
in a plane.

(b) State Kepler’s laws. Derive the differential equation of central orbit in pedal form.
Bton Biknam Memoonial College
As5ignment lest
emest - 3nd semtsbein
áubject Physics (Honoons
papt CC-

Manks 20

Answed the followtng Questions 20x1 = 20

(a) find the Fousnien
6eies fo the following
e etangulas funebion
fce)K When-TK*{<o
K When oxT
Hence sho that

( Show that
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() Ln-nLn- t nLn-, =o fo Legenden


() 5olve the heat Conduct

pantial diffesential method
ion. equation. by

Bio Biknam
3hd semeste Honouns)
Subject physics
Maks 0

Answes the follo wing Questions 20x1 20o

[ done in
O ( (D Aenive an exphession fon work

Case of adiabatic
expansion of peafeelgos.

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( wite a short nole on the follo oing

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Intconal Enegy (9 Enthalpy
(i G:bbs fnce entstgd
Max well's
thenmodynamic ielations

foun then
mody nam pokenèial a07
of gas
that Mean foee path
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Br Brkoham Memonlal College
Assgnment Test
eme'sten - 3d 5emestch
áubject-physics CHonous)
- Ccy
Marks 20

Answe the follo Wing9 Guestions: 20x =20

0la) Aiscuss With neaB Keteh the Consruetion

dworking of the CRO

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Working of Mastes slave J-k Pipflop.
Gwhat 15 the
diffenence between Jk SR
Flip Flop9 C+3]
Anaw the pin diagram of Tntel-8085
micoo pto CeS50r 4 explain evey pin's.

Bia Bikam Memoial College
A53ignment Test
emeste - 3nd Semestei
ubiect physies ( Genenal)
Papèn DSC -(1D
Manks 20
20 x1=20
Answen the follootng Questions

of 1 mole 9as
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Of ga5es

the Follotng
(0 phase Space
( i ) Matrostale Micnostate
Bron grknam Memoonial Collese
A55ignment Test
5emesten- 1t 5emesten
physics CHonouns

Papeh Cc-1

MankS 20
Wes the follouling questions
( Solve the di Pfedrential equatian as

d-5 +61=2e
bo9 P- (ar +bt)f + (3u +) i+5R
Calulate Curl of F at (2,-1, 3) L]
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State paove CGoeen's theonem 5o]

/b) show that in 5phesni cal Coord'naBe system

sine Pio
Bi Bikham Memonial College
Assignment Test
1t emes tesn
5 u b j e e t - physics CHonouns)

Mauks 20

Answe the following Questions5

done by Consesnvattve foree
ay3ho w thaB w0ah

independent of thetn path

he poá:bíon of 5k4 mass
t h e pas; tion
ot (5,4,2)
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the Nelation between Y, k and
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Whene the 5ymbols
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expnesSi0n- foon momen t of
( b (1) Aeaive an
solid sphene of Mass M
inentia of a
padius A about its

the Change in length mass

meten scale moving ith yelocity 0.7e
of a Jangth, Wheie c= velocikyof lht.
along the scale
Bie Bikam Memorial College
Assignment Test
Semesteai- 1 Semesten
Subjeet -

physies (General)
Papen DSC -T
Manks 20

20 x1 =20
Ans ev the follosJing questions:

la) (t) 1f d-21-i+5 E- 31-71+R and

Calculate ax (Bx) (47

a-i-31+4R then
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theorem .[67
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Cal eulake
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wnite Eheisn dimensional
st aess
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Solve it

do you
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ConBract ion

(1) t iwhat
me dintion. C4
B P kram Memnial
Asseynmenf Tes
Sumes f r - 5 Smesfer
Susjeet Paysis(ms)
pr cc-X
Marks! 20.
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Bi Bihram Menorial Colhe
Acsiyn ment Testf
Semestir -

6 Semes Tor
Subjanf,-Physris (Hns)
Paper cC XI/

Marks 20
20 Xi=20
Anstwer Tk-follorin) guestd,

Fin h pack fracfinfr f.c. c

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S Bikram en anal Collge
Assegnment Test
Semesto sA Smsfer
Subjent Physies (Hens)
Paper -DSE -I
Merks 20
Answer follawing Jues tons 20xL520

i ben ding
From bnd eneny cur ve docuss ehy Jisim
adumn ebsernd nly heavy dd lhé u
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B Bkram Mammal Colaye
Asnnen Test
Smesfor SK Semes f
Subyef Piysiis lHons)
Aswr ThJolorrwun) guesfis= 20XL 2 0

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Mathematics (Honours) Semester V
Core Course-XII
Computer programming in C and Practical
Full Marks-20

Special Instructions:
In the first page of Assignment Students should write the following information .

Name of the Course (As given in the Admit Card)

Name of the Subject (As given in the Admit Card)
Subject code (As given in the Admit Card)
Name of the Candidate
Name of the College
University Examination Roll Number (As given in Admit Card)
Registration Number (As given in Admit Card)
Total Number of Page.

**** Student must write in A4 size papers and should convert in the PDF format.

Answer any One

1. (i) List out some key features of C. Briefly Explain different types of operators used in C.
(ii) Write a C program to illustrate the use of switch statement. Write a C program to input a year
from keyboard and print if it is Leap year or not. (5+5)+(5+5)=20

2. (i) Write a C program to print the Fibonacci series up to a specific limit. Write a c program to
calculate the addition of two numbers using pointer.
(ii) Write the difference between Array and Structure in C. Write a c program to multiply two
numbers entered from keyboard using function.

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