G2S U4 Ancient Greece SR Web
G2S U4 Ancient Greece SR Web
G2S U4 Ancient Greece SR Web
Ancient Greece
Greek gods
Rosie McCormick
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Ancient Greece
Rosie McCormick
Creative Commons Licensing
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
Black Sea
Mt. Olympus
Sea Aegean
Thermopylae Sea ASIA MINOR
Peloponnesus Marathon
Sicily Ionian Sea Al-Mina
Thebes Sparta
Argos Cyprus
Olympia Mediterranean Sea
Sparta Apollonia
Greek colony AFRICA
0 100 miles
Greek lands 0 400 miles
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Athens was one of the largest of the Greek city-states. Today
we think of Athens as the place where democracy began. We
think of it this way because it had a form of government that
allowed some people to help decide how things were done.
The men of Athens were the ones who had a say. All men who
were over eighteen years of age and who were citizens were
able to take part in what was called the Assembly. The Assembly
got to make some important decisions.
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Because the Athenians believed that male citizens should be
involved in the government of the city-state, they wanted young
men to have a good education. Boys were taught reading, writing,
and math, as well as how to play a stringed instrument called a
lyre. They learned poetry by heart. They also did a lot of physical
exercise and had to do two years of army training.
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3 Life in Ancient Sparta
Sparta was a city-state about one hundred miles southwest
of Athens. Unlike Athens, it was not near the sea. Sparta and
Athens were, at times, enemies.
The government of Sparta included two kings, a council of
elders, and an Assembly. The kings were in charge of the
army. The Spartan Assembly could not discuss problems;
its members could only vote yes or no.
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Spartans raised their young men to be soldiers, so there was
little time for writing and poetry. When Spartan boys became
teenagers, they were given half as much food to eat. This meant
they had to learn to find their own food. Spartan men had to do
twenty-three years of army training.
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4 The Persian Wars
About 2,500 years ago, the king of Persia and his army
invaded Greece and tried to conquer it. The Persians
were from what is modern-day Iran. The Persians came
in boats across the Aegean Sea. They had many more
soldiers than the Greeks.
Two of the most important battles were the Battle of
Marathon and the Battle of Thermopylae. At the Battle
of Marathon, the Greek army was much smaller, but they
fought bravely and cleverly. The Greeks defeated the
Persians, who escaped to their boats and sailed away.
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The Persians did not stay away forever. They came back with a
mighty army to try once more to defeat the Greeks. To beat the
Persians, Athens and Sparta agreed to join together. They also
had a plan.
To get to southern Greece, the Persian army had to go through
a narrow pass along the coast at a place called Thermopylae.
Only a few Persians could go through the pass at one time. The
Greeks knew that if they could block the pass at Thermopylae,
they could slow the Persians down. And this is what they did.
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5 Gods and Goddesses
The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses.
They believed that these gods and goddesses controlled
the world and that it was important to honor them.
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece. The
ancient Greeks believed that their gods and goddesses
lived at the top of Mount Olympus, or in the air above it.
They also believed that the gods lived there happily
drinking a delicious drink called nectar and eating a food
called ambrosia.
Let’s meet some of the most important Greek gods and
Hera was the queen of
the gods. Ancient Greeks
believed she ruled over
the heavens. Hera was also
the goddess of marriage
and birth. Hera was
worshipped in all parts of
Greece, and temples were
built in her honor. Hera
could be jealous, though,
and often became angry
with Zeus.
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Poseidon was Zeus’s brother. When Zeus became king of the
gods, Poseidon became the ruler of the sea. Poseidon had blue
eyes and long hair the color of the sea. He carried a tall, three-
pointed spear called a trident. Poseidon was important to the
Greeks because he controlled the sea and could either let them
have safe journeys or cause shipwrecks.
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The official prize for winning an event at the Olympics was a
wreath of olive leaves, which was placed on the head of the
victor. But the real prize was honor. A victorious athlete would
almost certainly become a hero in his native city-state.
Plato Aristotle
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Socrates was a stoneworker, but he was also a philosopher.
The word philosopher comes from the Greek word philosophia,
meaning “love of wisdom.” Unlike other teachers, Socrates did
not just tell his students things—he also asked lots of questions.
He wanted students to figure out answers for themselves.
If one of his students was talking about justice, Socrates would
ask him what he meant by justice. The student would try to
explain. Then Socrates would ask even more questions. Socrates
believed that by asking questions and searching for answers,
he helped people understand things more clearly.
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Aristotle was one of Plato’s students. Aristotle searched for
knowledge by collecting and examining insects, animals, and
plants. Aristotle believed that there is always more than one way
to explain things. For example, an animal could be understood
by what it looked like, what it was made of, how it moved, and
what it could do. Without realizing it, Aristotle was creating the
beginning of scientific research.
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Alexander was a strong, intelligent king, and he was also a fearless
fighter. One of the first things he did when he became king
was to attack Greece’s old enemies, the Persians. At the time,
Alexander just had a small army, and he did not have a navy.
Alexander faced the Persian king, Darius III, in a battle and was so
fierce that the king and the Persian army fled. Alexander won a
great victory. Over time, Alexander went on to conquer all of the
Persian Empire, the largest and most powerful empire of its time.
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According to a famous legend, one day Alexander and his
army arrived in a city called Gordium. In the middle of the city
there was a chariot tied up in such a way that the knot was
very difficult to undo. People said whoever could undo the
knot would rule the world.
Alexander looked at the knot but could not at first see how to
undo it. Then he had an idea. He drew out his sword and split
the knot apart. Alexander had proved himself worthy of ruling
the world! Today, when we say someone has cut “the Gordian
knot,” we mean that the person has found a clever way to solve
a problem.
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Core Knowledge History and Geography™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E. D. Hirsch Jr.
Editorial Directors
Linda Bevilacqua and Rosie McCormick
Ancient India
Ancient China
The Culture of Japan
Ancient Greece
Geography of the Americas
Making the Constitution
The War of 1812
Americans Move West
The Civil War
Immigration and Citizenship
Civil Rights Leaders
ISBN: 978-1-68380-453-6
Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E. D. Hirsch Jr.