Paleo-Pacific Plate Rollback Triggered Early Cretaceous Intermediate-Felsic

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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

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Paleo-Pacific Plate rollback triggered Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic

magmatism in the northern North China Craton
Xuli Yang a, Feng Huang a, *, Jifeng Xu a, b, Xijun Liu b, Liying Zhang a, Zhao Zhang a, Benyan Xu a,
Man Zhang a, Yunchuan Zeng a, Qian Liu c, Mingda Lv d
State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources and School of Earth Science and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083,
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hidden Metallic Ore Deposits Exploration, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China
Shandong Provincial NO.4 Institute of Geological and Mineral Survey, Weifang 261021, China
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA


Keywords: Extensively developed Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic rocks in the northern North China Craton (NCC),
Intermediate-felsic rocks offer an opportunity to unravel the nature of Paleo-Pacific subduction and associated geodynamic processes by
Paleo-Pacific subduction investigating their spatio-temporal characteristics and petrogenesis. Here we present geochemical and
Slab rollback
geochronological results of Early Cretaceous (118–115 Ma) trachyandesites and rhyolites from the eastern Hebei,
Early Cretaceous
North China Craton
northern NCC. The trachyandesites show low MgO (0.74–2.65 wt%) and Mg# (17–38), as well as enriched
whole-rock Nd-Hf isotopic compositions (εNd(t) = -17.1 to -13.3, εHf(t) = -12.9 to -10.8), suggesting a probable
origin of the enriched mafic lower crust. They also exhibit relative enrichment in LREE and flat in HREE. Trace
element geochemical modeling results indicate that the trachyandesites likely formed through partial melting of
the mafic lower crust at 790–820 ◦ C and ca. 10 kbar (30–33 km). The rhyolites, characterized by higher SiO2
contents and similar εNd(t) (-17.4 to -15.5) and zircon εHf(t) values (-14.4 to -7.6) compared to the trachyan­
desites, probably represent the magmatic derivates of the trachyandesites. MELTS modeling results suggest that
the rhyolites likely formed through fractional crystallization of the trachyandesitic magmas at ~ 775 ◦ C and 1–3
kbar. Integrating with previous studies, our study confirms that the Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic mag­
matism across the northern NCC became younger from northwest to southeast. We propose that the change of the
migration direction of these Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic rocks is primarily attributed to slab rollback of
the subducting Paleo-Pacific Plate.

1. Introduction fostered juvenile crustal growth of the convergence continental margin

(e.g., Huang et al., 2017a). However, whether an oceanic subduction
Cratons are typically stable and can be well preserved over the zone can alter the structure and composition of the stable craton is still
convective asthenospheric mantle for a long time (Carlson et al., 2005; elusive (Zhu et al., 2017).
Zhu et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2014). Typically, subduction zones represent The North China Craton is a typical Archean craton in the world,
primary sites for mass and energy interchange between the Earth’s crust which has been destroyed since the Mesozoic illustrated by geophysical
and mantle (Guo et al., 2021; Stern, 2002). Given that the oceanic and and geochemical evidence (Griffin et al., 1998; Xu, 2001; Zheng et al.,
continental plates are different in composition, the subduction of 2007; Ma et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019). Notably, the subduction age of
oceanic plates underneath continental plates would significantly modify the eastern Paleo-Pacific Plate is nearly coeval with the NCC destruction
the structure and composition of the overlaying plates (Bebout, 2007; age (Xu, 2001; Niu, 2005; Zhu et al., 2012; Zhu and Xu, 2019; Ma and
Agard et al., 2009; Spandler and Pirard, 2013; Zheng et al., 2016). Oc­ Xu, 2021). Hence, the NCC is an ideal area to study the relationship
casionally, the subduction of the oceanic plate and subsequent between the oceanic subduction process and the compositional and
magmatic activities led to the destruction of the ancient lithosphere and structural changes of the craton. Several mechanisms have been

* Corresponding author at: 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Huang).
Received 12 April 2023; Received in revised form 24 September 2023; Accepted 7 October 2023
Available online 9 October 2023
1367-9120/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 1. (a) The geodynamic map showing interactions between the NCC and surrounding blocks modified after Wang et al., (2017). (b) Spatial and temporal dis­
tribution of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous magmatism on the north margin of the NCC modified after Wu et al., (2019). (c) Geological map of Gangshan showing
the location of Gangshan volcanic rock and nearby intrusions (modified after the geological map of Qinhuangdao in 1/250,000 scale from the Geological Atlas
of China).

proposed to illustrate the destruction of NCC, including (1) trans­ Recently, understanding the change in the composition and structure
formation of the lithospheric mantle through peridotite-melt reaction of the lithosphere in NCC through the Paleo-Pacific subduction pro­
(Zhang, 2005; Zhang et al., 2008); (2) thermal-tectonic destruction of cesses has attracted specific attentions (Zheng et al., 2018; Liu et al.,
the Archean lithospheric keel (Xu, 2001; Xu et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019; Zhu and Xu, 2019). For instance, the 133–127 Ma
2005; Huang et al., 2012); and (3) delamination of thickened lower diabase and lamprophyre in the Tanlu fault zone were assumed to be
continental crust and lithospheric mantle into the convecting mantle derived from an enriched mantle through fluid metasomatism linked to
(Gao et al., 2004, 2008; Xu et al., 2008). Nevertheless, these previous Paleo-Pacific subduction (Li et al., 2018). Zhou et al. (2021) reported
models mainly focus on the intraplate geodynamic and often overlook Early Cretaceous basalts from Southern Jilin Province and the Liaodong
the external driving forces (Huang et al., 2017b). Peninsula, and proposed that these basalts stemmed from a mantle

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

source enriched through fluid metasomatism associated with the Paleo- Table 1
Pacific subduction. Chang et al. (2022) argued the Cretaceous arc-like Locations and rock types of volcanic rocks in Gangshan area of eastern Hebei
primitive basalts in eastern North China were likely sourced from a Province, Northern China.
metasomatized mantle enriched by fluids from the subducting Paleo- Sample number Latitude(◦ N) Longitude(◦ E) Rock type
Pacific slab. While these existing studies mainly focused on the rela­ 18GS-01 39◦ 48′18″ 119◦ 14′08″ Rhyolite
tionship between the mantle-derived mafic rocks and the Paleo-Pacific 18GS-02 39◦ 48′18″ 119◦ 14′08″ Rhyolite
subduction process, the mechanism of the influence of the Paleo- 18GS-03 39◦ 48′18″ 119◦ 14′08″ Rhyolite
Pacific Plate on the intermediate-felsic magma remains poorly under­ 18GS-04 39◦ 48′18″ 119◦ 14′08″ Rhyolite
18GS-05 39◦ 48′10″ 119◦ 13′36″ Trachyandesite
stood and controversial. For instance, the Mesozoic intermediate-felsic
18GS-06 39◦ 48′10″ 119◦ 13′36″ Trachyandesite
magmatism in the NCC was previously attributed to either flat subduc­ 18GS-07 39◦ 48′09″ 119◦ 13′34″ Trachyandesite
tion (Kusky et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019), or high- 18GS-08 39◦ 48′09″ 119◦ 13′34″ Trachyandesite
angle subduction (Zhang et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2012), or slab rollback 18GS-09 39◦ 48′08″ 119◦ 13′28″ Trachyandesite
(Wu et al., 2019; Ma and Xu, 2021; Zhu and Xu, 2019), which remains 18GS-10 39◦ 48′07″ 119◦ 13′28″ Trachyandesite
18GS-11 39◦ 48′07″ 119◦ 13′23″ Trachyandesite
debatable. 18GS-12 39◦ 48′07″ 119◦ 13′23″ Trachyandesite
The widespread Mesozoic magmatism in northern NCC offers a rich 18GS-13 39◦ 48′07″ 119◦ 13′23″ Rhyolite
source of information for studying the structure and composition of the
crust, which holds the key for further deciphering the Paleo-Pacific Plate
subduction models and their impact on the NCC crust. In this study, we (Jahn et al., 1987; Kröner et al. 1998). Soon afterward they were
present zircon U-Pb age, whole-rock major and trace elemental, and intruded by Neoarchaean granites consisting of massive K-feldspar
whole-rock Nd isotopic data of the Early Cretaceous trachyandesite and granite, biotite monzogranite, and granodiorite with minor amphibolite
rhyolite rocks from the northern NCC, to unravel their petrogenesis and and diorite enclaves (Yang et al., 2008; Wan et al., 2012). Situated above
origins. Our new results, in combination with the previous studies, show these intrusive occurrences are Proterozoic to Ordovician volcanic and
the temporal transformation of geochemical compositions of the marine sedimentary rocks. Following these are terrestrial clastic de­
intermediate-felsic lavas from northern NCC in the Early Cretaceous. posits from the Carboniferous to Permian periods, which notably
The Early Cretaceous southeastward-younging intermediate-felsic encompass valuable coal seams. Subsequent to these deposits are
magmatism across the northern NCC is most likely the result of the slab Mesozoic basin accumulations, characterized by the presence of andes­
rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate. itic volcanic rocks, as expounded upon in the research conducted by
Wen et al. (2015).
2. Geological setting and samples The Zhangjiakou Formation volcanic rocks in the Gangshan area are
distributed in the western part of the Mesozoic basin. The volcanic
Located in eastern and central China and extends into North Korea, sequence unconformity overlies the Neoarchean metamorphic granite
the NCC is one of the oldest cratons in the world (Liu et al., 1992; Wang and is a set of intermediate-felsic rock assemblages composed of tra­
et al., 2015a; Ma et al., 2020) (Fig. 1a). The NCC encompasses a chyandesites and rhyolites. Neither mafic microgranular enclaves nor
geological framework of Archean to Paleoproterozoic igneous and magma mixing features have been observed in the trachyandesite and
metamorphic basement lithologies, overlain by Mesoproterozoic to rhyolite rocks. Thirteen fresh and unmetamorphosed volcanic rock
Paleozoic marine sedimentary sequences, alongside regional Mesozoic samples, including eight trachyandesite and five rhyolite samples, were
to Cenozoic terrestrial sedimentary basins (Hao et al., 2021; Su et al., collected from the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Gangshan area (Fig. 1c
2021). It is comprised of three main tectonic units: the western and and Table 1). The trachyandesite samples display dark-grey massive
eastern continental blocks, and the Trans-North China Orogenic Belt structures and cryptocrystalline textures with minimal or no pheno­
formed during their Paleoproterozoic collision (~1.85 Ga) (Kusky and crysts in the cryptocrystalline groundmass. The groundmass comprises a
Li, 2003; Zhao et al., 2001) (Fig. 1b). glassy substance that contains fine-grained aligned K-feldspar and
The NCC remained stable for over 1.6 Gyr until noteworthy mag­ plagioclase with minor opaque minerals. Conversely, the rhyolite sam­
matism occurred in the Mesozoic (Wu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2014). ples feature grey massive structures and porphyritic texture, with the
The northern margin of the NCC with the Great Xing’an Range as a phenocryst minerals mainly being quartz (10–20 vol%) and biotite
neighboring in the north is characterized by large-scale volcanism and (10–20 vol%). The rhyolite groundmass mainly comprises fine anhedral
intense crustal deformation in the Mesozoic (Davis et al., 2001; Wu crystals such as plagioclases and quartz, with minor opaque minerals. A
et al., 2019; Su et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022a). The few rhyolite samples feature phenocrysts of plagioclase (~50 vol%) and
volcanic rock strata in northern NCC comprise the Early Jurassic quartz (~40 vol%).
Nandaling Formation, Middle-Late Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation and
Early Cretaceous Zhangjiakou, and Yixian formations (Guo et al., 2022; 3. Analytical methods
Zhang et al., 2022b). The volcanic rocks of the Jurassic Nandaling and
Tiaojishan formations vary from basaltic to intermediate-felsic in 3.1. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope analyses
composition (Hao et al., 2021; Yang and Li, 2008; Ma et al., 2015). The
Zhangjiakou and Yixian volcanic rocks are composed of basalt, trachy­ Zircon U-Pb isotope geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope analysis were
basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, trachyandesite, trachyte, and rhyolite conducted at Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hidden Metallic Ore Deposits
(Yang et al., 2020; Gao et al., 2008; Yang and Li, 2008; Guo et al., 2007). Exploration, Guilin University of Technology (GUT). To acquire ion
The volcanic rocks of Zhangjiakou and Yixian formations are mainly signals, laser sampling was carried out using a GeoLas HD 193-nm laser
found in northern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces, these coun­ fitted with an Agilent 7900 inductively coupled plasma mass spec­
terparts are devoid in eastern Hebei Province. trometry (ICP-MS) instrument. The zircon grains were extracted through
The Gangshan area is located in the northern NCC, where the conventional methods such as crushing, sieving, and magnetic and
Archean crystalline basement is widely exposed (Li et al., 2020). In this heavy liquid separation. Representative zircon grains were handpicked
region, the oldest Archean basement are 3.8–3.4 Ga supracrustal and mounted in epoxy resin disks and then polished. Before U-Pb dating
metamorphic rocks (Jahn et al., 1987; Liu et al., 1992; Wu et al., 2005; analyses, internal morphology was examined using cathodoluminescent
Liu et al., 2007) which occurs among 2.6–2.5 Ga tonalite-trondhjemite- (CL). Zircon U-Pb isotope ages were determined using zircon standard
granodiorite gneisses that underwent greenschist to granulite-facies 91,500 as the calibration standard for the trachyandesite sample (18GS-
regional metamorphism and polyphase deformation at about 2.5 Ga 07), whereas zircon standard Plesovice was used for rhyolite samples

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 2. The Concordia diagrams show zircon U-Pb ages and representative CL images of zircons with analytical spots as indicated with red circles for 18GS-01, 18GS-
13, and 18GS-07.

(18GS-01 and 18GS-13). For trace elemental analyses of the zircon The procedures and corrections for interferences closely mirror those
grains, silicate glass NIST SRM 610 was used as the reference material. outlined by Huang et al. (2021). The measured 176Hf/177Hf ratios of the
The ICPMSDataCal software is utilized for offline inspection and inte­ standard zircon GJ-1 during the analytical sessions were 0.281996 ±
gration of background and analyte signals, time drift correction, and 0.000010 (1σ, n = 30), which are in good agreement with the recom­
quantitative calculations for U-Pb isotope dating and trace element an­ mended value of 0.282000 ± 0.000005 (1σ; Morel et al., 2008).
alyses (Liu et al., 2008). Concordia diagrams and weighted mean cal­
culations were made using Isoplot/Ex v. 4.15 program. 3.2. Whole-rock major, trace elemental, and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemical
In situ zircon Hf isotopic analyses for the Gangshan volcanic samples analyses
were conducted using a Thermo-Finnigan Neptune Plus multiple col­
lector (MC)-ICP-MS equipped with a GeoLas HD 193-nm laser at the After petrographic observation, selected fresh rock samples were
GUT. The spot size is 45 μm and the repetition rate is 10 Hz at 100 mJ. ground in an agate mill with 200 mesh powders for geochemical

Fig. 3. (a) Total alkali versus SiO2 (TAS) diagram (Middlemost, 1994); (b) K2O versus SiO2 diagram (Rickwood, 1989); (c) SiO2 versus Na2O + K2O-CaO (Frost et al.,
2001); d) A/NK versus A/CNK diagram (A/NK = Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) molar, A/CNK = Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) molar (Maniar and Piccoli, 1989). Data sources:
the data for the Early Cretaceous lower crust-derived rocks in northern NCC are from )Li and Bao (2012), Li et al. (2018), and Lin (2017).

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 4. Variation diagrams of selected major and trace elements versus SiO2 for the Gangshan volcanic rocks. (a) TiO2; (b) P2O5; (c) CaO; (d) MgO; (e)Fe2OT3; (f)Al2O3;
(g) Rb; (h) Ba; (i) Sr.

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of trace elements. Chondrite values are from Sun and McDonough
(1989), and primitive mantle values are from McDonough and Sun (1995).

analyses. Major elements were determined using a Rigaku ZSX 100e X- 4. Results
ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer at the Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, China Academy of Sciences. Trace element contents were 4.1. Zircon geochronology
measured with a Thermo iCAP Q ICP-MS at the Guangzhou Institute of
Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, following the analytical Three representative volcanic samples (18GS-01, 18GS-13, and
procedure described in Huang et al. (2017a). Analytical uncertainties 18GS-07) collected from the Gangshan region were chosen for LA-ICP-
are usually better than 3 % for major element oxides, and better than MS zircon U-Pb isotope dating (Fig. 2). The CL images of representa­
5–10 % for trace elements. tive zircons are shown in Fig. 2 and the U-Pb isotope data are listed in
The whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopes were determined using a Thermo- Table DR1. Zircon grains from our samples were observed to be color­
Finnigan Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS at the GUT. The Sr and Nd isotopes less, transparent, and well-formed with sizes ranging from 80 to 200 μm
were normalized for mass fractionation corrections using 88Sr/86Sr = and length-to-width ratios between 1:1 and 3:1, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
8.375209 and 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219, respectively. The analytical re­ The CL imaging revealed clear and regular growth zoning and combined
sults for standards were 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710283 ± 0.000006 (2σ, n = 28) with high Th/U ratios (0.42–1.42), suggesting a typical magmatic origin
for NBS987 and 146Nd/144Nd = 0.512115 ± 0.000006 (2σ, n = 26) for (Claesson et al., 2000).
JNdi-1 during the period of data acquisition, which is consistent with the Thirteen zircon grains were analyzed for the rhyolite sample 18GS-
prior studies (Zhang and Hu, 2020). Descriptions of the analytical pro­ 01, taken from a sampling site with coordinates of 39◦ 48′18″N and
tocols could be found in Huang et al. (2019). 119◦ 14′8″E. The 206Pb/238U ages obtained for these grains range from
117 to 113 Ma, with a weighted mean of 115 ± 1 Ma (MSWD = 0.8;
Fig. 2a). Similarly, nine zircon grains were analyzed for the rhyolite
sample 18GS-13, taken from a sampling site with coordinates of
39◦ 48′7″N and 119◦ 13′23″E. The 206Pb/238U ages obtained for these

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 7. εHf(t) versus U-Pb ages of zircons from the Gangshan volcanic rocks in
this study. The data for the Early Cretaceous lower crust-derived rocks in
northern NCC are from Yang et al. (2007), Li and Bao (2012), Lin (2017), Yang
Fig. 6. Hf-Nd isotope diagram illustrates that the parent magma of Gangshan et al. (2006), Jiang et al. (2011), Yang et al. (2008), Fu et al. (2016) and Ma
volcanic rocks is derived from the ancient lower crust. Hf isotope of the liter­ et al. (2016).
ature data is inferred from the Nd isotope following the equation (εHf = 1.36εNd
+ 2.95) given by Vervoort and Patchett (1996). The Hannuoba mafic granulite
mantle-normalized multi-element diagram.
are from Liu et al. (2004). The Early Cretaceous lower crust-derived rocks in
The rhyolite samples exhibit higher SiO2 content (73.61–76.55 wt
northern NCC are from Wang et al. (2015b), Wang et al. (2017) and Fu et al.
(2022). The Archean terrain granulites and amphibolites are from Wu
%), lower MgO (mean 0.24 wt%), TiO2 (mean 0.2 wt%), and Al2O3
et al. (2005). (mean 13.32 wt%) contents compare with the trachyandesite samples
(Fig. 3). Additionally, they possess high total alkali content (7.88–8.97
wt%) and K2O/Na2O values (0.58–1.12), as well as K2O values
grains range from 120 to 116 Ma, with a weighted mean of 118 ± 1 Ma
(3.74–5.58 wt%), grouping in the high-K to shoshonitic calc-alkali series
(MSWD = 0.5; Fig. 2b).
(Table DR3; Fig. 3b and c). Their A/CNK values (0.99–1.13) are rela­
The volcanic rock sample 18GS-07, taken from a sampling site with
tively higher than those of the trachyandesite samples, spanning the
coordinates of 39◦ 48′9″N and 119◦ 13′34″E was analyzed for the ages of
peraluminous and peraluminous fields. The rhyolite rock samples
its zircon grains. Of the sixteen grains examined, the zircon 206Pb/238U
exhibit ΣREE contents ranging from 206 to 264 ppm. These samples
ages fell within the range of 123 to 113 Ma and produced a weighted
display a higher LREE/HREE fractionation ((La/Yb)N = 11.42–28.85)
mean of 118 ± 1 Ma (MSWD = 1.5; Fig. 2c), indicating the time of
compared to the trachyandesite samples, with strongly negative Eu
eruption for the trachyandesite rocks. These dating results for the zir­
anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.18–0.43, Table DR2). On the primitive mantle-
cons suggest that the volcanic rocks in the Gangshan region were formed
normalized multi-element diagram (Fig. 5), rhyolites show enrichment
during the Early Cretaceous, ranging in 118–115 Ma.
in LREE and LILE (e.g., Rb, Ba, U, and Pb), with noteworthy positive Pb
anomalies, and depletion in HREE and HFSE, with notable negative Ba,
4.2. Geochemistry Sr, Nb, and Ta anomalies.

The whole-rock major and trace-element compositions for the 13 4.2.2. Sm-Nd isotopes
representative samples of the Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks are listed The whole-rock Sm-Nd isotope data for rhyolite and trachyandesite
in Table DR2. According to their petrological and geochemical charac­ samples are presented in Table DR3. The trachyandesite samples exhibit
teristics, these volcanic rocks could be subdivided into two groups: initial 143Nd/144Ndi ratios ranging from 0.51161 to 0.5118, corre­
trachyandesites and rhyolites. sponding to εNd(t) values from -17.07 to -13.34, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
The Nd isotope two stage model ages (T2DM) of the trachyandesites varies
4.2.1. Major and trace elements between 2.3 and 2 Ga (Table DR3). On the other hand, the rhyolite
The trachyandesite samples have moderate SiO2 (55.46–61.28 wt%) samples exhibit initial 143Nd/144Ndi ratios of 0.51159–0.51169, corre­
and high contents of Al2O3 (16.05–18.08 wt%), TiO2 (1.26–2 wt%) and sponding to εNd(t) values of -17.42 to -15.54. The T2DM of the rhyolite
Fe2OT3 (6.8–10.13 wt%) (Fig. 3). These samples exhibit low MgO con­ ranges from 2.33 to 2.17 Ga (Table DR3).
tents (0.74–2.65 wt%) and Mg# values (17.46–37.87). Moreover, they
have high total alkali (6.63–9.56 wt%) and K2O contents (2.45–3.55 wt 4.3. Zircon Hf isotopes
%) with K2O/Na2O values ranging from 1.69 to 1.98. These composi­
tions indicate that the trachyandesites belong to a high-K to shoshonitic Zircon Hf isotopic analysis was carried out on the same or adjacent
calc-alkali series (Table DR3 and Fig. 3b-c). The trachyandesite all plot domains of the zircon grains for U-Pb isotope dating. For trachyandesite
in the peraluminous field with A/CNK values of 0.79 to 0.92 (Fig. 3d). sample 18GS-07, zircon initial 176Hf/177Hfi values ranged from
The MgO, TiO2, CaO, Fe2OT, 3 and Al2O3 contents decrease as SiO2 con­ 0.282334 to 0.282394 (average 0.28236). This corresponds to εHf(t)
tents increase (Fig. 4). The ΣREE (rare earth element) contents of the values ranging from − 12.91 to − 10.77 (average − 11.99) and Hf isotope
trachyandesite samples range from 176.35 to 282.93 ppm. In chondrite- crustal model ages (TcDM) ranging from 1.99 to 1.85 Ga (Fig. 7 and
normalized REE patterns (Fig. 5a), the trachyandesites exhibit light REE Table DR4).
(LREE) enrichment relative to heavy REE (HREE), with (La/Yb)N ratios Rhyolite sample 18GS-01 produced zircons with initial 176Hf/177Hfi
ranging from 9.51 to 14.29. They are enriched in large ion lithophile ratios ranging from 0.282308 to 0.282426 (average 0.282371) and εHf(t)
elements (LILEs, such as Ba, Pb, and U), and depleted in high field values ranging from -13.88 to -9.73 (average -11.67), with TcDM between
strength elements (HFSEs, e.g., Nb and Ta; Fig. 5b) on the primitive 2.05 and 1.79 Ga (Fig. 7). Similarly, zircons within rhyolite sample

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Table 2
Trace element composition of the hypothetical source, the lower continental crust, and partition coefficients used in trace elemental modeling.
Average composition of Paleoproterozoic Hengling mafic dykes The lower continental crust Partition coefficients (mineral/melt)
(ppm) (ppm)
Rt Ilm Pl Am Cpx Opx Grt

Th 0.75 1.2 0.2 0.09 0.05 0.055 0.00026 0.0001 0.0001

Nb 3.372 5 96 3 0.01 0.8 0.05 0.01 0.04
Ta 0.332 0.6 210 2.7 0.053 0.38 0.028 0.126 0.08
La 9.098 8 0.006 0.015 0.27 0.17 0.054 0.002 0.01
Ce 20.4 20 0.007 0.012 0.2 0.26 0.098 0.003 0.021
Pr 2.761 2.4 0.007 0.011 0.17 0.35 0.15 0.0048 0.054
Sr 296.6 348 0.036 0.002 2 0.12 0.067 0.007 0.0011
Nd 11.94 11 0.008 0.01 0.14 0.44 0.21 0.0068 0.087
Zr 66.94 68 4.1 2.3 0.078 0.124 0.125 0.031 0.537
Hf 1.923 1.9 6 2.4 0.01 0.66 0.233 0.01 0.23
Sm 2.879 2.8 0.095 0.009 0.11 0.76 0.26 0.01 0.217
Eu 0.95 1.1 0 0.01 0.73 0.88 0.31 0.013 0.32
Gd 3.025 3.1 0.0106 0.011 0.066 0.86 0.3 0.016 0.498
Tb 0.522 0.48 0.0111 0.018 0.06 0.83 0.31 0.019 0.75
Dy 3.322 3.1 0.0116 0.02 0.055 0.78 0.33 0.022 1.06
Y 18.02 16 0.0118 0.037 0.138 0.333 0.603 0.054 0.7
Ho 0.702 0.68 0.0119 0.035 0.048 0.73 0.31 0.026 1.53
Er 1.965 1.9 0.0122 0.067 0.041 0.68 0.3 0.03 2
Tm 0.296 0.24 0.0124 0.102 0.036 0.64 0.29 0.04 3
Yb 1.918 1.5 0.0126 0.13 0.031 0.59 0.28 0.049 4.03
Lu 0.297 0.25 0.0127 0.19 0.025 0.51 0.28 0.06 5.5

18GS-13 exhibited initial ratios ranging from 0.282315 to 0.282482 primarily due to the absence of observed coeval mafic magmas in the
(average 0.282379). This corresponded to εHf(t) values ranging from Gangshan area, which could have potentially acted as parental sources.
-14.38 to -7.59 (average -11.23) and TcDM ages from 2.08 to 1.66 Ga Even if the trachyandesites were indeed the fractionation production of
(Fig. 7, Table DR4). the basaltic magmas, they would have resulted in the separation of ul­
tramafic cumulates such as olivine, pyroxene and amphibole, etc. The
5. Discussion lack of these phenocrysts in the trachyandesites implies that the Gang­
shan trachyandesites were not derived from the fractional crystallization
Potential impacts of alteration, crustal contamination, and crystal of basaltic magmas.
fractionation need to be assessed before constraining the nature of the The trachyandesites display a wide range of SiO2 contents, which
parental magma sources. The studied rocks exhibit low loss on ignition might be explained by the magma mixing process. However, the tra­
(LOI) values (0.12–1.42 wt%), suggesting that they are fresh and have chyandesites were probably not derived by magma mixing involving
not undergone significant alteration. The Zr concentration has served as mantle-derived basaltic and crust-derived felsic magmas, based on the
an alteration-independent index for geochemical diversity mainly due to following lines of evidence. Firstly, the Rb/Sr, La/Nb, and Ta/U ratios of
the significant correlation with other element, and thus is used to the trachyandesites ranged from 0.09 to 0.12 (mean = 0.1), 1.76 to 3.31
evaluate elemental mobility (Pearce et al., 1992). The concentrations of (mean = 2.63), and 0.63 to 1.49 (mean = 1.04), respectively, which are
mobile elements such as Rb, Sr, and Ba of these samples display strong close to crustal values (i.e., Rb/Sr = 0.17, La/Nb = 2.2 and Ta/U = 1.1;
positive correlations with Zr concentrations (Fig. S1), indicating that Sun and McDonough, 1989; Taylor and McLennan, 1995) rather than
they were not affected by the post-magmatic alteration. Thus, these el­ mixed melts. Secondly, the whole-rock Nd isotopic compositions of
ements could be used in discussing the petrogenetic process and magma trachyandesites are relatively uniform, which is contrary to the magma
source. mixing process. Finally, the mixing between the felsic and mafic
magmas would generally form mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs;
Mo et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2021). However, such MMEs are absent in
5.1. Petrogenesis and source of the trachyandesites
the Gangshan trachyandesites.
The characteristics of trachyandesites are in excellent agreement
Several genetic models have been proposed to explain the formation
with the lower crust-derived magmatic rocks in NCC (Lin, 2017; Fu
of trachyandesites and their intrusive counterparts, including (1) partial
et al., 2022). Firstly, they display high SiO2 contents (55.46 to 61.28 wt
melting of mantle metasomatized by subducted sediment (Xie et al.,
%), low Mg# values (17 to 38), and enriched whole-rock Nd isotopic
2020); (2) assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) of mantle-
compositions (εNd(t) = -17.07 to -13.34), which are in line with the Early
derived basaltic magmas (Peccerillo et al., 2003; Lee and Bachmann,
Cretaceous lower crust-derived rocks from northern NCC (εNd(t) =
2014); (3) magma mixing involving mantle-derived basaltic and crust-
-23.35 to -11.33) (Fig. 6; Yang and Li, 2008; Li and Bao, 2012; Lin, 2017;
derived felsic magmas (Guo et al., 2007; Kiran and Kilinc, 2010); and
Fu et al., 2022). Therefore, the partial melting of the lower crust is a
(4) partial melting of the lower crust (Gou et al., 2013; Sen and Dunn,
robust explanation for the generation of the trachyandesites. In addition,
the whole-rock Nd isotope compositions of the Gangshan igneous sam­
The Gangshan trachyandesites are enriched in LREEs and LILEs and
ples are consistent with the Early Cretaceous adakitic rhyolites (εNd(t) =
depleted in HREEs and HFSEs, indicating the injection of slab melts into
-19.09 to -12.8) from the northern NCC, which were derived from the
the source of the parental magmas (Guo et al., 2021). However, the
partial melting of the Paleoproterozoic mafic lower crust beneath the
trachyandesites display lower MgO contents (0.74 to 2.65 wt%)
NCC (Wang et al., 2017; Peng et al., 2012). Thirdly, the zircon Hf TcDM
compared to the primitive trachyandesites derived from metasomatic
ages (1.99–1.86 Ga) and whole-rock Nd T2DM ages (2.3–2 Ga) of the
mantle sources (MgO = 2.57 to 3.82 wt%; Feng et al., 2015). Therefore,
Gangshan trachyandesite rocks imply that they may be derived from the
the trachyandesites are unlikely to represent the primitive melts of the
partial melting of the Paleoproterozoic (2.5–1.6 Ga) mafic lower crust in
mantle metasomatized by subducted sediment.
the NCC.
On the other hand, the explanation based on AFC processes appears
To quantitatively evaluate the partial melting process for the
improbable in the case of the Gangshan trachyandesites. This is

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

clinopyroxene, while a decrease in that of amphibole and plagioclase.

The ilmenite is present at lower pressures and rutile at high pressures
and the generation of melt is connected to the decomposition of
amphibole. Simulation results show those melts generated from 5 to 10
% partial melting at 10 kbar (790–820 ◦ C) provide a better fit for
Gangshan volcanic rocks than melts at 12, 14, and 16 kbar (Fig. 8). At a
pressure of 10 Kbar, the concentration of Nb and Ta depends largely on
ilmenite, whereas at 12 Kbar, rutile takes over as the main determinant
causing great depletion of Nb and Ta. Compared with 10 % melt, 5 %
melt is more consistent with the composition of Gangshan trachyande­
sites. This indicates that amphibole as the dominant residual mineral is
more consistent with the formation condition of the trachyandesitic
magma, which is consistent with the relatively flat distribution of HREE
(with Y/Yb = 8.06–10.94 and (Ho/Yb)N = 1.05–1.21). Ta and Y contents
Fig. 8. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns for the Gangshan in the simulation results are higher than those of the Gangshan tra­
volcanic rocks and modeled melts. Colored lines indicate compositions of
chyandesites, while the Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu contents are lower, which
modeled melts at different pressures. Solid lines are calculated for 5% melt, and
may indicate that garnet is overestimated, and amphibole is under­
dotted lines for 10% melt. Also shown for comparison is the average compo­
sition of the Paleoproterozoic Hengling tholeiites in the NCC (Peng et al., 2012) estimated in the residual phases. Thus, the melting of less than 5 % is
and lower continental crust (LCC; Rudnick and Gao, 2003). likely to produce melts with compositions similar to the trachyandesites.
Moreover, Qian and Hermann (2013) have shown that partial melting of
the lower crust can produce a melt with amphibole as the main residual
formation of Gangshan volcanic rocks, the Paleoproterozoic Hengling
tholeiites in NCC are assumed to represent the source rocks (Peng et al., mineral at 10–12.5 kbar and 800-900℃. Therefore, 10 kbar and
790–820 ◦ C from our estimation are the most likely P-T conditions for
2012). These tholeiites are similar to the lower continental crust in terms
of trace element compositions, as demonstrated in Table 2 and Fig. 8 the generation of the Gangshan trachyandesites. Accordingly, the
Gangshan trachyandesites were generated from the ancient lower crust
(Rudnick and Gao, 2003). Previous studies suggested that dehydration
melting produced K-rich melts more readily than hydrous melting beneath the NCC at a depth of ca. 30–33 km.
(Martin et al., 2005; Prouteau et al., 2001; Wang, et al., 2007). As a
result, we undertook isobaric partial melting modeling under anhydrous
5.2. Petrogenesis of the rhyolites
conditions at various pressures (10, 12, 14, and 16 kbar) using equi­
librium assemblages from Wang et al. (2015b). Tables 2 and 3 illustrate
The Gangshan rhyolites exhibit higher SiO2 contents (73.61–76.55
the partition coefficients and residual phases of mineral assemblages
wt%), lower MgO contents (average 0.24 wt%), and lower Mg# values
used in trace element modeling. During the modeling process, as the
(13–30) than the typical mantle-derived melt in the NCC (Feng et al.,
pressure increased, there was an increase in the volume of garnet and
2015). The absence of contemporaneous large volumes of mafic magmas

Table 3
MELTS modeling results at different pressures and temperatures.
P (Kbar) 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16

T (℃) 793 818 780 818 773 822 790 916

Calculated fractions of coexisting phases (wt.%)
Melt 5 10.25 5.05 10.3 5.16 10.34 4.88 10.06
Grt 26.35 22.98 36.22 39.7 41.1 46.92 47.96 47.74
Cpx 8.8 17.29 12.51 21 17.22 26.91 28.53 28.84
Opx 2.39 16.6 5.34 0.39
Pl 23.73 26.97 14.98 15.69 10.03 9.82 6.88 8.62
Ilm 1.54 1.54
Rt 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.84
Am 30.46 4.36 26.68 5.33 20.48 1.45 5.18 0
Qtz 1.73 3.72 1.81 5.17 3.33 5.73 3.91
Trace element concentrations of melts (ppm)
Th 9.55 6.49 10.32 6.74 11.17 7.03 13 7.11
Nb 9.86 17.48 3.27 3.83 3.42 3.93 3.8 3.94
Ta 1.4 1.62 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19
La 54.37 49.67 64.33 56.79 74.83 63.43 95.51 65.31
Ce 110.86 113.99 124.93 122.2 141.74 132.7 182.06 135.97
Pr 12.79 14.5 13.85 14.63 15.34 15.44 19.22 15.74
Sr 547.58 492.78 793.77 738.11 1076.23 1004.37 1442.8 1085.27
Nd 48.04 58.8 50.51 56.31 54.94 58.02 67.3 58.87
Zr 236.79 230.18 206.29 183.61 194.59 168.92 179.72 167.26
Hf 5.41 7.79 5.16 6.31 5.42 6.25 6.43 6.3
Sm 7.76 11.82 7.9 10.29 8.56 10.47 10.88 10.66
Eu 1.65 2.22 1.81 2.27 2.04 2.46 2.56 2.54
Gd 6.52 10.02 6.24 7.84 6.47 7.56 7.47 7.62
Tb 1.01 1.48 0.93 1.1 0.93 1.03 1 1.03
Dy 5.71 7.95 5.04 5.66 4.92 5.17 5 5.15
Y 44.51 45.76 38.61 35.88 36.04 32.27 32.3 31.72
Ho 1.03 1.38 0.87 0.94 0.83 0.84 0.81 0.83
Er 2.51 3.26 2.06 2.16 1.93 1.91 1.82 1.89
Tm 0.29 0.37 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.2 0.19 0.2
Yb 1.52 1.89 1.18 1.18 1.07 1.02 0.96 1.01
Lu 0.18 0.23 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.12

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 9. Trace element modeling based on Rayleigh fractional crystallization for the Gangshan volcanic rocks. Since Rb, Sr, and Ba are mainly controlled by the main
minerals, the influence of accessory minerals is not considered in the separation phase here. Three possible fractionated assemblages are considered: (FC1) 55 % Kfp
+ 20 % Pl + 10 % Hbl + 5 % Bi + 10 % Qtz; (FC2) 20 % Kfp + 55 % Pl + 10 % Hbl + 5 % Bi + 10 % Qtz; (FC3) 85 % Pl + 10 % Hbl + 5 % Bi. The least evolved
sample (18GS-12, SiO2 = 55.46 %) is assumed to be the initial melt. Tick marks in fractionation trends indicate the percentage of mineral assemblage removed by 10
intervals, and the numbers show the extent of partial melting. The distribution coefficients of Rb, Sr, and Ba are from Rollinson (1993).

contradicts the expectations associated with the fractional crystalliza­

tion of mantle-derived basaltic melts. Moreover, the Th/Nb, La/Nb, and
Zr/Hf ratios of the Gangshan rhyolites range from 0.26 to 0.53 (mean =
0.4), 2.04 to 4.04 (mean = 2.97), and 30.36 to 38.99 (mean = 34.74),
respectively, which are close to crustal values (i.e., Th/Nb = 0.44, La/
Nb = 2.2 and Zr/Hf = 33; Sun and McDonough, 1989; Taylor and
McLennan, 1995). These geochemical characteristics suggest that the
Gangshan rhyolites are mainly derived from a crustal source.
The Gangshan rhyolites and trachyandesites share a comparable
eruption age of 118 ± 1 Ma (Fig. 2), and show a clear evolutionary
relationship in terms of the binary diagrams of major and trace
elemental compositions (Fig. 4). These suggest that rhyolites likely
represent the fractionation products of coeval trachyandesitic magmas.
The consistent whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the
rhyolites and trachyandesites (Figs. 6 and 7) further support that the
Gangshan rhyolites represent the magmatic derivates of the coeval Fig. 10. REE modeling based on Rayleigh fractional crystallization for the
trachyandesites. Gangshan volcanic rocks. The fractionated assemblages are assumed as 20 %
Kfp + 55 % Pl + 10 % Hbl + 5 % Bi + 10 % Qtz + 0.15 % Tit + 0.05 % Apa +
The Harker diagrams presented in Fig. 4 reveal linear correlations
0.3 % Zir. Distribution coefficients (Kd) are from (Rollinson, 1993), Bea et al.
between SiO2 and selected element contents in the Gangshan volcanic
(1994), Larsen (1979), Padilla and Gualda (2016) and Schnetzler and Philpotts
rocks. In detail, when SiO2 contents increase, TiO2, MgO, Fe2OT3, and (1970). Chondrite values are from Sun and McDonough (1989).
CaO contents decrease. These imply that the rocks underwent fractional
crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides, Mg-rich minerals (such as amphibolite,
the melts. To simulate the effects of zircon, apatite, and titanite sepa­
biotite, and orthopyroxene; see Fig. 7a, c, d, and e), and apatite. The
ration on REE compositions, the residual phase is retained at 0.15 %
negative Eu anomalies and deficit of Ba and Sr contents combined with
titanite, 0.05 % apatite, and 0.3 % zircon. The results revealed that after
the negative correlations between SiO2 and CaO, suggest a significant
50–60 % fractional crystallization, the REE composition of the residual
fractionation of K-feldspar and plagioclase (Fig. 5). It is noteworthy that
melt matched well with that of the Gangshan rhyolites (Fig. 10).
Ba is primarily present in K-feldspar, whereas Sr and Eu mainly occur in
The easyMelts software provides a simple and intuitive MELTS en­
plagioclase. We utilized Rb, Sr, and Ba in our calculations to determine
gine that enables the determination of temperature and pressure con­
the residual phase mineral assemblages resulting from the fractional
ditions during magma evolution (Gualda et al., 2012; Ghiorso and
crystallization process of the volcanic rocks. In this study, sample 18GS-
Gualda, 2015). In this study, sample 18GS-12 is taken as the initial melt,
12 exhibiting the lowest SiO2 content and highest Mg# (SiO2 = 55.46 wt
performed isobaric crystallization at various pressures (1 bar, 1 kbar,
%, Mg# = 37.9; Table DR2) is tentatively used to represent the primary
and 5 kbar), the initial water content was set at 2 wt%, and oxygen
melt. Through petrographic observation, the fractionated mineral pha­
fugacity conditions based on the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM)
ses are assumed to consist of K-feldspar, plagioclase, amphibolite, bio­
buffer. The zircon saturation temperatures of the rhyolites indicated a
tite, and quartz. Fractional crystallization of the initial melt (50–60 %)
temperature range of 685–805 ◦ C (Table DR2). Therefore, the temper­
using the Rayleigh model indicates that when plagioclase is the domi­
ature range was set from 1200 ◦ C to 715 ◦ C. The modeling results
nant mineral phase (55 % plagioclase, 20 % potassium feldspar, 10 %
indicate that the formation of Early Cretaceous magmatism was best
amphibole, 5 % biotite, and 10 % quartz), the residual melt is compa­
explained within the 1–3 kbar range, which agreed with the observed
rable to that of the evolutionary rhyolite sample (Fig. 9). In addition to
data in various diagrams, including SiO2 versus TiO2, Fe2OT3, MgO, and
main rock-forming minerals, accessory minerals such as sphene, apatite,
Na2O + K2O (Fig. 11). However, the model showed some discrepancies
and zircon played significant roles in the formation of REE patterns of

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 11. SiO2 variation diagrams for (a) TiO2, (b) Al2O3, (c) Fe2OT3, (d) MgO, (e) CaO, and (f) Na2O + K2O. MELTS modeling is depicted as curves calculated at ƒO2 =
QFM, and isobaric (1 bar, 1 kbar, and 3 kbar) conditions, with starting melt composition (sample 18GS-12 from this study).

in fitting the SiO2 versus Al2O3 and CaO data (Fig. 11b and e), which (Li and Bao, 2012); Luowenyu quartz monzonite (126 Ma) in Eastern
may be attributed to the choice of Al2O3 and CaO contents in the starting Hebei Province (Jiang et al., 2018); Xiangshan, Houshihushan, Qian­
melt. Notably, as the temperature decreased to approximately 775 ◦ C, cengbei, Wulingshan intrusions (130–117 Ma) in the YFTB (Yanshan
the compositions of the residual melts resembled those of Gangshan Fold and Thrust Belt), northern NCC (Yang et al., 2007). The Gangshan
rhyolites (Fig. 11). In conclusion, the results of simulation indicated that trachyandesites and rhyolites in this study were crystallized at 118–115
the Gangshan rhyolites underwent approximately 55 % plagioclase, 20 Ma, which is consistent with those of other late-stage Early Cretaceous
% K-feldspar, 10 % amphibolite, 5 % biotite, and 10 % quartz fractional igneous rocks in the northern NCC.
crystallization, which coincided well with all data points at a pressure of
1–3 kbar and a temperature of ~ 775 ◦ C (Fig. 11b). 5.4. Subduction and rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate

5.3. Early cretaceous volcanism in the northern NCC The Late Mesozoic intermediate-felsic magmatism along northern
NCC holds the key to constraining the subduction history of the Paleo-
The northern NCC is characterized by widespread Early Cretaceous Pacific Plate beneath northern NCC during the Late Mesozoic. By inte­
volcanic and intrusive rocks, ranging from mafic to felsic, forming a grating our new results with the previous studies, we can construct a
broadly E-W trending belt (Fig. 1b). Based on studies over the past de­ more robust model for the subduction processes of the Paleo-Pacific slab
cades, an accurate geochronological framework for these igneous rocks and the destruction of the NCC. Between ~ 180 Ma to 145 Ma, the
has been established. In this study, we collected 282 published zircon U- northern NCC widely distributed extensive compression structures such
Pb isotope ages and 40Ar-39Ar ages of the Early Cretaceous intermediate- as large-scale thrust and folds (Wu et al., 2019; Ma and Xu, 2021), which
felsic rocks in northern NCC (Table DR5). Two distinct magmatic stages was caused by the westward initial subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate
are identified, i.e., the early stage of the Early Cretaceous (145–130 Ma) (Zheng et al., 2018). The occurrence of adakitic intermediate-felsic rocks
and the late stage of the Early Cretaceous (130–111 Ma). in the middle and late Jurassic suggests the partial melting of thickened
In detail, igneous rocks from the early stage of Early Cretaceous or foundering lower continental crust (Gao et al., 2004; He et al., 2017;
(145–130 Ma) are widely distributed in the northwest part of the Liu et al., 2018). The low Mg adakitic rocks (176–145 Ma) show extreme
northern NCC. For example, the Chicheng rhyolites (143–136 Ma) in depletion in HREEs, Y, and Yb, and a lack of negative Eu anomalies in
northern NCC (Shao et al., 2003; Xia et al., 1998; Yang et al., 2020), Beijing Western Hills within the northern NCC, which were likely
Guyuan rhyolites (140–134 Ma) in North Hebei Province (Xia et al., derived from the partial melting of thickened lower continental crust
1998; Li, 1988; Zhang et al., 2016), Guyuan Trachytes (139–138 Ma) in (He et al., 2017). Adakitic granites ranging from 180 to 156 Ma were
North Hebei Province (Wu et al., 2017), Luanping rhyolites (135–130 also discovered in the northeastern margin of the NCC (Liu et al., 2018).
Ma) in North Hebei Province (Liu et al., 2003; Niu et al., 2004), Fang­ These adakitic intermediate-felsic rocks possess low MgO but relatively
shan granodiorites (132–130 Ma) in Beijing (Sun et al., 2010), Zhang­ high K2O and SiO2 contents, believed to have formed through partial
jiakou dacites (143–136 Ma) in North Hebei Province (Wei et al., 2008). melting of the crust, which was thickened with the transformation of
The late stage of Early Cretaceous (130–111 Ma) igneous rocks basic granulite into eclogite due to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific
mainly occur in the southeast part of the northern NCC (Fig. 12), Plate (Zhang et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2019). Furthermore, previous
including the Beishanzi granites (130 Ma) in Northwest Hebei Province research has confirmed that magmas migrate inland (northwest) (Wu

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 12. (a) Spatiotemporal distribution of the Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the north flank of the NCC. For age data and related references please see Supple­
mentary Table DR5. Probability plots of the U-Pb ages of zircons from Cretaceous igneous rocks in (b) Northwest Hebei, (c) Northeast Hebei, and (d) Eastern Hebei
and Western Liaoning.

et al., 2019; Ma and Xu, 2021; Fu et al., 2022), providing additional intense crust-mantle interaction beneath northern NCC in the early stage
evidence supporting the Paleo-Pacific Plate continues to flat subduction of the Early Cretaceous, likely triggered by asthenosphere mantle up­
from eastward beneath NCC from 180 Ma to 145 Ma. welling due to Pale-Pacific rollback (Dong et al., 2020). Meanwhile, we
In the early stage of the Early Cretaceous (145–130 Ma), regional identified a trend of magma migration southeastward in northern NCC,
extension took place in the northern NCC, resulting in the occurrence of further reinforcing the hypothesis of the Paleo-Pacific Plate rollback in
A-type granites, granodiorite, and rhyolites (Liu et al., 2010; Chang the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 12), which aligns with the conclusion drawn
et al., 2020; Qi et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). The transformation from by Wu et al. (2019) and Ma and Xu (2021). Previous studies have also
regional compression to extension is associated with the rollback of the declared that the flat slab loses buoyancy due to the eclogitization of its
Paleo-Pacific Plate (Wu et al., 2019). During this time, the northern NCC crustal component and may sink into the deep mantle due to gravita­
was widely distributed ubiquitous intermediate-felsic igneous rocks, tional instability (Wang et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2018; Ji et al., 2019).
which were likely due to the mixing between the mantle- and the Consequently, the tectonic regime changed from flat subduction to slab
delaminated lower crust-derived melts (Chang et al., 2020; Fu et al., rollback in the early stage of the Early Cretaceous, and upwelling
2022). Notable examples include the Zhuozi trachytes (140–134 Ma) in asthenospheric mantle related to slab rollback came into direct contact
northern NCC (Chang et al., 2020), Kulongshan granites (134–129 Ma) with the bottom of the lithospheric mantle. This interaction triggered
in North Hebei Province (Guo et al., 2019), Kulongshan rhyolite (138 the partial melting of the lithospheric mantle and reaction with the
Ma) in North Hebei Province (Lin et al., 2019). The magmatism suggests overlying lower crust (Hu et al., 2021; Chang et al., 2023). This

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

Fig. 13. Geodynamic model for the genesis of Early Cretaceous volcanism in the northern margin of the North China Craton (modified from Xue et al., 2019; Yang
et al., 2020). Details could be found in the text.

geodynamic process commenced igniting the Early Cretaceous mag­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
matism in the northern NCC.
In the late Early Cretaceous period (130–115 Ma), magmatic activity Xuli Yang: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation,
peaked in northern NCC. This activity coincided with numerous exten­ Methodology, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
sional tectonic-related rock formations, including A-type granites and editing. Feng Huang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Visualization,
alkaline rocks (Zhang et al., 2014; Fu et al., 2022). Prominent examples Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Jifeng
of these formations include the Chicheng rhyolites (138–114 Ma) in Xu: Methodology, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Project adminis­
North Hebei Province (Yang et al., 2020); Shouwangfen quartz mon­ tration, Writing – review & editing. Xijun Liu: Methodology, Funding
zonites (130–128 Ma) in Chengde region of Hebei Province (Dong et al., acquisition, Writing – review & editing. Liying Zhang: Methodology,
2020). Northern NCC also experienced widespread metamorphic core Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Zhao Zhang: Investigation,
complex (MCC) (Davis et al., 2001; Zhu et al., 2015) and extensional Methodology, Writing – review & editing. Benyan Xu: Formal analysis,
sedimentary basins (Zhu et al., 2012). The evidence indicates that Writing – review & editing. Man Zhang: Investigation, Writing – review
northern NCC was in an intense extension setting in the late Early & editing. Yunchuan Zeng: Writing – review & editing. Qian Liu:
Cretaceous. Compared to the early Early Cretaceous, the lower crust of Writing – review & editing. Mingda Lv: Writing – review & editing.
northern NCC underwent large-scale delamination in the late Early
Cretaceous (Fu et al., 2022). During this stage, several high-Mg adakitic Declaration of Competing Interest
rocks were discovered in northern NCC, which were likely generated
from the partial melting of delaminated eclogitic-facies lower crust. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Notable samples include Yixian high-Mg adakitic rocks (126–120 Ma) in interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Western Liaoning Province (Yang and Li, 2008) and Zhangwu andesites the work reported in this paper.
(126–122 Ma) in northwestern Liaoning Province (Xiao et al., 2008;
Huang et al., 2007). Data availability
At 118–115 Ma, the subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate continued to
rollback eastward, and the lithosphere of the NCC was thinned in Data will be made available on request.
response to regional extension and delamination. The asthenospheric
mantle upwelling led to partial melting of the relatively shallow lower Acknowledgments
crust at 30–33 km depth, generating the parent magma of trachyande­
site and rhyolite in the Gangshan area as well as the large-scale We are thankful to Editor Manoj Pandit for patient editorial handling
destruction of the NCC. In summary, the Paleo-Pacific Plate under­ and the anonymous reviewers for constructive comments and sugges­
went a transition from flat subduction to slab rollback in northern NCC tions that highly improved the manuscript. We thank Zhenglin Li, Yinhui
during the Jurassic to late Early Cretaceous. In the late Early Cretaceous, Zhang, Hongxia Yu, Zichen Fan, Changqi Yang, Dingshuai Xue, Xianglin
as the subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate continued to rollback, the upwelling Tu, and Shengling Sun for their help in whole-rock chemical and zircon
asthenosphere mantle reacted with the base of the craton, which further U-Pb-Hf isotope analyses. Feng Huang appreciate the inspirational dis­
resulted in the NCC’s lithospheric removal by crustal delamination, cussion with Xiyao Li, Hongli Li, Fanhui Pei and Rong Xu. This research
mechanical erosion, and hydration-induced weakening (Fig. 13). was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(41790453 and 92055208), the National Key Research and Develop­
6. Conclusions ment Project of China (2020YFA0714800), the Fifth Bagui Scholar
Innovation Project of Guangxi Province (to Jifeng Xu), the Natural Sci­
(1) The Gangshan trachyandesites and rhyolites in northern NCC ence Foundation of Guangxi Province (2020GXNSFBA297068) and
erupted at 118–115 Ma. Guangxi Science Innovation Base Construction Foundation
(2) The trachyandesites were derived from the partial melting of the (GuikeZY21195031).
Paleoproterozoic lower crust, whereas the rhyolites were generated by
the fractionation of the trachyandesitic magmas.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
(3) The widespread Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic rocks in
northern NCC resulted from the rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate,
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
which represents the large destruction of the NCC.

X. Yang et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259 (2024) 105873

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