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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 105–115, Doi:

Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences


The significance of zircon U-Pb ages in the Ba river basin to the

timing of major tectonic stages of Kontum massif
Doan Dinh Hung1,2*, Yukiyasu Tsutsumi3, Toshifumi Komatsu4, Nguyen Hoang2,5, Nguyen Ba
Hung1, Trinh Thai Ha1, Nguyen Thi Dung1, Nguyen Trung Minh 1,2
Viet Nam National Museum of Nature, VAST
Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST
Department of Geology, National Museum of Nature and Science of Japan, 3–23–1 Hyakunin-cho,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169–0073, Japan
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Institute of Geological Sciences, VAST
Received 11 December 2018; Received in revised form 20 January 2019; Accepted 13 March 2019


Ba River originates from the Ngoc Linh mountain ranges, NW of Kontum massif and flows into the East Sea from
the Da Rang estuary. The Ba River basin (Da Rang river) is considered as the means of transport and storage of products
from the Kontum massif resulted following weathering, erosion or deformation processes either by natural causes or
the regional thermo-tectonic events. A total of 122 zircon grains separated from the Ba River basin sediments are
selected for U-Pb isotopic age dating by LA-ICP-MS method. Among the 122 samples, 114 are concordant, forming 3
major age groups, including middle-Late Cretaceous (105–85 Ma), Middle Permian - Late Triassic (270–211 Ma), Late
Ordovician - Early Silurian (455–424 Ma). A few samples show ages scattering from 1470 to 970 Ma
(Mesoproterozoic), and one sample shows a value of 2383±24 Ma (Paleoproterozoic). The acquired U-Pb zircon ages
may reflect 3 major thermo- tectonic stages in the formation and evolution of the Kontum Massif from the Early
Paleoproterozoic till middle-Late Cretaceous, with the most significant time being Middle Permian (270 Ma)-Late
Triassic (211 Ma) (97 over 122 samples, e.g., 79,5%), corresponding to the period of convergence, collision and
orogeny of the Indosinian block.

Keywords: Zircon U-Pb dating, Kontum massif, Ba River basin, Vietnam Western Highlands.

©2019 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

1. Introduction1 largest crystalline basement exposed to the

1.1. The Kontum Massif surface in the Indochina Block. Kontum massif
is comprised of igneous-metamorphic
The Kontum massif terrane has been formations surrounding a core comprising
viewed by many researchers as part of Archean high temperature-pressure
Gondwanaland (Tong and Vu, 2005; 2011), the

Corresponding author, Email: [email protected]

Doan Dinh Hung et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 41(2019)

metamorphic rocks (Hutchison 1989). 2007; Tran and Vu, 2011). Isotopic age data
However, up to the present, no age older than reported for these thermo-tectonic activities in
2500 million years for those supposedly the Kontum massif have been plentiful (Nagy
‘Archean’ complexes has ever been reported et al., 2001; Osanai et al., 2001; Tran et al.,
(Tran et al., 2001). In general, Kontum high P- 2001, 2002; Vu et al., 2013; Pham and Huynh,
T metamorphic complexes include Kan Nack 2015; Nguyen et al., 2015) (see discussions
aged Paleoproterozoic (2500–1600 Ma), Ngoc below).
Linh aged Mesoproterozoic (1600–1000 Ma),
1.2. Zircon U-Pb dating
(Tran V.T. and Vu K., 2011). The Kan Nack
high P-T metamorphic complex forming the Reports on U-Pb dating ages for zircon in
core of the Kontum massif was previously sediments and host rocks in large river basins
classified as Archean on the basis of to understand major magmatic and tectonic
correlation with typical Archean granulite events in the upstream terrains have been
formations elsewhere in the world (Hutchison, mounting recently (Zhang et al., 2006; Wang et
1989; Tran and Vu, 2011). The surrounding of al., 2010; He et al., 2013a; Shao et al., 2016).
the “Archean nucleus” is magma-metamorphic For example, the Yangtze River initiates from
complexes aged Paleozoic such as Ta Vi the Tibetan plateau, running more than 6300
granitoid, Phu My gabbro, Chu Lai km to reach the East China Sea (Chen et al.,
granitogneiss, Dai Loc granitogneiss, etc. 2001). With a catchment area of 1.8 × 106 km2
Other magma-metamorphic complexes of Late the river drainage covers several tectonic units,
Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic include Kon Kbang with the Yangtze Craton underlies the main
gabbroic, Ba River enderbite- charnockite, Van part of the Yangtze River drainage (He et al.,
Canh granite-granosyenite and Late Triassic 2013b). It has been reported that the relative
lamprophyre dyke complexes, etc. (Tran and proportions of different zircon ages in the
Vu, 2011; Tran et al., 1998; 2001; Nagy et al., bedrock of the different tectonic units indicate
2001; Lan et al., 2003; Lepvrier et al., 2007; the major tributaries and the corresponding
Pham et al., 2013; Nguyen et al., 2015). tectonic units that affect the zircon age
However, recent reported results show that population in each stream (He et al., 2013a;
metamorphic activities in the Kontum Terrane 2014, and references therein).
were multiple, having occurred in different Ages of monazite in sediments from several
tectonic periods forming multiple, and river basins such as Red River, Ma River, Ca
overlapping metamorphic facies. The magma- River, Thu Bon River, Dong Nai River,
metamorphic activities occurred in the Late Mekong River, etc., have been determined to
Permian-Late Triassic (about 210 Ma) and understand the age of lithologic formations in
early Ordovician (about 480–470 Ma), (Tran et their upstream regions (e.g. Nagy et al., 2001;
al., 2001; 2003) in the Kontum Terrane were so Tran et al., 2003; Kazumi et al., 2010). These
strong that may have erased and assimilated the reports show not only the formation ages, but
so-called “Precambrian exhumed basement” also the major tectonic periods and related
following subsequent orogenic and plate magma-metamorphic activities (Tran and Vu,
collision processes, leading to convergence of 2011).
Indochina and South China blocks by the end Originating from the Ngok Ro summit at
of Late Permian-Early Triassic (Lepvrier et al., the altitude of 1,240 m, in the Ngoc Linh

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 105–115

mountain range, northwest of the Kontum estuary, in eastern Tuy Hoa. Occupying a
Massif, Ba River (also known as Da Rang catchment area of about 13,000 km2 Ba River
River) runs along the eastern slope of the basin is considered as a site for transport and
Truong Son mountain ranges through Kon storage of eroded products from the Kontum
Tum, Gia Lai and Phu Yen provinces before massif, either by natural causes or by tectonic
flowing into the East Sea from the Da Rang activities (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Simplified geological map and sampling site of Ba River basin

With the development of laser abrasion- have become easier, faster and reliable (Tran et
attached inductively coupled plasma mass al., 2003 and references therein). With purpose
spectrometry technology (LA-ICP-MS), U-Pb to decipher the formation (crystallization) ages
isotopic analysis for a large amount of zircons of magmatic-metamorphic formations in the
(ZrSiO4) to determine their crystalline ages upstream of Ba River, including the Kontum

Doan Dinh Hung et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 41(2019)

Massif, we have extracted and selected 122 1993) and OT4 (Horie et al., 2013), and the
zircon grains from representative sediment glass standard NIST SRM610 were mounted in
samples at a site in the downstream of Ba River an epoxy resin (Fig. 2a). The zircon grains
to analyze for U-Pb- Th isotopic compositions were polished till the center of the embedded
by LA-ICP-MS method. The age data are grains exposed (Fig. 2b). Backscattered
processed and interpreted in the context of the electron and cathodoluminescence images of
relationship between the regional magma- zircon grains were taken using a SEM-CL
metamorphic and thermo-tectonic events. equipment, JSM-6610 (JEOL) and
2. Sample collection, processing and cathodoluminescence detector (SANYU
analytical method electron) at the National Museum of Nature
and Science of Japan. The images were utilized
In order to guarantee the highest to select spots for analysis. The U-Pb dating
representativeness for the Ba River basin, was performed using an LA-ICP-MS that was
single zircon crystals were separated and assembled by NWR213 (Electro Scientific
selected from a number of sediment samples Industries) and Agilent 7700x (Agilent
weighed about 500 grams each, collected at Technologies) also at the National Museum of
sites in the Da Rang estuary, near Tuy Hoa city. Nature and Science of Japan. Analytical
The sample was coded as SBA 15 and procedures and measurement running
illustrated in Fig. 1. conditions were described in Tsutsumi et al.
At the field, the samples were crushed to a (2012). The spot size of the laser was 25 µm. A
size <2 mm, washed with running water several correction for common Pb was done on the
times to remove dusty (muddy) portions and to basis of the measured 208Pb/206Pb and Th/U
reduce the sample sizes. The samples were ratios (208Pb correction) (e.g. Williams, 1998)
subsequently dried naturally. In the rock and the model for common Pb compositions
preparation laboratories, the sediment samples proposed by Stacey and Kramers (1975).
were crushed with jaw-crusher and sieved.
3. Results
Portions of ≤ 1 mm were washed in an
ultrasonic bath in 500 ml Pyrex glass for about The results are presented in Table 1 and
30 minutes followed by multiple rinses with illustrated in Figs. 3-5. In 122 samples, 115 are
clean water to remove as much contaminant as concordant that form a concordia curve with
possible. Ultrasonic washes and clean water U/206Pb (corrected) ranging from 0 to about
rinses were repeated several times. The cleaned 75 corresponding to 207Pb/206Pb (corrected)
samples were then dried overnight in an oven varying from 0.15 to 0.05 (Fig. 3). Generally,
at about 100°C. The zircon was divided by the data from four age groups, with group 1
ranging from 105 to 85 Ma (middle to late
heavy liquid before using the Frantz magnetic
Cretaceous), group 2 from 270 to 211 Ma (e.g.
separator to enrich the zircon grains following
middle Permian to Late Triassic), group 3
the method of Hutton (1950) and Mange and
ranging between 455 and 424 Ma (late
Maurer (1992). Thereafter, individual grains of
Ordovician to early Silurian), and group 4
zircon were handpicked under the microscope
scattering from 970 to 1470
from heavy fractions that were kept separate (Mesoproterozoic). Particularly, one sample
from the sediment samples. The zircon grains, yields a value of 2383 ±24 Ma
the zircon standard FC1 (Paces and Miller, (Paleoproterozoic). As showed in Table 1 and

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 105–115

Figs. 3 and 4 the majority of the age data Triassic (211 Ma) with 97 samples, accounting
concentrate on middle Permian (270 Ma)- Late for 79,5% of samples analyzed.

(a) (b)
Figure 2. a- SEM images of unpolished zircons from SBA15;
b- SEM images of polished zircons from SBA15

Doan Dinh Hung et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 41(2019)

Table 1. Some U-Pb zircon representative ages of SBA15 from Ba River basin
206Pb 238U/206Pb* 207Pb*/206Pb*
c 238U/206Pb* (1) 207Pb*/206Pb* (1) Disc Conc or
Labels (1) U Th Th/U
age (1) age (1) (2) disc
(%) (ppm) (ppm) (Ma) (Ma) (%)
SBA15_001 0.95 467 201 0.44 25.16 ±0.40 0.045 ±0.0033 251.3 ±3.9 Conc
SBA15_002 0.31 741 268 0.37 26.07 ±0.34 0.0496 ±0.0022 242.7 ±3.1 Conc

SBA15_013 1.6 511 319 0.64 4.43 ±0.05 0.0783 ±0.0041 1312.2 ±12.5 1155 ±101 -13.6 Conc

SBA15_026 0.06 1609 116 0.07 14.26 ±0.17 0.0562 ±0.0010 437 ±5.1 Conc

SBA15_040 0.28 86 115 1.38 74.74 ±3.50 0.0444 ±0.0213 85.7 ±4.0 Conc

SBA15_091 0.57 827 424 0.53 2.5 ±0.04 0.1532 ±0.0022 2167.3 ±28.5 2383 ±24 9.1 Conc

SBA15_121 0.21 623 251 0.41 26.08 ±0.48 0.0514 ±0.0030 242.5 ±4.3 Conc
SBA15_122 0.39 201 149 0.76 26 ±0.67 0.0517 ±0.0079 243.3 ±6.2 Conc
Errors are 1-; Pbc and Pb* indicate the common and radiogenic portions, respectively.
(1) Common Pb corrected by assuming 206Pb/238U-208Pb/232Th age-concordance
(2) The degree of discordance for an analyzed spot indicates the chronological difference between the two ages
determined by Pb–Pb and U–Pb methods, and is defined as {1-(238U/206Pb*age)/(207Pb*/206Pb* age)}×100 (%) (e.g.,
Biao et al., 1996).
Conc: Concordant; Disc: Discordant

Figure 3. U–Pb zircons age concordia diagram for sample SBA15

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 105–115

Figure 4. Distribution for U–Pb zircons age of sample SBA15

Figure 5. Distribution for the most significant of U–Pb zircons age of sample SBA15

4. Discussion Structurally Kontum massif is controlled by

2 major fault systems: the north-south directed
4.1. The tectonic stages of Kontum massif
Poko fault in the west that extends to beneath
Kontum massif comprises high- Pleiku (Fig. 1), and the second system being
temperature and pressure metamorphic east-west oriented Tra Bong-Phuoc Son fault
complexes such as amphibolite and granulite zone, affecting much of the northern part of the
facies believed to be Paleoproterozoic (ca. massif (Lepvrier et al., 2004). These two fault
2500 Ma) (Phan C.T., 1989; Hutchison, 1989). zones are intersected in western Kontum
These old metamorphic formations are massif, separating Kan Nack complex in the
partially overlain by Paleozoic-Mesozoic east from Ngoc Linh complex in the west,
magma-sedimentary formations and/or causing metamorphism to facies as high P-T as
Cenozoic basalts, and often penetrated by biotite-hornblende gneiss, amphibolite and
Triassic-Jurassic magmatic bodies (Fig. 1). granulite (Tran V.T., 1986; Lepvrier et al.,

Doan Dinh Hung et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 41(2019)

2004; Vu V.T. et al., 2013). Isotopic ages A Sr-Nd isotopic study of (supposed)
determined for mineral assemblage in the Archean and Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in
metamorphic facies, except for the granulite, the Indochina block by Lan et al. (2003)
have yielded about 250 Ma (Vu V.T., 2004; Vu suggested that the gneiss and schist are of
V.T. et al., 2013; Maluski et al., 2005). heterogeneous calc-alkaline in origin whereas
Studies of crystalline ages of basement the majority of amphibolites show
rocks in the Kontum massif suggested that the geochemical characteristics of intraplate
massif had undergone three metamorphic- tholeiitic basalts. These authors explain that the
tectonic stages. The oldest stage occurred gneiss and schist are formed from Proterozoic
about 1400 Ma according to the U-Pb isotopic crustal rocks while the amphibolite is believed
ages acquired by SHRIMP method on zircons to originate from basalts occurred following
separated from a set of granulite (Tran N.N. et the Paleozoic rifting that separated Indosinian
al., 2001). The second thermo- tectonic stage block from Gondwana (Lan et al., 2003; see
may have occurred during the period between Hutchison, 1989; Carter et al., 2001; Nagy et
470 and 400 Ma, based on U-Pb and Ar-Ar al., 2001). During the convergence with other
isotopic ages, determined on minerals continental blocks in Southeast Asia in the
Permian-Triassic period, the Indosinian Block
separated from amphibolite, granitogneiss, and
had undergone orogeny marked by high
granite migmatite etc. (Carter et al., 2001;
temperature metamorphism to granulite facies
Nagy et al., 2001; Nakano et al., 2003; Maluski
in the deep core of the block in association with
et al., 2005; Nguyen T.D. et al., 2015). The
charnockite magmatism resulted in the
third thermo-tectonic stage is believed to have exhumation of the region (Lepvrier et al., 1997;
occurred during the late Permian-late Triassic, Tran et al., 2001; Carter et al., 2001; Lan et al.,
which coincided with the time of Indosinian 2003; Vu et al., 2013).
plate collision, convergence and orogeny
(Lepvrier et al., 2004). Isotopic ages 4.2. The significance of U-Pb zircon ages of
determined using different methods on Ba River basin
minerals separated from granulite gneiss The most prominent features of zircon
(pelitic granulite) yielded values of 25412 Ma include high hardness (7.5 in the Mohs scale),
(Tran et al., 2001), 243and durability to surface processes and chemical
256Ma (Carter et al., 2001). On the other inertia. Being very durable to thermal and
hand, U-Pb isotopic ages acquired on zircon abrasive processes, zircon remains virtually
separates from enderbite-charnockite gneiss intact in sediment and becomes one of the
associated with granulite in the Kan Nack major components of sand. With the above
complex showed similar values of 259.715.9 physio-chemical properties, U-Pb isotopic ages
Ma (Tran, N.N. et al., 2002), 2586 Ma (Carter of zircon separate from Mesoarchean gneisses
et al., 2001), and 2492 Ma (Nagy et al., 2001), (3.2-2.8 Ga) from northern China craton by
mostly indicating late Permian-early Triassic. LA-ICP-MS can still provide very reliable
CHIME analysis conducted on single results (Liu et al., 2017).
monazites from a gneiss sample containing a Zircon samples collected in the Ba River
mineral assemblage of garnet (Grt)- basin provided the following age groups
(1) middle to late Cretaceous (105 to 85 Ma),
orthopyroxene (Opx)-sillimanite (Sil)-quartz
(2) middle Permian to Late Triassic (270 to 211
(Qtz) yielded an age of 24816 Ma (Osanai et
Ma), (3) late Ordovician-early Silurian (455 to
al., 2001).
424 Ma), and (4) showing a set of ages

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 105–115

scattering from 970 to 1470 Ma (about 470-400 Ma), while the third stage may
(Mesoproterozoic) and a sample dated at take place from the Middle Permian to Late
2383±24 Ma. However, data predominantly Triassic (270 -210 Ma). The latter was viewed
fall in middle Permian-Late Triassic group as an immense tectonic period as a result of
(270-211 Ma) with 95 out of 122, accounting collision between Indosinian block with other
for 83% of the samples analyzed. As noted micro-continents in Southeastern Asia.
above, these age groups have been proven to The isotopic ages acquired from zircons
exist and reflect the thermo-tectonic stages separated and selected from the representative
having occurred following the formation and sediment samples at the Ba River downstream
development of the Kontum massif (Lan et al., include 3 major age associations of 1470-
2003; Lepvrier et al., 2008; Vu et al., 2013). 970Ma, 455-424 Ma, and 270-211 Ma,
Tran N.N. (2004) reported U-Pb isotopic ages coinciding with age groups that reflect three
of zircons separated from an orthogneiss in the major tectonic stages having occurred during
Re River complex, northern Kontum. Aside the formation and evolution of the Kontum
from the ages of about 436±10 Ma (the age massif. The age coincidence, on the one hand,
group of 410-450 Ma in Nagy et al., 2001), the lends a firm support to the published isotopic
author also reported ages as old as 2540-2590 ages for the magma-metamorphic formations
Ma. This Paleoproterozoic age was explained in the Kontum massif, and suggests, on the
as evidence of ancient middle crust material other hand, that U-Pb isotopic ages acquired
having been brought to the surface by from zircons collected in the downstream area
Ordovician-Silurian magmas (e.g. Nagy et al., of a river basin may reflect ages of many
2001; Tran N.N., 2004). Paleoproterozoic lithologic formations in the upstream area.
formations have not been discovered. The age
value of 2383±24 Ma identified in this report
may also be an ancient crustal material brought The study was support by project
to the surface by a Paleozoic magmatic event VAST05.02/19-20. Vietnam National Museum
(Table 2). of Nature-Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, Institute of Geological Sciences-
Table 2. Statistics of U-Pb zircon ages of SBA15
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
from Ba river basin
Total zircon
and Department of Geology-National Museum
Period Age (Ma.) of Nature and Science of Japan are gratefully
Cretaceous- Jurassic 7 85.7168.7 acknowledged.
Triassic 85 210.9251.3
Permian 19 251.5292
Silurian 4 424.2455.7 Biao S., Allen P. Nutman, Liu D., Wu J., 1996. 3800 to
Proterozoic 7 969.22383 2500 Ma crustal evolution in the Anshan area of
5. Concluding remarks Liaoning Province, northeastern China. Precambrian
Research, 78(1–3), 79–94.
Previous isotopic age groups reported for Bui M.T., Nguyen T.B.T., Chen F., Trinh X.H., 2009.
the metamorphic formations in the Kontum TIMS U-Pb zircon age for the garnet - biotite granite
massif demonstrated that the massif had of the Plei Manko complex in the Kontum Geoblock.
undergone three major tectonic stages during Viet Nam Journal of Earth Sciences, 31(1), 17–22.
its development history. The oldest period Carter, A., Roque, D., Bristow, C., Kinny, P., 2001.
occurred in the Mesoproterozoic (1600- Understanding Mesozoic accretion in Southeast Asia:
1000Ma), the second phase may have occurred Significance of Triassic thermotectonism (Indosinian
between the Early Ordovician and late Silurian orogeny) in Vietnam. Geology, 29(3), 211–214.

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