Cavity Wall Insulation Unlocking
Cavity Wall Insulation Unlocking
Cavity Wall Insulation Unlocking
Further information
The Energy Saving Trust sets energy efficiency standards that go beyond building regulations for use in
the design, construction and refurbishment of homes. These standards provide an integrated package of
measures covering fabric, ventilation, heating, lighting and hot water systems for all aspects of new build
and renovation. Free resources including best practice guides, training seminars, technical advice and online
tools, are available to help meet these standards.
To obtain these publications or for more information, call 0845 120 7799, email [email protected]
or visit
CE201 © Energy Saving Trust March 1997. Reprinted December 2005. E&OE
All technical information was produced by BRE on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust
This publication (including any drawings forming part of it) is intended for general guidance only and not as a substitute for the application of professional expertise.
Anyone using this publication (including any drawings forming part of it) must make their own assessment of the suitability of its content (whether for their own purposes or
those of any client or customer), and the Energy Saving Trust cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or other liability resulting from such use.
Printed on Revive Silk which contains 75% de-inked post consumer waste and a maximum of 25% mill broke.
Home energy use is responsible for 27 per cent of UK substantially reducing the emission of greenhouse
carbon dioxide emissions which contribute to climate gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are
change. By following the Energy Saving Trust’s best widely accepted as causing climate change.
practice standards, new build and refurbished housing
will be more energy efficient – reducing these emissions How does filling the cavity affect the wall?
and saving energy, money and the environment. Cavity wall construction in older housing generally
consists of two leaves of masonry, an outer leaf (often
Who is this publication for and for what purpose? of facing brickwork) and an inner leaf of brickwork or
This guide is aimed at local authorities and other social blockwork separated by a nominal 50mm wide cavity.
housing providers to advise on basic issues associated In reality most cavities are 65mm wide (BRE report for
with cavity fill, what to look for and when and where the Energy Saving Trust concerning EEC4, 2001). The
to install it. cavity was, of course, introduced originally to avoid
problems of dampness experienced by older solid
What is the current take-up of cavity wall walled dwellings.
Cavity wall insulation is the single most cost-effective, Some people think that filling the cavity (in effect
low risk energy efficiency measure available for the bridging the gap between the two masonry leaves of
existing housing stock, after loft insulation. It can be the cavity wall) must lead to a greater risk of dampness
installed without major disruption to occupants and it passing from the ‘wet’ outer leaf to the ‘dry’ inner leaf.
needs no maintenance. In fact, this is not the case, as has been shown by a
government sponsored independent study carried out
Yet only around 5 million of the 12 million homes in the mid 1990s (Figure 1).
suitable for cavity fill are reaping the benefits of cheaper
fuel bills and greater comfort. This leaves some 7 million There was no evidence from the study that filling the
dwellings with cavity walls that could still be insulated cavity with insulation resulted in any greater incidence
(Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA) 2002) and of damp problems than occurred in cavity walls that
provide householders with considerable financial and had not been filled with insulation.
comfort benefits. At the current rate of installation
– about 280,000 dwellings per annum – market What the study did show was that the structural
saturation is many decades away. There is no technical condition of the walls was critical in avoiding the
reason why this rate could not be increased – the transfer of moisture to the inner leaf.
benefits are well established.
Any cavity wall, if not correctly built, e.g. with poorly
What are the benefits? filled mortar joints or mortar droppings on wall ties,
People who own houses with cavity wall insulation would be likely to have problems.
identify the following benefits:
• Reduced fuel bills. Good construction and continuing maintenance, such
• A warmer house that stays warmer longer. as pointing, are key factors, therefore, in determining
• A cooler house in summer. whether a wall is suitable for cavity insulation.
• Reduced condensation.
• Fewer draughts.
• Environmental gains.
The graphs below show the improvements associated assessment of the property to see which fill material
with cavity fill. There are fewer problems and less is the most suitable for your wall construction and
condensation and damp. Condensation and damp exposure.
are most commonly associated with poor ventilation
– especially to properties with filled cavities. Occupiers How to assess whether a house is suitable?
should be advised to maintain some form of controlled To ensure that cavity wall insulation is only installed
ventilation (e.g. trickle vents). where it is appropriate and to ensure that the price is
accurate, the designers of each cavity wall insulation
What are the choices of cavity insulation system have a strict assessment procedure.
The vast majority of cavity wall installations are This procedure involves:
carried out using mineral wool systems (either rock
• Determining whether the wall is in fact a masonry
or glass mineral wool). The remaining installations
wall with unfilled cavities.
use mainly systems based on expanded polystyrene
beads or granules, with less than 1 per cent using • Inspecting the general condition of the external
urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam. wall.
There are some concerns about the health effects • Identifying any constructional defects that first
of formaldehyde cavity wall insulation. Allergic need to be remedied.
skin reaction to formaldehyde is unlikely at the
• hecking on the inside of external walls to see if
concentrations used for cavity fill. However, some
there are any existing dampness problems that
individuals may suffer irritation to the eyes or upper
need to be remedied.
respiratory tract. If in doubt seek medical advice.
• hecking any penetrations of the external wall,
Mineral wool and expanded polystyrene systems are e.g. for flues and air ventilators.
certified by the British Board of Agrément (BBA).
• F inding out if the cavity of a directly adjacent
UF foam systems are covered by British Standards
house has already been filled, e.g. in a terraced or
(BS 5617, BS 5618). The BBA also assesses and regularly
semi-detached house.
monitors the performance of Approved Installers.
Before you go ahead, ask a number of different cavity • If necessary for the insulation system, checking the
wall insulation system installers/suppliers to make an exposure of the wall.
Figure 1 Analysis of dissatisfaction: only 0.26 per cent of homes with cavity filled walls suffered problems
attributed to rain penetration Source: BRE CR188/93 (1993)
What do homeowners think? Cavity wall insulation is the most cost-effective low
In a government sponsored survey (BRE 17/92:1993) risk energy efficiency measure for existing housing,
in the 1990s, people who lived in houses with cavity after loft insulation. Any cavity wall, if poorly
wall insulation identified the following benefits: constructed, is likely to suffer from damp problems.
• Reduced fuel bills. There is no evidence that filling with cavity wall
• A warmer house that stays warm longer. insulation increases the risk of rain penetration. Good
• A cooler house in summer. maintenance of the house and the correction of
• Reduced condensation. building defects are the keys to success.
• Fewer draughts.
• Environmental gains. Most cavity wall insulation systems are suitable for
use in all parts of the UK without restriction. For those
Also, they thought that it would take longer than it where exposure is an issue, assessment methods are
does to pay for the initial outlay in fuel savings actually available to ensure that the installation will perform
only 3 to 4 years. In spite of this misconception, satisfactorily.
96 per cent of the occupiers who took part in the
survey said they would install cavity wall insulation if The cavity fill installation causes little disturbance and
they moved house. can usually be carried out in less than half a day. It
is carried out by Approved Installers whose work is
Conclusions backed by a dependable 25 year guarantee from the
There is considerable potential for increasing the CIGA. Customer satisfaction is high – more than 95 per
take-up of cavity wall insulation, with resultant cent of homeowners who have cavity wall insulation
benefits for landlords, occupiers and the environment. would install it in a new house if they moved.
Key to map
wind-driven rain
(litres/m2 per spell)
1 Less than 33
Figure 2 Example of general levels of exposure to wind-driven rain in the UK used for assessing the suitability of
walls for cavity wall insulation
Further information
The Energy Saving Trust sets energy efficiency standards that go beyond building regulations for use in
the design, construction and refurbishment of homes. These standards provide an integrated package of
measures covering fabric, ventilation, heating, lighting and hot water systems for all aspects of new build
and renovation. Free resources including best practice guides, training seminars, technical advice and online
tools, are available to help meet these standards.
To obtain these publications or for more information, call 0845 120 7799, email [email protected]
or visit
To find out more about the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency Ltd (CIGA), contact them at:
CIGA House, 3 Vimy Court, Vimy Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1FG.
Tel: 01525 853 300, email: [email protected] web:
CE202 © Energy Saving Trust November 2002. Reprinted January 2006. E&OE
All technical information was produced by BRE on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust
This publication (including any drawings forming part of it) is intended for general guidance only and not as a substitute for the application of professional expertise.
Anyone using this publication (including any drawings forming part of it) must make their own assessment of the suitability of its content (whether for their own purposes or
those of any client or customer), and the Energy Saving Trust cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or other liability resulting from such use.
Printed on Revive Silk which contains 75% de-inked post consumer waste and a maximum of 25% mill broke.