YDS Question Bank

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Nizamettin ER

Tüm hakkı saklıdır. 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yayıncının yazık izni
olmaksızın bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı elektronik ortam dahil kopya edilemez, çoğaltdamaz.

ISBN: 978-605-4863-46-4

Bask? Yeri: Özkaracan Matbaacılık ve Ciltçilik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Güneşli Evren Mah. Gülbahar Cad. No:62/C Bağcılar / İSTANBUL
Tel: 0212 515 49 47 - Fax 0212 602 02 10
Sertifika No: 12228

Baskı Tarihi: Mayıs 2014

Yayımlayan: Moya Modern Yayınlar ve Eğt. Hız. Tie. Ltd.Şti.

Eğitim Mah. Poyraz Sok. No:18 Hasanpaşa/ İSTANBUL
Tel: (0216) 450 60 30 Faks: (0216) 450 60 34
(Sertifika No: 19955)

Sentence Completion ............................... .........5

Paraphrased Sentences .................................... 53

Translation.................................... ..................... 95

Dialogue Completion..... ...................... .............. 141

Cloze Test..................................................... 181

Paragraph Completion......................................... 243

Irrelevant Sentence................... ........................ 297

Answer Key.......................................................... 337

Sentence Completion )

Peter has always been sensitive about

1. - 275. sorularda, verilen cümleyi his appearance —
uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi
bulunuz. A) as soon as he has started to gain
B) but now he is even more so because he
1. —, he presented it to the client. is getting bald
C) so he likes going out in public a lot
A) When Brian has completed the project D) yet nothing had been more important
B) Shortly after finishing the outlines of his
than that
proposals E) but still children of this age often feel
C) As Jackson was so comfortable with his anxious about getting hurt
D) Before Ted went into the conference
E) After the architect finished the design of
the new house

-— when their parents are out of town.

2. —, it was not badly damaged.
A) My friends used to give parties
A) When they had overcooked the B) The child has an opportunity to play and
vegetables learn by playing
B) I bought some books online, and when C) The teenagers next-door make a lot of
got them delivered noise
C) As I have crashed into another vehicle D) The police were able to see which kids
D) Although the motorcycle hit the tree were there
E) As soon as those chairs were broken E) Their children were able to play freely
into pieces at home

3. Because the students did poorly on the 6. — so I tried to write as much of it down
exam last week, —. as I possibly could.

A) so he failed and had to take the course A) When I went to the library, I came
once again across lots of good books
B) they had to take a make-up exam B) The speaker wasn’t very influential at
C) none of them got a mark lower than the yesterday’s meeting
passing grade C) As I wasn’t interested in the subject
D) one has to study more in order to be D) The lecture covered a lot of recent
more successful information
E) his parents got really upset and forced E) None of the words the spokesman said
him to concentrate on his exams seemed interesting to us

Question Bank ..... ) Diîko Yayınlar!

Sentence Completion

—, he is not very well known, or even 10. — and its bite has proved dangerous to
heard of, today. hikers and joggers.

A) Though there are many writers who A) The copperhead is a venomous snake
couldn’t become famous during their found as far north as the Blue Hills.
lifetime B) Newly hatched, young venomous
B) Although William Dean Howells was a snakes can see and crawl
famous author in the late nineteenth C) Even though there are myths and
century legends about these creatures
0) Everyone must have heard of Agatha D) Black widows, which can be either
Christie, an English crime novelist black or brown
D) As each author should be open E) When a dog is infected with rabies
to criticism and improve himself
E) Ever since the writer’s first novel was

-—, you would find it hard to believe how

8. —- they will never take it again. polluted it was just a few years ago.

A) When students fail their final exams A) There are only a few places left that
B) Many students who have failed their haven’t been polluted
maths class say that B) As some people had actually become
C) As we weren’t expecting such a low so used to the filthy water
grade C) There was no easy way to test levels of
D) When students hadn’t studied enough heavy metals in the ocean
for their exams D) Since the swimming pool looked so
E) Although some of my friends have dirty
already handed in their exam papers E) Seeing Boston Harbour now, with its
dolphins and seals

9. Unless its sales take off soon, -—. 12. While some argue that higher cigarette
taxes encourage smokers to quit, —
A) their rivals fail to keep up with their
advancement A) they were mistaken as they had been
B) our firm had gone bankrupt and closed so addicted to it
down all its overseas branches B) not many people have started smoking
C) the company’s research and again
development centre had to be closed C) the government is determined to carry
down out its policy
D) nothing could have been done to D) others say it is not so simple to make
improve it addicts quit
E) this branch of the store chain will be E) some people believe that they should
closed down be much higher

Dilko Yayınları (7 -j~ Question Bank

Sentence Completion

13. -— ever since we added vitamin 16. Now that the problem has been
supplements to its diet. identified, —.

A) Our cat has been much livelier A) the launch of the project had been
B) It is important to feed your pet regularly delayed
C) There may be something wrong with B) many warnings were given to avoid
the dog’s stomach unwanted conditions
D) We don’t give any additional food to our C) though nothing can be done to prevent
cat it
E) The dogs in our street have got really D) consequently, nobody has been
healthy wounded
E) appropriate action can be taken to solve

14. -— before the calculator was invented. 17. After India gained independence from
British rule in 1947, —.
A) People used to be better at mental
arithmetic A) owing to the immigration of people from
B) Everything will be so different across the country
C) Ancient people used various tools while B) New Delhi has been the eighth largest
hunting city in the world by population
D) Mathematics and tables are age-old C) New Delhi was declared its capital and
companions seat of government
E) Tables make computing easier and D) it had emerged as a major political,
faster cultural, and commercial center
E) it has been continuously inhabited since
at least the 6th century BC

15. — and my car was damaged beyond 18. Mining can have adverse effects on
repair. surrounding surface and ground water

A) When another car crashed into mine

B) If I had the chance, I might buy a new A) only when mining practices aim to
one lessen environmental impacts from
C) I had an accident at the weekend mining
D) It was not a serious accident B) but the result can be high
E) The suspect escaped from the scene of concentrations of some chemicals over
crime a wide area
C) even though some mining methods
have devastating environmental effects
D) as long as protective measures are not
E) the mining sector is often dominated by
multinational companies

Question Bank Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

19. Sage, native to the Mediterranean region, 22. The Galapagos Islands are noted for
is grown for its leaves, their animal life, -—.

A) that is considered to have a slight A) some of which rise more than a

peppery flavour thousand meters above sea level
B) that it has been recommended for the B) which were uninhabited at the time of
treatment of various illnesses their exploration by Spaniards in 1535
C) the majority of these are cultivated for C) which includes numerous species found
their herbal properties only there
D) using it with onion for poultry stuffing D) so thousands of curious visitors used to
and also in sauces go there every year
E) which can be used in stuffing meats, E) where the mountains are volcanic
poultry, and sausage

23. Copernicus, whose book is often

20. Coffee was first consumed in the 9th
regarded as the starting point of modern
century, -—.
astronomy, .
A) when it becomes the most popular
A) which is the scientific study of celestial
beverage objects
B) why it has played an important role in
B) having contributed to many important
many societies
C) whose studies have examined the C) although the two fields share a common
relationship between the two
D) which is a widely-consumed stimulant
D) was the first to propose that the Earth
beverage prepared from coffee beans
revolves around the Sun
E) when it was discovered in the high
E) best known for his astronomical theory
elevations of Ethiopia

24. If you go on doing such strenuous

21. UNESCO is a specialized agency of the exercises, -—.
United Nations .
A) you may soon injure your leg muscles
A) encouraged collaboration among
B) they would strengthen the muscles
C) it was possible for you to lose your
B) if it preserved human rights
C) established on November 16,1945
D) it is often used to strengthen muscles
D) the fact that its purpose is to contribute
E) but these could do more harm than
to peace
E) the reason why it was established in

Dilko Yayınlar! on Question Bank

Sentence Completion

25. Physical exercise is important for every 28. Cancer occurs when cells in the body
weight loss program —. become abnormal -—.

A) which are performed for many purposes A) means that a person with leukaemia is
B) that force people to be more healthy more likely to become infected
C) despite the fact that it has much B) such as the cells that are known to
significance in terms of health have made platelets
D) as well as for simply maintaining C) remission induction therapy and
optimal health and wellness maintenance therapy
E) that it boosts the immune system D) and divide without control or order
E) involves the use of radiation to kill
cancer cells and shrink tumors

26. —- those of the 20th century because Business deals often are made over
they have an immediate and often lunch, —.
enormous influence on the global
A) so that both parties were able to feel
A) Science and technology advances pose
B) and courtship often occurs at a
a serious threat to
candlelight dinner
B) Nations have unique lifestyles and
C) but it’s bound to be a failure
societal structures
D) thinking that the stock exchange market
C) Many of the major science advances of
was to collapse
our time offer
E) held by the host who is expected to
D) Since these opportunities have global
hand in the annual report
E) The scientific advances of our time are
different than

27. Social distinctions are a part of every 30. Most people develop agoraphobia —.
culture —.
A) when they are afraid of having another
A) they are based on the acquisition of attack
skill, wealth, or education B) and they may contribute to the
B) from rigid classes that were based development of this phobia
solely on parentage C) they changed their brain chemistry or
C) but take many different forms activity
D) which were taken by people to be signs D) they eradicate anxiety when outside the
of social class safe zone
E) varies greatly with time, place, and E) after having panic attacks
economic circumstances

Question Bank ( "w ) Dilko Yaysnlan

Sentence Completion

31. I think Martin is a vegetarian as, so far, 34. -—, archaeologists get an incomplete
view of the past.

A) he didn’t even taste my beef steak A) Many of the objects left behind by past
B) I haven’t seen him eating any meat human societies
products B) As archaeologists study the great
C) he will book a table in a vegetarian cultural diversity of humanity in every
restaurant corner of the world
D) peopie don’t like eating certain C) Because many items disintegrate over
vegetables time
E) he might join us at the dinner D) That they must possess other kinds of
information and educated reasoning
E) Once it was included in the
archaeological record

32. Scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C, Excavations, together with detailed

descriptions by -—.

A) known by all the sailors of that time A) the beauty of the Mausoleum is not only
B) which is known to be an essential in the structure itself
vitamin against common cold B) the decorations and statues that
C) although they eat a lot of oranges adorned the outside at different levels
D) was an illness long known to sailors C) the podium and the roof
E) whose value was never understood by D) its true beauty lies in the architectural
sailors and artistic details
E) ancient historians, give us a fairly good
idea about the Mausoleum

36. The UK is backing action to save

33. The greatest figure in the early history
endangered albatrosses -—.
of modern chess was the 18th-century
French player François Philidor, —.
A) by ratifying a major global seabird treaty
A) the leading chess player of his time and B) though the government has decided
a renowned composer to endorse the Agreement on the
B) was the first to analyze many of the Conservation of Albatrosses
main strategic elements of chess C) by long line fishing around the world
C) and recognized the importance of every year
proper pawn play D) who will take measures to help reduce
D) also organized the first international the 300,000 seabird deaths
chess tournament E) that include destruction of important
E) owing to having been beaten by breeding and feeding areas
German player Adolf Andersen

Dilko Yayınları ( » ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

37. -—, but individuals playing sports in the 40. Women drivers are better than men
mud should take special precautions. according to the results of one of the
biggest ever studies —.
A) Dozens of patients developed
potentially serious wound infections A) were caused by women
B) After playing a game of “mud football,” B) as younger male drivers tended to
a form of rugby played in a muddy field underestimate themselves
C) Unless they have skin wounds that C) on the driving habits of the two genders
become infected following exposure to D) concluded that women drove better
mud or stagnant water than men
D) A hydrophila is a bacterium that lives in E) while women were more careful
fresh and brackish water
E) The risk of infection with the bacterium
known as aeromonas hydrophila
remains low for most people

William Shakespeare’s will is now

38. Anxiety is a normal state of
available to the public to read online,-—.
apprehension, tension, and uneasiness
in response —.
A) which he bequeathed his “second-best
A) considered a norma! reaction bed” to his wife
B) to a real or perceived threat B) has been put on the web by the
C) may indicate â disorder National Archives
D) that occurs without an external threat C) many other famous figures from the
E) daily functioning being impaired past are also available
D) nearly 400 years after the great
playwright put quill to paper
E) less than one month before
Shakespeare died

42. — produced by changing the diet of

39. -— might possess Earth-like worlds cows.
capable of supporting life.
A) Milk contained raised amounts of
A) More than 100 planetary systems unsaturated fatty acids and
beyond the Sun have been discovered B) Eating 600 grams of rapeseed oil a day
8) By detecting the gravitational effect they C) Healthiness of Mediterranean diets
have on their parent stars D) The secret of healthier milk was
C) Half the stars known to have planets discovered accidentally
D) The chances of finding Earth-like worlds E) Healthier milk that’s better for the heart
E) Based on a detailed study of nine can be

Question Bank Diiko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

43. Police in Papua New Guinea have been 46. The first structural transformation
ordered to search part of a remote island occurred —.

A) many parts of the developing world

A) with a head like a dog and a tail like a gave up
crocodile B) called the “miracle economies”
B) seeing a 3m-tall, grey-coloured animal C) as a result of the economic take-off in
C) after locals reported seeing a giant the small countries
creature D) and exhibit the characteristics of mature
D) it’s a huge and ugly looking animal and developed economies
E) searched the marsh but found no trace E) what they accomplished had not been

44. Animals with rabies bite —. While the soldiers were advancing —.

A) caused by the teeth of an animal A) their enemies had reached their

B) increases your chance of getting a destination
disease B) he will be waiting for them in front of the
C) more often than females gate
D) include pain and bleeding C) he has taken a bow and waved to the
E) without being provoked audience
D) we always take a photograph of them
E) they did not realise that the enemy was
planning a surprise attack

48. At the conference, it was not just primary

45. The newly-wed couple have both
education that .
lost their temper as this is the first
disagreement .
A) it was the enormous investment
B) the developed countries emphasized
A) which happened about their likes
C) made by these countries
B) they had been talking about
D) and put large amounts of public
C) they have had in their marriage
D) the woman will tell her husband about
E) making it accessible to all children,
E) they find about each other
boys and girls

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Sentence Completion

49. Communism sought to establish a 52. Dew is atmospheric moisture that

system —. condenses after a warm day —.

A) overthrow capitalism through a workers’ A) the cool surfaces cause the water
revolution vapour in the air to cool
B) would create a classless society of B) and appears during the night on cool
abundance and freedom surfaces as small drops
C) in which property was owned by the C) when it represented an assigned, not
community as a whole actual, colour
D) all people enjoy equal social and D) so that it was stored and used in a
economic status computer
E) it cares little for the troubles of the E) the point where the water vapour
working class condenses

50. —, has dedicated herself to helping A micrometer is one millionth of a meter,

other musicians avoid her fate.

A) When operating power tools and A) we used it to measure a variety of

moderating the volume on personal wavelengths
listening devices B) it is often found in the electromagnetic
B) The poor woman, who learned the hard spectrum
way about the dangers of loud music C) where there were many other units of
C) Doctors emphasize basic steps like measurement
wearing earplugs D) what are this type of measurements
D) Researchers finding the new generation used for
of digital audio players allow listeners E) used to measure wavelengths in the
to turn up the volume without signal electromagnetic spectrum
E) Without distortion, it serves as a natural
volume control

51. When children don’t get enough sleep, 54. —but they can all be put into two
categories: potential and kinetic.

A) their behaviour seemed to be affected A) As energy is needed for our bodies to

negatively grow
B) for fear that they can become B) The fact that energy allows our minds
hyperactive to think
C) having become drowsy during the day C) Scientists define energy as the ability to
D) their ability to learn and to function can do work
be impaired D) Wherever potential energy is stored
E) she is not achieving as well as she was E) There are many forms of energy
at school

Question Bank l 14 ' ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

55. A modem is a device that allows two 58. — or natural formation of desert from
computers — usable land.

A) once they installed the new software A) Once the scope of desertification is
B) to communicate using a telephone line determined
C) having been invited to the research lab B) Either those living in or around desert
D) how often do they have to use this areas
program C) When the explorers reached the desert
E) by the time they were ready to use the area
new appliance D) Desertification is the man-made
E) However large the desert area is

56. Computer hardware engineers are much 59. Sociology has many sub-sections of
like electronics engineers, —. study, ranging from the analysis of
conversations to the development of
A) where they worked as part of a team theories —.
B) but they work only with computers
C) then they start looking for a new A) trying to understand how the entire
computing job world works
D) no matter how much money they could B) much of what humans do fits under the
have made category of social activity
E) who is known to make a huge amount C) by means of the study of human social
of money life throughout ages
D) the same decades saw the rise of new
E) the fact that sociology is a branch of the
social sciences

57. — and making informed food choices 60. — for the average man to understand
can help people attain and maintain a how it works.
healthy weight.
A) As they live in a more complex world
A) The fact that caloric sweeteners are B) Having lived in a very complicated
added to foods during production world
B) Although fats with a high content of C) if we dream of living in a simpler world
saturated acids are solid at room D) The modern world is too complex
temperature E) Most people who live in this complex
C) As milk and milk products also can be world know
referred to as dairy products
D) While there are many circumstances
when people should not drink alcohol
E) Physical activity patterns that are
focused on consuming fewer calories

Dilko Yayınlan 15
Sentence Completion

61. While Gutenberg was growing up, a new 64. — in the form of particles or rays, as in
way of making books came into use, . alpha, beta, and gamma rays.

A) the printer had to cut away the wood A) What the number of radioactive
from the sides elements is
B) which was a great deal better than B) Just after the first radioactive element
copying by hand was found
C) the making of the biocks took a iong C) The energy produced in nuclear power
time plants
D) this had to be very carefully done D) As soon as a nuclear power plant is
E) it was a pity that only rich people could established
own books E) Radioactive elements give off radiant

65. the more severe the impacts on

62. -—, so educators should think twice people and the environment will be.
before cutting fitness programs in E
schools. Q A) Warmer temperatures can lead to a
chain reaction
A) It is a fact that educators demand fewer B) Of all the changes around the world
hours for physical exercise : ; C) That’s because the temperature is
B) Physically active kids are more likely to c increasing
do better academically ■ D) More and more plants and animals are
C) One thing that: educators should keep in co affected
mind is the fact that : E) The warmer the weather gets
D) As long as kids have a chance to relax
through physical exercise •:
E) Having said that the minister is going to
reduce school hours

63. Dynamics is the study of the action of 66. Earth-based communication antennas
forces on bodies -—. are either vertical or horizontal in
polarization, -—.
A) a warming of the surface waters of the
eastern Pacific A) where winds often blew clockwise
B) these fields are inextricably linked as a B) that it is the farthest from the Earth
single entity C) a layer of permeable rock, sand, or
C) after satellite sensors collected this gravel
energy D) and not suited for space communication
D) occurs at irregular intervals of two to E) whether or not it is capable of providing
seven years water
E) and the changes in motion they

Question Bank ( ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

67. A number of universities have developed 70. , you ought to choose energy-efficient
programs in the music industry for models.
students —
A) When buying a new air conditioner
A) who the majority of students want to be B) Being much more expensive than it
able to spend more time with used to be
B) such students are never willing to take C) No matter how costly it turned out to be
part in academic competition D) Having been installed only a few days
C) who love music but are not talented
enough to earn a living as performers E) While you were going through the
D) these programs are known to have catalogue
contributed a lot to the progress in this
E) although none of these students agreed
to join the expedition

Many people consume less than optimal

68. — in concentrations that are determined
intake of certain nutrients -—■.
unacceptable to human health and the
A) even though they have adequate
resources for a healthy diet
A) The weight of the atmosphere over a
B) who are most successful at achieving
particular point
and maintaining a healthy weight
B) Air pollution is the existence in the air of
C) decreased the calories they consume
and increased the calories they expend
C) Before the outgoing solar radiation is
D) and makes it difficult for people to
achieve recommended nutrient intake
D) Just as alkaline is capable of
E) if policymakers designed and carried
neutralizing acid
out nutrition-related programs
E) How to determine higher-level data

69. -— where winds blow counter-clockwise 72. — and combines with them in a
in the Northern Hemisphere and chemical reaction.
clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
A) Movements of key chemical
A) At the time the required data were constituents essential to life
acquired B) A base is a substance that removes
B) Assuring that it is in the best interest of hydrogen ions from an acid
all citizens C) The complex of living organisms found
C) A cyclone is an area of low pressure in an ecological region
D) It was the amount of information D) Soon after a base reacts with an acid
transmitted per minute E) Unlike the plant and animal life of a
E) To measure relative strengths of given area

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Sentence Completion

73. A bit, which is the contracted form of 76. — after I bought some candles.
“binary digit”, —
A) The lights have gone out
A) this is a unit of eight bits of data in B) The girl injured at the accident is sitting
microcomputer systems in the dark
B) that includes the propulsion and C) I always forget to pay tor the matches
stabilization systems D) I decided to buy some wine
C) whether or not the satellite system E) There isn’t any other source of light
worked properly
D) but it is different from the instruments of
data systems
E) is the basic element of a two-element
computer language

74. Jet streams form along the boundaries —, the woman started to scream.
of global air masses —
A) As soon as she has understood there is
A) that they are rivers of high-speed air in somebody inside her flat
the atmosphere B) Before their baby arrives
B) and they generally moved from west to C) No sooner had she seen the murderer
east D) When the police are trying to control the
C) and is strongest in the winter with wind crowd in front of the stadium
speeds as high as 250 mph E) When she saw her son in the
D) where there is a significant difference in ambulance
atmospheric temperature
E) indicated changes in the motion of the
atmosphere and weather

75. While building up this modern 78. My mother has cleaned the house all day
civilization, man has brought into being
a society so intricate and complex .
A) and then went out to do some shopping
A) that probably refers to the complexity of B) and now she is feeling extremely tired
human relationships G) because there was nothing else he
B) human relationships may be more could have done
difficult to explain D) thinking that nobody else would visit us
C) because this community is not as again
complex as it looks E) before she went to the hairdresser
D) even if there were easier to understand
human relationships
E) that he now faces the new problem of
human relationships

Rank 18 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion )

79. -— but they didn’t take it into 82. The police say they have arrested a
consideration. 25-year-old man, -—.

A) The professor wanted to see the thesis A) who they say admitted carrying out the
his assistant had been writing attack on his own
B) I told them the possible result of not B) as soon as the fire started under one of
taking precautions the lorries
C) Mr Jones started to explain his wife C) a truck loaded with explosives are
what the problem was believed to be part of a possible wave
D) He needs to make endless speeches of attacks
before reaching a decision D) and he denied that he’d been involved
E) I have always wanted to spend my in many criminal acts
summer vacation abroad E) republicans accused the elections
board of bowing to political pressure

80. The nine men have been trapped in the He did not have al! the ingredients the
mine since Wednesday night, -—. recipe called for; .

A) and when the rescue teams arrived, it A) and he was greatly impressed by the
was too late for them amount of research they had done
B) as they all know how to cope with B) so he has decided to go on a diet
stressful situations instead
C) when they accidentally drilled too close C) despite the fact that he rejected certain
to a water-filled old, abandoned mine foods
D) after all, fears are an important tool that D) so he insistently wanted to go on what
we all use to avoid danger he was doing
E) just because of the risk they face with E) therefore, he decided to make
the advances of technology something else

81. The tighter the budget you have to live 84. -—; finally, the doors to the stadium were
on, —. opened.

A) you are obliged to reduce the amount of A) The crowd waited patiently for three
shopping hours
B) the fewer people I had in my life B) Hundreds of football fans have
C) the more difficult it is to socialize protested violently on ground
D) you are forced to find an alternative C) Nobody wants to wait in the queue for
source of money so long
E) you are compelled to eat less and less D) The game of football has been
associated with violence
E) The authorities will have made every
effort to keep order

Dilko Yayınlan ( 19 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

85. — as in the 1960s a nearby factory 88. —they would have put off the meeting.
dumped its waste here.
A) Unless you are invited to the board
A) Although areas along rural roads are meeting on time
vulnerable B) Providing you warn them about the
B) The fact that open-burning at dump risks in advance
sites can cause forest fires C) In case they were working on a new
C) The choice of earthmoving equipment project
makes the difference D) Had they known most members would
D) Illegal dumping is the disposal of the not be able to attend
waste in a restricted area E) As long as they concentrate on
E) Nothing will ever grow on this plot whatever they are supposed to be

E 89. As the only licensed gatekeepers of

86. Nobody meant to be unkind —. o public access to legal medications, —.
A) for some being a gentleman seems to A) pharmacists have an implicit duty to
be natural behaviour dispense them as needed
B) so he must respect women for their O B) no one’s health should be hostage to a
basic human nature c caregiver’s opinion of his or her morality
C) and he must even avoid the : C) even murderers are entitled to decent
appearance of being vain ■; >. medication
D) but nobody put themselves out of their o J D) by medical definition, the pills block
way to secure her comfort rather than terminate pregnancy
E) as it relates to home and family as well Î E) but at least four others permit a
as the roles of meh and women conscientious exception for birth control

87. Military officials have neither confirmed 90. An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumour
nor denied that -—. on the eighth cranial nerve

A) If building new strategies for the war A) Is involved in hearing and maintaining
had taken them a long time equilibrium
B) their aircraft have entered Iranian B) especially when talking on the
airspace since the start of the war telephone
C) scientific analysis of evidence is crucial C) if headaches or mental confusion
to demonstrations of guilt or innocence occurs
D) unless the US had denied the D) hearing becomes impaired
occurrence of September 11th attacks E) leading from the brainstem to the ear
E) after health officials had analysed blood
samples from victims around the world

Question Bank (. 20 ) Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion

91. The United States is partnering with two 94. In September 1941, invading Nazi troops
major non-profit organizations . killed more than 33,000 people, -—.

A) of partnerships involving U.S. A) German authorities stationed at Kiev

support for sustainable international killed thousands of Jews
development B) since it is estimated that some 100,000
B) it is committing $10 million toward a people were murdered
goal of $60 million to fund the initiative C) we have a responsibility to help our
C) to help bring clean drinking water to children understand
millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa D) most of whom were Jews, at the ravine
D) called for others to join the effort to help near Kiev
10 million people have access to safe E) as the world continues to deal with
water intolerance
E) the initiative will have reached
approximately 6 million Africans

Lessons and experiences learned from

92. -— is a good way to understand participating in sports —.
someone else.
A) will certainly help underprivileged young
A) Actors can have a role in diplomacy people succeed in life
B) The changes in the attitudes toward him B) in that it teaches discipline and
over the past five years
cooperation within a group
C) The idea of putting yourself in someone C) serves as a vehicle for lifetime
else’s shoes
opportunities for underprivileged young
D) I thought about how my parents people
suffered the losses
D) as a former standout football player
E) In order to show a wide range of himself at the college and professional
audiences the values of tolerance
E) they also need the diversion that sports

93. Of the annual funding, $21 million will be The oesophagus is a muscular tube —
devoted to labour issues, -—.
A) makes it difficult for food and liquid to
A) will be allocated to enhance the pass into the stomach
effective enforcement of existing labour B) carrying food and liquids from the
laws mouth to the stomach
B) the area of labour will be the first for C) where it meets the stomach is a muscle
eliminating gender discrimination called the lower oesophageal
C) and will be fewer chemical-exposure D) while achalasia is associated with the
risks for workers loss of nerve cells
D) including support for programs to E) can occur between the ages of 25 and
strengthen labour ministries 60
E) this is certainly part of a winning

Dilko Yayınlan ( 21 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion J

97. —, there is a lot of controversy about 100. Albert Camus’ genius as an author was
their safety. soon recognized by many people, .

A) Though the scientists in this lab often A) very few of whom can afford to buy his
had used one another’s equipment sculptures
B) Because he refused to give up his B) otherwise, most people would enjoy the
dream of being in the movies suspense
C) While many studies claim that vitamins C) yet they did not appreciate him as a
and herbs can improve health writer
D) Unless she led the team not only in D) but others were shocked by his strange
statistics and powerful style
E) Having stated that pollutants in the air E) moreover, few people really enjoyed his
increased by 25% books

101. The records show that not only -— but

98. Anyone can develop arsenic toxicity -
the effect varied greatly from region to
A) that preserve wood with arsenic
B) which may have harmed pregnant
A) censuses have been taken every ten
C) in spite of damage to blood vessels
B) when wartime disruption occurred
D) more likely to be exposed to arsenic
C) because, for the first time, employees
E) as a result of arsenic exposure
were provided with forms
D) they were legally required to record
details of every worker
E) did Britain’s working practices change

102. Human-to-human transfer of anthrax has

99. There was once an old emperor living in
not been documented -—.
an enormous, -—.
A) bacillus anthraces bacteria cause it
A) and also very luxurious hotels were built
B) release toxins that lead to swelling,
bleeding, and tissue death
B) but the ugly palace is going to be built
C) and is considered extremely unlikely to
in a few months
C) golden palace right in the middle of the
D) whereas only 10% of untreated cases
capital city
are lethal
D) palace that would have been built for
E) is almost always fatal once symptoms
E) whose history dates back to prehistoric

Question Bank r*. ) Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion

103. Antisocial personality disorder is a 106. -— despite all our differences that may
psychiatric condition — even lead to violent wars.

A) It is much more common in males than A) Common human values have the power
females to bring us together
B) but have had symptoms of conduct B) Though centuries have passed since it
disorder before age 15 was established
C) that causes an ongoing pattern of C) The Alliance of Civilizations was also an
violating others’ rights alliance of Mevlana
D) which do not follow society’s norms and D) As his name was settled in Muslims’
often break the law hearts, not only on their tongues
E) having included aggression toward E) Calling his death his wedding night as
people or animals he would finally meet God

104. At the outset of the 21st century, there 107. The United Kingdom, United States, and
are still an estimated China produced 40 percent of the world’s
cultural trade products last year, -—.
A) two-thirds of whom are women
B) many children won’t learn to read and A) It presents new methodology to better
write in school reflect cultural trade flows
C) 880 million adults who cannot read or B) only if it has been estimated at 1.3
write trillion dollars and is rapidly expanding
D) essential role in improving the lives of C) that the data presented are based
individuals mainly upon customs declarations
E) by enabling economic security and D) while Latin America and Africa
good health accounted for less than four percent
E) that flows by dividing cultural goods
into categories, such as printed media,
recorded media, and visual arts

105. —Ascaris have a complex life cycle 108. Inside nets just off shore from British
that begins with ingesting their eggs. Columbia -—.

A) A parasite can reach up to 40 A) swim large numbers of salmon

centimetres B) farm-raised fish will eventually wind up
B) Then they migrate into the throat on dinner tables
C) Well before it hatched in the gut C) was during the approach of the salmon
D) When contaminated food is ingested farm
E) As with most parasites D) over 70 times that of what would occur
E) but juvenile fish are not much larger
than the lice

Dilko Yayınlan c.. 23....) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

109. We’re looking at how people think and 112. If passed before it’s too late, —.
how -—.
A) the new bill will remove subsidies to oil
A) that thinking affects how they perform companies
B) before a novice or expert participates in B) currently they pay oil companies billions
the simulation of dollars
C) prepares them for how they will be C) and avoid paying huge royalties through
debriefed afterward drilling leases
D) their ability to perceive more information D) under the current energy policy
E) that successful athletes have not only regulations
natural abilities E) supporters claim the oil industry does
not need help

110. A former laser physicist is combining 113. Acne is a condition in which the pores of
origami with technology -—. the skin —.

A) to design better air bags and medical A) results in blackheads, whiteheads, or

devices pimples
B) not only create beautiful pieces of art B) which starts in the skin’s sebaceous
C) the most common style of folding a glands
single uncut piece C) mixing with dead skin cells and bacteria
D) art that was enabled by mathematics D) while whiteheads are comedones that
E) what a human being could design stay beneath the surface
working with pencil and paper E) become clogged, inflamed, and
sometimes infected

114. Victorious in that great struggle, its

111. Aarskog syndrome is an inherited homeland undamaged from the ravages
disorder —. of war, -—.

A) diagnosis can be confirmed by x-rays of

A) the leader wanted to maintain the
the face and skull democratic structure
B) that has increased your chances of B) but gradually some began to question
getting a disease dominant assumptions
C) caused by a gene mutation passed C) joined later by other minority groups
from mothers to male children and women for a larger share
D) locating abnormalities in the FGD1
D) was the most important political issue of
gene in people with this syndrome the post war period
E) that may have been treated with E) the nation was confident of its mission
at home and abroad

Question Bank ( 2* ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

115. AIDS is caused by the human 118. On being rejected by the deputy
immunodeficiency virus . manager, —.

A) having pricked an HIV-contaminated A) the documents were submitted to the

needle board of directors
B) which destroys important immune B) the research analysis had been
system cells scrutinized
C) of getting into an open wound of C) so he was extremely upset and worried
another person D) who was known to be a prominent
D) a high risk partner already infected with figure in the management
HIV E) she said he would regret for
E) that you experience a month after underestimating her skills
becoming infected

116. Daughters often use arguments to 119. The smaller blood vessels away from
update mothers about their lives -—. the brain slow the blood flow and allow
oxygen -—.
A) that often start from absolutely nothing
B) and what they are doing and what is A) an abnormal tube-like opening
important to them B) flow through this fistula is extremely fast
C) where the daughter is saying ‘I hate C) to be delivered to the surrounding
you’ tissues
D) in contrast adolescent boys were in D) where the malformation was located
conflict with their mothers E) that they occur as a foetus is
E) but tends to ignore them in many cases developing

120. Many papers in statistical journals have

117. The man known as “The Godfather of
addressed the work of national official
Soul” died —.
statisticians —
k} on the street outside the arena could A) and expertise effectively to ensure that
hear the service development strategies are in favour of
B) instrumental in creating new genres of the poor
American music B) even out this imbalance by highlighting
C) of heart failure on December 25 at the the dilemmas facing international
age of 73 statisticians
D) with a video of him performing before a C) of such principles to international
large audience statisticians in particular
E) paying their last respects to the late, D) principles which ought to govern the
legendary singer activities of statisticians generally
E) but few have examined the work of
statisticians in international agencies

Dilko Yayınlan \ 25..... ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

121. — because they were so tired and so 124. Participants from eighteen countries
anxious for help. attended the meeting -—.
A) I was surprised that the guest went to
bed early A) the expected output indicators were
B) The players feit they could continue till discussed
the end of the game B) for those which do have a data
collection tool
C) The children made no attempts to sleep
that afternoon C) to formulate ways of developing new
D) The trapped miners were delighted to
see the rescue team D) at the moment may collaborate with
E) The only survivor of the accident is other partners
exhausted and getting sick E) will focus on output indicators and

125. -— because the cornea or lens, which

122. The police issued a warning on the radio
E is located behind the cornea, has an
o abnormal or irregular curve.
A) until the suspect has been identified o
by the hook he had in place of his right A) Astigmatism is fairly common and not
hand contagious
B) although a female tiger escaped from O B) Astigmatism is a condition where vision
the zoo is disordered
C) when the prisoner gets out of the town C) As there are two common types of
on foot astigmatism
D) because a dangerous criminal had D) A visual defect where distant objects
escaped from the prison appear blurred
E) ever since sheriff’s deputies fired tear E) Some people might have been
gas into the home asymptomatic

123. Whether Asperger syndrome is a distinct 126. -— although mine were probably the
disease or a type of autism -—. bigger ones.

A) and do not have the language problems A) She owns a flat in the area where I
typical of autism rented my house
B) is a pervasive developmental disorder B) My neighbour has the most beautiful
resulting in social and behavioural kitchen I have ever seen
problems C) We both were guilty of some lies
C) not sharing enjoyment, interests, or D) My application form was not on the
achievements with others manager’s desk
D) is a matter of debate within the medical E) Only one battery is required for the new
community device
E) limited verbal skills or using words in
odd ways

Question Bank Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion

127. —, they find it difficult to make friends. 130. Applied twice a day for 2-4 weeks, 5-FU
selectively attacks damaged skin -—.
A) Since my children have never had the
opportunity to socialize A) If they are then exposed to strong light
B) Because my daughter can feel the lack B) allowed normal skin to heal over the
of friendship difficult to cope with damage
C) Until my niece has learned to make C) is the treatment of choice for badly
friends with other children sun-damaged skin
D) Although my son has to learn some D) but the worse the reaction, the better
social skills as soon as possible the final result
E) As my brother has learned to cope with E) so that normal skin can grow in its place
his problems

128. Atelectasis is a condition where a -—, top universities are able to do more
portion of the lung has collapsed -—. research.

A) carbon dioxide is released through the A) After they had access to high
lungs technology
B) blockage of airways in the lungs due to B) As long as the tight budgets force them
tumours to be more careful
C) or is not able to completely expand C) Only if they are supported by the
D) that seriously limit physical activity government
E) than larger areas to cause symptoms D) As the constant march of technology
is driving down the cost of key
E) Whenever they were provided with an
adequate amount of money

129. Emperor penguins dive down to depths 132. -— before she discovered the works of
of 265 meters, -—. Agatha Christie.

A) staying under for up to nine minutes A) Jane has read many of her books and
B) occasionally even twice as long enjoyed them entirely
C) they comb their feathers to trap air in B) A friend of mine has visited nearly all
them the book stores
D) which helped to keep warm in the cold C) Mary has never bought detective stories
water D) My sister goes to enormous expense to
E) some of which will only dive to look for buy novels
food E) Madeleine had been reading mystery
novels for several years

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Sentence Completion

133. Addison’s disease is a rare disorder of 136. —- although she was quite familiar with
the adrenal glands —. the topic.

A) if the adrenal glands had signs of A) Mary understood every tiny detail about
calcium deposits in or around the the conference
stomach B) Clarissa has been studying the ancient
B) who have the following auto-immune Aztecs
diseases can be at risk for the disease C) Maria wants to ask a lot of questions to
C) in which they do not produce enough of the lecturer
the hormones cortisol and aldosterone D) She found it difficult to understand the
D) talking to your doctor about how to speaker
diagnose and manage your symptoms E) She decides to keep quiet until the end
E) when it can be controlled with of the meeting
medications that replace the hormones

134. It is almost five and we have guests for 137. The macula is a tiny structure in the
dinner; it’s time -—.
middle of the retina -—.

A) we buy the kind of food they would A) although it can occur in younger people
B) that helps produce central vision
B) you will help me with the cooking
C) sent visual signals to the brain
C) we started cooking
D) of all people with the disease have this
D) I have washed the vegetables
E) accounts for the majority of all
E) they should have come by now blindness

135. Adjustment disorder, an excessive

138. In the developing world, only one per
reaction to a stressful event or situation,
cent of the population owns a car, -—.
is different from other mental illnesses
A) in the industrialized countries, the
percentage is much higher
A) in that its duration is relatively brief
B) the people of the industrialized
B) adjustment disorder with depressed
countries are much luckier
C) those living in the industrialized
C) can affect individuals of all ages
countries are 40 per cent luckier
D) how susceptible an individual is to
D) that is usually driven by the man
E) compared to 40 per cent in the
E) whereas women are thought to be at
industrialized countries
higher risk

Question Bank ( 28 J Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

139. Albinism occurs as a result of altered 142. All twenty-one albatross species face
genes, —. extinction but this threat can still be
reversed -—.
A) which are in most cases inherited from
parents A) by the British government, which was a
B) while both parents carry one copy of an powerful catalyst
abnormal gene B) if more countries ratify this treaty and
C) only if they inherited one affected gene take decisive action
from each parent C) including 100,000 albatrosses dying
D) they are born to parents with normal on baited hooks around the world each
hair and skin colour year
E) and complete coverage with clothing D) all now have a better chance of survival
when exposed to sun E) and ratification was vital with only 9,000
Tristan albatrosses left

140. After the painter finished his latest 143. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease begin
painting, -—. as mild memory lapses, —.

A) he wants to go outside for a break A) and progress to profound loss of

B) he has been well-known in the society memory and function
C) they are willing to buy it at a good B) where common objects are usually kept
price within the home :
D) all the paintings for the exhibition are C) how to perform tasks, such as cooking,
ready dressing, bathing, etc
E) he put his signature at the bottom of it D) there are no tests to definitively
diagnose the disease
E) creating an environment in which you
received the care you needed

141. Alcohol abuse refers to excessive or 144. A satellite designed to test two
problematic alcohol consumption -—. fundamental predictions -—.

A) drink in the morning to steady your A) made by Albert Einstein about the
nerves or cure a hangover universe is ready for launch
B) to look at the size of your red blood B) countless technical hurdles and several
cells and to check for the substance delayed launches
C) even when faced with alcohol-related C) are now scheduled to begin its mission
job, health, or family problems D) about the nature of space and time
D) drinking that continues even when it E) how the Earth and other bodies warp
causes or worsens health problems and twist the fabric that combines the
E) about how alcohol is affecting all of his two
or her relationships and functioning

Dilko Yayınları Question Bank

Sentence Completion

145. Angina occurs when the blood vessels 148. Further research will be needed -—.

A) so as to show whether long holidays

A) reaching the heart muscle are good for young people
B) leading to the heart are blocked B) and despite having been studied many
C) last 3-5 minutes after walking a half times before
mile C) it will show how long breaks help
D) used to describe more unpredictable D) understanding the nature of work and
cases holiday
E) can be treated as an emergency E) that all the related parties will be able
to understand what is meant by a long

149. There is now an agreement amongst the

146. The developing world is no longer
economists -— in the crisis.
uniformly poor -—.

A) seem to have occurred

A) scores of countries having emerged
B) who had studied the phenomena
from colonial rule
C) from the growth of the miracle
B) wanting to address the problem of
D) that four factors played an extremely
poverty and economic backwardness
important role
C) many of whom got seriously engaged
E) a series of miracles in their
with the task of development
D) towards the economic problems faced
by those that had become independent
E) as was the case a half century ago;
following the end of the Second World

147. The ankle joint is supported by three 150. In medicine, -— , discoveries are
groups of ligaments, —. sometimes made unexpectedly, even by
A) provides the connection between the
leg and the foot A) however difficult it was
B) that make up the ankle joint B) where no absolute answer would have
C) providing stability to the joint been offered
D) and are less often fractured than the C) my brother has always been keen on
others D) as in other fields of science
E) when the joint is forced beyond its E) lacked scientific means of research
normal range of motion

Question Bank ( 3° ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

151. Prevention of malnutrition is very 154. -— although most of it was done last
important -—. year.

A) so it results from imbalance between A) The writer felt as if he had to rewrite

the body’s needs and the intake of some of the chapters of his latest
nutrients book
B) and there is no food waste when one is B) The students wanted to buy a small gift
using these technologies for their history teacher
C) so nobody cares about being C) You should have painted the walls a
overweight lighter colour
D) because it has such a huge impact on D) We are having difficulty completing the
the immune system restoration work in the building
E) but the main characteristic is insufficient E) The research was completed and made
protein intake public a long time ago

152. If I had known that you had such a busy 155. The wealthiest people often cite their
schedule -—. jobs -—.

A) I will do my best to be of assistance A) citizens with the highest amount of

B) I was the only person who knew nothing stress
C) it may be easier to find a solution B) caused by such things as having too
D) you can have the rest of the day off many demands
E) I wouldn’t have asked you to help me C) are all too common in industrialized
D) they feel stress on a daily basis
E) as the leading source of their stress


156. “Why are we as a people, as a

153. The bigger the house you buy, -—.
government, as a country, allowing our
heritage to slip through our fingers?”
A) the more money you will have to pay asks the man, -—.
B) you will have to get into a lot of trouble
C) the least investment you will make A) wealthy art collectors pay a lot for
D) it is easier to find a good one ancient Asian statues, sculptures and
E) you might have to buy bigger furniture vases
B) before the desire for the artwork has
sparked a lawless gold rush
C) who has the job of protecting the
country’s treasures and heritage
D) a smuggling ring that stripped hundreds
of temples and monuments of
E) that were also crudely ripped from
archaeological sites

Dilko Yaysnlan ( 31 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

157. -- then a sculptor was likely to create a 160. Maria Montessori was the first woman
sculpture in that style.

A) she became a school’s organizer in

A) In the modern world art is funded very
B) to graduate from the School of Medicine
B) Artists relying upon wealthy patrons for
in Italy
C) and initiated a world-famous movement
C) If the patron liked classical Greek
D) organizes the environment in which the
child works
D) By commissioning work from them
E) hers is based on belief in the child’s
E) No artist was going to paint an
unflattering portrait of their patron

158. The Vietnamese believe that the 161. Hall Berry became the first African
behaviour and personality of the first American woman ever to win the
person —. Academy Award for best actress, -—.
A) that she was born to a white mother
A) who waits until the afternoon to visit
and black father in Cleveland
B) hoping to pass the honour of being the
! B) as a teenager she became a beauty
first visitor to someone who deserves it queen
C) so that they can extend their wishes to
C) after she attends community college
the family in the best way possible
and works as a model
D) who steps over the threshold of a home
D) her first professional role came in a
will determine its occupants’ luck
television comedy series called Living
E) and thus bringing the family good luck
E) claiming the Oscar for her performance
in Monster’s Ball

162. Minister of Education proposed

159. — varies from culture to culture and
regulations that would make it easier for
from one time period to another.
public-school districts -—.
A) What is considered to be acceptable
A) or because their community wants such
human behaviour
B) With other people who dress, talk, or
B) to create single-gender classrooms and
act very differently
C) There are some behaviours that are
C) why she would have to create identical
programs for boys and girls
D) But in almost all cultures, past and
D) they could create single-gender classes
simply to provide more learning options
E) People tend to feel uncomfortable
E) that boys and girls won’t learn to get
along if they’re separated

Question Bank ( 32 ) Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion

163. -—, she signed with a modelling agency 166. The members of most communities and
to work in-store promotions and trade religious orders —
A) in the medieval Christian church
A) To finance her passion for fashion B) in order to share their land and goods
B) Mary, for example, is a manager at a C) believed in private ownership
big computer company D) whose rulers administered it through
C) However, I’m always afraid someone the application of pure reason
from the office will see me E) the idea of private property continued
D) When she is spraying perfume at a
department store
E) Untii her boss left for a round-the-world

164. It started when he was asked to help a 167. Of the population in New York in the last
friend —. census, —, 39 percent of the people
were foreign born.
A) put together a policy and procedure
manual for his growing company A) and are immigrants
B) he got more work writing employee : B) an urban geographer and lifelong
handbooks resident
C) a human resources manager at a big ! C) because of its high housing costs
company D) which was in 2000
D) to all his friends’ surprise, his second i E) who can come in as immigrants
business boosted;
E) his company might think he’s using its
intellectual property for personal gain

165. Mortality rates, —, were a sensitive 168. Charles the first was King of England -—.
indicator of health standards, and they
continued to fall in this period. A) struggled for power with Parliament
B) that he was attempting to gain absolute
A) poverty was diminishing power
B) that the proportion had sunk to less C) from 27 March 1625 until his execution
than 7% D) widespread opposition to many of his
C) and especially infant mortality rates actions
D) are a highly misleading source E) convicting and executing for treason
E) had they been correct

Dilko Yayınlar! r~33~j Question Bank

Sentence Completion

169. Star Craft is a real-time strategy 172. The results you get from weight training
computer game praised —. are largely dependent -—.

A) for being a benchmark of real-time A) that you should also control your diet
strategy games B) upon how you use those weights
B) the best-selling computer game in the C) at what type of exercise programme
years to come you follow
C) that nine million copies had been sold D) from where you really want to reach
since its release E) into the performance you have shown
D) broadly similar to other popular high
fantasy games
E) and eventually the entire game engine
was rewritten

170. ---- owing to its temperate climate and 173. -— because they extend people's ability
proximity to popular tourist locations. to collect, store, and analyze data.

A) A major forward base located on the A) Sharing data and ideas with
outskirts of the town investigators all over the world
B) For its many educational institutions B) Computers have become invaluable in
attracting students from everywhere science
C) Even though it houses several Buddhist C) For maintaining an investigators
monasteries and tombs credibility with other scientists
D) Because of having a big station nestled D) As the early Arabic cultures are
in the mountains responsible for many scientific ideas
E) Our town has become an important E) Modern science is based on traditions
tourist destination of thought that came

174. Gremlins is an American horror-comedy

171. To my relief, a loud knock on the door
film directed by Joe Dante —.
spared me -—.
A) receives a strange creature
A) from giving an explanation to my
B) then spawns other creatures
C) and released in 1984
B) to sleep for a few hours before the
D) balanced with a Christi setting
E) was continued with a sequel
C) about how to be relaxed in stressful
D) in standing in a queue for a long time
E) with a meaningful smile on her face

Question Bank ( 34 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

175. Mathematics is the study of many kinds 178. —, which, of course, is also true of the
of patterns, -—. status quo.

A) numbers used to count any collection of A) Social change, or the prospect of it,
things promotes conflict
B) including numbers and shapes and B) Competition over ideas, resources,
operations on them power, and status
C) are studied because they help to C) Conflict between people or groups
explain mysteries arises from
D) nor does it solve practical problems D) In situations in which there is little room
E) because of being interesting in for compromise
themselves E) Some informal ways of responding to

176. — in size, temperature, and age. 179. Compressed natural gas (CNG)
passenger cars in Germany have seen a
A) Stars appearing to be made up of the substantial increase in popularity, -—.
B) They are found on the earth A) this is an astounding increase of 300
C) Behaving according to the same percent
physical principles B) that there are more than 50,000 CNG
D) Several investigations were carried out vehicles
and as a result C) with a rise of 2,180 vehicles in October
E) The stars differ from each other alone
D) are 429 LPG vehicles and 412
gasoline-electric hybrids
E) but CNG is cheaper than gasoline or

177. When a new material is made -—, it has 180. A deal that will more than triple bilateral
properties that are different from the trade in five years
original materials.
A) arrived in Islamabad on Thursday
A) by combining two or more materials B) and became the first Chinese leader to
B) a lot of different materials do so
C) by basic kinds of materials C) said his trip was geared to deepening
D) up of new, inexperienced members friendship
E) can be made from a small number D) has been signed by China and Pakistan
E) are expected to include fighter planes

Dilko Yayınlan
Sentence Completion

181. —» what goes on at the bottom levels of 184. Daily life would be more enjoyable -—.
A) were there not so many things
A) The majority of mobile phone users disturbing you on a daily basis
know where they are extracted B) like falling out of bed or snoring all night
B) One of the major problems, better long
known as tin oxide, C) that at least forty percent of Americans
C) People who love their cellular suffer each year
telephones apparently have little idea of D) as opposed to the statistical analysis
D) Some of the materials used in the provided by the agency
making of phones E) a minimum of six hundred people are
E) Workers do a lot but they receive very fortunate enough to do so
little in return

182. It has been firmly confirmed —. E 185. In the past century, agricultural
o technology led to a great change —.
A) and took all 13 awards for the safest
vehicles in each class A) in how people lived and worked
B) could be prevented with this advanced B) sometimes intervenes in agricultural
O supply
technology C
C) there are no American vehicles on the C) ensured a stable food supply
list of safest cars D) was also designed to protect farmers
D) today includes the Audi A4 and the E) when technology requires tradeoffs
Saab 9-3
E) which have been slow to install this
technology *U

186. Australia is trying to attract skilled

183. Two oil wells have been blown up in
Staropromyslovsky, —

A) so as to meet demand from a booming

A) why they are owned by a state-
controlled company
B) only if they were accepted to reunite
B) Chechnya has seen more than 10 years
with their families
of conflict
C) but there simply are not enough
C) between Russian troops and separatist
qualified staff
D) unemployment is at a record low
D) that this is a terrorist attack is quite
E) of removing themselves from their
E) a district on the outskirts of Grozny

Question Bank ( 36 ') Dilko Yayınlan

( Sentence Completion

187. —scientists successfully repaired 190. — the illusion of being bilingual.

insulin producing cells.
A) What they want to say in their native
A) After the researchers inject them with language for the device
stem cells B) This method of communication can be
B) If the kidney function has improved due compared
to glucose levels C) Researchers claim the device still gives
C) Unless they started human trials on some inaccuracies
diabetics with failing kidneys D) Scientists developed a translation
D) By using stem cells from human bone device offering the user
marrow E) The data is translated and read out in
E) Having been prevented from destroying the chosen language
the new cells

191. Any understanding or breakthrough we

188. Experts claim an asteroid named can make —.
Apophis -—.
A) last night launched two twin spacecrafts
A) In an effort to curb the asteroid or
B) in understanding the sun is of direct
others like it
B) has begun a program specifically to
C) that can cause disruptions on Earth
counter such risks
D) also pose a danger to astronauts
C) might strike the earth and cause global
performing space walks
E) cost the national space agency more
D) which might be headed towards us
than 500 million dollars
E) are also being considered as
alternatives to eliminate the risks

192. A South Korean scientist announced -—

189. -— when it was complained that it had for a sample of mammoth tissues.
information on building nuclear devices.
A) he had paid the Russian mafia
A) They were enemy documents captured
B) in the hopes that he will clone the
in the attack
extinct animal
B) The US Government shut down one of
C) after being seen as a national hero for
its own websites
some time
C) The same as those presented to the UN
D) that some of the money is spent in time
last year
E) so we expensed it as money for
D) Without deletions to remove sensitive
E) The posting of the mostly Arabic
language documents

Dilko Yayınlan ( 37 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

193. Five billion dollars will be allocated to 196. —, though sources say there have been
widen the Panama Canal -—. several accidents.

A) if voters approve the project A) Spy satellites with high-powered ground

B) it was considered an engineering based lasers
marvel B) With the aim of assessing their ability to
C) so that it allowed faster transits blind the systems
D) by the time it’s subject to voter approval C) It is unclear how successful the nuclear
E) before construction began last year tests were
D) As part of the policy to avoid angering
the enemy
E) Acknowledging that the country has the
ability to blind satellites

194. The world needs 20 times more nuclear 197. -—, the new Honda Jet achieved flight
power plants to reduce further global speeds of 480 mph at 43,000 feet.
warming, -—.
A) Honda announced today its plans to
A) that environmentalists strongly rejected start
B) but also increased the possibility of B) If It was an innovative new engineering
developing nuclear weapons breakthrough
C) which is a consequence of burning C) As the engines will be mounted above
fossil fuel the wings
D) and range from severe weather, D) That this allowed the maximum amount
droughts, flooding, and famine of cabin space
E) although global warming effects could E) Having been constructed entirely of
be devastating man-made materials

195. -— to facilitate the design and 198. -—, they have created a line that is
construction of a new supercomputer. virtually allergy free.

A) When completed next year A) That only the most severely allergic
B) Possibly one to earn the title as world’s persons will sneeze
most powerful B) However, no gene modification was
C) Until it is able to use over 13,000 necessary
processors C) Whenever there was a natural genetic
D) Researchers have received a 59 mutation
million-dollar grant D) Despite the fact that there is a waiting
E) Because it will be capable of 400 trillion list for kittens
calculations per second E) By selectively breeding cats

38 Dilko Yayınları
Sentence Completion )

199. An American company is reported —. 202. Scientists believe they are beginning to
unlock -—.
A) to be developing a wondrous electrical
energy storage unit A) which spent over 2000 years at the
B) so that they are lighter than lead acid bottom of the sea
batteries B) the mysteries of an object known as the
C) that can store enough voltage to run a Antikythera mechanism
car C) it is being called the world’s oldest
D) of requiring to fill up the gas tank of an computer
average car D) in predicting the positions of our solar
E) whereas typical batteries can only be system’s celestial objects
cycled a fraction of that E) who are stunned that something so
complex could be made in that era

200. Nissan Motor is designing cars that will 203. A small tech firm claims they have found
not start —. a means to create free energy, even
though they acknowledge —
A) unless the driver was intoxicated
B) since the death of three children A) that it would violate the first law of
C) if the driver has been drinking thermodynamics
D) another option being studied B) attempted to share his findings with
E) what would be challenging for a academics
drunken person C) but none of them wanted to endorse
him publicly
D) challenging academics to examine their
E) that has since received thousands of
interested replies

201. Elderly and disabled people will be 204. New shoes for the blind will possess a
relieved -—. GPS navigation system, —

A) and those suffering from anaemia A) sensors within them that can detect
B) to hear that scientists have invented a obstacles or steps
smart wheelchair B) which had been designed to get
C) which promises to make bathroom trips stronger as the obstacle drew nearer
almost unnecessary C) in order that they would develop a new
D) once they wore special pants and tool
underwear D) having lived their lives more normally in
E) although people around the user were the past few years
apparently ignorant E) enabling the wearer to know where he
is at all times

Dilko Yayınlan ( 39 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

205. -— can be enhanced to have greater 208. -— when at rest for extended periods of
nutritional value for cattle. time is 45 degrees back from vertical.

A) People suffering from hay fever A) With no history of back problems

allergies B) Having scanned them with a movable
B) Those who spend a good deal of time MRI device
outdoors C) The best angle for people to sit at
C) Further research has shown how grass D) Sitting back 45 degrees was found
D) That the grass is genetically engineered E) In order to preserve the natural shape
E) The new breed may be available by the of the spine
end of next year

206. -— but a disorder that we can investigate 209. -— in the demise of hundreds of
with scientific methods. electrical appliances.

A) Scientists may be able to identify and A) After a month of providing insufficient

treat power to the village
B) Findings provide evidence that SIDS is B) The electricity supplier sent
not a mystery incompatible high voltage
C) That an abnormality in the brain stem is C) Leaving infuriated locals with damaged
a cause of SIDS homes and no appliances
D) When the brains of SIDS victims were D) All the appliances in the homes simply
compared to babies exploded
E) SIDS is found in nerve cells that E) A major blunder by a local electricity
produce and use serotonin supplier has resulted

210. A fashion show using blind models -—.

207. Stopping smoking completely is the only
way to avoid related illnesses or effects,
A) more than 30 blind models strutted
down the catwalk
A) which took place in Norway, involving B) they were trained in only one week to
51,000 men and women dress themselves
B) found no significant differences in early C) and stated that they wanted to bring the
death rates between men and women blind out of a dark life
C) but you can’t give your health a better D) many of whom are given boring and
present than to quit smoking basic jobs to isolate them
D) between heavy smokers and people E) was the first of its kind to combat the
that halved their consumption stereotype of disabled people
E) v^hich include lung cancer, heart
attacks, chronic bronchitis and

Question Bank ( 40 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

211. good looks can always help to be a 214. Archaeologists have discovered a child’s
more likeable person. skeleton that .

A) Being successful in life is about A) the child was killed sometime around
chances 1450
B) While certainly not a necessity to get B) because it was the first child dedicated
your dream job to gods
C) Even though more friends can give you C) they believe was a sacrifice to the Aztec
access to resources war god
D) You may never have had otherwise D) the careful placement of the child’s
E) So that you could control your body
insecurities E) make a strong case that the child was

215. — with skills such as social

212. —- have a 50% lower risk of dying at manipulation and peer pressure to get
the same time as their more pessimistic what they want.
A) A new study reveals that
A) The study surveyed 545 Dutch people
B) That girls can be highly manipulative
B) Previous studies have shown that
C) The particularly mean girls are strongly
C) Because optimism can lead to good
physical health
D) Girls as young as three are equipped
D) People with a more positive outlook in
E) Children whose parents used
psychological control
E) Especially for heart disease patients

213. Half of an Istanbul high school was 216.«— from the one I saw in the shop
evacuated —-. window.

A) after a chemical leak in the school’s A) She has bought a nice pair of earrings
science lab B) I need to buy a shirt at a reasonable
B) of an unidentified, dangerous substance price
C) through a steel container and leaked C) The shopkeeper showed me a different
onto the floor colour dress
D) and thought it was only a minor incident D) I have used this bag as comfortably
E) and clearing up the chemical ah over E) She was wearing the same dress
the place

Dilko Yayınlan C.....41...... J Question Bank

Sentence Completion

217. — but also are very much defined by 220. Because women live longer than men,
what they drive.

A) People living in this part of the city were A) they faced some greater disease
not fond of sports cars burdens than men
B) Each car in the race must be able to B) they are also more likely to become
operate with solar energy widowed
C) The cars were designed by engineering C) they both experienced higher rates of
students across the United States depression
D) These special cars are aerodynamically D) their life expectancy increased to a
designed for maximum efficiency record level
E) Californians not only spend more time E) they both have the same rate of
in their cars than anyone else disability

218. ~, all movies are just as smoke-filled as 221. — so it means that you can distinguish
they were five decades ago. singular items from plural ones.

A) Despite years of health warnings A) Proper nouns are particular things

and major declines in the number of that we name as important
cigarette users B) Abstract nouns are things that you
B) If most people know that smoking is can’t touch taste, smell, or hear
bad for your lungs and causes cancer C) The concept of quantity in English
C) Adult smokers should continue to nouns has received relatively little
be informed of the health effects of attention
tobacco smoking D) Most English nouns have both a
D) As tobacco diverts money away singular and a plural form
from the purchase of food and other E) A noun is one of the most important
essential items words that you use either speaking
E) Since tobacco companies are major or writing
investors in many developing countries

219. Since most people spend more time 222. -—, and even fewer want to spend all day
indoors than out, . in the kitchen.

A) I have been doing a lot of outdoor A) Hardly any women want to spend hours
photography cooking
B) the place still offers many different B) Women were supposed to stay at home
opportunities to spend your time outside and do only housework
in the open-air C) Men were not allowed in the kitchen for
C) the travel agency offered you a variety any reason at all
of hotels with outdoor sports facilities D) Husbands have started doing some of
D) the air quality of the indoor environment the cooking at home
can play an important role in E) More and more men are spending time
maintaining good health in the kitchen along with their wives
E) you can enjoy the peace and quiet and
the impressive natural beauty at your

Question Bank ( 42 ) Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion )

223. -— should be good at science and math 226. -—, playing a part in about half of ail
in school. motor vehicle-related deaths.

A) Students who want to become chemists A) As drunken driving must definitely be

or materials scientists stopped
B) As younger students like to build things B) When wearing crash helmets have
with their hands been compulsory
C) if students are willing to work hard and C) People suffering from a sleep disorder
independently should not be allowed to drive for long
D) When such students learn how to work hours
on the computer D) Alcohol is a leading factor in fatal traffic
E) Some employers need chemists and crashes
materials scientists E) Both fatal and nonfatal crashes
increase after a football game

224. That the dinosaurs became extinct after 227. -— they discovered new facts about the
an asteroid crashed into Earth seems to structure of the human cell.
be part of common knowledge, -—.
o A) While the scientists were making a
A) no scientist has been able to prove it study of the behaviour of a certain virus
B) which are estimated to be much older B) Unless the elimination of this disease
C) though it’s still a theory o was considered one of the major
D) where it was killed instantly c accomplishments of medical science
E) because it was completely wrong C) When the treatment of mental illness
has improved
D) As cancer cells multiply faster than
normal cells do
E) Although the laser has become a
device of great benefit to mankind

228. — but they are modified as they are

225. —, there are also harsh chemicals like
transmitted from one generation to the
sulphur that would have made it difficult
for life-as-we-know-it to survive.
A) Mothers usually boast to their friends
A) There might have been some living
about their children’s success
forms on the face of Mars
B) He was charged with stealing two
B) Because scientists never claim that
paintings from the museum
they have found water on Mars
C) We came across one of the first copies
C) One important point that needs to be
of the book in an antique shop
remembered when talking about Mars
D) Some people are colour-blind, that is,
D) Having done extensive research on the
they cannot distinguish between colours
rock formation of the planet Mars
E) It is an obvious fact that cultures have
E) In many places on Mars where the
definite patterns
evidence of water is greatest

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 43 J Question Bank

Sentence Completion

229. — because a player’s chance of winning 232. I had no sooner found a large rock to
is governed by nothing more than shelter under —.
random luck.
A) as I was told by locals that the return
A) Our supervisor has a good work ethic trip was more than ten miles
with no lack of motivation B) after it started snowing instead of
B) Some contests are games of skill and the usual rain that occurs at lower
not of chance elevations
C) Some players would get objective C) than the lightning started hitting
feedback on their performances everything around me
D) Lotteries involve taking a risk D) but many times I thought about
E) Debt counselling is available free of returning because of the weather
charge E) even though the wind was blowing as
hard as ever

230. After having arguments with each other 233. Nearly everyone knows that smoking can
virtually every other day, —. cause lung cancer —.

A) the couple agreed that it was best for A) but few people realise it is a risk factor
them to separate for many other kinds of cancer as well
B) the more time fathers spend caring for B) and still child protection services are
their children based on the principle that it is useful
C) the cause seems to be more likely due C) so demand for tobacco has grown twice
to stress as fast as population growth
D) more home responsibilities put more D) because they affect many parts of the
demands on fathers body, including the cardiovascular
E) husbands were three times more likely system
to have conflict at work E) as chronic anxiety is usually
experienced by people who live
stressful lives

231. — that species such as the Komodo 234. Soon after the excitement of the arrival
dragon can be preserved. of your first baby, -—.

A) Most experts agree that the changing A) coping with dirty nappies and broken
face of the countryside is to blame nights may cause you to wonder if
B) The logging and road building would things will be the same again
have harmed important habitat B) real-life violence is the factor that most
C) It is only by studying existing habitat directly influences a child’s aggressive
and implementing creative solutions behaviour
D) Growing up to ten feet long, it is the C) just knowing that you understand his
largest lizard in the world feelings can calm him down
E) There are only an estimated 1,000 to D) doctors used to wait until an infant
5,000 of these lizards living today was four to six months old before
introducing solid foods
E) health reasons usually top the list
of reasons people give for quitting

Question Bank ( 44 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Sentence Completion )

235. Although statistics show that attacks on 238. -—, the company has decided to enlarge
men are higher, . the car park behind the main building.

A) as the risk of an attack on them is high A) After all the staff of the company had
and generally they do not fight back started to come to work in their cars
B) the speculation about the reasons B) Owing to the increased demand for
behind this had sparked a series of parking spaces
stories in the press C) When the exit road on the west side of
C) the government declared three days of the car park was closed
national mourning for those killed in the D) Although this building project of the
riot bridge had seemed attractive to many
D) the police said no attempt had been people
made to stop the violence E) Because there were a number of
E) some countries have taken steps objections to the car park behind
towards improving laws relating only to
violence against women

236. — as ninety-nine percent of it is 239. Before the government emphasised the

concerned with reading, excavating, need to save natural resources, —.
recording and classifying.
A) finding a suitable marriage partner is a
A) Archaeologists are becoming challenging task
increasingly interested in finding out B) opponents of nuclear power have
more about the lives of ordinary people pointed to the Chernobyl disaster
B) Much of the work of an archaeologist C) Americans hadn’t realised the
can be tedious and repeated seriousness of the situation
C) I have always been interested in the D) he was the youngest man ever to
lives of people of Pompeii occupy the presidency
D) People have had difficulty predicting the E) engineers must also be artistic and
future imaginative
E) This foundation is a non-profit-making
charity founded in 1985

237. —all of whose works are on exhibition 240. It was in the early 1980s that the public
at the Museum of Contemporary Art. first became aware of a new disease -—.

A) The author had decided to stop writing A) what makes it so dreaded is that there
romance is no cure for this killer yet
B) The students were trying to understand B) although many people have been dying
the deeper meaning of the poem for almost 20 years
C) The teacher explained the necessity of C) that seemed to be striking down a part
a clear understanding of modern art of the population in America
D) The lecturer started his talk telling us D) since public health organizations are
about the German painter devoted to saving more patients from it
E) What we are going to study this E) even if new protective measures can be
semester is 20th century British applied in the future

Dilko Yayınları l 45 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

241. No matter how much you follow those 244. —, she objected to them so severely
life-saving guidelines, -—. that nothing more could have been said.

A) nothing will guarantee you a long A) Although my brother told his daughter
healthy life free of disease and of that she was taking a risk attempting to
doctors climb the mountain
B) the holistic practitioner may recommend B) When her parents said she had made a
the use of food supplements, mainly mistake reacting against her teacher
vitamins C) Since she knows how to handle a
C) many people were not able to tolerate demanding task given at work
some of the most common treatments D) Until she has accepted that the
D) you will always be successful in doing scheduled plan is the best thing to do
so E) By the time everything about her career
E) older healing practices were more plans turned against her
popular than the others among adults

242. Before the management decided to o 245. After the explosion took place in one of
downsize some departments of the o the main centres of the city, —.
company -—.
A) many people have developed some
A) no one has come up with an applicable anxiety to go to shopping malls
project so far downtown
B) it is quite obvious that they are likely to B) the ones arrested on the scene have
succeed in this project confessed to committing the crime
C) it is imperative that new equipments be C) everybody going through the city was
bought till the end of the month taken under surveillance
D) some employees had already been in D) the residents of the city have been
contact with other firms suspicious about the measures taken
E) they have taken out a bank loan to pay £ by the administrators
back within a year £ E) the intelligence agent has warned the
5 authorities about the attack

243. When the primitive people learned how 246. It is an undeniable fact that TV
to adapt to the environment that they commercials aim to manipulate our
lived in -—. minds —

A) the people’s conflict with nature A) before television was used as a vehicle
has resulted in great damage to the for advertising
environment B) and trick us into buying products we
B) the archaeologists found a number of don’t really need
precious artefacts in the area C) in order that they could make a notable
C) the formation of the first language goes amount of profit through it
back to the primitive ages D) whereas advertisements shown on TV
D) wars have been an indispensable part influence ordinary people to a great
of human history extent
E) more advanced settlements began to E) due to the unexpected demand of
emerge throughout the world consumers for it

Question Bank (...... 46 n Dilko Yayınları

Sentence Completion

247. The most common grain used for beer 250. — because of the major and growing
making is barley, -—. role that it plays around the world in
most cultures and societies.

A) due to the fact that the ingredients used A) The primitive idea that sport
to make beer differ from place to place belongs solely to the males was still
B) since it is known to have a terrible taste considerably prevalent in the 1990s
C) in order to enhance the flavour of one’s B) Academic study of sport as an activity
favourite drink has become increasingly important
D) because the history of beer making C) Professional competitors all around the
dates as far back as the history of early globe aim to obtain wealth besides self­
agriculture satisfaction
E) but sometimes wheat, corn or rice are D) The popularity of cricket and that of
also added wrestling will surely vary from nation to
E) The impression of football among the
youth as a dominant sport has begun to
248. Even when animal domestication
became relatively widespread -—.
251. The foremost construction engineers of
A) hunting has provided an important the 90s were all trying to establish a new
source of nutrition and minerals style for the coming millennium -—.
B) the importance of hunting in ancient
societies is represented by religious A) when most of them have realized
figures that people are looking for something
C) the practice of fox hunting is a prime special
example of sport hunting B) unlike those of today, who prefer
D) hunting differs from fishing in that it dealing with nostalgic approaches to
involves only land animals buildings
E) hunting was usually a significant C) despite the people of that time who
contributor to the food supply available were in search of a fresh viewpoint
to humans D) so the areas under construction will
have been fixed and completed by then
E) but the authorities did their best to
encourage them to create a building
worthy of the year 2000 celebrations
249. Being a good source of energy, —.

A) no one claims that bananas have 252. AH the students in the class thought Jim
beneficial effects in the treatment of was too afraid to join the races —.
intestinal disorders
B) banana is highly recommended for A) even if Jim was never regarded as a
patients suffering from high blood self-confident and brave athlete
pressure B) the moment he decides to take part in
C) domestication of bananas took place in the national championship
South East Asia for the first time C) that Jim sadly accepted the fact and
D) as it is consumed by many people gave up in the end
throughout the world D) once he proved his friends that nothing
E) everybody likes eating banana however could stand in his way
old they are E) however he managed to leave his fears
behind and took up the challenge

Dilko Yayınları I 47 I Question Bank

Sentence Completion )

253. -— whether the new laws should be put 256. Although many of his friends were
into effect immediately or not. convinced that the minister got involved
in bribery, —.
A) The issue to be discussed in the
parliament is A) his innocence can’t have been proven
B) The man who saw the robbery under those circumstances
maintains B) it was quite possible that he had been
C) That the president is likely to reject the working illegally for some time
proposal C) there were still some who thought he
D) As many people believe that this couldn’t have done such a thing
disease must be eradicated at once D) the majority of the people surrounding
E) After all these rejections done by the him never doubted his guiltiness
opposition party, the prime minister is E) the jury will have already given their
believed decision by then

254. When there was a widespread criticism 257. William Shakespeare has been one of the
of the minister’s handling of the disaster most successful English playwrights and
poets -—.

A) the ruling party will have been in power A) whose body of works is considered the
for almost five years greatest in English literature
B) he had no choice but to resign in order B) however his plays include historical
not to cause further trouble works, such as Richard 11
C) many citizens have expressed their C) much as he has always been a prolific
opinions about the current government writer
through an opinion poll D) since none of his works was as
D) the ruling party has lost its majority in successful as his contemporaries’
the house of parliament E) though he has never stopped trying to
E) neither of them were effective enough improve his abilities
to relieve the tension between the
sufferers and the government

258. — as they are threatened by continued

255. Despite having been warned about the habitat loss and by a very low birth-rate
side effects of the new drug, . both in the wild and in captivity.

A) as the hospital had to find a cure for the A) In the 1990s when several laws helped
disease the chances of survival for pandas
B) his family decided to send him abroad B) The fact that the best way to save the
C) all the people in the area will have a pandas was to cage them
chance to find an alternative way to get C) Giant Pandas are unfortunately on the
rid of the epidemic list of endangered species
D) the patients didn’t give up using it D) Pandas remained a rich source of soft
E) the sanitary conditions of hospitals furs for the locals and foreign poachers
must have progressed due to the new E) Easily recognizable through their large,
techniques distinctive black patches on the eyes

Question Bank oo Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

259. Almost every town in Britain has a public 262. ---- than any other people who have been
library, funded by the local authority, -—. through the same things reluctantly.

A) however, it is an opportunity for people A) Primitive societies have had so many

living in that area changes since ancient times
B) at which we usualiy spent time chatting B) The countries taking place in the war
and playing cards with friends after had to establish a unity
work C) The ones absorbed in their work
C) where local people may borrow books diligently seem to be more successful
free of charge D) Children who are the victims of wars
D) that was built in 1968, one of the oldest must be taken under observation
libraries in the town E) Depression years in America created
E) because there had been an increase in many more redundancies
the number of literate people

260. , both of which were accepted by the

263. It won’t be until after you decide what
A) The office staff tried to find many you really want -—.
different kinds of solutions to the new o
working schedule Q A) and to be honest this is so difficult that I
B) Although the workers in the accounting wouldn't like to be in your shoes
department did their best to finance the B) and then you can be more clear about
new budget your future in this company
C) The new recruit offered two different C) but don’t forget that what you need is
suggestions to eliminate the problem o more important than what you want
unnecessary paper use D) so you had better hurry up and make
D) Most of the assistants in our office up your mind until it is too late
have been made to accept the new E) that you will have the will and courage
regulations necessary for it
E) There have been many changes in our
department since the arrival of the new §

manager £
264. which was so realistic that
261. Although speculation concerning the thousands of listeners believed that an
existence of extra solar planets dates actual alien attack was taking place.
back to antiquity, -—.
A) NASA continuously reports radio
A) if a planet or planets revolve around a signals from deep space
star then the motion of the star will be B) Because of the man’s curiosity for the
affected unknown, aliens have always been a
B) it was not until the 20th century that popular subject for script writers
astronomical tools and techniques C) In 1894, Mars was positioned
made their detection possible particularly closely to Earth, leading
C) we could undoubtedly say our solar to a great deal of observation and
system was not unique in the universe discussion
D) the extra-solar planets discovered so D) In 1938, a radio station broadcast the
far are ail more massive than Saturn radio version of H.G.Wells’s The War of
E) within the last several years a great the Worlds
deal of study had been focused on the E) The first UFO sightings in Wisconsin
search for it

Dilko Yayınlan ( 49 ) Question Bank

Sentence Completion

265. The group working on a very important 268. The more the man tried to struggle to
project has promised that nothing will stay on the surface, -—.
stop them being successful -—.
A) more should have been done to rescue
A) and as everyone agreed they did their him
best to keep their promise B) so there was still hope that he could
B) at least not before they prove they manage to stay alive
have deserved to be chosen for such a C) the best thing to do would be pulling
mission him out
C) but the others had no faith in them, D) the deeper he sank into the water
which was very discouraging indeed E) all his efforts to save himself were in
D) so they have had reasonable excuses vain
for their mistakes so far
E) after they had had some inspiring works

266. The director of the company insisted on 269. Believing that he had told the truth, -—.
our looking through the report one mor
time -—. A) so I would have felt extremely
A) since he himself really couldn’t do B) since he must have been somewhere
B) if he has been working hard for the last else at the time of the murder
few days C) as it was the right decision not to find
C) before we have made our final him guilty
presentation D the police let him go free after a long
D) that there was a big misunderstanding questioning
among the staff E) the verdict of the jury has been
E) whether he will decide to launch a new discussed for so long
project or not

270. , the political party was obliged to

267. It wasn’t until almost an hour later —. meet and operate in secrecy.

A) what came as a great surprise for them A) Having been officially banned
on such a lovely day B) When the decisions are being made
B) that we realized we were definitely behind the scenes
headed in the wrong direction C) Due to the fact that they grew stronger
C) when two men in black suits were as the summer passed
waiting in front of the house D) Because disagreement again reared its
D) that we hope the parcels will arrive ugly head among the staff
there safely E) When the dispute gets worse
E) how such minor changes made people
happy at the office

Question Bank ( 50 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Sentence Completion

271. Not being able to speak Italian, — 274. Once the academic year is approved by
the board,
A) my brother never wants to learn the
meaning of unknown words A) I have already enrolled the university
B) I aiways ask my sister to translate the B) I will sign in the courses I want to attend
articles into English next semester
C) the tourists are reluctant to use the C) yet I have to submit my acceptance to
dictionary the committee
D) there would be tourism information D) the exam dates were announced on the
offices all around the city bulletin board in the canteen
E) nobody is eager to help the old woman E) that the students who missed this
asking the way to the station entrance exam will have to take it again

272. My friend, Jessie, insulted me by making 275. People were so ignorant of the disease
that remark and —, I’ll never speak to at the time —.
her again.
A) since the nursing staff were trying to do
A) we are not of the same opinion on this their best to save their lives
matter B) in case there was an epidemic after the
B) if she gives me another chance to flood
compensate for my fault C) since it spread more quickly than they
C) even if she takes back her accusation expected
D) unless she takes it back D) that there was hope to find the right
E) as if I were the guilty one vaccine throughout time
E) that sufferers were simply told to go to
bed and rest

273. Though Spain used to be one of

the world’s most famous tourist
destinations, —.

A) it is now the least attractive due to the

pollution on its coasts
B) so millions of tourists chose to spend
their holidays somewhere else
C) the current exchange rates are
responsible for the high prices in
Spanish hotels
D) tourism is a big revenue for the local
E) the Spanish tourism agencies began
to offer low prices as a result of recent
economic crisis

Dilko Yayınlan (......51 ) Question Bank

( Paraphrased Sentences )

3. I had the goods delivered before the

-160. sorularda verilen cümleye
deadline so as to please the new
anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi
A) My sending the goods before the
1. It’s tempting to wonder how far the deadline made the new customer
administrative negligence at this school appalled.
could stretch. B) The new customer looked rather
irritable, so I myself took the goods right
A) One can’t help wondering the extent on time.
to which the indifference of the school C) Considering the new orders I might get
administration could go. from the new customer, I would rather
B) The school is deprived of the means send the merchandise early.
to exploit the wonderful opportunity in D) Thinking that it would make the
hand. new customer delighted, I got the
C) It’s incredible that the school merchandise delivered early,
administration is still determined to E) As the deadline appeared to be too late,
eliminate the obstacles. the new customer asked me to send the
D) The school administration seemed to goods earlier.
have a start from scratch so as to cope
with the opposition.
E) No one is really curious about what is
going to happen to the school due to
the vital mistakes it has recently made.

2. The government has recommended I would rather you had called me before
taking immediate measures, but the you looked in.
finance sector continues to drag its feet.
A) You should have come here after you
A) The recommendations made by the informed me through the phone.
government are always considered B) Phoning me just before your visit was
important by the finance sector. not enough for me to get ready.
B) The finance sector has been advised to C) Why didn’t you look through your notes
put off their decision and that’s exactly before you paid a visit?
what they’re doing now, D) You’d better phone me before you start
C) The finance sector has not taken the looking into the case.
urgent precautions advised by the E) If I were you, I would not disturb others
government yet. by looking directly in their eyes.
D) It is quite probable that the finance
sector will refuse to act immediately,
which is quite typical of them.
E) Though not ready to get into any trouble
with the government, the finance
sector has initiated a war against some
government agencies.

Question Bank ( 54 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

5. Not being able to stand the degrading 7. But for the support you are giving, I
attitude of the boss any more, the would feel hopeless.
experienced webmaster is determined to
resign. A) I don’t feel hopeless thanks to the
support that you’re giving.
A) The boss kept looking down on the B) I’m still feeling hopeless despite the
experienced webmaster, which led him support you’re giving.
to decide to quit. C) Friends like you hesitate to support the
B) When the experienced webmaster others as they fear the likely results.
saw the boss standing by the door, he D) Hope is not something you can easily
decided not to quit. obtain just because you are supported
C) Though the boss was quite nice to him, by a friend.
the experienced webmaster did not E) It’s true that you’re supporting me, but I
change his mind and he gave up work. doubt your reasons.
D) The experienced webmaster’s decision
to resign was changed by the boss’s
extremely kind attitude.
E) The boss was rather impolite to the
experienced webmaster, but he was not
ready to make a radical change in his

Not having received the promotion he

6. In Britain, money for secret information
had been expecting for a long while, he
in an investigation is considered
felt resentful.
legal provided that the source of the
information is unconnected to the crime
itself. A) He was hoping for a promotion, and
when he finally got it, he was extremely
A) The British legal system encourages happy.
the use of bribe in order to uncover the B) As he had to wait for the promotion for
plots within the cabinet. a long time, he was feeling heartbroken
B) If the source of information in a crime when he finally got it.
research is reliable, he or she can ask C) He was upset because he was not able
the British government to provide a to get the promotion he thought he
certain amount of money. deserved.
C) Anybody who has not been involved in D) Only after he was eventually promoted
any sort of crime is entitled to meet the did he manage to feel happy.
expenses needed for a secret mission. E) Not even once had he imagined being
D) The only country where the sponsors promoted until his director was fired.
of research are required to pay for the
expenses made by their allies is Britain.
E) According to the British Law, paying
money to sources of information is
acceptable as long as the source is not
involved in the crime being investigated.

Dilko Yayınları ( 55 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

9. Whether you will succeed or not 11. Had I been there, I would have told him
depends on how much effort you will put what was wrong.

A) The stronger the effort you make, the A) I was there and I told him what was
less likely you are to fail. wrong.
B) Whether you fail or not has nothing to B) I was there, but I didn’t tell him anything
do with the effort you make. because there was nothing wrong.
C) No matter how hard you try, you will C) I was there and I told him nothing was
never be able to change the result. wrong.
D) How much independence you will get D) I was not there, so I didn’t tell him what
will be determined by your level of was wrong.
success. E) Although I was not there, I was able to
E) Don’t give up your efforts even after you tell him what was wrong.
realize you have failed.

10. Not many people I know tend to have a Unfortunately, she is always telling me
winter holiday. lies about where she goes after work.

A) Most of the people I happen to know A) If only she wouldn’t tell me lies about
cannot afford to go on a winter holiday. where she goes after work.
B) I do not know many people here, so I B) Only if she tells me the truth can she go
cannot go on a winter holiday. wherever she wants after work.
C) Not even the people I closely know C) She goes somewhere after work, but I
would like to join me during winter. don’t exactly know how she goes.
D) Winter holidays are too expensive for D) Actually she doesn’t want to go
most people I know. anywhere, but I have to make her go.
E) The majority of the people I know would E) I don’t care where she goes after work
rather not have a winter holiday. as long as she does her work properly.

Question Bank ( 56 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Paraphrased Sentences

13. Scholars point out the link between 15. It was not until she invited him to her
Puritanism and capitalism, both of which party that he realized she was interested
rest on ambition, hard work, and an in him.
intense striving for success.
A) He knew she was interested in him long
A) Puritan and capitalist scholars both before she invited her to her birthday
believe that ambition and hard work do party.
not necessarily bring about success. B) She was not interested in him, so she
B) It has long been said that not only didn’t invite him to her birthday party.
Puritans but also capitalists recommend C) She was not interested in him, but still
diligence and patience in the face of she invited him to her birthday party.
poverty. D) She didn’t invite him to her birthday
C) According to scholars, Puritanism and party until she was sure he was
capitalism are similar in that they are interested in her.
both based on ambition, hard work, and E) He didn’t know she was interested in
a strong desire for success. him until she invited him to her birthday
D) Puritans, who focus on ambition and party.
hard work, differ a lot from capitalists,
who highlight selfishness for success.
E) Many scholars are of the opinion
that Puritanism and capitalism are both
against putting too much emphasis on
material wealth.

16. Just as we don’t know how our

14. Tired as she was, she went on
telephones work, we really have only
interviewing me.
the vaguest idea of where our food and
medicine come from.
A) She was not tired, so she went on
interviewing me. A) We have no idea about the working
B) She was as tired as me, but she still principles of our phones, nor do we
complained that I was not interviewing know much about where our foodstuff
her. and medicine come from.
C) I was even more tired than she was, but B) The fact that we do not know how our
I still wanted to answer her questions. telephones work is the reason why we
D) She went on interviewing me, though have no idea about the source of our
she was tired. food and medicine.
E) Neither she nor I was ready for the C) If a person does not know how his
interview. telephone works, he is likely to have
no idea of the difficulties faced while
producing the food that we eat and the
medicine that we use.
D) If only we knew how our phones
work, then we would speculate on the
sources of our foodstuff and medicines.
E) As we haven’t got the slightest idea
of where our foodstuff and medicines
come from, we cannot know how our
telephones work.

Dilko Yayınları ( 57 ) Question Bank

( Paraphrased Sentences

17. It may be hard to understand the 19. Had history taken a different turn, the
significance of the existence of species United States could easily have been a
which seem to just sit there and provide part of the Spanish or French Empires.
no obvious product for us to eat.
A) The Spanish or French Empires might
A) Understanding the importance of some have conquered the United States if
species that contribute to our diets things had unfolded in a different way.
extensively is sometimes difficult. B) The great Spanish or French Empires
B) In order to appreciate the value of some must have taken control of the United
species with respect to our diets, we States so that they would continue their
must focus on their indirect effects. dominance in the continent.
C) It’s true that some species are not C) History would have developed in a very
edible, and so we do not need them different way if the United States had
but stili we must do our best to protect not had to cooperate with the Spanish
them. or French Empires.
D) We might fail to understand the D) If the Spanish and French Empires
importance of the species that have had been able to act more flexibly, the
nothing to do with our nourishment. United States wouldn’t have had to start
E) Simply by sitting in our comfortable a violent war.
homes watching the destruction of E) Unless the United States starts to learn
species, we wifi not be able to save the its lesson from history, the tension
future of the world. between Americans and the French will
never end.

18. Scientists are a conservative community,

and all claims of global phenomena,
including purely physical changes 20. The disintegration of the communist
such as global warming, have as many bloc of Eastern Europe left many
doubters as proponents. Americans confused as to what future
policies should be.
A) There are a lot of scientists who are
inclined to doubt the concerns for the A) The communist bloc of Eastern Europe
future of the world because they know collapsed because of the public’s
global warming is a big lie. confusion about the policies concerning
B) All claims of global phenomena are the relations with Americans.
based on physical changes such B) Americans strived to speed the
as global warming, and this makes expected collapse of the communist
scientists even more aggressive to bloc of Eastern Europe by following
each other. cunning policies.
C) Even simply physical changes in the C) When the communist bloc of Eastern
world such as global warming have Europe disintegrated, Americans
doubters as well as supporters, as were not sure about what they were
scientists are not quick to adopt new supposed to do about the surge of
ideas. refugees.
D) Conservative scientists tend to focus D) The confusion that arose just after
on the likely effects of global warming the collapse of the communist bloc of
without any reference to their own Eastern Europe gave Americans a new
fiascos. chance to exploit the world.
E) A lot of scientists ciaim that many global E) Lots of Americans got baffled about
phenomena are adversely affected what policies to adopt following the
by global warming and they call for break-up of the communist bloc of
immediate action. Eastern Europe.

Question Bank ( 58 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Paraphrased Sentences )

21. Medical scientists have established a 23. Not having been serviced for four years,
firm link between exposure of human the cars of the company were in terrible
skin to the sun and the occurrence of condition.
skin cancer.
A) The company decided to send the cars
to the service station after four years.
A) Doctors are now sure that sunlight
B) The cars were in terrible condition, but
enables people to strengthen their
the company decided not to send them
immune system against bone cancers.
to the service station.
B) It has been proven by medical scientists
C) The company was in terrible condition,
that the more you are exposed to the
so they couldn’t afford to have the cars
sun, the more likely you are to develop
skin cancer.
D) As the cars of the company had not
C) The new institute established by
been serviced for four years, they were
medical doctors fighting against skin
in extremely bad condition.
cancer is bound to find some evidence
E) The company avoided getting the cars
revealing the relationship between
serviced as they would close down in
cancer and sunlight.
four years.
D) Several medical companies have
donated a considerable amount of
money to an institute that specializes in o
cancer research. o
E) The connection between skin cancer
and sunlight is to be revealed soon
thanks to the valuable efforts of medical

22. The thief had run away by the time the 24. No sooner had I seen the bill than I rushed
police arrived. into the secretary’s room.
A) I had not seen the bill when I rushed
A) The thief was able to escape after the
into the secretary’s room.
police had arrived.
B) I immediately rushed into the
B) When the police came to the scene, the
secretary’s room in order to see the bill.
thief had already gone.
C) Immediately after I rushed into the
C) The fact that the police arrived a little
secretary’s room, I was shown the bill.
late was not enough for the thief to
D) I hurried into the secretary’s room as
soon as I saw the bill.
D) The thief failed to escape, though the
E) I saw the bill a little sooner than the
police arrived a little late.
secretary who rushed into my room.
E) The police's late arrival prevented the
thief from running away.

Dilko Yayınları ( 59 ) Question Bank

( Paraphrased Sentences

25. Frog populations all over the world 27. If one has no affection for a system,
were producing many deformed he should be free to give the fullest
individuals, a phenomenon first noted by expression to his disaffection, so long as
schoolchildren. he does not promote violence.
A) It was schoolchildren from all over the
world who first noticed that there were a A) The right to freely express your
lot of malformed frogs. concerns about a certain system cannot
B) Individuals from all over the world who be ignored simply because you belong
had a dislike for frogs produced some to a minority group.
textbooks including no information B) No one has the right to oppress
about frogs. others because of being criticized,
C) Schoolchildren from all over the world even though he is convinced that they
have launched a campaign to prevent deserve to be severely punished.
scientists from using frogs in their C) Each individual must be able to put
experiments. across his dislike for a system freely
D) When the young students noticed there providing that he abstains from
were a lot of frogs with birth defects in encouraging violence.
their neighbourhood, they wrote letters D) As long as you are prepared to be
to scientists from all over the world. confronted with violence, you are free
E) The population increase in many parts to express whatever is in your mind.
of the world has contaminated water E) Whenever violence is favoured for
resources and thus there are more the solution of international problems,
deformed frogs than there used to be. chaos is inevitable; so leaders with
power to manipulate their community
must be very careful.

26. He was given the sack on account of his The government could have expanded
Jack of sense of responsibility. the scope of the discount instead of
removing it.
A) He was promoted because of his
serious attitude at work. A) The government finally managed to
B) He was fired due to his irresponsible get rid of the discounts despite a lot of
behaviour. criticism.
C) The management gave him a last B) The government members had a
chance to sort out the accounts. chance to make the discount more
D) He was questioned related to some comprehensive, but instead they
accounts he was not at all responsible removed it.
for. C) The government did the right thing by
E) They praised him for his serious effort expanding the scope of the discount.
to sort out the accounts he was not D) The government did the right thing by
actually responsible for. removing all the discounts.
E) I believe the government should
remove the discount rather than expand
the scope.

Question Bank ( 60 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

29. Such were the conditions in the country 31. Considering the progress you’ve made in
that it took courage to make any such a short time, you must have worked
investments. really hard.

A) The conditions in the country A) By working harder than the others

discouraged people from making any you’ve been able to shorten your
investments. training period.
B) The country had to improve its B) It must be considered that you’ve
conditions to dispel foreign investors. worked extremely hard to get what you
C) What made the country more attractive own.
to investors was the favourable C) I wouldn’t be able to do as much work
conditions. as you have done in such a short time.
D) In order to make any investments in D) The progress you’ve made in a short
the country, people should ignore the time reveals that you are a born-leader.
problems. E) I assume that you’ve worked very hard
E) The conditions in the country were so as you’ve improved a lot in a short time.
favourable that new investment flooded

30. On no account should you expect to get No information whatsoever will be

a promotion in this company. released to the press unless we obtain
solid evidence.
A) If your account details are favourable,
you will get a promotion. A) The press will not be informed of the
B) You can get a promotion in this event until the evidence is refuted.
company only if you make a great B) We don’t want the press to know
effort. anything until we get hold of strong
C) You will never be promoted in this evidence.
company unless you reveal your C) We are going to seek reliable evidence
accounts. so that we can distract the press.
D) Not even once have you been lucky D) What is the use of avoiding the press
enough to get promoted. when we only have very little evidence?
E) Your chance of getting a promotion in E) The evidence we have obtained so far
this company is nil. doesn’t seem to be enough to eliminate
the press.

Dilko Yayınları ( J Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

33. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, 35. The strange-looking craft hovered in the
he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, air for a while and then vanished into the
and that ripple starts a big wave which darkness.
can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression. A) Floating in the air for some time, the
weird-looking craft disappeared in the
A) When a person fights for his ideals, the dark.
drop of hope he creates grows into a B) The unusual-looking craft had great
wave strong enough to stop even the difficulty in navigating in the dark.
most extreme cases of cruelty. C) The smooth movements of the
B) Standing up for one’s ideals might lead weird-looking craft were clearly visible
to such problems that even the most at night.
patient supporters of his ideals let him D) The dark night did not let the
down along the way. strange-looking craft land to get some
C) Even though pain is unavoidable in food.
some cases, ideals motivate people E) Flying above the dark clouds was
to endure cruel powers that strive to incredibly difficult for the strange-
destroy them altogether. looking alien in the craft.
D) Even people of the greatest ideals
cannot be patient enough to pursue
their struggle against such oppression if
they are not supported by their friends.
E) if people do not give up in the face of
danger, they soon see there will be
others to join their fight against evil.

34. Claiming he has done nothing wrong, the Working enthusiastically for the
suspect demanded a lawyer. company for years, Cem doesn’t even
consider giving his job up.
A) The suspect’s claiming to be guiltless
A) Cem is fed up with the company after
astounded the lawyer.
years of exhausting work, so wants to
B) The suspect’s admitting to being guilty
give it up.
was prevented by the experienced
B) As he has been with the company for a
long time, he doesn’t want to delay his
C) One mistake that the suspect made
was to demand a lawyer to pretend to
C) Cem, working happily for the company
be innocent.
for a long while, doesn't intend to quit
D) The suspect said he was innocent
his job at all.
and asked for a legal professional to
D) A man like Cem could never continue
represent him.
to work in such a company for several
E) Not having been charged with any
crime at all, the suspect wanted a good
E) Being considered for a much better
lawyer just in case.
position, Cem is excited about what will
come up.

Question Bank ( 62 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences J

37. Due to the disappointment she had deep 39. Progress tn science and invention
inside, she felt as if she would pass depends heavily on the amount of
away. progress in other elements of society.
A) Her disappointment prevented her from A) Capable scientists can make new
moving on to new tasks. inventions regardless of what else is
B) Sad as she was, she felt strong enough going on in society.
to pass through the obstacles. B) The pace of scientific advancement is a
C) When she passed out. her friends direct result of the willingness of society
thought she would not gain to use new scientific innovations.
consciousness again. C) What society expects from scientists
D) Because of the satisfaction with her has nothing to do with what they can
career, she believed she would never actually achieve.
regret. D) As long as society is ready to face the
E) She felt so upset that she thought she evil outcomes of scientific innovations,
was going to die. progress at an unusual pace is not
something to worry about.
E) If there is not progress in other aspects
of society, it’s unlikely that we can see
progress in science and invention.

38. The more time and effort you invest in Native Americans have had difficulty
your business, the more likely you are to preserving their customs; nevertheless,
succeed. they’ve been able to pass down old
stories to the new generations.
A) You spent a lot of time and effort, and
as a result you succeeded in your A) New generation native Americans know
business. about old stories owing to the records
B) You spent a lot of time and effort, but preserved by their ancestors.
still you failed in your business. B) Old native stories have lived until today
C) Spending a lot of time and effort in your as they’ve been told from generation to
business does not necessarily bring generation.
success. C) Despite the difficulty they’ve had in
D) Businesses, which require a lot of safeguarding their traditions, native
time and effort, do not like successful Americans haven’t failed to introduce
competitors. old stories to the generations of today.
E) Your level of success in your business D) As native Americans had difficulty
depends on the time and effort you passing on old stories to the new
invest. generations, they were forgotten.
E) The old stories which were passed
on to next generations are likely to be
forgotten soon.

Dilko Yayınları ( 63 ) Question Bank

( Paraphrased Sentences )

41. Nobody in the company but Mark has 43. Thanks God, you were there. Otherwise, I
access to the main computer. would have been frightened to death.

A) Only Mark has access to the main A) If you weren’t there, I would be very
computer in the company. afraid.
B) It is only Mark who does not have B) I would have been killed if you hadn’t
access to the main computer in the warned me before it was too late.
company. C) I wasn’t very hesitant the other day as
C) Mark wants to use the main computer you and I made a very good team.
in the company, but he can’t. D) May God bless those who were there to
D) The company doesn’t think Mark is save my worthless body.
ready to have access to the main E) Had you not been there, I would have
computer. been horrified.
E) Mark’s knowledge of computers has
enabled him to take over the company.

42. Sevgi didn’t know what she was 44. A leader must be able to remain calm in
supposed to do if the boss told her to the face of emergency.
A) Leaders are to stay composed when an
A) Sevgi couldn’t say anything when the 5 urgent situation arises.
boss told her to stay. B) A good leader is supposed to fight the
B) Sevgi was unsure whether the boss 5 enemy courageously.
would tell her to stay. C) In order to be a good leader, you should
C) Sevgi had no idea what she was learn to anticipate emergencies.
expected to do if told to stay. D) You had better calm down until a good
D) The boss told Sevgi to stay even leader controls the situation.
though she didn’t know much. E) One trait that you need to have to be a
E) It’s a pity that the boss forced Sevgi to leader is to foresee emergencies.
leave due to her lack of knowledge.

Question Bank ( 64 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Paraphrased Sentences )

45. What you experienced was nothing 47. Her having been fired without prior
compared with the ordeal we’ve been notice was a shock to all of us.
A) She didn’t notice she might be fired
A) You might have a lot of experience but because she shocked everybody.
we have a lot more. B) We were all shocked when we saw the
B) The trouble you had was much less notice listing those that had been fired.
serious than the suffering we’ve C) If she didn’t want to get fired, she
experienced. should have stopped shocking us all.
C) it’s true that you have had a more D) She was sacked without any warning,
painful life than have we. shocking all of us.
D) I don’t understand why you think we E) That she was fired without a warning
deserve more pain than you do. was a good lesson to every one of us.
E) Stop exaggerating the problems you’re
having and start thinking of others.

46. So complicated were the instructions in I would love to have been educated in a
the product manual that I even failed to boarding school.
switch it on.
A) The education I received at the
A) I didn’t understand the instructions in boarding school was low in quality.
the product manual as I was not very B) I’m happy that I was lucky enough to
good at reading comprehension. study at a boarding school.
B) The instructions in the product manual C) I wish I had been educated at a
were clear enough to use the machine boarding school.
properly. D) I love those who had a good education
C) Difficult as the instructions in the at a boarding school.
product manual, I managed to turn the E) A boarding school education would
machine on and use it. have hindered my psychological
D) The instructions in the product manual development.
were not even clear enough to let me
turn the machine on.
E) When I read the instructions in the
product manual, I thought I should be
able to turn the machine on, at least.

Dilko Yayınları ( 65 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

49. If I had been interviewed by the police, 51. The public perception of risk depends
I would have provided some useful on psychological factors as well as
information. scientific ones.
A) The police were not interested in the A) The way risk is perceived by people is
useful information I gave during the related to not only psychological factors
interview. but also scientific factors.
B) Before I had been interviewed by the B) Psychological and scientific factors
police, I should have sought some do not suffice to explain people's
useful information. perception of risk.
C) I was not interviewed by the police, C) Risk perception is heavily reliant
so I couldn’t give them the useful upon the public’s attitude towards
information I had. psychologists and scientists,
D) While I was being interviewed by the D) The public may be unwilling to take
police, I felt they found the information I some risks but psychologists and
gave very useful. scientists have the potential to change
E) Having given the police the useful their minds.
information, I felt I did what I was E) Sometimes it's difficult to understand
supposed to do. why some people are more inclined
to take risks than others despite the
similarity in their psychological states.

50. My condition for you to be able to stay at He did whatever the boss wanted lest he
my place is to share the housework. might lose his job.

A) You can stay at my place providing you A) A good boss must be able to exploit his
share the housework. employees.
B) Only if you stay at my place can you B) The boss threatened to fire him when
share the housework. he refused to overwork.
C) Staying at my place requires that you C) Although he obeyed the rules of the
do no housework. boss, he lost his job.
D) Doing all the housework myself. I don’t D) For fear of losing his job, he did not
want my friends to stay too long. question the boss’s demands.
E) The conditions I made at my place had E) When he felt that he might lose his job,
nothing to do with the housework. he started to be more obedient to the

Question Bank ( 66 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

53. I remember being often warned by my 55. There is no economic growth without
parents not to lie to them. saving, and for this reason, the
encouragement of saving should be an
A) I was often advised by my parents to lie economic priority.
when necessary.
B) The conditions were such that I often A) It’s vital that people be encouraged
had to lie to my parents. to put some money aside as
C) Lying to my parents was one bad habit economic expansion without saving is
that I couldn’t give up. unattainable.
D) Warning children not to lie does not B) By saving as much as possible, people
help if you yourself keep lying. can make sure they will one day be as
E) My parents frequently warned me not to rich as those they are jealous of.
lie to them. C) Economic growth in an aggressive
society cannot be prevented even
if there are people deprived of the
motivation to fight.
D) If the members of a society are brave
enough to give up their private lives if
necessary, no power can possibly stop
economic growth.
E) Now that economic growth has come
to a halt, people must be discouraged
from spending too much on luxury
Q goods.


54. Whoever has told you that Mark Cutter is 56. Determined to speak my mind, I
suitable for this post must be out of his interrupted the director and started to
mind. 5 talk.
A) I would love to be able to meet the £ A) After I determined the likely course of
person who offered this job to Mark the conversation, I started to talk to the
Cutter. director.
B) Mark Cutter seems to be the only B) My mind was busy with thoughts of
person suitable for this decent career losing my job, so I didn’t listen to the
prospect. director.
C) What I want to say is that it would be C) The director knew that I liked to be
stupid to hire anyone other than Mark honest with him, so he just listened
Cutter. when I interrupted him.
D) I strongly believe that considering Mark D) I happened to be daydreaming when
Cutter for this job is simply crazy. the director called at to say good bye.
E) To my mind, you had better reconsider E) I cut in and began to talk to the director
the option of hiring Mark Cutter for this because I wanted to express myself
vacancy. clearly.

Dilko Yayınları ( 67 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

57. Having self-confidence, the Scots don’t 59. Some kinds of organisms, many of
mind people telling silly jokes about their which are microscopic, cannot be neatly
nation. classified as either plants or animals.

A) The Scots lack self-confidence, so A) There are some organisms that belong
they don’t want people to make jokes to neither any plant species nor any
about their nation. animal species, and a lot of these are
B) Telling jokes about their nation makes microscopic ones.
the Scots furious, though they are B) Trying to classify all organisms is a
self-confident. waste of time and energy because most
C) It’s not a good idea to make jokes about of these organisms have no observable
the Scots’ self-confidence as they get function in the universe.
nasty when they’re angry. C) Some microscopic organisms feed on a
D) Their self-confidence makes the Scots variety of animal species, while others
tolerate silly jokes about their nation. depend on plants, the majority of which
E) The Scots shouldn’t tell silly jokes about are about to become extinct.
nations lacking self-confidence. D) Both plants and animals owe a lot to
single-cell organisms, which help them
survive in times of little food.
E) A neat classification of animals and
plants is almost impossible because
most of them are minute and cannot be
observed with the naked eye.

58. Although neutrons have little effect on Knowing he had a gun didn’t prevent her
how an atom interacts with others, they from yelling at him.
do affect the mass and stability of the
nucleus. A) She wouldn’t have yelled at him if she
had known he had a gun.
A) The mass and stability of the nucleus B) She yelled at him angrily because
have little effect on how an atom he had a gun.
interacts with others. C) Yelling at him furiously, she wanted the
B) A reliable interaction between two gun back.
atoms requires that the mass and D) Once she noticed he had a gun, she
stability of the nucleus are not affected realized it was a mistake to yell at him.
by neutrons. E) His having a gun was not enough to
C) It’s true that neutrons do not have stop her from yelling at him.
much effect on the interaction between
atoms, but the mass and stability of the
nucleus are affected by them.
D) As far as the effects of neutron on the
mass and stability of the nucleus are
concerned, it would not be wrong to say
that they are negligible.
E) If the mass and stability of the nucleus
are not taken into consideration, the
little effect that neutrons have during a
fusion is almost nil.

Question Bank ( 68 Dilko Yayınları

Paraphrased Sentences

61. Bodrum and Çeşme are different in that 63. With her mouth wide open, the woman
the former attracts more foreigners. stared at the young couple hitting each
other in the park.
A) Çeşme differs from Bodrum as more
foreigners are attracted to it. A) The young couple hit the woman’s wide
B) What makes Bodrum and Çeşme mouth and ran into the park.
different is that the latter is preferred by B) As the young couple regretted fighting
foreigners. in a crowded park, they apologized to
C) When I saw Bodrum, I realized why the woman.
foreigners are attracted to it. C) Not knowing what to do, the woman
D) Bodrum is different from Çeşme began to hit the young couple in the
because it attracts more foreigners. park.
E) Preferring Bodrum to Çeşme is a big D) The woman’s wide mouth fell open
mistake made by foreigners. when she saw a young couple racing in
the park.
E) The woman was shocked when she
saw the young couple fighting in the

62. The elderly are inclined to be more As he was shaken by the pace of life in
understanding to youngsters. the city, the old man rushed back to his
A) Old people fail to understand young
people. A) The old man didn’t like the hectic city
B) Young people don’t want to listen to old life and returned to his hometown.
people. B) While he was fleeing to his hometown,
C) Senior citizens are not allowed to work the old man drove past several bustling
with youngsters. city centres.
D) The old tend to be kinder to the young. C) The chaotic city life didn’t prevent the
E) The older you get. the more difficult it is old man from settling in the city.
to understand the young generation. D) Not pleased with the monotonous life in
his home town, the old man wanted to
try the busy city life.
E) When the old man had gone back to his
hometown, he didn’t want to talk about
his sad experiences in the city.

Dilko Yaysnlan ( 69 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

65. What made me change my mind about 67. Can somebody tell me why we keep
him was his frank attitude. falling behind the schedule?

A) I didn’t like him despite his seemingly A) Why do you insist on making the
candid attitude. schedule yourself?
B) His obvious honesty showed that he B) I wonder if you can explain why we
changed his mind about me. have to stick to their schedule.
C) I was made to change my statement C) I don’t want us to fall behind the
about his forthright manners. schedule again.
D) His sincere manners led me to change D) Drawing up a plan before we take
my mind about him. action would probably have helped.
E) I was not the only one who tried to E) Following the schedule is not our
change this honest man’s mind. priority, so take your time.

None of the orders he placed could be The experiences an organism has during
its lifetime can affect its offspring only
transported by next month.
if the genes in its own sex cells are
changed by the experience.
A) He has never made such a big deal
before, so you won’t see him by next
A) In order to enable an offspring to benefit
from its parent’s experiences, there
B) He placed the ordered items carefully
must be some deliberate interference.
in the container and promised to send
B) If an offspring is not affected by
them by next month.
whatever has happened to its parent,
C) Next month appears to be the best time
it won’t be wrong to say that it has
to deliver the items ordered by him.
become immune against change.
D) He ordered a number of items, none of
C) Why some children are not affected by
which is likely to arrive by next month.
the experiences that their parents are
E) it won’t be possible to meet the man
exposed to is a mystery that science
who ordered those items by the end of
has not yet been able to explain.
next month.
D) Even if the sex cells of a parent are
not subject to any major change, it’s
highly likely that the progeny will suffer
unfavourable changes.
E) An offspring is not affected by the
experiences of its parent unless the
genes in the parent’s sex cells are

Question Bank Dilko YaymIan

( Paraphrased Sentences )

69. Some scientists before Copernicus had 71. Social organizations serve some
suggested that the earth and planets unstated purposes beyond those for
might rotate about a central sun, but he which they officially exist, such as
was the first to give reasons for such a excluding certain categories of people
belief. from activities.
A) Some people are not included in
A) Many scientists before Copernicus
activities in social organizations in
held that the earth and planets rotated
accordance with the implicit rules.
around a central sun and were able to
B) Social organizations are not always
explain this belief logically.
very tolerant to people who fail to keep
B) That the earth and planets were turning up with their rhythm in such gatherings.
around the sun was known by many
C) According to the official rules of
scientists including the genius of his
some organizations, it’s unacceptable
time. Copernicus.
to let some categories of people in their
C) Although Copernicus noticed that the
closely-knitted lives.
earth and planets might rotate about a
D) Official rules of social organizations do
centra! sun, he was unable to support
not openly state why they don't hesitate
his suggestion with solid evidence.
to include some people in their activities
D) The first scientist who anticipated that a
E although they don’t fit in with the rest.
comet would collide into the earth was o E) Activities in social organizations
Copernicus but he failed to convince his o
are not challenging enough for some
people, which is why they don't bother
E) Copernicus was not the first scientist
to become members.
to propose that the earth and planets
might turn around the sun, but he
was the first to support this opinion

70. Dating back to ancient times, the castle 72. Little as she was, Elif knew a lot about
looked as if it would collapse. life.
A) Little Elif was prepared to face the crisis
A) The date on one of the castle walls awaiting her.
made us think that it had to be pulled B) Elif knew the nature of life despite her
down. young age.
B) When we went back to the castle, we C) Her young age didn't let her understand
saw that it had collapsed. life.
C) The old castle built in ancient times was D) Her life was so miserable that Elif
terribly damaged. began to hate life at a young age.
D) If you don’t want to see the ancient E) Life had been ruthless to Elif, making
castle, we may as well do something her wiser than her peers.
E) We would have destroyed the building if
we had known it was so old.

Dilko Yayınları ( 71 J Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

73. Living in the city is a little more difficult 75. As I gain experience at work, I can see
at times than I could stand. more of the whole picture.

A) Sometimes I feel so tired in this city that A) While I was working in the office the
I can’t stand up. other day, I saw a complete picture.
B) Rarely do I feel strong enough to stand B) For your experience to be taken into
up for my rights in this city. account, you should see more of the
C) This difficult city life makes me feel picture.
even stronger. C) My experience at work turned out to be
D) I sometimes find city life too hard tor me inadequate to see the entire picture.
to bear. D) What I mean by seeing the entire
E) In order to live in the city, you must be picture is unrelated to the amount of
stricter than in the country. experience.
E) The more experienced I get, the better I
can see the whole picture.

74. You are recommended to spare some With the rate of crime by juveniles on the
money for your old ages. rise, people have been trying to create
effective ways to stop this trend.
A) It’s unacceptable not to spend your
money due to your worries about the A) The rate of crime among young people
future. is on the rise in spite of the fact that the
government has taken all the necessary
B) It’s wrong of you to save money for the
future because you don’t have one.
B) Because young people have
C) You are advised to spend as much been going on committing crimes
money as you can when you’re still continuously, the government has taken
young. action against this trend.
D) It’s advisable for you to spend more C) The rate of crime by juveniles has been
money at old ages. decreasing remarkably because of the
E) It will be wise of you to keep some of effective ways created by people to stop
your money for old ages. this trend.
D) Since the rate of crime among young
people is increasing, people have been
making an effort to find out useful ways
to put an end to this tendency.
E) Although many of us believe that the
rate of crime by juveniles is on the rise,
the government claims to stop this

Question Bank ( 72 ) Dilko Yayınları

Paraphrased Sentences

77. Only if they provide the appropriate 79. Had I been informed about the possible
document will a residence permit be changes in the draft, I would not have
issued to them. bothered to finalise it.

A) They will not have the permission to A) No matter how much I was told not to, I
reside even if they get the necessary would still try to make some changes in
document. the draft.
B) Whether they have the appropriate B) I wasn’t told about any possible
documents or not it will be difficult for modifications in the draft, so I attempted
them to get the residence permit. to settle it completely.
C) Even if they don’t need the residence C) It wasn’t until I was informed about
permit it will be more appropriate to possible modifications in the draft that I
have the official document. decided to give it up totally.
D) When they provided the right document D) If I were told about the possible
a residence was given to them. changes in the draft, I wouldn’t attempt
E) They won’t be given a residence permit to finish it completely.
unless they have the right document. E) Unless they tell me what to make as to
possible changes in the draft, I will not
deal with it.

78. John is still in a serious condition even I am of the opinion that Allan Poe’s short
though he has been under treatment for stories are much more exciting than his
almost two years. other forms of fiction.

A) The condition John is in still keeps its A) In my opinion, short stories by Allan
seriousness despite the treatment he Poe don’t have the pleasure that other
has received for nearly two years. forms give to his readers.
B) It is likely that John’s condition will be B) I think Allan Poe’s other types of fiction
getting worse since he has stopped are not so sensational as his short
receiving any treatment. stories.
C) Since John started receiving treatment C) Unlike his short stories, Allan Poe’s
for two years he has been feeling a lot other forms of writing have the potential
better. of attracting his readers.
D) Unless John is provided with immediate D) Despite the fact that Allan Poe’s short
treatment, his serious condition will not stories are considered to be the most
stop. boring, I don't agree with that.
E) John’s condition is getting worse and E) I believe that all of Allan Poe’s forms
worse due to the false treatment he has of writing are interesting but his short
received for virtually two years. stories.

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

81. Not only did the manager cancel the 83. Realising the importance of public
meeting but he also announced a new transport, the government introduced
date for it. more train and bus services.

A) The manager first decided to cali off the A) The government should have realised
meeting but he later gave up that idea. the importance of public transport long
B) The manager decided to call off not ago.
only the current meeting but also the B) The government increased the number
upcoming one. of train and bus services when they
G) The manager both called off the became aware of their importance.
meeting and declared a new date for it. C) If the government had realised the
D) The manager has difficulty determining importance of public transport, they
the exact time of the next meeting. would have introduced more train and
E) The meeting will be immediately called bus services.
off as soon as a new date is determined D) As the government have become aware
by the manager. of the importance of public transport,
they will increase the number of train
and bus services.
E) Most people would rather the
government had introduced more train
and bus services.

Babies who begin talking at an early age

82. It wasn’t until I came to my office that I
gain fluency in their native language
realised I had been robbed.
earlier than late talkers.

A) I could have understood I had been

A) Early talkers are much slower to
robbed before coming to my office.
achieve fluency in their mother tongue
B) When I understood I had been robbed, I
than late talkers.
directly went to my office.
B) No sooner do babies start talking
C) I immediately left my office as soon as I
than they gain fluency in their native
understood I had been robbed.
D) I understood I had been robbed only
C) When compared to babies who start
when I arrived at my office.
talking late in their development, early
E) I haven’t understood yet how I had
talkers are quicker to achieve fluency in
been robbed before I went to my office.
their mother tongue.
D) Babies, most of whom start talking at
an early stage of their development,
become gradually fluent in their mother
E) Babies who start talking at an early age
are thought to speak no more fluent
than the ones who begin talking late.

Question Bank ( 74 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

85. Native Americans have had difficulty 87. Sooner or later you’ll have to buy a
preserving their customs; nevertheless, computer if you want to keep the client
they’ve been able to pass down old records and documentation safe from
stories to the new generations. destruction.

A) New generation native Americans know A) it is only a matter of time before you
about old stories owing to the records need to buy one though you say you
preserved by their ancestors. don’t need a computer.
B) Old native stories have lived until today B) Even if you buy a computer, it will not
as they’ve been told from generation to be easy to provide security for your
generation. documents.
0) Despite the difficulty they’ve had in C) You had better replace your computer
preserving their traditions, native with a new one soon in order to work
Americans haven't failed to introduce more efficiently.
old stories to the generations of today. D) That you have bought a computer
D) As native Americans had had many doesn’t mean your client records
difficulties passing on old stories to the and documentation will be safe from
new generations, they were forgotten. destruction.
E) The old stories which were passed on E) At some time, you will certainly feel the
to the new generations are likely to be need to buy a computer to prevent your
forgotten soon by them. documents from destruction.

86. Because of the great stress and freedom 88. We weren’t going to extend our vacation,
that each partner feels due to modern but the weather was so nice that we
life, divorce is becoming more and more decided to stay for a few more days.
A) We didn’t want to stay more than two
A) The reason for divorce can be related days due to the bad weather conditions.
to many things such as stress and B) We could have stayed a few more days
demand for freedom, but the weather didn’t allow us.
B) Not only do people afflicted with stress C) The weather made it impossible for us
of modern life get divorced but also to have a bit longer holiday.
they are likely to remarry one or more D) If the weather hadn’t been so nice, we
times in their later lives. wouldn’t have stayed there longer than
C) Modern life gives couples a great deal we had scheduled.
of stress and a feeling of freedom; E) We couldn’t foresee that the weather
consequently, divorce is becoming would be so nice, that’s why we
something more common to turn to. returned earlier.
D) Those women under the great stress of
modern life find it easy to get divorced
thereby gaining more freedom.
E) Many couples who get into stress easily
are not very capable of overcoming it.

Dilko Yayınları ( 75 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences )

89. The police identified who the murderer 91. One of the most important days of the
was so easily because of the fingerprints year is the first of January and it is
he left on the pistol. celebrated all over the world.

A The police were not expected to solve A) New Year’s Day is one of the important
the criminal case in such a quick way. days of the year and it is celebrated by
B) No sooner had the police found the all the Christians.
body of the murdered person than they B) Although the first of January is one of
identified him. the important days of the year, it isn’t
C) It would have been difficult for the celebrated by many people.
police to discover murderer’s identity C) Nearly the whole world celebrates the
but for his fingerprints on the pistol. first of January because it is the first
D) It wasn’t so easy for the police to find day of a new year.
the murderer as he left no finger prints D) The first of January, which is celebrated
around. all over the world, is one of the most
E) First, the police had some difficulty important days of the year.
dealing with the murder but luckily they E) People all over the world will celebrate
found the murderer’s fingerprints. the first of January because it is the
beginning of a new century.

92. Hardly had the ship sailed off the

90. Your previous credit record has been harbour when a terrible storm broke out.
checked and your credit can’t be
extended because of your slow paying
; A) A terrible storm caught the ship just
after she had set out from the harbour.
B) The ship was sailing when the storm
A) Although you never pay your debts,
caused her to rock terribly.
they can extend credit to you this time.
C) There were miles ahead before the ship
B) This information is being sent to
was able to escape the terrible storm
you now so that we will avoid later
and reach the harbour.
misunderstandings about our credit
D) The ship had to sail in a terrible storm
away from the harbour.
C) Although you don’t have a bad
E) The ship was miles off the harbour
reputation as a businessman your credit
when a terrible storm caused her to
can’t be extended.
D) You lack the credit references required
so it is not possible to extend credit to
you for the time being.
E) If you hadn’t exceeded your credit limit,
you could have borrowed the necessary
amount of money from the bank.

Question Bank ( 76 3 Dilko Yayînlari

Paraphrased Sentences

93. You have no course background in 95. It is vital that people should be given
social sciences so we cannot consider information on the costs and effects of
you for the position in our Child Welfare noise pollution.
A) It is necessary to take some
A) Under these conditions you are precautions against the effects of noise
not eligible for consideration in our pollution.
department; however, we can offer you B) It is important for some people to get
a position in Child Care Department. information about noise pollution.
B) Applicants for the position in our Child C) People generally know a lot about the
Welfare Department don’t need a costs and effects of noise pollution.
background in social sciences. D) More research should be done on noise
C) Even if you can demonstrate a and its effects.
background in science, we will not be E) The public must be alerted to the
able to consider your application. dangers and the costs of noise
D) We won’t be able to offer you a position pollution.
in our Child Welfare Department
because you cannot demonstrate a
background in social sciences. E
E) When you finish the course we will o
consider your application and you will Q

96. Now that Mr. Miller has donated the

94. Vitamin C in large doses not only
o money needed for the conference hall,
protects against the common cold but
also offers considerable protection it should be completed in time for the
against other infectious diseases. ™ conference.

A) Usage of vitamin C in large amount £ A) Thanks to Mr. Miller’s donation, the

prevents common cold and also some £ conference hall will have most probably
contagious illnesses. been completed by the time the
B) Lack of vitamin C causes common conference begins.
cold and infectious diseases such as B) In spite of the money given by Mr. Miller
the construction of the conference
C) Large doses of vitamin C protect people
only from infectious diseases. hall cannot be completed before the
D) Neither vitamin C nor other medical conference.
treatments can protect us against C) The hall has finally been built for the
common cold. conference with the help of the money
E) Vitamin C in large amounts can only Mr. Miller gave generously.
protect against common cold not D) Mr. Miller had made a great
against infectious illnesses.
contribution, so the conference hall
required for the conference was built.
E) The construction of the conference hall
must be completed with Mr. Miller’s
donation, or else there won’t be a place
for a conference.

Dilko Yayınları I... IL....J Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

97. She insisted on keeping her coat on 99. We had to make the most economical
although it was extremely warm in the use of our time as we had only half a day
house as the central heating was on. there.

A) The house was extremely cold; A) We needn’t have stayed there more
therefore, she didn’t want to take her than half a day to accomplish our tasks.
coat off. B) We didn't want to stay there more
B) She kept her coat on, yet the central than half a day so we made the most
heating was on and it wasn’t cold in the economical use of our time.
house. C) Spending half a day there was
C) After we turned on the central heating enough for us to do all the necessary
she decided to take her co at off. arrangements.
D) She knew it was cold inside but she D) After spending half a day there we
didn’t turn on the central heating. finished all the tasks we were supposed
E) Since it was very cold outside, she to do.
turned on the central heating and E) We had only half a day to spend there
insisted on keeping her coat on. and it was necessary that we should
use that time efficiently.

98. When the body begins to lose heat faster 100. The director believed that the new
than it can produce, uncontrollable policy would be beneficial, therefore, he
trembling begins to develop. decided to adopt it for the next year.
A) Although the director displayed
A) When the amount of heat loss is greater
some hesitance in the beginning, he
than the amount of heat produced by eventually decided to use the new
the body, uncontrolled shivering starts. policy because of its benefits.
B) At the time of uncontrollable trembling, B) As the new policy was believed to be
the body starts to produce more heat useful by the director apart from his
than it loses. staff, it was agreed to be used for the
C) The condition which is called new year.
uncontrolled shivering is caused by the C) When a policy is considered to be
highly useful, it is recommended that it
rise of the usual body temperature.
should be used for the following year.
D) If the body temperature goes up D) Due to his belief in the usefulness of
rapidly, uncontrolled trembling starts the new policy, the director made his
immediately. decision to use it for the following year.
E) Uncontrolled shivering cannot be E) The director’s belief that the new
stopped even if the body can be kept policy would be useful enabled him to
warmer than it already is. convince others to use it for the new

Question Bank ( 78 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Paraphrased Sentences

101. I have no doubt that he will not 103. Of all the films I have seen up to now
disappoint the audience with his at the film festival, Rossetta is the one
performance after so many rehearsals he which is the most spectacular.
has made for the concert tonight.
A) No other film that I have watched until
A) He could have rehearsed more in order now at the film festival is as spectacular
not to disappoint the audience with his as Rossetta.
performance at the concert tonight. B) I have watched a number of films so far
B) As he has done a lot of rehearsals for at the festival and I think Rossetta is as
it, I’m sure he will satisfy the audience successfully directed as the other films.
with his performance at the concert C) Although Rossetta has proved to
tonight. be a successful film, there are more
C) Hadn’t he made enough rehearsals, successfully directed films at the
he couldn’t have satisfied the audience festival.
with his performance at the concert at D) Rossetta is a very successful movie
all. and I think everyone at the film festival
D) I am pretty sure that he will be able would like to see it.
to please the audience with his E) At the film festival, lots of movies have
performance at the concert tonight been shown up to now and Rossetta is
although he hasn’t rehearsed enough. the most spectacular one.
E) I think he will fail to please the audience
tonight as I know he hasn’t made any
rehearsals for the concert.

102. The opposition party recommends 104. At the end of the Independence War,
that the government should give there was almost not a single house
higher priority to some topics in the remained unaffected, not a single man
programme. who survived uninjured.

A) The government should have given A) When the Independence War was over,
a higher priority to some topics in the nearly every house was damaged and
programme since the opposition party hardly anyone was left without wounds.
advised them to do so. B) Wars are such events that when they
B) According to the opposition party, are over, everything is affected badly as
the government should pay special it was seen in the Independence War.
attention to some topics in the C) The people couldn’t protect themselves
programme, but it ignores it. and were heavily wounded during the
C) The government will give a higher Independence War.
priority to some topics in the D) When the Independence War was over,
programme although the opposition almost every house was damaged in
party hasn’t asked them for such a thing addition to the wounded who took an
yet. active part to defend the country.
D) The government's having given a higher E) The Independence War was more
priority to some topics in the programme damaging compared to the previous
made the opposition party feel satisfied ones in that it deeply affected everyone
with it. living in the country.
E) What the opposition party suggests is
that some subjects in the program be
given much more importance by the

Dilko Yayınlan l 79 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

105. Although adults often think that 107. John doesn’t have enough courage to
children are able to sleep easily, studies inform his mother of his having broken
suggest that many of them suffer from her favourite vase.
A) John daren’t tell his mother that he has
A) According to studies, whatever their broken her favourite vase.
parents may think, children often do B) The reason why John hesitated to tell
suffer from sleeplessness as often as his mother that he had broken her
adults do. favourite vase was that she would
B) Sleeping problems can be seen both absolutely get crazy when she heard it.
among youngsters and among adults C) After John broke her mother's favourite
opposite to what studies suggest. vase, he waited for a while before
C) Parents may think that no children telling it to his mother.
suffer from lack of sleep but actually D) At last John has admitted to have
they generally don’t sleep soundly as broken her mother’s favourite vase.
the studies suggest. E) There is no doubt that if John broke
D) No matter what parents think, most of his mother’s favourite vase, he would
the children suffer from variety of sleep inform her about it.
disorders and can’t sleep comfortably.
E) Adults generally think that children don’t
suffer from sleeping problems but in
fact contrary to their idea many of them
do according to the studies.

108. Should parents become uninterested in

106. You shouldn’t quit your job without
their children’s achievements at school,
informing your employer beforehand as
children are not likely to show any
it wouldn’t be right

A) It was wrong of you to give up working

A) If parents are aware of their children’s
without having notified your boss
limits and interested in their
achievements at school, children can
B) It would have been better if you had told
develop their skills more efficiently.
your boss about it when you decided to
B) Even if parents were more interested in
quit your job.
their children’s success at school, their
C) One cannot leave his work if he hasn’t
children would display some progress.
informed his employer some time
C) The main reason underlying the
success of children at school is that
D) It wouldn’t be a morally appropriate
their positive behaviours are reinforced
behaviour if you gave up working before
continuously by their parents.
you let your boss know about it.
D) Whether parents are interested in their
E) Ethically, you shouldn’t have resigned
children’s success at school or not,
from work without having notified your
children can’t develop their skills unless
manager in advance.
they have the desire to do so.
E) It is possible that children fail to display
progress if their parents are indifferent
to their accomplishments at school.

Question Bank ( 80 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

109. I am of the opinion that the last applicant 111. The fact that you have done well in one
will be the best choice for the post of exam doesn’t mean that you no longer
programmer. have to revise the vocabulary.

A) In my opinion, the last applicant is A) The more diligently you revise the
the most appropriate one to be the vocabulary, the better results you will
programmer, not the best one though. always get in the exams.
B) What I think is that al! of the applicants B) You will probably get a good mark
are good enough to be hired as a in the exam but without revising the
programmer but the last one. vocabulary, you may not get the same
C) I think that among all the other result once again.
applicants the last one is the most C) It was wrong of you to think that you
appropriate to be hired as the new didn’t need to revise the vocabulary
programmer. again just because you did well in an
D) I can’t see any reason for not hiring the exam.
last applicant as the new programmer. D) You shouldn’t think you can stop
E) No matter what the others think the last revising vocabulary only because you
applicant should be the one to sign in have been successful in an exam.
as the new programmer. E) If you don’t revise the vocabulary in
each time when you have an exam, it
will be difficult for you to answer the

110. Few of the students in the conference 112. Consuming a large quantity of sugar
hall realised how competent the lecturer does not only cause tooth decay but
was. leads to certain diseases as well.

A) In the conference hall none of the A) If one consumes a great deal of sugar
students were reluctant to listen to the regularly, it is possible that he will
lecturer. become ill.
B) Many students at the conference B) Eating too much sugar is known to be
hall were unable to appreciate the the primary cause of tooth decay and
effectiveness of the lecturer. there is evidence that it causes some
C) A great majority of the students in the fatal illnesses.
conference hall were impressed by the C) Whether it is consumed excessively or
competent lecturer. not, sugar is the main cause of tooth
D) Most students in the conference hali decay and some specific illnesses.
understood how experienced the D) Eating too much sugar results in both
lecturer was. tooth decay and particular ailments.
E) Among the students in the conference E) Although consuming sugar excessively
hall a few of them grasped what the always leads to toothache, it doesn’t
lecturer said. cause any fatal illnesses.

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 81 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences j

113. Both the director and the other dancers 115. It was possible to see the destructive
prefer not to tell their views about the effects of the hurricane only after the
new dancer’s performance. ocean tides had receded completely.

A) Although the new dancer performed A) It wasn't until the ocean tides had
well, neither the director nor the other drawn back totally that it became
dancers want to tell their opinions. possible to observe the adverse effects
B) Both the director and the other dancers of the hurricane.
wanted to discourage the new dancer B) No sooner had the ocean tides drawn
after the presentation. back than we noticed the effect of the
C) The director doesn’t want to tell his hurricane more clearly.
opinion about the performance of the C) Only when the ocean tides have
new dancer and neither do the other receded completely, will it be possible
dancers. to see all the effects of the hurricane.
D) The new dancer had no chance to D) By the time the ocean tides receded
learn the truth about his excellent completely, it was already possible
performance either from the director or to observe the negative effects of the
from the other dancers. hurricane.
E) The director and the other dancers E) If the ocean tides had receded entirely,
were so impressed by the performance we would have seen the devastating
of the new dancer that they didn't make effects of the hurricane.
any comments.

114. Birds are of enormous value to humanity 116. Building new highways seems to be
because of their destruction of insect the most important subject on the
pests and weed seeds. government’s agenda for the time being.

A) As birds demolish insect pests and A) Building new highways will be the most
weed seeds they are immensely significant item on the agenda this term.
valuable for human beings. B) For the moment, the most important
B) Birds are very important for humans subject, although not included on the
together with insect pests and weed government’s agenda, is building new
seeds. highways.
C) Destruction of birds will certainly cause C) Building new highways appears to be
people a big problem as there will be one of the most significant items on the
nothing left to destroy insect pests and agenda that the government should
weed seeds. handle now.
D) Birds’ value to humanity is the result of D) There is no doubt that there are other
the fact that they eradicate insect pests. issues as important as the building of
E) Nothing is more important to humanity new main roads for now.
than birds as they demolish insect pests E) Nothing on the government’s
and weed seed. programme appears as important as
the building of new main roads for now.

Question Bank ( 82 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

Paraphrased Sentences

117. A false statement in your application 119. The only condition on which James will
form can cause you to lose your chance accept to work in our company is that he
of getting the job. gets a satisfactory salary.

A) You could have been accepted for A) Even if James is offered a satisfactory
the job if you hadn’t given wrong salary, I don’t think he will accept to
information about yourself in your work in our company.
application. B) Only if James is satisfied with his
B) A wrongly prepared application form earning, will he join our company.
could cause you trouble when you C) To be offered a satisfactory salary is not
apply for the job. the only condition that James states to
C) You may not be able to get the job if accept a post in our company.
you give inaccurate information in your D) The reason for which James accepted
application form, to join our company is that he was
D) Not to lose the job, you have to avoid offered a relatively high salary.
giving wrong information about yourself. E) James is expected to accept our job
E) In order not to lose your chances of offer because the management has
getting the job, you shouldn’t have offered him a satisfactory salary.
given wrong information in your E
application form. o


118. Had my parents not encouraged me, I -X 120. Although I didn’t want to work with my
would never have become a musician. friend to finish the project, I did, as our
teacher wanted me to do so.
A) But for my parents’ support, there £
wouldn’t have been any chance for me £ A) Because of my teacher’s insistence, I
to become a musician. 5 had to complete the project with my
B) Thanks to my parents’ encouragement, friend reluctantly.
I hope to become a musician. B) I have refused to work with my friend on
C) If my parents supported me, there could the project but my teacher will force me
be some chance for me to become a to do so.
musician. C) I couldn’t have finished the project
D) If my parents had supported me without my friend’s help if my teacher
enough, I would have already become hadn’t warned us.
a musician. D) I didn’t have to work with my friend
E) As long as my parents back me up in to finish the project contrary to my
my profession, I will keep on composing teacher’s expectations.
songs. E) Although our teacher made us work
together on the project, my friend and I
wanted to finish it all by ourselves.

Dilko Yayınları ( 83 ) Question Bank

Pa raphrased Sentences )

121. It wasn’t until the economic depression 123. There have been some fluctuations
made thousands of people redundant in economy so the value of dollar has
that the government understood its increased.
A) No matter how stable economy is in a
A) If the government had taken the country, the value of dollar is bound to
economic depression more seriously, increase.
thousands of people wouldn’t have had B) People didn’t show demand for
to ook for a new job. dollar before the economy had some
B) No action that the government fluctuations.
took against the serious economic C) The sudden increase in dollar is due to
depression prevented it from making the unstable economy of the country.
thousands of people redundant. D) Wherever the economy is fluctuated in
C) The government did not notice the world, the value of dollar increases.
the seriousness of the economic E) Due to some instability in economy,
depression before it made thousands of dollar has reached a greater value.
people lose their jobs.
D) Unfortunately nothing that the
government did against the serious E
economic depression was enough to o
save thousands of people from losing O
their jobs.
E) Government realized the seriousness
of the economic depression and took o
serious action but it was useless as c
many people had already lost their jobs.

122. Just before he died, the physicist David 124, If the hikers in the avalanche zone had
Bohm explained how he developed his taken precautions, this tragedy would
alternative view of the quantum world. never have happened.

A) Had he not died, the physicist David A) Despite the warnings, the hikers
Bohm would have explained his behaved so foolishly; that’s why,
establishing an alternative view of the this tragedy in the avalanche zone
quantum world. happened.
B) When David Bohm died, he had already B) Having paid no attention to precautions,
explained how he developed his own the hikers were inevitably involved in
view of the quantum world. the tragedy in the avalanche zone.
C) David Bohm, the physicist, had C) Only if the hikers in the avalanche zone
developed his own view of the quantum had acted sensibly at the time when
world and he didn’t hesitate to explain it they had a chance, could they have
before he died. saved their lives.
D) Before his alternative view of the D) The reason of this tragic outcome in the
quantum world was explained, the avalanche zone was the result of the
physicist David Bohm had died. hikers’ not having taken any measures.
E) It wasn’t long before his death that the E) The precautions taken by the hikers in
physicist David Bohm explained the the avalanche zone were not enough to
way he established his alternative view save their lives.
of the quantum world.

Question Bank I 84 I Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

125. As this wasn’t the first time he had 127. Like so many people in this region,
cheated in the exam, his teacher couldn’t the people who come here have been
have forgiven him. obliged to seek work far from home.

A) It was not possible for the teacher A) The only way for people to come to
to forgive him since he had cheated this region is to seek work not far from
before. home, like so many others.
B) Although he cheated many times B) If people want to find a job, they are
in exams, each time his teacher obliged to live nearby, like many other
pretended not to see him. people.
C) His teacher might have forgiven him C) Similar to the majority of the settlers in
since it was the first time he had this region, people moving here have
cheated in an exam. had to look for a job away from their
D) Though he promised not to do so, residence.
he cheated again in the exam so his D) Those living in the area don’t have to
teacher decided to punish him. search for a job near their houses.
E) Despite his teacher’s warning, he E) Although their homes are not near,
cheated during the exam that’s why this people living here can easily find new
time he has been severely punished. E jobs, like so many others.

126. Even if he had run faster than he would 128. A visit to the park is not only fascinating
ever run, he wouldn’t have been able to 5 but also educational, particularly for
beat the winner. children and young people.
5 A) As it is both charming and teaching,
A) Although he ran fast, he wasn’t able to the park is worth visiting especially for
be the first to finish the race. children and younger generation.
B) No matter how hard he tried, he B) Being both educational and fun, the
wouldn’t have been able to run faster park should be visited by everyone.
than the winner. C) Unless you are an adult, you won’t be
C) He could have beaten the winner if he fascinated when you visit the park.
had tried to run a bit faster. D) What makes the park fascinating is its
D) All he had to do was to run faster to win educational value, both for children and
but he wasn’t able to do so. adults.
E) Despite being fast, he wasn't able to E) If children and young people want to
make it to the finish line. visit the park and be fascinated, they
should devote a whole day.

Dilko Yay ml ar i ( 85 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

129. Although he devoted his life to his 131. It’s easy to find cheap goods, but finding
own research, he also attached great out why they cost so little isn’t always so
importance to teaching. easy.

A) Because he spent a iot of time doing his A) Buying the goods you need at a
research, he couldn't go on teaching. reasonable price does not necessarily
B) In spite of his negligence of education, mean you save some money.
his life was occupied with his own B) You can easily find cheap goods yet
research. you can’t always understand why they
C) As well as spending most of his time on are so cheap.
teaching, he gave importance to other C) Looking for cheaper alternatives is not
fields of research. always a good idea as it might take
D) If he gives importance to research, he longer than you think.
should devote his life to education. D) When we realized that the goods were
E) Even though he spent most of his time less costly than we had thought, we
doing his research, he considered happily did a lot of shopping.
teaching to be important as well. E) You will see that it’s always very easy
to find inexpensive alternatives if you
are patient enough.

130. We are not all wealthy enough to live on 132. Many people think the future lies with
the shores of the Bosphorus but we can alternative fuels made from waste
at least enjoy outings there. products.

A) The only advantage of living in A) Numerous people tend to believe that

Bosphorus is to go sightseeing. we will mostly use alternative fuels
B) It is certain that the best place to live made from waste products.
is nowhere but Bosphorus, where you B) The number of people who choose to
can have nice time out. use alternative fuels made from waste
C) People who are lucky and rich live on products has risen dramatically.
the coast of Bosphorus but we can’t. C) Alternative fuels made from waste
D) Although not all of us can afford to live products will never be an actual
on the coast of Bosphorus, we may just alternative to fuels made from crude oil.
take pleasure in the area. D) If the world had started to use
E) Those lucky people living on the shores alternative fuels made from waste
of the Bosphorus usually don't like products earlier, we wouldn’t worry
going out very much. about global warming now.
E) In the near future, car manufacturers
will produce models that use alternative
fuels made from waste products.

Question Bank ( 86 ) Dilko Yaytnlart

Paraphrased Sentences

133. Boxing is the only sport in which the 135. Building muscle depends on your genes,
participants do not know the score until how hard you train, and whether you get
the contest ends. enough calories.

A) There are only a few other sports in A) The quality of your genes and the
which players find out the result of the scope of your training are not as
game after the match. effective in building muscles as the
B) At the end of a boxing match, fighters calories you get.
can usually feel who has won even B) if you 'want to have stronger muscles,
before the result is announced. all you need to do is to take enough
C) There is no other sport than boxing calories and train as hard as you can.
where contestants learn the result only C) Genes, the amount of training, and
after the event is over. calorie intake are the factors that
D) The score of a boxing match is contribute to muscle build-up.
announced when both contestants are D) Not everyone who regularly trains and
ready to hear it. consumes enough high-calorie food is
E) Boxing is different from other fighting sure to have a muscular body.
sports in that it has got loads of fans in E) Training and nutrition are important for
almost every country in the world. muscle growth but muscle strength is
related to the quality of genes.

134. The rent you pay is far from being high 136. Animal production facilities adversely
because your apartment is in an elegant affect our environment if not managed
part of the city. properly.

A) You appear to have been paying a lot A) Any animal production facility that
higher rent than your apartment is worth disturbs the environment can be
although it’s in a chic place. rehabilitated by an able manager.
B) I have trouble understanding why B) A production facility that disturb the
you choose to live in an expensive realm of animals is considered harmful
apartment when there are more to the environment.
reasonable ones available. C) An animal production facility managed
C) It was you who decided to pay this high inappropriately has a negative impact
rent despite the many warnings we on the environment.
made, so you cannot blame us. D) We can protect our environment against
D) If you want to avoid paying a high rent, harmful effects by closing down all
what you ought to do is to move to a anima! production facilities.
plainer part of the city. E) Improper management in animal
E) Considering your apartment’s unique production facilities leads to great
location, it would be unfair to say that losses, so we must warn the public
you pay a high rent. about it.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 87 ) Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

137. Not having been unaware of the likely 139. Women started to fight for their rights a
consequences of the decision I took, century ago but there are still few women
I was shaken to see my company go in positions of power.
A) Although there have been many
A) If! had been warned before I made successful women in the past hundred
a decision, I could have saved my years, there are still some men
company from economic failure. who claim women can’t make good
B) Being a very good decision-maker, I managers.
ver/ well knew that I was not risking the B) As a result of the one-century-long
future of my company with the decision women rights movement, there are
I made. plenty of women in powerful positions
C) I was planning to amaze the today.
shareholders with the risky decision C) Notwithstanding the fact that women
I made, which turned out to be a big have been struggling for their rights
mistake. for a century, the number of women in
D) Seeing my company fail was shocking positions of power is small.
because I did not know what kind of D) When the women rights movement
consequences my decision would have. started almost a century ago, there
E) Even after my plans fell through, I knew were very few women who occupied
that there was something I could do to powerful positions.
save the company. E) Since women started to fight for their
rights one hundred years ago, the
number of women in positions of power
has increased dramatically.

138. The boss does not allow us to make 140. If only you had been courteous enough
personal calls In the office unless there to explain the reason for your behaviour
is an emergency. last night.

A) Only if there is an emergency in the A) Your behaviour last night was so rude
office are we allowed to call the boss. that even the most courteous person in
B) We cannot make personal calls within the world would have gone crazy.
the office except that there is an urgent B) Explaining why you acted the way
situation. you did last night will probably provide
C) Even if there is a critical situation, you another chance to save your
the boss does not want us to make relationship.
personal calls. C) Were I you, I would have bought her
D) If there is a vital situation then the boss a gift to make up for the trouble that I
lets us make an international phone caused last night.
call. D) Had you been kind enough the night
E) The boss does not mind our making before your behaviour would be
phone calls whether or not there is an meaningful now.
emergency. E) You should have been polite enough to
make an explanation for your behaviour
last night.

Question Bank ( 88 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Paraphrased Sentences

141. You have got to be brave enough to 143. A proficient writer needs to be
openly say it’s no one but you to be concerned with sentence clarity to
blamed for the accident. communicate with the reader effectively.

A) Even though you are the most A) It’s not very easy to become a proficient
courageous person I have met, I know writer, though every move in that
that you cannot explain the situation direction is worth the effort.
openly. B) Failing to interact with his readers as
B) You are the only person responsible effectively as he wants, the untalented
for the accident, so you must act boldly writer has decided to end his career.
and make this fact known. C) The most important thing that a
C) Having enough courage to take the proficient writer can achieve is to be
risk, you explained the situation in the able to communicate with readers
clearest possible way. successfully.
D) Blaming other people for what D) A writer can feel confident as long as
happened is useless as we know very he observes his relationship with his
well that it hasn’t helped whatsoever readers is running smoothly.
previously. E) Capable writers must produce
E) The accident was blamed on you and unambiguous statements so that their
you did not object to it, which I believe readers can understand them properly.
was very stupid of you.

144. The salesman’s performance got worse

142. Had you not warned me about the as he became more focused on his
shortcoming in the system, it would have personal interests.
failed a long time ago.
A) The more the salesman concentrated
A) The problem with the system was its on his work, the more useful he became
narrow vision, which paved the way for for the company.
a complete failure. B) If the salesman could have focused on
B) None of us was unaware of the the job he was doing, he would have
impending failure until you changed our enhanced his portfolio.
direction with those sharp remarks. C) A good salesman would never think of
C) Each system has got a gap and it’s the losing his customers because of their
job of people like you to detect them unusual work habits.
and break through. D) Having lost his leading position in the
D) Not many of us was worried about a company, the salesman decided to
failure in the system and so we simply concentrate on his own future.
ignored your warning. E) What led the salesman to perform
E) You warned me about the weakness worse was his increasing interest in
in the system and this prevented its personal gains.
subsequent collapse.

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 89 J Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

145. Education has no higher purpose than 147. Tobacco companies tell people to quit
preparing people to lead fulfilling lives. smoking but they manipulate nicotine
levels to keep smokers addicted.
A) The only purpose of education is to
provide young people with pleasing A) In spite of the tobacco companies’
lives. sincere efforts, many smokers cannot
B) A good education system must be able stop smoking because of their addiction
to teach people to live happily with little to nicotine.
money. B) Despite advising people to give up
C) No matter how well-educated you are, smoking, tobacco companies change
you can’t be happy without material nicotine levels so that people cannot
wealth. stop the habit.
D) The most important goal of education is C) As a result of tobacco companies' long-
to help people have satisfying lives. lasting efforts, the number of smokers
E) People who go through a good who get over their addiction to nicotine
education do not collapse easily in case is on the increase.
of failure. D) By changing the amount of nicotine in
their cigarettes, tobacco companies are
trying to maintain their market share.
E) Cigarette addicts ignore warnings
made by tobacco companies so they
have decided to reduce the amount of
nicotine per cigarette.

146. When precision is desired, the calculator 148. Although some diets pay off, the
offers many practical advantages over maintenance of a reduced weight
paper and pencil. depends on a change in lifestyle.

A) Precise calculations can be made with A) Various diets promise weight reduction,
high quality calculators rather than yet most of them are known to cause
paper and pencil. serious health problems.
B) In cases where correctness is B) If you don’t want to regain the kilos
important, a calculator is more useful you’ve lost through a tough diet, you
than paper and pencil. mustn’t go back to your old eating
C) The advantages of an expensive habits.
calculator are trivial when compared C) It's true that some diets help lose
with the comfort of using paper and weight, but to keep that lowered weight,
pencil. a change in lifestyle is required.
D) Using paper and pencil for calculations D) Trying to lose weight so as to be more
instead of a calculator is a big mistake. attractive is a trend imposed by our
E) An accurate calculation requires the beauty-oriented society.
use of a calculator as well as paper and E) The shorter time you spend to lose
pencil. weight, the earlier you find yourself
putting it back on.

Question Bank i..... 9Q m Dilko Yayınlan

Paraphrased Sentences

149. No one was hurt when the school bus 151. Had I known about toxic household
collided with a car yesterday, because products before I got sick, I could have
both were travelling at low speed. avoided them.

A) Due to their low speed, the school bus A) If I knew more about toxic household
and a car avoided running into each products, I would be able to avoid them.
other yesterday. B) But for my knowledge about toxic
B) Nobody would have survived the crash products, I wouldn’t have been able to
if the school bus and the car had been avoid them.
travelling fast at the time. C) Though I didn’t know about toxic
C) When they got involved in a car crash products, I was able to avoid them.
yesterday, their low speed prevented D) I didn’t know about toxic products
the school bus and a car from causing before I got sick; that’s why I couldn’t
injuries to people. avoid them.
D) If the school bus and the car had been E) Because I don’t know about toxic
going at a faster speed than they were, products, I can’t avoid them.
they would have collided.
E) Yesterday the school bus collided with
a car as both exceeded the speed limit,
causing some people to be injured.

150. He made the right deduction about the 152. He had no sooner received his diploma
identity of the killer because he had been than he started working for a chemical
a detective for many years. company.

A) His many years of experience as a A) As soon as he received his diploma,

detective helped him to infer who the he started working for a chemical
killer was. company.
B) He had spent many years practising as B) Although he couldn’t receive his
a detective before he at last identified diploma, he started working for a
the killer. chemical company.
C) It is his many years of experience as a C) When he receives his diploma, he will
detective that helps him find a killer. start working for a chemical company.
D) It did not take him long to identify the D) Before he received his diploma, he had
killer since he was an experienced already started working for a chemical
detective. company.
E) As he had been a detective for many E) If he had received his diploma, he could
years, he was able to catch criminals have started working for a chemical
very easily. company.

Dilko Yayınları Question Bank

Paraphrased Sentences

153. You needn’t have talked to the manager 155. If you consider the financial rewards
about a pay-rise because you had of high level positions, the stressful
already been entitled to it nature of these positions becomes less
A) it was unnecessary for you to talk to the
manager regarding a pay-rise as you A) As long as you are ready to cope with
would get it anyway. the stress of high level positions, the
B) It was wrong of you to talk to the financial rewards of these positions
manager about the pay-rise since you become important.
couldn’t have had it anyway. B) When you take the financial rewards
C) You will be given a pay-rise whether of high levei positions into account,
you talk to the manager about it or not. the stressful nature of these positions
D) The fact that you talked to the manager becomes unbearable.
on the topic of the pay-rise was what C) The more financial rewards high level
made you get it. positions offer, the more important
E) It was clever of you to talk to the these positions become.
manager regarding a pay-rise as you D) You should remember the financial
wanted it so much. rewards of high level positions;
otherwise, you might find the
stressful nature of these positions too
E) However stressful high level positions
are, their financia! rewards are never

154- Jenny will definitely pay off her debt 156. Attentive focusing on the professor’s
tomorrow if she said so as she is the lecture was not always completely
trustworthiest person I have ever seen. possible.

A) You do not have to worry if you have A) I nearly always find it impossible to
lent some money to Jenny as she will follow what the professor is talking
most probably pay it back on time.
B) It is most likely for her to be unable to
pay her debt back tomorrow although B) It was sometimes completely
Jenny is known to be a reliable person. impossible to pay full attention to what
C) You can rely on Jenny paying back her the professor was lecturing about.
debt tomorrow since no one I have ever C) Students always found it possible
seen is as reliable as her. to listen to the professor’s lecture
D) Jenny can be relied on to pay what she attentively.
owes most of the time since she is a
D) Listening to the professor’s lecture
woman of her word.
E) Being a very reliable person, Jenny is carefully was always impossible.
sure to come through to clear her debt E) Focusing on a lecture may sometimes
as soon as possible. become very difficult.

Question Bank ( 92 J Dilko Yayınları

( Paraphrased Sentences )

157. Sometimes a particular part of one 159. Luckily, not having attempted to steal
musical piece affects the listener more before, Peter wasn’t charged with an
than another piece in its entirety. offence when the police caught him
A) Listeners may be influenced more by a
particular part of one musical piece than A) Peter was lucky that he was let off by
by another whole piece. the police as it was the first time he had
B) One part of a musical piece might have been caught stealing.
more influence on the listener than B) The police would not release Peter if
another. it were not the first time he has been
C) Listeners do not always prefer listening caught stealing.
to a part of one musical piece to C) Peter was lucky that the police did not
listening to an entire piece. want to continue with the case against
D) Parts of one musical piece usually give him when he was caught stealing once
the listener more pleasure than another again.
piece. D) The fact that Peter was not arrested by
E) A whole musical piece sometimes gives the police did not mean that he would
the listener as much pleasure as a stop stealing.
particular partof one musical piece. E) It is the first time Peter has been caught
stealing and luckily he has not been
charged with an offence.

158. The storm that swept through the half of 160. Seeing that none of the students have
the country last night left most of three brought their assignments today, I must
cities without power. not have stated it clearly.

A) As a result of the storm destroying the A) Although none of the students have
half of the country, most cities were left brought their assignments today, I am
without power. pretty sure that I stated it clearly.
B) Last night the storm ruined most of the B) Not all the students would have brought
cities in the country leaving three of their assignments if I had not indicated
them without power. clearly that they were supposed to do it
C) Most of the three cities were left without today.
power after the storm destroying half of C) I did not say that the assignments were
the country last night. supposed to be submitted today so
D) The storm left the half of the country in none of the students handed in theirs.
complete destruction and three cities D) Not even one student has brought his
completely without power last night. assignment so apparently I did not point
E) When the storm was over, there were out clearly that they were supposed to
only a few cities that were left without do it today.
power. E) None of the students handed in their
assignments despite the fact that they
were supposed to do it today.

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank


3. The two obstacles researchers have

1.-62. sorularda, verilen İngilizce traditionally faced are terribly expensive
cümlenin Türkçesîni bulunuz. parts and difficulty in attracting funding.

A) Araştırmacılar geleneksel olarak iki

1. Many people are unaware of the engelle karşılaşırlar fakat son derece
beneficial role that massage can play in pahalı parçalar ve zor fonların çekiciliği
both strength and flexibility. daha ağır basar.
B) Araştırmacıların geleneksel olarak
A) Çoğu insan masajın öneminden karşılaştıkları engel, son derece pahalı
habersiz oldukları için güç ve esneklik parçalardır ve bu durumda fon bulmak
gerektiren oyunlardan çekinirler. zorlaşır.
B) Pek çok kişinin bilgisi olmadığı bir konu C) Araştırmacıların geleneksel olarak
olan masaj, güç ve esneklikte son karşılaştıkları iki engel, son derece
derece önemlidir. pahalı parçalar ve fon bulma
C) Masaj hem güç hem de esneklikte son zorluğudur.
derece önemlidir fakat çoğu kişi bundan D) İki engel araştırmacıları geleneksel
habersizdir. olarak zorlamaktadır ki bunları aşmanın
D) Çoklan için son derece önemli bir role yolu son derece pahalı parçalar için fon
sahip olan masaj, hem güç hem de bulmaktır.
esneklikte faydalı olabilir. E) İki engel araştırmacıları geleneksel
E) Pek çok insan masajın hem güç olarak zorlaşa da bunları son derece
hem de esneklikteki faydalı rolünden pahalı parçalar için fon bularak
habersizdir. aşmışlardır.

2. The basic instrument has not changed

substantially since the Baroque era,
although the methods of using it have.

A) Kullanma metotları değişmiş olsa da

ana enstrüman, Barok döneminden beri
önemli bir değişikliğe uğramamıştır.
B) Ana enstrüman, Barok döneminden
beri önemli bir değişikliğe uğramamıştır
çünkü Barok döneminin metotları
C) Barok döneminden beri önemli bir
değişikliğe uğramamış olan ana
enstrüman, kullanma metotlarını
D) Kullanma metotları değişmiş
olabilir fakat ana enstrüman, Barok
döneminden beri önemli bir değişikliğe
E) Barok döneminden beri temel bir
işlevi olan enstrüman, metotlardaki
değişikliklerden etkilenmemiştir.

Question Bank ( 96 ) Dilko Yayınlan


4. By analyzing plant remains in the An allergy is a disorder in which the

1970s, British archaeologist and body overreacts to harmless substances
botanist Gordon Hillman proved that the which in normal circumstances should
inhabitants of this village were among not produce any reaction at all.
the earliest people to cultivate land.
A) Vücudun normal şartlar altında
A) 1970’lerde bitki kalıntılarını inceleyerek, reaksiyon vermeyeceği zararsız
bu köyde yaşayanların toprağı ilk maddelere karşı oluşan aşırı tepkiye
işleyen insanlardan olduklarını alerji denir.
kanıtlayan kişi, İngiliz arkeolog ve B) Alerji, vücudun normal şartlar altında
botanikçi Gordon Hiilman’dır. hiçbir reaksiyona yol açmayan zararsız
B) 1970’lerde bitki kalıntılarını inceleyen maddelere karşı aşırı tepki gösterdiği
İngiliz arkeolog ve botanikçi Gordon bir rahatsızlıktır.
Hillman, bu köyde yaşayanların toprağı C) Alerji, vücudun zararsız maddelere
ilk işleyen insanlardan olduklarını karşı aşırı tepki gösterdiği bir rahatsızlık
kanıtlamıştır. olarak tanımlanabilir.
C) Bu köyde yaşayanların toprağı D) Alerji, vücudun zararsız maddelere
ilk işleyen insanlardan olduklarını karşı aşırı tepki gösterdiği bir
kanıtlayan İngiliz arkeolog ve botanikçi rahatsızlıktır.
Gordon Hillman, 1970’lerde bitki E) Alerji, bazı maddelere karşı vücudun
kalıntılarını incelemiştir. aşırı tepki gösterdiği ancak tedavisi çok
D) İngiliz arkeolog ve botanikçi Gordon zor olmayan bir rahatsızlıktır.
Hillman, bitki kalıntılarını incelemiş
ve bu sayede bu köyde yaşayanların
toprağı ilk işleyen insanlardan
olduklarını kanıtlayabilmişim
E) İngiliz arkeolog ve botanikçi Gordon
Hillman, 1970’lerde bitki kalıntılarını
inceleyerek, bu köyde yaşayanların
toprağı ilk işleyen insanlardan If you’re thinking about taking a second
olduklarını kanıtlamıştır. job, be realistic about whether you can
physically meet the demands of both.

A) Eğer ikinci bir iş edinmeyi

düşünüyorsanız, gerçekçi olun ve her
iki işin gereklerini yerine getirebilmek
için gerekenleri yapın.
B) İkinci bir iş edinmeyi düşünüyorsanız,
fiziksel olarak, her iki işin gereklerini
yerine getirip getiremeyeceğiniz
konusunda gerçekçi olun.
C) Eğer her iki işin gereklerini yerine getirip
getiremeyeceğiniz konusunda gerçekçi
olabiliyorsanız, ikinci bir iş yapmayı
D) İkinci bir işi kabul ettiğinize göre,
her iki işin fiziksel gereklerini yerine
getirebileceğinizi düşünüyor olmalısınız.
E) İkinci bir iş seçeneğini düşünüyorsanız,
gerçekçi olun ve fiziksel isteklerinizin
karşılanabiiirliğini değerlendirin.

Dilko Yayınlan I 97 ) Question Bank


7. From 1850 onwards, there appears Research has shown that active
to have been a cooling trend until the flexibility is more related to the level
beginning of the 20th Century. of sports achievement than is passive
A) 1850’den itibaren, 2O.yüzyıhn başlarına
kadar bir soğuma eğilimi olmuş gibi A) Spordaki başarı düzeylerini ele
görünüyor. alan çalışma, aktif esnekliğe pasif
B) 1850’den 2O.yüzyıhn başlarına kadar esneklikten çok daha fazla önem
devam eden bir soğuma eğilimi olduğu vermiştir.
açıkça görülmektedir. B) Araştırmalar yapılmış ve görülmüştür ki
C) 2O.yüzyıhn başlarına kadar devam eden spordaki başarı düzeyinin, aktif ve pasif
soğuma eğiliminin 1850’de başladığı esneklik ile ilişkisi çok fazladır.
görülmektedir. C) Yapılan araştırmaların ardından vanlan
D) Görünen şudur ki 1850’den 2O.yüzyıhn sonuca göre, aktif esnekliğin, spordaki
başlarına kadar devam eden bir başarı düzeyiyle ilişkisi, pasif esnekliğe
soğuma eğilimi olmuştur. göre daha fazladır.
E) Görünüşe göre,1850’den 2O.yüzyıhn D) Araştırmalar, aktif esnekliğin, spordaki
başlarına kadar devam eden soğuma başarı düzeyiyle ilişkisinin, pasif
eğilimi çok etkili olmuştur. esnekliğe göre daha fazla olduğunu
E) Bu araştırma, spordaki başarı düzeyinin
hem aktif hem de pasif esneklikle
yakından ilgili olduğunu göstermiştir.

8. Once inside the body, the caffeine 10. Antarctica also has one active volcano,
stimulates the burning process of fat, which emits steam and gives out ash
and the effects are noticeable within a even though it is in a snowy region.
short period of time.
A) Antarktika’daki aktif volkan, karlı bir
A) Bir keresinde, vücuda giren kafein, bölgede olmasına rağmen, buhar yayar
yağın yakılması sürecini harekete ve kül püskürtür.
geçirdi ve doğal olarak etkileri çok kısa B) Antarktika’da yalnızca bir aktif volkan
bir süre içinde fark edilebildi. vardır ve bu volkan, buhar yayar ve kül
B) Kafein vücuda girince, yağın yakılması püskürtme özelliğine sahiptir.
sürecini harekete geçirir ve etkileri çok C) Karlı bir bölgede bulunmasına
kısa bir süre içinde fark edilebilir. rağmen, Antarktika buhar ve kül yayan
C) Vücuda giren kafein, yağın yakılması volkanlara sahiptir.
sürecini harekete geçirir ve kısa bir sure D) Karlarla kaplı bir bölge olmasına
içinde siz de etkilerini fark edebilirsiniz. rağmen Antarktika, hem buhar yayan
D) Etkileri çok kısa bir süre içinde fark hem de kül püskürten bir volkana
edilebilen kafein, vücuda girdikten kısa sahiptir.
bir süre sonra yağın yakılması sürecini E) Antarktika karlı bir bölgede olmasına
harekete geçirir. rağmen buhar yayan ve kül püskürten
E) Yağın yakılması sürecini harekete aktif bir volkana da sahiptir.
geçiren kafein, vücuda girdikten sonra
kısa bir süre içinde fark edilebilir.

Question Bank ( 98 ) Dilko Yayınlan


11. Experiments conducted at the 13. The study conducted in 2004 showed
University of Pennsylvania showed that computer use neither sped up nor
consumption of chocolate had no effect slowed down writing.
on the incidence of acne.
A) 2004’de bir araştırma yapıldı ve
A) Sivilcelerin ortaya çıkmasında hiç bir anlaşıldı ki bilgisayar kullanımı,
etkisi olmadığı bilinen çikolata tüketimi, yazma yeteneğini ne hızlandırır ne de
Pennsylvania Üniversitesi’ndeki yavaşlatır.
çalışmalara da konu olmuştur. B) 2004’de yapılan araştırmaya göre,
B) Pennsylvania Üniversitesi’nde yürütülen bilgisayar kullanımı, yazma yeteneğini
çalışmalar ortaya koymuştur ki çikolata hızlandırmaz da yavaşlatmaz da.
tüketimi ile sivilcelerin oluşumu C) 2004’de yapılan araştırma, bilgisayar
arasında herhangi bir bağlantı yoktur. kullanımının, yazma yeteneğini ne
C) Pennsylvania Üniversitesi’nde yapılan hızlandırdığını ne de yavaşlattığım
deneyler, çikolata tüketiminin sivilce gösterdi.
oluşumu üzerinde hiç bir etkisi D) 2004’de yapılan araştırmalar içinde en
olmadığını gösterdi. önemli olanı, bilgisayar kullanımının,
D) Pennsylvania Üniversitesi’nde bazı yazma yeteneğini ne hızlandırdığını ne
deneyler yapıldı ve çikolata tüketiminin E de yavaşlattığım gösteren araştırmaydı.
sivilce oluşumu üzerinde hiç bir etkisi o E) 2004’de yapılan araştırmalar, bilgisayar
olmadığı ortaya çıktı. kullanımının, yazma yeteneği üzerinde
E) Çikolata tüketiminin sivilce oluşumu hiç bir etkisi olmadığını ortaya koymayı
üzerinde hiç bir etkisi olmadığı gerçeği, amaçlıyordu.
Pennsylvania Üniversitesinde yapılan O
deneylerle de doğrulandı.


12. A wind that blows as fast as the fastest 14. The survival of the bee through the cold
man can run is only a strong breeze on months of winter is dependent upon the
the Beaufort Scale. 5 kind of over 1,000 species to which it
A) En hızh insanın koşabildiği kadar hızlı
esen rüzgarlar da vardır ve bunlar A) Arının, soğuk kış aylarında hayatta
Beufort Ölçeğine dahil edilmiştir. kalması, 1000’den fazla türden
B) Beufort Ölçeğine göre güçlü esinti kabul hangisine ait olduğuna bağlıdır.
edilen rüzgar, en hızlı insanın hızına B) Soğuk kış aylarında hayatta kalmak arı
rahatlıkla erişebilir. için çok zorlu bir mücadeledir ve her
C) Beufort Ölçeği, rüzgârın hızı ile insanın gün binlercesi telef olur.
hızım karşılaştıran güçlü bir bilimsel C) Soğuk kış aylan arı için çok zordur
araçtır. ve her türden ancak 1000’ er tanesi
D) Koşan bir insan kadar hızlı esebilen bir hayatta kalabilir.
rüzgâr, ancak Beufort Ölçeği’ne göre D) Arılar soğuk kış aylarında hayatta
değerlendirilebilir. kalabilmek için kendi türlerinden biner
E) En hızlı insan kadar hızlı esen bir anlık gruplar halinde yaşarlar.
rüzgâr, Beufort Öîçeği’nde yalnızca E) Soğuk kış aylarında hayatta kalabilmeyi
güçlü bir esintidir. başaran anlar, 1000’er anlık yeni
gruplar oluştururlar.

Diîko Yayınlan (.. 99 j Question Bank


15. A middle-aged female is more likely to 17. The development of germ theory by
be overweight than is a male in the same Louis Pasteur in the 19th century led
age category. to the modern idea that many diseases
were caused by micro organisms.
A) Orta yaşlı bir kadının şişmanlığı, aynı
yaş grubundaki bir erkeğe göre daha A) Pek çok hastalığa mikroorganizmaların
istenmeyen bir görüntüdür. sebep olduğu şeklindeki modern
B) Orta yaşh bir kadın şişmanladığı görüşün temelleri, on dokuzuncu
zaman, aynı yaş grubundaki bir erkeğe yüzyılda mikrop teorisini geliştiren Louis
göre daha istenmeyen bir görüntü Pasteur tarafından atıldı.
oluşturur. B) Mikrop teorisini on dokuzuncu yüzyılda
C) Bir kadın orta yaşa geldiği zaman aynı geliştirmeyi başaran Louis Pasteur çoğu
yaş grubundaki şişman erkeklerden hastalığa mikroorganizmaların sebep
hoşlanır. olduğunu biliyordu.
D) Orta yaşh bir kadının şişman olma C) Mikrop teorisini on dokuzuncu yüzyılda
olasılığı, aynı yaş grubundaki bir erkeğe geliştiren Louis Pasteur pek çok
göre daha yüksektir. hastalığa mikroorganizmaların sebep
E) Orta yaşh bir kadın istese de istemese olduğuna inanıyordu.
de aynı yaştaki bir erkekten daha D) Pek çok hastalığa mikroorganizmaların
şişman olacaktır. sebep olduğu şeklindeki modern görüşü
ortaya çıkaran şey, Mikrop teorisinin
on dokuzuncu yüzyılda Louis Pasteur
tarafından geliştirilmesiydi.
E) Mikrop teorisinin on dokuzuncu yüzyılda
16. The word salmonella, referring to Louis Pasteur tarafından geliştirilmesi,
bacteria that enter a person’s digestive pek çok hastalığa mikroorganizmaların
tract in contaminated food and causing sebep olduğu şeklindeki modern görüşü
food poisoning, has nothing to do with ortaya çıkardı.

A) İnsan vücuduna bozuk yiyeceklerle

girdikten sonra gıda zehirlenmesine
yol aşabilen bakterilerden biri olan
salmonella, balıklar için hiç önemli
B) Bozuk yiyeceklerle insan vücuduna
giren ve gıda zehirlenmesine yol açan
bakteriler, salmonella balıklarıyla etkisiz
hale gelirler.
C) İnsan vücuduna bozuk yiyeceklerle
girip gıda zehirlenmesine yol açan
bakterilere karşılık gelen salmonella
kelimesinin balıklarla hiç bir ilgisi yoktur.
D) Balıklarla hiç bir ilgisi olmayan
salmonella, insan vücuduna bozuk
yiyeceklerle girip gıda zehirlenmesine
yol açan bir bakteri türüdür.
E) Balıklar tarafından hiç sevilmeyen
salmonella, insan vücuduna
bozuk yiyeceklerle girer ve besin
zehirlenmesine yol açar.

Question Bank (... 100...... ) Dilko Yayınları


18. The economic imbalances of the 19. When a scientific investigation is done
Industrial Revolution led to a conflict the way it was done before, we expect to
between factory owners and workers, get a very similar result
and affected the political ideologies of
the 20th century. A) Bilimsel bir araştırma daha önce
yapıldığı gibi yapıldığında, çok benzer
A) Fabrika sahipleri ile çalışanlar arasında bir sonuç almayı beklemek yanlış
bir çatışmaya sebep olan ve 20. olmaz.
yüzyılın politik ideolojilerini etkileyen B) Bilimsel bir araştırma daha önce
şey. Sanayi Devrimi’nin ekonomik yapıldığı gibi yapmak, çok benzer bir
dengesizlikleriydi. sonuç almayı beklemek anlamına gelir.
B) Sanayi Devrimi’nin ekonomik C) Bilimsel bir araştırma daha önce
dengesizlikleri, fabrika sahipleri ile yapıldığı gibi yapıldığında, çok benzer
çalışanlar arasında bir çatışmaya sebep bir sonuç almayı bekleriz.
olsa da 20. yüzyılın politik ideolojileri D) Bilimsel bir araştırmadan çok benzer bir
üzerinde inkar edilemez bir etkisi oldu. sonuç almayı bekleyebilmek için, daha
C) Fabrika sahipleri ile çalışanlar arasında önce yapıldığı gibi yapmak gerekir,
bir çatışmaya sebep olan ve 20. E) Çok benzer bir sonuç almak
yüzyılın politik ideolojilerini etkileyen istemiyorsak, bilimse! bir araştırmayı
Sanayi Devrimi aslında ideolojik bir daha önce yapıldığı gibi yapmamaya
yaklaşımdan yoksundu. özen göstermeliyiz.
D) Sanayi Devrimi’nin ekonomik
dengesizlikleri, fabrika sahipleri ile
çalışanlar arasında bir çatışmaya sebep
oldu ve 20. yüzyılın politik ideolojilerini
E) Sanayi Devrimi ekonomik
dengesizliklere sebep olunca,
fabrika sahipleri ile çalışanlar 20. Science can be used to influence ethical
arasında anlaşmazlıklar ortaya çıktı decisions by identifying the likely
ve 20. yüzyılın politik ideolojileri bu consequences of particular actions.
çatışmadan çok etkilendi.
A) Bazı eylemlerin olası sonuçlarını teşhis
edebilen bilim, etik kararları etkilemek
için de kullanılabilir.
B) Bilim, bazı eylemlerin olası sonuçlarını
teşhis eder ve böylece etik kararları
etkilemek için de kullanılabilir.
C) Bilim, bazı eylemlerin olası sonuçlarını
teşhis ederek, etik kararlan etkileyebilir.
D) Bilim, bazı eylemlerin olası sonuçlarını
teşhis ederek, etik kararlan etkilemek
için kullanılabilir.
E) Bilimin etik kararlan etkilemek için,
bazı eylemlerin olası sonuçlarını teşhis
etmekte kullanıldığı kesindir.

Dilko Yayınlan ... 101... .. )' Question Bank


21. When he says electricity is so basic that 23. The workers from the UK and France
it defies explanation, I get crazy. met 40 meters beneath the seabed,
establishing the first ground connection
A) Elektrik öylesine basittir ki açıklamaya between the island and the mainland.
yer bırakmaz dediğinde çıldırıyorum.
B) O, elektriğin çok basit olduğunu A) İngiliz ve Fransız işçiler, ada ile
ve açıklamaya yer bırakmadığını anakara arasındaki ilk kara bağlantısını
söylediğinde çılgına dönüyorum. oluşturarak deniz yatağının 40 metre
C) Beni çıldırtan şey, onun, her seferinde altında buluştular.
elektrik öylesine basittir ki açıklamaya B) İngiliz ve Fransız işçiler, deniz yatağının
yer bırakmaz demesidir. 40 metre altında buluştular ama ada ile
D) Beni çıldırtmak istiyorsa, elektrik anakara arasındaki ilk kara bağlantısını
öylesine basittir ki açıklamaya gerek oluşturamadılar.
yok demesi yeter. C) Ada ile anakara arasındaki ilk kara
E) Bilgime meydan okuduğunda, elektriğin bağlantısını oluşturmaya kararlı İngiliz
çok basit olduğunu ve açıklamaya yer ve Fransız işçiler, deniz yatağının 40
bırakmadığını söylemekle yetindim. metre altında buluştular.
D) Deniz yatağının 40 metre altında
buluşan İngiliz ve Fransız işçiler, ada ile
anakara arasındaki ilk kara bağlantısını
oluşturmayı başardılar.
E) İngiltere ve Fransa’dan gelen çok
sayıda işçi, ada ile anakara arasındaki
ilk kara bağlantısını kurabilmek için
deniz yatağının 40 metre altında
çalışmaya başladılar.

22. Only about 10 percent of the air in the To understand why the encounter of
lungs is changed with each cycle of two electrical forces results in a shock,
inhaiing and exhaling when an at-rest we must first learn the fundamental
person is breathing. principles of electricity.

A) Dinlenmekte olan bir insan, her bir A) İki elektrik kuvveti karşılaştığında bir
nefes alıp verişiyle ciğerlerindeki şoka sebep oldukları doğrudur, ama
havanın yalnızca % 10’unu değiştirir. bunu anlayabilmek için, önce elektriğin
B) Dinlenmekte olan bir insanın sağlıklı temel prensiplerini öğrenmeliyiz.
nefes alabilmesi için, her bir nefes ahp B) Sadece iki elektrik kuvvetinin
verişle ciğerlerdeki havanın % 10’unu karşılaşmasının neden bir şoka sebep
değiştirebilmesi gerekir. olduğunu anlayabiliriz.
C) Her bir nefes ahp verişle ciğerlerdeki C) İki elektrik kuvvetinin karşılaşmasının
havanın yalnızca % 10’u değiştirilir neden bir şoka sebep olduğunu
ve dinlenmekte olan bir insan nefes anlayabilmek için, önce elektriğin temel
aldığında da bu oran değişmez. prensiplerini öğrenmeliyiz.
D) İnsanın dinlendiğini hissedebilmesi için, D) Elektriğin temel prensiplerini
her bir nefes ahp verişle ciğerlerdeki öğrendiğimize göre, artık iki elektrik
havanın % 10’unu değiştirmesi gerekir. kuvvetinin karşılaşmasının neden
E) Dinlenmekte olan bîr insan nefes bir şoka sebep olduğunu daha iyi
alırken her bir nefes ahp verme kavrayabiliriz.
döngüsüyle ciğerlerdeki havanın E) Elektriğin temel prensiplerini öğrenmek
yalnızca % 10’u değiştirilir. zorundayız çünkü iki elektrik kuvveti
karşılaştığında bir şoka sebep olur.

Question Bank ( 102 ) Diîko Yayınları

c Translation

25. Scientists assume that the universe is a 26. Sanitation measures such as the use
vast system in which the basic rules are of sewers, landfills and quarantines are
the same everywhere. very important in controlling the spread
of organisms that cause disease.
A) Bilim adamları, evrenin, temel kuralların
her yerde aynı olduğu büyük bir sistem A) Kanalizasyon, çöplük ve karantina
olduğunu var sayariar. alanlarının kullanımı ile ilgili tedbirlere
B) Bilim adamlarının, evrenin temel rağmen, hastalığa sebep olan
kuralların her yerde aynı olduğu büyük organizmaların yayılmasını kontrol
bir sistem olduğunu var saydıklarını etmek zordur.
söyleyebiliriz. B) Kanalizasyon, çöplük ve karantina
C) Bilim adamları, evrenin temel alanlarının kullanımı gibi temizlik
kurallarının her yerde aynı olduğu tedbirleri sayesinde, hastalığa sebep
düşünürler ve bunun çok büyük bir olan organizmaların yayılmasını kontrol
sistem olduğunu bazen göz ardı etmek kolaylaşmaktadır.
ederler. C) Hastalıklara sebep olan organizmaların
D) Evrenin, temel kuralların her yerde yayılmasını kontrol etmek istiyorsak,
aynı olduğu büyük bir sistem olduğunu kanalizasyon, çöplük ve karantina
var saymak bilim adamları için alanlarının kullanımı ile ilgili tedbirler
sorgulanamaz bir gerçektir. almalıyız.
E) Bilim adamları, temel kuralların her D) Kanalizasyon, çöplük ve karantina
yerde aynı olduğu büyük sisteme alanlarının kullanımı gibi temizlik
mutlak evren derler. tedbirleri, hastalığa sebep olan
organizmaların yayılmasını kontrol
etmekte çok önemlidir.
E) Gerekli tedbirler alındığı zaman ki
bunların çoğu, kanalizasyon, çöplük
ve karantina alanlarının kullanımı
ile ilgilidir, hastalıklara sebep olan
organizmaların yayılmasını kontrol
etmek kolaylaşır.

Dilko Yayınları (..... 103.... ) Question Bank


27. Social conflicts in school can be 29. A mentally retarded child may be unable
examined in ways that will lead io to understand the nature of his actions,
understanding and help students resolve though capable of controlling his
them in constructive ways. behaviour.

A) Okuldaki sosyal çatışmalar, anlamayı A) Zihinsel özürlü bir çocuk, davranışlarını

sağlayacak ve öğrencilerin bunları kontrol etme yeteneğine sahip olsa da
yapıcı tarzda çözmelerine yardımcı hareketlerinin doğasını anlayamayabîlir.
olacak şekillerde incelenebilir. B) Zihinsel özürlü bir çocuk davranışlarını
B) Okuldaki sosyal çatışmalar, kontrol etme yeteneğine sahip değildir
öğrencilerin bunları yapıcı tarzda ve ayrıca hareketlerinin doğasını da
çözmelerine yardımcı olacak şekillerde anlayamayabîlir.
incelendiklerinde sona erecektir. C) Davranışlarını kontrol etme yeteneğine
C) Öğrencilerin çatışmaları yapıcı sahip olmayan zihinsel özürlü bir
tarzda çözmelerine yardımcı olacak çocuk, hareketlerinin doğasını da
incelemeler, okulda yeni sosyal anlayamayabîlir.
çatışmalar olmasını engelleyebilir. D) Zihinsel özürlü bir çocuk, davranışlarını
D) Yapıcı çözüm yollarını denedikten kontrol etme yeteneğine sahip olmakla
sonra bile çözümlenemeyen sorunlar kalmaz hareketlerinin doğasını da anlar.
için öğretmenlerden anlayış beklemek E) Hareketlerinin doğasını anlayamayan
doğru olmaz. zihinsel özürlü bir çocuk davranışlarını
E) Okullardaki sosyal çatışmalar dikkatle kontrol etme yeteneğine sahip olabilir.
incelendiğinde görülecektir ki anlayış ve
yardımseverlik her sorunu çözer.
30. The spacecraft continued to orbit the
earth with ah its systems off until it re-
entered earth’s atmosphere on April 14,
28. The President is elected once in every
seven years, except in the event of
premature vacancy, when an election A) 14 Nisan 1958’de dünyanın atmosferine
must be held within sixty days. yeniden giren uzay aracı, tüm sistemleri
kapalı şekilde dünyanın etrafındaki
A) Devlet Başkanı yedi yılda bir seçilir,
yörüngesinde hareket etmeye devam
fakat koltuğun zamanından önce
boşalması altmış gün içinde seçim B) Uzay aracı, 14 Nisan 1958’de dünyanın
yapılmasını gerektirir.
atmosferine yeniden girene kadar,
B) Devlet Başkanı yedi yılda bir seçilir ama
tüm sistemleri kapalı şekilde dünyanın
koltuğun zamanından önce boşalması
etrafındaki yörüngesinde hareket
durumunda altmış gün içinde seçim etmeye devam etti.
yapılması gerekir. O) Uzay aracı. 14 Nisan 1958’de dünyanın
C) Koltuğun zamanından önce boşalması
atmosferine yeniden girmeden önce,
durumu dışında, ki o zaman altmış gün
tüm sistemleri kapatıldı ve dünyanın
içinde seçim yapılması gerekir, Devlet
etrafındaki yörüngesinde hareket
Başkanı yedi yılda bir seçilir. etmeye devam etti.
D) Koltuğun zamanından önce boşalması,
D) 14 Nisan 1958’de dünyanın atmosferine
yedi yılda bir seçilen Devlet Başkanı’nm
yeniden girebilmesi için, uzay aracı,
altmış gün içinde seçime gitmesini
tüm sistemleri kapalı şekilde dünyanın
etrafındaki yörüngesinde hareket
E) Koltuğun zamanından önce boşaldığını
gören Devlet Başkanı, yedi yılın
E) Tüm sistemleri kapalı şekilde dünyanın
dolmasını beklemeden, altmış gün
etrafındaki yörüngesinde hareket eden
içinde seçime gidilmesini sağlar.
uzay aracı, 14 Nisan 1958’de dünyanın
atmosferine yeniden girdi.

Question Bank { 104 ) Dilko Yayınları


31. Those claiming that more effective 33. Quite a few government officials
decisions were made when they had time estimate that the war has created more
to think turned out to be right. than half million refugees who need
immediate food, clothing, and shelter.
A) Düşünecek zamanlar! olduğunda daha
etkili iddialarda bulunabildiklerini iddia A) Hükümet görevlileri, savaşın acilen
edenler, haklı olanlardı. yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya
B) Daha etkin kararlar vermenin ihtiyacı olan yarım milyon mülteci
düşünecek zamana bağlı olduğunu yarattığı konusunda hemfikirler.
söyleyenler haklı çıktılar. B) Pek çok hükümet görevlisinin tahmin
C) Haklı çıkanlar, düşünecek zamanlan ettiği şey, savaşın yiyeceğe, giyeceğe
olduğunda daha etkin kararlar verildiğini ve barınmaya acil olarak ihtiyaç duyan
iddia edenlerdi. yarım milyondan fazla mülteci meydana
D) Zamanları olduğunda daha etkin getirdiğidir.
düşünebildiklerini iddia edenler haklı O) Yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya
çıkmak için geri döndüler. acilen ihtiyacı olan yarım milyondan
E) Düşünecek zamanları olduğunda, daha fazla mültecinin, savaşın bir sonucu
etkin kararlar verildiğini iddia edenler olduğu, hükümet yetkilileri tarafından
haklı çıktılar. bilinmektedir.
o D) Pek çok hükümet görevlisi, savaşın
o acilen yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya
ihtiyacı olan yarım milyondan fazla
mülteci meydana getirdiğini tahmin
E) Birçok hükümet görevlisi, savaşın
yarattığı yarım milyondan fazla
mültecinin acilen yiyeceğe, giyeceğe
ve barınmaya ihtiyacı olduğunu kabul
32. Those who create technology have a
different vision of the future than those
who must purchase their technology.

A) Teknolojiyi yaratanların gelecek

vizyonu, teknolojiyi satın
alanlarınkinden çok farklıdır.
B) Teknolojiyi yaratmak, teknolojiyi satın
almak zorunda oîanlarınkinden farklı
bir gelecek vizyonuna sahip olmayı
C) Teknoloji satın almak zorunda olanlar,
teknolojiyi yaratanlardan farklı bir
gelecek hayali kurarlar.
D) Yaratılan teknolojiyi satın almak için,
teknolojiyi yaratanlar kadar zengin bir
gelecek vizyonuna sahip olmak gerekir.
E) Teknolojiyi yaratanlar, onların
teknolojisini satın almak zorunda
olanlardan farklı bir gelecek vizyonuna

Dilko Yayınlan ( 105 ) Question Bank


34. Economists who are interested in 35. Advertising has now become such a
constructing theories and mathematical daily part of our lives that we notice an
models must test the validity of their advertisement only when it is new or
theories by means of statistical methods. makes us laugh.

A) İktisatçılar, teoriler ve matematiksel A) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine

modeller üretirlerken, bunların günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki, bir
doğruluklarını sınamak için istatistiksel reklamı sadece yeni olduğunda fark
yöntemlerden de faydalanırlar. ediyoruz.
B) Teoriler ve matematiksel modeller B) Artık yaşamımızın günlük bir parçası
üretmeye ilgi duyan iktisatçılar, haline gelen reklamcılığa pek az ilgi
teorilerinin geçerliliğini istatistiksel gösteriyoruz ve bir reklamı sadece yeni
yöntemler yoluyla sınamahdırlar. olduğunda fark ediyoruz.
C) Çeşitli iktisadi faaliyetler için teoriler C) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine
ve matematiksel modeller geliştirmeyi günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki, bir
seven iktisatçılar, teorilerinin reklamı sadece yeni olduğunda ya da
güvenilirliğini istatistiksel yöntemlerle bizi güldürdüğünde fark ediyoruz.
ispatlamahdırlar. D) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine
D) Teorilerinin geçerliliğini sınamak günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki,
isteyen iktisatçılar, üretmeye ilgi sadece bizi güldüren reklamlara ilgi
duydukları teorileri ve matematiksel gösteriyoruz.
modelleri, istatistiksel yöntemler yoluyla E) Yaşamın günlük bir parçası haline
belirlemelidirler. geldiğinden, reklamlar artık sadece
E) Çeşitli iktisadi atılımlar için teoriler yeni ve ilginç olduğunda fark ediliyor.
ve matematiksel modeller üretmeye
meraklı olan iktisatçılar, teorilerinin
doğruluğunu istatistiksel yöntemlere
bağlı kalarak sınamahdırlar.

Question Bank ( 106 ) Dilko Yayınlan


36. The Guinness Book of Records is 37. People with fixed ideas find it difficult
famous all over the world as an official to listen to viewpoints different from
publication which keeps a record of their own, and so they develop a mental
human achievement as well as giving deafness to ideas that don’t sit well with
information about nature, science, and them.
A) Sabit fikirli insanlar, kendilerininkinden
A) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı, doğa, bilim farkh görüşleri dinlemezler ve bu
ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi vermenin yüzden de zihinsel bir sağırlık
yanı sıra, insan başarılarının da geliştirirler.
kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir yayın olarak B) Sabit fikirli insanlar, kendilerininkinden
bütün dünyada ünlüdür. farkh görüşleri dinlemekte zorlanırlar
B) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı, doğa, bilim ve söylenenleri dinlememek için çeşitli
ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi verip insan yollara başvururlar.
başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir 0) Sabit fikirli insanlar, yeni fikirleri
yayındır. dinlemek istemezler ve bu yüzden de
C) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı, insan kendilerine uymayan fikirlere karşı
başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir zihinsel bir sağırlık geliştirirler.
yayın olarak bütün dünyada ünlüdür. D) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden
D) Doğa, bilim ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi farklı görüşleri dinlemekte zorlanırlar ve
veren ve insan başarılarının kayıtlarını bu yüzden de bu tür durumlarda ilgisiz
tutan resmi yayın Guinness Rekorlar davranırlar.
Kitabı, bütün dünyada ünlüdür. E) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden
E) İnsan başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan farkh görüşleri dinlemekte zorlanırlar
Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı, aynı ve bu yüzden de kendilerine uymayan
zamanda doğa, bilim ve teknoloji fikirlere karşı zihinsel bir sağırlık
hakkında da bilgi verir. geliştirirler.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 107 ) Question Bank


38. An allergy is a disorder in which the 40. The Guinness Book of Records is
body overreacts to harmless substances famous all over the world as an official
which in normal circumstances should publication which keeps a record of
not produce any reaction at all. human achievement as well as giving
information about nature, science, and
A) Vücudun normal şartlar altında technology.
reaksiyon vermeyeceği zararsız
maddelere karşı oluşan aşırı tepkiye A) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı doğa, bilim
alerji denir. ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi vermenin
B) Alerji, vücudun normal şartlar altında yanısıra, insan başarılarının da
hiçbir reaksiyona yol açmayan zararsız kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir yayın olarak
maddelere karşı aşın tepki gösterdiği bütün dünyada ünlüdür.
bir rahatsızlıktır. B) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı doğa, bilim
C) Alerji, vücudun zararsız maddelere ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi verip insan
karşı aşırt tepki gösterdiği bir rahatsızlık başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir
olarak tanımlanabilir. yayındır.
D) Alerji, vücudun zararsız maddelere O) Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı insan
karşı aşırı tepki gösterdiği bir başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan resmi bir
rahatsızlıktır. yayın olarak bütün dünyada ünlüdür.
E) Alerji, bazı maddelere karşı vücudun D) Doğa, bilim ve teknoloji hakkında bilgi
aşırı tepki gösterdiği ancak tedavisi çok veren ve insan başarılarının kayıtlarını
zor olmayan bir rahatsızlıktır. tutan resmi yayın Guinness Rekorlar
Kitabı bütün dünyada ünlüdür.
E) İnsan başarılarının kayıtlarını tutan
Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı, aynı
zamanda doğa, bilim ve teknoloji
hakkında da bilgi verir.
39. Advertising has now become such a
daily part of our lives that we notice an
advertisement only when it is new or
makes us laugh.

A) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine

günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki, bir
reklamı sadece yeni olduğunda fark
B) Artık yaşamımızın günlük bir parçası
haline gelen reklamcılığa pek az ilgi
gösteriyoruz ve bir reklamı sadece yeni
olduğunda fark ediyoruz.
C) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine
günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki, bir
reklamı sadece yeni olduğunda ya da
bizi güldürdüğünde fark ediyoruz.
D) Reklamcılık, artık yaşamımızın öylesine
günlük bir parçası haline geldi ki,
sadece bizi güldüren reklamlara ilgi
E) Yaşamın günlük bir parçası haline
geldiğinden, reklamlar artık sadece
yeni ve ilginç olduğunda fark ediliyor.

Question Bank ( 108 ) Dilko Yayınlan

£ Translation )

41. People with fixed ideas find it difficult 42. Economists who are interested in
to listen to viewpoints different from constructing theories and mathematical
their own, and so they develop a mental models must test the validity of their
deafness to ideas that don’t sit well with theories by means of statistical methods.
A) İktisatçılar teoriler ve matematiksel
A) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden modeller üretirlerken bunların
farkh görüşleri dinlemezler ve bu doğruluklarını sınamak için istatistiksel
yüzden de zihinsel bir sağırlık yöntemlerden de faydalanırlar.
geliştirirler. B) Teoriler ve matematiksel modeller
B) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden üretmeye ilgi duyan iktisatçılar
farkiı görüşleri dinlemekte zorlan!rlar teorilerinin geçerliliğini istatistiksel
ve söylenenleri dinlememek için çeşitli yöntemler yoluyla sınamahdırlar.
yollara başvururlar. C) Çeşitli iktisadi faaliyetler için teoriler
C) Sabit fikirli insanlar yeni fikirleri ve matematiksel modeller geliştirmeyi
dinlemek istemezler ve bu yüzden de seven iktisatçılar teorilerinin
kendilerine uymayan fikirlere karşf güvenilirliğini istatistiksel yöntemlerle
zihinsel bir sağırlık geliştirirler. ispatlama! id ırlar.
D) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden D) Teorilerinin geçerliliğini sınamak
farkh görüşleri dinlemekte zorlanırlar ve isteyen iktisatçılar üretmeye ilgi
bu yüzden de bu tür durumlarda ilgisiz duydukları teorileri ve matematiksel
davranırlar. modelleri istatistiksel yöntemler yoluyla
E) Sabit fikirli insanlar kendilerininkinden belirlemelidirler.
farklı görüşleri dinlemekte zorlanırlar E) Çeşitli iktisadi atıhmlar için teoriler
ve bu yüzden de kendilerine uymayan ve matematiksel modeller üretmeye
fikirlere karşı zihinsel bir sağırlık meraklı olan iktisatçılar teorilerinin
geliştirirler. doğruluğunu istatistiksel yöntemlere
bağlı kalarak geçerli kılabilirler.

Dilko Yayınları ( 109 ) Question Bank


43. Quite a few government officials 44. By attaching video cameras to mammals
estimate that the war has created more living in the oceans, scientists are
than half million refugees who need learning how they chase their prey for a
immediate food, clothing and shelter. long time at great depths.

A) Hükümet görevlileri savaşın acilen A) Bilim adamları okyanuslarda yaşayan

yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya memeli hayvanlara video kameralar
ihtiyacı olan yarım milyon mülteci bağlayarak onların muazzam
yarattığı konusunda hemfikirler. derinliklerde avlarını nasıl uzun bir süre
B) Pek çok hükümet görevlisinin tahmin izlediklerini öğreniyorlar.
ettiği şey savaşın yiyeceğe, giyeceğe B) Bilim adamlarının okyanus memelilerine
ve barınmaya acil olarak ihtiyaç duyan video kameralar bağlaması memeli
yarım milyondan fazla mülteci meydana hayvanların avlarını nasıl uzun süre
getirdiğidir. kovaladıkları hakkında bilgiler veriyor.
C) Yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya C) Okyanuslarda yaşayan memelilere
acilen ihtiyacı olan yarım milyondan video kameralar takarak bilim adamları
fazla mültecinin savaşın bir sonucu bu hayvanların muazzam derinliklerde
olduğu hükümet yetkilileri tarafından avlarını nasıl yakaladıklarını
bilinmektedir. gözlemliyorlar.
D) Pek çok hükümet görevlisi savaşın D) Memeli hayvanların avlarını derinlerde
acilen yiyeceğe, giyeceğe ve barınmaya nasıl uzun süre takip edebildiği
ihtiyacı olan yarım milyondan fazla bilim adamlarının bu hayvanlara
mülteci meydana getirdiğini tahmin video kameralar bağlamasıyla
ediyor. öğrenilebilmektedir.
E) Birçok hükümet görevlisi savaşın E) Okyanuslarda yaşayan memeli
yarattığı yarım milyondan fazla hayvanlara video kameraların
mültecinin acilen yiyeceğe, giyeceğe takılmasıyla bilim adamları onların
ve barınmaya ihtiyacı olduğunu kabul avlarını derinlerde nasıl takip ettiklerini
ediyor. izleyebiliyorlar.

Question Bank {... 110 ) Dilko Yayınları


45. Since metal fatigue is known to be the 46. Automobile, which is the most
major cause of air accidents, airport revolutionary invention in the history
technicians are examining the bodywork of transportation since the discovery of
of airplanes to detect any sign of wheel, has affected the lives of average
weakness. people to a great extent

A) Metal yorgunluğu hava kazalarının A) Tekerleğin icat edilmesinden bu yana

başlıca nedeni olarak bilindiği için ulaşım tarihindeki en önemli keşif olarak
havaalanı teknisyenleri herhangi görülen otomobilin insanların hayatları
bir zayıflık belirtisi bulmak amacıyla üzerinde büyük bir etkisi vardır.
uçakların gövdesini inceliyorlar. B) Tekerleğin bulunmasından bu yana
B) Hava kazalarının başlıca nedeni olarak ulaşım alanındaki en çarpıcı keşif olan
bilinen metal yorgunluğunu araştırmak otomobil insanların hayatlarını önemli
için teknisyenler gövdesinde zayıflık ölçüde değiştirmiştir.
belirtileri bulunan uçakları inceliyorlar. C) Ulaşım alanındaki en devrimsel buluş
C) Metal yorgunluğunun hava kazalarının olan otomobilin sıradan insanların
başlıca sebebi olduğu havaalanı hayatlarını önemli ölçüde etkilediği bir
teknisyenlerinin uçakların gövdelerini gerçektir.
incelemeleriyle anlaşılmıştır. D) Otomobilin icadı tekerleğin keşfinden
D) Havada meydana gelen kazaların bu yana ulaşım alanındaki en önemii
başlıca sebebi metal yorgunluğudur devrimdir ve insanların hayatlarında
bu sebeple teknisyenler herhangi bir iz önemli değişikliklere yol açmıştır.
bulmak amacıyla uçakların gövdelerini E) Tekerleğin keşfedilmesinden bu yana
sürekli incelerler. ulaşım tarihindeki en devrimsel icat olan
E) Metal yorgunluğu hava kazalarının otomobil sıradan insanların hayatlarını
başlıca sebebi olarak görüldüğü için büyük ölçüde etkilemiştir.
havaalanı teknisyenleri gövdesinde
zayıflık tespit ettikleri uçakları bakıma

Dilko Yayınlan ( 111 ) Question Bank


47. However wide their range of usage is, 48. The most common form of democracy
the idea that robots will replace humans is representative democracy, in which
in factories in near future seems to be citizens elect a group of representatives
unacceptable. to be able to make political decisions
and formulate various laws.
A) Robotların kullanım alanları her geçen
gün artsa da fabrikalardaki işçilerin A) En yaygın demokrasi biçimi
yerini almaları yakın zamanda imkansız vatandaşların politik kararlar alabilmek
gibi gözüküyor. ve çeşitli yasaları oluşturabilmek
B) Kullanım alanları her ne kadar yaygın amacıyla bir grup temsilciyi seçtiği
olsa da, robotların yakın gelecekte temsilî demokrasidir.
fabrikalardaki insanların yerini alacağı B) En çok rastlanan demokrasi biçimi
düşüncesi savunulamaz. vatandaşların, kendileri adına
C) Kullanım alanları ne kadar geniş olursa politik kararlar verebilmek için bir
olsun, robotların yakın gelecekte grup temsilciye yetki verdiği temsili
fabrikalardaki insanların yerini alacağı demokrasidir.
düşüncesi kabul edilemez gözüküyor. C) Temsili demokrasi, vatandaşların
D) Robotların yakın gelecekte yasalar oluşturmak ve politik kararlar
fabrikalardaki insanların yerini alacağı vermek için kendi içinden bir grup
düşüncesi kabul edilemez ancak temsilciyi seçtiği en çok rastlanan
kullanım alanları her geçen gün demokrasi biçimidir.
artmaktadır. D) En yaygın demokrasi biçimi olan temsili
E) Kullanım alanları her ne kadar geniş demokraside vatandaşlar çeşitli politik
olsa da robotların yakın zamanda kararları almak ve çeşitli yasaları
fabrikalardaki insanların yerine geçmesi çıkartabilmek için bir grup temsilci
pek olası değildir. seçerler.
E) En yaygın demokrasi biçimi temsili
demokrasidir ve bu sistemde
vatandaşlar politik kararlar almak ve
çeşitli yasaları çıkarabilmek için bir grup
temsilciyi görevlendirirler.

Question Bank ( 112 ) Dilko Yayınları


49. Shakespeare, born and raised in 50. Had somebody proved that the fire
Stratford, a local government centre, is stemmed from a short circuit in the
regarded as the world’s greatest poet cable, the police would naturally have
and playwright even now four hundred released the man they were holding on
years after his death. suspicion of arson.

A) Yerel bir yönetim merkezi olan A) Şayet birisi yangının kısa devreden
Stratford’da doğup büyüyen kaynaklandığını ispat ederse, polisler
Shakespeare, ölümünden dört yüzyıl kundakçılık şüphesiyle alıkoydukları
sonra şu anda bile dünyanın en adamı serbest bırakabilirler.
büyük şairi ve oyun yazarı olarak B) Eğer birisi yangının kablodaki kısa
görülmektedir. devreden kaynaklandığını ispatlamış
B) Shakespeare, ölümünden dört yüz yıl olsaydı, polisler kundakçılık şüphesiyle
sonra şu anda bile doğup büyüdüğü alıkoydukları adamı kuşkusuz serbest
şehir Stratford’da dünyanın en bırakırdı.
büyük şairi ve oyun yazarı olarak C) Eğer birisi yangının kablodaki
görülmektedir. kısa devreden kaynaklandığını
C) Yerel bir yönetim merkezi olan ispat edebilirse, polisler kundakçılık
Stratford’da doğup büyüyen E şüphesiyle gözaltında tuttukları adamı
Shakespeare, bugün bile dünyanın şu o serbest bırakabilir.
ana kadar yetiştirdiği en büyük oyun o D) Birisi yangının kablolarda meydana
yazarı olarak kabul edilir. gelen kısa devreden kaynaklandığını
D) Shakespeare yerel bir idari merkez ispat etse bile, polisler kundakçılık
olan Stratford’da doğup büyümüştür şüphesiyle alıkoydukları adamı kolay
ve ölümünün ardından dört yüzyıl kolay serbest bırakmazlar.
geçmesine rağmen hala dünyanın E) Şayet polislerden birisi yangının
en büyük yazarı ve şairi olarak kabul kablodaki kısa devreden
edilmektedir. o kaynaklandığını söyleseydi, kundakçılık
E) Shakespeare’in yerel bir idari merkez şüphesiyle alıkonulan adam hiç
olan Stratford’da doğup büyümesi kuşkusuz serbest bırakılırdı.
onun ölümünden dört yüzyıl sonra
bile dünyanın en büyük şairi ve oyun
yazan olarak kabul edilmesine sebep

Dilko Yayınları C '^3 Question Bank


51. Scientists are conducting experiments 52. An average citizen knows almost nothing
to find out whether the effect of the heat about the foreign policy involvements of
emitted by the atomic bomb upon rocks his country, but on the other hand, he is
could be measured or not. probably able to supply full details of the
latest football game.
A) Bilimadamlan, atom bombası tarafından
yayılan ısının, kayalar üzerindeki A) Çoğu vatandaş ülkesinin dış politikası
etkisinin ölçülebilip ölçülemeyeceğini hakkında hiçbir şey bilmez ama en
bulmak için deneyler yapıyorlar. son oynanan futbol maçının bütün
B) Bilimadamlannın yürüttüğü deneyin detaylarını muhtemelen bilir.
amacı, atom bombasının kayalar B) Sade bir vatandaş kendi ülkesinin dış
üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. siyasetinden hiç haberdar olmayabilir
C) Bilimadamlan, atom bombasıyla birlikte ama öte yandan en son oynanan futbol
ortaya çıkan ısının, kayalar üzerinde maçını bütün detaylarıyla anlatabilir.
meydana getirdiği etki sayesinde C) Sade bir vatandaş ülkesinin yabancı
Ölçülebiîdiğini bir deney yaparak politikasıyla ilgili hemen hemen hiçbir
ispatlamaya çalışıyorlar. şey bilmezken en son oynanan futbol
D) Bilimadamlan, atom bombasıyla ortaya karşılaşmasını bütün detaylarıyla
çıkan sıcaklığın, kayalar üzerinde anlatabilir.
meydana getirdiği etkiye bakarak D) Sade bir vatandaş ülkesinin yabancı
ölçülemeyeceğini yaptıkları deneylerle ülkelerle ilişkileri hakkında çok fazla şey
buldular. bilmez ama öte yandan en son oynanan
E) Atom bombasının yaydığı ısının kayalar futbol karşılaşmasını en küçük detayına
üzerindeki etkisine bakarak ölçülüp kadar aktarabilir.
ölçülemeyeceği bilimadamlannın E) Sade bir vatandaş ülkesinin dış siyaset
yaptığı deneyden sonra anlaşılacak. ilişkileri hakkında neredeyse hiçbir
şey bilmez ama diğer taraftan en son
oynanan futbol karşılaşmasının bütün
ayrıntılarını muhtemelen verebilir.

Question Bank C 114 ) Dilko Yayınlan


53. Notwithstanding the demonstrations 54. Etna is Europe’s highest and most active
and the articles appearing in the press, volcano which has caused thousands of
no new measure has been taken yet to Sicilians’ deaths because of its frequent
deal with the growing rate of crime in the and unpredictable upheavals over the
country. centuries.

A) Gösterilere ve basında çıkan yazılara A) Yüzyıllardır, sık ve önceden tahmin

rağmen, ülkede artan suç oranıyla başa edilemeyen patlamaları yüzünden
çıkmak için henüz yeni hiçbir önlem binlerce Siciiyah’nın ölümüne sebep
alınmadı. olan Etna, Avrupa’nın en yüksek ve en
B) Basında çıkan yazılara rağmen, aktif yanardağıdır.
ülkede artan suç oranının üstesinden B) Avrupa’nın en aktif yanardağı olarak
gelebilmek için şimdiye kadar yeni bilinen Etna, yüzyıllardır sık ve önceden
hiçbir önlem alınamadı. tahmin edilemeyen patlamalarıyla
C) Göstericilerin ve basının karşı binlerce Siciiyah’nın ölümüne sebep
çıkmasına rağmen, ülkedeki artan olmaktadır.
suç oranını azaltmak için henüz yeni C) Avrupa’nın en yüksek ve en aktif
önlemler alınmadı. yanardağı olan Etna’nın patlamaları
D) Artan suç oranına dikkati çekmek için yüzyıllar önce binlerce Siciiyah’nın
ülke çapında yapılan gösterilere ve ölümüne sebep olmuştur.
basında çıkan yazılara rağmen, bu D) Sık ve önceden tahmin edilemeyen
konuyla ilgili henüz herhangi bir önlem patlamalarıyla binlerce Siciiyah’nın
alınmadı. ölümüne sebep olan Etna, Avrupa’nın
E) Gösterilere ve basında çıkan yazılara en yüksek ve en aktif yanardağı olarak
rağmen, ülkede artan suç oranıyla başa bilinir.
çıkabilmek için bugüne kadar herhangi E) Avrupa’nın en yüksek ve en aktif
bir önlem alınmamıştır. yanardağlarından biri olan Etna,
yüzyıllar önce binlerce Siciiyah’nın
ölümüne sebep olmuştu.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 115 ) Question Bank


55. Developed nations, which have only 56. The renown novelist, who was one of
thirty percent of the population, the heroes of the national independence
consume seventy percent of the food in movement, has written stories which
the world. could penetrate to the depths of human
soul and which could excite the reader.
A) Gelişmiş ülkeler dünya nüfusunun
sadece yüzde otuzuna sahip olsalar da, A) Ulusal bağımsızlık hareketinin
dünyadaki yiyeceklerin yüzde yetmişini kahramanlarından biri olan yazar,
tüketmektedir. insan ruhunun derinliklerine inen
B) Dünyadaki yiyeceklerin yüzde yetmişini, ve okuyucuyu heyecanlandırabilen
nüfusun sadece yüzde otuzuna hikayeler yazmayı başarmıştır.
sahip olan gelişmiş ülkelerin tükettiği B) Ünlü romancı, ulusal bağımsızlık
söyleniyor. hareketinin kahramanları hakkında
C) Dünyadaki yiyeceklerin yüzde yetmişini insan ruhunun derinliklerine inen ve
tüketen gelişmiş ülkeler, nüfusun okuyucuyu heyecanlandıran hikayeler
sadece yüzde otuzunu oluşturuyor. yazmıştır.
D) Nüfusun sadece yüzde otuzuna sahip C) Ünlü yazar, insan ruhunu etkileyen ve
olan gelişmiş ülkeler, dünyadaki okuyucuyu heyecanlandıran hikayeler
yiyeceklerin yüzde yetmişini yazıp ulusal bağımsızlık hareketinin
tüketmektedir. kahramanlarından biri olmuştur.
E) Gelişmiş ülkeler nüfusun sadece yüzde D) Ulusal bağımsızlık hareketinin
otuzunu oluşturuyor, ancak dünyadaki kahramanlarından biri olan
yiyeceklerin de yüzde yetmişini ünlü romancı, insan ruhunun
tüketiyor. derinliklerine inebilen ve okuyucuyu
heyecanlandırabilen hikayeler
E) İnsan ruhunun derinliklerine inebilen
ve okuyucuyu heyecanlandırabilen
hikayeler, ulusal bağımsızlık
hareketinin kahramanlarından biri olan
ünlü yazar tarafından yazılmıştır.

Question Bank ( 116 ) Dilko Yayınları


57. Having warned his employee many times 59. Employing various techniques rather
before, the manager had no regrets at than focusing on a singie method when
all dismissing him in the middle of the adding new words to our vocabulary will
working year. surely prove more effective.

A) Önceden elemanını defalarca uyarmış A) Kelime dağarcığımıza yeni sözcükler

olmasına rağmen, müdür çalışma eklerken tek bir yöntemi kullanmak
yılının ortasında onu işten kovduğuna yeterli olmaz onun yerine çeşitli
pişman oldu. teknikleri bir arada kullanmak gerekir.
B) Daha önce çalışanını defalarca uyarmış B) Kelime dağarcığımıza yeni sözcükler
olduğu için müdür çalışma yılının eklemek için çeşitli teknikler kullanmak
ortasında onu işten kovduğu için hiç yerine tek bir metoda odaklanmak
pişmanlık duymadı. kesinlikle daha etkili olacaktır.
C) Elemanını Önceden defalarca uyarmış C) Çeşitli teknikler kullanarak kelime
olan müdür çalışma yılının ortasında dağarcığımıza yeni sözcükler
üzüntü duymayarak onu işten çıkardı. eklemek hiç şüphesiz tek bir yöntemi
D) Önceden defalarca uyarmış olduğu kullanmaktan daha etkili bir yöntemdir.
elemanını çalışma yılının ortasında D) Kelime dağarcığımıza yeni
kovduğunda müdür hiç pişman olmadı. kelimeler katarken tek bir metoda
E) Elemanını daha önceden defalarca odaklanmaktansa çeşitli teknikler
uyardıktan sonra müdür pişmanlık kullanmak elbette daha etkili olacaktır.
duysa da çalışma yılının ortasında onu E) Kelime dağarcığımıza yeni kelimeler
işten çıkardı. eklerken tek bir metot yerine çeşitli
teknikler kullanmanın çok daha etkili
olduğu kanıtlanmıştır.

58. Researches indicate that during the 60. Although there is a lot of evidence
last decade in England the number of that Americans played golf tn the 17th
people having died of excessive alcohol century, the first golf clubs in the United
consumption has doubled. States were established in the late 1880s.

A) Ingiltere'de son on yılda alkol yüzünden A) Amerikalılar 1/.yüzyılın sonlarına

ölen insanların sayısında iki kata yakın doğru golf oynamaya başlamışlardır
bir artış olduğu yapılan araştırmaların fakat Amerika’daki ilk golf kulüplerinin
sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır. kuruluşu 1880’lerin sonuna rastlar.
B) Araştırmalar son on yılda Ingiltere'de B) Amerika’da golf 1/.yüzyıldan itibaren
aşırı alkol tüketimine bağlı ölümlerin oynanmaya başlanmıştır fakat ilk
sayısında iki kat artış olduğunu golf kulüpleri 1880’lerin sonunda
göstermektedir, kurulmuştur.
O) Araştırmalar gösteriyor ki Ingiltere’de O) Golf 1 /.yüzyılda Amerikalılar tarafından
son on yılda aşırı alkol tüketiminden yaygın olarak oynanmış olsa da, ilk golf
ölen insanların sayısı iki katına kulüpleri 1880’lerin sonunda kurulmaya
çıkmıştır. başlanmıştır.
D) Son on yılda yapılan araştırmalara D) Amerikalıların 17.yüzyılda golf
göre, Ingiltere'de aşırı alkol oynadıklarına dair pek çok kanıt
tüketiminden ölen insanların sayısı olsa da. Amerika’da ilk golf kulüpleri
yaklaşık olarak iki kat artış göstermiştir. 1880’lerin sonunda kurulmuştur.
E) Son yıllarda yapılan bir araştırmaya E) Amerikalıların 1/.yüzyılda golf
göre Ingiltere’de alkol tüketiminden ölen oynamaya başladıklarına dair pek çok
insanların sayısında büyük bir artış kanıt olsa da, ilk golf kulüpleri 1880’lerin
olmuştur. sonlarına doğru açılmıştır.

Dilko Yayınlan l ) Question Bank


61. The history of technology is as old as 62, The French writer Voltaire, who is
the human history because people have regarded as the most important
always had to make various tools to philosopher of the Enlightenment, did
protect themselves against dangers. not write only philosophical books but
also historical books.
A) Teknolojinin tarihi insanlık tarihi kadar
eskidir çünkü insanlar her zaman A) Aydınlanmanın en önemli filozofu olarak
kendilerini tehlikelere karşı korumak görülen Fransız yazar Voltaire sadece
amacıyla çeşitli aletler yapmak zorunda felsefe ile ilgili değil aynı zamanda
kalmışlardır. tarihle ilgili kitaplar da yazmıştır.
B) Teknolojinin tarihinin insanlık tarihi B) Voltaire Aydınlanmanın en önemli
kadar eski olmasının en önemli nedeni filozofudur ve sadece felsefeyle ilgili
insanların sürekli olarak kendilerini kitaplar yazmakla kalmayıp aynı
korumak amacıyla çeşitli teknolojik zamanda tarihle de ilgilenmiştir.
aletler icat etmek zorunda kalmalarıdır. C) Fransız yazar Voltaire Aydınlanma
C) İnsanoğlu kendisini çeşitli tehlikelerden döneminin en önemli filozofudur fakat
korumak amacıyla sürekli olarak farkh sadece felsefeyle ilgilendiğinden tarih
aletlerden faydalanmıştır, bu yüzden üzerine hiçbir eseri yoktur.
teknolojinin tarihinin insanlık tarihi kadar D) Tarihle ilgili eserleri de olan Fransız
eski olduğu söylenebilir. yazar Voltaire, Aydınlanma döneminde
D) Teknolojinin tarihinin insanlık tarihi felsefeyle ilgili önemli yapıtlara imza
kadar eski olması insanların kendilerini atmıştır.
korumak amacıyla her zaman çeşitli E) Aydınlanma döneminin en önemli
aletler yapmak zorunda kalmalarıyla filozofu Fransız yazar Voltaire’in tarihle
açıklanabilir. ilgili kitapları felsefe ile ilgili olanlar
E) İnsanlar kendilerini korumak amacıyla kadar bilinmez.
her zaman çeşitli aletler yapmışlardır,
bu yüzden teknolojinin tarihi insanlık
tarihi kadar eskidir.

Question Bank ( 118 ) Dilko Yayınları


64. Çocukların hareketlerinin ne zaman

63.-125. sorularda, verilen Türkçe başkalarıyla çatışmaya yol açabileceğini
cümlenin İngilizcesini bulunuz. anlamak ve bundan kaçınmak için gerekli
olan stratejileri öğrenmek için rehberliğe
ihtiyaçları vardır.
63. Bilgisayarlar, işleyebildikleri büyük
miktardaki bilgi sayesinde eğitimde A) Children need guidance to identify
giderek artan bir rol oynuyorlar. when their actions are likely to result
in conflict with others and to learn
A) The large amount of information strategies required for avoiding it.
that they can process makes sure B) When children need guidance to
that computers will always play an identify the actions likely to result
increasingly larger role in education. in conflict with others, they learn
B) Thanks to the huge amount of strategies to fight in these situations.
information they can handle, computers C) Children needing help to understand
are likely to play a more and more the kind of actions that might result in
important role in all fields of education. conflict with others are also supposed
C) Because they can process a great to learn strategies required for avoiding
amount of information, computers are E it.
believed to play an increasingly larger o D) Although some children need guidance
role in all scientific fields. to identify actions that will result in
D) Owing to the large amount of disagreement, there are others who can
information that they can process, successfully avoid such situations.
computers are playing an increasingly E) In order to learn the strategies required
larger role in education. for fighting in stressful situations,
E) As a result of the incredible amount children need some guidance, though
of information it can process, the this could sometimes result in new
computer has played an increasingly conflicts.
larger role in education in the last three

Dilko Yayınlan ( 119.... ) Question Bank


65. Öğretmenlerin karşılaştıkları en büyük 67. Denizin altında ne kadar derine

güçlüklerden biri, farklı yeteneklerdeki giderseniz, basınç, yani üzerinizdeki
bir oda dolusu çocuğa etkin şekilde suyun ağırlığı, o kadar artar.
A) When you go deeper under the sea,
A) Teachers face many challenges and you realize that the pressure, that is,
one of them is effectively reaching the weight of the water above you,
a roomful of students with varying increases accordingly.
abilities. B) The deeper under the sea you go, the
B) One of the greatest challenges teachers greater the pressure, that is, the weight
face is effectively reaching a roomful of of the water above you.
students with varying abilities. 0) Going deeper under the sea is what
C) As teachers face many challenges, increases the pressure, that is, the
they have difficulty effectively reaching weight of the water above you.
a roomful of students with varying D) As you go deeper under the sea, the
abilities. pressure, that is, the weight of the water
D) Some of the greatest challenges that above you, becomes extremely high.
most teachers face stem from students E) The pressure, that is, the weight of the
with varying abilities. water above you, is affected by the
E) One of the greatest challenges students depth you reach.
face is finding a teacher capable of
effectively reaching students with
varying abilities.

68. Deniz altındaki depremler, sualtındaki

kablolara hasar verebilecek büyük çamur
ve kum çığlarını tetikleyebilirler.
66. Teknolojiyi kullanırken yaptığını ilk
hatalardan bîri, onun tüm müşterilerime A) Underwater cables can be damaged
çekici geleceğini düşünmekti. once earthquakes under the sea trigger
off great avalanches of mud and sand.
A) While I was using technology, I made B) Underwater cables can cause damage
a mistake and I thought that it would to living organisms after earthquakes
appeal to all of my customers. under the sea trigger off great
B) One of the first mistakes I made using avalanches of mud and sand.
technology was thinking that it would 0) Great avalanches resulting from mud
appeal to all of my customers. and sand triggered off by undersea
C) One of the mistakes I made before earthquakes may damage cables.
I started using technology was to D) Earthquakes under the sea triggering
think that it would appeal to ail of my off great avalanches of mud and sand
customers. to damage underwater cables are a
D) One of the first mistakes I made using mystery.
technology was thinking about all of my E) Earthquakes under the sea can trigger
customers. off great avalanches of mud and sand,
E) Though I didn’t make many mistakes which can damage undewater cables.
when I used technology, all of my
customers thought so.

Question Bank ( 120 ) Dilko Yayınlan


69. internet, kütüphanelerin aksine, 71. Yazın gecede 300 dolar isteyen üst kalite
öğrencilerin gerçek sorunları oteller, baharda, aynı lüks odaları 125
çözmelerine yardımcı olacak güncel dolara satarlar.
bilgiler sunan canlı bir araçtır.
A) Top hotels charge $300 a night during
A) The Internet is different from libraries the summer, but I’m sure the same
as it offers a living medium that helps luxury rooms will be sold for $125
students solve real problems. during the spring.
B) What makes the Internet different from B) The luxury rooms in top hotels sold for
libraries is that it helps a living medium $125 during the spring will be sold for
that offers students solve real problems. $300 a night during the summer.
C) The Internet, which is very different C) The luxury rooms in top hotels sold for
from libraries, offers updated $300 a night during the summer will be
information to help students solve real sold for $125 during the spring.
problems. D) While the luxury rooms in top hotels
D) Unlike libraries, the Internet is a living are sold for $300 a night during the
medium that offers updated information summer, they are only $125 in smail
to help students solve real problems. ones.
E) Contrary to libraries, the Internet helps E) Top hotels charging $300 a night during
students solve real problems by offering the summer sell the same luxury rooms
a living medium. for $125 during the spring.

Onları üye olmaya davet eden bir mesaj

70. Mozole, bir deprem çatı ve kolonlarına
almaları, diğer kurul üyelerini şaşırttı.
hasar verene kadar iyi durumda
A) The fact that they received a message
inviting them to become members
A) The Mausoleum that managed to
surprised the other board members.
remain in good condition until an
B) They received a message inviting them
earthquake caused some damage to
to become members, and as a result,
the roof and the colonnade.
surprised the other board members.
B) The Mausoleum managed to remain
C) The other surprised board members
in good condition until an earthquake
invited them to become members.
caused some damage to the roof and
D) The message inviting them to become
the colonnade.
members surprised both them and the
C) The Mausoleum has managed to
other board members.
remain in good condition, though an
E) Having been invited with a message
earthquake caused some damage to
to become members, they were even
the roof and the colonnade.
more surprised than the other board
D) The Mausoleum, the roof and the
colonnade of which were damaged by
an unexpected earthquake, is still in
good shape.
E) Until the roof and the colonnade
are damaged by an earthquake,
the Mausoleum will remain in good

Dilko Yayınları f 121 —) Question Bank


73. Einstein’ın şöhreti, tarihteki tüm diğer 75. Bu sorun yakında çözülmezse, dünya,
bilim adamlarının şöhretini geride milyonlarca insanı öldürebilecek korkunç
bırakmıştır ve o, dehanın timsali haline bir krizle karşılaşacak.
A) Provided that this problem is solved
A) Einstein was more famous than all soon, the world will avoid a terrible
other scientist in history, and this made crisis which could kill millions of people.
him a genius. B) The world will face a terrible crisis
B) The fact that Einstein’s fame exceeded which could kill millions of people
that of all other scientist in history was unless this problem is solved soon.
what made him a byword for genius. C) If this problem is not solved soon,
C) Although Einstein’s fame exceeded that millions of people will die following the
of all other scientist in history, he was terrible crisis.
not expected to become a byword for D) Now that this problem has been solved,
genius. we could say millions of lives have been
D) Einstein’s fame exceeded that of all saved.
other scientist in history, and he has E) As this problem will not be solved soon,
become a byword for genius. it’s almost certain that millions will die
E) When Einstein’s fame exceeded that of E during the terrible crisis.
all other scientist in history, he became o
a byword for genius. o

76. Avustralya’da bin kişi, bir uçak dolusu
c kuş gripti yolcunun uluslararası bir hava
alanına varışını temsil eden dört günlük
bir tatbikat yaptı.
74. Reçete edilen antibiyotiklerin miktarı ne o
A) One thousand Australians experienced
kadar fazla olursa, bakterilerin dirençli
a four-day disaster when a planeload
mutasyonlar oluşturma fırsatları o kadar
of bird flu-stricken passengers crowded
büyük olur.
5 into an international airport.
§ B) Before one thousand Australians were
A) When the quantity of antibiotics
5 given a four-day exercise to simulate
prescribed was large, the opportunity
the arrival of a planeload of passengers
for bacteria to form resistant mutations
suffering from bird flu, the international
was large, too.
airport was closed down.
B) The larger the quantity of antibiotics
C) One thousand people in Australia
prescribed, the greater the opportunity
conducted a four-day exercise that
for bacteria to form resistant mutations.
simulated the arrival of a planeload
C) As long as the quantity of antibiotics
of bird flu-stricken passengers at an
prescribed is lowered, the opportunity
international airport.
for bacteria to form resistant mutations
D) According to a study, one out of a
will decline.
thousand people in Australia is worried
D) Depending on the quantity of antibiotics
that a planeload of bird flu-stricken
prescribed, the opportunity for bacteria
passengers will soon arrive at the
to form resistant mutations could be
airport to destroy the country.
increased or decreased.
E) Most Australians are willing to
E) The quantity of antibiotics prescribed
participate in an exercise that simulates
is gradually increasing and this will
the arrival of a planeload of bird flu-
definitely help bacteria to form resistant
stricken passengers at an international

Question Bank 122 J Dilko Yayınlar!


77. Detektörler ve güçlü bilgisayarlar, 79. Sağlıkları doktorlarının vicdanına

parçacık fizikçilerinin çalışmaları için kalmadan çok önce, hastaların ne
kullandıkları araçlardan bazılarıdır. beklemeleri gerektiğini öğrenmelerine
İzin verin.
A) Partide physicists use some detectors
and powerful computers for their A) Let patients know what to expect well
studies. before their health is at the mercy of
B) The instruments that particle physicists their doctors’ conscience.
use for their studies are detectors and B) Before their health was at the mercy of
powerful computers. their doctors’ conscience, patients knew
C) Detectors and powerful computers are what to expect.
some of the instruments that particle C) Patients must be cleverer and not
physicists use for their studies. leave their health at the mercy of their
D) Some detectors and powerful doctors’ conscience.
computers are used by particle D) What patients expect from their doctors
physicists for their studies. depends on how willing they are to
E) Particle physicists use some leave their health at the mercy of their
instruments such as detectors and doctors’ conscience.
powerful computers for their studies. E) If a patient does not want to leave
his health at the mercy of their
doctors’conscience, he must know what
to expect.
78. Tek bir örnek, bir şeyin her zaman doğru
olduğunu asla kanıtlayamasa da, bazen,
bir şeyin her zaman doğru olmadığını

A) A single example can never prove that 80. Hırsızın içeri girmek için kimin anahtarını
something is always true, but it can kullandığı, sır olarak kalacakmış gibi
prove that something is not always true. görünüyor.
B) Although a single example can never
prove when something is true, it can A) Whose key the thief used to break in
sometimes prove when something is will never be understood.
not always true. B) The thief used somebody’s key to break
C) Even though a single example can in, but nobody knows whose.
prove that something is not always true, C) We will never know whose key the thief
it can never prove that something is used to break in.
always true. D) We can see that we will never know
D) A single example can sometimes prove whose key the thief used to break in.
that something is always true, and it E) It seems that whose key the thief used
can also prove that something is not to break in will remain a mystery.
always true.
E) Much as a single example can never
prove that something is always true, it
can sometimes prove that something is
not always true.

Dilko Yayınlan (.... 123..... ) Question Bank


81. Döviz fiyatlarının neden dalgalandığını 83. Neden bu ülkede yaşamayı tercih ettiğini
anlamak istiyorsan, yabancı piyasaları sorduğum bir yabancı, bu ülkede en
gözlemlemen yeterli olacaktır. çok sevdiği şeyin insanların hoşgörülü
olmaları olduğunu söylediğinde çok
A) If you want to understand why foreign mutlu oldum.
exchange rates fluctuate, it will be
enough tor you to observe the foreign A) When a foreigner I asked why he chose
markets. to live in this country said what he
B) Anybody who wants to understand why most liked in this country was people’s
foreign exchange rates fluctuate should tolerance, I felt very happy.
observe the foreign markets. B) What made me feel very happy was a
C) Understanding why foreign exchange foreigner’s saying what he most liked in
rates fluctuate requires that you always this country was people’s tolerance.
observe the foreign markets. C) A foreigner who was asked why he
D) You will understand why foreign preferred to live in this country replied
exchange rates fluctuate when you that people in this country were very
observe the foreign markets. tolerant, making me very happy.
E) If you can understand why foreign D) The foreigner who I asked why he
exchange rates fluctuate, then it means preferred to live in this country made
you are observing the foreign markets. me very happy by saying that people in
this country were very tolerant.
E) Whenever I asked a foreigner why he
preferred to live in this country, he or
she used to say people were unusually
tolerant, and this made me very happy.

82. Bilim veya teknolojideki gelişmeler,

çözülmek üzere yeni tür sorunlar
sunarak matematikte yeniliklere yol açar. Durnanh ortamın etkilerinin, Anî Bebek
Ölümü Sendromu ile bağlantılı olduğu
A) Developments in science or technology düşünülmektedir.
lead to innovations in mathematics by
presenting new kinds of problems to be A) Scientists think the effects of a smoky
solved. environment have links to Sudden
B) Developments in science or technology Infant Death Syndrome.
that lead to innovations in mathematics B) The effects of a smoky environment
present new kinds of problems to be have links to Sudden Infant Death
solved. Syndrome.
C) Science or technology stimulates new C) A smoky environment is thought to
developments and leads to innovations have links to Sudden Infant Death
in mathematics by presenting problems Syndrome.
to be solved. D) The effects of a smoky environment are
D) New problems that are to be solved thought to have links to Sudden Infant
lead to innovations in mathematics and Death Syndrome.
increase the pace of developments in E) That the effects of a smoky
science and technology. environment have links to Sudden
E) What leads to innovations in Infant Death Syndrome is a common
mathematics is new kinds of problems misconception.
created by new developments in
science and technology.

Question Bank Dilko Yayınlan

( Translation

85. Geçen gün tartıştığımız konuyu ele alan 87. Bugün yayınlanan rapor, bölgedeki
makaleyi okuyan herkes çok beğendiğini yüksek işsizlik oranının, yüksek intahar
söyledi. oranını açıkladığını ileri sürüyor.

A) Everybody read the article dealing with A) The report claiming that the high
the subject we discussed the other day, unemployment rate in the region
and they said they liked it very much. accounts for the high suicide rate has
B) Whoever read the article concentrating been released today.
on the subject we discussed yesterday B) There is a report released today and it
had to say they liked it very much. indicates that the high unemployment
C) By reading the article dealing with the rate in the district explains the high
subject we discussed the other day, suicide rate.
everybody learned why we liked it very C) The report released today suggests
much. that the high unemployment rate in the
D) Everybody who read the article dealing region accounts for the high suicide
with the subject we discussed the other rate.
day said they liked it very much. D) Releasing a report today to suggest
E) Not everybody who read the article that the high unemployment rate in the
about the point of view we discussed region explained the high suicide rate
the other day said they didn’t like it very was unfortunate.
much. E) Today they have released a report,
assuming that the high unemployment
rate in the district provides an
explanation to the high suicide rate.

86. Dün terk edilmiş bir evde bulunan çalıntı Herhangi bir bilim, bağımsız bîr disiplin
mücevherler, ümidini uzun süre önce haline geldiğinde, onun, belli türde bir
kesen sahibine geri verildi. işin belli bir şekilde yapıldığı sınırlı bir
alan olduğu kabul edilir.
A) The stolen jewellery was found in a
deserted house yesterday, and it has A) When a science becomes a
been given back to its owner, giving up self-regulating discipline, it becomes a
hope a long time ago. limited field where work of a certain kind
B) The jewellery/ which was stolen long is performed in a certain way.
ago was discovered in an empty house B) Once this science has become an
yesterday, and has been given back to autonomous discipline, it will be agreed
its owner, though she gave up hope a that it is a limited field of study, the work
long time ago. of which is performed in a certain way.
C) The jewellery was left in a deserted C) What makes any science an
house, and when it was found independent field is that it has become
yesterday it was returned to its owner, a limited field where work of a kind is
who gave up hope a long time ago. performed in a certain way.
D) The stolen jewellery, found in a D) Though every branch is considered
deserted house yesterday, will be independent, it is not easy to see it
returned to its owner, who is known to is a limited field in which each task is
have given up hope long ago. carried out in a clear way.
E) The stolen jewellery, found in a E) When any science becomes an
deserted house yesterday, has been independent discipline, it is recognized
given back to its owner, who gave up that it is a limited field in which work of
hope a long time ago. a certain kind is done in a certain way.

Dilko Yayınları l m ) Question Bank


89. Farkh ülkelerden başka tavsiyelerin de 91. Geçen yıl Didim’de yaptığım tatil
çıkabilmesi için bugün burada yaptığımız sırasında tanıştığım ilginç bayanla
tartışmanın parlamentolara da gitmesi tanışmanı istemem o kadar garip mi?
A) Would you like me to introduce you to
A) We are having an important discussion the interesting woman I met during the
here today, and this should also reach holiday I had in Didim last year?
parliaments so that other suggestions B) Do you know why I want you to meet
can be made by other countries. the interesting woman I met during the
B) The discussions that we’ve had here holiday I had in Didim last year?
recently must also be considered by C) Have you met the interesting woman
parliaments in order that different I met during the holiday I had in Didim
recommendations can be made by last year?
different countries. D) Is it so strange that I want you to meet
C) The discussion that we are having here the interesting woman I met during the
today should also go to parliaments so holiday I had in Didim last year?
that other recommendations can come E) Do you mind if I introduce you to the
up from different countries. interesting woman I met during the
D) What we are discussing here today holiday I had in Didim last year?
is also supposed to go to parliaments
for other countries to come up with
different ideas.
E) For other countries to make new
suggestions, the arguments that we are
making here today must be carried to
the parliament.

Raporu zamanında yazamayan sekreteri

azarlayan müdür sence hata mı etti?
90. Arılar, göçmen kuşlar gibi kışı güneyde
geçirmezler, onun yerine doğal A) Do you think the manager made a
ortamlarında yaşar veya ölürler. mistake by telling off the secretary who
failed to write the report on time?
A) Unlike migratory birds, bees do not go B) Do you think the manager who told off
to the South during the winter, but most the secretary who failed to write the
probably prefer to die in their natural report on time made a mistake?
habitats. C) Was the manager supposed to tell off
B) Bees do not spend the winter in the the secretary who failed to write the
South, as do migratory birds, but, report on time?
instead, live or die in their natural D) Why do you think the manager told off
environs. the secretary who failed to write the
C) Bees do not prefer the South during the report on time?
winter, but migratory birds live or die in E) Should the manager have told off the
their natural environs. secretary who failed to write the report
D) Bees and migratory birds do not spend on time?
the winter in the South, but instead they
live or die in their natural environs.
E) Most bees do not spend the winter in
the South, neither do they live or die in
their natural environs.

Question Bank ( '26 ) Dilko Yayınları

j Translation

93. En sevdiği gömleğini neden 95. Helicobacter pylorus, insan midesinden

ütülemediğini soran adam çok kızgın ahnan mukoza örneklerinden
görünüyordu ama eşi hiç de oralı olmadı. organizmalar izole eden ve üreten iki
AvustralyalI bilim adamı tarafından
A) The man angrily asked his wife why she 1982’de yeniden keşfedildi.
hadn’t ironed his favourite shirt, yet his
wife just didn’t care. A) Helicobacter pylorus, rediscovered in
B) The man who saw she hadn’t ironed his 1982 by two Australian scientists, was
favourite shirt got very angry, but his isolated and cultured from mucosal
wife simply ignored him. specimens taken from human stomach.
C) The man shouted angrily because his B) In 1982 by two Australian scientists
wife hadn’t ironed his favourite shirt, but rediscovered Helicobacter pylorus
she just smiled. by isolating and culturing organisms
D) Although the man who saw she hadn’t from mucosal specimens from human
ironed his favourite shirt got mad, his stomach.
wife simply ignored him. C) Helicobacter pylorus is a bacterium
E) The man asking why she hadn’t ironed rediscovered in 1982 by two Australian
his favourite shirt looked v ery angry, scientists, who isolated and cultured
but his wife just didn’t care. organisms from mucosal specimens
taken from human stomach.
D) Helicobacter pylorus was rediscovered
in 1982 by two Australian scientists,
who isolated and cultured organisms
from mucosal specimens taken from
human stomach.
E) Having isolated and cultured organisms
from mucosal specimens from human
stomach, two Australian scientists
94. Su buza dönüştürülüp sonra da buzun rediscovered Helicobacter pylorus in
erimesine izin verilirse, suyun miktarı, 1982.
donmadan önceki haliyle aynı olur.

A) If water is turned into ice and then

the ice is allowed to melt, the amount
of water is the same as it was before
B) When water is frozen and then the ice
is turned into water again, the amount
of water remains the same as it was
before freezing.
C) If you turn water into ice first and then
melt this ice into water, the amount
of water is the same as it was before
D) The amount of water does not change
at all after you melt the ice at room
E) As long as you are careful enough, the
amount of water does not change when
you melt the ice that was frozen a short
while ago.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 127 J Question Bank

Translation J

96. Bilim adamları, 109 Fahrenheit dereceye 97. Hastalıkları engellemek için temizlik
kadar düşen sıcaklıklar üretebilen bir sistemini geliştirmek, insan hayatını
katı madde üretmeyi başardılar ve bunun kurtarmaya, tıbbi tedaviye yönelik
kullanılabileceği onlarca pratik yol tüm gelişmelerden daha fazla katkıda
geliştirdiler. bulunmuştur.

A) Scientists who managed to produce a A) Sanitation has been improved in order

solid matter producing temperatures to prevent diseases, and as a result
dipping as low as 109 degrees there has been more contribution to
Fahrenheit developed tens of practical saving human life than any advance in
ways to use it. medical treatment.
B) To produce a solid matter which could B) Improving sanitation to prevent
produce temperatures dipping as low as diseases has contributed more to
109 degrees Fahrenheit, scientists tried saving human life than any advance in
tens of different ways. medical treatment.
C) After scientists managed to produce C) By improving sanitation to prevent
a solid matter which could produce diseases, they contributed more to
temperatures dipping as low as 109 saving human life than other advances
degrees Fahrenheit, they developed in medical treatment.
tens of practical ways to use it. D) If sanitation was improved to prevent
D) A solid matter which could produce diseases, there would be more
temperatures dipping as low as 109 contribution to saving human life than
degrees Fahrenheit was produced all the advances in medical treatment.
by scientists who developed tens of E) Preventing diseases by improving
practical ways to use it. sanitation has contributed more to
E) Scientists managed to produce a human life than any other advance in
solid matter which could produce medical treatment.
temperatures dipping as low as 109
degrees Fahrenheit and developed tens
of practical ways to use it.

Question Bank ( 128 J Dilko Yayınları

Translation )

98. Pek çok farklı hayvan türünün dişleri 99. Ders sırasında not alırken ortaya çıkan
olsa da hayvan diş gelişimi büyük ölçüde iki aşın uç nokta vardır: her şeyi not
insandakiyle aynıdır ve embriyonun altı almaya çalışmak veya neredeyse hiç not
ve sekizinci haftaları arasında oluşmaya almamak.
A) When taking notes on a lecture, there
A) Even though many animal species have are two kinds of extremes that present
similar teeth, animal tooth deveiopment themselves: to try to o full notes or to
is exactly the same as human tooth take almost no notes.
development, and start to form in the B) Here are two major mistakes that
sixth week of the embryo. are made while taking notes during a
B) Though all animal species have teeth, lecture: trying to take full notes or taking
animal tooth development is basically almost no notes.
the same as that in humans, forming C) If you are to take notes during a long
between the sixth and eighth weeks of lecture, here is what you need to do:
the embryo. refrain from trying to take full notes.
C) Many different animal species have D) One mistake that many learners make
teeth, but animal tooth development is while attending a lecture is to try to take
known to be the same as in humans, fuli notes instead of taking no notes.
beginning to form between the sixth and E) What makes students frustrated while
eighth weeks of the embryo. taking notes during a lecture is to see
D) Although many diverse animal species that they fail to take any useful notes.
have teeth, animal tooth deveiopment is
largely the same as in humans, starting
to form between the sixth and eighth
weeks of the embryo. i
E) Animal tooth development is essentially
similar to that in humans, beginning
to form between the sixth and eighth
weeks of the embryo, although many
diverse animal species have teeth.

Dilko Yayınlan ( ^9 J Question Bank


100. İnsan denekler kullanan araştırmalar, 102. Kültür şoku, kendimizi yeni
bu yükümlülük bazı önemli araştırmaları ve alışılagelmedik bir çevrede
sınırlasa veya sonuçları etkilese de bulduğumuzda, yaşadığımız hisleri ve
ancak deneklerin rızasıyla uygulanabilir. tepkiler dizisini tanımlamak için verilmiş
olan bir isimdir.
A) Human subjects may be used in
research only if they agree to do A) Culture shock is a name given to
so, even if this means iimiting some describe the range of reactions and
important research or influencing the emotions we experience when we
results. find ourselves in a new and unfamiliar
B) Only if they agree to take part in environment.
dangerous research can human B) Culture shock is the name given to
subjects be used by researchers trying describe the reactions we experience
to obtain important results. when we find ourselves in a new and
C) Important research that has to use unfamiliar environment.
human subjects requires a lot of effort C) When we find ourselves in a new and
to find individuals who are willing to unfamiliar environment, we display
participate in such perilous studies. some reactions and emotions and this
D) Research using human subjects may is called culture shock.
be conducted only with the consent D) Culture shock, which occurs when
of the subjects, even if this constraint we find ourselves in an unfamiliar
limits some important research or environment, is the name given to
influences the results. describe the range of reactions we
E) Although there is a lot of risk involved experience.
in using human subjects in some E) Culture shock occurs when we find
studies, researchers manage to present ourselves in a new and unfamiliar
convincing evidence to get people to environment.
cooperate with them.

101. Almancadan çok Latlncenin İngilizceyi

nasıl etkilediğini günümüzde görmek
daha kolay olsa da, İngilizce ashnda
Alman kökenli bir dildir.

A) English is a Germanic language, but

today we realize that Latin rather than
German has influenced English.
B) English is actually a Germanic
language, though today it is easier to
see how Latin rather than German has
influenced English.
C) English is actually a Germanic
language, but today we see that Latin
has influenced English more.
D) Although English is actually a Germanic
language, Latin rather than German has
influenced English more.
E) English is a Germanic language, but we
can see other languages' influences on
it such as Latin.

Question Bank ( 130 ) Dilko Yayınlan


103. Nobel Ödüllü Linus Faulting yirmi yıl 104. Araştırmacılar hücrelerin ve mikropların
önce C vitamininin soğuk algınlığıyla hareketleri üzerindeki denetimlerini lazer
savaşma silahı olduğunu ilk olarak ışınlan kullanarak mükemmelleştirdiler.
savunduğundan beri araştırmacılar
bu iddianın doğruluğunu kanıtlamaya A) By controlling the movements of
çalışmakla meşguller. cells and microbes researchers have
perfected their use of laser beams.
A) Ever since Nobel Prize winner Linus B) Thanks to laser beams researchers
Pauiling first advocated vitamin C as had the chance to develop their control
a common-cold war weapon twenty over the movements of cells and
years ago, researchers have been busy microbes.
trying to verify that claim. C) Researchers have perfected their
B) Since Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauiling control over the movements of cells
advocated vitamin C as a common-cold and microbes by using laser beams.
war weapon years ago, researchers D) Researchers controlled the movements
have been trying to verify that claim. of cells and microbes excellently
Û) Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauiling through the use of laser beams.
advocated vitamin C as a common-cold E) What researchers used to perfect their
war weapon, and researchers have control over the cells and microbes was
been busy trying to verify that claim nothing but laser beams.
since then.
D) Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauiling is
the first person to advocate vitamin C
as a common-cold war weapon, and
researchers have wanted to find more
about that claim.
E) Ever since Nobel Prize winner Linus
Pauiling advocated vitamin C as a
common-cold war weapon twenty years
ago, the yearly intake of it has risen

Dilko Yaysnlari Question Bank


105. Vücut sıcaklıklarını daima yüksek tutan 106. Rusya’nın dev gaz şirketi Gazprom
hareketli bir hayat sürdürdükleri için Türkiye île olan ihracat sözleşmelerine
kurt gibi bazı sıcak kanlı hayvanların kış bağlı kalacak ve mevcut dağıtım
uykusuna yatma ihtiyaçları yoktur. güzergahlarının yetersiz olması
durumunda başka seçenekler sunacaktır.
A) Wolves don't need to hibernate like
other warm blooded animals which A) Russia’s giant gas company, Gazprom,
live very actively to keep their body will be committed to its export contracts
temperatures at the same level. with Turkey thus it will present different
B) Some warm blooded animals including options when there is a problem with
the wolf don’t feel a strong need for the routes of delivery.
hibernation since they live an active B) Russia’s great gas company Gazprom
life enabling them to keep their body announced that it would be faithful to its
temperatures high. export contracts and present different
C) Some of the animals like the options if present routes of delivery
warm blooded wolf don’t hibernate were not sufficient.
because they can control their body C) Gazprom, Russia’s giant gas company,
temperatures through living an active will be committed to its export contracts
life. with Turkey and present alternative
D) Some warm blooded animals like the options if existing routes of delivery are
wolf don’t need to hibernate as they not sufficient.
lead an active life which always keeps D) Gazprom, one of the greatest
their body temperatures up. companies of Russia, is faithful to its
E) Since they have to maintain an active export contracts with Turkey and is
life that keeps their body temperatures eager to present various options if the
at utmost level all the time some warm routes of delivery are inadequate.
blooded animals don’t have to hibernate E) Russia and its great gas company,
as most of the wolves do. Gazprom, are faithful to their export
contracts and they want to present
various options since the existing
delivery routes are inefficient.

Question Bank ( 132 ) .......... ~ Dilko Yayınlan


107. Aşın miktarda vitamin ve mineral alan 108. Yönetim Kurulu şirketteki personelin
insanlar dikkat etmelidirler çünkü çok çalışma saatlerini, ancak birkaç
miktarda alındıklarında bu maddelerin alternatifi gözden geçirdikten sonra
zehirli etkilere sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir. değiştirebileceklerini ifade etti.

A) Though beneficial in small amounts, A) The head of the department stated that
overdoses of vitamins and minerals he would change the work hours of the
have been observed to have toxic staff after he revised several options.
effects, therefore, people must take B) According to the board of management,
care when they take them. the work hours of the staff in the
B) People who take overdoses of vitamins company can be changed when some
and minerals should take care as these changes have been done in the plan.
substances have been observed to C) The board of management decided
have toxic effects when taken in large to change the work hours of the
amounts. employees in the company after they
C) People who are in the habit of taking considered some alternatives.
vitamins and minerals regularly should D) The board of management have stated
take care as these substances have that only after they have considered
toxic effects when taken in large several alternatives can they change
amounts. the work hours of the staff in the
D) People taking overdoses of minerals company.
must take care as they are known to E) The board of management have
have toxic effects when they are used assured that they will change the work
excessively. hours of the employees in the company
E) People who take overdoses of vitamins after they consider several alternatives.
should take care since they have been
observed to have deadly effects when
consumed in excessive quantities.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 133 ) Question Bank


109. Eğer kaynaklar sınırsız olsa ne şekilde 110. Zihnin bir takım yetilerden meydana
ve kimin için üretileceğinin yanısıra geldiği düşünülmektedir fakat
neyin üretileceği hiç problem olmazdı psikologlar bunun, eğitim üzerinde
ve böylece insanların istekleri tamamen zararlı etkileri olan bir hata olduğunu
karşılanırdı. düşünüyorlar.

A) How to produce as well as what and A) What can be inferred from the
for whom would be a problem if there psychologist’s point of view is that the
weren’t enough resources and therefore mind consists of some faculties, but in
people’s demands would just be fact this may have some harmful effects
partially satisfied. on our education system.
B) What to produce as well as how and for B) The mind consists of a number of
whom wouldn’t cause any problem if faculties however psychologists defend
resources were unlimited and therefore that this belief is likely to have harmful
human wants would be fully satisfied. effects on education.
C) There wouldn’t have been any problem C) The mind had long been considered to
as to what and how to produce as consist of different faculties, but later
well as for whom had resources been psychologists showed it was an error
limitless. to think in that way as it had negative
D) If resources were unlimited, human impacts on education.
wants would be fully satisfied and thus D) The mind has been thought to
the quantity of something produced consist of a number of faculties, but
would be out of the question. psychologists believe that it is not a
E) Even if resources were unlimited, correct attitude towards the makeup of
what to produce as well as how and the mind.
for whom would be a difficult matter E) The mind is thought to consist of some
as it is hard to satisfy human wants faculties, but psychologists consider
completely. this to be an error having harmful
effects on education.

Question Bank ( 134 ) Dilko Yayınları


111. Kast sisteminin en önde gelen özelliği, 112. MÖ 570-500 yılları arasında yaşamış
kendi içerisinde sosyal bir hareketliliğe bir Yunan filozofu olan Anaximenes
sahip olan sınıf sisteminin aksine bireyin gezegenler ve yıldızlar arasındaki farkı
bir sosyal seviyeden diğerine asla gören ilk kişiydi.
A) The first person who identified the
A) The most prominent feature of the caste difference between the planets and
system is that rareiy does a person the stars was Anaximenes, a Greek
move from one social class to another. philosopher who lived between 570-500
B) The most important feature of the class BC.
system is that it enables people to B) Anaximenes, a Greek philosopher who
move from lower social levels to upper lived between 570-500 BC, was the
ones in contrast with the caste system first person to recognise the difference
that doesn’t have social mobility. between the planets and the stars.
C) The foremost feature of the caste C) Anaximenes, a philosopher, lived in
system is that an individual can never Greece between 570-500 BC and
move from one social level to another recognised the difference between the
contrary to the class system that has planets and the stars.
social mobility in itself. D) Between 570-500 BC, that the planets
D) One important feature of the caste o and the stars are different celestial
system was that it didn’t let people o bodies was proved by a Greek
move from one social level to another philosopher, Anaximenes.
contrary to the class system which had E) Anaximenes was a Greek philosopher
social mobility. who lived between 570-500 BC and the
The foremost distinction between both C first person to distinguish the planets
systems is that in Contrast with the from the stars.
class system, people can hardly move a
from one class to another in the caste o

Dilko Yayınlan ( 135 ) Question Bank


113. 1954’te Ernest Hemingway’in Afrika’ya 114. Bir zamanlar gelin arabasının tamponuna
gittiği ve iki gün içinde iki uçak kazası teneke kutular ya da eski ayakkabılar
geçirdikten sonra, yanlışlıkla, öldüğü bağlanılırsa bunların çok gürültü yaparak
bildirildi. kötü ruhları uzak tutacağına inanılırdı.

A) Ernest Hemingway, who went to Africa A) It was once believed that if tin cans or
1954, was thought to have died after old shoes were tied to the bumper of
he had been through two airplane the wedding car, they would keep away
crashes in two days. evil spirits by making excessive noise.
B) On his way to Africa, in 1954 Ernest B) People once believed that tin cans and
Hemingway had two airplane crashes old shoes tied to the bumper of the
in two days and by mistake he was wedding car would protect the couple
reported dead. from evil spirits by making too much
C) In 1954, it was reported that noise.
Hemingway went to Africa and, by C) In order to provide protection from evil
mistake, was reported dead after spirits, people used to tie tin cans or
having been through two airplane old shoes to the bumper of the wedding
crashes within two days. car.
D) Ernest Hemingway had two airplane D) Tying tin cans or old shoes to the
crashes within two days in 1954, in bumper of the wedding car was once
Africa, and by mistake was reported believed to make a lot of noise and
dead. therefore keep away evil sprits.
E) In 1954, Ernest Hemingway went to E) In earlier times it was believed that tin
Africa but he had two plane crashes in cans or old shoes tied to the bumper
two days and was reported dead. of the wedding car would make a lot of
noise and that it was the only way to
provide protection from the evil sprits.

115. Bilim adamları okyanus tabanını

keşfedecek teknolojiyi ancak kısa bir
süre önce geliştirdiklerinden, oradaki
yaşamla ilgili çok az şey bilinmektedir.

A) We do not know' much about the

ocean floor, for scientists have not yet
developed the technology to explore it.
B) Not much is known about the life on the
ocean floor although scientists have
developed the technology to explore it.
C) People have learnt only a little about
the life on the ocean floor since
scientists developed the technology to
explore it.
D) Since scientists have only recently
developed the technology to explore the
ocean floor, very little is known about
the life on it.
E) Because scientists have developed the
technology to explore the ocean floor,
we can now learn the life on it.

Question Bank ( 136 ) Dilko Yayınlar!


116. Bomba sadece oteli harabeye çevirmekle 118. Geçtiğimiz günlerde Endonezya’da olan
kalmadı, karşısındaki binalarda da ciddi depremin uzun süredir aktif olmayan bir
hasar meydana getirdi. yanardağı tetiklemesi bekleniyor.

A) Not only the hotel, but also the houses A) It is expected that the earthquake which
were seriously damaged by the bomb. has taken place in Indonesia recently
B) Hardly had the bomb exploded when will start eruption in a dormant volcano.
the hotel and the houses opposite were B) The earthquake having taken place in
wrecked. Indonesia recently is expected to trigger
C) The bomb not only wrecked the hotel a volcano which has been dormant for
but also seriously damaged the houses a long time.
opposite. C) People expect that a volcano which
D) The bomb seriously damaged the has been dormant for years will be
houses which were close to the hotel. triggered due to the recent earthquake
E) The houses were also seriously in Indonesia.
damaged as they were near the hotel D) A volcano is expected to be triggered
wrecked by the bomb. by the earthquake which has occurred
in Indonesia recently.
E) People have recently predicted that the
earthquake in Indonesia will trigger a
volcano which has been dormant for a
long time.

119. Fransız ihtilalinin yüzüncü yıhm

kutlamak için inşa edilmiş olan Eiffel
kulesi günümüze kadar kadar dünyanın
dört bir yanından milyonlarca ziyaretçiyi
117. Öğretmenin konuyla ilgili çok az örnek ağırlamıştır.
vermesine rağmen, bunların öğrencilerin
sınavdaki başarılarında büyük etkisi A) The Eiffel Tower, which has welcomed
oldu. millions of visitors from the four
corners of the globe so far, was built to
A) Much as the teacher gave very few celebrate the centenary of the French
examples related to the subject, Revolution.
these had a tremendous influence on B) Millions of people from the four corners
students’ success in the exam. of the globe have visited the Eiffel
B) Although the teacher gave quite a few Tower, which was built to celebrate the
examples related to the subject, the centenary of the French Revolution.
students couldn’t succeed in the exam. C) The Eiffel Tower, built to celebrate the
C) The examples given by the teacher centenary of the French Revolution, has
had a great influence on the learners’ welcomed millions of people from the
success in the exam. four corners of the globe up to present.
D) The teacher, whose examples had D) To celebrate the centenary of the
a huge influence on the students’ French Revolution, millions of people
achievement, in fact, was excellent. from the four corners of the globe visit
E) The teacher, who gave very few the Eiffel Tower every year.
examples, had a tremendous influence E) The Eiffel Tower was built to celebrate
on the students’ development. the centenary of the French Revolution
and it has welcomed millions of people
from the four corners of the globe.

Dilko Yayınlan ( <37 ) Question Bank


120. Bilim adamlarına göre, şu ana kadar 122. Meydandaki yürüyüş nedeniyle birçok
tanımlanmış olan 360 köpekbalığı yol polis tarafından araç trafiğine
türünden sadece dört tanesi insanlara kapatıldığı için işe gitmemiz her
saldırmaktadır. zamankinden daha uzun sürdü.

A) According to scientists out of the 360 A) It took us longer to go to work than

species of sharks which have been usual because there was a march in the
described up to now, oniy four attack square and many roads were blocked
humans. by the police.
B) A scientific research has revealed that B) Since some roads were blocked against
out of the 360 species of sharks which motor traffic owing to the march, it took
have been described up to now, only us longer to go to work than usual.
four attack humans. C) As the police had blocked most of the
C) According to scientists, out of the 360 roads against motor traffic due to the
species of sharks which have been march in the square, we were late to
classified so far, only four of them work.
are known to have tendency to attack D) Since many roads were blocked against
humans. motor traffic by the police owing to the
D) Scientists say that out of the 360 march in the square, going to work took
species of sharks described up to now, us longer than usual.
only four have the potential to attack E) Owing to the march in the square, many
humans. roads were blocked against motor traffic
E) According to a research out of the 360 by the police, therefore, we weren't able
species of sharks described so far, to arrive work on time.
only four have been confirmed to have
attacked humans.

121. İzlanda’yı ziyaret eden turistlerin

bilmesi gereken en önemli şeylerden
biri restoranlarda bahşiş bırakmanın 123. Maddeleri beyazlatmak ve bakterileri
garsonlar tarafından hakaret olarak kabul öldürmek için kullanılan ozon, 1840’ta
edilmesidir. Friedrich Schönben tarafından
A) That tipping at restaurants is
considered an insult by waiters is A) Ozone, which is largely used for
something that tourists visiting Iceland bleaching substances and killing
must know. dangerous bacteria, was first
B) The most important thing that a tourist discovered by Friedrich Schönben in
visiting Iceland should know is that 1840.
tipping at restaurants is considered an B) Ozone, used for bleaching substances
insult. and killing bacteria, was discovered by
C) One important thing that tourists must Friedrich Schönben in 1840.
know before visiting Iceland is that 0) Discovered by Friedrich Schönben
tipping at restaurants is considered an in 1840, ozone is used for bleaching
insult by waiters. substances and killing bacteria.
D) Most tourists who visit Iceland know D) Ozone, which is mainly used for
that tipping at restaurants is considered bleaching substances, was first used by
an insult by waiters. Friedrich Schönben in 1840.
E) One of the most important things that E) After it was discovered by Friedrich
tourists visiting Iceland must know is Schönben in 1840, ozone was started
that tipping at restaurants is considered to be used for bleaching substances
an insult by waiters. and killing bacteria.

Question Bank ( 138 ) Dilko Yaysnlan


124. Köpekbalıkları saatte ortalama beş mil 125. Eski Yunan kültürü Batı Medeniyetlerinin
hızla yüzerler fakat beslenirken veya bir temeli olarak değerlendirilir çünkü
saldırı esnasında saatte oniki mil hıza Yunanlı düşünürler yüzyıllardır bilgi ve
ulaşabilirler. bilgelik ile ilgili sorulara cevap vermeye
A) Sharks swim at an average speed of
five miles per hour and if they feed or A) The basis of Western Civilisations is
attack they reach speeds of twelve related to the ancient Greek culture
miles or more per hour. because Greek thinkers always tried to
B) Sharks swim at an average speed of answer the questions about knowledge
twelve miles per hour but when they and wisdom.
are feeding or attacking they lower their B) It is said that the ancient Greek culture
speeds and swim at an average speed is the basis of all Western Civilisations
of 5 miles. because Greek thinkers have tried to
C) Sharks are known to swim at a speed explain the importance of wisdom and
of five miles per hour and when they knowledge in human life for centuries.
attack they can increase their speed up C) The ancient Greek culture is considered
to twelve miles per hour. to be the basis of Western Civilisations
D) Although sharks swim at a speed of five because Greek thinkers have tried to
miles per hour, they reach a speed of e
o answer questions about knowledge and
twelve miles per hour while feeding or q wisdom for centuries.
attacking. D) Since Greek thinkers answered the
E) Sharks swim at an average speed of questions about knowledge and
five miles per hour but when feeding wisdom, the ancient Greek culture is
or during an attack they can reach a accepted as the fundamental basis of
speed of twelve miles per hour. Western Civilisations.
E) Greek culture is believed to be
the fundamental basis of Western
Civilisations because Greek thinkers
were the ones who tried to answer
the questions about wisdom and

Dilko Yayınları ( 139 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

1.-135. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek Jack:
ifadeyi bulunuz. Why? I’ve started to learn from my
Sue: Sally:
Though I have finished all the That’s a big change. I’ve never heard
research, I don’t think I will be able you say things like this before.
to present my findings at the annual Jack:
conference in July. Well, people change as they get
Alan: older, and I’m not young anymore.
But that’s one month away. You’ve
still got lots of time. A) They will probably not tell us about the
Sue: problems in their lives.
B) The two students admitted to cheating
Alan: throughout the semester.
Not if I help you with it. C) She makes such stupid mistakes that I
sometimes doubt she’s got a brain.
A) But it will probably take me more than D) Although she’s over forty, my mother
that to organize my notes. still feels like a teenager,
B) I haven’t finished the research yet and 1 E) I don’t believe that you are a more
am not ready for the conference. responsible person than before.
C) I hope I’ll be ready to return to work
D) You know it is very important for my
career. Zed:
E) I’ve been so busy lately that I didn’t
have time to see you. Nora:
Don’t be prejudiced. Maybe they
don’t use price tags because they
want to imply that the prices are
2. Vince: Zed:
Come on. Don’t be naive. They do
Kelly: this simply because they have got
I didn’t. I’m fed up with your blaming very high prices.
me all the time. Nora:
Vince: Okay, Zed. You’re right. This is not
Come on, Kelly. You can’t fool me. I the only store in the world. Let’s
know you are using it without asking walk ahead and find a better place.
Kelly: A) The prices in the catalogue are different
I’m not going to waste my time trying from those on the tags. I don’t trust
to convince you. these people.
B) They’ve opened a lovely clothes shop
A) Did you inform the technical service just round the corner. Let’s pop in and
about the power failure? do some shopping.
B) Didn’t I tell you millions of times to ask C) Have you any idea how much that
for my permission? fabulous dress in the shop window is? I
C) How did you manage to recover the think I’m going to buy it.
bugged files on your computer? D) Where I lived before I moved to this
D) Why did you use my laptop without neighbourhood, things were much
permission? cheaper than those here.
E) Did you know the computer prices fell E) I don’t likö this store. There are no
by forty percent last year? price tags attached to the items in the

Question Bank ( 142 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

5. Andrew: David:
Do you think the problem of global Can you recommend me a book on
warming will soon be solved? the theory of multiple intelligence?
Pam: Walter:

Andrew: David:
Well, actually I’m not I’ve got a So do you mean that I should go to
homework assignment on the future the library and look for one instead
of global warming, and I’m trying of asking you?
to collect data by asking people’s Walter:
opinions. Don’t be so touchy. You know I
Pam: always try to do my best whenever
I guess I’m not a good source of you need my help.
information on this issue.
A) How am I supposed to know
A) No, I don’t. And I’m not willing to write anything about a subject like multiple
another essay on air pollution. intelligence?
B) Are you aware of the fact that the world B) He went to the library yesterday and
will run out of oil reserves in fifty years? looked for a book on quantum physics.
C) I have no idea. I didn’t know you were C) I would love to be there but you know
interested in environmental issues. I’m not going to be around for a few
D) If you haven’t got a lot of homework for weeks.
tomorrow, we can go out tonight. D) There are lots of books on this subject,
E) As far as I know, you were not in the so you won’t have difficulty finding one.
environment club when it was started. E) Thanks to the Internet, we do not need
to buy hard copy books anymore.

6. Larry: Mum:
There’s hardly any sugar left so
I’ll go to the supermarket and buy Boy:
some. You’re not going to complain all day,
Kim: are you?
Larry: You see? This is another example of
Oh. God. I totally forgot that. But it’s lack of respect to elders.
quite normal for a person who hasn’t Boy:
had a holiday for the last three years, I understand. You’re not in the
isn’t it? right mood to talk about anything.
You don’t remember that, not A) I’m going to quit this job. I work too hard
because you had your last holiday a but get too little money.
long time ago, but because you’re an B) I can’t believe it. This jacket was two
absent-minded person. hundred dollars last week and now it’s
A) You don’t need to. We’re going on C) If I were you, I would learn to keep
holiday soon. Remember? quiet so that other people would have a
B) Can you also buy some flour and eggs? chance to talk.
I want to make a cake. D) When I was young, we had respect for
C) Do you mind if I join you? I’m bored to our elders. Now look at you.
death. E) Enough is enough. I can’t stand hearing
D) Don’t worry. I'll take care of it. You your complaints about me.
know I’ve got to do some shopping.
E) You can’t do that now because you’ve
got more important things to do.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 1*3 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

9. Greg: 11. Jack:

Pete: Walter:
I’m not surprised, it was certain that Did you wake him up and say he was
the tension between the two teams disturbing you?
would eventually cause a lot of Jack:
trouble. I did but he just didn’t care and went
Greg: back to sleep. Then I poured some
It’s a pity that a spoil event leads to tea on his trousers and he was wide
such violence. awake.
Pete: Walter:
Sure it is. And that’s why I never go I can’t believe you did that You’re
to the stadium, i prefer to watch the crazy.
matches on television.
A) My father arrived home very late and
A) Have you any idea why football is so his noise woke all the family up.
popular a.ll around the world? B) Our upstairs neighbour had a noisy
B) Was the new player able to show his birthday party last night.
so-called unique skills in yesterday’s C) The man sitting next to me on the bus
match? was snoring loudly.
C) Did you hear that nearly one hundred D) Do you mind if I lie down on the couch
football fans were arrested yesterday? and sleep for a while?
D) I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to the E) We had a terrible night last night. The
match tomorrow. Do you want my baby kept crying until the morning.
E) There are so many sports programs
on TV, but almost ail of them focus on

10. Sally: 12. Gary:

You promised to call me back last Look at the dog. It is running in
night but you didn’t. Have you got an circles and barking furiously.
explanation? Betsy:
Patrick: It must have seen a stranger around
the gate.
Sally: Gary:
You’re talking like on old man.
Patrick. You’re only 25. Betsy:
Patrick: No. It’s not a police dog, Gary. You
Age is not the only factor that affects shouldn’t take its barks so seriously.
memory. You know there are other
things like exercise, nutrition, and A) Don’t you think we should check if there
stress. is something wrong?
B) Do you mean your dog is almost as
A) I know but promise to forgive me when I clever as a police dog?
explain why. C) Would an intruder alarm be a better
B) I had a terrible backache. I couldn’t option than our poor dog?
even stand upright. D) They probably did. Why don’t you call
C) The tablets that the doctor prescribed the police instead of complaining?
were no good. E) You didn’t feed it, did you? I knew I
D) People who smoke a lot have a weaker shouldn’t trust you.
memory than those who don’t.
E) My memory? is not as good as it used to

Question Bank (144 J Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

13. Philip: 15. Bill:

The temperature is higher than usual I wish I were as lucky as you are
for this time of the year. and had a job that involves a lot of
Dora: travelling.
Don’t be so harsh to me, Dora. We Bill:
met only an hour ago and we don’t Really? What is it that you don’t like
know much about each other. I’m about visiting all the cities in the
just trying to break the ice. country?
Dora: Susan:
I don’t want to talk about the I do not travel to those cities as a
weather, though. Why don’t we talk tourist. I have meetings with the
about our hobbies and interests? customers all the time and it’s no
A) We should have something more
interesting than the weather to talk A) I’m a born voyager and I chose a job
about. that would make me happy.
B) Yes, it is. Let’s go home, take our B) A well-paid job isn’t necessarily a good
swimming stuff and go to the seaside. job for a person like me.
C) I always listen to the weather forecast C) You can always give up your current job
before I leave home, although they are and join me.
not always accurate. D) Travelling all the time is as enjoyable as
D) We had better stay in until the sun you think.
starts to go down. I don’t want to get E) I’m not in the right mood to listen to
sunburnt again. your never-ending complaints about life.
E) I don’t think so. I’ve lived here for a long
time and I’ve seen much hotter days.

14. James: I’m going to buy a new laptop
I need you to help with the new computer.
specialist we are going to hire. Ashley:
James: Not any more. I gave up smoking and
I have interviewed more than twenty drinking alcohol. I will buy anything I
candidates but none of them is good want with the money I will save.
enough. Ashley:
Michael: Great. You seem to have made the
Why don’t you put an ad in the wisest decision of your life.
newspaper instead of referring to
previously collected CVs? A) Has he won the lottery? He didn’t have
money to buy lunch yesterday.
A) I don’t think he will be able to spare any B) Are you kidding? I thought you were on
time for interviews. a tight budget.
B) We certainly need a new specialist but C) And you want me to go to the techno
we cannot afford one at the moment. shop with you now. Is that right?
C) Is it? I’ll be glad if I can be of help in any D) You don’t need to buy brand-new ones.
way. You can buy second hand ones.
D) I thought you talked to some candidates E) I’ll be happy to give you some tips
and chose one. about each one of them.
E) We do not need a new specialist. What
we need is better software.

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 145 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

17. Steve: 19. Susan;

The flight to Australia will take
Greg: a long time and I want to read a
Thanks for asking but no one can novel during the journey. Can you
help me. I’m a dead man. I crashed recommend me one?
my father’s car last night and he Alec;
doesn’t know about it yet. I’m afraid I can’t. It’s ages since I last
Steve: read a novel
Your father is a nice man. I’m sure Susan:
he will forgive you after the initial
shock. Try to calm down. Alec:
Greg; Actually, I am. But I’m more
I can’t. He’s going to kill me. into books on psychology and
philosophy rather than novels.
A) Hi, Greg. You look worried. Is there
anything I can do to help? A) There are several novels I can
8) Do you want me to help you with the recommend. Are you ready to take
repair work? You seem to have a lot to notes?
do. B) Really? I’m a little disappointed. I
C) Did you take your father’s car without thought you were a bookworm.
asking for permission? I can’t beiieve it. E C) Are you one of those bigheaded writers
D) Bye, Greg. I will let you know what has o who do not appreciate amateur efforts?
happened after I talk to dad about the D) The flight to Australia is not long
accident. enough to read the whole novel.
E) Do you think your father will go crazy if E) Are you going to buy that book or
we get his car after he goes to bed? Q borrow it from the school library?

18. Jack: 20. Tim:
I need to talk to you urgently. Come There’s no point in calling Fred now,
to my office immediately. because I’m sure he won’t be awake.
Tom: $ Andy:

Jack: 5 Tim:
Forget about the bus. This is a But how will you talk to him when he
once-in-a- lifetime opportunity. I’m is sleeping like a rock?
going to make you a great job offer. Andy:
Tom: I’ll ask his mom to wake him up, of
What are you talking about? You course. Give me the phone.
don’t have money for a meal in your
pocket and you are going to make A) Then let’s wait for another hour. I would
me a job offer. Stop kidding me. never want to see him furious.
B) Look at the time. If you keep coming to
A) Okay. I will be there in an hour. Do you work late, I will have to kick you out.
want me to do anything else before I C) Sorry for the delay but we got stuck in
drop by? traffic although we tried an alternative
B) The bus driver said the journey would route.
take five hours so I decided not to go. D) Is he on sleeping pills? Whenever I call
C) Trains are on strike so I don’t think I will him, you say he is asleep.
be able to get there very soon. E) I don’t care whether he will be awake or
D) I can’t. I’ve got a bus to catch. Why not. I have got to talk to him.
don’t we talk now on the phone?
E) Why? What’s the matter? Are you in
trouble with the police again?

Question Bank ( 146 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Dialogue Completion

21. Dora: 23. Mike:

My mother finally got the good news What are those people over there
she had been waiting for ages. She doing? Are they waiting for a concert
has been promoted. or something?
Lucy: Pete:
No, they are protesting against the
Dora: violent war in the Middle East
Not yet. But my father is planning Mike:
something. I guess he has arranged
a weekend holiday in a fabulous Pete:
hotel. I can’t believe you are so insensitive
Lucy: about human life.
Lucky you. I wish I could join you.
A) Now I understand. Why don’t we join
A) Great. Did you do anything special to them and support their cause?
celebrate? B) Then we had better take the metro
B) She was the most suitable candidate because it’s the cheapest way to get
for the position. there.
C) I can’t say I’m surprised. How about C) My cousin is in the army and he is
you? fighting against the enemy.
D) Have you given her the gift you bought D) If I had known about this earlier, I would
last week? have done something to help them.
E) She must be really happy. Has she E) Are they off their minds? What has the
been given a pay rise, too? war there got to do with them?

22. Kelly: I’m not going to repeat, Nora. Stop
I can’t stand Laura anymore. She quarrelling with your brother.
is always boasting about her rich Nora:
Andrew: Mother:
I don’t mean it’s your fault. I’m just
Kelly: telling you to stop it because you are
Well, I do. She feels inferior as she older.
is not good at anything and she is Nora:
trying to hide her low self-esteem by Wouldn’t it be fairer if you told him
referring to them all the time. to show respect to me because I’m
Andrew: older?
You sound like a professional
psychologist. Can you put it in plain A) Don’t tell me what I’m supposed to do. I
terms? know my job well enough to make such
A) You shouldn’t let her upset you with her B) Do you mean he left home because I
stupid jokes about the rich. was treating him unfairly? You must be
B) Do you ever wish you were as wealthy crazy.
as her mother’s relatives? C) Why are you always blaming me? It
C) Neither can I. I don’t understand what was him who started the fight.
makes her do that. D) It may have been my fault not to warn
D) I don’t believe they said they would do you against the likely adverse effects.
whatever she wanted them to do. E) You are probably right but don’t you
E) As far as I can remember, you used to think it’s too early to worry about my
talk behind their back, too. retirement?

Dilko Yayınları ( 147 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

25. Philip: 27. Kim:

This neighbourhood is not very
safe. You ought to insure all your Sandra:
belongings against theft. Then you must move a little farther
Greg: from the city centre.
Philip: I can’t make such radical changes in
How about your TV set, computer, or my life when I’m expecting a baby.
camera? Sandra:
Greg: Then you should learn to live with
Well, they are al! very old and I’m what you have.
looking for a reason to get rid of
them. A) This house is too big for two of us.
B) Life is sometimes difficult when you live
A) You know I’m new here. Do you know a away from the centre.
good insurance agency? C) I used to live peacefully in a cottage
B) I’m broke at the moment and I can’t near the lake.
afford any new costs. D) It would be incredibly expensive to heat
C) Insurance companies do whatever it this house.
takes to avoid any payment. E) I can’t stand this crowd and noise any
D) Thanks for the advice but I do not more.
possess anything valuable.
E) I know what you mean but I don’t care
what they will do.

26. Jason: 28. Mark:

Haven’t I seen you somewhere We will have to lay off some 20
before? employees soon.
Mary: Paul:

Jason: Mark:
Yes, you’re right. I must be more I’m afraid this is the only way we can
straightforward. Well, shall we go out even up the balance sheet.
for dinner tonight? Paul:
Mary: Then do whatever we have to do.
Oh, why not?
A) Has the accountant revised the balance
A) Yes, that’s what I thought when I first sheet?
saw her at the bus stop. B) They were expecting a crisis, so they
B) You should give up such out of date won’t be shocked.
cliches if you want to find a date. C) Can’t we do something else to cut down
C) It was at Adam’s party that we were our expenses?
introduced. D) Have you decided who will stay and
D) You’re not being very honest with me who will go?
and the other people working in the E) This will be a good warning for other
office. inefficient workers.
E) I’m not the kind of person who can be
fooled with that.

Question Bank ( 148 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

29. Tom: 31. Mary:

Istanbul has changed a lot in the last
ten years. Tim:
Jack: Come on, Mary. You can’t give up
a post only because of a colleague.
Tom: A smart person like you can’t make
Do you mean the pollution and the such a foolish decision.
noise? Mary:
Jack: You can’t change my mind. I’m
No, I’m talking about the lack of love going.
and tolerance in society. Tim:
That’s your choice but you’re going
A) Yes, it’s even dirtier and noisier. to regret
B) It’s not only Istanbul that has changed.
C) Why are you so pessimistic about the A) Can you believe it? She didn’t post the
future? invitations.
D) Not for the better, though. B) A colleague of mine has asked me out
E) Certainly. There are more cars and for dinner.
traffic now. C) I quit. I can’t bear this big-headed
maggot any more.
E D) Don’t trust your colleagues. They’ll give
o you away.
E) My business partner and I are going to
give up smoking together.
30. Tim:
Did you really mean it when you
said we were doomed to fail? Is our
situation so bad?
James: 32 Paul:
Were you really surprised to hear o The money that the local government
that? spends to construct new roads in
Tim: and around the city is a waste.
James: 5
But there are those who spent Paul:
years for preparation. Naturally 5 Not exactly, I believe if they focus all
they carried out a more extensive their efforts on public transportation,
research and so managed to bring they will do a much better job.
out a better device. Dave:
I agree. All modern cities have an
A) Well, actually I wasn’t but you know I advanced public transportation
had to pretend I was surprised. network.
B) I didn’t hear anything. Don’t expect me
to support you just because I happened A) A waste? Are you joking? What’s wrong
to be around when you made that fatal with investing money in substructure?
mistake. B) What is it that makes you think like
C) I was forced to say I cooperated with that? The never-ending population
you. If I hadn’t, they would have shot growth?
me. C) The previous governments should have
D) Of course. We spent more than been cleverer and made better choices.
six months to get prepared for this D) If they had begun to do this earlier, the
competition. whole construction work would have
E) Their spending more time than us does been finished by now.
not necessarily mean they did a better E) You’re the only person among
job than us, because we’re far better my friends who criticizes the local
than them. government so vigorously.

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

33, Brooks: 35. Jack:

I would like to give back this pair of I hate to be a loser. Do I always have
shoes I bought last week. to fail?
Tina: Andy:
What happened again? Why are you
Brooks: so pessimistic?
No, gentleman. I certainly can. I Jack:
guess you have no idea of the new
consumer rights. Andy:
Tina: Stop despising yourself. I think
I know those rights very well, but you should start with getting a
one of the heels has come off more positive view of life. Things
and the outer skin of the shoe is will improve when you become
scratched, so we can’t help you. optimistic.

A) i’m sorry, but you can neither give back A) I’m not pessimistic. I’m only trying to be
nor change them. realistic and make the best choice.
B) Can you bring them back tomorrow? B) I don’t understand. Whatever I do, I fail.
C) Can i see the receipt? Is it because I’m a born idiot?
D) I’m afraid you’ll have to come tomorrow. C) My wife has been transferred to another
E) Of course, madam. Are you a regular branch just because she quarrelled with
customer of ours? a customer.
D) I used to hang around with a gloomy
face like yours but then I realised it was
a big mistake.
E) Why are you always trying to humiliate
me with questions about my sordid

34. Andrew: Doctor:

Seeing your blood test results, I can
Norma: say you’re not watching your diet
Why are you surprised? After all, and you’re not using your medicine
you’re the best student in this class. properly.
Andrew: Rick:
That’s very kind of you, but I doubt
that I’m the best in this class. Doctor:
Norma: Do you choose to die in a few
Why would you doubt it? That’s what months? Is this what you want?
all our teachers say. Rick:
I don’t care how long more I will live.
A) Her failing the exam was an absolute I just want to enjoy the rest of my
shock to me. life.
B) They were all amazed when I got the
top score. A) I’ve made a choice and I’m asking you
C) I’m really curious about the results of to understand me.
the exam we took last week. B) No, I’ve been careless only recently. I
D) I can’t believe I did so well in the exam promise to change.
last week. C) It’s a well-known fact that such
E) My passing the exam with such a poor medicine does not work with severe
grade was not totally unexpected, was cases.
it? D) Disappointment is a painful feeling that
hurts you deep inside.
E) Some time later, he will eventually
understand what you mean.

Question Bank [ 150 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

Dialogue Completion

37. Bob: 39. Harry:

I can’t understand why you insist on Which one constitutes a more
reading that pile of rubbish. significant part of your humble
Angie: existence in this realm of incessant
Why not? What’s wrong with it? lust and loathsome fights over
Bob: tawdry desires, motherhood or
Angie: Carol:
This is sheer prejudice. You seem to What? Speak English, please. I hate
think that it’s only your newspaper wordiness.
that provides factual information. Harry:

A) It’s filled with misleading news and Carol:

nasty libel. They’re both indispensable in my
B) Stereotypes are always deceptive and life, but I can’t say one is more
should be avoided. important than the other.
C) Such remarks make people enquire into
your reliability. A) When I use plain language to put
D) Validity is not easy to assess under across my ideas, I feel odd.
such conditions. B) We’re in the same boat. We must learn
E) Insistence on his own choices is the E to cooperate to sort out such problems.
foremost defect in his character. o C) Okay. What I mean is, did you see your
mother or your husband more often?
D) You’re both a mother and a wife now.
Which role is more difficult than the
E) Alright. Which role is more important to
you. being a mother or being a wife?

38. Sam:
I can’t understand why people go to
see a doctor for things like the flu
or a headache. They will get better
shortly even if they simply rest.
You’re a doctor, pal. How can you
say this?

Most of the time, it is not. But
sometimes it is.

A) I guess you’re right. Sometimes I talk

nonsense and spoil my image.
B) It is not wrong to stick to your own way
of life wherever you reside, is it?
C) I don’t think it’s the right time to talk
about my projections.
D) Can’t you ever be honest enough and
speak your mind?
E) Come on. Be honest. Is it worth the
time and money they waste?

Dilko Yayınlan l 1ST ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion )

40. Ted: 41. Mike:

They keep saying television has There’s something wrong with most
destroyed communication among parents’ attitudes towards their
friends and family, but I don’t agree. children’s education.
Sam: Joe:
How come you do not agree? We’ve
become couch potatoes hypnotised Mike:
by imaginary lives of imaginary True, but that’s not what I’m talking
characters. about. Even the poorest families pay
Ted: preparation courses huge amounts
of money, but they ignore their
Sam: children’s social development by not
We’re all humans and we’re easily leading them into sports, music and
attracted to the bad. It’s not at all art.
easy to avoid them. Joe:
Getting a good education and then
A) There are a lot of useful programs on a good job is a basic necessity but
TV. You don’t have to watch serials and extracurricular activities are more
magazine programs all the time. like a luxury. That’s why they might
B) Most people enjoy watching silly be disregarding them.
magazine programs peeping into
immoral lives of celebrities. A) Do you mean we mustn’t worry about
C) There didn’t use to be any their future and be prepared to face
communication between parents and whatever comes out?
children anyway. B) Schools have been replaced with
D) We might as well organize special preparation courses that provide much
gatherings to improve the relationships better education compared with a few
between the employees. years ago.
E) Corruption is unavoidable as long as Q Yes. They put too much pressure on
there’re so many people willing to give them to get good results from exams,
up their ideals. but they are not interested in actual
D) I agree. Extracurricular activities like
music and sport do not seem to be
considered important by most of them.
E) I guess you imply I’m not a good
enough parent because I usually refuse
my kids’ demands.

Question Bank ( 152 ") Dilko Yayınlan

( Dialogue Completion )

42, Bruce: 43. Tim:

Let’s draw up a plan before we set Incessant disinformation and
out to tour the city. There are an brainwashing through the media
awful lot of museums and historical have turned people into robots who
sites to visit here. cannot think critically.
Mike: Fred:
Are we supposed to spend al! day Yes, and they are even telling us
visiting boring museums? when to feel happy and when to feel
Bruce: upset.
Of course, not. We could go to cafes Fred:
and restaurants during the day and I can’t say I’m very hopeful. You
then to bars at night and mingle with know what they say: “Money is
the local people. might, might is right.”

A) Museums are not boring places. They A) This results from our lack of interest in
deserve more attention than you seem international politics, doesn’t it?
to pay. B) Do you think there is anything we can
B) It might be a good idea to mix up with do to prevent this?
the local people and try to get to know E C) It’s too late to do anything about it
them. o because they have already put an ad in
C) What do you suggest we do? Shall we the paper.
stay in the hotel and watch TV instead? D) Who are they? Are they trying to
D) Why don’t we do the boring: stuff during undermine the values that make up the
the day and have fun at night? o core of our existence?
c : E) Sooner or later people will realise
E) As long as I know you agree, I will be
okay wandering around this wondrous >. there is not much to do to get over the
city. co obstacles he has put before us.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 153 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion " )

44. Pam: 45. Allie:

Now that the mortgage law has come The government has made some
into effect, what kind of changes regulations to encourage people to
do you expect to see in the years to have more children.
come? Joe:
Will: I can’t believe it The direct or
Well, it’s not difficult to foresee indirect cause of almost every
what’s going to happen because problem in Turkey is the population
Turkey is not the first country to increase.
adopt this system. House prices Allie:
will increase and interest rates will
decrease. Joe:
Pam: I’m sorry but I’m sick of hearing
people put all the blame on the West
Will: about every controversial matter.
I don’t agree. Economics is a science
and it has its own rules. You will A) But still we cannot catch up with the
see that whatever has happened in average income level in the West.
other countries is going to happen in B) It’s the West that we must hold
Turkey too. responsible for the delay in our
E unification.
A) It seems that you know a lot about what o C) Officials don’t seem to be aware of
is going on in other parts of the world. what’s actually going on in the region.
We must get together more often so D) I can’t say I agree with you. Your
that I can learn from you. argument is a misconception imposed
B) You sound as if you were talking by the West to prevent our growth.
about mathematics. When people are E) I totally disagree with you, because
involved in an equation, such simplistic scientific progress has always been
approaches usually fail. supported by all the governments in the
C) And when the prices increase, people West.
will have to find alternative investment
D) It was different last year, you know.
People had to revise their investment
E) At first I was inclined to agree with what
some experts said, but then I realised
the interest rates would go down.

Question Bank i 154 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

46. Tim: 48. Patrick:

The Internet has grown into a Why are you working so much?
monster and governments seem to Arnold:
have no practical weapons to fight
against it. Patrick:
Carla: Funny little boy. Do you really think
I don’t agree that it has become a people are promoted because they
monster. To me, it’s obviously a work hard? You’ve got a lot to learn.
blessing. Arnold:
Tim: Don’t worry. I know more than you
could imagine. Hard work always
Carla: pays off.
So what? If you follow the same
logic, you must say that city life is A) I’ve got two reports to finish by Friday
a menace because there’re a huge evening.
number of crimes directly related to B) You’re working at least as hard as me.
city life. C) Why do you keep asking such silly
A) The dramatic increase in the crime D) I want to be noticed by the
rates implicates lack of efficient policies. management. I’m hoping for a
B) It seems that you’re unaware of the promotion.
skyrocketing virtual crime rates. E) One important thing that I’ve learnt from
C) It’s because you’re one of those lucky my father is to work.
few* who can make money out of it.
D) Actually I agree with you, but maybe
because I feel under the weather
nowadays, I tend to be rather
E) Once you are attacked by a hacker, you Jack:
will regret not having installed a firewall. One of the countries I know very
little about is Australia.
Same here. All I know is the vast
sheep industry and aborigines. The
47. Mother: distance might be the reason for our
When you dropped out of school lack of knowledge.
to be a model, I thought you were Jack:
Daughter: Ashley:
Then it could be their lack of weight
Mother: in the world politics.
No. I’ve got to say I still think that it
was the biggest mistake in your life! A) I don’t think so, because the USA is
Daughter: almost the same distance as Australia
You must be kidding. I earn a fortune from here.
as a model. How can you still say it B) You’re probably right. But it’s also
was a mistake? because they are not very good at
international sport events.
A) And you were right. C) And because of the distance, they have
B) But now you can see I was right, can’t never been able to improve the tourism
you? industry.
C) I can’t say I didn’t really care what you D) Once we get there tomorrow morning,
thought. you will probably see what I mean.
D) Do you still think so? E) What they aim to do is to make
E) Maybe you were right, but who wasn’t? themselves known through effective
use of the Internet.

Dilko Yayınlar! 7 155.... Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

50. Secretary: 52. Sandra:

Am I supposed to fill in a job What would you do if you had to
application form? choose between your career and
Mark: your family?
No. Just leave your name and phone Kim:
number. I would go for my family, of course.
Secretary: Wouldn’t you?
You hit the nail on the head. Kim:
I can’t believe you. I didn’t know you
A) Let me give you my business card liked your job so much.
B) I’ll cal! you if I’m in the right mood. A) To be honest, I guess I would choose
C) Then I presume you don’t need very my career.
qualified people. B) I knew you would say so.
D) Don’t waste my time with unlikely C) I’ve always been a family man.
hopes. D) If I didn’t know you, I would think you
E) I’ll fill out a form just in case. were selfish.
E) Were I asked such a silly question, I
definitely would not answer it.

51. Tom: 53. : Manager:

- Can you send somebody to fix the I run out of words at times like this,
elevator? but I have to say you’re dismissed.
Pat: Worker:
Well, in that case I must say you’re
Tom: the worst manager I’ve ever worked
Don’t force me to be nasty. with.
According to our service contract, Manager:
you’ve got to complete any kind of
repair within four hours. Worker:
Pat: I may not be clever enough to get
Well, then I’ll have to find someone your support, but I’m not stupid,
to take care of it. either.

A) Sure, what’s your address? A) You’re furious, and I think I can

B) What’s the exact problem with the understand this.
elevator? B) You’re not the first person clever
C) It seems that you’ve got the wrong enough to see this.
number. C) Why don’t you look for a better job?
D) I guess it’s high time you pulled that D) Can you tell me how much you need to
building down. keep quiet?
E) Not today. I’m afraid. We’re too busy. E) Oh, really? Then why didn't you say this

Question Bank ( 156 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

( Dialogue Completion

54. Tim: 56. Tim:

Would you like a little dessert? What have you bought for your
Carla: girlfriend for St Valentine’s Day?
No, thanks. I’m on a diet I’ve already George:
lost two kilos.
Tim: Tim:
You’re so weird. What’s wrong with
Carla: making someone you care for happy
I wouldn’t be able to do that even if with a small gift?
I wanted to. Physique is the most George:
important thing in my walk of life. Ridiculous! There are millions of
other ways to please your beloved
A) I’m on a diet. too. i aim to lose at least one.
ten kilos by the end of next month.
B) You’ve been on a diet since I’ve known A) I bought a bunch of roses and took her
you. Why don’t you learn to accept out for dinner in a chic restaurant.
yourself the way you are? B) I would rather keep it to myself as I
C) Two kilos is not good enough. A person think it is a private matter.
like you should be able to lose much C) Nothing. I refuse to comply with the
more weight in a much shorter time. rituals of the capitalist system.
D) It’s good to see that you’ve finally D) I forgot to buy anything and naturally
decided to watch what you eat. You’re she got mad at me and I don’t know
over fifty now and you must be more what to do to make it up.
careful with your weight. E) A diamond ring. I wish you could have
E) If I were you, I wouldn’t even think of seen how surprised she was.
being a dietician. There are much better
opportunities that you can try.

55. Carla: Guest:

I’ve got to finish typing these articles Here are the keys. Thank you for
by Monday. Can you give me a everything.
hand? Receptionist:
Laura: Excuse me, sir. But you must pay
another fifty liras before you leave.
Carla: Guest:
I don’t care what other people
do. I can’t stand being told off by Receptionist:
anybody. Yes, but only till midnight. Drinks
Laura: served after twelve are not included
Okay then. What do you want me to in the price.
A) Okay. Here you are.
A) Sure. What can I do for you? B) Can I pay by credit card?
B) I won’t be able to help you until I’m C) I guess I need to check my bank
done with this report. account.
C) I’ve got to help the assistant manager. D) Are you kidding? How do you think I
So I can’t do anything for you. can afford that money?
D) You should have worked harder instead E) But I thought the price was all-inclusive.
of wasting your time on the phone all
E) Relax. Nobody in this company sticks to

Dilko Yayınları ( 157 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

58. Tom: 60. Tim:

Then I slammed the door and left.
Tony: Lucy:
I don’t think so.
Tom: Tim:
Of course, not. It was she who Why? Were they too harsh to you?
treated me rudely in the first place. Lucy:
Tony: On the contrary, they were too
Well, you may be right. tolerant and I grew up to be a weak,
spoilt individual.
A) Did she say she was sorry when she
realized her mistake? A) Do you think you will get on well with
B) Is this really what happened in the your new neighbours?
morning? B) Are you going to bring up your kids in
C) What did you do to make it up? the same way you were brought up?
D) Did you aiso kick the walls and beat the C) Were you spoilt as a child?
door? D) Did your parents use to be very strict?
E) Really? She must have got crazy. Are E) Would you like to have been brought up
you going to apologize? in a more flexible way?

59. Robert: Frank:

The new department manager A friend of mine having suffered
appears to know nothing about two heart attacks keeps on smoking
motivation. heavily.
Jack: Betty:

Robert: Frank:
Yes, but he had made a lot of On the contrary, he is a very
progress when he left. responsible university lecturer.
Jack: His point is that stress caused by
So will the new one. Don’t worry. quitting smoking is more detrimental
than the cigarette itself.
A) I must confess you’re the best human Betty:
resources specialist I’ve ever met. Nonsense! Are all those scientific
B) I don’t agree. He seems to be quite nice studies on the harmful effects of
and understanding. smoking wrong?
C) Stop talking about what other people
are like and focus on your own attitude. A) Nobody who survived two heart attacks
D) I agree. The former one was can be so healthy.
better-equipped and much more B) Are you sure they were heart attacks
supportive. but not spasms?
E) This is exactly the same as what you C) He might have to cope with a lot of
said about the former one. stress in his family.
D) He must be an uneducated,
irresponsible fellow.
E) You must find a way to make him give
up his bad habits.

Question Bank (' 158 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Dialogue Completion

62. Vince: 63. Brandon:

Most people, including myself, Do you ever think the universe is too
think that labour unions are a big for only six billion people?
thing of the past. Mark:
Unfortunately, that’s true. But I Brandon:
don’t think this is good neither for Why not? Do we have to talk about
employees nor for employers. football and magazine whenever we
Vince: come together?
Paula: Yes, we do. I hate to talk about
Negotiations between the sides serious stuff like space and
used to help better understand each astronomy.
other and lack of this seems to be a
serious defect in the whole system. A) I would rather talk about football and
A) I thought you would disagree with me B) God knows. I cannot speculate on that.
as usual. You’ve made a big surprise C) The world population has already
by agreeing to go with me. exceeded six billion.
B) It’s the employees who have been D) Come on, we are not going to talk about
working there for more than a decade this, are we?
that will be most affected by the radical E) Yes, and I’m sure there are billions of
change in the system. other living creatures out there.
C) Employers have never been cruel
enough to lay off all the workers at one
D) What makes the law so ineffective is
the fact that local security forces are not
very eager to cooperate with the central
E) I can understand your concern about 64. Bruce:
workers but I can't understand why Do you ever wonder why some
you’re concerned about bosses. people are more prone to violence
than others?

It is a reasonable but incomplete
explanation. I’m sure there are many
other factors involved.
Of course there are but the family
seems to be the most important one.

A) Do you think this will help reduce the

violence on the streets?
B) It’s not a mystery. Our family
background can explain almost all our
C) I’m afraid I’m not a very curious
person in that sense.
D) Considering the variety of factors that
are involved, I cannot comment on such
a complex issue.
E) No scientist has ever provided a logical
explanation yet.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 159 ) Question Bank

( Dialogue Completion

65. Mary: 67. Tim;

What would you do if you found that Do you think you win find a good job
your teenage daughter is going out after graduation?
with a man of about 50? Kim:
Mary: Have you? Your father must have
You seem to be watching a lot of used his connections.
Hollywood crap. I would do al! I can Kim:
to separate them. Yes, he did.
I wouldn’t do that. A) You know, I have a lot of connections.
B) I must have forgotten to warn you.
A) I would respect her relationship and try C) I already have.
to understand her. D) Nor have I got the time to worry about
B) It’s hard to imagine, as I don’t have a it.
daughter. E) I would have sorted it out a long time
C) The movie I watched the other day tells ago.
the story of such a girl.
D) Actually, this is exactly what happened
to me last year.
E) Why do you keep asking questions like

66. Chloe: Mary:

Why doesn’t the American
government initiate an education Sally:
reform in spite of the country’s Yes. I talked to the instructor about a
immense wealth? suitable work-out program for me.
Andy: Mary:
Are you planning to take it up soon?
Chloe: Sally:
What do you mean? Well, I’m not sure yet.
I mean that it’s their basic strategy A) Have you been to the new gym on the
to keep people ignorant so that they corner?
can be manipulated easily. B) Do you think I’m a little overweight?
C) Do you know how much they charge for
A) They are doing their best but progress a device like this?
takes time. D) Are you having difficulty catching up
B) Actually, the Americans are the most with the others in the gym?
intellectual people in the world. E) Did your wife make up her mind about
C) The number of uneducated Americans what to do to lose some weight?
is known to be increasing.
D) Do you think the conditions will be
worse in the near future?
E) It would be naive to expect them to do

Question Bank ( ^0 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

69. Paul: 71. Mike:

Is it going to snow a lot next month?
Andy: Tom:
It’s going to be neither long nor
exhausting. I have hired the best Mike:
attorney in the city. But you’re a meteorologist. How can
Paul: you not know?
You must be kidding. You cannot Tom:
afford to hire even the worst attorney Exactly; I’m a meteorologist, not a
in the city. fortune-teller.
You’re wrong, pal. She’s going to A) Is meteorology a science or an art?
represent me free of charge. B) I don’t know what you can do if it snows
that much.
A) Is it likely to be a long journey? C) A meteorologist should be able to make
B) Don’t you sometimes feel exhausted good predictions about the weather.
amid this rat race? D) You must avoid asking such private
C) How long will it take you to find a good questions to every academician you
lawyer? meet.
D) After an exhausting struggle, now I E) How am I supposed to know that?
want to celebrate our victory with my
legal advisor.
E) Are you ready to fight a long,
exhausting battle?

72. George:
I get depressed whenever I hear
rumours about the approaching
70. Sandra: Tina:
You look puzzled. Do you want me to You needn’t worry about it as you
help? have taken the necessary measures.
Michael: Besides, It’s not going to be so
destructive as they claim.
Sandra: George:
I know the former means severe, but
I have no idea what the latter means. Tina:
Michael: Then you are convinced scientists
Then i’ll have to look it up in the are all reliable people. So whatever I
dictionary. say, you will not change your mind.

A) What did the former minister mean A) I don’t think “claim” is the right word
when he said the game was over? for the situation. Whatever they say is
B) Yes. Do you happen to know the based on scientific facts.
difference between the terms acute and B) That it’s not going to be so destructive
chronic? does not mean nobody will get hurt.
C) I have to find out what the word acute C) Scientists used to have inadequate
means. supplies to do research independently
D) No one in the room was able to explain but now the situation is different.
the exact meaning of the word acute. D) Even if it’s going to be destructive, it’s
E) It’ll be rather difficult to get over this not going to be strong enough to pull
chronic disease as the initial stages this building down.
went unnoticed. E) You should have been more
considerate when asking questions to

Dilko Yaysnlan I. )
Question Bank
Dialogue Completion)

73. Andy: 75. Ted:

Do you think it’s weird for When you ask people about their
intellectuals like Deniz Gökçe to talk hobbies, what you usually hear is
about football for hours? reading and watching TV. Isn’t that
Bruce: odd?
Definitely. It’s a waste of the time Dan:
they could otherwise use more
productively. Ted:
Andy: I don’t agree. Not every hobby makes
you spend a lot of money.
Bruce: Dan:
Of course, not. However, when I see Yes, there are but they are usually
them discussing the gritty details very boring. You must accept that
of a match so fervently, I can’t help entertaining hobbies are costly.
enquiring into their reliability in more
serious matters. A) I don’t think so. Other hobbies require a
lot of money, which most people lack.
A) As far as I’m concerned, there’s no B) Does this mean that you have very
need to be so harsh to those people as unusual hobbies and that you look
they contribute a lot to our knowledge down on me?
of the world. C) I cannot afford to be part of such an
B) But do they have to use each and every exclusive group of people.
moment of their lives efficiently? D) I would rather not talk about this as I
C) On the contrary, they had better keep last read a book years ago.
quiet until we’ve made a solid decision. E) Many experts agree that watching too
D) They didn’t use to be so rude when much TV influences the development of
they were talking about other teams’ the brain.
E) Do you want to say they are not eligible
to make such programs on local
television channels?

74. Carl:
I can’t understand why we have to
waste more and more time in traffic,
though the population of the city is
almost stable.

What is it then?
The number of private cars, of

A) You must consider the increasing

number of cars.
B) I guess I have to tell you about the
C) Because I have to drive a longer
D) The price of petrol is another important
factor, isn’t it?
E) Population is not the most important
factor that affects traffic.

Question Bank ( 162 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

76. Sue : 77.

Alex :
Jason : We’ve been in this apartment for
Doesn’t she get them mixed up? over two years now. I think we
Some people are so lucky. should consider redecorating some
Sue : of the rooms.
I wish I was. I learned French at Mary:
school for six years and I still can’t But it’s just beginning to feel like
understand a word when I go on home. What do you want to change
holiday there. in the rooms?
Jason: Alex:
Well, at least you can understand
written French. That’s more than I Mary:
can do. I think just the opposite. Every
piece of our furniture has a story.
A) My roommate loves listening to people Throwing out our furniture would be
speaking French. She says it’s almost like tossing out our memories.
like listening to music.
B) Claudia has been learning English for A) First, we must have the bathroom tiles
oniy eight months but she speaks it as changed.
well as you or me. B) We can’t afford to have the kind of
C) My sister is married to a Frenchman furniture you want.
who has been working for the last C) First, we can get rid of the old things in
twenty years in consulates all over the the house.
world. D) We must start with the walls. They need
D) Where did your mother learn French? painting.
You can’t tell she is not a native E) We can put off painting for a while as
speaker. we should think about the garden.
E) I met a woman this afternoon at the
language conference who can speak
nine different languages.

How long have you been working for
this company?
I have been here for two years.

At first I didn’t, but everyone here is
so much fun to work with.

A) Are you still planning to hire a

B) I thought you didn’t like working eight-
hour days.
C) I find the schedule very rigorous
but I am trying to plan my time and
accomplish more.
D) Are you exhausted after the board
meeting? It went on four hours.
E) You once said you wanted to work for
the southern branch of the company.
What made you change your mind?

Dilko Yayınları ( 163 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

79. Bill : 81. Denise:

What would you recommend for a So tell me about your shop, Roger.
cough? How long have you owned it?
Chemist: Roger:
I’ve been here for a couple of years.
Bill: It’s just a small art and crafts shop.
No, it’s not too bad. I thought I’d try Denise:
something from the chemist’s first.
Chemist: Roger:
All right, sir. This syrup will stop Yes and no! I mean the location is
your cough. actually very good but there isn’t
enough space in the shop.
A) You should try these tablets for your
cough. A) It is lovely. Can you tell me more about
B) I can give you some cough medicine what you sell?
but if it’s very bad you ought to see a B) Were there any changes you noticed
doctor. walking about the streets?
C) Why don’t you get a breath of fresh C) Does that give the place a different
air? atmosphere?
D) As you have noticed your illness is not D) And what about the prices? Did you
characterized by fever. notice a big change?
E) You must have a hereditary sensitivity E) Are you happy with it or would you like
to something. to move somewhere else?

80. Mrs. Costner: Richard :

Let’s get straight to the point. Why I don’t remember telling you about
do you want this job? my exam results. How do you know
Interviewee: about them?
Well, I read the advertisement and James :
the salary is much better than I’m
earning now. Richard :
Mrs. Costner: In fact I’ve told her it is something
between us.
Interviewee : James:
Yes, it is important to everyone, isn’t Don’t blame her. She is so forgetful
it? But it is not just that. I believe these days.
that you have a lot of hotels in the
Caribbean and that employees can A) The results were on the notice board.
stay there. B) I didn’t know they were so
A) Are you still working at the same hotel? C) I was told about them by your friend,
B) Is the money so important to you? Julia.
C) You’ve worked in a bank for two D) You can’t guess who it was that I
years. Why are you interested in hotel learned from.
reception work? E) You should have studied harder or at
D) Are there any questions you’d like to least you could have asked for help
ask me? from me.
E) Why have you had five different jobs
during the last year?

Question Bank ( '64 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Dialogue Completion )

83. Debbie : 85. June :

Hi Grandad. I’ve come to wish you a Have you decided on your major?
happy birthday. Scott:
Grandad : No, not yet, but I have speculated on
several careers. What about you?
Debbie : June :
I know, but I can’t come then. I’m
going away for the weekend. Scott:
Grandad : I have had the same thoughts and
Oh, really! Enjoy yourself. I want to be the first in my field,
whatever it is.
A) I thought so. Thank you very much for
coming. A) Well, I know I’d like to do something
B) I wasn’t expecting you. I thought you unique.
were on a business trip. B) Why don’t you try something
C) 1 don’t celebrate my birthdays any commonplace instead?
more. Thanks, anyway. C) Actually, I think this place is good value,
D) Oh, thank you. You are the only one don’t you think so?
who remembers my birthday every D) In that case, you can drop by tonight.
year. E) We’ve been working for five hours
E) What? You have got the wrong day. My straight, shall we stop for today?
birthday is tomorrow.

84. Kevin : You were very rude to Molly when
Here’s the bottle of mineral water you said she needed to lose weight.
you wanted. Jenny:
Melissa: Well, it’s true. Exercise would be
Oh, no, you have got a small one. I good for her. She started jogging
wanted a big one. and then gave it up.
Kevin : Brenda:

Melissa: Jenny:
That shop never has what I want. Come on! Anybody can do a bit
Why didn’t you go to the one in the of jogging. You don’t have to be
High Street? brilliant at it.

A) They didn’t have any big ones at the A) Yes, but we can’t all be good at taking
shop on the corner. physical exercise.
B) You always do the same thing. Look, B) She must have been tired after
what you have done to me! participating in such a long run.
C) Let me think it over and i’ll tell you later. C) You didn’t really want to hurt her
D) I do apologise. I’ll buy you a new one feelings, did you?
first thing in the morning. D) She can’t have done this as she herself
E) Are you sure you don't want it just is determined to lose weight.
because it is smaller? E) Haven’t you phoned her yet to say how
sorry you are?

Dilko Yayınlan ( 165 J Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

87. Simon : 89. Dennis :

Why are you angry with me, Mandy? Well, Margaret. There are four quite
Mandy: interesting applications. What’s
I’m tired of talking to myself. You your decision?
never listen to me. I get annoyed at Margaret:
the way you behave.
Simon : Dennis :
Yes, fine, fair enough. Let’s take
Mandy: them in in alphabetical order.
You aren’t interested in us, are you? Margaret:
You care more about it. All right. Let’s start immediately.

A) How dare you tell me such nonsense? A) Just leave them alone. I’ll do it when
B) Sorry, but I have to go now or I’ll be late I’ve finished this.
for the basketball game. B) Don’t worry. Is there anything that I can
C) Yes, you are definitely right in these do to help?
circumstances. We can do whatever C) The thing, which bothers me, is their
you want. previous job experiences.
D) Do what you can but never tell me how D) I haven’t decided whether to offer them
indifferent I am. this position or not.
E) I cannot help you with that but we can E) I think before we make any decision, we
go there if you want to. should interview them.

88. Meg : George:

It’s ‘Ally McBeal’ at eight on CNBC, The phone is ringing. I wish you
my favourite TV serial. Are we going would answer it this time.
to be back in time? Tony:
Brian : I can’t. I’m busy at the moment.
I think so. We haven’t got far to go George :
Meg : Tony:
- Why don’t you answer it instead of
Brian : making me do that?
Oh, I hope not. I will do my best to be
there on time. A Okay, then. I’ll answer it.
B) Can't you give a pause, is it so
A) Could you drive a little bit faster? important?
B) We might miss the beginning. C) By the way, have you paid the phone
C) You won’t believe this but we have run bill?
out of petrol. D) We’d better not answer it. It could be
D) I’m looking forward to today’s episode our landlord.
and I’m sure you, too! E) Anyway, it isn’t ringing any more.
E) Well, I did tell you not to go out today at
such a late hour.

Question Bank ( 166 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

( Dialogue Completion

91. Mike: 93. Alice :

Have you got any plans for the Did you know that the Pickfords are
weekend, Jim? moving to East Coast? Mr. Pickford
Jim : has a new job there.
A few, yes. I’m playing tennis on Sam:
Saturday at 11 o’clock and then, I’m
staying at Tom’s house on Saturday Alice:
night. I’m sure she will find a new one
Mike: there.
Sam :
Jim : Yes, I agree with you.
A Beatles CD. He is a Beatles fan and
he collects their old albums. A) Really? Mrs. Pickford must be very
excited about that.
A) Do you think I could join you to have a B) So. they will have a better place to live
drink after the match? in from now on.
B) What about Sue? Is she also staying C) What kind of job is he going to have on
with you? the East Coast?
C) When is his birthday and what are you D) This means you are not going to see
going to buy him? them very often.
D) Oh yes. It’s his birthday, isn’t it? What E) But Mrs. Pickford won’t want to give up
are you going to buy him? her teaching position here.
E) Lucky you. I wish I had been invited. I’m
sure you’ll have a great time.

92. Michele : Luke :

Mr. Laster, I know you have very I have trouble sleeping at night.
strong views on the subject of John:
football hooliganism.
Mr. Laster: Luke:
Very strong, indeed. I am disgusted - I tried everything including that, but
by the way so many football fans it was no use.
behave. John :
Michele: - Well, then all I can say is you should
see a doctor. You might need some
Mr. Laster: medical help.
There are hundreds of them. Which
one shall I tell you about? A) Apparently, you don’t look good. You
have to see a doctor soon.
A) There are some football matches B) They say counting sheep is a good way
where there was no violence at all. of failing into sleep.
B) I think, football provides a cheap C) I didn't go to sleep last night as well. I
substitute for the excitement. had lots of work.
C) Could you give an example of the D) That’s why I really hate working at night
behaviour you have in your mind? shift at weekends.
D) I think anyone who has violent E) But you were supposed to be working
behaviour should be banned from all last night; that will anger the boss.
football matches for a year.
E) Are you in favour of increasing fines
and other forms of punishment?

Dilko Yayınlan ( 16? ) Question Bank

( Dialogue Completion

95. John : 97. Mary:

I can’t learn French. It’s too difficult. My car wouldn’t start this morning.
I’ll give it up. Kevin :
Tom :
- Come on, you shouldn’t. I think you Mary:
are making a lot of progress. Yes, I did. It was dead again. It is
John : driving me crazy, really.
Kevin :
Tom : Well, maybe you should buy a new
What you should do is to practice one.
all the time. Learning a foreign
language requires a lot of effort. A) You bought this car three months ago.
It’s still new.
A) I know that. I wiil be able to achieve it B) Maybe, the sales person was dishonest
with the encouragement you give. and didn’t tell you about the problem.
B) Yes, it is but the grammar rules are so C) Whatever the problem is, you should
confusing. return the car.
C) I don’t agree with them. I'm determined D) There must be something wrong with
to give it up. it. Isn’t this the second time it hasn't
D) No, I’m not. I try but I still can’t speak it started this week?
very well. E) I used to have the same problem like
E) Don’t try to discourage me. It won’t that. Did you check the battery?
work out.

96. Tim: Teacher:

Are you working overtime today as - This is the second time you haven’t
usual? brought your books this week. What
Pete: is your explanation this time?
Tim :
That sounds great. Well, what about Teacher:
the present? You are wrong. I had no class
Pete: yesterday because Thursday is my
- I have bought the mobile phone that off day. Anyway, why don’t you look
she craved for. at your programme?
A) Not today. I’ll go to my son’s graduation Sorry, I think I have lost it.
B) I wish I weren’t. But I have to put aside A) I have no explanation because it is
some money for my tuition fee. entirely my fault.
C) Yes, I am. And as long as they pay me B) You are wrong sir, as far as I remember
extra for it, I will work. this is my first time.
D) No, not any more. I inherited a C) Because you weren’t here yesterday, I
considerable fortune from my uncle. couldn’t get my programme.
E) No, I am not. Today is my wife’s D) Actually, it is my friend’s fault, not mine.
birthday, and so I will take her out for You have to talk to her.
dinner. E) My friend told me that your class was
yesterday, not today.

Question Bank ( 168 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

99. Tim : 101. Jane :

I wonder if you have had any time to Are you still working for that charity
go to the cinema lately. you’ve helped so many times?
Lena : Mark:

Tim : Jane:
Why do you think so? Well, I’m not sure yet, that’s why
Lena : I was going to ask you some
As far as I remember you are not questions about them.
much for horror films, are you? Mark:
I still have my connections so I can
A) Yes, my friend and I went to the cinema give you any information you need.
yesterday to watch Others but I didn’t
like it. A) Why did you ask that? Are you in need
B) Unfortunately no, because I have been of money or something?
working non-stop all week. B) The answer of that question depends
C) Of course, I have. I have seen Others on why you are asking it.
but I think it is not a kind of fiim you C) I will have been aiding them for five
would like to see. years by the time you join us.
D) No, but I may go to the cinema this D) Not any more; are you interested in
week because there is a new movie helping them as I used to do?
shown these days. E) No, I found out that they were using
E) Did you have any chance to see Others the money they collected for their own
last week? benefit..

102. Tommy:
100. Natan : I wonder if you would like to come
Are you joining us for the party to the new exhibition with me
tomorrow evening? tomorrow.
Rebecca: Sandra :

Natan : Tommy:
I am sure your mother can handle You are really faster than I think, so
the situation easily, come on! do you think it is worth visiting?
Rebecca: Sandra:
She hasn’t been feeling well for the You shouldn’t miss it especially if
last few days so I don’t want to put you are interested in photography.
her under stress.
A) Why not? It will be a great pleasure
A) Oh, thanks. I appreciate your invitation for me to visit it with a professional like
and I will try to do my best to come. you.
B) Unfortunately not, as I have already B) Why didn’t you inform me about it
bought a flight ticket to Venice. beforehand? I would have accompanied
C) I’d love to but my three-year-old niece you.
is staying with us and I am looking after C) Of course. I have been looking forward
her. to seeing it for a year.
D) If you tell me who else is coming, I may D) Although it started on Monday I guess
change my mind. over a thousand students have visited
E) But you didn’t come to my party so why it.
should I? E) If you are talking about the one at the
city centre, I have already seen it.

Dilko Yayınlan I. .1.6.9 J Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

103. Clark: 105. Marissa:

You seem overwhelmed with It’s been such a long time since
cleaning the house on your own. Do I last saw you. Have you been in
you need a hand? Canada all this time?
Louis: Alex:
Well, I’ve been in and out of Turkey
Clark: many times; but yes, Canada has
Then quickly assign me a task before become my home.
I change my mind. Marissa:
Louis : It’s so nice to see you again; we
OK. If you can mop up the corridors should meet sometime. How long are
and the kitchen, it will be more than you here for?
enough for me. Alex :

A) Such an offer from you comes up once

in a million years. I wouldn’t miss the A) You might as well stay at my place if
opportunity. you haven’t arranged anything yet.
B) Thanks, but I’m determined to do it all B) I have been here since September. We
by myself as it was I who caused all can meet tomorrow if you’d like to.
that mess around here. C) i’ll stay for a week and then I have to
C) I really do want to help you however I’m return. Give me your number so that I
too busy to do that. can call you.
D) I would appreciate it if you saved me D) I would love to meet and chat for the
from ironing all these shirts. whole day. Let’s meet tomorrow, then.
E) Are you serious? Why has everybody E) I’ve stayed with my parents for a couple
left you alone with the chores? of days and now I am at my sister’s.

106. Tina:
104. George: Oh, sorry. If you are busy I will come
back later.
Tom: Tom :
Do you think it is fair? - No come in. What can I do for you?
George : Tina:
- Of course not.
Tom : Tom :
So a new regulation must be done. Sure. Leave them on my desk
I’ll talk to the manager of the factory and I will have a look at them this
about this subject. afternoon.

A) The food here is not as delicious as it A) Well, I just need you to check and sign
was last year. They must have changed these documents for me.
the catering company. B) Did you call Budapest about the next
B) Workers in this factory are equally paid week’s meeting?
whether they work hard or not. C) I will just leave the file here if you don’t
C) Every one of the workers in this team mind.
has worked well. D) We will need more refreshments and
D) In this company, everyone gets what equipment for this meeting.
they deserve. E) There is a report you need to check
E) All the employees working here have a before the client arrives.
life insurance policy, which is good.

Question Bank ( 170 ) Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

107. Peter: 109. Tommy:

Mum, can I go to the match today, Could you tell me the easiest way to
please? go to the airport from the citycentre?
Mother: Sue:
I am sorry, love but you know we
have a lot of expenses and I can’t Tommy:
afford anything extra. The traffic here is really killing me.
Peter: That’s why, I don’t want to go there
by bus.
Mother: Sue:
O.K. then. I hope you don’t come and - So you have to take the train as it is
ask me to pay for it afterwards. the only alternative left.

A) But you promised to send me to every A) Why don’t you take a taxi to get there?
match this year no matter how much It is the easiest way.
they cost. B) Sure, the easiest and the quickest way
B) You are right. How inconsiderate I am to go to the airport is to take the ferry.
as I haven’t thought about it. C) It surely depends upon the type of
C) My friends told me they had a free ticket travel you prefer.
as somebody changed his mind in the D) I wonder why you didn’t take the train
last minute. as it would be much easier.
D) I know you are not so broke but you just E) Considering your alternatives, I can say
object to football that you are late for your flight.
E) Hurry up! If you don’t make a decision
now, all the tickets will have been sold.

110. Mother:
108. Alan : Aren’t you supposed to be at the
I am thinking to retake the university library working on your research?
exam. Son:
Mark :
Alan : You can’t have finished all that
I can’t say I am. As you know it reading in such a short time, can
wasn’t the one I had dreamed of. you?
Mark: Son:
- But this year may be harder for many Yes, I can and in fact I did. You
of the students, anyway, you’ll get sound as if you don’t believe me.
used to it in time.
A) Yes, but I changed my mind and
A) I don’t agree with you as I have told you decided to do it tomorrow.
before. B) Somehow, I feel that you are lying to
B) Remember how stubbornly you acted me over this subject.
when you made your choice last year! C) I took the books home with me instead
C) Then, you know you need to study of reading them there.
much more than last year. D) No, I am going to do that tomorrow.
D) I think chances are for you since you Why?
already know many of the subjects. E) Well, it didn’t take me that long, so I
E) As far as I understand, you are not returned home eariy.
contented with where you are.

Dilko Yayinlars i jn.) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

111. Bob : 112. Jack:

Sheila has offered me an Why don’t you come over and play
administrative post in her company videogames with us today?
on the condition that I begin to work Peter:
with her at once. That sounds great, but I don’t think
Edward : my mother will let me go as I have an
You have to accept it, I believe. important project to prepare.
Bob: Jack:

Edward: Peter:
Don’t you worry about that. After ail, I regret to say it, but unfortunately,
you have always been underpaid in the answer to that is obvious.
this company so he deserves this.
A) Come on, don’t worry, we have still
A) You may be right but I’m not planning to plenty of time to finish it.
accept it as I am pretty satisfied with my B) I don’t understand you; which project are
work. you talking about?
B) Do you think it would be ethical if I gave C) But the teacher has postponed that
such an abrupt decision? exam until next week; so you needn’t
C) I totally agree with you but now I have study for it now.
to talk to my current boss and tell him D) If I were you, nothing could deter me
I’m quitting. from playing computer games.
D) I think you are wrong. It is always E) I don’t believe it; you mean you haven’t
dangerous and risky to give sudden finished your term work yet, don’t you?
decisions like this.
E) Alright, then. I have got to give it careful
consideration, though.

113. Bob;
Your computer is rather slow; do
you want me to remove some of the

Bob :
If I do a back-up for them, nothing
Jeannie :
If you say it will work, go ahead.

A) Don’t worry? I have already had a file of

B) Anyway, I don’t need to use a faster
one so leave it as it is.
C) I am afraid I might need them some
time later.
D) Do you have any idea how to use it?
E) I’m sure it will work and ease things to

Question Bank ( ^2 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Dialogue Completion

114. Tommy: 115. Liz:

What do you think of the new Our teacher mentioned about Kyoto
English teacher? Protocol in the lesson today.
Sue: Mina :
I have had only one lesson with her
therefore I can’t say anything for Liz:
now. Exactly it is. A total of 141 countries
Tommy: have ratified the agreement except
the United States, do you know why?
Sue: Mina:
Really! On the contrary, she was The United States hasn’t ratified it
possibly because it sees the costs of
friendly to us today. Even so, it is too
the Kyoto Protocol as outweighing
early to make a comment.
the benefits.
A) We have been in good terms with her
A) It also says that developed countries
so far unlike what others expected.
have to supply technology to other
B) It is obvious that we will miss her much countries for climate-related studies.
as she knew every one of us very well. B) Advocates of it claim that reducing
C) I agree with you. She isn’t as E these emissions is crucially important.
experienced as our previous teacher. o C) There are some others made to protect
0) I have heard that she likes imposing o
the environment in different ways.
strict discipline on her students. -2Jİ
D) It was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan in
E) She came to class and asked everyone December 1997.
to introduce themselves. o E) As far as I remember it is an
international treaty on global warming,
isn’t it?


Dilko Yaymlars ( ^3 ) Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

116. David : 117. Monica :

A couple of friends and I are driving Is it true that you are moving to
to Madrid. What are your plans? Yorkshire next month when your
Tim: husband resigns?
Unfortunately, I have to write a Jessica:
term paper for a course I took
last semester, so I’ll be stuck in Monica :
dormitory. I’ve no doubt that there are. But bear
David : it in your mind that you’re not alone
and that I’m here to help you.
Tim: Jessica:
- I didn’t finish the work, so the Oh, you’re so sweet. That really does
professor gave me an incomplete. ease my mind.
Now I wish I’d dropped the course
when I had a chance. A) It is, actually. It’s quite a surprise for us
A) I hope you will have finished it by next B) Yes it is. All of us are pretty worried
week. about what will happen next.
B) Last semester? Why do you have C) That’s correct and you can’t imagine
to do a paper for a course from last how deeply it saddens me.
semester? D) Unfortunately yes. There are lots of
C) If the professor changed the date, things I’ve got to do in such a short
would it help you? time.
D) Come on! You are exaggerating. E) No, it is not. But there are a lot of
Nobody can be too fool to fail to finish rumours about them, lately.
such an easy project.
E) If I were you, I would consult him one
more time.
118. John:
What do you think is the most
important benefit of forests?
Timber, of course, it is one of the
biggest industries in the country.
John :

Mike :
You are right, these are more
important than money.

A) But aren’t they very important as

sources of oxygen?
B) Because of people like you,
deforestation has become a major
environmental problem.
C) But don’t you think they are also
important in terms of climate control,
and wildlife maintenance?
D) Don’t forget that wood is also used for
manufacturing paper, furniture and
some tools.
E) I think you are underestimating their
function of providing shelter for wildlife.

Question Bank ( 174 Dilko Yayınları

Dialogue Completion

119. Mother; 121. Alice :

Where is John? Has he gone to I’ve just called to thank you for
school? organizing last weekend’s trip to the
Grandmother: museums.
John :
Mother: That’s very kind of you. I am glad to
How can it be at this time of the day? see that everybody seemed to enjoy
He is being lazy nowadays! it.
Grandmother: Alice:
No, it is not that He has a fever and
I’ve told him to lie down. John:
Well actually I’m not sure about that
A) Yes, he has an important exam today. as there were some things that could
B) I haven’t seen him. He must have been have been improved.
0) He says it is an off-day today due to a A) Except Mike and Mary. They argued all
special occasion. through the trip.
D) He is in bed, probably sleeping. B) Are you the one who organizes such
E) I am really fed up with his constant events in the class?
crying. C) So, why didn’t you call me to help you
organise the event?
D) But as far as I’m concerned, it was a
great failure.
E) They certainly did. In fact, I don’t think
you could have done it better.

122. Glenn :
120. John :
What happened to your plans about
What are you playing on the
moving from your apartment to a
new house?
The game I bought yesterday. It is
a very good game and I can’t help
Glenn :
playing it for hours.
How much money have you saved so
John :
Only a little, because I spent a lot
Oh, don’t make me laugh. These
during my summer holiday last year.
things are usually rumoured but
psychologists haven’t said anything
A) Since when have you had the right to
to support that idea yet.
ask me that?
B) As soon as my saving account tells me
that I can afford it, I’ll begin searching
A) I haven’t played it before. Is it really
for one.
C) Because it takes a long time to go to
B) Can you show me how to play it on the
work every day; besides, I have to
spend a lot of money on gasoline.
C) This game is said to cause brain
D) As you know, my family lives in a
different city.
D) My parents are against my playing
E) It wouldn’t be wise to do that.
computer games.
E) Is it the one which won “The game of
the year” prize?

Dilko Yayınlan Question Brink

Dialogue Completion

123. Salesman : 125. Kate:

Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Have you heard? The police accused
Customer: Jack of stealing a car.
I am looking for a fashionable nice Louisa:
watch but not more expensive than
Ş200-Ş250. Kate:
Salesman : That’s exactly what I said when I
heard but his fingerprints were found
Customer: all around a stolen car.
But unfortunately I can’t afford that. Louisa :
I guess I should try another shop Even so, I don’t believe he stole a
then. car. There must have been a terrible
A) The price of our fine watches starts
from 300$. A) You must be kidding. He is the most
B) Yes, one year warranty is also included upright boy I know.
in that $250. B) I’m not surprised. He’s changed a lot
C) in our store ail purchases come with a since he made new friends.
$25 value of free gift and free delivery. C) He is under eighteen so he will probably
D) Besides cash, we also accept credit get away with it.
cards and personal cheques. D) Have they managed to catch him or is
E) You don’t have to buy an expensive he still at large?
watch. I can show you some which you E) Thanks God. I stopped seeing him last
can use with different bands. year. Otherwise, I would be in trouble

126. Peter:
124. Susan: You said we’re going to drink
You should cut down on your intake chicken soup but this doesn’t taste
of fats. Animal products, especially, chicken.
contain large amounts of fats. Philip :
Colin :
Susan : Don’t be so touchy, Philip. I’m
No, I don’t. You need the protein. hungry and I can eat anything you
Just trim the fat off your meat and serve.
drink low fat milk. Philip :
Colin : Then stop complaining and drink
So, I need to change my cooking your soup. You will like the main
habits as well as my eating habits. course.

A) Do you mean I should become a A) I know it doesn’t but I must confess this
vegetarian? is the best soup I’ve ever drunk.
B) You must be kidding. I can’t live without B) I left work rather late today and I didn’t
eating animal products. have time to cook anything else.
C) I really don’t know how to cope with C) I thought you didn’t like chicken so I
such an imbalanced diet. cooked this delicious lentil soup.
D) Are you serious about this? I’m going to D) I’m not a cook, you know. You don’t
starve if I follow your advice. have to drink it if you don’t like it.
E) If I want to lose weight, I think this E) I’m as hungry as a horse but I don’t
seems to be the only way. have time to cook. Let’s eat out.

Question Bank ( 176 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Dialogue Completion

127. George: 129. Mother:

As a young man, it’s normal for you
Sally: togo out once or twice a week but
Many foreigners who spent a long going out every night is not good,
enough time here in this country son.
have written similar books. Do you Mike :
think yours will catch on?
George: Mother:
I don’t hope to write a bestseller. I Of course not, but you must
just want to share my experiences. remember that you are a student.
Sally: You must concentrate more on your
I see. Good luck. I will be glad to schoolwork.
have a copy with your autograph on Mike:
it. I’m a university student and I know
when I’m supposed to study, so
A) I’ve finished my book on Turkish don’t worry.
history. Will you proofread it?
B) I’m going to write a book based on my A) You’re exaggerating. I haven’t seen her
experiences in Turkey. since we had dinner last week.
C) If this book becomes popular, I will B) I know. But as I haven’t found a job yet,
become a fulltime author. I cannot afford to live alone.
D) With this book, I’m going to make a C) What’s wrong with having fun? Should I
fortune and buy a big house. stay home and watch TV with you?
E) It’s only three months since I came to D) Schooldays are over, so I can do
Turkey but I already know a lot. whatever I want until I get a fulltime job.
E) I can understand that you’re worried
about him. But I’m sure he can handle
128. Betty:
I was wondering if you could help me
130. Operator:
buy a new computer. You know I’m
I can’t put you through to the
not very good with computers.
director at the moment. He is in the
David :
middle of an important meeting.
Tim :
I don’t care about his meeting. I
Then, shall I pick you up after work?
insist on talking to him immediately.
We can have dinner together before
we do our technology shopping.
David :
A free dinner in return for some
Okay, then. Here is the message. If
advice on computers is a good deal.
he doesn’t call me back in fifteen
See you after work.
minutes, he will be in trouble.
A) Well, I wish I could but I need to go A) Wait a minute, sir. He is coming out of
back home immediately after work. the meeting room.
B) Of course, I can. Anything I can do for B) Hold on. I’m putting you through to his
you is my pleasure. personal assistant.
C) Never mind. I’ll ask somebody else who C) He threatened to sue you if you do not
is more willing than you to help. contact him instantly.
D) I don’t need an Internet connection so D) I’m sorry but I can’t. Can I take a
you can borrow my modem. message?
E) I can’t type my name on the computer. E) Forget about that silly man. We’ve got
Are you sure you want my advice? more important stuff to deal with.

Dilko Yayınlan ( 177 J Question Bank

Dialogue Completion

131. Andy : 133. Laura :

I haven’t seen Pam lately. Do you I need to find a topic to write about
know what she’s up to? for my end of term paper.
Kim : Andrew:
She is devoting almost all her time to Why don’t you write about European
her baby. cinema? As far as I know, you are
Andy: very interested in it.
Laura :
Kim :
It’s not a matter of right or wrong. Andrew:
That’s her choice and we must Yes, but you will also learn a lot
respect her choice. about a subject you are already keen
A) I didn’t know she had a baby. I will drop
by and see her today. A) But I need to read a lot of books on this
I believe she did the right thing by topic and it takes a lot of time.
quitting her job and returning to her B) It is a great idea. I have already read
hometown. several articles on it.
C) I dialled her number yesterday and the C) Good idea! Do you think I should
woman who answered said I had the E compare it with American cinema as
wrong number. o well?
o D) I don’t think it is an appropriate topic for
D) Shall I give you a piece of advice? Keep
away from her and the baby. my paper.
E) Do you think it is right to isolate oneself E) European cinema? How do you know I
from life for a baby? o like it that much?

134. Patrick:
132. Sheila: o Have you seen the new couple that
This new secretary is not doing very moved into the flat above? They look
well. We need to find someone to nice and friendly.
replace her. Sue:
Robin: 5 Yes, I have, but I think just the
£ opposite. They look distant and cold,
Sheila: £ Patrick:
So what are we going to do? Are
we going to wait for her to decide to Sue:
leave? Because I met them in the hallway
Robin : yesterday morning and they didn’t
Of course, not. I’m going to tell her even say good morning.
to leave at the end of the month.
You’d better start looking for a good A) It is not true. They treated me very
alternative. kindly when I first met them.
B) It is surprising to hear such things from
A) John has referred to the same problem you. You have never been judgmental
several times. about people before.
B) We can’t let her go. We need her C) You mustn’t make your decisions
unique skills more than ever. about a person depending on your first
C) I already have found one and I have impressions.
told her to start next week. D) They were excellent. It looks as if we
D) No one can replace her. She knows this are going to be good friends with them.
job better than all of us. E) It is astonishing that you think this way.
E) It’s too early to promote her. She Why do you think so?
started to work for us three months ago.

Question Bank ( 178 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Dialogue Completion

135. Craig :
Do you know anything about the new
girl in the marketing department?
David :
Yes I know her very well. We went to
the same school and we were close
Craig :

David :
Not for three years, but we used to
when we were at school.

A) Really? Do you think she has a

B) I didn’t know that. Do you still hang out
C) Have you seen each other since you
D) Did you? How long have you known
each other?
E) I think she will be successful in her job.
How long has she been working here?

Dilko Yayınları l 179 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test

1.-120. sorularda, numaralanmış yerlere CLOZE TEST 2

uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
bulunuz. Setting up an online store (1) — be quite a
difficult job. Not only did you have to build a
CLOZE TEST 1 dedicated website from scratch, you (2) —- had
to develop your own merchant system that could
The leopard is the champion athlete of the cat securely process credit card details. These days,
world. (1) — - big cats can pull with five times as (2) however, (3) -— can set up an online store in
-— force as the same weight of human athletes. minutes. Websites like PayPal make it possible
The leopard can pull seven times as hard. It would (4) -— a store very quickly and, since they have
take three Olympic class weightlifters (3) -— a built-in credit card processing features, (5)
draw with a 0- pound leopard. This (4) -— strength transactions couldn’t be simpler.
is demonstrated when a successful hunter runs up
the side of a tree with a full grown antelope in its
jaws to eat (5) -— peace. A) ought to B) had better
C) would rather D) used to
E) should

A) The most B) Most of

C) Most D) The more
E) More of 2.
A) also B) never
C) barely D) slightly
E) seldom
A) a little B) much
C) few D) many
E) any

A) no one B) anyone
A) achieve B) to achieve C) something D) everything
C) achieved D) to be achieved E) nowhere
E) having achieved

A) astounding B) horizontal A) build B) to build

C) rusty D) steep C) building D) built
E) literate E) having built

5. 5.
A) in B) on A) denying B) abducting
C) at D) for C) handling D) diverting
E) to E) deducting

Question Bank ( 182 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


It is important not to stereotype minorities. (1) — The benefits of the earth’s resources (1) — fresh
average, many minorities do less well socially and water, air, soil, and trees can be reduced by
economically than white Americans. (2) -—, there using them wastefully (2) -— by destroying them
are considerable differences between and within deliberately or inadvertently. The atmosphere and
all the minorities. At one time, the only (3) — the oceans have a limited capacity to absorb (3)
African Americans were sports stars, musicians — and recycle materials naturally. Cleaning up
or entertainers. More recently, there has been polluted air, water, and soil, or (4) -— forests and
a(n) (4) -— in the number of successful African fishing grounds can be very difficult and (5) -—.
Americans and (5) -— minorities in professional
A) as of B) as to
1. C) as D) such as
A) At B) For E) as for
C) On D) With
E) In

A) yet B) but
A) Despite B) Owing to C) or D) for
C) Inasmuch as D) Nevertheless E) so
E) Muchas

A) wasting B) wastes
A) prominent B) disgusted C) wasted D) to waste
C) abusive D) inconvenient E) to be wasting
E) miserable

4. A) restored depleted
A) collapse B) deterioration B) restored depleting
C) apprehension D) alienation C) restoring depleted
E) expansion D) restoring depleting
E) restored to deplete

A) the others B) others A) costly B) expensively
C) other D) another C) inexpensively D) economically
E) the other’s E) uneconomically

Dilko Yaysnlan ( 183 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test )


New medical techniques, efficient health care Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form
delivery systems, improved (1) and a fuller of dementia. This (1) —, degenerative and
understanding of (2) -— nature of disease give terminal disease (2) -— by German psychiatrist
today’s human beings a better chance of staying Alois Alzheimer in 01. Generally it is diagnosed
healthy (3) —- their forebears had. Conditions in people over 65 years of age, (3) -— the
now are very different from the conditions (4) -— less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimer’s can occur
the species evolved. But some of the differences (4) — earlier. A(n) (5) »— 21.6 million people
(5) —- good for human health. worldwide were afflicted by Alzheimer’s in 2006;
this number may quadruple by 2055
A) election B) corrosion 1.
C) sanitation D) contamination A) unwilling
E) concession B) satisfactory
0) incurable
D) unenthusiastic
E) disgusted

A) some B) the
C) a D) our A) described
E) its B) was described
C) has been describing
D) had described
E) was going to describe

A) instead B) further
C) rather than D) compared with
E) than
A) once B) unless
C) in spite of D) despite
E) although

A) which B) that
C) what D) in that 4.
E) in which A) least B) very
C) lots of D) a few
E) much

A) must have been A) estimate

B) may not be B) estimated
C) could be C) estimating
D) would rather be D) having estimated
E) should have been E) being estimated

Question Bank ( 184 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


In the US there is (1) -— effective national health Eula Dore spent most of her adult life on Avery
service. This means (2) -— only a proportion of Island, (1) -— as the home of one of the world’s
healthcare is covered for those on welfare. Nearly most famous hot sauces, Tabasco. She worked for
a third of ethnic minority families in the US do not the Mcllhenny Company, which (2) —- Tabasco
have health insurance, (3) — results in more for many years. She worked in the general store
health problems than in other groups in society. of the company as a seller and (3) — cooked for
Life expectancy is lower and infant (4) -— is its workers. Her sandwiches became (4) —- in the
higher than average. Illegal immigrants cannot area. The food she made was (5) — good that the
claim welfare benefits and are easily (5) -— by Mcllhenny family soon asked her to cook for them.
dishonest employers.

A) know B) knowing
A) no B) none C) known D) having known
C) much D) too E) to be known
E) such

A) had been making

A) that B) which B) had been made
C) what D) where C) was making
E) of which D) was being made
E) would be making

A) whose B) when
C) whom D) whether A) already B) hardly
E) which C) also D) never
E) almost

4. 4.
A) aviation B) obedience A) delicious B) tasteless
C) remnant D) perseverance C) coarse D) degrading
E) mortality E) legendary

5. A) such B) very
A) flattered B) derived C) such a D) so
C) exploited D) patted E) too
E) scraped

Dilko Yayınları ( 185 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test]


People sometimes react to all members of a The (1) —- of a country depends partly on the effort
group (1) -— they were the same and (2) -— in and skills of its workers, its natural resources, and
their behaviour oniy those qualities (3) — fit the capital and technology available (2) — it. It
preconceptions of the group. Such stereotyping also depends on the balance between how much
leads to uncritical judgments, (4) -— showing blind (3) — products are sought by other nations and
respect for members of some groups and (5) -— how much of other nations’ products it seeks. Even
blind disrespect for members of other groups. if a country were able to produce (4) — it needs
for itself, it (5) -— from trade with other countries.

A) as long as B) such as
C) inasmuch as D) as though A) wealth B) wage
E) as to C) ancestor D) tendency
E) mutuality

A) perceive A) in B) on
B) perceived C) to D) from
C) perceiving E) within
D) was perceived
E) is being perceived

A) their B) it’s
C) its D) of
3. E) of their
A) of which B) whose
C) where D) that
E) what

A) everything B) something
C) anywhere D) nobody
4. E) each one
A) as for B) such as
C) but for D) as a result
E) only if

A) will still benefit

B) is still benefiting
5. C) would still have benefited
A) tolerantly B) abruptly D) would still benefit
C) tangibly D) permissively E) will still have benefited
E) equally

Question Bank ( 186 ) Dilko Yaysnlan

Cloze Test


Industrialization brings an increased (1) — and The rise of European cinema (1) — by the
use of energy. (2) — usage contributes (3) breakout of World War I, while the film industry in
the high standard of living in the industrially US flourished with the rise of Hollywood. (2) —,
developing nations but also (4) -— more rapid in the 20s, European filmmakers such as Sergei
depletion of the earth’s energy resources and to Eisenstein continued to advance the medium. In
environmental risks (5) -— with the use of fossil the 20s, new technology allowed filmmakers (3)
and nuclear fuels. — to each film a soundtrack of speech, music and
sound effects synchronized (4) — the action on
the screen. (5) — distinguish these sound films
A) demand to B) demanding from others, they were called “talking pictures”, or
C) demanded D) demand for
E) in demand

A) interrupted
B) may be interrupted
C) has been interrupted
D) was interrupted
A) So many B) Too many
E) had interrupted
C) Such D) Several
E) A number of

A) Indeed B) As a result of
C) In contrast D) Inasmuch as

E) However
A) in B) on
C) at D) to
E) for
A) attach
B) to be attached
C) attaching
D) having attached
E) to attach

A) leads to B) turns down

C) sorts out D) works out
E) hangs on

A) on B) at
C) for D) over
E) with

A) associated
B) associating
A) So that B) In order to
C) association
C) Due to D) Because
D) are associated
E) As long as
E) are associating

Dilko Yayınlan ( 187 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


Ludwig Joseph Wittgenstein, the youngest of eight Some projects have had (1) -— success. For
children, was born into one of (1) -— families in example, the UNESCO programme of education
the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Ludwig grew up for emergencies and reconstruction has spread
in a household (2) — provided an astonishingly to eighteen countries (2) — it started in 93. it
intense environment (3) — artistic and intellectual aims (3) — the basic and immediate educational
achievement. His parents were both very needs of the country, like school infrastructure,
musical and (4) — their children were artistically with particular focus (4) -— vulnerable groups,
and intellectually gifted. Karl Wittgenstein, his because re-establishing the educational (5) —
father, was a leading patron of the arts, and the in a country after war is a major step to help that
Wittgenstein house hosted many figures of high country back on the road to development.
culture, especially musicians. The family was
often visited by artists (5) —- Johannes Brahms
and Gustav Mahler. A) a great deal of B) plenty
C) a number of D) too many
E) quite a few
A) most prominent
B) more prominent
C) as prominent as
D) too prominent
E) the most prominent A) when B) since
C) until D) though
E) besides

A) where B) what
C) whose D) of which
E) that
A) addressing
B) addressed
C) to be addressed
D) being addressed
A) In B) for E) to address
C) at D) beneath
E) above

A) for B) at
C) from D) to
A) both B) every E) on
C) all D) each
E) some

A) In that B) thus A) scholarships B) tutors

C) unless D) such as C) evaluations D) facilities
E) but for E) tuitions

Question Bank ( 188 J Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test


The quality of communication (1) -— by the (1) mass production, the time required to make
strength of the signal in relation to the noise that a product and its cost (2) -— considerably. (3)
tends to obscure (2) —. Communication errors —- many things are still made by hand in some
can be reduced by boosting and (3) --- signals, parts of the world, almost everything in the most
shielding the signal (4) — internal and external technologically developed countries (4) -— now
noise, and repeating information, but all of these produced using automatic machines. But (5) -—
increase costs. Digital coding of information, using automatic machines require human supervision.
only 1’s and 0’s, (5) ---- possible more reliable
transmission of information.
A) ihough B) Tough
C) Thorough D) Through
A) is determined E) Throughout
B) determined
C) was determined
D) is determining
E) determining

A) can be reduced
B) should have reduced
2. C) ought to be reducing
A) it B) its D) must have reduced
C) itself D) by itself E) is able to be reduced
: E) on its own

A) However B) Nevertheless
C) Although D) Despite
A) focus B) focuses E) Yet
C) focused D) focusing
E) being focused

4. A) is B) are
A) by B) between C) has been D) have been
C) from D) among E) were
E) within

A) making B) made A) even B) ever
C) makes D) is made C) hardly ever D) even if
E) has been made E) even though

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 189 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


The Crystal Palace was a giant glass-and-iron Since the second half of the th century, Capri has
exhibition hall in Hyde Park, London, (1) -— gradually become one of (1) -— popular resorts
housed the Great Exhibition of 51. The Crystal in southern Italy, famous (2) -— its magnificent
Palace, designed by Sir Joseph Paxton, was scenery and the mild climate in which vegetation
a (2) — construction of prefabricated parts. It flourishes (3) — a general lack of water. The
consisted (3) — an intricate network of slender flora is among the most (4) — in Italy, and large
iron rods sustaining walls of clear glass. For numbers of migratory birds rest there for days.
a number of years, it was the site of shows, There are fine bathing beaches and numerous
exhibitions, concerts, soccer matches, and other hotels and villas, and Capri is connected with
entertainments. On the night of Nov. 30, 36, it Naples and Sorrento by frequent steamer and
was (4) — destroyed by fire; the towers that hydrofoil services. (5) — tourism, agriculture and
survived were finally demolished in 41 (5) —- they fishing are carried on.
were deemed a noticeable landmark for incoming
German bombers. 1.
A) the most B) most
C) more D) the more
A) where B) in which E) much
C) which D) whose
E) of whom

A) to B) for
A) remarkable B) ambiguous C) from D) by
C) vague D) indefinite E) with
E) indifferent

A) despite B) due to
A) In B) of
C) though D) without
C) to D) on
E) as a consequence
E) at

A) delicately B) virtually A) inevitable B) wasteful

C) fortunately D) curiously C) varied D) confident
E) objectively E) watchful

A) In view of B) thanks to A) Unlike B) Much as

C) because D) besides C) Such as D) But for
E) furthermore E) Besides

Question Bank ( 190 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test


Modem Western mime developed into a purely Slang (1) -— as deviating away from standard
silent art whereby meanings are conveyed solely language use. Slang functions in two ways; the
(1) -— gesture, movement, and expression. Its creation of new language and new usage by a
influence was felt strongly in ballet, (2) -— the process of creative informal use and adaptation,
formal posturing of classic style changed into the and the creation of a secret language understood
descriptive silence of modern dramatic dance only by (2)—within a group intended to understand
movement. In the US, silent film actors (3) -— it. Slang is distinguished from jargon, (3) — is the
Charlie Chaplin and Ben Turpin were masters technical vocabulary of a particular profession, as
in the ancient tradition. The high art of modern jargon is, in theory, not used to exclude non-group
mime, (4) —, was reached in France, where members from the conversation, but rather deals
its practice was ennobled philosophically by (4) — technical peculiarities of a given field (5)
Etienne Decroux, Jean-Louis Barrault, and Marcel -— a specialized vocabulary.
Marceau. Marceau defined mime (5) -— “the art of
expressing feelings by attitudes and not a means 1.
of expressing words through gestures." A) is to describe
B) would have been described
E C) was being described
A) through B) towards D) should have described
C) off D) over E) can be described
E) behind

A) them B) that
A) which B) where o C) both D) those
C) that D) when E) much
E) of which

A) that B) how
A) such B) as C) whether D) what
C) such as D) similar E) which
E) the same as

A) with B) for
C) on D) beyond
A) however B) therefore E) over
C) so D) moreover
E) in addition to
A) being required
B) requiring
A) for B) as to have required
C) to D) rather D) having been required
E) by far E) to have been required

Dilko Yayınlan ( 191 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test )


A common argument (1) -— torture is that it Engineers from the Japanese car company
elicits valuable information that has the potential Nissan have developed robots (1) -— mimic the
to save lives, but a new scientific paper (2) —- behaviour of fish when encountering obstacles
that it possibly damages the brains and memory and say that one day the technology (2) — to
functions of suspects, reducing their ability (3) cut the risk of car accidents. The three-wheeled
interrogators with accurate information. robots are designed to travel in groups of up to
Stress hormones may piay a role in this, binding seven and use laser range finders and radio
to receptors in areas of the brain vital (4) — communication (3) -— recreate the behaviour of
memory. Other studies of extreme stress with fish, which change direction and travel side (4)
soldiers support this paper’s claim, finding that side without colliding. Last year, Nissan unveiled
their recollection of previously learned information a similar robot (5) — by bumblebees, which are
(5) — afterwards. also adept at avoiding collisions but generally fly

A) in terms of
B) as opposed to A) what B) that
C) by means of C) where D) of which
D) in favour of E) of whom
E) according to

A) may be used
A) converts B) abandons
B) will be using
C) sustains D) diverts
C) is going to use
E) asserts
D) might have been used
E) will have used

A) provide B) provides
C) provided D) to provide
E) providing
A) as well as B) inasmuch as
C) in addition to D) in order to
E) as opposed to
A) of B) from
C) to D) towards
E) without 4.
A) of B) to
C) by D) in
E) with

A) was impaired
B) had been impaired
C) impaired A) inspired B) retained
D) impairs C) maintained D) adjusted
E) has impaired E) committed

Question Bank ( 192 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test 1

Enculturation is the process by means of (1) — In 2005, an epidemic of a viral respiratory disease
an established culture teaches an individual by called bird flu (1) to devastate poultry farms in
repetition its accepted norms and values (2) — Asia. By mid-2005, the epidemic, which began in
the individual can become an accepted member 2003, (2) — poultry in many countries. Hundreds
of the society and find their suitable role. Most of millions of birds had been killed by the disease
importantly, it establishes a context of boundaries or slaughtered in efforts to limit (3)-— spread. The
and correctness that dictates (3) -— is and is not idea of influenza’s passing from birds to humans
permissible within that society’s framework. It seems frightening, but there is (4) —new in it
is a life-long process, affecting (4) -— the child, as genetic research suggests that all flu strains
but the adult too. Enculturation is learned (5) originated from birds. By mid-2005, the current
communication in the form of speech, words, and epidemic of bird flu had led to fatal human cases
gestures. of the disease in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand,
and Vietnam. Vietnam was (5) — hit of all, with 91
cases reported by late September 2005.
A) that B) what
C) where D) which
E) how A) continued B) applied
C) halted D) collected
E) estimated

A) because B) due to
C) so that D) in order to
A) was infected
: E) whereas
B) has infected
C) infects
D) will have infected
3. E) had infected
A) which B) where
C) that D) whether
E) what
A) it B) its
C) itself D) them
E) their

A) either B) rather than 4.

C) nor D) neither A) anything B) everything
E) not only C) nothing D) everywhere
E) somewhere

A) on B) below A) the worse B) the worst
C) to D) through C) as badly D) so badly
E) beside E) much worse

Dilko Yayınlan t 193 ) Question Bank

( Cloze Test


SARS (severe acute respiratory syndromE), the A feral child is a human child who, from a very
deadly infectious disease that (1) -— the world by young age, has lived (1) —- isolation from human
surprise in 2003, (2) -— it infected almost 8,000 contact. Feral children may be separated from
people and killed about 800, fortunately did not society by being lost or abandoned in the wild.
re-emerge in epidemic fashion in 2004. SARS did, Sometimes abandonment is (2) —- parents
however, infect a handful of people in China. The rejecting a child’s severe intellectual impairment
outbreak was traced to two workers at the National or physical disability, and some feral children
Institute of Virology, where experiments on the experience severe child abuse or trauma before
SARS virus had taken place. The workers spread (3) -— by their parents. Many fictional stories
the infection to (3) -— nine people outside the lab. and legends depict feral children as (4) — by
Chinese authorities (4) — swiftly; they closed the wild animals such as wolves or bears. Perhaps
Beijing lab, traced the contacts of those known the best-known example is (5) -— of Edgar Rice
(5) , quarantined more than 500 persons, and Burroughs’s Tarzan.
screened travellers at airports and railroad stations
and there were no additional cases. 1.
A) on B) for
C) in D) of
A) has taken E) to
B) takes
C) took
D) would be taken
E) is taking A) because of B) as
C) since D) except that
E) however

A) that B) which
C) on which D) of which
E) when A) abandoning
B) to have abandoned
C) having abandoned
D) to be abandoned
A) at least B) so far E) being abandoned
C) by the way D) rather
E) contrary to

A) to have been reared

B) having reared
A) provoked B) halted
C) to rear
C) contributed D) acted
D) to being reared
E) expired E) having been reared

A) to infect B) infecting A) that B) all
C) having infected D) be infected C) either D) some
E) to be infected E) these

Question Bank ( ^4 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


Do you ever notice people are doing or saying The heart of the Sea Launch system is the Zenit
things seeming different to you? Do you wish you rocket, (1) — by Ukraine. The Zenit has been
(1) —- along with the rest of the group? if so, you used as a space launcher in Kzakhstan and (2)
are simply complying with your need to conform, -— part of the Soviet Union’s (3) -— out-of-date
the desire to go along with the norms of a group of Energia heavy lift-rocket. The Zenit will serve as
people so that you (2) —- as an in-group person. the first and second stages of the Sea Launch
We are a tribal animal, (3) -— leads us to have rocket. The third stage, (4) -— satellites to orbits
a deep need to belong to a group. Conforming high up into the atmosphere, is to be provided by
to group norms is a signal to the other group the Russian company RSC Energia. Sea Launch
members. This signal (4) -— the reliability of your will be able to carry payloads of 5,900 kg into an
behaviour, allowing the other people to predict (5) orbit high (5) — the equator.
-— you will do.

A) manufactured
A) could go B) can go B) manufacturing
C) must have gone D) have gone C) was manufactured
E) go D) having manufactured
E) is manufactured

A) had been accepted
B) can be accepting A) being B) had
C) will be accepted C) was D) to be
D) will accept E) has had
E) are accepting

A) now B) then
C) so D) now that
A) that B) which E) than
C) whom D) who
E) why

A) to carry
A) indicates B) segregates B) carry
C) lubricates D) fluctuates C) carried
E) confiscates D) to be carried
E) to carrying

A) that B) which A) in B) on
C) what D) whom C) at D) below
E) whether E) above

Dilko Yayınlan ( 195 J Question Bank

Cloze Test


British Airways is launching a deal to help fill Nine Azeri teenagers (1) -— digital stories about
aircraft seats on lines throughout Europe as part several environmental stories on the Net. The
of a major (1) -— campaign to start this autumn. projects began in (2) -— country when the students,
(2) — about the projected level of passenger (3) -— attend secondary school in three different
traffic, BA is negotiating travel concessions with regions, chose and researched the topics. Each
Foster’s Lager. The terms of the deal have yet student wrote a script, collected digital images, (4)
to be finalized, but they are (3) — to involve a -— background music and recorded voiceovers.
“two-for-the-price-of-one ” ticket for purchasers Then they put all these elements together (5) —-
of a -pack of Fosters Lager. It was confirmed by one-to two-minute digital stories.
both companies that negotiations are being (4) —
concerning a travel promotion. Foster’s appears
to see the proposed marketing link-up (5) — an B) prevailed
A) presented
important opportunity to boost its market share.
C) decelerated D) sifted
E) moaned
A) promoted B) promotional
C) promote D) to promote
E) to be promoted

A) theirs B) them
C) themselves D) their own
E) by themselves
A) Concerned B) Concerning
C) To be concerned D) To concern
E) Having concerned

A) who B) whom
C) of whom D) that
E) whose

A) obviously B) possible
C) likable D) probable
E) likely
A) elected B) selected
C) clogged D) split
E) nominated
A) modified B) made
C) supported D) carried
E) done

A) produce
B) being produced
A) such as B) such C) to produce
D) produced
C) as D) so
E) having been produced
E) like

Question Bank ( 196 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

Cloze Test


The moon appears barren and dry, but an early A study published recently (1) — data from a
suggestion that it (1) — water came from a more than 50-year survey of fish in the waters
satellite in 91. The satellite sent radar waves (2) -— the Pacific coast of North America, (3)
(2) -— a lunar south pole crater in permanent -— the U.S. state of California. The researchers
darkness. The return signal was characteristic of found (4) — in the numbers of fish from month
the way the waves would (3) — water molecules to month, and over time. They say the reason for
in ice. Two years later, another satellite (4) -— the inconsistency in populations is that the fishing
different technology detected a component of industry (5) — more mature fish.
water, hydrogen atoms. Researchers speculated
that the hydrogen (5) -— from ice deposits one
meter below crater floors at both lunar poles. A) analyzing B) to analyze
C) to be analyzing D) analyzed
E) analyze
A) may be having B) has to have
C) might have D) can’t have
E) couldn’t have had

A) onto B) between
C) besides D) among
2. E) off
A) from B) to
C) of D) by
E) at

A) particularly B) specially
C) frequently D) gradually
A) kick off B) send for E) hopefully
C) bounce off D) get by
E) come off

A) stability B) variability
A) using B) used C) permanence D) credibility
C) to be used D) has used E) durability
E) been used

A) coming A) tends to prefer
B) would rather come B) tended to prefer
C) to come C) tends preferring
D) could be coming D) tended preferring
E) ought to come E) tends to preferring

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 197 J Question Bank

Cloze Test 1

More than half of al! Americans are at risk of Health officials are alarmed by the rise of
osteoporosis, a disease making bones brittle drug-resistant tuberculosis, and say international
and (1) -— to fracture. A recent study involving strategies are urgently needed to (1) -— them.
2500 men and women (2) -— a link between cola African governments were among the first to
drinking and bone loss. The bone mineral density (2) — the alarm. It was the region itself (3)
of women drinking cola daily was about three to actually identified the challenge of tuberculosis
five percent lower than (3) — of women drinking as an emergency and resolved that all countries
cola occasionally. Women who had an occasional in Africa (4) — developing strategies. A recent
cola did not suffer bone loss. (4) -—, no matter outbreak of drug-resistant tuberculosis has killed
how much cola they drank. We know that women more than 0 people; nearly one-third of them (5)
are at greater risk than men (5) — osteoporosis with the strain.
in general and probably more sensitive to these
shifts in acidity. 1.
A) condemn B) derive
1. C) overrate D) combat
A) tend B) unlikely E) assassinate
C) prone D) possible
E) adjacent
A) arise B) arose
A) shows C) arouse D) rise
B) show E) raise
C) had shown
D) had been showing
E) is shown
A) what B) where
3. C) that D) who
A) this B) these E) whom
C) them D) those
E) that

4. A) ought to be started
A) Men do, too B) should start
B) So did men C) might have started
C) Neither are men D) must have started
D) Men weren’t either
E) can be started
E) Nor did men

5. 5.
A) with B) of A) were diagnosed B) diagnosed
C) without D) off C) were diagnosing D) diagnosing
E) from E) had diagnosed

Question Bank ( 198 ) Dilko Yaymlars

Cloze Test


You (1) — that fish contain mercury and other (1) -— the World Bank, there were about 800 million
harmful chemicals. (2) —, some scientists say global tourists last year and nearly 24 million went
eating fish reguiariy is very healthy, especially for to Sub-Saharan Africa. The new generation of
the heart. In fact, the benefits of eating fish (3) -— tourists (2) -— from those who came before. They
far greater than the potential risks. If you eat a fish are not just going on animal safaris in Kenya or
that has some mercury in it, you (4) — less benefit (3) — the flora and fauna of Madagascar. Today,
from that fish (5) — if it did not have mercury in it, they are sky-diving in Tanzania, and (4) —- in
but the overall benefit is still positive. Ethiopia’s early churches. The influx of foreign,
and (5) — domestic, tourism means more money
for local businesses and farmers.
A) were able to hear
B) couldn’t have heard 1.
C) shouldn’t have heard A) With respect to
D) may have heard B) in accordance with
E) would have heard C) According to
D) Regardless of
E) By all means

A) Although B) Even though
C) However D) Therefore
E) Thus A) differentiates B) discriminates
C) differs D) distinguishes
E) discerns

A) is B) are
C) was D) were A) investigated
E) has been B) to investigate
C) to be investigated
D) investigating
E) being investigated
A) should have got
B) must have got
C) might be getting
D) would be getting
A) regard B) collide
E) might be gotten
C) respect D) divert
E) pray

A) that B) which
A) even B) ever
C) than D) only
C) never D) together
E) what
E) altogether

Dilko Yayınlan ( 199 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test 1

in New York and (1) —- major American cities, The variety of skin tones and accents at the
newspapers and magazines that cater to immigrant awards dinner (1) -— more like a party for United
communities are (2) -—, and are more numerous Nations staffers, (2) >— a celebration of the foreign
than (3) -—. It’s easy to understand their appeal. language newspapers that inform America’s
The ethnic press (4) — keeps America’s growing immigrants. The ethnic media has found a natural
foreign-born readership up-to-date on news from home in New York City, where (3) -— 40 percent
their native countries, but also educates them in of the population is foreign-born. There’s a
(5) — they need to know about life here as both population that has grown (4) -— a million in the
immigrants and Americans. past years, and most of (5) — are from other
parts of the world.

A) other B) another
C) others D) the others A) made it to seem
E) one another B) makes it to seem
C) had made it seem
D) makes it seem
E) will make it seeming

A) shrinking B) thriving
C) contracting D) diminishing
E) surviving
A) then B) and then
C) and D) than
E) rather

A) even B) never
C) ever D) almost
E) sometimes
A) by B) above
C) over D) of
E) with

A) either B) never
C) always D) not only
A) with B) of
E) not ever
C) by D) off
E) into

A) that B) whom
A) which B) them
C) where D) when
C) they D) whom
E) what
E) whose

Question Bank ( 200 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


(1) -— wind and other weather factors can More than 800 million people worldwide live with
determine how a fire (2) -—, meteorologists play an (1) -— hunger. And 25,000 of them die each day,
important role in fire-fighting teams. They measure mostly from severe malnutrition. Twenty years
the speed and direction of the winds, which feed ago, the World Food Summit challenged countries
oxygen to a fire and (3) -— its movement. They (2) - global hunger in half by 20, which, for many,
also predict the amount of humidity and rain, which is still a(n) (3) -— goal. For example, the severe
(4) -— fires. For most of the previous century, fire food crisis in Africa appears (4) -— in many parts
fighters (5) -— wild fires as quickly as possible. of the continent. But it is estimated that 200 million
But experts now say this practice interfered with people remain malnourished. Severe drought has
the natural fire cycles of forests. caused crop failure in Southern Africa. In parts of
East Africa, livestock have died (5) — a lack of
A) As B) While
C) Although D) Provided
E) Once A) regular B) customary
C) usual D) sturdy
E) constant
A) behaved B) is behaving
C) will behave D) has behaved
E) was behaving
A) to cut B) cut
C) and cut D) cutting
E) to be cut
A) devastate B) flunk
C) steer D) anticipate
E) precipitate

A) abstract B) tormented
C) achievable D) futile
E) vain
A) helped to suppress
B) has helped to be suppressed
C) can be helped to suppress
D) helps suppress
E) would help suppress A) lessened B) lessening
C) to be lessening D) be lessened
E) be lessening

A) have tried to extinguish

B) tried extinguishing
C) have tried to be extinguished A) but for B) despite
D) have tried extinguishing C) thanks to D) because of
E) tried to extinguish E) in spite of

Dilko Yayınlan ( 201 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test 1

The degree to which people conform to the rules The Clean Development Mechanism is a
indicates their (1) to be a group member. mechanism (1) —- the Kyoto Protocol that allows
Members conforming strongly are primary group industrialized countries (2) — their greenhouse
members asserting the identity of the group, (2) gas reductions by investing in emission reducing
-— secondary members trying to impress the projects in developing countries, which could
core members. The extent of conformity is a (3) (3) -— projects as an alternative to more costly
—- feature. Non-conformists wili go in (4) —- emission reductions. These projects could result
direction, deliberately asserting their individuality. in more than $30 billion (4) — into developing
Teenagers reject their parents, (5) — desperately economies by 20, most of which have good
conforming with peer-group norms as they seek climate, good soils, good rainfall, and large (5) —
acceptance by the cliques and gangs of the commercial plantations.

1. A) among B) between
A) desire B) nominee C) beneath D) under
C) fusion D) celebrity E) below
E) want

2. A) to be met B) being met

A) although B) but C) met D) meeting
C) however D) when E) to meet
E) or

3. A) ventilate B) eradicate
A) trivia B) saturation C) implement D) pinpoint
C) captivity D) personality E) abandon
E) recognition

A) other B) another A) flowing B) to flowing

C) others D) the others C) flows D) a flow
E) other’s E) some flows

A) while B) because A) scale B) rank

C) therefore D) unless C) assessment D) tag
E) for E) measurement

Question Bank ( 202 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test]


Attacks by pirates are a serious concern in Astronomers have discovered a planet 40

the waters (1) — the coasts of Africa and light-years from our solar system, (1) -— in the
South America. In 2003, four hundred forty-five Upsilon Andromeda star system. This planet is
successful or (2) — pirate attacks were reported thought to have (2) — of temperature from one
around the world. Modern pirates use high-speed side to another. The planet orbits exceptionally
motor boats to attack (3) —- passenger and cargo close to the star and it (3) -— and then radiates the
ships. In March of 2006, Somali pirates seized heat emitted from its nearby star. The planet could
twenty Filipino seamen on an oil ship. The pirates (4) -— be tidally locked to its parent star, similar to
demanded money from the ship owners for their (5) -— the Moon is to the Earth.
release. The men were released in July following
(4) --- for their freedom. Most pirates force their
way on to the ships, take (5) -— they want and are
A) locating B) located
gone within minutes.
C) location D) locates
E) to locate

A) against B) towards
C) away D) above
E) off
A) extremely different
B) extreme differences
C) extremity differences
D) different extremity
E) difference extremes
A) attempted B) thriving
C) detained D) consumed
E) laboured

A) diffuses B) transmits
C) emits D) absorbs
A) both B) not only
E) spreads
C) not merely D) either
E) neither

A) possibly
B) comprehensively
C) formerly
A) salutations B) negotiations
D) randomly
C) ignitions D) fluctuations
E) erroneously
E) abductions

A) which B) that
A) that B) which
C) what D) how
C) what D) whose
E) where
E) where

Dilko Yayınlan ( 203 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


By using peptides, (1) —researchers have Scientists differ greatly (1) what phenomena
created a substance that (2) —- in less than they study and how they (2) -— their work. (3)
seconds. Co-operation between researchers at — there is no fixed set of steps that all scientists
MiT and Hong Kong University has fed to the follow, scientific investigations usually involve the
discovery of a substance that, (3) applied to a collection of (4) — evidence, the use of logical
wound, will form a nano-scaie protective gel barrier reasoning, and the application of imagination in
over the wound and stop bleeding. The substance (5) — and explanations to make sense of the
will eventually break down into components that collected evidence.
the body can then use (4) -— the damage. The
substance will be a boon to battlefield medicine (5) 1.
conventional surgery. A) with B) in
C) on D) at
E) for
A) that are fragments of protein
B) are fragments of protein
C) fragments of protein
D) its fragments of protein
E) what fragments of protein
A) come into B) get away
C) take after D) go about
E) look down on
A) has stopped to bleed
B) stopped to bleed
C) stopped bleeding
D) can stop to bleed ;
E) can stop bleeding ;
A) Even though B) Only if
C) Long after D) In that
3. E) Such that
A) after they B) has been
C) when D) after
E) they

A) relevant B) redundant
G) damp D) pointless
A) to repair B) repairing E) unrelated
C) repair D) repairs
E) repaired

A) device hypotheses
B) device hypothesis
A) but also B) as well as C) devising hypotheses
C) but for D) as though D) devised hypothesis
E) in addition E) hypotheses device

Question Bank 1.. 204..... ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


Technology usually affects society (1) — directly When mathematicians use logical rules to work
than science because it solves practical problems with representations of things, the results may
and (2) —- human needs, and (3) —- new problems or may not be valid for the things (1) —-. Using
and needs. (4) —science affects society mainly mathematics to solve a problem requires (2)
by stimulating and satisfying people’s curiosity — what mathematics (3) -—; probably making
and occasionally by enlarging or challenging their some simplifying assumptions, estimates, or
views of (5) -— the world is like. approximations; doing computations; and then
checking to see (4) — the answer makes sense. If
1. an answer does not seem to make enough sense,
then (5) ---- steps might have been inappropriate.
A) rather B) less
C) far less D) a lot more
E) by far the most 1.
A) each other B) of the whole
C) of theirs D) themselves
E) on their own
2. o
A) requires B) obliges
C) serves D) deletes
E) diverts A) to be chosen
B) choosing
C) to have chosen
<0 D) being chosen
E) having been chosen
3. o
A) might have created
B) should be creating
C) may create 5 3.
D) has had to create A) to use B) using
E) would rather $
C) used D) to using
E) uses

4. 4.
A) Inasmuch as B) In contrast A) lest B) now that
C) Overall D) All in ail C) whether D) however
E) In spite of E) though

5. 5.
A) how B) what A) any of these B) any of
C) which D) where C) each D) each of
E) whom E) the whole of

Dilko Yayınları Question Bank

Cloze Test


Large numbers of chunks of rock orbit the sun. The establishment of the calendar and the invention
Some of (1) -— that the earth meets in its yearly of writing (1) -— the dawn of recorded history.
orbit around the sun glow and disintegrate from The clues to early knowledge are inadequate,
friction as they plunge (2) -— the atmosphere, consisting of clay tablets bearing signs and seals
and sometimes impact the ground. (3) — chunks that (2) -— by physicians of ancient Mesopotamia.
of rocks mixed with ice have long, off-centre In the Louvre there is a stone pillar (3) — the Gode
orbits (4) -— them close to the sun, (5) -— the of Hammurabi is inscribed. This code includes
sun’s radiation boils off frozen material from their laws relating to the practice of medicine, and the
surfaces and pushes it into a long, illuminated penalties for failure were (4) -—. For example,
tail. “If the doctor, in opening a swelling, shall kill the
patient, his hands shall be cut off”; if, however, the
1. patient was a slave, the doctor was simply obliged
A) that B) their to supply (5) -™ slave.
C) it D) those
E) this
A) fascinated B) discouraged
C) marked D) complicated
E) spoiled

A) between B) below
C) through D) along
E) like A) used B) are used
C) have been used D) were used
E) had used

A) Other B) Another
C) The other D) Others
E) The others A) on which B) that
C) which D) whose
E) when

A) carrying B) carried
C) that carrying D) of carrying A) reluctant B) severe
E) being carried C) slight D) faint
E) trivial

A) which B) of which A) other B) the others

C) whose D) where C) others D) another
E) that E) the other

Question Bank r... 206 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( "......Cloze test )


Atoms and molecules are (1) -- in motion. The orange thread traditionally used to sew Levi
Increased temperature means (2) — average Strauss blue jeans was intentionally selected to
energy of motion, so most substances expand (3) match the copper rivets (1) -— the durability of the
-— heated. In solids, the atoms are closely locked jeans. Levi Strauss, (2) —, neither envisioned
in position and can only vibrate. In liquids, the this particular use for copper riveting, which the
atoms or molecules have higher energy, are more orange thread complemented, (3) -— the unique
loosely connected, and can slide past (4) some stitching on the rear pockets of the jeans. Jacob
molecules may get enough energy to escape into Davis, a Russian immigrant formulated the idea
a gas. In gases, the atoms or molecules (5) -— (4) — the riveted seam, an idea (5) — would
even more energy and are free of one another vastly extend the life of the jeans.
except during occasional collisions.

A) doubling B) double
A) deliberately B) resourcefully C) doubles D) doubled
C) purposefully D) perpetually E) to be doubled
E) eventually

A) greatest B) greatly A) but B) however

C) greatness D) greater C) although D) in spite of
E) most great E) in contrast

A) or B) and A) or B) nor
C) when D) so C) and D) yet
E) unless E) but

A) one another B) other’s A) in B) on
C) another’s D) every other C) at D) for
E) other than E) from

A) have B) had A) that B) whose

C) having D) to have C) in which D) what
E) of having E) for what

Dilko Yayınlan ( 207 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test ")


Operation Ten-Go was (1) -— major Japanese The AK-47 is a gas-operated (1) -— rifle
naval operation in World War II. The Japanese designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov used in many
battleship Yamato, (2) — nine other Japanese Eastern bloc nations (2) —- the Cold War. It was
warships, sorted from Japan to attack the Allied adopted and standardized in 42. (3) —~ with the
forces that (3) — Okinawa. The Japanese force auto-loading rifles used in World War II, the
was attacked and almost completely destroyed AK-47 was generally more compact, with a shorter
before reaching Okinawa (4) -— the U.S. carrier range, and was (4) -— of selective fire. It was one
aircraft which sank Yamato and five other of the first true attack rifles and remains the most
Japanese warships. The battle emphasized the widely used. The AK-47 and its (5) -— variants
aerial control that the U.S. had (5) as well as and descendants have been produced in greater
the vulnerability of surface ships to aerial attack. numbers than any others.

A) last B) the last A) assault B) compassion

C) latest D) the latest C) fertility D) proliferation
E) at last E) sensation

A) together B) towards A) while B) hence

C) throughout D) below C) due to D) during
E) along with E) along

A) Dealt B) Consulted
A) were invaded
C) Interfered D) Compared
B) were invading
E) Concerned
C) have been invading
D) had been invaded
E) would have been invaded

A) capable B) relative
C) skilled D) able
A) by B) in
E) talented
C) on D) from
E) until

A) attained B) corrupted A) countable B) numerous
C) revolted D) reduced C) fragile D) bare
E) roamed E) scarce

Question Bank ( 208 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery is located The Azerbaijanis, commonly referred (1) ----
in the historic and (1) —- part of Kiev and (2) — Azeris, live in a wide area (2) —- the Caucasus
the city’s commercial and merchant quarter. (3) to the Iranian plateau. The Azeris are typically
-— in the Middle Ages, the monastery comprises Muslim and (3) — cultural heritage of Turkic,
the Cathedral (4) the refectory of St. John the Iranian, and Caucasian elements. (4) -— living on
Divine, the Economic Gates, and the monastery’s both sides of an international border, the Azeris
bell tower. The exterior of the structure was rebuilt form a single group. Since its independence from
in the Ukrainian Baroque style in the th century (5) the Soviet Union in 91, there (5) — renewed
-— the interior remained In its original Byzantine interest in religion and cross-border ethnic ties.

A) to as B) for as
A) healing C) as for D) as to
B) administrative E) in by
C) defying
D) convicted
E) repetitive

A) in B) on
C) at D) for
E) from
A) overlook : B) overlooks
C) overlooking D) overlooked
E) to overlook

A) have mixed
B) mixed
C) had mixed
A) it was built B) It built D) have a mixed
C) Built D) Building E) mixing
E) It was building

4. 4.
A) Itself B) by itself A) Before B) After
C) alone D) on its own C) By D) Despite
E) oneself E) On account of

A) unless B) while A) is B) was

C) during D) by the time C) has been D) is being
E) in contrast E) had been

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

( Cloze Test


(1) -— the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Libya Manchester City is a football club based in
(2) -— between Egypt to the east and Sudan to Manchester. (1) -— in 80, they (2) — the League
the southeast. With an area of 1.8 million square Cup twice. Its most successful period came in the
kilometres, Libya is the fourth largest nation-state early 70s, (3) -— they acquired several trophies
in Africa (3) — area. Its name was (4) from the with great players such as Colin Bell and Mike
ancient Egyptian term “Lebu", referring to Berber Summerbee. The club has not won a major honour
peoples living west of the Nile. With one of the since 71. (4) -— culminated in getting relegated
largest proven oil reserves in the world, Libya has twice in three years in the 90s. However, they
one of the largest gross domestic products (5) — have since (5) —- their FA Premier League status,
in Africa. putting them back in the top flight.

A) Bordered B) Bordering A) It was founded B) It founded

C) Having bordered D) It bordered C) It was founding D) Founded
E) It borders E) Founding

A) lays B) laid
C) lies D) lied A) have won B) had won
E) lain C) were won D) are winning
E) were winning

A) of B) on
C) as D) by A) which B) at which
E) at C) that D) in that
E) when

A) evacuated B) submitted A) It’s declined B) It’s declining

C) derived D) posed C) Its decline D) It declined
E) populated E) It was declined

A) per capita B) per annum A) remained B) refused
C) per diem D) per pound C) regained D) referred
E) percent E) reversed

Question Bank ( 210 ) Dilko Yayınlar:

( Cloze Test )


Cystic fibrosis is a common hereditary disease (1) -— the animal kingdom, cells present the same
that affects (1) -— body, causing progressive external aspect when carefully (2) -— with the
disability and early death. Breathing difficulties microscope. (3) -— difference can be observed
are the most common symptom and result (2) -— between the cells of the flowers of the oak and
frequent lung infections that are treated, (3) — not those of the apple, but the cells of the former
always cured, by antibiotics. A(n) (4) — of other always produce oak trees, while (4) — of the
symptoms, including sinus infections, diarrhoea, latter always produce apple trees. The same is
and infertility, are caused by the effects of the true of the cells of animals, there (5) — not the
disease on (5) -— parts of the body. slightest apparent difference.

A) whole B) the entire A) Through B) Throughout

C) every one of D) each of C) Outside D) Inwards
E) some E) Upon

A) to B) on A) they were examined

C) at D) for B) they are examining
E) from C) examined
D) examining
E) being examining

A) however B) though
C) despite D) in spite of
E) whereas A) None B) No
C) Nor D) No one
E) Neither

A) magnitude B) altitude
C) multitude D) gratitude A) one B) ones
E) attitude C) that D) this
E) those

A) another B) others A) be B) is
C) other D) the other C) been D) to be
E) one another E) being

Dilko Yayınları ( 2» ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


Computer hardware (1) —- by the same means (1) • they are formed, governments usually
used to protect other valuable or sensitive have most of the power to make, interpret, and
equipment, namely, serial numbers, doors and (2) — the rules and decisions that determine how
locks, and alarms. The most basic means of a community, state, or nation (3) —Many of the
protecting a computer system is to assign an rules established by governments (4) ~— reduce
individual password to (2) — person who has social confiict. The rules affect a wide range of
access to a system. Computer security (3) human affairs, from marriage and education (5)
— increasingly important since the late 60s, -— scientific research and commerce.
when modems, devices (4) — computers to
communicate over telephone lines, (5) -—. 1.
A) However B) Even though
1. C) Owing to D) We wish
A) protects B) is protected E) The fact that
C) has protected D) protected
E) had been protected

A) enforce B) oblige
C) remind D) supplement
A) each B) every one of
E) invert
C) many D) all

' E) the whole

A) was run
B) was running
C) will be run
A) has become
B) will become D) would have run
C) became E) is going to have run
D) would have become
E) was becoming

A) have been designed

B) were designed and
A) to be allowed B) to allowing
C) are designed to
C) to have allowed D) allowing
D) designed to
E) having been allowed
E) designing to

A) introduced
A) towards B) onto
B) had introduced
C) to D) upon
C) would introduce
E) into
D) have been introduced
E) were introduced

Question Bank ( 212 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

Cloze Test


The diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders In agriculture, as in all technologies, there are
are improving but (1) --- rapidly as for physical always trade-offs (1) —Getting food from (2)
health. Techniques for detecting and diagnosing — different places makes people less dependent
these disorders (2) -— observation of behaviour, on weather in any one place, yet more dependent
(3) — interviews, and measurements of body on communication (3) far-flung markets.
chemistry. Treatments range (4) — discussing Specializing in one crop may risk disaster if changes
problems to (5) -— the brain directly with in weather or increases in pest populations wipe
chemicals, electric shock, or surgery. out that crop. Also, the soil may (4) — of some
nutrients, which can be replenished by rotating the
1. (5) —- crops.
A) so B) not as
C) as D) such 1.
E) none A) making B) that make
C) that is made D) to be made
E) to be making

A) contend B) assert
C) customize D) include
E) intend A) much B) many
C) lots D) a great deal of
E) a couple

A) comprehensive B) imaginary
C) allocated D) destructive A) forward B) against
E) prevented C) with D) by
E) without

A) by B) for A) exhaust
C) from D) within B) exhausted
E) at C) have exhausted
D) be exhausted
E) have been exhausted

A) fascinating B) humiliating
C) affecting D) converting A) right B) true
E) conveying C) sincere D) hostile
E) swift

Dilko Yayınlan ( 213 ) Question Bank

( Cioze Test


Of general belief in (1) -— civilizations, and The contribution of Babylonia and Assyria (1) —
referred (2) — in several places in the Bible, the medicine, one that affected mankind profoundly,
Evil Eye, which is the power of certain individuals (2) -— to (3) -— supposed influence of the heavenly
(3) — with a look, passed to Greece and Rome, bodies upon man’s welfare. A belief (4) — the
and today is still held (4) -— in many parts of stars in their courses fought for (5) -— against him
Europe. The sign of le coma, the first and fourth arose early in their civilizations and directly out of
fingers extended, the others (5) -— and the thumb their studies on astrology and mathematics.
closed over them, still used against the Evil Eye in
Italy, was a mystic sign used by the Romans in the 1.
festival of Lemuralia. A) for B) on
C) at D) with
1. E) to
A) oldest B) the older
C) as old as D) an older
E) so old

2. A) relates B) related
A) as B) to C) relating D) relation
C) for D) by E) relationship
E) into

A) in order not to injure

B) so as to be injured A) those B) an
C) injured C) the D) its
D) injuring E) theirs
E) to injure

A) which B) what
A) productively C) that D) in that
B) diagnostically E) in which
C) tentatively
D) fervently
E) corrosively

A) yet B) but
A) looked into B) come off
C) or D) nor
C) turned down D) got by
E) of
E) taken off

Question Bank ( 214 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test


Following a family move, (1) -— studies have British researchers (1) -— that a sense of humour
discovered, boys (2) -— the ages of 6 and tend was dependant upon nurture, (2) —nature.
(3) problems adjusting to new environments, Their study involved 71 pairs of identical twins
particularly school. The research showed that and 56 pairs of fraternal twins, and analyzed (3)
moving during those ages (4) so traumatic for — reactions to five drawings by cartoonist Gary
boys as to cause a drop in academic achievement Larson. Results showed that the siblings had
or even I.Q. The results are not (5) ---- for girls yet. similar views about the cartoons, and that the
identical twins, (4) the same genes, were (5)
-— likely than fraternal twins to find the same
A) several of B) too much things amusing.
C) a whole load D) the number of
E) a series of
A) concludes B) concluded
C) concluding D) to conclude
E) being concluded

A) from B) between
C) among D) on
E) throughout A) or B) yet
C) but D) not
E) nor

A) and have B) or to have A) Its B) theirs

C) to have D) having C) their D) those of
E) to having E) theirs of

A) were B) were to be
A) have B) had
C) must have been D) could be
C) having D) to have
E) should have been
E) and have

A) no longer B) no more
A) conclusive B) mutual
C) not any D) not fewer
C) submissive D) annual
E) neither
E) rough

Dilko Yayınları (' 215 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


A recent U.S. study (1) -— that there are (2) -— Most systems above the molecular level involve
births 9 months after a heat wave. The study (1) -— parts and forces and are so sensitive to
found that an increase of ° Celsius in summer tiny differences in conditions (2) — their precise
temperatures reduces births the following spring behaviour is unpredictable, (3) — all the rules for
by (3) — six percent. Researchers found that change are known. Predictable (4) , the precise
high temperatures could reduce (4) — sense of future of a system is not completely determined
well-being, which could result in a reduction in by its present state and circumstances but also
sexual interest. (5) — study found higher rates of depends on the fundamentally (5) -— outcomes of
miscarriage during hot weather. events on the atomic scale.

A) neglects B) abuses A) too many B) so many
C) indicates D) arises C) much less D) as many
E) spoils E) so much

A) less B) more A) that B) which
C) least D) most C) what D) how
E) fewer E) when

A) as to B) in for
C) away with D) down on A) such that B) besides
E) upto C) thus D) for example
E) even if

A) person’s B) people’s A) or so B) as if
C) persons D) people C) or not D) but also
E) peoples E) even if

A) Another B) Other A) fermented B) sober

0) The other D) Others 0) senile D) uncertain
E) The others E) insane

Question Bank ( 216 ) Dilko Yayınları

(.. ....... ....... Cloze Test..... -...........)


Different models (1)—to represent the same thing. Computer control of mechanical systems can be
What kind of a model to use and (2) — complex it (1) — quicker than human control. In situations
should be depends on its purpose. The usefulness where events happen (2) — people can react,
of a model (3) — be limited if it is too simple or if it is there is little choice but to rely (3) -— computers.
(4) — complicated. Choosing a useful model Most complex systems, (4) —, still require human
is one of the instances in which intuition and oversight to make certain kinds of judgments
creativity (5) — play in science, mathematics, and about the readiness of the parts of the system and
engineering. the system as a whole to operate properly, to react
to (5) .... failures, and to evaluate how well the
1. system is serving its intended purposes.
A) used
B) were used
C) might have been used A) little B) a bit of
D) can be used C) much D) very
E) are able to use E) too

A) what B) which A) as fast as B) so fast as
C) that D) how7 C) less fast than D) faster than
E) though E) too fast

A) in B) on
A) is supposed B) may
C) at D) for
C) would rather D) is able to
E) was to E) over

A) needing to be B) need to be A) but B) yet

C) needless D) needlessly C) though D) however
E) in need of E) although

A) come into B) get out of A) sustained B) indifferent

C) take after D) look up to C) flavourless D) unexpected
E) go about E) solemn

Dilko Yayinlars ( 217 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


Preschool for children between ages three and six Automation, (1) — the use of robots, has changed
(1) -— by Maria Montessori. (2) -— a method for the nature of work in (2) -— fields. (3) —, high-skill,
teaching retarded children, Montessori wanted to high-knowledge jobs in engineering, computer
apply it to those without learning disabilities, too. programming, quality control, supervision, and
In 06, she was offered rooms in an apartment maintenance (4) -—many routine, manual-labour
building in the slum-ridden San Lorenzo district jobs. Workers, therefore, need better learning
of Rome. This building had been intended as a skills and flexibility to (5) -— new and rapidly
model residence for poor families but was in bad changing jobs.
shape (3) —- vandalism by residents’ unattended
children. She accepted the offer, and started to 1.
collect toys, building blocks, and games. When the A) is included B) is including
school was opened in 07, about 60 children (4) —
C) including D) included
. A second preschool was opened in San Lorenzo
E) inclusive
a few months later and another one in Milan in
03. Switzerland’s Italian-speaking canton of Ticino
designated its public preschools as children's
houses and ordered them (5) -— Montessori
A) most B) the most
C) most of D) the most of
A) was established E) most of them
B) established
C) had established
D) establishes
E) has established

A) However
A) Developed B) Nonetheless
B) Being developed C) Accordingly
C) To develop D) With respect to
D) To have developed E) In contrast
E) Having developed

A) in spite of
A) are replaced
B) contrary to
C) in that B) are replacing
D) as a consequence of 0) had replaced
E) as opposed to D) may be replaced
E) have been replaced
A) attended B) devoted
C) exaggerated D) concluded
E) required
A) take on B) get by
A) following B) to follow C) put across D) break away
C) to be followed D) follow E) come round
being followed

Question Bank ( 218 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


The Colosseum is a giant amphitheatre built in In common law, arson consisted of setting fire to
Rome (1) -— the Flavian emperors. Construction the dwelling of (1) —- person. Subsequent laws
of the Colosseum was begun sometime between (2) — the scope of the offence to include setting
AD 70 and 72. (2) — earlier amphitheatres, (3) fire to other types of buildings, and in English law
— were nearly all dug into convenient hillsides for any kind of damage (3) — caused by fire is now
extra support, the Colosseum is a self-supporting arson. The seriousness of the crime may depend
structure of stone and concrete, measuring on the extent to which life is endangered. The
620 by 5 feet overall and seating some 50,000 law may distinguish (4) -— arson endangering
spectators. It was the scene of thousands of life and other forms of arson, but most systems
hand-to-hand combats between gladiators, of consider the crime a serious one. The motivation
contests between men and animals, and of (4) of those who commit arson differs; arson may be
-— larger combats. The Colosseum (5) — by committed (5) —- an act of revenge against an
lightning and earthquakes in medieval times and, employer or by a jealous lover, for example, or
even more severely, by vandalism; all the marble by persons who find excitement in fires or have
seats and decorative materials have disappeared. pathological impulses to set fires.

1. 1.
A) under B) on o A) other B) the others
C) between D) across C) others D) another
E) into E) the other

2. 2.
A) Such as B) The same as A) had expanded
C) Besides D) Similar to o B) were expanded
E) Unlike
C) are expanded
D) used to expand
3, 5 E) have expanded
A) that B) which
C) when D) where £
E) whose 3.
A) awfully B) highly
C) effortlessly D) faithfully
E) deliberately
A) many B) much of
C) most of D) 4.
E) a great deal A) between B) through
C) along D) among
E) across
A) was damaged
B) damaged
C) had damaged 5.
D) is damaged
A) like B) likewise
E) has been damaged
C) as D) as if
E) such

Dilko Yayınları l.... 2^.... J Question Bank

Cloze Test


In practice, countries make compromises (1) — Micronesia is a country in the western Pacific
economic models. Central planning has to allow Ocean. It is composed of (1) — than 600 islands
(2) »— some individual initiative, and markets and islets in the Caroline Islands archipelago and is
have to provide some protection for unsuccessful divided (2) — the states of Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei,
(3) —. The countries of the world use elements of and Kosrae. The total land area is 701 square
both systems and are neither purely free-market kilometres. The capital is Palikir, on the island
(4) — entirely centrally controlled. Countries of Pohnpei. Portuguese and Spaniards (3) -— to
change, and some adopt more free-market explore the Micronesian region in the th century.
policies and practices, while (5) -— prefer more Later explorers, traders, and whalers included
central-planning ones. the British, Germans, Russians, Japanese, and
Americans. Spain at first expanded (4) -— control
1. throughout Micronesia with little opposition from
A) to regard the other European powers. In the late th century,
(5) —Spain’s domination of the region was
B) without being regarded
challenged by Germany and the United Kingdom.
C) to regard it as
D) with regard to
E) regarded by
A) many B) more
C) much D) the more
E) most

A) in B) on 2.
C) at D) to A) over B) above
E) for o C) into D) to
E) beneath

3. 3.
A) competitors B) inhibitors A) began
C) traitors D) failures B) would have begun
E) punctures C) have begun
D) might begin
E) could begin

B) nor 4.
A) or
C) and D) yet A) it B) its
E) but C) itself D) by itself
E) on its own

A) despite B) so
A) others B) the others
C) because D) due to
C) other D) the other
E) however
E) another

Question Bank ( 220 ) Dilko Yaymlan

Cloze Test


If you want to persuade someone, it helps (1) -— Wild-water racing developed (1) the riding of
to gain their trust by being in the same group as rapids in small boats and rafts, a necessary skill for
them. An approach that can help this is to conform explorers, hunters, and fishermen. Later it became
with their group rules. However, strict conformity a(n) (2) —- popular form of recreation in parts of
to others' rules can be seen (2) — an invasion. Europe and the US. International competition,
For example, I remember (3) — a senior manager since 50, (3) —- by Europeans. Streams are
go down to the factory floor in a worker uniform, graded for difficulty on a six-point scale, from
with grease on his face. He wanted the workers to those that are easily negotiable to those that may
feel closer to himself, but he only (4) -— them. The be attempted only at the risk of life. Contestants
senior manager (5) -— removed his jacket and tie wear crash helmets and life jackets. They leave
and rolled up his shirt sleeves. the starting point at intervals, and the person who
covers a three to eight kilometre course in (4)
1. ---- time is the winner. Although they compete in
A) a lot of B) plenty separate classes, the canoes and kayaks used
are quite similar—decked over completely except
C) few D) usually
for a hole for the rider, who wraps a plastic spray
E) a great deal
skirt around his waist (5) — water.

2. A) in B) from
A) as of B) as to
C) as D) as if
: E) as though ■

A) increasingly • B) merely
C) bitterly D) meanly
E) distantly

A) to see B) seeing
C) to seeing D) me to see A) was dominated
E) being seen B) has dominated
C) dominated
D) had dominated
E) has been dominated
A) irritated B) realized
C) initiated D) insured
A) little B) less
E) immunized
C) the least D) much
E) more

A) kept out
A) will have B) has been B) to be kept out
C) should have D) would have C) keep out
E) had D) to keep out
E) to keeping out

Dilko Yayınlan Question Bank

Cloze Test


An abacus is a simple device in mathematics for Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese

performing arithmetic calculations. The type of medicine, (1) — a number of very fine metal
abacus now best known (1) — by a frame with needles (2) —- into the skin at specially designated
sliding counters. An elementary abacus might points. For thousands of years acupuncture has
have ten parallel wires strung between two boards been used, (3) — herbal medicine, for pain relief
on a frame, with nine beads on each wire. (2) and treatment of various ailments. Acupuncture is
— bead on a given wire has the same value: also used, especially in China, (4) — a general
either ten or some multiple or submultiple of ten. anaesthetic during childbirth and some types
Numbers are represented and added together on of surgery. (5) — conventional anaesthesia,
the abacus (3) — grouping beads together. (4) acupuncture does not reduce blood pressure or
— represent 5, five beads on the units wire (5) —- depress breathing; in addition, the patient stays
from the others on that wire, five beads on the tens fully conscious.
wire, and one bead on the hundreds wire.

A) when B) that
A) represents C) which D) in which
B) represented E) what
C) is represented
D) has represented
E) will represent

A) insert
2. B) are inserted
A) Each B) Ail C) have inserted
C) Both D) Neither D) were inserted
E) Either E) will insert

A) in spite of B) due to
A) in B) on C) in addition D) thanks to
C) at D) by E) along with
E) with

A) So that B) Because
C) Since D) When A) unlike B) contrary to
E) In order to C) as D) as though
E) only if

A) separated
B) separate
C) have separated A) Because B) Unlike
D) were separated C) Nevertheless D) Unless
E) are separated E) Therefore

Question Bank ( 222 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

( Cloze Test


Prior research has established that the manual The hazards of (1) — to some kinds of radiation
(1) — of equipment (e.g., dialling the phone, were recognized shortly after the discovery of the
answering the phone, etc.) has a negative x-ray in 95. Skin reactions (2) — in many people
impact on driving. (2) —, the effects of the working with early x-ray generators, and by 02
phone conversation on driving are not as well the first radiation-caused cancer was reported in
understood, though the duration of a typical phone a skin sore. (3) -— a few years, a large number
conversation may be longer than the time (3) of such skin cancers had been observed. The first
— to dial or answer the phone. One study found report of leukaemia (a cancer of the bone marrow)
that simple conversations did not (4) -— affect in radiation workers appeared in . Marie Curie, the
the ability to maintain road position. On the other discoverer of radium, and her daughter (4) -— to
hand, studies have found that working memory have died of radiation-caused leukaemia. Since
tasks, mental arithmetic tasks, and reasoning that time, many studies have (5) -— the cancer­
tasks (5) -- driving performance. causing effects of some types of radiation.

A) investigation B) vision A) closure B) royalty
C) manipulation D) transition C) exposure D) property
E) objection E) attention

A) However B) Despite
C) By means of ; D) Thus j A) were observed B) observed
E) Because C) observing D) observe
E) had observed

A) is required B) requiring A) From B) Into

C) was required D) requires C) To D) Within
E) required E) Towards

A) eagerly B) solely
C) adversely D) proudly A) believed B) are believed
E) neatly C) have believed D) believe
E) were believing

A) are disrupted
B) disrupt
C) were disrupted A) confirmed B) commuted
D) used to disrupt C) risen D) competed
E) have been disrupted E) applied

Dilko Yaymlan (... 223 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


Advances in the understanding of Alzheimer’s Both the culture we live in and the first language
disease have helped (1) — discoveries in the we learn to speak are powerful forces in shaping
relationship of genes and behaviour. (2) — with our behaviour and world view. From them we (1)
heart disease, a person may have a gene that — how to act in the world and how to make sense
influences him or her to develop symptoms. In of it. Usually, we are unaware (2) — the power
some cases, the symptoms will occur (3) -— of of language and culture (3) — we experience
behaviour, but in (4) — cases environment firsthand a different culture or learn to speak a
or “lifestyle” influences the development of different language. These activities enable us to
the disease. Eating fatty foods can cause gain a perspective on our own culture and see
arteriosclerosis, and drinking lots of aluminium- some of its unspoken but (4)-— rules. They also
rich water can cause build-up of amyloid in the make us aware that, when two cultures meet, one
brain, (5) — is a physical cause of Alzheimer. culture can misunderstand or misinterpret (5) —.

A) keep on B) set ou
A) pushing C) take up D) find out
B) push E) put out
C) to be pushing
D) being pushed
E) pushed

A) at B) by
C) with D) of
E) on
A) As B) As though
C) While D) Because
E) Whereas

A) in view of B) since
C) in spite of D) so that
A) suspicious B) regardless E) until
C) ambiguous D) reckless
E) conscious

A) influential B) indifferent
C) dimensional D) trivial
A) each B) every E) fictional
C) most D) any
E) both

A) some other B) no other

A) whose B) that C) the other D) other
C) of which D) where E) each other
E) which

Question Bank {.... 224..... J Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


Singapore is one of the (1) — countries in the Erosion has been called the quiet crisis. (1) —
world (2) -— the number of tourists in a year is the world focuses (2) — obvious environmental
greater than the population. Some seven million problems, beaches around the world are slipping
visitors come to see and enjoy all that Singapore into the ocean. Erosion is often controlled (3) —
has to offer. Fortunately, the consistently warm planting vegetation to anchor the sand or soil and
weather, with an (3) — daily temperature of about now a Japanese firm is using artificial seaweed
21.5eC, makes it possible for tourism to be spread to fight the problem. The method can be used
throughout the year, (4) — many people try to (4) -— undersea oil pipelines, the legs of drilling
avoid December, (5) — is usually the wettest platforms. Since its invention in Germany in 84,
month. this method (5) — in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf
of Oman.

A) few B) less
C) plenty D) each A) Due to B) In case
E) either C) So that D) Despite
E) While

A) which B) that
C) where D) whose A) at B) on
E) when C) of D) up
E) from

A) ablaze B) average
C) idle D) illegible A) at B) into
E) eager C) by D) toward
E) from

A) although B) now that

C) in spite of D) thanks to A) to have been protected
E) because B) having protected
C) being protected
D) to be protected
E) to protect

A) when B) which
C) where D) whose A) has been used B) has used
E) that C) used D) was used
E) was using

Dilko Yayınları ( 225 ) Question Bank

_________________ c Cloze Test 3_________________

The ancient Egyptians made mummies (1) — they The ancient Egyptians made mummies (1) — they
believed that ail living things (2) — of two parts: believed that all living things (2) — of two parts:
the body and the spirit. Life ceased when the spirit the body and the spirit. Life ceased when the spirit
(3) — the body, and in order for someone to be (3) — the body, and in order for someone to be
reborn in the afterlife, spirit and body had to be reborn in the afterlife, spirit and body had to be
reunited. If the body was destroyed before the reunited. If the body was destroyed before the
spirit came back from its judgment, there couldn’t spirit came back from its judgment, there couldn’t
be a rebirth. Animals (4) — not only because they be a rebirth. Animals (4) — not only because they
were sacred, but also to provide companionship in were sacred, but also to provide companionship in
the afterlife. Including (5) — people and animals,
the afterlife. Including (5) — people and animals,
some experts have estimated that several million
some experts have estimated that several million
bodies were turned into mummies.
bodies were turned into mummies.

A) because B) in order to
A) because B) in order to
C) in view of D) so that
C) in view of D) so that
E) despite
E) despite

A) halted B) proposed
A) halted B) proposed
C) consisted D) responded
C) consisted D) responded
E) challenged
E) challenged

A) has left B) leaves

C) left D) will leave
A) has left B) leaves
E) has been leaving
C) left D) will leave
E) has been leaving

A) were preserving
B) are preserved A) were preserving
C) preserved B) are preserved
D) were preserved C) preserved
E) have preserved D) were preserved
E) have preserved

A) both B) either A) both B) either

C) whether D) neither C) whether D) neither
E) each E) each

Question Bank ( 226 ) Dilko Yayınları

Cloze Test


The (1) — air temperature at the surface of the Backgammon is a game of chance and skill (1)
earth (2) — this century, as has the temperature of -— by two persons upon a specially marked board
ocean surface waters. Because water expands as divided by a space, called the bar, into two tables
it heats, a warmer ocean means higher sea levels. -inner table and outer table-, (2) — has alternately
We cannot say definitely that the temperature rises coloured points, or triangular spaces. Players
are (3) —- the greenhouse effect; the heating may move (3) — the board according to the rolls of two
be part of a natural variability over a long time­ dice, and the object is to remove one’s pieces,
scale (4) -— we have not yet recognized in our or disks, (4) — the board first. The Egyptians,
short 0 years of recording. However, assuming the Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans played a form
build up of greenhouse gases is responsible, and of backgammon probably (5) — from the earlier
that the warming will continue, scientists would Indian game of Parcheesi. After the th century AD
like (5) —- the extent of future sea level rises. it became popular in Europe.

A) conviction B) interference A) playing B) played

C) obedience D) average C) having played D) to play
E) persuasion E) to be played

; A) a lot of them
A) used to rise B) has risen B) every one of them
C) had risen D) was rising C) all of whom
E) would rise D) each of which
; E) both of which

A) since B) due to
C) although D) in case A) below B) beneath
E) so that C) along D) underneath
E) between

A) that B) whose
C) of which D) whom A) into B) onto
E) to which C) through D) from
E) across

A) knowing B) to knowing
C) having known D) know A) supplied B) derived
E) to know C) extracted D) covered
E) extinguished

Dilko Yayınları (. 227 J Question Bank

Cloze Test


Babylon was one of (1) — of the ancient Middle Scientists have only recently begun to keep
East. It was on the Euphrates River and was records of the domestication of plants. Because
north of the cities (2) — in Mesopotamia in the of their records, scientists can (1) — some of the
3rd millennium BC. It (3) — important when problems related to that domestication. (2) —, there
Hammurabi made it the capital of his kingdom of are three reasons why scientists cannot guess all
Babylonia. The patron god of Babylon, Marduk, of the problems. The first one is that they have
became a leading deity in the Neo-Babylonian never been successful in (3) — a wild plant. The
pantheon. The city (4) — by the Assyrians under second reason is that scientists have kept records
Sennacherib, and its real splendour belongs to the (4) a relatively short time. The third reason is
later period of Babylonia after the city was rebuilt. that each plant species is unique, different from all
The brilliant colour and luxury of Babylon became (5) — plants. The jojoba is an example of a plant
(5) — from the days of Nebuchadnezzar. that scientists are trying to domesticate.

A) provide B) predict
A) the most important cities C) claim D) intend
B) more important cities E) vanish
C) the most important city
D) important city
E) the more important city

A) Therefore
B) Similarly
A) that flourish C) On the contrary
B) flourished D) On the other hand
C) were flourished E) For example
D) having flourished
E) being flourished

A) taming
A) has become B) became B) being tamed
C) becomes D) is becoming C) to tame
E) will become D) having tamed
E) having been tamed

A) is destroyed A) till B) for
B) destroyed C) since D) from
C) had destroyed E) towards
D) has been destroyed
E) was destroyed

A) legendary B) ordinary A) another B) each other

C) contemporary D) compulsory C) one another D) other
E) spontaneous E) others

Question Bank ( 228 ) Dilko Yayınları

£ Cloze Test


Agricultural pests are winning the battle against The horse can be traced back to 60 million years
the poisonous chemicals in pesticides. As (1) ago and circuses have been around since the
-— new chemical pesticide is used, the insects Ancient Greeks. (1) it is an Englishman, Philip
or rodents (2) — become used to it. The pests Astley, who’s credited (2) -— the creation of the
change themselves (3) — they are not killed by modern circus. In fact, Astley (3) — the first
the poison. Therefore, farmers, scientists, and circular track for horses after noting that it was
food planners are (4) a new method to control (4) -— to stand on a horse’s back when it was
pests that attack their crops. This method is (5) galloping around a small (5) —.
-— Integrated Pest Management, or IPM.

A) Because B) Accordingly
A) both B) either C) However D) Consequent!
C) several D) each E) As
E) all

A) with B) from
A) clumsily B) considerately C) of D) over
C) gradually D) sensibly E) at
E) distantly

; A) has built B) built

A) in the event of B) while C) builds D) had built
C) unless D) so that E) had been building
E) even so

4. A) easiness B) easier
A) consuming B) trying C) the most easily D) easily
C) escalating D) increasing E) more easily
E) boasting

A) carriage B) saddle
A) designed B) invented C) distance D) circle
C) described D) awarded E) spur
E) called

Dilko Yayınları ( 229 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


In 77, an Italian astronomer, Schiaparelli, wrote Japanese scientists have the world’s most
an article about the ‘canals’ on the planet Mars. extensive earthquake prediction system. There
The newspapers were interested and soon there are (1) -— machines at 70 different places that
was public excitement about his (1) -—. The (2) read the Earth’s gravity, magnetism etc. Ail
canals were straight, very long, and arranged in a these machines transmit the data to computers.
regular pattern. Schiaparelli didn't claim they were Scientists take (3) — of the height above sea
the work of ‘Martians’, but the public was sure (2) level, the rise and fall of groundwater and other
— it. Hundreds of telescopes followed the canals phenomena. The city of Tokyo is (4) — recording
(3) -— Mars appeared. The astronomers were the activities of six catfish on a computer. (5) —
able to study them with their powerful scopes, these numerous preparations, there are still some
they drew pictures of them but they couldn’t make questions about being able to predict earthquakes.
exact plans of them. They got a good view of the
planet, but only for a few moments at a time. A
clear part of the earth’s atmosphere (4) — in line
with a clear part of the atmosphere of Mars, and A) profound B) secular
(5) — didn’t happen often or for long.
C) inevitable D) sophisticated
E) diligent

A) exploration B) discovery
C) inquiry D) curiosity
E) expectation A) heavily B) continually
C) regrettably D) firmly
E) tactfully

A) from B) in
C) on D) of
E) by
A) compensations
B) extensions
C) precautions
D) measurements
A) by the time B) before
E) selections
C) when D) soon
E) until

A) will have to be
A) later B) such
B) has to be
C) as D) like
C) had to be E) even
D) has had to be
E) must have been

A) Because of B) Although
A) this B) these
C) Likewise D) In spite of
C) they D) them
E) Even if
E) its

Question Bank ( 230 ) Dilko Yayınları

f Cloze Test


Hieronymous Bosch painted some of the strangest In 07, James Murray Spangler, a janitor in a Canton,
paintings in the history of art. (1) beautiful Ohio department store, (1) -— that the carpet
subjects, Bosch painted monsters. Even in his sweeper he used was the source of his cough. He
religious paintings, evil is (2) — as a strong force. took an old fan motor and attached it to a soap box
Because of this negative aspect of his painting, (2) -— to a broom handle. Using a pillowcase (3)
it is (3) — that Bosch believed that people were — a dust collector on the contraption, Spangler
bad. (4) —, in a painting called The Temptation invented a portable electric vacuum cleaner. He
of St. Anthony, the artist shows the holy man in then improved his basic model the first to use (4)
despair because he is unable to keep evil (5) -— -— a cloth filter bag and cleaning attachments,
his thoughts. and received a patent in 08, and (5) — the Electric
Suction Sweeper Company.

A) Like B) Due to
C) Instead of D) Whichever A) found out B) took after
E) More C) came by D) ran out of
E) got away

A) present B) cautious
C) beneficial D) urgent A) had stapled B) stapled
E) valid C) have stapled D) was stapled
E) was stapling

A) obscure B) ambitious
C) obvious D) anxious
E) reticent A) too B) such
C) as D) so
E) very

A) On the other hand B) For example 4.

C) Likewise D) Still A) all B) much
E) However C) either D) both
E) neither

A) over B) above A) established B) invaded

C) from D) back C) gained D) discovered
E) than E) investigated

Dilko Yayınlan ( 231 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


(1) — embryonic stem ceil science got its start Basketball is a ball sport (1) -—, under organized
in the U.S., the rest of the world is fighting for the rules, two teams of five players each try to score
lead. For example, the United Kingdom allows points by throwing a ball through a hoop. It is
scientists (2) --- stem cells from embryos left primarily an indoor sport played in a (2) — small
over in fertilization as well as to clone embryos playing area called the court. The speed and grace
specifically to study. Through this, researchers (3) of the game, combined with the close proximity of
— work for the stem cell bank can deposit and the spectators to the action, (3) -— basketball an
withdraw both adult and embryonic stem cells. The exciting spectator sport. It is one of (4) sports
idea is to apply the same (4) — standards to all in the United States, and is also popular in other
cells. They hope to create a number of stem cells parts of the world, (5) -— South America, Europe,
as uniform as the drugs (5) — by pharmaceutical Asia, and the former Soviet republics.

A) when B) which
A) However B) Therefore C) in which D) whom
C) Although D) In case of E) of whose
E) In order that

A) incidentally B) intimately
A) to extract C) remotely D) mutually
B) to have been extracted E) relatively
C) extracted
D) extracting
E) being extracted

have been made B) make

had made D) will be made
A) whose B) who E) was making
C) which D) whom
E) where

A) the more popular

B) as popular as
A) tactless B) considerate C) such a popular
C) strict D) loya D) far more popular
E) reflective E) the most popular

A) produced A) to be included
B) producing B) having been included
C) having produced C) to have included
D) to produce D) including
E) to being produced E) being included

Question Bank ( 232 J Dilko Yaymlan

Cloze Test


Most people like to think they are individualists and Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. It is among
simpiy wear (1) -— they like. Few people will admit the most common phobias, and (1) — the most
to being slaves to fashion. (2) —, we aren’t just common animal phobia of ail. The reactions of
talking about the expensive ciothes sold in fashion arachnophobics often seem irrational to others
houses of Paris and Milan, (3) -— many people and sometimes to the sufferer (2) —, as well.
can’t afford anyway. We are talking of fashions and People with arachnophobia may stay away from
trends in everyday clothes. We say that we wear any area they believe to be inhabited by numerous
jeans and sweaters because they are cheap and spiders or covered in spider webs. If they see a
(4) —, but isn’t it true that our jeans and sweaters spider, they may not enter the general vicinity (3)
tend to be (5) — as everyone else wears? — they overcome the panic attack that is often
associated with it. Like most phobias the fear can
be overcome by psychological treatments and
through (4) — to the object. Another technique
A) when B) whomever is flooding (5) the phobic person is suddenly
C) wherever D) whatever exposed to a high intensity stimulus.
E) which

A) conversely B) possibly
C) moderately D) eagerly
E) delicately

A) However B) Therefore
C) Owing to D) On account of
E) So ;
A) On his own
C) him
E) his

A) which B) where
C) that D) whose
E) of which A) as soon as B) only when
C) afterwards D) ever since
E) until

A) blunt B) capable
C) practical D) useless
E) consistent A) imitation B) deficiency
C) exposure D) invasion
E) retirement

A) least B) the same
C) similar D) so well A) whom B) of whose
E) same C) who D) which
E) in which

Dilko Yayınları 233 Question Bank

Cloze Test


Born in the small all-black town of Eatonville, Wedding rings (1) — since the th century, when
Florida, Zora Neale Hurston became, for 30 years, they became the focal point of the Christian
the most (1) — African American female author in marriage ceremony. A ring’s circular continuity is
the United States; (2) -—, Hurston and her work a symbol of eternity and (2) — the constancy of
drifted into obscurity until her rediscovery in the the giver’s love. Wedding rings are (3) — worn on
70s. (3) -— of this neglect can be attributed (4) — the fourth finger of the left hand, and until the end
the controversy that always seemed to surround of last century it was thought that a nerve there
this independent and free-spirited woman. Her was directly linked (4) — the heart. They (5) —
career produced seven books and more than made of gold, either; church keys or ring of leather
fifty shorter works from autobiography to folklore cut from the bridegroom’s glove have been used
to music and mythology. After World War II, her in emergencies.
fortune (5) — and she died in 60 as a penniless
inmate at the Saint Lucie County Welfare Home.

A) have exchanged
B) were exchanged
A) prolific B) compulsory C) would be exchanged
C) illegible D) delicious D) had exchanged
E) reluctant E) have been exchanged

A) therefore A) therefore
B) on account of B) though
C) despite C) even if
D) furthermore D) owing to
E) however E) in case

A) Each B) A few
C) Many D) Much A) legally B) thoroughly
E) Several C) annually D traditionally
E) productively

A) from B) by 4.
C) to D) through A) from B) to
E) with C) at D) in
E) of

A) has declined B) declined A) shouldn’t be B) might be
C) might decline D) will decline C) can’t be D) are to be
E) will have declined E) needn’t be

Question Bank ( 234 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test


One of the main problems (1) — Turkey has Martial arts are practices of unarmed fighting. (1)
been unable to solve over the years is the matter —, they do not include the use of guns and other
(2) — migration from Anatolia to Istanbul. As a modern weapons. They are often taught for reasons
result of this ongoing problem, Istanbul (3) — (2) — fitness and self-defence. Throughout the
overpopulated and the majority of people are last fifty years, martial arts, perhaps due to the
underpaid. (4)—some cities, especially in Eastern image created by popular media, (3) — with East
Anatolia, are failing to develop economically due Asian cultures and people. (4) —, martial arts
to the lack of human (5) -—. are by no means unique to East Asia. Humans
all around the world have always had to develop
ways to defend themselves (5) -— attacks, often
without weapons.
A) that B) from whose
C) where D) of which
E) whom 1.
A) That is to say B) Due to
C) Although D) As a result of
E) On the one hand

A) of B) on
C) in D) by
E) beneath
A) as B) though
C) such D) likewise
E) such as

A) had become
B) was becoming
C) had been becoming
D) has become A) were associated
E) will become B) would have associated
C) had been associated
D) must associate
E) have been associated

A) Because
B) Consequently
C) Despite
D) Even if A) As well B) However
E) No matter C) Since D) Otherwise
E) In contrast to

A) resources
B) restrictions
C) transformations A) above B) into
D) ambiguities C) among D) agains
E) components E) beyond

Dilko Yaymlan Question Bank

Cloze Test


We live in a world of technology. Every day, a new A person with Kleptomania steals things,
technology (1) —ranging from CDs containing generally things of little or no value (1) —- pens,
entire encyclopaedias to giant space telescopes. decorative pins, or wall decorations. They are
Of all the new technological wonders, personal often unaware of performing the theft until (2) —-
computers have probably had (2) -— influence later. Kleptomania is different from shoplifting, or
on the daily lives of average people. (3) -— ordinary theft, because shoplifters and thieves
computers, we can search any topic, shop, bank steal for monetary value (3) —- people with
and entertain (4) —. Personal computers (5) — kleptomania don’t necessarily steal things of
communication and business practices in the past special value. Although a kleptomaniac may steal
twenty years. (4) — without realization, judicial courts will not
accept “kleptomania” (5) — a legal excuse.

A) locates B) hinders
C) appears D) registers A) either B) as though
E) declines C) such as D) contrary to
E) unless

A) the greatest B) greatest

C) greater D) great ; A) sometime B) at times
E) the greater C) no time D) anytime
E) sometimes

A) Behind B) Through
C) From D) Beneath A) while B) regardless of
E) To C) unlike D) despite
E) for fear that

A) yourself B) oneself 4.
C) themselves D) on your own A) intentionally B) prolifically
E) ourselves C) severely D) consequently
E) uncontrollably

A) revolutionized
B) have been revolutionized A) like B) as to
C) revolutionize C) at least D) as
D) have revolutionized E) once
E) had revolutionized

Question Bank ( 236 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Cloze Test


Pollution is now a sensitive political issue in many Although humans basically live their lives under
countries. As a result, one would assume that the nearly (1) — conditions, it is interesting that they
amount of industrial waste (1) -— is decreasing. can have such conflicting ideas about so trivial
However, there is no confirmation that this is so. subjects. Let’s take sports, and particularly football,
(2) —, ail the evidence shows that the destruction as an example. Some see it as a beautiful game
of our global environment is not slowing down at which (2) -— both physical and mental perfection
all. Many attempts (3) — to identify the reasons and brings out the best in man both individually
for this. Most of the time influential government and as a member of a team (3) — some claim
ministers are accused of behaving (4) — but it is the opium of (4) ---- age and say it provides
putting the blame on these people is simply a the average man with the opportunity to vent his
way of allowing the general public to maintain feelings of anger and frustration (5) —— he actually
their consumption of products (5) -— damage the feels towards his miserable life.

1. A) contemporary B) bold
A) having released C) sufficient
B) to have released E) diverse
C) to release
D) releasing
E) being released

; A) is being demanded
2. B) demanded :
A) In fact B) So that C) has been demanded
C) Owing to D) Although j D) will be demanding
E) Much as : E) demands

A) had made A) in spite of B) since
B) have made C) owing to D) for al
C) have been made E) while
D) were to make
E) would have made

4. 4.
A) irresponsibly B) considerably A) our B) hers
C) sensitively D) fairly C) his D) them
E) deceptively E) theirs

5. 5
A) whom B) which A) to which B) whom
C) in which D) why C) which D) how
E) whose E) why

Dilko Yayınlan ( 237 ) Question Bank

(... ... ........ Cloze Test )


One of the best-known inventors of the last century Starting about 8,000 BC, all of Northern Africa
was Thomas Edison. He regularly (1) — new became a drier, more desert-like place. Back
inventions in his life but his favourite remained then, man lived in (1) — groups of hunters and
the phonograph, a machine for recording sound. gatherers. The climate forced man (2) -— to more
He was very (2) — about the possibilities for his hospitable lands, so some migrated to Nile River
machine, which (3) — for recording performances Valley which is a vast land (3) — the Nile River. In
of music, dictating letters - the possibilities seemed this land abundant with life, there were (4) — food
endless. (4) -— the machine was quite expensive and water for these people. But it wasn’t until the
and the sound quality was not particularly good, the Neolithic Revolution (5) — man discovered the
phonograph quickly gained great popularity. The art of agriculture.
massive success of the phonograph encouraged
(5) — and in 87 the gramophone was invented.

A) nomadic B) superficial
1. C) eventual D) vague
A) came up with B) broke up E) comprehensive
C) turned into D) cared for
E) looked down on

2. A) having migrated
A) relevant B) spiritual B) migrating
C) obsolete D) enthusiastic C) to migrate
E) indecent D) being migrated
E) to have been migrated

A) had to be used
B) has used A) to be surrounded
C) would use B) surrounded
D) could be used C) having been surrounded
E) may use D) surrounding
E) to surrounding

A) Despite B) For 4.
C) Although D) However A) several B) either
E) Therefore C) a number of D) quite a few
E) plenty of

A) one another B) others 175

C) the other D) each other A) which B) that
E) other C) how D) at which
E) why

Question Bank ( 238 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Cloze Test )


Organizing a party (1) — a stressful thing to do. Television has a variety of applications in society,
Firstly, you have to decide (2) — you will invite business, and science. It is widely used (1) -—
and you must make sure the guests (3) -— well. a source of information and entertainment for
Next is organizing the food. You don’t want to viewers in their homes. Security personnel also
serve up a meal nobody likes to eat. Cooking the use televisions to monitor buildings, manufacturing
meal is important (4) —. When you (5) — all plants, and (2) — public facilities. Public utility
these, there is no reason for having any problems. employees use television to monitor the condition
of an underground sewer line, using a camera
(3) -— to a robot arm or a remote-control vehicle.
A) should have been Doctors can probe the interior of a human body
B) had better be with a microscopic television camera without
having to (4) — major surgery on the patient.
C) can be
Educators use television to reach students (5) —
D) would rather be
the world.
E) used to be

A) such as B) as
C) as to D) likewise
E) in that
A) if B) where
C) that D) whether
E) whom

A) a number of B) both
C) a good deal of D) none of
E) a little
A) mixed
B) are going to mix
C) would have been mixed
D) had been mixed
A) to have attached
E) were to mix
B) to attach
C) attached
D) having attached
E) attaching
A) as well B) both
C) either D) so
E) neither
A) evoke B) appraise
C) deduce D) remove
E) conduct

A) will have done B) were doing

A) beneath B) under
C) had done D) did
C) across D) among
E) have done
E) against

Dilko Yayınları ( 239 ) Question Bank

Cloze Test


Dutch research suggests that eating or drinking Karl Geiriger’s biography of Brahms is generally
cocoa appears to lower blood pressure. Since regarded as (1) -— study of a composer ever
the 1700s, cocoa (1) —- with healthy hearts, published in (2) — language. It is based upon
but only recently has scientific evidence backed the great body of material in the archives of the
up these claims. (2) —- a study, cocoa contains Viennese Society of Friends, (3) — Dr.Geiriger
flavan-3-oils, which has been linked to lower blood was curator from 30 to 38, and which contains
pressure and improved function of the cells lining more than a thousand letters written by and to
the blood vessels. In their study, researchers (3) Brahms. (4) — with a new appendix on “Brahms
links between cocoa and cardiovascular health as a Reader and Collector”, this fourth edition
in 470 men aged 65 to 84 years. The men had of a classic biography is (5) -— a literary and
physical examinations and were interviewed about musicological event.
their diet at the start of the study in 85 and then
again in 90 and 95. The researchers found that
over a -year period, men (4) — cocoa including 1.
chocolate regularly had significantly lower blood A) finer B) the finer
pressure compared with (5) -— who didn’t.
C) finest D) fine
E) the finest

A) has been associated

B) was associated
C) associated
D) may associate A) none B) several
E) had associated C) plenty D) any
E) all

A) instead of B) Until ;
C) Unless D) Moreover 3.
E) According to A) until B) because
C) wherever D) how well
E) for which

A) exchanged B) migrated
C) inhibited D) examined 4.
E) inhaled A) Admired
B) Supplemented
C) Disturbed
D) Deceived
E) Prevented
A) ate B) eaten
C) eating D) have eaten
E) eat

5. A) each B) both
A) they B) them
C) either D) neither
C) those D) their E) not only
E) these

Question Bank (' 240 ) Dilko Yayınlar;

Cîoze Test


Titled by Dante as “the master of those who know”, An atom is the smallest particle that composes
the Greek philosopher Aristotle (1) -— every a chemical element. An atom consists (1) —
field of learning known to the ancient world and an electron cloud (2) -— surrounds a dense
pioneered the sciences of psychology and logic. nucleus. This nucleus contains positively charged
A disciple of Plato and the tutor to Alexander the protons and electrically neutral neutrons, (3) —
Great, Aristotle was a (2) — writer (3) —- many of the surrounding cloud is made up of negatively
his works have been lost. His treaties, used (4) — charged electrons. When (4) -— protons in the
the students of his famous Athenian school, the nucleus equals that of electrons, the atom is
Lyceum, exerted a profound and lasting (5) — on electrically neutral; (5) -—, it is an ion and has a
Western thought. net positive or negative charge.

A) complained B) insisted A) for B) at

C) surveyed D) informed C) on D) of
E) disturbed E) by

A) relevant B) temporary A) that B) what
C) doubtful D) superficial C) in which D) of which
E) prolific E) where

A) because B) since then A) whereas B) until
C) through which D) although C) in spite of D) by the time
E) only when E) thus

A) a number of
A) next to B) by B) the number of
0) above D) to C) too many
E) about D) so much
E) only a few

A) ability B) event
0) influence D) separation A) in addition to B) due to
E) convenience C) thanks to D) otherwise
E) such as

Dilko Yayınlan ( 241 ) Question Bank

s « i S fcm fas® i i 1 W
______________________________ ( Paragraph Completion

People all over the world know the

1.- 200. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak importance of giving blood to help
için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. people who have lost blood because of
an accident or operation. —They are
cells in the blood that help stop bleeding
1. As humans, we have great abilities by permitting the blood to become thick,
to perceive things. -—. For example, or clot Taking platelets from a person’s
eagles can see much, much better than blood is done in a process called
humans. When we are presented with aphaeresis.
some information that is just below our
conscious awareness but still reaches A) This process takes about two hours
our brains, it is called subliminal. The B) A person must be older than seventeen
information is getting into our systems years of age and weigh at least fifty
and to our brains without us truly being kilograms
aware of it. C) However, some people with medical
conditions should not donate platelets
A) We will still respond to that message D) Strong government controls have also
B) However, we also have limitations limited the supply
C) But we didn’t realize we saw it E) There is also a need for the part of the
D) In other words, you may be familiar with blood called platelets
the idea
E) It contains the message the advertiser
wants us to get

Christmas has many traditions. —One —. The new president quickly gained the
of the most popular is the evergreen tree. trust of most Americans by investigating
It is usually a pine or a fir, which remains the crimes of Harding’s top officials. And
green during the cold, dark months of his conservative economic polices won
winter in the northern part of the world. wide support.

A) They put it in their house and hang A) Ford was one of history’s greatest
small lights and colourful objects on its inventors and manufacturers
branches B) Calvin Coolidge moved to the White
B) There are several herbs used House in 1923, following the death of
in Christmas foods, drinks and President Harding
decorations C) The former president hated labour
C) Sweet-smelling rosemary plants are unions, the stock market, dancing,
hung on doors or cut to look like little smoking, and drinking alcohol
Christmas trees D) Speaker after speaker appealed to the
D) Some special trees and plants, for delegates for votes
example, are part of the Christmas E) LaFollette campaigned for increased
tradition taxes on the rich and public ownership
E) They say the milky liquid in the plant’s of water power
stem can cause a person’s skin to
become red

Question Bank ( 244 ) Dilko Yayınlar!

( Paragraph Completion

5. There is a song millions of Americans 7. Nine of the ten warmest years ever
will hear this New Year’s Eve. . It is recorded have been since 1990. Average
the traditional music played during the temperatures this year are more than
New Year’s celebration. Auld Lang Syne four-tenths of a degree higher than
is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the the average temperature from 1961 to
need to remember old friends. 1990. There are higher than average
temperatures in Australia, Japan and
A) No one knew who had written the poem North America. —Denmark and
B) it is caiied “Auld Lang Syne” Germany also set records for the
C) i would like to wish a very happy new warmest October in more than one-
year hundred years.
D) However, a version by Scottish poet
Robert Burns was published the A) October was the hottest month in
following year England in more than three-hundred
E) But the version you often hear is by the years
Washington Saxophone Quartet B) For example, temperatures in Siberia
dropped to sixty degrees below zero
C) El Nino caused climate changes that
affected Pacific Ocean waters
D) Unseasonably cold weather was also
reported in Bolivia and northern India
E) However, some areas reported colder
than normal temperatures this year

The condition of the various organs of a

-—. The former president had resigned
child’s body determines the quality of his
following violent street protests over
life. -—. Not only is such a child unable
the way the government dealt with the
to see the world as it really is, but the
economic crisis. More than
eyestrain resulting from poor vision has
twenty-five people had been killed
serious effects on the child, producing
during the protests.
all sorts of disorders.

A) Argentina’s new president announced

A) If a child cannot hear well or is entirely
measures to ease the crisis in the
deaf, many serious consequences
B) The new government has established a
B) The influence of a parent may
new kind of money, called the argentino
determine the interest of a child and
C) Argentina is in recession and is in
affect his whole life
danger of not being able to pay its
C) The child is affected by every influence
which acts upon him
D) Some money will be used to pay wages
D) If a child’s eyes are in any way
or to help the country’s poorest people
defective, it tremendously influences his
E) Many Argentines blame dishonest
historians for the country’s problems
E) In fact, every condition of a child that
is in any way abnormal leads to other

Dilko Yayınlan ( 245 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

9. Albert Einstein was not able to speak 11. About fifty percent of colds are caused
until he was four years old. -—. His by a group of viruses known as
teachers did not consider him to have picornaviruses. These small particles
a bright future ahead of him. He was spread from person to person through
considered mentally handicapped by the air. The virus first infects the tissues
the people around him. But he became in the nose and throat. Signs of a cold
a scientist who won the Nobel Prize for include sore throat, discharge of fluids
Physics for his well known Theory of from the nose, sneezing, coughing and
Relativity. difficulty breathing. -—. This can lead
to serious conditions like bronchitis or
A) An experimental vaccine prevented his pneumonia.
B) He decided that it was left underwater A) Americans suffer as many as
much longer one-thousand-million colds every year
C) He did not read until he reached seven B) The sinuses, ears and lungs may also
years old become infected
D) But since he started to speak, he has C) They reported the results at a
never stopped. conference in Chicago on infectious
E) Actual lights, from candles to electric E disease
bulbs, were used o D) The drug made people feel better
sooner when the cold was caused by a
E) The others who took the inactive
Q substance suffered for seven days

10. One day after Christmas in 1966, a small 12. On November the first, 2000, an
group of African-Americans in Los American astronaut and two Russian
Angeles began a seven-day celebration. cosmonauts took their places as the first
The celebration was not religious. Its crew of the International Space Station.
purpose was to honour black culture, —The other members were Russian
especially the importance of the family. Cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei
-—. Today, millions of African-Americans Krikalev. The three were launched on
celebrate it during the month of a Russian Soyuz spacecraft from the
December. Baikonur Cosmodome in Kazakhstan.

A) The word is Swahili A) Now, the fourth crew of the International

B) The main celebration will be held for Space Station is in orbit
seven days after Christmas B) The International Space Station is a
C) They are unity, personal independence, cooperative effort by sixteen nations
creativity and faith C) Last year, the space station’s ability to
D) The celebration was called Kwanzaa perform useful work was expanded
E) Each day, the family discusses one of D) The commander of the first crew was
the goals Bill Shepherd
E) They were added to the space station
to gather energy from the Sun

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Paragraph Completion

13. For many years, scientists have warned 15. About four-thousand plants are growing
that smoking tobacco is bad for your in the Botanic Garden. —. Each has
health. Yet people around the world different environmental needs for the
continue to smoke. More than four plants growing in it. Light from the
million people die each year from the glass covering high above fills all the
effects of smoking. That number is areas. Modern equipment controls the
increasing. -—. Seven in ten of those will temperature, water and other needs of
be in developing countries. each plant group.

A) Tobacco use is the leading preventable A) The thin green leaves of fern plants
cause of death seem to reach out to welcome visitors
B) Smoking has also been linked to heart B) They walk on a stonework floor past
disease, stroke and many kinds of two narrow pools that shoot water into
cancer the air
C) More than forty chemicals in tobacco C) Experts have placed the plants in
smoke cause cancer in humans and different areas to meet their special
animals requirements
D) Women using tobacco during D) Colourful orchid flowers grow directly
pregnancy will have babies with health from the rocks and trees in this area
problems E) Relatives of this plant provided the
E) 150 million people will die from tobacco material for a drug effective in treating
use in the next twenty years breast cancer

14. The female fruit fly can produce as many 16. The early years of the twentieth century
as one-thousand eggs in her lifetime. It was a time of movement for many black
usually leaves its eggs in fruit that is still Americans. -—. But in the 1920s, many
on the tree. It makes holes in the skin blacks moved to cities in the North.
of the fruit and leaves two to six eggs in Black Americans moved because living
each hole. -—. They later dig holes in the conditions were so poor in the rural
ground. When they come out, they are areas of the Southeast. But many of
adult med flies. them discovered that life was also hard
in the colder Northern cities.
A) American officials also banned sales
of Spanish clementines in seventeen A) Traditionally, most blacks lived in the
states Southeastern states
B) Clementine oranges have become B) The years just before and after 1920
increasingly popular in recent years were difficult for blacks
C) The larvae eat their way through the C) And they sometimes beat and
fruit, causing it to drop to the ground murdered blacks
D) They are the world’s most destructive D) A black boy sailing a small boat entered
threats to agriculture a part of the beach used by white
E) Another method involves the use of swimmers
male med flies coming from eggs E) Blacks have to take firm actions to
treated by radiation protest murders and other illegal

Dilko Yayınları ( 2^7 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

17. Truffles are a rare type of edible 19. Forty million people are living with HIV
mushrooms that look like little potato and AIDS around the world. That is an
nuggets. They grow in open woodlands increase of about four-million from last
in regions with a warm and moderate year. About one-third of the people
climate, on soil rich in calcium or infected are between the ages of fifteen
limestone. —They sniff the air and peer and twenty-four. -—. Millions of other
under the roots of elm and oak trees people do not know enough about HIV
looking for them. to protect themselves against the virus.
Young women are especially at risk.
A) It can be quite a struggle to persuade
her to give up the find A) However, some countries have reduced
B) You will find it difficult to give up without the number of AIDS cases
a groan B) These efforts have also reduced the
C) Between November and March, people number of babies being born with the
are busy walking through the woods virus
D) To avoid the fight, some truffle hunters C) The UN established an international
prefer trained dogs program to finance treatment efforts
E) This smell from the truffles is very D) Most of them do not know they have the
appealing E virus
o E) The recent worldwide concern about
Q terrorism has reduced recognition given


20. It’s been found that women who drink

18. Roger Miller left the farm when he was four or more cups of decaffeinated
still very young. He traveled from town coffee a day are two times more likely to
to town in the west. He worked at any job 5 develop rheumatoid arthritis than women
he could find during the day. -—. They who never drink decaf. . The women
provided him with a music education. who drink more than three cups of tea a
day have a sixty percent lower chance of
A) Yet he had been working his way to the developing the disease than those who
top of the music business never drink tea. The researchers say that
B) But they were not popular and did not coffee with caffeine is not linked to the
sell many copies development of the disease.
C) At night, he went to music clubs where
country and western bands played A) People should not stop drinking decaf
D) Roger often told the story about how he or tea until more studies are done
wrote his most famous song B) They also studied women who did not
E) Like many of his other songs it was develop the disease
popular with country fans C) It is a disease in which the body’s
defense system attacks the tissue
surrounding the joints
D) It involved rheumatoid arthritis among
sixty-four thousand black women
E) The study has also found that drinking
tea decreases risk for the disease

Question Bank ( 248 ) Dilko Yayınlan

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21. A study found that more than half of 23. —. They are perfectly harmless. A snake
the students who listened to music at sticks out its tongue to collect data for
a very loud volume had at least one its Jacobson’s Organ. This is an organ
kind of hearing loss. -—. Others said strategically located in front of the roof
they had to raise volume controls on a of the snake’s mouth that functions as a
television or radio to hear it better. And chemical receptor. Each and every time
some experienced ringing in their ears or the snake flicks out its forked tongue,
other noises. Hearing experts say large it snares chemical particles in the air,
earphones that cover the whole ear which dissolve in the moisture of the
are probably safer than the smaller ear snake’s tongue.
A) Snakes don’t sting or use their forked
A) Three hundred high school students tongues as weapons
were asked about their use of portable B) l he tongue plays a vital role in snake
music devices courtship and reproduction
B) Ear buds are thought to be iess C) In either instance, snakes ensure the
effective than earphones in blocking out survival of the species
foreign noises D) It inserts the tips of the forked tongue
C) But most portable music players can into the two awaiting openings
produce sounds up to one hundred E) First of all, the particles are identified,
twenty decibels analyzed, and acted upon
D) Some reported difficulty hearing parts
of a discussion between two people
E) More than half of the students said they
would probably not limit their listening
24. A thermometer measures temperature
22. In the aftermath of the French and Indian through a glass tube sealed with
War, London saw a need for a new mercury that expands or contracts as
imperial design that would involve more the temperature rises or falls. The tiny
centralized control. -—. And, with the size of the bulb and micro-fine size of
French menace eliminated, they felt far the tube help the mercury reach the
less need for a strong British presence. temperature of what it is measuring very
A scarcely comprehending Crown and rapidly. Bulb thermometers follow the
Parliament on the other side of the simple principle that liquids change their
Atlantic found itself contending with volumes relative to their temperature.
colonists trained in self-government and -—. Its rate of expansion is calibrated on
impatient with interference. the glass scale.

A) The British government, fearing a series A) Two different scales can be found on
of Indian wars, believed that the lands thermometers
should be opened on a more gradual B) In Celsius scale, it was decided that the
basis freezing and boiling points would be
B) More serious in its repercussions was separated by 100 degrees
the new British revenue policy C) As temperatures rise, the mercury-filled
C) The first step was the replacement of bulb expands into the capillary tube
the Molasses Act of 1733 D) In 1610 Galileo supposedly used wine
D) The British Parliament rejected the instead of water in thermoscopes
colonial contentions E) Each different type of thermometer
E) The colonies, on the other hand, has their own distinctive means of
expected more, not less, freedom measuring or controlling temperature

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25. Pasteur wanted to find out what causes 27. A battery, by definition, consists of
milk and wine to spoil. He demonstrated a group of two or more primary or
that spoilage and fermentation occur secondary battery cells, which convert
when microorganisms entered from the chemical energy into electrical energy.
air, multiplied rapidly, and produced Each and every primary cell uses various
waste products. He showed that spoilage chemicals, and contains electrodes
could be avoided by keeping germs out and an electrolyte, a liquid.—. Element
or by destroying them with heat. -—. number one, the cathode, is primarily
Other investigators later showed that zinc. Element number two, the anode, is
specific kinds of germs caused specific primarily carbon.
A) One is well advised to carry jumper
A) Infection by germs caused the body to cables in the car, for those times when
build up immunity the battery fails to start
B) Then he showed that microorganisms B) Electrodes, or cell elements, consist of
were involved in diseases either two different metals, or one metal
C) He then will demonstrate that it is and carbon
possible to produce vaccines C) When both sets of plates are immersed
D) Vaccines induced the body to build in sulphuric acid, they undergo a
immunity to a disease chemical change
E) His most important contribution was yet D) Primary examples of a secondary
to come battery cells are the storage cells used
to start our car batteries
E) A portion of the chemical energy a cell
produces is transformed into heat, and
a portion into an electric current

Atoms are the tiny particles that make

26. Until the 1800s, most manufacturing was
up all matter. Protons and neutrons
done in homes, using small, handmade
are heavier than electrons and exist
machines. They were powered by
in the atom’s centre, called a nucleus.
muscle, wind, or running water. —.
Lightweight electrons exist in a cloud
In this system, workers, materials,
that surrounds the nucleus. Each atom’s
and energy could be brought together
weight equals its protons plus its
A) The steam engines made it possible to
A) They contain protons, neutrons, and
replace craftsmanship with factories
B) The invention of the steam engine
B) The number of protons for a given
would have started the Industrial
element never changes
C) Iron is an example of a heavy element
C) It converted the chemical energy stored
D) Hydrogen is the lightest element, with
in wood and coal into mechanical work
one proton and no neutrons
D) They were soon used to move coal, and
E) But the number of neutrons can change
drive manufacturing machinery
E) The steam engine was invented to
solve the urgent problem of pumping

Question Bank ( 250 ) Dilko Yaymlan

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29. In 1945, at the end of World War Two, 31. Since bats are the only mammals who
the US dropped atomic bombs on can fly, they failed to make great strides
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and in the walking-about. Their legs and feet
Nagasaki. The bombs killed more than are simply not strong enough to support
three million people. —But they these functions for great lengths of time.
suffered all through their lives from the Their breast-feeding babies have no
horrible effects of radiation. choice but to hang in limbo with mom.

A) They also do one nuclear test after A) Together, they reap the benefits of
another downward gravitational pull
B) That made the people of Japan very B) One would be incorrect in assuming
angry that the bat has keen night vision
C) About three hundred thousand were left C) The bat employs an echo system,
alive whereby it tosses out a high-frequency
D) El Salvador was ruled by a military sound, which in turn strikes a target
dictator at that time D) For this very reason, bats, when in
E) America’s nuclear test of 1954 had a their bat caves, take the weight off by
radiation effect on Japanese fishermen hanging upside down
E) Were it not for the bat’s radar, there
would be even more bumps in the night

30. The rising price of petroleum and the Society in the middle colonies was far
growing worldwide demand for energy more varied, cosmopolitan, and tolerant
is fuelling a renewed interest in nuclear than in New England. Pennsylvania
power as a source of electricity. functioned smoothly and grew rapidly.
—. They were heightened by the 1979 By 1685, its population was almost 9,000.
near-catastrophe at Pennsylvania’s The heart of the colony was Philadelphia,
Three Mile Island facility, and in fact, a city of broad, tree-shaded streets,
the US government has granted no new substantial brick and stone houses,
commercial licenses since 1978. and busy docks. -—. Their talent for
successful business enterprise made
A) However, new fuel and reactor Philadelphia one of the thriving centres
technologies are being developed of the British Empire.
that could make nuclear energy more
appealing A) Important, too, were cottage industries
B) At the core of every nuclear power plant such as weaving, shoemaking,
is a nuclear reactor cabinetmaking, and other crafts
C) Tiny subatomic particles called B) By the end of the colonial period, nearly
neutrons are shot into the uranium, a century later, 30.000 people lived
which breaks apart into smaller there, representing many languages,
creeds, and trades
D) They incorporate significant safety C) In contrast to New England and the
improvements over older reactors that middle colonies, the Southern colonies
use mechanical pumps to circulate their were predominantly rural settlements
coolant D) Their outspoken independence was
E) Despite their initial popularity, a constant warning to the oligarchy of
commercial nuclear plants fell into planters not to encroach too far upon
disfavour in the United States, due to the rights of free men
safety concerns E) They wore leather made from the skin
of deer or sheep, known as buckskin;
the women wore garments of cloth they
spun at home

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33. —Then golfers discovered that old, 35. X-rays are produced in a special tube.
bumpy bails travelled longer distances. Most of the air is pumped out of the tube.
The science of aerodynamics helps The tube holds a negatively charged
explain this. The dimples reduce the electrode called a cathode. —The
drag on a golf ball by redirecting more tube also contains an anode, or target
air pressure behind the golf ball rather electrode. The anode is also made of
than in front of it. The higher levels of tungsten. When the electrons emitted by
pressure behind the golf balls force them the cathode hit the tungsten anode, they
to go far distances. are stopped abruptly and some of their
energy is turned into X-radiation.
A) Dimpled balls travelled up to four times
farther than smooth-surfaced golf balls A) If the doctor suspects that you have a
B) High-speed air stream near the ball broken bone, he will probably take an
increased the amount of pressure X-ray picture
behind the ball B) They allow X-rays to pass through the
C) In the early days of golf, smooth­ human body
surfaced balls were used C) Inside the cathode is a tungsten wire
D) The dimples changed the pressure by which will give off electrons when
bringing the main air stream close to heated
the surface D) X-rays were named by their discoverer,
E) The dimples increased the turbulence Wilhelm Roentgen
in the layer of air located next to the E) They are projected onto a film that has
surface been coated with a sensitive material


36. A solid object’s density determines
34. If you take a close look at paper with
£ whether or not the buoyant force of a
a magnifying glass, you’ll see that the
liquid can lift it. . Given two solid
fibers all line up in the same direction. £
objects that are different sizes, but weigh
This gives the sheet of newspaper a
the same, the smaller, more compact
grain. When you tear the newspaper from
object is the denser of the two.
top to bottom it tears evenly because
you are tearing in the direction of the
A) The density of an object depends upon
grain. -—.
its weight and its size
B) Despite the enormous size of some
A) Newspaper is made up of tiny wood
ships, they are basically metal shells
C) The fluid in which it was floating
B) But when you tear it from side to side, it
balanced the downward pull of gravity
tears unevenly
D) It is believed that the vessel will sink
C) Therefore, it’s important to recycle
and, if not, it will float
paper at all costs
E) They are lighter than the water they
D) Thus it would be better not to tear
push aside, which allows the boats to
E) However, others tend to tear it from
bottom to top

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37. -—. The thrill of coming home to the 39. Halogen bulbs are filled with halogen
deliriously happy barking of a dog is one gases that preserve the filament. So
of the few moments that make owning a they can last two or three times longer
dog such a magical experience. The dog than regular bulbs. The filament of an
often becomes the one member of the ordinary light bulb burns out because
family whose love for each person in the atoms of tungsten evaporate from its
family is unconditional and unflagging. surface. —. The gas inside a halogen
bulb, on the other hand, combines with
A) Owning a dog has a variety of annoying the tungsten atoms that condense on the
responsibilities glass, removing the deposit.
8) It is not enjoyable at all to have to make
boarding arrangements for your dog A) A halogen bulb is often 10 to 20 percent
C) The immense joy a dog brings to a more efficient than an ordinary bulb
family is unparalleled B) Halogen bulbs may have two to three
D) If you have any doubts, you should times as long a lifetime as ordinary
never get a dog bulbs
E) Dogs need to be walked, fed, taken to C) How much the lifetime and efficiency
the vet now and then are improved depends largely on the
D) The evaporated tungsten is deposited
on the inside surface of the bulb
E) The combined molecules made his
job much easier than he could have

38. Oliver Pollock sailed the high seas at The piggy bank made its debut in
the age of twenty-three, and settled Europe. It replaced the clay jars that
in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This young once housed spare change. -—. The
entrepreneur rapidly established himself individual who formed the first lump into
as a wealthy and influential West Indies the shape of a pig either had a sense of
trader. -—. There he amassed even more humour or saw symbolism in using the
wealth as a trader, and as a plantation pig as a model.
owner. His success enabled him to
provide supplies to the Patriots’ cause in A) In the same countries, it is customary to
the Revolutionary War. give piggy banks as gifts
B) Craftsmen give their apprentices piggy
A) Prior to 1775, the young nation’s banks to reward them for years of
monetary system was in disarray learning
B) Then he moved his operation to C) The so-called “Lucky Pigs” are still
Louisiana exchanged as gifts
C) Americans then began trading with D) People named the pig-shaped bank
Spanish milled dollars after the orange clay, pig, from which it
D) They shed the pounds that were the was crafted
vestiges of British rule E) One will not find piggy banks in Islamic
E) The dollar sign in print signified the cultures because they consider pigs
acceptance of it as an American symbol dirty

Dilko Yayınlan ( 253 ) Question Bank

( Paragraph Completion

41. A compass in the Northern Hemisphere 43. Manholes, which interconnect

truly points in a northerly direction, but underground sewerage pipes, are capped
not to the North Pole. -—. It is located with round manhole covers. The reason
at the northernmost point of the Arctic for the circular construction of these
coast of North America. Similarly, a covers is that covers of any other shape
compass in the Southern hemisphere would fall through the manholes by
always points to the South Magnetic virtue of their varying diameters. —
Pole, which is firmly planted south of Thus they remain in place despite the
Australia, in Antarctica. street traffic running over them.

A) The different directions their compasses A) They are located at every major sewer
pointed baffled ancient mariners pipe junction
B) Their modern counterparts understand B) They do not vary in width, or in
the differences between the two diameter
C) The 20-mile variance, however, is not C) They serve as a point of entry for
one of the global proportions cleaning the pipes
D) Therefore, in the south, compass D) The manufacture of circular manhole
needles actually do point true South covers is easier
E) Instead, the compass points to the E) Once removed, they require less lifting
North Magnetic Pole and less manpower

44. Phosphorescence occurs when light

42. Twelve midnight A.M. and twelve midday
absorbed by an object is slowly released
P.M. mean nothing at all. They are simply
and can be observed even after the
the midpoints that divide the day into
light is removed. If not tampered with,
two equal halves. —And each A.M.
the light the object emits is dim, and
begins precisely thereafter. Similarly,
is always pale blue in colour. They
each P.M. begins immediately after noon.
discovered that when they mixed
No meaning can be assigned to 12:00
fluorescent dye with the phosphorescent
A.M. or to 12:00 P.M. They are merely
material, the object emitted a glowing,
reference points meant to simplify
brighter green, or sometimes red, light
timetables for us.

A) The reason for this transformation is

A) Greenwich holds the distinction of being
that fluorescent compounds absorb the
at the point of zero longitude
B) The 1884 international agreement also
B) The most commonly used
recognized this line of zero
phosphorescent material used is zinc
C) Each and every day begins exactly at
sulphide mixed with copper
C) This phenomenon occurs only in the
D) The Universal Day operates according
constant presence of the original light
to World Time
E) This was a point from which all points
D) The light emitted was green or red light,
on the earth’s surface were measured
depending on the type of dye used
E) Chemists had a bright idea to make it
visually stimulating

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45. The goal of the railroad engineers 47. To watch the sun from the northern
in crafting the stoplight code was to hemisphere, you have to face south.
prevent often fatal train collisions, by Then the sun will rise on your left. —
giving the trains advance warning. Since the hour hand on the clock was
Therefore, they did not take their task made to follow the sun’s motion through
lightly in selecting the symbolic colours the sky, it moves from left to right over
for the signals.-—. Engineers used the the top of the clock. The hands are
trial and error method in selecting the actually modelled after the shadow on a
other colours. sundial.

A) Traffic engineers were lacking in A) We tend to forget that clocks run

ingenuity clockwise
B) Railroad engineers should be credited B) And it will pass over your head to set on
for the lives they’ve saved your right
C) Red, the colour of blood, proved a C) Mechanical clocks could have been
logical choice for the stop signal invented in the northern hemisphere
D) This failure prompted the railroad D) The inventors are trying to make
engineers to alter their colour selections models of the sun’s movement in the
E) They instituted the very first electric sky
stoplight in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914 E) Man’s interest in the unknown will never
be weakened

46. A beam of light seems to have no colour. In 1859 when oil was first found in
Actually, it is made up of coloured rays. Pennsylvania, Cheesebrough was a
Usually, these coloured rays combine 22 year old chemist in Brooklyn. He
to form the white light. -—. For instance, was an expert at extracting kerosene
when it rains and the sun’s rays pass from cannel oil. -—. So he headed to
through raindrops. And we see the Pennsylvania to make a big fortune.
rainbow, made up of violet, indigo, blue,
green, yellow, orange and red. A) It stayed on the skin and stopped the
A) There are two more reasons why we B) He began making so much of this stuff
see a particular colour that every beaker in his laboratory was
B) So a ripe tomato is bright red because full
its skin reflects the red light C) He threw out his wife’s flowers and filled
C) That is why people often fight about the the vases with his creation
colour of the sea D) He realized that petroleum products
D) But it is possible to see the different would be the fuel source of the future
colours at certain times E) He observed oil workers who would
E) Another reason is how the eye sees the slap the stuff on a cut, instead of a
colour bandage

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Paragraph Completion

49. In their laboratory in France, Marie Curie 51. At the time that Columbus set out on
and her husband, Pierre Curie, isolated his first voyage across the Atlantic in
two new elements that caused most of 1492, John Cabot, an Italian merchant,
the radioactivity of the uranium mineral. was living in the city of Bristol, England,
—. The other was named polonium in Cabot begged Henry the Seventh, King
honour of Madame Curie’s country of of England, to let him see if he could find
birth. Marie Curie was the first scientist a shorter way to the Indies than that of
ever to win the Nobel Prize in two Columbus. The king gave his consent,
different fields, in physics and later in and in the spring of 1497 John Cabot
chemistry. set off. —-. By going in that direction he
hoped to get to those parts of Asia and
A) They named one radium because it the Spice Islands which were known to
gave off powerful, invisible rays Europe.
B) The Curies made radium available to
researchers all over the world A) No civilized man had ever seen them
C) This lead to the realization that one kind before
of atom may change into another kind B) An uncivilized people of Norway
D) These parts were demonstrated by discovered the continent
other scientists to be a small, dense C) He took possession of the country for
nucleus the king of England
E) It contained protons and neutrons and D) He headed his vessel toward the
was surrounded by a cloud of electrons northwest
E) Cabot went on shore with his son and
some of his crew

50. By exploring social relationships, 52. ; In less than six weeks after Lincoln
manipulating objects, and interacting actually became President, a terrible war
with people, children are able to broke out between the North and the
formulate ideas, try these ideas out, and South. -—. They, together with a great
accept or reject what they learn. —. part of the people of ten other southern
Through exploring, then experimenting, states, resolved to leave the Union.
trying out a hypothesis, and finally, They set up an independent government
solving problems, children make called the Confederate States of
learning personal and meaningful. America, and made Jefferson Davis its
A) Teachers provided for problem solving
by enlarging blocks of learning time A) The rails were received with cheer
B) The end result is an unpredictable story after cheer, and Lincoln was chosen
that may not finish
C) The drama is presented using the B) The people who had gathered there
typical elements of theatre such as wanted to choose a candidate
scenery, costumes, and acting C) The black people in the North had
become free
D) This exercise gives an understanding
of numerous issues, from the legal D) The people of South Carolina fired the
system, to media and how a story is first gun in that war
reported E) The greater part of the people are
E) Constructing knowledge by making convinced that it is wrong
mistakes is part of the natural process
of problem solving

Question Bank ( 256 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion )

53. Physical exercise should never be too 55. —. The higher and heavier the object,
violent or too prolonged. Severe physical the more gravitational energy is stored.
labour and athletic sports produce For example, when you ride a bicycle
undue excitability of the heart. -—. down a steep hill and pick up speed, the
There is a form of heart disease induced gravitational energy is being converted
by undue exertion. It may be called a to motion energy.
wearing out or wasting away of the heart.
It is common in those persons whose A) Crude oil is produced in many coastal
occupations expose them to excessive waters
physical labour for too many hours B) Gravitational energy is energy stored in
together. an object’s height
C) Natural gas is used to produce steel
A) But in those who have passed this age glass and paper
it becomes evident D) Lightning is an example of electrical
B) They sometimes cause it to become energy in nature
enlarged E) A variety of industries use coal’s heat
C) The heart was known to be more liable and by-products
to fail
D) This lack of bodily training is common in
E) The head should be held erect and the
shoulders thrown backward

54. ---. And it has long been an article 56. Freezers are cold and full of frozen water
of prestige for people in different ice. They have to remain cold for as long
societies. The earliest footwear, which as possible. They must also be hygienic
was probably made of plaited grass or and non-toxic, and they must not rust.
skin held to the foot with thongs, was —It doesn’t rust and is lightweight. It
undoubtedly born of the necessity to is usually enamelled white for ease of
provide some protection when moving cleaning. Inside, we need a material that
over rough terrain in varying weather is easy to clean and will withstand cold
conditions. temperatures. There are special plastics
that will withstand lower temperatures
A) There still exist examples of shoes from without cracking.
ancient civilizations
B) Early paintings of Pharaohs depict them A) So aluminium is a good material for the
followed by their slaves bearing their outside
sandals B) Most plastics become brittle at low
C) The Greeks in ancient times took good temperatures
care of their feet as well C) So if you dropped a frozen leg of lamb
D) There are very few of us who do not into the freezer, you’d break it
remember childhood tale of Cinderella D) Air is a good insulator
E) Footwear has a history which goes E) This will contain a lot of air pockets to
back many thousands of years keep the contents cold

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Ç Paragraph Completion )

57. AH of the string instruments played 59. During the day, the people of Xiaoli,
by the musicians in the Music of the China, sit outside their mud-brick
Baroque Orchestra are from the 17th and shacks, aimlessly fanning themselves.
18th centuries. Most of the great stringed Most people in Xiaoli are farmers,
instruments of the Baroque period had but high taxes have made farming
an angled neck, a higher bridge and unprofitable. So the farmers have
a different bass bar than 20th-century nothing to do but wait for darkness to
instruments. -—. To emulate the early fall. -—. That is when the tomb raiders go
Baroque sound, musicians modify their to work. Underneath Xiaoli lie the riches
bowing techniques. of 5,000 years of Chinese history.

A) Baroque music is basically music A) Xiaoli is a poor village in China’s Henan

written between the years of 1600 and province
1750 B) At night, Xiaoli comes alive
B) The word “baroque” comes from the C) The nearby city of Luoyang was the
Portuguese and means convoluted, capital of at least nine ruling dynasties
irregularly shaped, or extravagant D) In Xiaoli’s fields lie the tombs of
C) On the other hand, no single term is emperors and empresses
adequate to describe the richness and E) But for the poor farmers of Xiaoli, the
variety of Baroque forms temptation is great
D) Over the years, these early stringed
instruments have been changed to
modern specifications
E) This was the period in the development
of artistic expression known as Baroque
60. Genetics is the science of genes,
heredity, and the variation of organisms.
Classical genetics consists of the
techniques of genetics that predate
It may be hard for us to think of bone as the advent of molecular biology. After
living tissue, but it is. —. For example, the discovery of the genetic code,
the thigh bone may triple in length the avenues of investigation open to
between the time a person is born and geneticists were greatly broadened.
the time he is fully grown. Bones grow Some classical genetic ideas have
in length and thickness as calcium and been replaced with the mechanistic
other minerals are added to them. And understanding brought by molecular
since bone is living tissue, it must be discoveries. -—.
A) Within organisms, genetic information is
A) The outside of the bone is covered with carried in chromosomes
a thin skin B) But many remain intact and in use,
B) Some of the marrow is a storehouse for such as the Mendel’s laws
C) Therefore, it is represented in the
C) The middle of a bone is spongy chemical structure of particular DNA
D) These vessels carry food to the bone molecules
D) However, it focuses on the structure
E) It grows when a person is young and function of genes at a molecular
E) They use this term to differentiate it
from other sub fields of genetics such
as ecological genetics and population

Question Bank ( 258 ) Dilko Yayınları

Paragraph Completion

61. The Battle of Badr was a key battle in the 63. To amuse the Idle crowds. Roman
early days of Islam and a turning point in generals provided cruel sports. —. What
Muhammad’s war against his opponents was worse, human prisoners were forced
in Mecca. Although it is one of the few to fight, armed with swords or spears.
battles mentioned by name in Qur’an, These men were called gladiators. They
virtually all contemporary knowledge of were specially trained to fight with one
the battle at Badr comes from traditional another or with wild beasts.
Islamic accounts. Prior to the battle,
the Muslims and Meccans had fought A) But the successes of the Romans
several smaller skirmishes. — brought them other things which were
A) Yet they were able to overcome their B) Their own houses in earlier times were
enemies in Mecca nothing but cabins
B) Muhammad was leading a raiding party C) The Romans did not succeed in writing
against a caravan any plays of their own
C) His army was three times larger than D) They took the buildings of the Greeks
that of the Muslims as models and built similar temples
D) However, Muhammad gathered an E) Savage animals were turned loose to
army of over 300 men tear one another to pieces
E) But this was their first large-scale

62. -—. However, in the context of the life Scientists estimate the Earth is
sciences, it is change in the genetic approximately 4.6 billion years old. Soon
makeup of a group. Such a population after the crust cooled, single-celled
shares a common gene pool and life appeared. Within a billion years,
members exhibit a degree of genetic oxygenic photosynthesis emerged
relatedness. Since the emergence of and radically changed the Earth’s
modern genetics in the 1940s, evolution atmosphere. —. Over the next two
has been defined more specifically as a billion years, all of the basic cellular
change in the frequency of alleles from processes developed.
one generation to the next.
A) In the last billion years, simple
A) Evolution generally refers to any multicellular plants and animals
process of change over time appeared in the oceans
B) Evolution began several billion years B) The first city-state was established
ago with simple single-celled organisms during this period
C) Thus, evolution via natural selection C) About 500 million years ago, plants and
accounts for the great diversity of life fungi colonized the land
D) This theory states all species today are D) Then humans started to cultivate the
the result of an extensive process of land
evolution E) This provided the conditions necessary
E) It has displaced other explanations for for the development of cellular
the origins and diversity of life respiration

Dilko Yayınlan ( 259 ) Question Bank

____________ (_ Paragraph Completion __ |

65. Ths horned toad is one of the few 67. As a very clever child of twelve, Pascal
species able to shoot blood at its Blaise worked out Euclid’s Elements. At
enemies. And it isn’t even a toad. It’s sixteen, he wrote such a bright treatise
actually a lizard with a short, swollen on conic sections that the French
body shape that gives it the appearance mathematician Rene Descartes doubted
of that ugly amphibian. —. It allows the his authorship. His study of hydrostatics
lizard to flatten itself in the wild, casting led him to invent the syringe and the
less of a shadow on the ground, so it hydraulic press. —. Part of his work
blends into the environment. during these years was concerned with
laying the foundations for the calculus of
A) However, like many other things in probabilities.
nature, that short body has a purpose
B) Being a cold-blooded creature, they’re A) His followers have established his
normally found in hotter spots influential principles
C) For example, some varieties live in B) He believed that God could be
mountainous habitats experienced through the heart
D) Those who pause to look are given a C) He is known to have been a very
display of huffing and puffing religious person
E) Small blood vessels rupture, causing D) No one had ever thought he would be
blood to squirt from their tear ducts so prolific
E) From 1651 to 1654, he suffered from
chronically bad health

Tea is not only the name of a beverage, 68. Born in Vienna, Austria, my aunt spent
but of a late afternoon light meal, even much of her youth living in Europe
If the diners are drinking beer, cider, : and India, following the path of her
or juice.-It is usually served with milk ambassador father. —When her father
and sugar, although taking sugar is died, and there was little need to keep a
increasingly less common. There is a public face, she retired from view. She
tradition of tea rooms in the UK which found little interest in the outside world,
have declined in popularity since and rejected all attempts by family and
World War IL —. They usually provide friends to pull her into it.
the traditional fare of cream and jam
on scones. In Devon and Cornwall A) When her godmother and great-aunt
particularly, cream teas are a specialty. died, leaving her a £1000, things slowly
A) Frequently, outside the UK, this is B) The sight of the girls in prison changed
referred to as “high tea” her outlook dramatically
B) The term evidently comes from the C) Yet at an early age she rejected this
meal being eaten at the “high” table aristocratic way of life as best she could
C) But they still exist in small village D) She was released when the authorities
communities found out who she was
D) Tea drinking in China dates back to the E) But a year later she’d find herself in
Tang Dynasty (618-907) prison again
E) In addition, tea may also include other
herbs, spices, or fruit flavours

Question Bank C_260_.J Dilko Yayınları

Paragraph Completion

69. It’s science class for some eighth 71. From his statistical analysis Mendel
graders at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle defined a concept that he described as
School in California. ---. Instead, they an allele, which was the fundamental unit
are harvesting beans and planting of heredity. The term allele as Mendel
corn in their school’s one-acre garden. used it is nearly synonymous with the
Everything in the garden -from broccoli term gene. —. But we now know that
and carrots to strawberries and oranges­ genetic information is normally carried
is grown organically, without the use of on DNA. Manipulation of DNA can alter
harmful chemicals. the features of various organisms.

A) The students have been digging into A) Genes do not completely determine the
learning this way since 1997 final phenotype of the organism
B) But the students aren’t sitting at their B) It was not until 1865 that Gregor
desks Mendel first traced certain traits in pea
C) A famous chef started a program at plants
their school C) Mendel was unaware of the physical
D) Teachers and kids incorporate the nature of the gene
organic garden into many lessons D) Not all features show the patterns of
E) While they learn, the kids develop a Mendelian inheritance
taste for healthful eating E) They obeyed simple statistical rules

70. Stress is the term used for a demand on It would take a really big plate of fries
physical or mental strength, or distress to empty the famous world’s largest
caused by this. It is a major health issue ketchup bottle in Illinois. In fact, it could
of modern society. —. Most people now hold enough ketchup for 25 million
working on stress would regard this hamburgers. The bottle, actually a
definition as too restrictive. Although the water tower, stands 170 feet high. -—.
physical effects of stress are dramatic The bottle tower is one of the first and
and important, lower levels of stress also longest surviving examples of roadside
impair people’s health, satisfaction, and art in the country.
A) In 1891, a young businessman started
A) Early investigations concentrated on up a new business
physical stressors such as extreme B) The company will probably change
temperature, noise, illness, and injuries hands one more time
B) It was defined by Hans Selye as a C) A new water tower is needed to supply
physiological response to noxious or the fire sprinkler system
aversive stimuli D) The company was bought out in 1908
C) As a result, they appear to cause both by the Brooks brothers
mental and physical illness E) It is a monument to America’s favourite
D) For example, noise affects tomato sauce
E) Such research is increasingly being
used both in the organization of
work and in the application of new

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 261 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

73. A central processing unit interprets 75. Astronomy is a science involving

instructions and processes data the observation and explanation of
contained in software. The phrase events occurring outside Earth and
“central processing unit” is, in general its atmosphere. Astronomy is not
terms, a description of a certain class of to be confused with astrology, a
logic machines that can execute complex pseudoscience which attempts to predict
computer programs. —. However, the a person’s destiny by tracking the paths
term itself and its acronym have been of astronomical objects. —-. Astronomy
in use in the computer industry at least embraces the scientific method, while
since the early 1960s. astrology, with no basis in science, does
A) Single-chip microprocessors have
almost totally replaced all other types of A) That can be seen in the naming of the
CPUs university departments
B) A CPU that is manufactured using B) Of the three, astrophysics has gained
integrated circuits is known as a certain pre-eminence
microprocessor C) The newest ones tend to include
C) This broad definition can easily be astrophysics in their names
applied to many early computers that D) But still astrology is a more popular
existed long before the term came into science than astronomy
usage E) Although the two fields share a
D) Early CPUs were custom-designed as common origin, they are quite different
a part of a larger, usually one-of-a-kind,
E) This standardization trend generally
began in the era of discrete transistor
mainframes and minicomputers

74. Bill Bowerman was riot only the brains Like many other manufacturers, Pepsi
behind the Nike shoe, he was an athlete bought a large store of sugar at inflated
in his own right. —A star in track and prices immediately after the war. —. As
field, as well as football, Bowerman a result, Pepsi was left with smaller and
returned from WWII to join the athletic smaller profits to spend on advertising.
staff of the University of Oregon, where Eventually they would have only sweet
he was known for his innovative ways of memories, when the company went
inspiring and improving the performance bankrupt in 1923.
of his runners.
A) Then the sugar market busted, and
A) He saw townspeople in New Zealand prices plummeted
who ran just for the fun of it B) The company holds cleverly thought out
B) One morning in 1971, he sat down to advertising campaigns
breakfast and stared at the waffles C) Its lyrics were so pervasive that many
C) He has just discovered a new way people remembered them
to increase grip on the outer soles of D) They were able to catch the attention of
running shoes consumers
D) He took that knowledge and training E) One theory set forth by scientists is that
with him when he turned to coaching the colour comes from crabs
E) The label was redesigned, and names
were no longer permitted on the

Question Bank ( 262 ) Dilko Yaymlan

Paragraph Completion

77. -—. When a light particle, or photon, 79. All dogs belong to the same species
hits an electron, the electron jumps but there is a great difference between
to a higher energy state. If another the nature of a St. Bernard and that
photon strikes one of these high-energy of a terrier. But the actions, reactions
electrons, the electron releases two and habits of each can be accurately
photons that travel together at the anticipated on sight by the shape, size
same wavelength. When this process is and structure of the two creatures.
repeated enough, lots of organized, or When a terrier comes into the room, you
coherent, photons are produced. instinctively draw away unless you want
to be jumped at and greeted effusively.
A) A more powerful version of the flash on -—. This is because you read, on sight,
a common camera was used the different natures of these two from
B) Mirrors on either end of the rod have their external appearance.
reflected and increased the light
C) Health uses of laser include medical A) Their size, shape and structure cannot
imaging and vision correction surgery tell you what their characteristics are
D) Drawing a straight line on a B) Man has made heroic efforts to meet
construction site is easy using a laser the demands of his environment
E) The physics of the laser is a story of C) In other words, the same is not always
how electrons interact with light true of all human beings
D) But you make no such movement to
protect yourself from a St. Bernard
E) A human is a highly evolved creature
who not only acts but thinks and feels

78. Sociology is a relatively new academic The first medical operation using a
discipline. It emerged in the early 19th laser took place the year following its
century in response to the challenges invention. Doctors Charles Campbell and
of modernity. Increasing mobility and Charles Koester used a laser in an eye
technological advances resulted in operation. —. Since then, doctors have
the increasing exposure of people to used lasers to cut and remove tissue
cultures and societies different from safely with little risk of infections.
their own. —. But for some people it
included the breakdown of traditional A) Lasers have made measurement an
norms and customs and warranted a exact science
revised understanding of how the world B) Manufacturers used lasers to cut and
worked. join metal parts
C) They helped businesses keep track of
A) The term sociology was coined by products
Auguste Comte D) They removed a tumour from a patient’s
B) The impact of this exposure was varied eye
C) The second was the metaphysical E) They thought beams of light could be
stage powerful weapons
D) The goal of positivism, like the natural
sciences, is prediction
E) Sociologists define what holds social
groups together

Dilko Yayınları ( 263 ) Question Bank

( Paragraph Completion

81. Attila and his Huns marched through 83. Aircraft engine manufacturers produce
Gaul until they came to the city of the engines used in civil and military
Orleans. Here the people bravely resisted aircraft. Because of the specialized work
the invaders. They shut their gates and involved, aircraft engines are usually
defended themselves in every way they manufactured by separate companies.
could. —. The towns and castles in -—. Aircraft manufacturers may use
which there was much money or other engines designed by different companies
valuable property were not safe without on the same type of aircraft.
such walls.
A) Some have been specifically designed
A) This made peace, but the peace did not to deliver weapons to military bases
last iong B) They are built according to the
B) He plundered and burned cities specifications of the aircraft
wherever he went manufacturers
C) With this great force, he marched C) Unmanned aerial vehicles are produced
across Germany and into Gaul to gather defence intelligence
D) In those times all towns were D) As a result, missiles are viewed
surrounded by strong walls predominantly as offensive weapons
E) The great army of the Romans marched E) This part of the industry has also
up and attacked the Huns produced a number of space vehicles

82. English King Edward the Confessor On November 11,1940, the Tacoma
took part in the events upon which Narrows Bridge, located at Puget Sound,
Shakespeare, five hundred years later, Washington, began swaying strongly in
founded his famous tragedy of Macbeth. the wind and eventually broke up due
In this famous drama, an ambitious to the resonance of the bridge which
nobleman named Macbeth lived in twisted until it broke up. -—. But they
Scotland. -—. He tried to make it appear were not applied in the design process
that the murder had been committed by of this bridge. This demonstrates the
Duncan’s attendants and he caused the importance and need to broadly explore
king’s son and heir, Prince Malcolm, to and utilize mathematics and science
flee from the land. He then made himself appropriate to the engineering design
king of Scotland. problem at hand.

A) As no opposing force was visible, the A) In other words, it is important to analyze

pirates landed and started to plunder it the nature of a problem
B) He erected churches and monasteries B) Knowledge of science did not help
in different parts of England develop possible approaches for a
C) More than half of his pirates were killed solution
and the remainder were taken prisoners C) The meaning of science can be
D) He invited Duncan, the King of debated and has changed over time
Scotland, to his castle and murdered D) Engineering creates valued products
him such as the mobile phone
E) He died in 1066 and was buried in E) There are mathematical tools available
Westminster Abbey to analyze resonance of structures

Question Bank (..... 264... 'J Dilko Yaysnlan

Paragraph Completion

85. Ali of the bodies in the solar system 87. ~. Ligaments can be torn because
revolve around the centre of mass of the of skating too hard and bones can be
solar system. The centre of mass is an broken due to falling. A person can get
imaginary point that is determined by a nasty cut (which can be lethal if it
a sort of averaging over the whole. ruptures or severs a major artery or vein)
This is because the sun contains the if they are skated over by another person
vast majority of the solar system’s mass. on the rink. The easiest way to prevent
these things is to skate carefully and
A) The interior temperature was also much wear proper protective equipment.
B) The solar system’s centre of mass lies A) As with all sports, there are risks with
deep within the sun skating
C) Plasmas are often called the fourth B) Some skating boots are made of
state of matter several layers of leather
D) The sun was formed about five billion C) Hockey skates are used for playing the
years ago game of ice hockey
E) They are mixtures of positive ions and D) Skates provide fun and entertainment in
negative electrons the winter time
£ E) There are a number of sports that are
o played on ice skates


86. Chemical energy is energy stored in o 88. A tornado is a twisting, spinning funnel
the bonds of atoms and molecules. of low pressure air. Tornadoes are
Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural created during powerful thunderstorms.
gas, and coal are examples of stored As a column of warm air rises, air rushes
chemical energy. -—. The same thing 5 in at ground level and begins to spin.
happens when we burn gasoline in a If the storm gathers energy, a twisting,
car’s engine. spinning funnel develops. —. This is
because of the dust, soil, and debris it
A) Energy is found in different forms draws up.
including light, heat, chemical, and
motion. A) It appears blackish in colour
B) Chemical energy is converted to B) Air may have started moving upward
thermal energy when we burn wood in C) These are called thunderstorms
a fireplace D) Rainfall is such a variable phenomenon
C) Scientists think they have discovered a E) This region has small changes in
mysterious new form of energy temperature
D) Most of our energy comes from
non-renewabie energy sources
E) Oil was formed from the remains of
animals and plants

Dilko Yaymlan ( 265 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

89. Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of 91. Engineers are as diverse as the types
America, was born at Genoa, a seaport of careers they pursue. They are
of Italy, more than four hundred and consultants, teachers, and technical
fifty years ago. —Christopher did not sales representatives. They work for
care to learn that trade, but wanted to small companies and large companies.
become a sailor. Seeing the boy’s strong Many start their own companies. They
liking for the sea, his father sent him to a work in industrial plants and research
school where he could learn geography, labs. . Others work in production and
map-drawing, and whatever else might manufacturing facilities.
help him to become commander of a
vessel some day. A) Some engineers work in an office
B) Most of them can make a good income
A) When he was fourteen, he went to sea C) Still others spent most of their time
B) Every sailor had to stand ready to fight working outdoors.
his way from port to port D) Engineers need a college degree
C) In this exciting life, full of adventure and E) In the past ten years, engineering has
of danger, he grew to manhood become a global career
D) He had a desperate battle with a vessel
off the coast of Portugal
E) His father was a wool-comber

90. Greenhouse gases are heat-trapping -—. When we use energy, it doesn’t
gases. They exist naturally in the disappear. We change it from one form
atmosphere, where they help keep of energy into another. For example, a
the Earth warm enough for plants and car engine burns gasoline, converting
animals to live. However, people are the chemical energy in gasoline into
adding extra greenhouse gases to the mechanical energy. Solar cells change
atmosphere. radiant energy into electrical energy.
-—. This, in turn, sets off all sorts of
other changes around the world-on land, A) Wind is an example of motion energy
in the oceans, and in the atmosphere. B) Energy is neither created nor destroyed
C) Coal is a non-renewable energy source
A) These are causing the Earth to get D) As the object was heated up, its atoms
warmer collided faster
B) People must find a way to cool it down E) The sun shines, the wind blows, and
C) These changes affected people, plants, the river flows
and animals
D) However, scientists have found a
radical solution
E) When this happened, the sun gave off
less energy

Question Bank ( 266 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Paragraph Completion

93, More than a hundred years ago, people 95. A hygrometer is an instrument
around the world started burning large measuring water vapour content in
amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas the air and communicates changes in
to power their homes, factories, and humidity through a graph or a dial. —.
vehicles. Today, most of the world still The hair hygrometer uses a human hair
relies on these fossil fuels for their as the sensing instrument. The electric
energy needs. —. This is the main hygrometer uses a plate coated with
reason why the climate is changing. carbon. The infrared hygrometer uses
a beam of light to gauge atmospheric
A) Today’s climate change is different from humidity.
that of the past in several ways
B) However, burning them releases a A) There are three types of hygrometers
heat-trapping gas into the atmosphere B) As a result, the moisture content of the
C) Scientists estimate the Earth was air changes
formed about 4.5 billion years ago C) However, they remain unaffected by air
D) There have been times when most of temperature
the planet was covered in ice D) The hair lengthens when the air is moist
E) The shape of the Earth’s orbit around E) Thus, the hair hygrometer cannot
the sun naturally changes over time respond well enough

94. —. They see technology as limited —. For instance, if you are from an
primarily to computers and related to agricultural area, where your livelihood
electronic devices. They do not see such depends on the availability of water
simple artefacts as zippers or forks as for your agricultural needs, you may
technological innovations that were rate the value or significance of water
groundbreaking in their time. Nor do they for your own life higher than someone
see the world as filled with engineering whose livelihood is built around an
innovations that have served the needs entertainment industry such as running
of society. a cinema multiplex.

A) It is not easy to address all the needs of A) Many of the world’s diseases
a global society are dependent on water for their
B) Conceptions of engineering used to be transmission
limited to building and repairing things B) Our community, our culture, and our
C) We must investigate and analyze the geographical area influence our values
impact of science on religion regarding water
D) Some people have preconceptions of C) A large part of water engineering is
technology maintaining water quality so that the
E) There are usually several solutions that water that we receive is safe
will satisfy the desired needs D) One cannot emphasize enough the
importance of long-term cholera
E) Density refers to how close the water
molecules are to each other

Dilko Yayınlan ( 267.... ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

97. -—. Container and packaging waste is 98. A process by which a design for an
a significant component of the world’s object or a structure is created is called
waste stream as well. Yard trimmings a design process. —They all involve
such as grass clippings and tree limbs creativity. They all involve making
are also a substantial part of what we decisions. However, engineering design
throw away. In addition, many relatively tends to require a more extensive and
small components add up to millions of specialized knowledge of technology,
tons. math, and science than other types of
A) This includes paper, certain disposable
products, clothing A) All design processes have similarities
B) The Earth’s climate is changing, and B) Sometimes a new product is developed
people’s activities are the main cause from scratch
C) Durable and nondurable goods account C) The teams undertook several design
for several million tons of solid waste projects
D) Look even longer, and you’ll see the D) Others include government agencies,
seasons change companies, and individuals
E) They sell glass, aluminium, plastics, E) Both these projects will use the design
steel and other metals process

Question Bank ( 268 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( paragraph Conıpİetion )

99. With new standards of keeping air 100. There is some very unusual chemistry
inside a house longer, to save heating going on above the Antarctic. First, low
energy, the levels of radon in homes temperatures lead to the formation of
are increasing. —Thus, we are now polar stratospheric clouds. -—. It has
exposed to a greater risk from this a very cold core, and anything that
radiation. A possible solution may be gets dumped into its interior, such as
to close cracks into the soil around the atmospheric chlorine radicals, stays
basement so that no gas can come out there for a long time. The whirlpool
of the ground. breaks down in November as the air gets
warmer. In other words, the whirlpool
A) We have some information about this acts as a giant reaction chamber.
B) And we breathe it into our lungs
C) There are inexpensive measurement A) Haemoglobin carries oxygen in your
devices bloodstream and gives it that red colour
D) This used to keep the air moving B) It is an effective photoreceptor because
through the house it has alternating single and double
E) Other popular magazines have several bonds
articles C) However, it is not enough to just absorb
the light energy
D) Then as air cools and descends
towards the poles in the winter, a
whirlpool is formed
E) That is, a complex sequence of
reactions within the chloroplast uses the
light energy

Dilko Yayınları ( 269... J Question Bank

( Paragraph Completion )

101. Most bacterial cells have double layers 103. Whales travel to cold water for feeding
on their outside. —. This wall must grow and to warm water to give birth.
along with the cell, or the growing ceil Humpback whales prefer the warm
will eventually become too big for the subtropical water off Hawaii to give birth
wall and burst and die. Penicillins kill to their young. —. Then they head north
bacteria by messing up the wall-building to spend the summer near Alaska, where
system. Since we don’t have cell walls, the food is plentiful. They average only
and plants have a different wall-building about 1 mile an hour, taking plenty of
system, neither we, nor animals, nor time to rest and socialize along the way.
plants are affected by the medicine.
A) Some migrations took place over a
A) There are a very few bacteria that don’t longer time
have cell walls, either B) Eels do the opposite and are called
B) The cell wall also limits the entry of catadromous
large molecules that may be toxic to the C) They stayed in the Arctic only around
cell ninety days
C) The outermost layer - the cell wall - is D) Animals travel at different times of the
similar to the outer layer of plant cells, year
but is missing in human and animal E) Therefore, they make trips there each
cells E fall
D) They contain a wide range of additional
compounds that modify their
mechanical properties
E) In plants, the strongest component of
it is a carbohydrate called cellulose,
which is a polymer of glucose

104. Malaria is a devastating disease with

102. The word “Creole” refers to French ninety-five percent of victims in the
colonists who came to what is now world coming from Africa. One million
Louisiana. The roots of Creole cooking children a year die from malaria. It
come from the traditional French foods presents major obstacles to social and
these colonists made. They had to economic development. -—. But it could
change their cooking to use the food be controlled for a fraction of that sum.
sources available in Louisiana. —. The
food traditions of those countries also
A) The fact is that more effective
influenced Creole cooking.
treatments are being developed
B) Malaria costs Africa more than $12
A) They were forced to leave Canada
billion every year
when the British took over
C) It carries the life threatening form of the
B) Other settlers came from countries like
Spain, Germany, and England
D) They try to eradicate malaria in Africa
C) The settlers there permitted them to
by the year 2012.
speak their language and follow their
E) Many regions in Africa are home to a
deadly form of mosquito
D) This kind of cooking uses whatever
foods are nearby and available
E) One thing the two cultures have always
had in common is a love of good food

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Paragraph Completion

105. The Giant Otter is an amphibious, 107. Like everything else in the world, car
mammalian carnivore native to South crashes are controlled by the laws
America. About the length of an adult of physics. Anything that moves has
human being, it is the longest member of mass and velocity. Anything that has
the weasel family, a globally successful mass and velocity has kinetic energy,
group of predators. . The groups are and the heavier your car and the faster
centred round a dominant breeding pair you’re going, the more kinetic energy
and are extremely cooperative. it has. —. Then all the energy has to
go somewhere. Even though cars are
A) It is a social species, with family groups designed to absorb impacts, their energy
of three to eight members still poses a major risk to the driver and
B) The species was listed as endangered passengers.
in 1999
C) Decades of poaching for its velvety pelt A) That’s fine until you suddenly want to
destroyed the whole population stop
D) For example, it was territorial and B) People inside a moving car have mass
aggression had been observed and velocity, too
between groups C) Cars have had seatbelts for several
E) Habitat degradation and loss is the decades
greatest current threat E D) The airbag is designed to help the
o seatbelts protect you
E) The biggest problem is that they
restrain only your body

108. Whether you’re buying in a store or
106. ---. Every day, they are helping to
buying online, everything you do
save people’s lives. If you’re unlucky
is geared around a transaction, the
enough to be involved in a car accident,
basic exchange of money for goods
a carefully controlled explosion will
or services. In a real-world store, you
fire an airbag out from the dashboard,
simply take your new jeans to the
cushioning the impact and helping
checkout, hand over some cash, and
to reduce the damage to your body.
leave the store with your purchase in
Airbags are very simple but also
a bag. —. But there’s one important
amazingly clever because they have to
difference. You never actually get to
open up at over 300 km/h.
handle the goods until they arrive at your
home sometime later.
A) When a car hits something, it starts to
lose speed very rapidly A) Only the first of these three systems is
B) Normal braking doesn’t generate strictly necessary
enough force to do this B) It works in a similar way if you’re buying
C) The driver moving forward because of online
the impact pushes against the bag C) Many people successfully ran small-
D) We think of explosions as dangerous scale online stores
things but that’s not always the case D) He simply has a website to publicise the
E) By the time the car stops, the bag business
should have completely deflated E) In fact, the goods you’ve purchased
online are in stock

Dilko Yaymlan ( 271 J Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

109. —. However, large personal computers 111. Unfortunately, many schools are unable
get around this by having powerful to give children sufficient instruction
magnetic memories called hard drives, in writing. Study after study shows
which can remember things whether that students’ writing lacks clarity,
the power is on or off. But smaller, coherence, and organization. —As
more portable devices, such as digital many as one out of four have serious
cameras and MP3 players, need writing difficulties. And students say
smaller and more portable memories. they like writing less and less as they go
Therefore, they use special chips called through school.
flash memories to store information
permanently. A) Only a few students can write
persuasive essays or competent
A) Ordinary computer chips lose their business letters
entire contents when the power is B) Of course, preparing children for school
switched off is a historic responsibility of parents
B) Computers are electronic machines that C) Writing helps to provoke thoughts and
process information in digital format to organize them logically and concisely
C) As soon as the power was turned D) Most of us write thank-you notes and
off. the strange device reverted to its letters to friends at least now and then
original state E E) It’s a final stage in the complex process
D) Many online businesses try to make o of communicating that begins with
money by offering premium services thinking
E) In other words, they can represent
information with patterns


110. Competitive eaters have a few secrets 112. Income does not mean the same thing
that they have developed över the years as wealth. Income comes from earnings,
to help them stuff food into themselves 5
interest on savings and investments,
a little bit faster. Virtually every benefits such as pensions and profits
competitor keeps a cup of water at from business. Wealth is the result of
the table to dip the contest food. This something you own such as a car or a
softens and lubricates the food, allowing house. Wealth can produce income. -—.
them to chew it faster and swallow it For example, if you own a house this wiH
more easily. be worth thousands of pounds but you
cannot spend the money unless you sell
A) Another key technique is to break the your house.
food into smaller pieces
B) A large crowd had gathered around the A) Many critics claim that income
huge stage differences have increased
C) The crowd and the press are both very B) This describes the financial
excited about the event circumstances of the poor
D) Eleven million Americans suffer from C) There were still considerable
bulimia or anorexia differences between the two
E) The most basic of these secrets is the D) The system does not always meet the
water dunk needs of the poor
E) However, it may not be available to

Question Bank i 272 ) Dilko Yaymlan

Paragraph Completion j

113. Social class is generally thought to 115. Fertilizers and the much more deadly
be less significant nowadays due to pesticides and herbicides used with
changing employment patterns and other them ultimately find their way into rivers,
social changes. -—. But most would streams, and seas. —. But they’re just
accept some class differences still exist. as likely to build up and accumulate
The term ‘underclass’ is sometimes in creatures that eat them, including
applied to people living in conditions humans. Organic food, grown without
of multiple deprivation, that is, in poor artificial chemicals, is one way to help
housing without regular employment and reduce the problem.
relying on state benefits.
A) Half of all the commercial fertilisers
A) There used to be several definitions of have been tested
social class B) Sometimes they break down harmlessly
B) Other definitions include factors like C) Cotton is the world’s most polluting fibre
education D) Much of it is grown in developing
0) Some claim that we are all middle class countries
now E) Buying organic clothes helps organic
D) It will determine the income of most farmers
people and their families
E) One definition is based on the E
occupation of the father o


114. ~. The number of pfotons determines 116. The Galâpagos tortoises are an
the chemical element and the number endangered species. -—. First, sailors
of neutrons determines the isotope of valued the tortoises because they could
that element. The concept of the atom as live for long periods of time without
an indivisible component of matter was food or water and thus be preserved and
first proposed by early Indian and Greek eaten at a later time. Next, pigs, dogs
philosophers. and rats go after the tortoises’ nests and
eat their young. Finally, many tortoises
have been killed for oil.
A) An atom is classified according to its
number of protons and neutrons
A) Goats ate everything that the tortoises
B) In the 17th century, chemists provided
need to survive
a physical basis for this idea
B) Their populations have been depleted
C) Certain substances could not be further
for several reasons
broken down by chemical methods
C) The number of giant tortoises was
D) As a result, they demonstrated that the
nearly 250,000
atom was not indivisible
D) In the 1900s the islands became a
E) Physicists had discovered the
major tourist attraction
subatomic structure inside the atom
E) Today, only about 15,000 giant
tortoises live on the islands

Dilko Yayınlan ( 273 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion )

117. Biofuels offer many advantages over 119. Lions are social animals, living in large
petroleum. They could help us tackle groups called prides. Prides are made up
global warming and, by reducing our of one to three related adult males, along
dependence on oil from the Middle with as many as thirty females and cubs.
East, they could help make the world The females are usually closely related
a safer place. . Critics think their to each other, being a large family of
environmental benefits are overstated sisters and daughters. —However, a
and argue they could severely worsen single female lion is able to hunt on her
poverty and hunger in developing own if she has to.
A) Lions eat large prey, such as gazelles,
A) A fuel is something we burn to release zebras and buffalo
energy B) They are known to take down prey as
B) But bio fuels have major drawbacks too large as a young giraffe
C) However, the same process is at work C) After a kill is made, the females let out
when you burn gas low roars
D) Most of the water is used for agriculture D) Females do most of the hunting and
and industry work in groups
E) The exact chemical reaction depends E) Colouring that helps to hide an animal
on which fuel you burn is called camouflage

118. A bank is a business, and like other 120. -—. Each of these groups occupies its
businesses, they can fail. . They separate area of the globe. The most
may also be unsuccessful because of familiar classification recognizes the
fraud. For example, the president makes Black race dwelling in Africa, the Yellow
questionable loans to friends or hires race of central and eastern Asia, and the
unqualified relatives and pays them White race of western Asia and Europe.
huge salaries. But banks also go out of Sometimes two additional divisions are
business because changing economic made by including the Red race, the
conditions make it difficult or impossible American Indians, and the Brown race,
for borrowers to repay their Joans. the natives of the Pacific islands.

A) You can’t use them in as many places A) These separate racial groups have
as credit cards or debit cards made very unequal progress in culture
B) You risk unlimited loss if an B) The Chinese and Japanese are the only
unauthorized charge or withdrawal representatives of the Yellow race
appears on your statement C) Because of differences in language,
C) Sometimes they fail because the people scholars divide the White race into two
who run them make poor business groups
decisions D) If we take colour as the basis of
D) Then the economy slowed down, and classification, there are three large
the demand for energy fell racial groups
E) They are just like cash in that you're E) There is no clear distinction in physical
pretty much out of luck if they are lost characteristics between the two groups
or stolen

Question Bank ( 274 ) Dilko Yayınları

Paragraph Completion

121. Butterflies belong to the insect order 123. Esperanto was invented by Zamenhof,
Lepidoptera, which is Greek for “scaly in 1887. Zamenhof grew up in a city
wing.” Butterfly wings are made of tiny where Russian, Polish and German were
scales that create beautiful colours and commonly spoken. Zamenhof had talent
striking patterns. The dark colours help for languages. —. He decided to invent
the butterfly keep warm by absorbing one - not a language to replace other
heat from sunlight. -—. So they cannot languages, but one to supplement them,
produce their own body heat. so that everyone, regardless of native
tongue, might be able to use it.
A) During their lifetimes they change form
three times A) Esperanto is neither the first nor the
B) It has to shed its skin four or five times only constructed language in the world
C) Butterflies are cold-blooded creatures B) However, it wasn’t until the late 19th
D) Some species wrap themselves in silk century that the first constructed
E) This process is called metamorphosis languages appeared
C) It occurred to him that if different people
all spoke the same tongue, they might
get along better
D) Though the World Esperanto
Association is headquartered in
Rotterdam, more than half the world’s
Esperanto speakers are believed to live
in China
E) Esperanto derives its vocabulary from
various European languages: Latin,
Greek and Germanic tongues

122. Anti-personnel landmines are widely

considered to be ethically problematic
weapons. —According to anti-landmine
campaigners, in Cambodia alone, mines 124. Today there are countless ways to
have resulted in 35,000 amputees after lose weight. —■. That’s because eating
the cessation of hostilities. Removal soup fills you up, which makes you eat
of landmines is dangerous, slow and less during the meal. A two-year study
costly; however, some countries found that those who ate soup five to
maintain that landmines are necessary to six times a day a week were more likely
protect their soldiers in times of war. to have a lean body. Considering it is
not a restrictive but a relatively healthier
A) Mines used by some forces are method, this ancient tradition sounds
designed to self-destruct after a period worth trying.
of weeks or months
B) One way to detect landmines include A) Obesity rates have historically been low
using metal detectors to sweep a in the Mediterranean
suspected minefield B) Among these, starting the meal with
C) The first modern mechanically soup is quite an efficient Japanese
fused high explosive anti-personnel tradition
landmines were created in 1912 C) This Japanese tradition is one of the
D) The reason for this is their victims are best weight-loss strategies
commonly civilians, who are often killed D) Many people are consuming highly
long after a war has ended processed foods and getting fatter all
E) Some mines are small and winged so the time
that they can be deployed from planes E) Eating these days has become an “all-
or-nothing” proposition

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Paragraph Completion

125. Golf is usually regarded as a Scottish 126. A black hole is a concentration of mass
invention, as the game was mentioned where the force of gravity prevents
in two 15th-century laws prohibiting anything from escaping from it —%
the playing of the game of “gowf”.-—. This implies that nothing, not even
They point out that a game of putting a light, can escape its gravity. The term
small ball in a hole in the ground using black hole is widespread, ©ven though
golf clubs was played in 17th-century it does not refer to a hole in the usual
Netherlands. The term golf is believed to sense, but rather a region of space from
have originated from a Germanic word which nothing can return. Theoretically,
for “club”. Many old tales state that golf black holes can have any size, from
was an acronym for Gentlemen Only, microscopic to near the size of the
Ladies Forbidden. observable universe,

A) Although often viewed as an elite A) The existence of black holes in

pastime, golf is increasingly getting the universe is well supported by
popular and continues to attract more astronomical observation
players around the world B) The gravitational field is so strong that
B) Golfers wear special shoes with the escape velocity near it exceeds the
exchangeable spikes attached to the speed of light
soles C) The concept of black hole was put
C) Some scholars, however, suggest that toward by the English geologist John
this refers to another game which is Michell in 1783
much simiiar to modern field hockey D) It is believed that once stars have
D) In the United States, golf is the exhausted all their nuclear fuel they
unofficial sport of the business world collapse to form black holes
E) Since World War I, America has E) it is impossible to see a black hole
produced the greatest number of directly because no light can escape
leading professionals from them

127. —. One is overabundance of food:
America produces enough food for
everyone to consume 3,700 calories each
day. However, the average person needs
only about 2,100 calories per day. In
addition Americans are bombarded with
food advertisements. This encourages
them to eat more food than they need.

A) Many Americans will have to

change the way they live and eat,
but convincing them to make these
changes won’t be easy
B) There have never been so many
overweight Americans
C) Most Americans do not get enough
physical activity during the course of
their day
D) It is necessary to educate public about
health and nutrition if we want to reduce
E) There are two main causes of obesity in
the USA

Question Bank ( 276 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion

128. The distance between the Earth and 130. If a woman drinks about 3 cups of
the Sun and the combination of solar coffee a day, she can reduce her risk of
radiation received and the greenhouse diabetes. Experts suspect that coffee’s
effect of the atmosphere ensures that antioxidants deserve the praise. -—.
the Earth’s surface is neither too cold When that happens efficiently, insulin
nor too hot for liquid water. -—. If it were resistance - a major risk factor for
nearer to the Sun, its higher surface diabetes - is less likely.
temperature would limit the formation of
ice caps, or cause water to exist only as A) Coffee may help promote the delivery
vapour. of insulin to the tissues
B) In other words, coffee can boost your
A) Viewed from the Earth’s north pole, the mood, probably by making you feel
motion of the Earth is counter clockwise more energetic
B) The Earth is the only place where life is C) However, studies show that coffee
known to exist keeps you focused particularly when
C) The planet’s internal heat was originally you are doing tedious work
generated during its accretion D) Yet, caffeine's blocking power may
D) If the Earth were more distant from the protect the brain cells
sun, most water would be frozen E) People who drink coffee every day over
E) On other planets, such as Venus, E 10 years are half as likely to get cancer
gaseous water is destroyed by solar o
Q as those who don’t drink it at all
ultraviolet radiation

129. -—. Overproduction of goods through 131 The brain constitutes the nervous
new manufacturing techniques and low system and controls everything we do,
consumption meant that companies § and every thought we have. The brain
needed to stimulate demand. New works all the time. —. It is also the
channels of distribution such as intellectual centre that allows thought,
transportation and mass retailing learning, memory and creativity.
opened up the possibility of reaching
new markets and reinforced the need to A) As we age, to sharpen the hand-eye
make a specific product known. coordination, we must get involved in
some sports like table tennis
A) By the turn of the century, local B) It is responsible for monitoring and
advertisers will have opened regulating unconscious and voluntary
departments across the globe actions in the body
B) Advertising arose out of the industrial C) In order to control the ability to
revolution recognise how things piece together we
C) Since the mid-1980s, the advertising have to find time to take up art lessons
industry has been in a crisis D) Injuries to the brain tend to affect large
D) Technological advances have limited areas of the brain sometimes causing
the ability of manufacturers to make major deficits in memory
products different from those of their E) Thus, we remember because the
competitors connections between our brains’
E) It is the most prevalent way of neurons change
introducing a new product

Dilko Yaymlan ( 277 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

132. Psychology is the science of the mind. 134. The ideals and practices of child rearing
—. Although we cannot observe vary from culture to culture. —. On the
the mind directly, everything we do, other hand, in more technologically
think, feel and say is determined developed societies, the period of
by the functioning of the mind. So childhood and adolescence tends to
psychologists take human behaviour be extended over a long time, resulting
as the raw data for testing their theories in more opportunity for education and
about how the mind works. greater variety in character development.

A) Psychologists adopt a similar approach A) It is generally accepted that the

to scientists in other fields experiences of the child in his first years
B) Other branches of psychology are more largely determine his character and
closely connected with medicine later personality
C) What all these different approaches to B) Intelligent parents, however, realize
psychology have in common is a desire that the particular setting of each family
to explain the behaviour of individuals is unique, and there can be no rigid
D) Psychology lies at the intersection of general rules
many other different disciplines C) The younger the child, the more readily
E) Psychologists use human behaviour as the mother gives in to his demands to
a clue to the workings of the mind E avoid disappointing him
o D) In general, the more rural the
community, the more uniform are the
customs of child upbringing
E) Regarding relationships within the
family, the first necessity is a secure
emotional background

133. A number of people enter the water and 135. Tennis was brought to northern Europe
swim as part of their work. —. People from Greece in 500 AD. It became so
interested in marine biology dive to popular between the 12th and 14th
observe plants and animals in their century that every town in France had
natural habitat. Moreover, swimming has its own court. —. At first the game
military purposes besides the mere need was played bare handed with a leather
to cross waters. It is used to approach a ball filled with dog’s hair. Later rougher
location, gather intelligence, sabotage, materials like sand and chalk were used,
or combat, and to depart a location. which caused injuries to the player’s
A) There are many health benefits of
swimming, but it also entails risks if A) And it attracts millions of people all
basic precautions are not taken around the world
B) Swimming more recently has become a B) Yet the popularity of it didn’t last as long
professional sport as well as it had been expected
C) However, the most common reason for C) But this was a very different game from
swimming is probably recreation, where the one we see at Wimbledon today
the swimmer enters the water merely D) And this had an effect on the realty
for enjoyment market that people preferred houses
D) For example, pearl divers swim and with tennis courts
dive to obtain an economic benefit E) There are tournaments to choose the
E) Swimming exercises almost all muscles best player of the town
in the body

Question Bank ( 278 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion

136. DVD is an optical disc storage media 138. The earthquake that hit Kashmir brought
format that can be used for storing data, more than grief and devastation.
including movies with high video and More than 50,000 people were dead,
sound quality. -—. But they are encoded thousands were injured and a whole
in a different format and at a much generation disappeared. —-. In the
higher density. Unlike CDs, all DVDs aftermath, the citizens got together and
must contain a file system. responded to calls for help, united as a
nation in a common cause.
A) DVD actually is an abbreviation for
Digital Video Disk or Digital Versatile A) The society changed from a warm­
Disk hearted, cohesive force into a self-
B) it was very difficult to put video and interested, disunited nation
sound into the same storage media B) In such cases governmental
once bureaucratic structures fail terribly
C) When you compare DVDs and C) All in all, they are ready to sacrifice
cassettes you will see how technology whatever they can to help others in the
has improved in a very short time hour of need
D) DVDs resemble compact discs (CDs): D) Not for a single moment was Pakistan
their physical dimensions are the same defeated by this horrendous situation
E) They are primitive when compared with E) Catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina and
DVDs the Kashmir earthquake can serve as

137. Weathering is the breaking down of 139. In 1879, inventor Thomas Edison first
rocks on the earth’s surface. There publicly demonstrated his electric
are two main types of weathering. incandescent light in Menlo Park, New
Chemical weathering, however, causes Jersey. —. Nor was he the first inventor
rocks to decompose by changing their to experiment with incandescent lamps.
chemical composition. For example, rain However, Edison’s lamp was the first
water may dissolve certain minerals in a to be practical, because he had solved
rock. problems with short-lived filaments.

A) Rocks may also be broken down by the A) Others also invented some of the
actions of animals and plants devices we associate with Edison, but
B) Weathering is not to be confused with he often made them better and he got
erosion people to use them
C) In contrast, erosion is the removal of B) Among his most famous inventions are
land surfaces by water, wind or ice the light bulb and the phonograph
D) Physical weathering may be caused by C) He took the features of these earlier
temperature changes such as freezing designs and set his workers to the task
E) Conversely, mechanical weathering is of creating longer-lasting bulbs
the cause of the disintegration of rocks D) With knowledge gained from years of
or wood working as a telegraph operator, he
learned the basics of electricity
E) This was not the first electric light,
however, arc lights were already in use
for illumination of large areas

Dilko Yayınlan ( 279 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion )

140. A mixer is a kitchen appliance intended 142. A major cause of the present destruction
for mixing food ingredients. . The of forests is the worldwide demand for
former as the name implies, is a hand­ wood. -—. There is not enough wood
held device. It typically consists of a in industrialized countries to satisfy
handle fixed over a large enclosure this huge demand. Therefore, wood
containing the motor, which drives two companies have begun taking trees from
beaters. The latter is essentially the the forests of Asia, Africa and South
same as a hand mixer, but is fixed on a America.
A) Environmentalists are struggling to
A) Stand mixers are larger and have more prevent the destruction of forests
powerful motors than their hand-held B) People are using more and more wood
counterparts for paper, furniture, and houses
B) Hand mixers are often battery-powered C) When too many trees are cut at once,
C) On the other hand, a blender contains forests are destroyed
sharp blades and typically operates at D) In the past, people depended on wood
higher speeds to cook their food and to heat their
D) It has two beaters that are immersed in houses
the food to be mixed E) The hopeless and poor people are not
E) Mixers come in two major variations: the only ones who cut and burn forests
hand mixers and stand mixers

141. Tourism in Panama has boomed in 143. Observations on earth structure and
recent years. Last year, tourists spent processes were made by a number of
millions of dollars. The country attracted the ancients, including Herodotus and
one million visitors, which is nearly Aristotle. Their individual efforts in the
double compared to 1999. -—. These natural history of the earth provided no
include tax breaks on income and trade sustained progress. —. Many of the
activities for investments that contribute ideas expressed by these men were not
to the development and preservation of to resurface until the Renaissance. Later
the country’s infrastructure. Leonardo da Vinci correctly speculated
on the nature of fossils as remains of
A) There is plenty to see and do in ancient organisms and on the role that
Panama so people have been pouring rivers play in the erosion of land.
B) Tourism is a new type of industry for A) In the 20th century geology advanced
many countries throughout the world at an ever-increasing pace
C) Local people of a country should be B) Their major contribution, however, is
educated about tourism as they play an that they attributed the phenomena they
important role observed to natural, not supernatural
D) To further develop this, the government causes
is offering entrepreneurs some C) Geologists have helped establish the
economic benefits age of the Earth at about 4.6 billion
E) Moreover, some parts of the country years
cast a beauty of abundant coral reefs D) He started to use an approach known
as Earth system science treating the
entire Earth as a system in its own right
E) The word geology was first used by
Jean-Andre Deluc in the year 1778

Question Bank Dilko Yaymlan

( Paragraph Completion

144. The French Revolution was a period in 146. Right in front of me, where the setting
the history of France. —The Roman sun had turned the tall grass into a sea
Catholic Church was forced to undergo of gold, a large group of chimpanzees
radical restructuring. While France would was feeding. —. Yet now I had new
oscillate between empire and republic knowledge; I knew that there, among
for 75 years, the revolution nevertheless those dark mountains across the lake in
spelled a definite end to the ancient Zaire, moved armed men who had raided
regime. Gombe in the night and left haunting fear
A) During this time, republicanism
replaced the absolute monarchy in A) Chimpanzees, so gentle for the most
France part, could on occasion become savage
B) Thus, the conflicting interests of these killers themselves
groups would become the source of B) Even so, in the quiet of the tropic night,
conflict I could relax, back again in Gombe,
C) So, the king, Luis XVI, used his position back home
not to propose new reforms C) Chimpanzees are fascinating creatures
D) Therefore, on July 14, 1789, after four with advanced brains and complex
hours combat, the insurgents seized the behaviour
Bastille prison D) The scene was utterly peaceful, as
E) After this violence, nobles started to flee peaceful as it was 17 years earlier
from the country when I had first set foot here in Gombe
E) It was in 1961 that four of the students
were kidnapped by a rebel group from
Zaire who took them as hostages

145. When Maria Montessori was born in 147. Palaeontologists now have evidence
Italy in 1870, her future seemed certain. that dinosaurs lived on all of the
Women did not have careers in those continents. At the beginning of the age
days nor did they attend college. —So of dinosaurs the continents we now
Maria, it seemed, had little choice. know were arranged together as a single
supercontinent called Pangea. -—. Its
pieces then spread across the globe
A) She did, in fact, become a mother, but
into a nearly modern arrangement by a
otherwise her life took a very different
process called plate tectonics.
B) With her brilliant medical studies, she
A) During the 165 miilion years of dinosaur
proved that women could indeed think
existence Pangea slowly broke apart
as well as men
B) Dinosaurs predominantly lived during
C) People generally believed that women
the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras
were not very intelligent and not
C) Pangea, likewise, was a C-shaped
capable of complex thought
landmass that spread across the
D) Maria’s mother, however, had no equator
doubts about her daughter
D) Similarities of dinosaurs were found on
E) However, something in Maria’s
what are now different continents
character stood out among the other
E) Numerous fossils of the same dinosaur
species have been found on completely
different continents

Dilko Yayınlan T~28T~7 Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

143. One of the most important events in 150, The English vocabulary has changed
Plato’s life was his encounter in his continually over more than 1,500 years
youth with Socrates. He became a of development. The most nearly
“follower” until Socrates’ death. —~. But complete dictionary of the language, the
we can see from his dialogues that he Oxford English Dictionary contains more
knew quite well the doctrines of most of than 600,000 words, including obsolete
the philosophers who preceded him. forms and variant spellings. —. It
includes slang and dialect expressions
A) Owing to his origin, he must have been and scientific and technical terms, many
mastered in philosophy as well as in of which only came into use after the
mathematics middle of the 20th century.
B) That’s why, the earlier biographies of
him may have been written hundreds of A) Such processes have led to the
years after his death creation of many new words as well
C) Plato decided to open a school in as to the establishment of patterns for
Athens, where he would educate future further expansion
leaders of cities B) Even in countries where English is not a
D) We don’t know for sure whether he had primary or official language, it is taught
other teachers during his youth and as a foreign language
what he learned from them C) A vocabulary is a set of words known to
E) Under Socrates’ influence, he came to a person or other entity, or that are part
the conclusion that mankind’s fate was of a specific language
hopeless D) It has been estimated, however, that
the present English vocabulary consists
of more than 1 million words
E) The richness of a person's vocabulary
is popularly thought to be a reflection of
intelligence or level of education

149. Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in 151. Inspired by the popular Italian San Remo
Milan, Ohio but he grew up in Michigan. festival, the idea for the Eurovision Song
As a boy, Edison worked as a gatekeeper Contest was born during a meeting in
at his father’s observatory for tourists, Monaco in 1955. . More countries were
and worked on a railway selling added to that number over subsequent
newspapers and candy to passengers. decades. The end of the Cold War in the
-—. Later, during the eighty-four years early 1990s led to a sudden increase in
of his life, Edison patented 1,093 numbers.
A) The contest was also supposed to test
A) In 1869, when Edison was twenty-two the limits of live television broadcast
years old, he patented his first invention technology
B) A team of talented workers assisted him B) Among the famous performers to have
all hours of the day and night graced the Eurovision stage are ABBA,
C) One of the most important features of Cliff Richard and Lara Fabian
Edison’s lamp was the simple, modern C) This process continued into the 2005
socket familiar to us today contest, in which both Bulgaria and
D) So, Edison spent the next few years Moldova made their appearance
working on an electrical system that D) in 2003, Turkey won for the first time,
would be successful commercially beating Belgium by just two points
E) Such people are curious about the E) The first contest took place on 24 May
world around them 1956 when seven nations participated

Question Bank ( 282 ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Paragraph Completion

152. Music has always been important to 154. Measles is caused by a virus, and
the human race. Indeed, its soothing cannot be cured by antibiotics. The
effects have been noted in many cultural only treatment is rest, plenty to drink,
traditions. —. These are themselves and paracetamol to help bring down
talented musicians and, as a part of their the fever. Vaccination gives more than
training, study how music can be applied %95 protection. . This means that,
to specific groups and circumstances. in England alone, there are about eight
million older children who have missed
A) Music therapy can benefit almost out and are therefore at risk.
everyone, a fact that is now widely
accepted A) The trouble is that mass vaccination
B) Research has shown that levels of was only started in 1988 and aimed at
stress hormones are decreased during toddlers and pre-school children
this therapy B) The double vaccine not only protects
C) So it is not surprising that doctors measles, but also rubella - German
approve of music therapy practised by measles-, the virus that is particularly
trained therapists dangerous for pregnant women
D) Patients who undergo music therapy C) Measles starts like a feverish cold and
may develop musical abilities as a then the child feels really unwell and
result E has a high temperature and a cough
o D) The worry is that the epidemic
E) Music therapy is a technique of u
complimentary medicine that can could cause thousands of serious
help patients overcome emotional complications
challenges E) Providing every child accepts the
treatment, we will have a whole
generation of children who are immune
to the disease

153. Violence, drunkenness and vandalism 155. The original home of the Semites is
have led to the English football fan 5 believed to have been Arabia. —. Others
being feared and despised at home and crossed the Red Sea to Abyssinia.
abroad. —Fans across the continent, 5 Simple and moderate in their habits, they
from Norway to Greece, are waving led healthy lives and often reached an
British Union flags. They are wearing extreme yet vigorous old age.
the colours of British clubs that have
the worst reputation for violence. Rival A) Some migrated northward to Babylonia
supporters chant not in French, but in
and Syria
B) All of them enjoyed the mild climate in
the region
A) Football clubs would make little effort to
C) They all had well-shaped, muscular
control any outbreaks of violence
B) English football clubs are now held
D) It was easy to notice their handsome,
financially responsible for fans’
bronzed faces
E) But then some were forced to adopt
C) Now, these habits are being copied by
young fans from all over Europe
D) As violence became more organised,
new laws were introduced
E) It is also true that football violence has
become unfashionable in England

Dilko Yaymlan ( 283 ) Question Bank

( Paragraph Completion

156. Your brain power can be improved 158. AH aspects of memory can be improved
by life’s little luxuries according to by practice, some aspects much, other
research by Professor Fred Gage of The aspects little. The memory span for
Salk institute in California which was digits, or letters, or words, or for objects
published recently. —. It is claimed that cannot be much improved. —. It was
the same may be true for humans, which found that a person who at first required
possibly explains why children from an hour to memorize the ideas in a
poorer homes tend to do less well at certain amount of material, could, after
school and in life generally. a few months’ practice, memorize the
same amount in fifteen minutes.
A) People who love luxurious items have
to belong to upper class as they need A) In order to answer the question, we
more money to meet their needs must consider the factors of a good
B) Babies are always more interested in memory
bright coloured items whatever they are B) On the contrary, they would never be
and that’s why some expensive toys are retained when learned in a shorter time
bright in colour C) However, memory for ideas that are
C) it’s been discovered that mice who are related can be considerably improved
fed on popcorn and sweets tend to D) They would be better remembered
have more diseases than the ones in than they were at the beginning of the
normal laboratory conditions experiment
D) Comparative to animals in the wild, the E) Extensive experiments were conducted
domesticated animals kept in cages in such laboratories
full of brightly-coloured toys have been
proved to be more mentally; active
E) Sometimes people must forget about
their strict diets and spoil themselves
159. From 1792 to 1794, the French armies
by ordering a a piece of cake rich with
struggled to save the Republic from its
cream :
foreign and internal enemies, in 1794,
the tide turned, enabling France to go
on the offensive and to carry the war to
its neighbours rather than desperately
157. Corals and coral reefs are extremely fight to save itself. —. Therefore, while
sensitive. . These changes may be fighting in Europe, the generals acted
due to a variety of factors, but they more and more on their own, paying
generally fall within two categories: their armies out of this local means.
natural disturbances and anthropogenic
disturbances. A) However, war was expensive, and the
government encouraged its generals to
A) One of the greatest threats to coral collect tax from the iocal popuiations
reefs is human expansion and B) Napoleon Bonaparte benefited from
development this system, but he stood out from them
B) As their population increases, so does because of his remarkable talent
the harvest of resources from the sea C) They created a new form of government
C) Due to decreased yields, fishermen in France and the army came back to
have been forced to change their France
methods D) The war between England and France
D) Slight changes in the reef environment still continued among the West India
may have detrimental effects on corai islands
colonies E) A lot of debt, as is always the case
E) These practices severely damage the with war, was the result of the war for
corals in these areas America

Question Bank ( ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion

160. The Hawaiian language is a very old and 162. Cave is a natural chamber beneath the
beautiful language. Although Hawaiian surface of the earth or in the side of a
is an official language you will not hear hill or mountain. Caves vary in size and
it spoken in daily life. —. Yet, many shape. ---. Other caves may be totally
Hawaiian words are mixed in with the shut off from the surface or may exist
everyday language, for example, it would partly or entirely under water.
not be uncommon for your waitress to
ask you “Are you pau?” meaning “Are A) Naturally formed caves evolved in
you finished?”. various ways
B) If after several wet years, the water
A) The Hawaiian alphabet has only level is rising, old cave chambers
twelve letters; five vowels, and seven become flooded
consonants C) Another way that caves are thought to
B) More likely would be to hear it sung, or form is from the action of sulphuric acid
chanted produced by bacteria
C) When English names and words were D) Unusual mineral formations and life
given written forms, many appeared forms sometimes occur in caves
quite different from their original spoken E) Many caves have large openings to the
form surface or may have multiple outlets
D) While every state in the U.S. has its
own cultural identity, Hawaii is perhaps
the most unique
E) Many long Hawaiian wbrds have
repeating syllables making them easier
to remember and pronounce

163. An asteroid that hits Earth’s atmosphere

161. In their development, many of the
is called a meteor or a shooting star,
martial arts were influenced by Eastern
because it burns and gives off a bright
philosophical and religious thought,
flash of light. Much is in the form
particularly Buddhism. -—. The martial
of small grains of dust, but about 1,000
arts therefore require students to
metallic or rocky bits fall to Earth each
develop not only their bodies but also
their minds.

A) The largest known asteroid, Ceres, has

A) Buddhism emphasizes the role of
a diameter of about 1,000 kilometres
individual seeking to attain seif­
B) Whatever does not completely burn
realization and enlightenment
falls to earth as a meteorite
B) They iearn how to act outside the
C) There is no historic fatal record of a
training hall in the martial arts
person being killed by a meteorite
C) It differs from most other sports and
D) Most are irregularly shaped-only a few
physical activities, which usually focus
are classified in large size
on purely physical training
E) Ten thousand of asteroids exist in a belt
D) The martial arts can also produce
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
certain health benefits for students
E) Studies have shown that those
practising martial arts have a lower
level of anxiety

Dilko Yayınlan (.... 285... ') Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

164. A major revolution for the automated 166. Julius Caesar was the Roman general
office is electronic mail. The customary and statesman whose dictatorship
postal system requires messages written was pivotal in Rome’s transition from
on paper to be transmitted physically republic to empire. Caesar laid the
from one location to another. -—. Now, foundations of the Roman imperial
a single document can be transmitted to system. He was appointed dictator for
hundred of people in dozens of branch life in the winter of 45 BC. -—. That rule,
offices at the same time. however, had been broken before. Sulla
had ruled as dictator for several years
A) With electronic mail, messages are and Caesar now followed suit.
converted into electronic signals,
transmitted everywhere in the world A) Caesar renamed the month Quintilis in
B) Electronic mail, thus, is far more the Roman calendar Julius
expensive than the postal system B) A number of senatorial families,
C) According to telecommunication however, felt that Caesar threatened
companies, planned increases in their position
satellite communications should lower C) According to the constitution of the
the price Roman Republic, the office of dictator
D) It was an important asset in was to be held only for six months
teleconferences D) On March 15 of 44 B.C., when Caesar
E) Furthermore, the use of electronic mail entered a meeting of the Senate, the
in the form of a “mailbox" attached to a conspirators killed him
telephone is also of a great value E) However, he was in total command of
the armies

167. Multiple birth is the birth of more than

165. Hot weather makes your heart pump one offspring at a time, occurring
harder and if you are not very fit, you regularly in most mammals. In humans,
start to understand why the majority of the tendency to bear more than one
mountain rescue statistics are made up offspring is hereditary and a mother
from summer walkers suffering heart who gives birth to twins is likely to have
attack. It happens when your body additional twins. -—. The recent use
can’t produce enough sweat to keep you of hormones and drugs to treat female
cool. sterility has increased the incidence
of multiple birth, sometimes resulting
in premature delivery of five or six
A) It is a good idea to drink a pint of water
for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit every
24 hours
A) Plural offspring developing from a
B) One could even use one of the isotonic
single egg are known as identical
drinks made for athletes
B) Identical twins occur only one-fourth as
C) Heat exhaustion is quite easy to get
frequently as fraternal twins
when you are making a great physical
C) The danger of premature birth
increases progressively with the
D) It is understandable to want to remove
number of offspring involved
any inappropriate clothing when it is
D) They are always of the same sex,
extremely hot
resemble one another very closely
E) Soaking your hat with water is a great
E) Also, a twin-bearing mother stands a
way to cool the head
greater chance of producing triplets

Question Bank ( 286 ) Dilko YaymIan

Paragraph Completion

168. Helicopter is an aircraft that can take 170. Bread is a highly nutritious food eaten
off and land vertically. Helicopters by nearly every person on earth. An
are known as rotary-wing aircraft, as excellent source of vitamins, protein,
opposed to fixed-wing aircraft such as and carbohydrates, bread has been
airplanes. A helicopter produces force an essential element of human diets
by means of the blades of a main rotor for centuries in all regions. —These
as they rotate above the body of the ingredients are mixed into dough,
aircraft. . The same rotor blades can shaped, and cooked, usually by baking.
be controlled to make the helicopter
travel forward, backward, or sideways. A) During baking, heat converts the water
tn the bread dough to steam, which
A) Helicopters have many disadvantages creates tiny bubbles
compared to fixed-wing aircraft B) Before the widespread availability
B) As the biades rotate, an airflow is of commercial yeast, bread bakers
created over them, resulting in lift, depended on wild airborne yeast to
which raises the helicopter skyward ferment flour and water
C) However, helicopters use more fuel C) Breads made with yeast must be
than airplanes and cannot fly as fast allowed time to rise before baking
D) Helicopter is the obvious choice for D) The simplest breads are made from
tasks where vertical flight is necessary E grains mixed with milk or water
E) Helicopters can perform important o
o E) Most bread bakers now use baker’s
military tasks such as ferrying troops yeast, strains of yeast specially bred for
directly into combat areas baking

171. Petroleum is formed under Earth’s

169. The potato was introduced to Ireland surface by the decomposition of
about 1590. The potato could grow in marine organisms. The remains of
poor soil and thrive in the cool, moist tiny organisms that live in the sea are
conditions of Ireland. . However, when entangled with the fine sands that settle
it failed, the labourers at the base of the to the bottom in quiet sea basins. —
social pyramid not only lost their food, The process began many millions of
but also the little cash income that they years ago with the development of
received from the sale of animals fed on abundant life, and it continues to this
potatoes. day.

A) Normally the potato crop sufficed to A) In the areas where they occurred, they
cover basic needs were long used for limited purposes
B) The immediate cause of the famine was B) Such deposits become the source rocks
a potato disease for the generation of crude oil
C) In the pre-famine era, an increasing C) By the time the Renaissance began in
number of tenants held land without any the 14th century, some surface deposits
lease were being distilled to obtain medicinal
D) From 1801, Ireland had been directly products
governed, under the Act of Union, as D) Thus, British entrepreneur James
part of the United Kingdom Young, with others, began to
E) The estates were divided into smaller manufacture various products from
holdings, which in 1845 were rented to crude oil
about 685,000 farmers E) These surface deposits of crude oil
have hardly been known to humans for
thousands of years

Dilko Yayınları ( 287 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion J

172. Most scientists agree that global 174. —. For instance, the
warming will affect the climate but apart telecommunications industries use
from the general idea that temperatures communications satellites to carry radio,
will rise, there are many different views television, and telephone signals over
on the specifics. —. Countries such long distances without the need for
as Spain and Portugal are already cables or microwave relays. Navigational
experiencing a reduction in food satellites pinpoint the location of objects
production because not only it is hotter on Earth, while weather satellites help
but it is getting drier. meteorologists forecast the weather.

A) Spain will have more agricultural A) Engineers have developed many kinds
problems of satellites, each designed to serve a
whereas Sweden will have fewer specific purpose or mission
B) Food production in countries like B) Scientific satellites serve as space­
Denmark based platforms for observation of
has been increasing since then Earth, the other planets, the Sun and
C) The changes won’t only affect galaxies
temperatures but also rainfall especially C) In fact, the United States government
in southern Europe uses surveillance satellites to monitor
D) The summer of 2003 saw record E military activities
temperatures and thousands of deaths o Since the launching of the first artificial
from the heat satellite in 1957, thousands of these
E) Some countries are not going to “man-made moons” have been
experience reduced rainfall; rocketed into Earth orbit
E) Signals were reflected in all directions,
so they could be picked up by receiving
stations around the world

173. Coins first appeared around the 6th

century B.C. in Asia Minor, at that time 175. According to local legends, Ireland was
the principal industrial and trading inhabited first by various tribes. These
country of the ancient world.•—. tribes are said to have been eventually
Under the Roman Empire, however, 5
subdued by Scots. Although Ireland is
this diversity was ended, and the first mentioned under the name of lerne In a
important standardization of sizes, Greek poem of the 5th century B.C., little
weights, and values of coins was is known with certainty of Its inhabitants
inaugurated through the banning of before the 4th century Â.D. . These
private or unauthorized minting. attacks were continued and extended to
the coast of Gaul until the time of King
A) During the Middle Ages, hundreds of MacNeill.
local authorities used the system of
barter A) The island is divided into four historical
B) This system was inconvenient and provinces and administrative units
acted as an obstacle to the expansion called counties
of commerce and industry B) From early times each province of
C) Standard coins are made of standard Ireland appears to have had its own
monetary metal and are worth as much king
as the metal they contain C) In the 6th century, extensive
D) Later, centralized modern states made monasteries were founded in Ireland
coin uniformity possible for wider areas D) At that time Irish tribes, called the Scoti,
E) During the next few centuries, a great raided the Roman province of Britain
many varieties of coins were issued by E) Each dan was governed by a chief
the Greek and other city-states selected from its most important family

Question Bank ( 288 ') Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion )

176. —. But drivers sometimes forget to 178. But they obviously possess it. The
watch the road carefully when they are eyes of birds are especially sensitive to
using their phones, although they know touch. If anything touches the surface
not paying attention to the road can be of the eyeball, a third eyelid, called the
dangerous or even deadly. In fact, there nictitating membrane, sweeps across the
have been a lot of very bad car accidents eye, serving to keep it free of bits of dirt
caused by drivers being distracted by or food.
cell phones.
A) Little was known about the sense of
A) It is important for drivers to focus on the taste in wild birds
road B) The life histories of birds are correlated
B) Many people were wondering if it was with seasons
safe to drive there C) The sense of touch has been little
C) Police officers will write this information studied in birds
in a report D) Eggs are laid in sites varying from bare
D) Some drivers needed to stop or swerve ground to elaborate nests
quickly E) Both arctic and temperate regions,
E) Studies will be done using the some species of birds are permanent
information collected at accidents residents


177. Poisonous animals contain a poison in a 179. —. Unlike them, however, they are
part of their body, like the skin, organs, dependent on pollen as a protein source.
or feathers. Touching or eating these They are also dependent on nectar from
animals causes sickness, pain, or death. $ flowers as an energy source. Adult
But these animals don’t do anything 5 females collect pollen primarily to feed
to spread their poison. —. They use their larvae, although the adults also
body parts such as fangs, stingers, or feed on pollen as well as nectar.
tentacles to poison others.
A) Like wasps, most female bees have
A) For example, assassin bugs wait for functioning stings
just the right moment B) Bees are, in fact, the most important
B) First they stabbed their prey with a pollinating insects
tube-like beak C) The great majority of bee species are
C) They were found in warm and solitary
temperate climates D) Each female makes its own nest and
D) The female sometimes eats the smaller stores provisions
male after mating E) Male bees play no part in the colony’s
E) Venomous animals, however, deliver organization
their poison

Dilko Yaymlan (' 289.... ) Question Bank

( Paragraph Completion

180. Gardening is a wonderful hobby. Often 182. It is often said that we live in a
people stumble upon it when they are permissive age, one in which people
depressed, or find themselves aimless are allowed to do almost anything
with too much free time on their hands. they like. Is it good for children? They
It is sometimes taken up as a therapy to are going through their adolescence,
unwind from a tough routine or over­ which is a very formative stage of their
stressful life. —. It only relaxes you like development. —■. They say that this
no other leisure occupation, but also fills enables children’s personalities to
you with an extraordinary satisfaction. develop naturally and that they’ll learn
to be responsible by the mistakes they
A) Whatever the reason is, it makes a make.
wonderfu! hobby
B) We needed a few basics both in A) During late childhood, parents consider
knowledge and in equipment children to be usually co-operative and
C) The Internet has a large amount of obedient
information on this subject B) The adolescent begins to dislike having
D) That was the minimum that would be to do things for the simple reason that
required to get us started his parents want him to do so
E) You can gradually add other C) Children for their part consider their
implements to your gardening kit parents to be perfect individuals who
are always right
D) No one can deny how important the
parents are in the overall development
of children
E) Some parents think it is good for
children to be allowed to run wild
without control or supervision

181. The land surrounding the North Pole is 183. Most people in developed countries are
known as the Arctic Region. It consists city-dwellers, many drawn by irresistible
of the Arctic Ocean, surrounded by charm of the metropolis. The attractions
the margins of North America, Europe of the city are many: the cosmopolitan
and Asia. It experiences six months of atmosphere, the stimulation of cultural
complete sunlight and six months of events or the simple hope of finding
total darkness each year. . At these work. -—. One can be very alone in
temperatures animal and plant life can the city and the secrecy which at first
exist. seems to give freedom later leaves just
A) The polar regions still remain a great
mystery for scientists A) Too many find, however, that the
B) And most of it remained covered with glamorous appearance is false
thick snow B) It is the daily stresses of the city which
C) The temperature ranges between -359C make life there a matter of survival
and 10eC rather than enjoyment
D) Two teams from India have already C) Some people like to be closer to nature
been to this region and this is easier away from a city
E) It is not known how such drastic D) Jobs are difficult to find when your luck
changes occurred runs out
E) Leaving behind friends and family,
many people leave their hometown to
search for work in the city

Question Bank ( 290 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Paragraph Completion

184. Speakers of other languages may 186. There are all sorts of situations we
come across certain English words encounter in life which may arouse
and because they look similar to words feelings of fear in us. It may be, for
in their own language, they wrongly instance, that there is some kind of
assume that the meaning is the same. threat to our safety. Once the threat
—. Because the original meaning, in one ceases or is removed, we put our fear
or other language, has changed over behind us and resume our usual way
the years; or because the original word of life. —. It leads people to be very
was borrowed from one language and frightened of particular situations. The
from the start, it may have been used fear we feel can seem overpowering and
differently in the other. uncontrollable. Because of this, we may
go out of our way to avoid whatever it is
A) Though English has about 490.000 that causes us distress.
words plus another 300,000 technical
terms, no one probably uses more than A) Experiencing a phobia is not like that
60,000 words B) It can be surprising to realise how
B) The confusion might be because of a common they are
chance similarity in spelling C) Each person will experience it in his or
C) English belongs to the Indo-European her own individual way
family, which developed from a parent D) They may want to get away from
language first spoken about 5000 years whatever situation is causing us to react
ago in this way
D) While English does not have masculine E) We rely a great deal on others to do the
and feminine nouns; English names are things we find impossible
either masculine or feminine
E) In general, the spelling of words
changes more slowly than their

187. At first people hunted and fished for

animal food and hides and gathered
185. With the excitement öf a hike or nature plant parts for food, fibre, and medicine.
walk, it’s important to be aware of the They wandered about in search for these
possible dangers of plant poisoning. necessities. About 10,000 years ago,
Confident and appropriate action is they started to grow plants and began
required when a camper comes in to tend herds of animals. -—. As farming
contact with poisonous plants. — became more efficient, it freed more and
It can grow in sun or shade, in large more people to work at other things such
groups or alone. The best treatment as building towns and cities, developing
is prevention. After that the next most industries, and creating paintings and
important thing is to clean it as quickly other forms of art.
and thoroughly as possible.
A) This was the beginning of farming
A) In order to prevent harm from plants B) Farming is necessary to the
you should become familiar with them development of modern advanced
B) The most common and most distressing societies
is poison ivy C) Before agriculture was mechanized, ten
C) It is a versatile plant and can grow in farm workers were needed to feed one
dry places person in a city
D) The sting sensation can be relieved E) Farm machines have increased human
with a lotion productivity enormously
E) Cooking plants does not always kill E) Over thousands of years, farmers have
poisons in the plant improved their working methods

Dilko Yayınları ( 291 J Question Bank

( Paragraphcompletion )

188. The only man in the United States to 190. There is a strong connection between
hold its two highest offices was William the survival or extinction of a species
Howard Taft. He was the 27th president and the preservation of that species’
of the United States and later the chief habitat. —. This simple fact can be seen
justice of the United States Supreme all over the world. One day we humans
Court. —. He had been in public office will find ourselves in the disgraceful
almost continuously since 1881. He was position of having wiped out much of the
the first civil governor of the Philippines rich diversity of animal and plant life that
and secretary of war in President surrounded us a hundred years ago.
Theodore Roosevelt’s Cabinet, only two
of the many high positions he held. A) Too many animal and plant species are
endangered because the areas they
A) No man was better fitted for these posts live in are destroyed by humans
by long years of experience B) Another threat for such animals and
B) His biographer, Henry F. Pringle, has plants is the destruction of rainforests
described the famous Taft chuckle C) Many botanists and zoologists had
C) At the end of the same year, President expressed their concern about the
Roosevelt requested that Taft replace preservation of endangered species
Elihu Root as secretary of war D) Changes in climate is also one of
D) His administration, however, was the causes of the extinction of some
overshadowed by quarrels within the species of animals and plants
party E) These species unfortunately will die out
E) In spite of all thesd problems, Taft’s even before they have been discovered
record as a statesman was as great as

189. The giant panda bear is a favourite of 191. When we face a text we first read the title
animal-lovers throughout the world. For and we have a look at the photographs
many people, it also is symbol of the and illustrations provided there are
sad situation for many other kinds of some. This first impression is important
animals. —At present, there are only for us. -—. The solution to this may be
about 1,230 wild pandas left in the world. repeating to ourselves that there may be
So the Chinese government has created ideas in the text we may enjoy thinking
a number of “Panda reserves” to protect about or arguing against.
the pandas.
A) Never read too quickly or too slowly
A) That doesn’t stop them from growing while trying to understand the whole
B) Chinese scientists recently had a title
chance to study a wild panda bear to B) One of the difficulties in comprehending
understand the reason for it the texts is caused by unknown
C) Though so well-known and loved, the vocabulary
panda is slowly dying out C) So if not urgent, you should postpone
D) Despite being a carnivore, the panda the reading activity some time later
has a diet that is overwhelmingly D) If we decide the text will not interest us,
herbivorous we condition ourselves subconsciously
E) Killing a panda was punishable in China not to understand it
by death until a 1977 law changed the E) That’s why not all the words used in a
penalty passage add to get the idea fully

Question Bank ( 292.... ) Dilko Yayınlan

( Paragraph Completion ~'

192. The Earth’s ozone layer protects all life 194. Everyone knows that not allowing
from the sun’s harmful radiation but oneself to show feelings of anger and
human activities have damaged this resentment can be very unhealthy,
shield. The results of the damage have leading to stress and long-term feelings
been known for a number of years. -—. of inadequacy and powerlessness. But
There will also be less oxygen and skin how do we release our anger without
cancer will become more common. looking foolish? —. One is natural and
healthy, the other is destructive and
A) The U.S. incorporation with 160 dangerous. We usually admire those
countries, is phasing out the production who can express their anger calmly.
of ozone-depleting substances Those who lose their temper appear to
be selfish and immature.
B) At any given time, ozone molecuies are
constantly formed and destroyed in the
A) Once we know the real cause of anger
we can confront it and begin to do
C) Ultra violet light kills plant life so neither
something positive about it
animals nor humans will have anything
B) One of the most common causes of
to eat
anger is when other people fail to
D) The world’s nations became
behave in a way you expect them to
increasingly concerned that these
E C) The first thing to learn is that expressing
chemicals would harm the ozone layer
o your anger and losing your temper are
E) The good news is that the natural Q
not the same thing at all
ozone production process will heal the
ozone layer in about 50 years D) Anger is a natural and normal feeling
and feeling angry about something is
O nothing to be ashamed of
; E) We need to recognise anger when we
>» fee! it, and to investigate its true causes

193. For almost two thousand years the o
symbols arid inscriptions which had
been carved onto the great monuments TJ
of ancient Egypt were a complete
mystery. —. Then, in 1799, a French s
officer discovered a strange stone in
the small Egyptian town of Rosetta. It $
had three types of writing carved into
its surface. And, luckily, one of the
languages was Greek.

A) They were obviously a kind of writing,

but nobody knew what they meant
B) The Egyptian symbols were
hieroglyphs,a type of writing in which
pictures represented sounds and
C) The stone had some of the symbols
matching those which were seen on the
monuments in Egypt
D) People are now able to unlock the
mysteries of Egypt’s fabulous history
and culture
E) For years, the stone lay gathering dust
in a British museum in London

Dilko Yayınlan 293 ) Question Bank

Paragraph Completion

195. The oceans of this world are deep, 196. The average cold lasts for approximately
dark and mysterious places where nine days, or for as long as it takes the
eyesight counts for very little once you infected person’s immune system to kill
go very far beneath the surface. The enough viruses to stop the symptoms.
deepest parts of the oceans have still The stronger a person’s immune system,
not been explored by humans, and it the faster one recovers. —. This simple
would certainly be not possible for us to fact explains why it’s been so difficult
survive in such inhospitable conditions. for researchers to devise a cold vaccine.
-—. Two of these are whales and To date, the best defence is a strong
dolphins. immune system.
A) Today, alternative medical
A) What is important for whales and
professionals seek to strengthen
dolphins is sound, which travels five
immune response
times faster through water than through
B) Due to the large number of cold viruses,
people do not develop immunity to
B) Like us, they breathe air, but unlike
colds as they do to many other viral
us they do not need to see in order to
communicate effectively
C) The immune system is the first line of
C) Yet, many creatures, for which
defence in maintaining health
darkness is unimportant, manage to do
D) There are several products to help you
so quite successfully
defend against colds
D) It is not surprising that these animals
E) Research has shown that
have developed hearing as their most
supplementing the immune system can
important sense
help us resist some illnesses
E) Whales and dolphins rely on sound to
learn about their environment so that
they can find food 197. Epica is a Dutch symphonic metal band
founded by guitarist and vocalist Mark
Jansen subsequent to his departure
from After Forever. The band was
initially named “Sahara Dust” and
Helena Michaelsen was its vocalist,
but shortly after that, she was replaced
by the then unknown mezzo-soprano
Simone Simons. The music of Epica is
aggressive, bombastic and excessive.
—Another component of Epica’s style
is power metal.
A) Epica performs a blend of progressive
metal, gothic metal and symphonic
B) Still under the name Sahara Dust, they
produced a two-song demo entitled Cry
for the Moon in 2003
C) He has expressed a preference for the
group to be described as symphonic
D) So, he began looking for musicians who
would work towards a more commercial
type of music project
E) They have been overwhelmingly
impressed by the gothic atmosphere in
their music

Question Bank ( 294 ) Dilko Yayınları

( Paragraph Completion

198. Apple juice is produced by the crushing 199. Talo is a typical food of the Basque
of apples, and then filtered extraction Country and Navarre, made of corn
of the clear juice. It is known to have flour and water. To prepare talo, take
lots of health benefits. For instance, 350 grams of corn flour, 250 ml of warm
it has a significant concentration of water and a pinch of salt. Flour and salt
phenolics thought to help protect from are mixed, and then water is added in the
many diseases associated with aging, centre while kneading the pastry. When
including heart disease and cancer. — it gets its proper texture, it is left to settle
Moreover, research from the University for 30 minutes. —. These will be toasted
of Massachusetts Lowell suggests that on both sides on a warm metal plank,
apple juice increases acetylcholine in the and when they are hot, chorizo or other
brain, resulting in increased memory. foods will be put in before folding it.
A) It can also be eaten with cheese,
A) There are two types of apple juice
chocolate or honey
concentrate, clear apple juice
B) In the 20th century the generalization of
concentrate and cloudy apple juice
wheat bread reduced the consumption
of talo
B) In such places as New Zealand,
C) Talo is round and is cooked in a warm
Australia and the United Kingdom,
meta! plank
apple cider is an alcoholic beverage
D) Some Argentine chorizo producers
C) Besides other obvious fruit vitamins like
sometimes add other types of meat as
vitamin C, apple juice also contains the
well in order to improve the flavour
mineral nutrient boron, which is thought
E) After this, small balls are formed which
to promote healthy bones
will be spread until they look like a
D) It is one of the most common fruit juices
in the world, with world production led
by China, followed by Poland, Germany
and the United States 200. The basic difference between the Native
E) In the U.S., there is no legal distinction Americans and the European settlers
between filtered apple juice and apple was their philosophies toward the land,
cider and it was the main cause of the conflict.
The Native Americans lived in harmony
with nature. —. Instead, they were
allowed to use the land. On the other
hand, the European settlers believed
strongly in private and individual
ownership of land and came to the New
World seeking land.
A) They believed that the land could not
be the private property of individuals
B) They were generally egalitarian, with
customs and traditions regulating their
social life
C) Some of the Native Americans had
democratic social structures; others had
rigid class systems
D) They believed that if a person departed
from the traditional customs and
religious ceremonies, harm would come
to him or her
E) This conflict and efforts to solve it
shaped the history between these two
groups of peoples

Dilko Yayınlan ( 295 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

4. (I) Sea mammals have no fixed home in

1.-205. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
the water but some have special sleeping
okunduğunda parçanın anlam
habits. (!l) Accordingly, they would rather
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
live away from congested settlements. (HI)
Florida manatees, for instance, sleep on
1. (!) The north-eastern New England colonies the sea bed. (IV) They come to the surface
had generally thin, stony soil, relatively every ten minutes or so to breathe. (V) Sea
little level land, and long winters. (II) In otters, which sleep floating on the surface,
Massachusetts, the cod industry alone are another example.
quickly furnished a basis for prosperity. (!!!)
Therefore, it was difficult to make a living A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
from farming. (IV) Turning to other pursuits,
the New Englanders harnessed waterpower
and established grain mills and sawmills.
(V) And good stands of timber encouraged

A) i B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

(!) Cats are native to all continents but (!) Man has not always been a skilful hunter.
Australia and Antarctica. (I!) Lions are a major (II) In 1700, there were some 60 million
symbol of wild Africa. (HI) They have been buffaloes in North America. (Hi) Millions were
worshipped by African tribes for their strength killed for their meat and because their grazing
and beauty. (IV) They are the only big cats land was needed for farming. (IV) By 1880,
that live in large groups. (V) Also, they have there were only a few hundred left. (V) Today,
the loudest roar of any cat, which can be the buffaloes are making a slow comeback,
heard from up to five miles. and there are now about 10,000 in the wild.

A) i B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

3. (I) Beauty is only skin deep. (II) The skin 6. (I) The passenger pigeon made the most
is only about as deep as the tip of a ball­ rapid disappearance ever known. (II) In the
point pen. (Ill) First-degree burns affect 1800s, it was so common in the USA that
only the very top layers of the skin. (IV) flocks of over 2,000 million were estimated.
Second-degree burns affect midway through (III) By 1900, there were none left in the wild.
the skin’s thickness. (V) Third-degree burns (IV) And the last one died in a zoo in 1914. (V)
penetrate and damage the entire thickness of As a result, passenger planes replaced the so
the skin. called primitive vehicle.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 298 ) Dilko Yaymlan

Irrelevant Sentence

7. (I) Baby birds have an “egg tooth” to help 10. (I) To measure sunshine, weathermen use
them break out of the shell. (II) They use it to a Campbell Stokes sunshine recorder. (II)
carve masses of clay underneath the surface However, it is not thought to be the best
soil. (Ill) This is a tiny knob at the tip of the method. (Ill) This is a glass ball which
beak. (IV) Most chicks take about 30 minutes concentrates sunshine onto a thick piece of
to an hour to hatch out. (V) But chicks of large card. (IV) The sunshine burns a mark on the
albatrosses may need six days to get out of card. (V) It shows the number of hours of
their tough eggshell. sunshine in the day.

A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

8. (I) Ice made of salt water does not contain any 11. (I) If a dog approaches you, stay calm and let
salt. (II) That is the biggest relief for people it sniff you. (II) Do not make eye contact. (Ill)
like the Eskimos, who live in icy regions and Wait until the dog leaves or slowly back away.
are surrounded by ice all year long. (Ill) At (IV) A friend of mine who took this piece of
first sight, the life of an Eskimo might seem advice got into trouble. (V) If you are knocked
odd to most of us. (IV) All they have to do is to to the ground, roll into a ball and protect your
melt the ice. (V) And their fresh drinking water head and neck with your hands.
is ready.
A) I B) II C) IH D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

9. (I) The fastest growing tree in the world is 12. (I) About 25 percent of all children have one or
the Eucalyptus. (II) Its fragrance is admired more nourishment disorders between the ages
throughout the world. (Ill) One tree in New of 7 and 12. (II) Many children occasionally
Guinea grew 10.5 m in one year. (IV) This walk in their sleep. (Ill) Sleepwalking is an
is almost 3 cm a day. (V) In contrast, a Sika ordinary phase in the growing-up process.
Spruce inside the Arctic Circle takes some 98 (IV) Parts of the child’s brain are immature.
years to grow 28cm. (V) So dreams can be stimulating enough to
cause a youngster to take a nocturnal stroll.
A) I B) II C) III D) İV E) V
A) I B) II C)lll D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan ( 299 ) Question Bank

£ Irrelevant Sentence 1
13. (I) Saliva is the first of the digestive fluids. (II) 16. (I) Much of missile defence is predicated on
When food is introduced into the stomach, the ability to intercept an incoming missile. (II)
the peristaltic contractions roll it about. (Ill) It And that itself is a fairly technical domain. (II!)
is secreted in the glands of the mouth. (IV) Many countries are trying to acquire different
It is a viscid, alkaline liquid, with a specific degrees of proficiency. (IV) The test is carried
gravity of about 1005. (V) Examinations with out to judge the effectiveness of the new
the microscope show it to be composed of chopping appliance. (V) Therefore, the tests
minute, granular cells and oil globules. carried out by India can be characterized as
an important step at a technological level.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

14. (I) A liquid boils when its vapour pressure 17. (I) One tenth of Earth’s surface is always
reaches atmospheric pressure. (II) The other under the cover of ice. (I!) Almost 90 per cent
liquids boil at a lower temperature. (Ill) A of that ice is to be found in the continent of
liquid will also evaporate at temperatures Antarctica. (Ill) The only creatures that live on
below the boiling temperature. (IV) But that Antarctica throughout the year are insects.
evaporation only occurs from the surface of (IV) The remaining 10 per cent is found on
the liquid. (V) That’s because atmospheric the mountains in the form of glaciers. (V) The
pressure crushes any bubbles that try to form ice sheet that covers Antarctica is almost
within the body of the liquid. : one-and-a-haif times the size of America.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV : E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

15. (I) We talk a lot about the automobile industry. 18. (I) Desert sand is carried by winds across
(II) But the fact is that millions and millions great distances. (II) The soft sand that we
of people don’t buy cars at all. (Ill) They buy sink into on the beach is actually rock. (Ill)
small trucks, especially “pickups”. (IV) Today’s Sand is what a rock becomes after years of
pickups come with fancy features, and they being worn down by rivers. (IV) Years of sea
earn the auto companies a lot of money. (V) waves crashing against huge rocks and cliffs
Others who are sent back organize protests, make rocks break into small particles. (V)
holding up signs with misspelled words. Ultimately, they end up as sand.

A)î B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank (.... 30°..... f Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence J_________________
19. (I) Humans can detect over 10,000 different 22. (I) Bird-watching has been a popular pastime
smells. (II) The nose is a huge cavity built to in many countries recently. (II) Many birds
smell, moisten, and filter the air you breathe. that feed on plants swallow stones and grit
(Hl) When you breathe in, the air passes to help their bodies grind down the plant
through the nasal cavity and through a thick material. (HI) Birds in captivity may swallow
layer of mucous to the olfactory bulb. (IV) The other things if they cannot find stones. (IV) An
smells are recognized here because each ostrich in London Zoo was found on its death
smell molecule fits into a nerve cel! like a to have swallowed an incredible variety of
puzzle piece. (V) The cells then send signals things. (V) These included an alarm clock. 91
to the brain via the olfactory nerve. cm of rope, and a selection of coins.

A) 1 B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) fl C) HI D) IV E) V

20, (I) A recent study has used a special (I) Many parent birds use other birds without
technique that helps to judge the quality of young ones to help feed their chicks. (II) The
certain genes. (II) A thousand dollars can buy helper may be unrelated but is often a brother
a lot of things. (Ill) Researchers hope to soon or sister of the parent or older offspring of the
add an individual’s genetic sequence to that pair. (Hi) About 75 per cent of all wild birds
list. (IV) Full-genome :DNA decoding could die before they are six months old. (IV) This
soon be done for about 1.1 million dollars. (V) gives the young 80 per cent more chance of
It will continue to drop in price as new ways to being reared. (V) If helpers nest the next year,
conquer the task emerge. they may in turn be helped by the young they
looked after.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) Hi D) IV E) V

21. (I) The knee is the most easily injured of all 24. (I) The sperm whale has the heaviest mammal
the joints in the body. (II) It’s also the most brain. (II) Its brain weighs up to 9 kg. six times
frequently treated area by orthopaedic heavier than a human brain. (II!) Surely it
surgeons. (HI) More than 6 million people visit doesn’t mean it’s more intelligent than a
an orthopaedic surgeon each year for a knee human. (IV) It also has a very large head,
problem. (IV) However, most of them failed about a third of its body length. (V) Therefore,
to receive a proper treatment. (V) Hospital there is plenty of room for its big brain.
emergency rooms log 1.4 million visits per
year for knee problems. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Dilko Yaymlan ( 301 ) Question Bank

( Irrelevant Sentence

25. (I) Minerals are graded according to their 27. (I) Most people would rather swim in the sea
hardness, on a scale from 1 to 10. (II) Talc, than in a swimming pool as it’s easier to swim
used as talcum powder, is the softest mineral, in salt water. (II) Ninety-six per cent of salt
rated 1 (III) Diamond is rated 10, the hardest water is pure water. (Ill) There is three per
mineral on Earth. (IV) It’s no surprise that cent common salt in it. (IV) The remaining
almost every woman in the world will be one per cent is made up of more than 80
delighted to be given a diamond necklace. (V) elements, including sulphate, magnesium,
Only a diamond can be used to cut and polish bromide, calcium, potassium, strontium,
another diamond. boron, fluoride and gold. (V) Some seas are
known to have more salt than others.
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

26. (I) The earth has more than 600 active 28. (I) The sky appears blue to us on a clear day
volcanoes. (II) Many of them are to be found because the atoms of nitrogen and oxygen
on what is called the ‘Ring of Fire’ around the in the atmosphere separate the suns white
Pacific Ocean. (HI) Indonesia had more than light into colours and scatter them. (II) The
600 volcanoes at the time. (IV) The largest wavelength of the blue light scatters better
active volcano on Earth today is the Mauna than the rest and makes the sky appear blue to
Lau in the Hawaiian islands, which is about us. (Ill) For these reasons, our vision naturally
4,168 meters high. (V) One volcanic explosion adjusts as clearly as possible to separate
there lasted for more than a year. colours. (IV) The scientific name for this
phenomenon is the Tyndall effect, also known
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V as Rayleigh scattering. (V) This phenomenon
describes, the way in which light physically
scatters when it passes through particles in
the earth’s atmosphere that are one tenth in
diameter of the colour of the light.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank İ 302 ) Dilko Yayınları

Irrelevant Sentence

29. (I) Our bodies use approximately 2,500 31. (I) Sneezing usually occurs when the nerve
calories of our daily intake of calorie-laden food endings of the mucous membrane of the
to fuel the body. (II) The process of oxidation nose are irritated due to a swelling of the
burns the calories, producing enough heat to membrane. (II) Sometimes, however, this is
bring 25 quarts of water to the boiling point. accomplished only through multiple sneezes.
(Ill) Obviously, our bodies cannot tolerate (HI) It happens, for example, when we have
this heat, which causes the temperature of a cold, or when some foreign body, such as
the blood to rise dramatically and the cooling a gnat, invades our nose, or when allergy
centre to spring into action. (IV) Apparently, and pollen season strikes. (IV) Surprisingly,
our cooling centre is not self-sufficient. (V) sneezing can also be brought on when the
The cooling centre slows the calorie burning optic nerves in our eyes are exposed to bright
process, and dilates, or opens, the blood light. (V) For whatever reason the membrane
vessels in the skin to release the excess heat is irritated, sneezing is a reflex act, completely
and the fluid known as perspiration. beyond our control.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) i B) II C) III D) IV E) V

30. (I) Hair goes grey because pigment cells in 32. (I) The institutions of learning in southern
the hair base at the roots of the hair stop Europe were modelled, more or less, upon the
producing melanin. (II) It doesn’t matter if university of Bologna. (II) In this Italian city, a
you are fair-haired or dark-haired; you have celebrated teacher named Irnerius gathered
the same chances of getting grey hair. (Ill) about him thousands of pupils for the study of
So for now, why it turns gray is just one of the Justinian code. (HI) What Roman law was
those mysteries of science that we have yet to the Empire, canon law was to the Papacy.
to solve. (IV) However, it is more noticeable (IV) The university developed out of his law
in darker haired people. (V) It generally starts school. (V) Bologna was the centre from
at the age of around 30-35. which the Roman system of jurisprudence
made its way into France, Germany, and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V other Continental countries.

A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları ( 303 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

33. (I) Blinking our eyes automatically keeps 35. (I) Most of us who have ever cleaned a house
them from drying out and prevents foreign would be much happier if there were less
matter from entering and irritating our eyes. dust. (II) Thus water vapour could be much
(II) However, they are invisible to the naked less likely to turn to rain without the dust
eye. (Ill) Eyelids themselves are merely particles. (!!!) However, without dust there
folds of skin controlled by muscles capable would be less rainfall and sunsets would be
of expanding and contracting so rapidly less beautiful. (IV) Rain is formed when water
that blinking does not impair our vision. (IV) molecules in the air collect around particles of
The rims of our eyelids are lined with 20-30 dust. (V) When the collected water becomes
sebaceous, oil-producing glands, which are heavy enough, the water droplet falls to the
located between our eyelashes. (V) Blinking earth as rain.
automatically coats the eyelid and eyelashes
with the lubricant they secrete and prevents A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
them from drying out.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


34. (I) Psychological theorists of dreams focus 36. (I) Snakes, contrary to common belief, cannot
upon our thoughts and emotions. (II) They be charmed. (II) As a matter of fact, when a
speculate that dreams deal with immediate “snake charmer” puts on a show for people
concerns in our lives such as unfinished to see a snake charmed, he is merely parting
business from the day, or concerns we are them from their money. (Ill) Snakes, though
incapable of handling during the course of deaf, are highly sensitive to vibrations, so
the day. (HI) Connections between dreams the scam artist diverts peoples’ attention
and the human psyche have been made by by swaying to the music he is playing,
many people over thousands of years. (IV) while tapping on the basket containing the
The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle, for snake. (IV) As the snake rises, aroused
example, suggested a connection between by the vibrations from the toe-tapping, he
dreams, waking experiences, and emotional also shimmies to the music, not because
needs. (V) Sigmund Freud was one of the of the tune, but because he is watching the
fathers of modern psychology, and he will “snake charmer’s” every movement. (V)
always be credited for his revolutionary Nevertheless, it’s not at all a good idea to try
attitude. to tempt a snake to eat a hamster.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 304 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence )

37. (I) Chess, unlike many other games, does not 39. (I) Despite the nickname King of the Jungle,
involve chance. (11) One player has the white most lions live on the flat, grassy plains called
pieces, while the other has the black pieces. savannas. (II) What is worse, the healthy
(Ill) It does not hinge on the roll of dice or which environment that cats need to survive is not
card is drawn. (IV) The outcome completely being treated with the respect it deserves. (Ill)
depends on the decisions of the players. (V) In ancient times, lions roamed nearly every
However, because of its vast complexity, the continent (IV) Today, they can commonly
far-reaching consequences of their decisions be found across central and southern Africa.
are practically unforeseeable. (V) There is also a small population in the Gir
forest of India on the continent of Asia.
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

38. (I) The Sun gives off huge amounts of 40« (I) Over the many centuries of living in the
deadly radiation. (II) But we are protected Arctic, Eskimos’ bodies have adapted to the
from the worst blasts by a magnetic cage cold. (II) However, their veins and arteries are
called the magnetosphere, which surrounds arranged to carry less warming blood to their
Earth. (Ill) Just one square centimetre of the hands, (ill) They tend to be short and squat,
Sun’s surface shines with the brightness of which brings their arms and legs closer to the
232,500 candles. (IV) Inside this cage, two heart, so there is less danger of freezing. (IV)
doughnut-shaped bells trap the electric Extra fat around the torso protects their internal
particles. (V) These are called the Van Allen organs from the cold. (V) The metabolism of
belts after their discoverer, James Van Allen. Eskimos is also set a little higher than other
people’s, as a result of which they burn their
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V food faster to stay warm.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları ( 305 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

41. (I) Pain from any injury or illness is always 44. (I) Permanent hearing loss can result from
registered by the brain. (II) However, prolonged exposure to sounds over 85
curiously, the brain tissue itself is immune to decibels. (II) For comparison, a busy street
pain. (Ill) It contains none of the specialized corner is about 80 decibels. (Ill) A subway
receptor cells that sense pain in other parts of train from 20 feet is 100 decibels, a jet plane
the body. (IV) The pain associated with brain from 500 feet is 110 decibels and loud thunder
tumours does not arise from brain cells but is 120 decibels. (IV) A rock band amplified
from the pressure created by a growing tumor at close range is 140 decibels, which is
or tissues outside the brain. (V) They are 100 trillion times the hearing threshold. (V)
alleged to acount for the increasing cancer Therefore, the prices of hearing aids have
cases in the region. fluctuated in the last two years.

A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V A) i B) II C) III D) IV E) V

42. (I) Some figures indicate that stress-related 45. (I) Of all the organs inspected in a sacrificial
disorders are declining. (H) Stress may be animal, the liver impressed the early
good for people. (Ill) Rockefeller University observers as the most important of the body.
scientists have determined that an acute (II) Its delicious taste and nutritious value
episode of stress boosts immunity, offering began to attract more and more people. (Ill)
better protection against infection. (IV) The Probably on account of the richness in blood,
fact that people don’t usually catch a cold it came to be regarded as the seat of life.
until a crisis is over may be due to the fact (IV) Many expressions in literature indicate
that humans have acute elevations in stress how persistent this belief was. (V) Among
hormones. (V) This is believed to elevate the the Babylonians, the word “liver" was used in
body’s immune response. hymns and other compositions precisely as
we use the word “heart.”
A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

43. (I) If a petroleum distillate such as gasoline, 46. (I) The beetle enjoyed much reverence in
paint thinner, or furniture polish is swallowed, ancient Egypt. (II) To cope with evil spirits, the
call the nearest hospital. (II) Until they arrive, Babylonian used magic. (Ill) He put up a small
do your best to bring up whatever has been image of a protecting god at the entrance to
swallowed. (Ill) Do not induce vomiting. his house. (IV) And he wore charms upon his
(IV) There is a great risk that some of the body. (V) If he felt ill, he went to a priest, who
vomited poison may enter the lungs. (V) recited a long prayer supposed to drive out
Some hydrocarbon products are more than a the devil afflicting the patient.
hundred times as poisonous in the lungs as in
the digestive tract. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 306 J Dilko Yayınları

( Irrelevant Sentence

47. (I) There are two kinds of charges, positive 50. (I) Simon Byrne was an Irish bare-knuckle
and negative. (II) Things near the earth fail prize fighter. (II) He fought just eight recorded
to the ground unless something holds them matches. (Ill) He fought in an era when
up. (Ill) Like charges repel one another, and English boxing, though illegal, was patronized
opposite charges attract each other. (IV) by the most powerful. (IV) Boxing has
In materials, there are almost exactly equal enjoyed tremendous popularity especially in
proportions of positive and negative charges. rural parts of the country. (V) Its patronage
(V) This makes the materials as a whole and popularity did not, however, free it from
electrically neutral. corruption, heavy betting, and staged fights.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

48. (I) Al! organisms, including the human 51. (I) As a result of September 11 attacks,
species, are part of and depend on two the number of Americans suffering from
main interconnected global food webs. (11) psychosis has increased sharply. (II) Ziad
One includes microscopic ocean plants, Jarrah was named by the FBI as one of the
the animals that feed on them, and finally hijackers of United Airlines Flight 93 as part
the animals that feed on those animals. (Ill) of the September 11, 2001 attacks. (Ill) He
Stories sometimes give plants and animals is believed to have made an unsuccessful
attributes they really do not have. (IV) The attempt to crash the plane into the White
other is land plants, the animals that feed on House. (IV) After a wealthy and secular
them, and so forth. (V) The cycles continue upbringing, Jarrah became involved in
indefinitely because organisms decompose the September 11 conspiracy in college.
after death to return food material to the (V) Unique among the hijackers, he had a
environment. girlfriend and was close to his family.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) Food provides molecules that serve as fuel 52. (I) Nerves are classified with reference to
and building material for all organisms. (II) their origin. (II) The Spinal Cord is a column of
Plants use the energy in light to make sugars soft, greyish-white substance. (Ill) It extends
out of carbon dioxide and water. (Ill) This food from the top of the spinal canal to about an
can be used immediately for fuel or materials inch below the lower part of the back. (IV)
or it may be stored for later use. (IV) Changes There it tapers off into a filament. (V) From
in an organism’s habitat are sometimes this nerve are distributed fibres and filaments
beneficial to it and sometimes harmful. (V) to the muscles and integument of at least
Organisms that eat plants break down the nine-tenths of the body.
plant structures to produce the materials and
energy they need to survive. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan ( 307 ) Question Bank

( " Irrelevant Sentence

53. (I) Most radar absorbing materials are 56. (I) Iran’s ruling monarchy was overthrown
partially conducting plastic composites. (II) and the shah was forced into exile in 1979.
As a microwave from the radar transmitter (II) Then it became an Islamic republic. (Ill)
penetrates these composites, the electric Conservative religious forces established a
field in that wave drives charges back and theocratic system of government. (IV) That
forth through the composites. (HI) Then eventually expanded into the US Navy. (V)
these composites are used in the production They had ultimate political authority nominally
stages of many lethal weapons. (IV) Since the vested in a learned religious scholar.
composites don’t conduct electricity well, they
turn the wave’s energy into thermal energy A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
and thereby absorb it. (V) A similar effect
occurs for light waves when you shine them
on a pile of powdered charcoal.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The electronic fever thermometers use 57. (I) The 1920s brought a feeling of freedom
a thermistor to measure temperature. (II) A and independence to millions of Americans,
thermistor is a semiconductor device that acts especially young soldiers, who had seen a
as a temperature-sensitive electric resistor, different world in Europe, returned from the
which is essentially an insulator at very low world war with new ideas. (II) The strong
temperatures. (HI) But its ability to conduct economy also created the right environment
electricity increases with temperature fairly for many important changes in the day-to-
dramatically. (IV) Long-term exposure to day social life. (Ill) They had faced death and
this heat may damage the soft tissue. (V) o learned to enjoy the pleasures that each day
A simple computer inside the thermometer offered. (IV) Many of these young soldiers
measures the thermistor’s electric resistance were not willing to quietly accept the old
and determines the thermistor’s temperature. traditions of their families and villages when
they returned home. (V) Instead, they wanted
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V to try new ways of living.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

55. (I) High temperatures disorder materials and 58. (I) Imagine your state has been hit by a cyclone
destroy magnetic order. (II) But water itself is with wind speeds measuring three hundred
non-magnetic and experiences no significant kilometres per hour. (II) The cyclone has
change when exposed to a magnetic field. (HI) destroyed all connecting stations and links.
So permanent magnets can be demagnetized (Ill) And all modern means of communication
by heating them, often to surprisingly modest lie dead. (IV) This is exactly what happened
temperatures. (IV) Many household magnets during the Orissa cyclone. (V) However, you
can be spoiled by putting them in a hot oven. have to take exams to get this license.
(V) Even electromagnets will lose most of
their strength at very high temperatures. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 308 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

59. (I) Neuroticism may increase the risk of 62. (I) In Babylonia, astrology received much
developing asthma in middie age. (II) Animal attention. (II) It was believed the five planets,
studies have shown that chronic stress can comets, and eclipses of the sun and moon
affect hormone levels, (ill) The national exerted an influence for good or evil on the life
average is about one in ten. (IV) This can of man. (HI) Babylonian astrology extended to
western lands and became popular among
lead to inflammation of the airway and cause
the Greeks and Romans. (IV) In old belief the
breathing difficulties. (V) Researchers believe
first day belonged to the planet Saturn. (V)
that the excessive worrying associated with Some of it survives to the present time.
neuroticism may have similar effects on
human health. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

63. (I) The plants we grow and love in the rich

60. (I) Human resources assistants keep records soil on Earth may have their origins under
of a company’s employees. (II) These records the sea. (II) Next, we take measurements of
contain facts such as each worker’s job title, the distance between the prints. (Ill) That's
pay, and health insurance benefits. (HI) In the news from China. (IV) Scientists there
other words, they must have at least a high have discovered the oldest, most complete
school diploma. (IV) Every day, human flowering-plant fossil yet. (V) It is one of the
resources assistants update information and most important flower discoveries in modern
answer questions about employees. (V) They times.
also create reports for managers.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

64. (I) It is a misconception that a fossil is a rock.

61. (I) Education and training requirements for (II) Thus, they transmit vibrations from visitors’
coaches vary greatly. (II) Some people start feet and passing traffic outside the building.
by coaching young kids on recreation teams. (III) Fossils are very fragile. (IV) With millions
(Ill) Then they might become high school of visitors a year exhaling inside the museum,
coaches. (IV) To become a professional humidity can reach ninety-five percent. (V)
coach, it takes many years of coaching That moisture encourages iron and sulphur
experience and a winning record in high minerals to form unstable iron sulphides,
school or college sports. (V) They needed to causing fossils to crumble with pyrite disease.
take courses in exercise, sports science, and
physical education. A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan ( 309 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

65. (I) Gutenberg’s father was a man of good 68. (I) Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally
family and very likely the boy was taught to in our bodies. (II) Even if you are prescribed
read. (Il) But the books from which he learned melatonin, you should still maintain a good
were not like ours. (Ill) They were written by bedtime routine. (Ill) It is produced at night
hand. (IV) A better name for them than books and helps us to go to sleep. (IV) Darkness
is manuscripts, which means "hand-writings. helps to promote the production of melatonin.
(V) The printer first cut a block of hard wood (V) This is why it is a good idea to sleep in a
the size of the page that he was going to print. darkened room.

A)! B) II C) HI D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

66. (I) Having failed many times, Gutenberg had 69. (I) Radiant energy is electromagnetic
not lost his courage, though he had lost his E energy that travels in transverse waves. (II)
tools. (Il) The news that books were being o Hydropower is an example of gravitational
printed in Mainz by him went all over Europe. o energy. (Ill) It includes visible light, x-rays,
(Ill) And he had not lost all his friends. (IV) One gamma rays and radio waves. (IV) Light is
of them had money, and he bought Gutenberg one type of radiant energy. (V) Sunshine, for
a new set of tools and hired a workshop for o example, is radiant energy which provides
him. (V) And now at last Gutenberg’s dreams c
the fuel and warmth that make life on Earth
were about to come true. possible.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

67. (1) Laser is used for medical imaging and 70. (I) Design problems are almost always open
vision correction surgery. (II) Lasers have ended. (II) They rarely have a single correct
also changed the way we communicate. (Ill) solution. (IH) However, this particular problem
Eye surgeons use lasers in operations to offers only one correct solution. (IV) Instead,
reshape the cornea, which covers the lens of there are usually several solutions that will
the eye. (IV) The reshaped cornea corrects satisfy the desired needs. (V) One of the
the patient’s bad eyesight. (V) As a result, he challenges of design is to choose from the
or she does not have to wear glasses or other vast number of possible solutions.
corrective lenses.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) If C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank (. 310 J Dilko Yaymlan

irrelevant Sentence

71. (!) Hail is precipitation composed of balls 74. (I) We recommend not eating or tasting raw
or irregular lumps of ice. (II) It is produced or undercooked meat or poultry. (II) This is
when large frozen raindrops in cumulonimbus because meat and poultry may contain harmful
clouds act as embryos that grow by bacteria. (Ill) Thorough cooking is important
accumulating super-cooled liquid droplets. to kill any bacteria that may be present in
(Ill) Heat balance is the equilibrium between the food. (IV) Such consumers may refuse
received and emitted radiations. (IV) Violent to cook meat to higher temperatures. (V) So
updrafts in the cloud carry the particles in you must always use a food thermometer to
freezing air. (V) This allows the frozen core to check for safe cooking.
accumulate more ice.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

72. (I) The centripetal force caused by the Earth’s 75. (I) Many great achievements have been
rotation is negligible compared to gravity, E associated with providing a reliable water
without which we would all fly off into outer o supply. (II) Most people in the developed world
space. (II) This can give you a shape that o have access to safe drinking water. (Ill) They
could focus a light ray. (Ill) There is also the have also been associated with disposing of
Coriolis force that results from the Earth’s wastewater. (IV) The Roman aqueducts that
rotation. (IV) We can see it is effects. (V) supplied Rome and other cities with drinking
However, we cannot really feel it. water between 300 BC and AD 300 are one
example of this. (V) The sewer system in
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V London developed during the late 1800s is

A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E)V

73. (I) Hyper-colour T-shirts are a current clothing 76. (I) Although dogs possess hearing abilities
fad. (II) They are clothes that are dyed with far superior to humans’, their acute sense
a chemical that when touched by heat, turn of smell is probably the sense most utilized.
a different colour. (Ill) They can be found at (II) Two characteristics distinguish the dog
most major department stores. (IV) Basically, from all other species of animal life. (Ill)
you might have an orange T-shirt, and when The first is its worldwide distribution in close
touched with a warm hand, a purple hand print association with humans, encompassing
would be seen on the shirt. (V) Many changed both hemispheres from the tropics to the
colour when submerged in hot or cold water. Arctic. (IV) The second is the enormous
amount of genetic variability found within the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V species. (V) For example, the Irish wolfhound
may stand as high as 99 cm at the shoulder,
while the Chihuahua’s shoulder is usually no
more than 15 cm from the ground.

A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan ( 311 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence J

77. (I) Using animals for biomedical research 79. (I) Eyebrows play a very important role in
evokes strong emotions among those on both keeping moisture out of our eyes. (II) Just
sides of the issue. (II) People who favour the like an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from
use of animais in research mention the many the rain, our hairy eyebrows keep our eyes
benefits that have brought to us as individuals dry from rain or sweat (HI) As one of our
and as a society. (Ill) On the other hand,
most expressive facial features, eyebrows
those who oppose the use of any animals for
help us determine how people are feeling
research are concerned that such animals are
without ever really asking them. (IV) When
exposed to too much suffering and that there
are better alternatives than animal research. it’s pouring rain outside or when sweat drips
(IV) It is mice and rats that account for well down from our foreheads, our eyebrows
over 90 percent of all research animals. (V) divert the flow of water or sweat away from
It is unfortunate that the debate gets cast our eyes. (V) Our arch-shaped eyebrows
in such a way that it implies that one group angle the rain or sweat around to the side of
cares about animals and another group does our faces leaving our eyes fairly dry.
A) I B)ll C) III D) IV E) V
A) i B) II C) III D) IV E)V



78. (I) You may not be interested in the arts, or 80. (I) The Association for the Conservation of
you might not think that live performances Energy was formed in 1981 by a number of
are worth all the queuing and the high ticket major companies active within the energy
prices. (II) Nevertheless, everyone, to my conservation industry. (II) Their aim is to
mind, should experience a live event at least encourage a positive national awareness
once. (Ill) If you manage to concentrate, you of the need for and benefits of energy
will be able to study the text more carefully. conservation. (Ill) What is more, they help
(IV) To start with the theatre, nothing, in my establish sensible and consistent national
opinion, compares with experiencing this policies and programmes. (IV) Energy
art form first-hand. (V) Similarly, when you conservation, such as efficient heating,
are at a concert, you can’t beat the feeling cooling, and lighting, saves money and
of being in the crowd, singing along to your resources. (V) They also want to increase
favourite songs. investment in all appropriate energy saving
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 312 J Dilko Yayınları

Irrelevant Sentence

81. (I) Water softeners are used by people with 83. (I) By the time a child is five, he or she will
sensitive skin and those who particularly like have seen at least 5,000 hours of television
the feel of washing in soft water. (II) Water and will have fallen in love with this means
softeners are also used by those who want to of communication. (II) It is obvious that
save money. (Ill) Extra soap and detergent time spent in front of television is the time
used in hard water areas used to cost money children are not doing something else, such
and could lead to skin irritation. (IV) On the as playing, reading, drawing or helping their
other hand, many people accept hard water parents with the housework. (Ill) It is believed
because although they know about it, they that if children start helping their parents
are reluctant to acquire expensive pieces with the basic housework from a very early
water softener equipment to fit in their homes. age, they will be more responsible adults.
(V) Some also state that they haven’t got the (IV) Moreover, a child spending Saturday
space for traditional hard water treatment or morning in front of the television will see
water purification equipment. violence and stereotypes. (V) Surprisingly,
the programmes which are designed for
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V children, such as cartoons, are the most
violent of all programmes.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

82. (I) Throughout history, the most famous 84. (I) A tsunami is a series of huge waves that
artists in the world have been men. (II) occur as the result of a violent underwater
Although there have been many talented disturbance, such as an earthquake or
female painters, sculptors and artisans, volcanic eruption. (II) The waves travel
they are not as well-known as their male in all directions from the epicentre of the
counterparts because society looked disturbance. (Ill) The waves may travel in
down upon female artists. (Ill) Most people the open sea as fast as 450 miles per hour.
thought art was a lifestyle or career that was (IV) Tsunamis have been relatively rare in
indecent and unsuitable for women. (IV) So the Indian Ocean. (V) As they travel in the
many families encouraged their daughters to open ocean, tsunami waves are generally
discover their artistic abilities. (V) However, a not particularly large; hence, the difficulty in
few women managed to create great works detecting the approach of a tsunami.
of art despite the objections of their family
and society. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yaymlan ( 313 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence 1
85. (I) During a thunderstorm, avoid open spaces, 87. (I) The blood, which no longer contains
trees, telephone booths, and ballparks. oxygen and nutrients, then goes back to
(II) According to the National Weather the heart through veins. (Il) The circulatory
Service, lightning causes an average of 93 system is the body’s transport system.
deaths and 300 injuries in the United States (Ill) It is made up of a group of organs that
each year. (Ill) The safest place to be is in transport blood throughout the body. (IV)
a building, preferably one with a lightning The heart pumps the blood and the arteries
rod. (IV) The other safe place is a car with and veins transport it. (V) When blood enters
the windows rolled up, as long as you don’t the smallest blood vessels, which are called
touch any of the metal parts. (V) If lightning capillaries, and are found in body tissue, it
strikes, the car’s metal body will conduct the gives nutrients and oxygen to the cells and
charge down to the ground, and contrary takes in carbon dioxide, water, and waste.
to popular belief, the rubber of the wheels
offers no protection. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

86. (I) You don't feel with your heart. (II) Feelings ■ (I) The body is made up of three types of
and emotions are stored in your brain. (Ill) muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Your brain weighs 2 percent of your total (II) The muscular system is made up of
body weight and uses 20 percent of your tissues that work with the skeletal system
body’s energy. (IV) You don’t think with your to control movement of the body. (Ill) Some
head; instead, you think with your brain, muscles-like the ones in your arms and
which is inside your head. (V) You see with legs-are voluntary, meaning that you decide
your eyes and hear with your ears, but your when to move them. (IV) Other muscles, like
eyes must send a message to your brain in the ones in your stomach, heart, intestines
order for you to see, and your ears must send and other organs, are involuntary. (V) This
a message to your brain in order for you to means that they are controlled automatically
hear. by the nervous system and hormones-you
often don’t even realize they’re at work.
A) I B) II C) HI D)IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 314 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

89. (I) In all, there are at least fifteen hundred 91. (0 Features such as height, weight, and
different human languages. (II) Although skin colour vary markedly from individual to
each has a distinct set of words and grammar, individual. (II) Society teaches children to act
they all have similar ‘parts of speech’. (Ill) like males or females at a young age. (Ill)
For example, all languages have certain In fact, the lifelong process of conditioning
elements that function as nouns and others the infant to fit his or her sex role begins at
that act as verbs. (IV) The arts, sciences, birth. (IV) Pink or blue clothing is purchased
laws, economic system, and religions of the and a name is chosen from the appropriate
world could not exist without language. (V) category. (V) What’s more, in many
In addition, all languages have rules that languages pronouns ‘he’ or ‘she’ are used all
can convert verbs either into nouns or into the time.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

90. (I) By the first part of the 15th century, Europe (I) In neither primitive nor modern societies
was beginning the most dramatic period do the achievements of women even
of change in its history. (Il) Economics, approach those of men. (II) Although women
together with politics and religion, was do the hardest physical labour, men are more
changing the societies of Europe. (Ill) Many muscular than women. (Ill) Yet the reason
of the explorers were financed by monarchs. for this gap apparently has little to do with
(IV) Tremendous growth in the population natural ability. (IV) It is obvious that women
had brought the cultivation of new land, the are at least as intelligent as men, for girls
demand for new products and a new class consistently perform better on IQ tests than
of merchants to trade in these products. (V) boys do. (V) Still, studies of gifted children of
Although Asia was still a mystery to them, both sexes have shown that boys with high
these merchants were interested in trading IQ scores almost always achieve success as
in Asia. adults, but high-scoring girls often do not.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan CTO Question Bank

£ Irrelevant Sentence

93. (I) Until recently, anthropologists believed 95. (I) Mineral water is the spring water
human history to be a steady line of progress containing various mineral salts. (I!) Similarly,
that stretched from the Stone Age to the spa therapy, widely practiced in Europe,
present day. (II) Consequently, today’s advocates bathing in and drinking mineral
humans were seen as far more advanced waters as a cure for a variety of diseases.
than their ancestors. (Ill) Nevertheless, our (Ill) Various gases may also be present, e.g.,
knowledge of the truly ancient civilizations, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen,
some of which existed up to one hundred and inert gases. (IV) Ordinary well or
thousand years ago, is quite limited. (IV) In spring water, in contrast, contains far fewer
fact, written history reaches back only a few substances. (V) Many mineral waters also
thousands of years. (V) Ancient cultures had contain trace elements that are thought to
an advanced knowledge of mathematics and have therapeutic value.
A)! B) II C)lil D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

94. (I) The Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is 96. (I) It is customary in the western world
the last remaining of the Seven Wonders, has for men to wear trousers and not skirts or
been a puzzle for scientists for thousands dresses. (II) Although trousers for women
of years. (II) Is an advanced science that did not become fashion items until the later
has been lost over time hidden within the 20th century, women began wearing men’s
pyramid? (Ill) Or is this huge, incredibly trousers for outdoor work a hundred years
precise structure simply a tomb that ancients earlier. (Ill) Women working at the ranches
built to commemorate a pharaoh? (IV) This of the 19th century American West wore
pyramid was named after the pharaoh trousers for riding. (IV) Actresses Marlene
Cheops who supposedly ordered it to be Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn were often
built. (V) For centuries, scholars have been photographed in trousers from the 1930s
asking questions such as these and all agree and helped make trousers acceptable for
that it is among the most important historical women. (V) During World War II, women
structures on earth. working in factories and doing other forms of
“men’s work” on war service wore trousers
A) I B) It C) 111 D) IV E) V when the work demanded it.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank 316.... ) Dilko Yaymlan

Irrelevant Sentence

97. (I) Golf is an outdoor sport where individual 99. (I) An election is a decision making
players or teams hit a small ball into a process whereby people vote for preferred
hole using various clubs. (II) That is to political candidates or parties to act as
say, there are many variations of these representatives in government. (II) This is
basic principles. (Ill) It is believed to have the usual mechanism by which a democracy
originated in Scotland and has been played fills offices in government. (Ill) This is also
for several centuries in the British Isles and typically the case in a wide range of other
continuously in the United States since 1887. private and business organizations. (IV)
(IV) Golf is often viewed as an elite pastime. For example, from clubs to voluntary
(V) Nevertheless, it is getting increasingly associations and corporations, election is the
popular among people from all walks of life system used to select representatives. (V) In
all around the world. theory, the authority of the government in
democracies derives solely from the consent
A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V of the governed.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98. (I) Internet Explorer is a web browser made 100. (I) A good indicator of a country’s health
by Microsoft and currently available as part of status is its infant mortality rate; the number
Microsoft Windows. (II) It is the most widely of deaths of children under age 1 per 1,000
used web browser today. (Ill) AH of these live births in a year. (II) The average rate in
versions have ceased active development, developing countries is 90, nearly six times
though they are still available from Microsoft. the average of 16 in developed countries. (Ill)
(IV) However, since 2004 it has lost some The rates are highest in Africa, led by West
usage share to other browsers. (V) As of Africa at 111. (IV) In almost all countries life
April 2005, Internet Explorer’s usage share expectancy is higher for women than it is
is about 85%. for men. (V) Afghanistan’s rate of 154 is the
highest of the world’s major countries.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan ( 317 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

101. (I) About half of the population leads a 103. (I) Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and
nomadic life raising livestock in Somalia. (II) potentially healthful reality of our society. (II)
They travel to Kenya and Ethiopia to graze Health implies more than physical fitness.
their herds. (Ill) The Somaii Democratic (Ill) It also implies mental and emotional well­
Republic is located in the Horn of Africa, the being. (IV) An angry, frustrated, emotionally
easternmost part of the African continent. (IV) unstable person in good physical condition
The settled farmers and herders live largely is not necessarily healthy. (V) Mental health,
in the south and northwest, near the rivers therefore, has much to do with how a person
and in areas where the rainfall is sufficient copes with the world as he or she exists.
to support agriculture. (V) Permanent
settlements are small and widely scattered A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
and only about a third of the country’s people
live in urban areas.

A) I B) Il C) III D) IV E) V

102» (I) The Soviet Union had the most extensive 104. (I) Care of the teeth includes eating the right
system of medical care in the world. (II) food. (I!) During infancy and childhood food
The rate of deaths from heart disease more must provide the materials with which the
than doubled between 1960 and 1983. (Ill) body builds teeth. (Ill) The diet should include
The country had the world’s highest ratio of plenty of milk, eggs, whole-grain cereals,
physicians to population. (IV) The system fruit, and vegetables to supply minerals and
was characterized, however, by simple vitamins. (IV) Calcium, phosphorus, fluorine,
facilities, cheap labour, low technology, and vitamins A, C, and D are especially
and emphasis on large volumes of basic important. (V) Some school systems have
services. (V) For instance, physicians, more dental programs in which dentists regularly
than 80 percent of whom were women, were examine children’s teeth.
near the bottom of the pay scale and earned
less than the average factory worker. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank t 318 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence )

105. (I) Anaesthetics are drugs that induce a 107. (I) In 1637 the French philosopher­
temporary inability to perceive any sensory mathematician Rene Descartes predicted
stimuli. (II) They achieve this effect by acting that it would never be possible to make
on the brain to suppress responses to sensory a machine that thinks as humans do. (II)
stimulation, primarily to touch, pressure, and Yet, in 1950, the British mathematician and
pain. (Ill) Thus, local anaesthetics are useful computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that
in minor surgical procedures, such as the one day there would be a machine that could
extraction of teeth. (IV) The unresponsive duplicate human intelligence in every way
state induced by anaesthetic drugs is known and prove it by passing a specialized test.
as anaesthesia. (V) General anaesthetics (Ill) In this test, a computer and a human
induce anaesthesia throughout the body and hidden from view would be asked random
can be administered either by inhalation or identical questions. (IV) if the computer were
by direct injection into the bloodstream. successful, the questioner would be unable
to distinguish the machine from the person by
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V the answers. (V) Computers can outperform
mental functions in limited areas, notably in
the speed of mathematical calculations.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

106. (I) Those on a diet have fewer calories to 108. (I) A Greek physician in the first century
count and less potential for addiction to noted several medicinal uses of onions. (II)
sweets when they use sugar substitutes, that His writings also included many references
is artificial sweeteners. (II) Some hyperactive to potatoes. (Ill) The Greeks used onions to
children and hypertensive adults have better fortify its athletes for the Olympic Games.
control over themselves when they eat (IV) Before competition, athletes would
desserts and drink beverages containing consume many pounds of onions and drink
artificial sweeteners. (Ill) Saccharin, used In onion juice. (V) Furthermore, they rubbed
toothpaste, mouthwash, and sugarless gum, onions on their bodies in preparation.
was discovered by chemists in 1879.
(IV) Forthose with diabetes and other medical A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
problems and for dental hygiene, artificial
sweeteners may be preferred to sugar.
(V) Some people, however, experience
unpleasant reactions to some artificial

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları [ 319 ) Question Bank

irrelevant Sentence

109. (I) Douglas MacArthur is a major figure in US 112. (I) All members of the cat family share a
military and diplomatic history. (H) But he was very similar body structure. (II) They have
suddenly relieved of his duty by the president. characteristically short faces and small,
(Ill) He played a vital role in World War II. (IV) broad skulls, designed to anchor powerful
After Japan’s surrender in 1945, he worked jaw muscles. (Ill) Their skeletons have
to rebuild the devastated nation, drafting relatively flexible backbones, an aid in
a new Japanese constitution and helping leaping, climbing, and running. (IV) Their
to establish a democratic government. (V) strong jaws do almost no grinding so food,
He also commanded UN forces during the which is generally another animal, is cut and
Korean War. chopped with great ease. (V) Their tongues
are covered with projections or papillae,
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V which help clean the flesh from the bones of
the prey.

A) I B) II C) İli D) IV E) V

110. (I) Heart patients who catch the flu may face 113. (I) Without the effect of gravity, blood and
a greater danger than they are aware of. other body fluids begin to flow towards
(II) An analysis of previous studies of heart the head. (Il) This can cause a feeling of
patients found a consistent link between stuffiness and headaches, (Ill) With no
flu and heart attacks, (ill) As many as half gravity to push against, bones and muscles
of all unexpected flu deaths are related to can become weak. (IV) Until now, robots
heart disease. (IV) However, cancer is a intended for use in space have not been
bigger killer in developing countries. (V) given any intelligence. (V) To prevent this,
Doctors recommend that all heart patients astronauts have to exercise several hours
get vaccinated. each day.

A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V A) i B) II C) IH D) IV E) V

111. (I) Personal qualities are personal 114. (I) The pygmy hippopotamus is about half
characteristics of an individual. (II) They the size of the common hippopotamus. (II)
are what make up one’s personality. (Ill) It is found only in western Africa, especially
A person with such annoying habits can in Liberia. (Ill) It is less aquatic than the
never find a good job. (IV) For example, common hippopotamus. (IV) Remains of
dependability and patience help a person get many fossil hippopotamuses have been
along with the other people in a new situation. found in Europe. (V) And it is found in cool
(V) Therefore, employers -would like a good forests and in marshlands.
worker to be dependable and patient.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 320 ) Dilko Yaymlan

Irrelevant Sentence J.
115. (I) Caves can be exciting and fun to explore 118. (I) The restaurant design is one of the most
using very simple equipment. (II) The flying important items for a restaurant owner to
mammals in caves don’t look for their prey address before it opens. (II) Having an
in the dark. (Ill) But caving can also be effective cooling, heating and ventilation
dangerous. (IV) So you have to be aware of system in place is yet another aspect of
your own safety and the protection of things restaurant design to be concerned with. (Ill)
inside the cave, too. (V)For example, you Many people looking to start a restaurant
must always tell someone the cave you are business will employ the services of an
going to and when you plan to return. interior designer to assist them with their
restaurant design and help promote success.
A) I B) II C) Ml D) IV E) V (IV) Interior design is the most important
thing to be considered when marketing a
restaurant. (V) This is the way to set your
116. (I) In respect to its food producing purpose, restaurant apart from the others.
gardening is distinguished from farming
chiefly by scale and intent. (II) Farming occurs A) I B) II C) Ml D) IV E) V
on a larger scale, and with the production
of saleable goods as a major motivation.
(III) Gardening is done on a smaller scale,
primarily for pleasure and to produce goods
for the gardener’s own family or community.
(IV) The term gardener is also used to
describe garden designers and landscape 119. (I) All hawks feed on living prey, but tend
gardeners, who are involved chiefly in the to specialize based on size. (II) Thus the
design of gardens. (V) There is some overlap smallest hawks feed primarily on insects.
between the terms, particularly in that some (Ill) The bird hawks choose their prey in
moderate-sized vegetable growing concerns, accordance with their own relative size. (IV)
often called market gardening, can fit in Some hawks prefer cold-blooded animals
either category. such as amphibians and reptiles. (V) Their
eggs are usually white or bluish white.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

117. (I) Ice hockey is a team sport played on

ice, in which skaters use sticks to direct a
puck into the opposing team’s goal. (II) It
is a fast-paced and physical sport. (Ill) Ice
hockey is most popular in areas that are
sufficiently cold for natural reliable seasonal 120. (I) Reading the want ads will help you better
ice cover, such as Canada, the northern understand the jobs that are available. (II)
United States, the Nordic countries, Russia, However, only a small group of people get
the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. (IV) The jobs through the want ads. (Ill) Often the jobs
first recorded hockey games were played offered are entry level jobs or beginning jobs.
by British soldiers stationed in Kingston (IV) Therefore, the government employment
and Halifax during the mid-1850s. (V) With agencies are free. (V) if you have little
the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks, it experience as a worker, want ads may help
has become a year-round pastime in these you find the job you looking for.
A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlar! ( 321 ) Question Bank

( Irrelevant Sentence J

121. (I) NASA uses wind tunnels to test spacecraft 124. (I) Food provides energy and materials for
and rockets. (II) A larger airplane might growth and repair of body parts. (II) Vitamins
get its thrust from jet engines. (Ill) These and minerals are present in small amounts
vehicles are made to operate in space. in foods. (Ill) And they are essential to keep
(IV) Spacecraft and rockets have to travel everything working well. (IV) As people
through the atmosphere to get to space. grow up, the amounts and kinds of food and
(V) They must also come back through the exercise needed by the body may change.
atmosphere to Earth. (V) So, some things they took into their
bodies from the environment must have
A) ! B) li C) III D) IV E) V caused it.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

122. (I) You can watch birds building their nests 125. (I) Industries such as shipbuilding and coal­
and feeding their young ones. (II) But you mining are declining. (II) The government can
must take care to keep still and not to go too affect employment by the way it manages
near them. (Ill) If they feel disturbed, they will the economy. (Ill) When public spending
desert the nest and start another at some increases, this leads to more jobs as things
safer place. (IV) Then you won’t be able to like schools and hospitals are built. (IV)
see them. (V) You can lay your hands on a Public spending has to be limited as taxes
coconut and cut it into half with a saw. have to be raised to fund it. (V) But this is not
generally liked by voters because the cost of
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V living will also rise as a result.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

123. (I) The United Nations has ranked all the 126. (I) Private healthcare is a basic right for those
countries based on such criteria as life who choose to use it. (II) It reduces pressure
expectancy, literacy and annual income. on the general health service. (Ill) It allows
(II) The index fails to highlight the disparity medical staff an opportunity to improve their
between wealthy and poor nations. (HI) incomes. (IV) It is also convenient for big
Norway is the number one place to live. (IV) companies and their employees as it enables
Australia and Iceland took the second and them to arrange treatments at times that do
third spots, while Afghanistan and Niger rank not interfere with their work schedule. (V) As
at the very bottom of the list. (V) China has a result, it is criticized for taking resources
moved up seven places on the list, showing away from the general public.
the greatest improvement.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 322 ) Diîko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

127. (I) Family life is very much part of the 130. (I) Fireworks are essentially explosives
traditional image of life in the US. (11) packed into hollow cardboard tubes. (II) They
However, as in other western countries, have a fuse protruding from the bottom and a
family breakdown, divorce and illegitimacy stick poking out of the end. (Ill) Fortunately,
have increased. (Ill) As the single parent is that’s not the case and we can still enjoy the
usually the mother, children grow up without dazzling magic of these aerial displays. (IV) A
an adult male as a role model. (IV) Among firework is a bit like a space-rocket inasmuch
the African American population in the USA. it’s made up of several separate stages. (V)
there has been a greater breakdown of family As the fuse burns from the bottom upward,
structure. (V) Over 70% of children are born it sets fire to each stage in turn, causing a
into single parent families. series of explosions that can make a single
firework explode in several different ways.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

131. (I) If you look inside a digital pen, you’ll

128. (I) The Baroque era was a period of great find most of the same components that
change in music. (II) However, it uses a are in an optical mouse. (II) The difference
group of solo instruments and a group of is that they’re stacked vertically rather
accompanying instruments. (Ill) It was when than horizontally. (Ill) A digital pen is to an
the foundations of harmony as we know it optical mouse what a skyscraper is to a
developed. (IV) Composers replaced modes parking lot. (IV) These shone up through the
with the familiar major and minor scales. (V) pen case to tell you when the pen needed
Music was written to order in these times and recharging. (V) An optical mouse tracks your
all composers worked for a patron such as hand movements by reflecting light off your
the Church, a royal court, or a wealthy noble. desktop, but a digital pen does the same
thing much more precisely.
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

129. (I) Statistics illustrate the scale of the problem 132. (I) Eco-homes try to tackle the problem of
that waste water can cause. (II) However, energy use in two different ways. (II) If you
there have been major improvements in care about the planet, there are lots of small
waste water treatment recently. (Ill) Half things you can do that will make a difference.
of all ocean pollution is caused by sewage (II!) You can recycle your trash or swap your
and waste water. (IV) Each year, the world gas guzzler for an electric car. (IV) But if you
generates 400 billion tons of industrial waste, want to make a really big difference, you
much of which is pumped untreated into have to make a much bigger change in the
waterways. (V) In the United States alone, way you live. (V) One way you can do this is
400,000 factories take clean water from to swap your cold, energy-guzzling house for
rivers, and many pump polluted waters back a lean, green eco-home.
in their place.
A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yaymlan ( 323 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

133. (I) An e-book is really just a computer file 136. (I) Over two thirds of Earth’s surface is
full of words and sometimes images. (II) In covered by water, while less than a third
theory, you could make an e-book just by is taken up by land. (II) Yet, as Earth’s
typing information into a word processor. population continues to grow, people are
(Ill) The file you save has all the elements putting ever-increasing pressure on the
of an electronic book. (IV) You can read planet’s water Resources. (Ill) In a sense, our
the information on a computer, search it for oceans, rivers, and other inland waters are
keywords, or share it easily with someone being “squeezed” by human activities. (IV)
else. (V) In short, we’ve learned to split off Those chemicals can very quickly have an
the information we need from the way it’s effect on the quality of the water. (V) As a
delivered. result, their quality is reduced.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

134. (I) A piano sounds quite unlike any other 137. (I) Between 1983 and 2002, Anita Roberts
instrument but there is a confusing thing about published more than three hundred forty
it. (II) It’s two different kinds of instrument in research papers. (II) Many other scientists
one. (Ill) It’s a string instrument because the gave credit to her published work. (Ill) In fact,
sounds are made with strings. (IV) It takes she was listed as the forty-ninth most-cited
amazing physical, intellectual, and emotional researcher in the world during that twenty-
brilliance to play such a complex instrument. year period. (IV) She was the third most-
(V) It’s also a percussion instrument, like a cited female scientist. (V) At the same time,
drum, because the strings make sounds though, the two scientists found that the
when something hits them. protein can also support the growth of cancer
in some cells.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

135. (I) Each sufferer experiences Alzheimer’s in a 138. (I) Earth scientists believe the world has
unique way. (II) However, there are common about 40 years worth of oil still buried in its
symptoms. (Ill) As the disease advances, rocks. (II) But they’ve been saying the same
symptoms also include confusion, irritability, thing now for at least 40 years. (Ill) One day,
and aggression. (IV) The earliest ones are every gas station could be pumping out fuel
often mistakenly thought to be ‘age-related’ made from plants. (IV) Whatever the reality,
concerns, or manifestations of stress. (V) one thing is certain. (V) With ever-growing
The most commonly recognised early numbers of vehicles on our streets, oil is
symptom is memory loss, such as difficulty going to become more expensive and harder
in remembering recently learned facts. to obtain over the next few decades.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 324 ) Dilko Yayınlan

irrelevant Sentence

139» (I) Organic food is produced without the use 142. (I) When young male lions reach the age of
of artificial fertilizers or pesticides. (II) Many one year, they are chased from the prides
people buy it because they think it’s better for they are born into by the older male lions.
their health, (ill) Whether that’s true or not is (II) These younger males become “rogue”
still debated. (IV) But there are lots of other males. (Ill) They travel alone or may partner
reasons for going organic like protecting with other rogues, perhaps brothers. (IV)
the environment and saving the future of Yet, if the lead male is elderly, the young
the world. (V) Many organic growers deliver male, either alone or with male siblings, will
directly by the box, cutting out stores entirely sometimes fight to take over the leadership
and building powerful long-term relationships of the pride. (V) To avoid the dangerous
with customers. heat of the mid-day sun, lions usually hunt at
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) İV E) V

140. (I) Fireworks give joy and pleasure to many 143, (I) People living in this country do not have to
millions of people every year. (H) That’s why worry about the safety of products. (II) The
the sale and use of fireworks is restricted by rules stipulate that it is the responsibility of
law in many countries. (HI) But they have to distributors to place only safe products on the
be treated with utmost caution because they market. (Ill) Moreover, if faulty products are
are extremely dangerous. (IV) If you get too discovered, protection measures are taken
close to it, it could burn you badly, disfigure rapidly. (IV) Every Christmas there are horror
you for life, or even kill you. (V) Every year, stories in the media about dangerous toys on
millions of dollars of damage is done by stray the market. (V) The products on the market
fireworks setting fire to property. have to adhere to strict safety requirements.

A) I B) II C)lll D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

141. (I) In certain cases, bank employees are 144. (I) There is variation among individuals of
able to place a package of red dye in with one kind within a population. (II) If germs are
the robber’s stash of stolen cash. (II) At one able to get inside one’s body, they may keep
time, armed security guards stood watch it from working properly. (HI) For defence
over banks. (HI) But today most banks seem against germs, the human body has tears,
to have decided that they would rather not saliva, skin, some blood cells, and stomach
expose their customers and employees to secretions. (IV) A healthy body can fight
gunplay. (IV) Shotguns and revolvers have most germs that do get inside. (V) However,
been replaced by closed-circuit television there are some germs that interfere with the
cameras. (V) These cameras maintain a body’s defences.
constant watch over everyone who enters or
exits the bank. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları 325 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

145. (I) The invention of the force pump in 148. (I) Today, items that people buy come in a
England greatly extended the possibilities lot of packaging that is often thrown away.
of development of water-supply systems. (II) Recycling is a special process that turns
(II) In London, in 1562, the first pumping old waste materials into new materials.
waterworks was completed. (Ill) Rapid growth (III) These can then be used to make new
of industry created a national water shortage products. (IV) In the early 1900s, people
in the 1950s. (IV) It pumped river water to a did not produce as much waste because
reservoir about 37 meters above the level of products were packed in materials that could
the Thames River. (V) And from the reservoir be used again. (V) For example, milkmen
the water was distributed through lead pipes delivered milk in glass bottles, which were
to buildings in the vicinity. reused instead of being thrown away.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

146. (I) In recent years a great deal of interest has 149. (I) Computers are a major technological
been shown in the conversion of seawater to breakthrough of the 20th century. (II) Their
fresh water. (II) Several different processes benefits are numerous yet much can be
have been developed for this purpose. (Ill) said against them. (Ill) They distract from
The quality of water from these sources social interactions such as conversation.
varied greatly. (IV) Some of them have (IV) In addition, personal gains can be seen
been used in large facilities. (V) Although as the use of computers increases powers
these processes are successful, the cost of of concentration. (V) And people can be
treating seawater is much higher than that inclined to become anti-social and stay at
for treating fresh water. home to use their computer.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

147. (I) The earth’s polar regions are treasure 150. (I) One way to stop bugs in computer systems
troves tor researchers in many fields. (II) The is to get different teams of programmers to
ice caps play a crucial role in the circulation of work in isolation from each other. (II) That
wind and water in the world’s atmosphere and way, runs the theory, they won’t all make the
oceans. (Ill) The dry, stable air at the South same type of mistake when designing and
Pole is ideal for astronomical observations. writing computer codes. (Ill) In fact research
(IV) The frigid polar climes are home to shows that programmers think alike, have
unique ecosystems. (V) The new instrument the same type of training - and make similar
is designed to map the sky at millimetre and mistakes. (IV) That’s why we were dependent
sub millimetre radio wavelengths. on them. (V) So, even if the programmers
work separately, mistakes can still occur.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) IH D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 326 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

151. (I) At one time it was the most important 154. (1) When people diet, they stop eating bread,
city in the region - a commercial centre rice and potatoes, but they don’t know that
known for its massive monuments, its potatoes are really not fattening. (II) The
crowded streets and commercial districts. average potato has only 76 calories in it,
(II) Then, suddenly, it was abandoned. (Ill) the same as a normal-sized apple. (Ill) The
Otherwise, researchers would have found nutritious potato is also a rich source of all
no signs of epidemic disease or destructive the B vitamins, iron and vitamin C. (IV) The
invasions. (IV) Within a generation most potato is a new food for Europeans, but it
of its population departed and once the was a staple food for South American Indians
magnificent city became all but a ghost town. long before 200 BC. (V) In fact, a diet of only
(V) This is the story of a pre-Columbian city potatoes and milk contain all the nutrients we
called Teotihuacan, once a metropolis of as need to stay healthy.
many as 200,000 inhabitants.
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

152. (I) Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in a E 155. (I) The resolution of the telescope is a
small town in Porbandar. (II) Although he was o measure of how sharply-defined the details
small and dark, and looked no different from Q of the image can be. (II) There are three
the millions of other children born in India, major types of optical telescopes, classified
he was not an ordinary child. (Ill) For this according to the element that gathers
reason, he was shy and did not mix easily and focuses the incoming light. (Ill) In the
with the other children so, his books were refracting telescope, or refractor, light is
his only companions. (IV) He was to fight bent, or refracted, as it passes through an
and overcome a great empire and, without objective lens. (IV) In a reflecting telescope,
taking to violence, set his country free. (V) or reflector, light is reflected by a curved
Having led his people to freedom, he was to mirror and brought to a focus in front of
lay down his life for their sake; he was to be "U the mirror. (V) The third type of telescope,
called the “Mahatma”, or the “Great Soul”. the catadioptric system, focuses light by a
£ combination of lenses and mirrors.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

153. (I) Half-a million years ago, people assumed 156. (I) Throughout human history, people have
that psychological problems were caused transmitted culture through speech. (II)
by evil spirits. (II) Throughout its twelve Before industrialisation, governments started
decades, psychology has developed into diligent projects to increase literacy rate, (ill)
a true science. (Ill) To allow the spirits to Even then, just a favoured few ever learned
escape, some ancient healers performed to read and write. (IV) So, it wasn’t until the
an operation. (IV) It consisted of hitting at a twentieth century that nations boasted of
patient’s skull with a stone until a hole was nationwide literacy. (V) However, what most
cut through. (V) Because archaeologists of them still desire is to increase it to an
have found skulls with signs of healing unsurpassed level.
around the opening, we can assume that
patients sometimes managed to survive the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C)lll D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınlan 327 Question Bank

( irrelevant Sentence

157. (I) Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin 160. (I) For thousands of years, people have set
are two great American men who have aside a day to celebrate the autumn harvest,
several things in common. (II) One similarity giving thanks for a plentiful growing season.
between them is the role they had in the (II) People in ancient Greece dedicated a
American Revolution. (Ill) Both of them harvest festival to “Demeter’, the goddess
were involved in writing the Declaration of of agriculture. (Ill) Similarly, pre-Christian
Independence. (IV) He was a philosopher Europeans marked a good harvest with a
and thinker. (V) Jefferson was the author, large feast before crops were gathered.
and Franklin helped him to write it. (IV) The desire to reflect on life’s blessings
remains the same in both countries. (V)
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Celebrations surrounding the autumn
harvest have continued throughout history,
and many modern cultures have set aside a
specific day to give thanks.

A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V

158. (I) Some psychologists think computers can 161. (!) Corals that give off light are found in our
be addictive because they are so predictable. country. (II) Certain species of coral can
(II) Real life is often hard to control, but a somehow produce their own light. (II!) It was
computer will always do exactly what you tell the Marine biologist Katherine Muzik who first
it to. (HI) For some, to sit in front of a screen reported this phenomenon of coral glowing.
is to be secure. (IV) Thus, psychologists (IV) On one of her dives, she turned off her
worry that people who spend a lot of time in submarine’s lights when collecting coral (V)
simplified, virtual worlds might not develop To her amazement, she saw flashes of light
many of the skills they need to deal with travelling in ‘waves up and down among the
the uncertainties of : real life; (V) That’s : corals.
to say, the boundaries between real and
virtual are already breaking down, thanks to A) I B) II C)lll D) IV E) V
technological improvements.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

159. (I) Pearl Harbour was one of the most vicious 162. (I) Of al! the risk or adrenaline sports, bungee
attacks on American soil. (I!) The surprise jumping is proving the most popular. (I!)
attack by Japan took place on Sunday Worldwide, one and a half million people
morning December 7, 1941. (Ill) Japan have tried it. (Ill) You hurtle towards the
wanted to immobilize U.S.’s Pacific fleet and ground from 200 metres up and at the last
destroy any chance of a counter strike from moment when you are about to hit the water
the Pacific. (IV) The United States didn’t wait or land, a rubber band yanks you back to life.
long and decided to use atomic weapons to (IV) “As you are falling, all you see are things
end the war with Japan. (V) A campaign had flying around as you turn” says another
been started to conquer the rest of Asia that bungee jumper. (V) Attached to a length of
was long lasting and didn’t work. elastic rope, jumpers experience a free fall of
nearly 100 mph. before they are slowed by a
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V quickly increasing pull on their ankles.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 328 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

163. (I) Rainforests are the regions of dense 166. (I) Every January, when the calendar has
forestation, most of which circle the globe turned to a new year, the attention of the
close to the equator. (II) The world has lost entertainment community around the world
half of them over the past 8000 years. (Ill) turns to the upcoming Academy Awards. (II)
Between 70 and 95 per cent of the Earth’s The annual Oscar presentation has been
species live in the world’s disappearing rain held since 1929. (HI) All voting for Academy
forests. (IV) Accordingly, we are losing 50 Awards is conducted by secret voting
species a day and many are said to be at and made into a chart by an international
risk. (V) By then, 10 million species are likely assessment firm. (IV) Similarly, the theatre,
to have become extinct, too. home to the annual Academy Awards
ceremonies, opened in November of 2001.
A) I B)ll C) IH D) IV E) V (V) The results of voting are not reveaied
until the now-famous envelopes are opened
on stage during the live television program.

A) I B) II C)lll D) IV E) V

164. (I) A fable is a short story not based on Q 167. (I) Knowledge is the understanding or
fact, often with animals as characters. (II) It awareness about a subject which is obtained
conveys a moral. (HI) The most famous fable : by experience and study. (II) Wisdom is the
writer was Aesop, a Greek: slave who lived ability to use your knowledge and experience
in the 6th century. (IV) In modern times we to make good judgments. (HI) It is built up
can see the:traces of:these fable stories in with age and experience. (IV) Even though
animated cartoons. (V) His humorous taies for most people they may seem alike, a
offer timeless wisdom and enjoyment for : knowledgeable person and a wise person
readers of all ages. will exhibit a greater number of differences.
(V) They learned and practiced what they
A) I B) II C) İli D) IV E) V had learned from their ancestors.

A) I B) II C) 111 D) IV E) V

165. (I) Since the Olympic Games were revived in 168. (I) A nation’s purpose in educating its children
Athens in 1896, twenty five Olympics have is to prepare them to become productive
actually taken place. (II) The Olympic Games members of society. (H) Each country in the
are held every four years officially. (Hl) Three world has developed a system of education
of them were cancelled due to the World based on its needs and traditions. (Hi) One
Wars. (IV) Yet, two of them are nevertheless would think that industrial societies such as
counted. (V) As a result, 2008 Games will the United States and the countries of Europe
be officially described as the 28th Olympic would have similar systems for educating
Games. their children. (IV) However, a comparison
of school systems in them reveals a great
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V number of differences. (V) Another difference
is in the types of schools available.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yaymlan ( 329.... ) Question Bank

( Irrelevant Sentence

169. (I) World Health Organization is an agency 172. (I) We have advanced much in the
of the United Nations established in 1948 to technological and scientific fields. (II)
further international cooperation in improving Technology is the study of science and
health conditions. (II) It is abbreviated and manufacturing methods in industry. (Ill)
commonly known as WHO. (Ill) WHO is However, man still remains the same. (IV)
governed by the World Health Assembly, It looks as if we are going to destroy ail the
consisting of representatives of the entire natural resources of this earth because of
membership, which meets at least once a our tendency for comfort and our greed. (V)
year. (IV) Its major task is to combat diseases, Although we have been successful in landing
especially key infectious diseases such as on the moon, we find it difficult to land happily
SARS, malaria, and AIDS. (V) Much as WHO in our own neighbour’s house with a smile.
declared that the SARS outbreak had come
to an end earlier this year, scientists believe A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
that it could reappear again.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

170. (I) Las Vegas is the most populous city in 173. (I) Many people share a desire to fly in space
the state of Nevada, United States. (II) The and to free-float in the absence of gravity.
city is the largest to be founded in the 20th (I!) Two multi-millionaires have made such
century, and is a major vacation, shopping, a trip on their own initiatives. (Ill) They took
and gambling destination. (Ill) The casinos in advantage of Russia’s desire to raise money
New Jersey are very similar to those of Las for its share of the International Space
Vegas, but there are some ways in which they Station program. (IV) The wait for the rest
are two different worlds. (IV) The centre of of us may not be too much longer. (V) We
gambling in the US, Las Vegas is sometimes o may share our dreams to create new ideas
called Sin City due to the popularity of for much better living standards.
legalized gambling, availability of alcoholic
beverages any time. (V) However, the A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V
nickname favoured by local government and 5
promoters of tourism is the Entertainment
Capital of the World.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

174. (I) Tobacco companies are trying to hook the

171. (I) Ants build such fantastic homes, which
youngsters in the area of sporting activity. (II)
spread over hundreds of meters with hillocks.
Under the guise of altruistic sport support,
(II) They have excellent air-conditioning and
tobacco companies pour in their money to
have special chambers to grow fungi for their
advertise in sporting activities. (HI) Sporting
food. (HI) They also have special room on the
activities relax the body and ease the mind.
top for their queen. (IV) But sometimes, they
(IV) Our politicians also encourage this and
may get aggressive and may even attack.
so do the cine stars. (V) The trick of the trade
(V) Even our best engineers and architects
is to catch the children young so that they get
should marvel at their inventive cleverness.
longer periods of smoking per person before
tobacco smoke eventually kills them.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 330 J Dilko Yay in lari

Irrelevant Sentence __ J

175. (I) The word ’ballad’ has mutated over the 178. (I) In biochemistry, fat is a generic term for
centuries. (II) The works of Francis James a class of lipids. (II) Fats are produced by
are good examples of a ballad. (Ill) If you organic processes in animals and plants. (Ill)
find the word 'ballad’ in a pre-1600 source, It is a common belief that the more fat you eat,
it is unlikely to be referring to a song that the more body fat you put on, and the more
we would consider a ballad today. (IV) In weight you gain. (IV) All fats are insoluble in
the fifteenth century the word referred to a water and have a density significantly below
song meant to accompany a dance. (V) By that of water. (V) Fats that are liquid at room
the sixteenth century, any light, simple song temperature are often referred to as oil.
might be called a ballad.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V

176. (I) The industrial Revolution of England, 179. (I) If you have ever seen a person who has
which lasted from 1750 to 1850, also had a had too much to drink, you know that alcohol
large effect on the literature of England. (II) is a drug that has widespread effects on the
The writers of the Age of Romanticism turned body, and the effects vary from person to
away from the standard form of writing of the person. (II) People who drink might become
Age of Reason, which they felt was overly sad and droopy. (Ill) Their speech may slur
pragmatic and uninspiring. (Ill) They focused and they may have trouble walking. (IV)
on a more imaginative type of writing that Similarly, alcohol abuse has been a rising
focused on unique individuals as opposed problem over the past three decades. (V)
to society as a whole. (IV) The Romantic It all depends on the amount of alcohol
writers believed that people were innately consumed, a person’s history with alcohol
good, yet they could be corrupted by society and a person’s personality.
and its institutions. (V) Their main goal was
to go beyond from the assurance of reality to A) I B) II C) İH D) IV E) V
a world of deeper meaning.

A) I B) II C) ill D) IV E) V

177. (I) Teeth have various structures to allow 180. (I) Finland was a province and then a
them to fulfil their many different purposes. grand duchy under Sweden from the 12th
(II) This is among the most common reasons to the 19th centuries. (II) Sweden made a
for teeth whitening. (Ill) The primary function remarkable transformation from a farm and
of teeth is to tear and chew food and in some forest economy to a diversified modern
animals, particularly carnivores, they act as industrial economy. (Ill) Then it became an
a weapon. (IV) The roots of the teeth are autonomous grand duchy of Russia after
covered by gums. (V) The colour of teeth is 1809. (IV) The Finns won their complete
supposed to be white, but it heavily depends independence in 1917. (V) During World War
on the person, and how well they care for II, Finland was able to successfully defend its
their teeth. freedom and resist invasions by the Soviet
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

181. (I) John Watson was the founding father 184. (I) A good babysitter should know how to
of the behaviourist approach. (II) He said change diapers and earn the respect of the
psychology should be a purely objective, children she is watching. (II) She must be
experimental science. (Ill) Its theoretical goal able to get the children ready for bed and
was the prediction and control of behaviour keep an eye on them even while they are
in an objective way. (IV) Therefore, talking sleeping. (Ill) In addition, she should be able
about one’s thoughts and feelings was to to handle any unexpected emergency with
form no part of its methods. (V) Its data common sense and be calm at all times. (IV)
was dependent upon one’s subjective She should know the emergency numbers of
interpretation of his thoughts and feelings. the hospital and police for situations which
require assistance. (V) Then, we learn how
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V to become part of society.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

182. (I) A common misconception is that the 185. (I) Most of the natural wealth of Arkansas
oceans are blue primarily because the sky is lies in its fertile cropland. (II) Underground
blue. (II) In fact, water has a very slight blue are a variety of minerals, with fuels supplying
colour that can only be seen in large volumes. the bulk of the income. (HI) Almost half of the
(Ill) While the sky’s reflection does contribute state is forested. (IV) Arkansas’s population
to the blue appearance of the surface, it is growth began to slow down toward the end
not the primary cause. (IV) Travel on the of the 1800s. (V) The chief commercial
surface of the ocean through the use of coniferous trees are loblolly and shortleaf
boats dates back to prehistoric times. (V) pine, with a mixture of various hardwood
The primary cause is the absorption by the species.
water molecules’ nuclei of red photons from
the incoming light. A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

186. (I) An individual’s astrological horoscope-

183. (I) By the early 20th century, many years that is, the natal or birth chart-is determined
of breeding with Persian cats had nearly by the position of all the planets at the exact
destroyed the Turkish Angora breed. (II) moment of birth. (II) Astrologers divide
Turkish Angora is a breed of longhaired cat the year into 12 equal sections, called the
developed in Turkey more than 250 years zodiac, which originally corresponded to 12
ago. (Ill) A breeding program was started at constellations lying in a great belt around the
the Ankara zoo in the early 1900s to save heavens. (Ill) This scheme was based on the
the Turkish Angora from extinction. (IV) But notion that the sun passes through the 12
serious interest in re-establishing the breed constellations of the zodiac during the course
did not emerge until the early 1960s when of a year. (IV) Each planet was believed to
two Turkish Angoras were exported to the have either a strong or a weak influence on
United States. (V) Another pair was sent to a person’s life, depending on its position in
the United States in 1966 and these four the heavens. (V) Each constellation was
cats became the foundation of the breed as regarded as the house of a particular planet,
it appears today. though some planets ruled more than one
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank Dilko Yaymlan

Irrelevant Sentence

187. (I) The once wild Colorado is now a useful 190. (I) Right now, there is no way to cure AIDS.
river. (II) As it flowed through mountains and (II) You cannot catch AIDS from visiting or
deserts in what is now the Southwestern talking to a friend who is sick with AIDS.
United States, it carved deep gorges, (III) People who become infected with HIV
flooded the land, and carried away tons of become sick with AIDS after six months to
silt. (Ill) The Grand Canyon, one of the most ten years. (IV) Eventually, they die. (V) There
majestic natural wonders in the world, is its are some medicines to fight AIDS, but there
handiwork. (IV) Hoover Dam is one of the is nothing yet that cures it.
world’s highest dams and one of the largest
concrete dams in volume. (V)The Colorado A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
River Aqueduct, the world’s longest, carries
water to Los Angeles.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

188. (I) The tallest of all living animals is the 191. (I) Some years ago, the Japanese found
giraffe. (Il) Even more peculiar than its size that they could plant tiny beads inside
is the shape of this African animal, which has oyster shells and produce pearls in this way.
inspired amazement since ancient times. (Ill) (II) Natural pearls are produced by pearly
The male giraffe may grow to be from 16 oysters without any help from man. (HI) Such
to 20 feet tall. (IV) The female is somewhat pearls are known as cultured pearls, which
shorter. (V) This makes the neck so stiff that are not an imitation, yet they are not entirely
the giraffe must spread its legs far apart in a natural growth. (IV) To produce cultural
order to reach down to drink. pearls, workers carefully pry open the
oysters’ shells and insert tiny beads made of
A) i B) II C) III D) IV E) V shell. (V) The oyster at once starts covering
the irritating object with layers of pearl and
after several years, a pearl is formed.

A) I B) II C) Hi D) IV E)V

189. (I) Fossils are the remains of animals or 192. (I) The first pair of roller skates were worn in
plants that lived long ago. (II) Most fossils 1760 by Joseph Merlin, a musical instrument
are formed from the hard parts of an animal’s maker who loved to invent things. (II) Invited
body, such as bones, shells, or teeth. (Ill) to a costume party, Merlin arrived with his
Some are large, like dinosaur footprints. newly made skates, which he put on and
(IV) For example, dinosaurs lived millions rolled into the ballroom playing a violin. (Ill)
of years ago. (V) Some are so tiny that you Unfortunately, he hadn’t learned how to
need a microscope to see them. stop or change directions so he sailed wildly
across the floor and crashed into a large
A) I B) II C) HI D) IV E) V mirror. (IV) He smashed the mirror, broke his
violin and cut himself severely. (V) Roller­
skating is mostly popular among young
people especially teenagers and never
seems to lose its popularity.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yayınları ( 333 ] Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

193 (I) The deepest part of the ocean that has 196. (I) Pioneers wanting to reach the west coast
ever been discovered is in the Pacific Ocean of America arrived by riverboat at Missouri
near the island of Guam. (II) This location River towns in the early spring. (II) The
is actually a deep canyon known as the coming of Europeans and their activities
‘’Marianas Trench”. (Ill) Its lowest explored over a period of some five centuries have
point is nearly 11.3 kilometres below the transformed the plant and animal life of
ocean’s surface. (IV) It is not just something’s North America. (Ill) They hoped to cross the
weight that makes it sink or float. (V) If you plains and the Rocky Mountains during the
were to drop a steel ball into the water above summer while the grassland would provide
this spot, it would take the ball an hour to food for their animals. (IV) They also wanted
reach the bottom. to arrive in California before the winter snows
closed the mountain passes. (V) Those who
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V didn’t make it were trapped in the mountains
without sufficient provisions for the entire

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

194. (I) The Mac Arthur prizes are grants of 197. (I) Since the 17th century, the possibility of
money ranging from $128,000 to $ 300,000 intelligent life on Mars has fascinated us. (II)
given to individuals who show outstanding Scientific speculation encouraged the popular
talents in their fields. (II) This money frees belief that Mars was like Earth, complete
geniuses from financial worries and allows with continents and oceans. (Ill) In the early
them the time to devote themselves to 1920!s, radio stations were requested by
creative thinking. (II!) The recipients of the the US government to keep silent so that
Mac Arthur; prizes are people who have transmissions from Martians could be heard.

already achieved considerable success. (IV) These days, comparisons with Earth
(IV) It may be asked whether they attained o are made at a molecular level. (V) But in
success despite the fact that they had to the 1970’s Mars missions dismissed any
worry about money or because of it. (V) And question of life on Mars.
the recognition of their success motivate
them for further accomplishments. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A)! B) II C) II! D) IV E) V

195. (I) The reasons a person lives in a remote 198. (I) Through her portrayals of ordinary people
area may be one of the following. (II) in everyday life, Jane Austen gave the genre
Cities are usually very noisy and a person of the novel its modern character. (Il) She
may want to get away from the noise. (Ill) began writing at an early age. (Ill) At 15,
Moreover, it can be very expensive to pay she was writing plays and sketches for the
the costs of housing in a remote area. (IV) amusement of her family. (IV) She had six
Another attraction of a remote area might be brothers and one sister. (V) By the time she
that it is unpolluted. (V) Lastly, if a person was 21, she had begun to write novels that
was born and raised in a remote area, he or are among the finest in English literature.
she may want to remain in the place that is
best known. A) I B) II C) IH D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Question Bank ( 334 ) Dilko Yayınlan

Irrelevant Sentence

199. (I) Blue whales were abundant in most 201. (I) The question “Do UFOs really exist?”
oceans around the world until the beginning divides people into two opposing camps
of the 20th century. (II) For the first 40 years - the believers and the non-believers. (II)
of that century they were hunted by whalers For many years, there have been reports of
almost to extinction. (Ill) The Blue Whale is a strange flying objects and in 1947 the name
marine mammal which is believed to be the UFOs was given to these phenomena. (Ill)
largest animal ever to have lived on Earth. The former are quite convinced that extra­
(IV) So, to prevent this massacre, hunting of terrestrials exist and travel around the
the species was outlawed in 1966. (V) Since universe in flying saucers. (IV) The non­
then, their number has been increasing day believers are sure that the only form of life
by day. exists here on Earth. (V) They are also sure
that any UFO sighting can be scientifically
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V explained as purely terrestrial phenomena.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

200. (1) MS is a disease that affects the central 202. (I) A dust storm is a strong dry wind blowing
nervous system. (II) It affects the cells of the over the desert that raises and carries along
brain that carry information. (Ill) It can cause clouds of sand or dust. (II) It is often so dense
a variety of symptoms including muscle as to obscure the sun and reduces visibility
weakness and difficulties with coordination. almost to zero. (Ill) Such a wind is usually
(IV) Between these attacks, symptoms the result of convection currents created by
may resolve completely. (V) Although intense heating of the ground. (IV) The wind
many patients lead full lives, MS can cause is strong enough to move dunes, and it often
impaired mobility in the more severe cases. interferes with travel, sometimes destroying
roads in flat dry regions such as those of the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V West United States. (V) When the rays of the
sun are blocked, people may lose the track
of the time, as in the prisons.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Dilko Yaymlan ( 335 ) Question Bank

Irrelevant Sentence

203. (I) The Pacific salmon are famed for their 205. (I) Although no official definition exists for
gruelling journeys of hundreds of miles the term natural foods, it generally refers to
to their headwater breeding grounds. (II) foods that have been subjected to minimal
Grizzly bears hunt at the mouth of rivers to processing and contain no artificial additives
find something to eat, especially salmons. or ingredients. (II) Nutritionists often refer
(Ill) When they begin this trip they are in to these as whole foods. (Ill) Refined and
prime condition. (IV) But they cease eating processed foods usually contain fewer
when they leave the sea and arrive months nutrients than whole foods. (IV) In addition a
later, exhausted and battered by their fight study indicates that the cultivation practices
upstream against swift currents and over used in organic farming may have other long­
falls. (V) Those that survive the trip and term benefits. (V) Refining whole wheat flour
escape fishermen and predatory animals into white flour, for example, can remove
spawn with their last strength and then die. more than half of the vitamins, minerals, and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

(1) Jean Piaget was a Swiss; philosopher 205. (!) Criticism is the activity of judgement or
and developmental theorist, well known informed interpretation and, in many cases,
for his theory of cognitive development. (II) can be synonymous with “analysis”. (II) In
He was born in 1896 in Neuchâtel in the literary and academic contexts, the term
French-speaking part of Switzerland. (Ill) most frequently refers to literary criticism,
Piaget was a gifted child who developed an art criticism, or other such fields. (Ill) Often
interest in biology and the natural world, and destructive criticism comes from persons
even published a number of papers before who are envious, cruel and those who judge
he graduated from high school. (IV) He then in fields which are not their own. (IV) In these
moved from Switzerland to Paris, France, contexts the term “critic” most often refers to
where he taught at the Grange-Aux-Belles a scholar of literature or another art form. (V)
street school. (V) In fact, his long career of In other contexts, the term describes hostility
scientific research began when he was just or disagreement with the object of criticism.
eleven, with the 1907 publication of a short
paper on the albino sparrow. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) ill D)IV E) V

Question Bank ( 336 ) Dilko Yayınları


1E2D3B4B 5C 6D 7B 8B 9E 10A11E 12D 13A14A15C16E 17C 18D 19E20E21C22C

23D 24A 25D 26E 27C 28D 29B 30E 31B 32D 33A 34C 35E 36A 37E 38B 39C 400 41D
42E 43C 44E 450 46C 47E 48B 49C 50B 51D 52B 53E 54E 55B 56B 57E 58D 59A 60D
61B 62B 63E 64E 65E 66D 67C 68B 69C 70A 71A 72B 73E 74D 75E 76D 77E 78B 79B
800 810 82A 83E 84A 85E 86D 87B 88D 89A 90E 910 920 93D 94D 95A 96B 970 98E
99C 100D 101E 1020 1030 1040 105E 106A 107D 108A 109A 110A 1110 112A 113E
114E 115B 116B 1170 118E 1190 120E 121D 122D 123D 1240 125B 1260 127A 1280
129A 130E 131D 132E 1330 1340 135A 136D 137B 138E 139A 140E 1410 142B 143A
144A 145B 146E 1470 148A 149D 150D 151D 152E 153A 154D 155E 1560 1570 158D
159A 160B 161E 162B 163A 164A 1650 1660 167D 1680 169A 1700E 171A 172B 173B
1740 175B 176E 177A 178A 1790 180D 1810 1820 183E 184A 185A 186A 187D 1880
189B 190D 191B 192A 193A 1940 195D 1960 197E 198E 199A 2000 201B 2028 203A
204E 2050 206B 207E 2080 209E 21OE 211B 212D 213A 2140 215D 2160 217E 218A
219D 220B 221D 222A 223A 2240 225E 226D 227A 228E 229D 230A 2310 2320 233A
234A 235E 236B 237D 238B 2390 2400 241A 242D 243E 244B 2450 246B 247E 248E
249B 250B 251B 252E 253A 254B 255D 2560 257A 2580 2590 2600 261B 2620 263E
264D 265B 266A 267B 268D 269D 270A 271B 272D 273A 274B 275E


1A2C3D4A 5A 6E 7A 80 9A 10E 11D 12A 130 14D15E 16A 17D 180 19A20E21B22B
23D 24D 25A 26B 27C 28B 29A 30E31E 32B 33A 34D 35A 360 37E 38E 39E 400 41A
420 43E 44A 45B 46D 47D 480 49050A 51A 52D 53E 54D 55A 56E 57D 580 59A 60E
61D 62D 63E 64A 65D 66D 670 68E69E 700 71A 72B 73D 74E 75E 76D 77E 78A 79B
80B 810 82D 83B 84C 850 86C 87E88D 89C 90D 91D 92A 93D 94A 95E 96A 97B 98A
99E 100D 101B 102E 103A 104A 105E 106D 107A 108E 1090 I10B 111D 112D 1130
114A 115A 116E 1170 118A 119B 120A 1210 122E 123E 124D 125A 126B 1270 128A
129E 130D 131B 132A 1330 134E 1350 1360 137D 138B 1390 140E 141B 142E 143E
144E 145D 146B 147B 1480 1490 150A 151D 152A 153A 1540 155D 156B 157A 1580
159A 160D

1E2A3C4E5B6B7A8B9D 10E 11C 12E13C 14A 15D 16C17E18D 19C 20D21A22E

23A 24C 25A 26D 27A 28C 29A 30B 31E 32E 33D 34B 35C 36A 37C 38B 39C 40A 41E
42B 43D 44A 45A 46E 47C 48A 49A 50B 51A 52E 53A 54A 55D 56D 57B 580 59D 60D
61A 62A 63D 64A 65B 66B 67B 68E 69D 70B 71E 72A 73D 74B 75B 76C 77C 78E 79A
80E 81A 82A 83A 84D 85D 86E 87C 88E 89C 90B 91D 92B 93E 94A 95D 96E 97B 98D
99A 100D 101B 102A 103A 104C 105D 1060 107B 108D 109B 110E 111C 1128 1130
114A 115D 1160 117A 118B 1190 120A 121E 122D 123B 124E 125C


1A2D 3E 4E5C6A 7A 8D 90 10E 110 12A 13A 14D 15D 16B 17A 18D 19B 20E21A22C
23E 240 25D 26B 27E 280 29D 30D 310 32B 33A 34D 35B 36A 37A 38E 39E 40A 410
420 43B 44B 45D 46B 47B 48D 49A 50C 51E 52A 53E 54B 55E 56C 57E 58E 59E 60B
61D 62E 63D 64B 65A 66E 670 68A 69E 70B 71E 72A 73B 74E 75A 76E 770 78B 79B
80B 81E 82C 83E 84A 85A 86A 87B 88B 89E 90B 91D 920 93E 94B 95D 96E 97E 98E
990 100C 101D 102E 103A 104B 1050 106A 1070 108E 1090 110E 1110 112E 1130
114D 115E 116B 117D 1180 119D 120C 121E 122B 123A 124A 125A 126D 127B 128B
1290 130D 131E 132A 133A 134E 135B
' Cloze Test 1 Cloze Test 16 Cloze Test 31 Cloze Test 46 ■
1C2B 3B 4A 5A 1D2A 30 4A 5A 10 2B 30 4A 5D 1B2D 3A 4A 50

Cloze Test 2 Cloze Test 17 Cloze Test 32 Cloze Test 47

1D 2A 3B 4B 50 1C2A 3B 4B 5C 1D2E 3A 4B 5A 1D20 30 4B 5B

Cloze Test 3 Cloze Test 18 Cloze Test 33 Cloze Test 48

1C2D 3A4E 5C 1A2B 3A 4C 5E 1C2A3E4E5B 1D2B 3A 40 5A

Cloze Test 4 Cloze Test 19 Cloze Test 34 Cloze Test 49

1D 20 3B 4C 5A 1A2B 3C 4A 5B 1D2E 30 4B 5A 1D2C 3A 4A5D

Cloze Test 5 Cloze Test 20 Cloze Test 35 Cloze Test 50

1C2B3E 4E 5B 1E2D3E 4A 5B 1D 20 3B 40 50 1C2D 3A 4B 5D

Cloze Test 6 Cloze Test 21 Cloze Test 36 Cloze Test 51

1C2B 3E 4E 5B 1D2E 3D 4C 5A 10 20 3D 4E 5A 1D2D 30 4A 5A

Cloze Test 7 Cloze Test 22 Cloze Test 37 Cloze Test 52

1A2A 3E 4E 5C 1B2A3D4C5A 1A2B3C4D5E 1A2B3B4D 5A

Cloze Test 8 Cloze Test 23 Cloze Test 38 Cloze Test 53

1C2A 3C 4E 5D 1C2C3E4E5D ; 1D2D3C4C5B 1B2E 3B4A5A

Cloze Test 9 Cloze Test 24 Cloze Test 39 Cloze Test 54

1D2A 3D 4B 5E 1A2E3B4C5B 1A2C3C4D5E 1A2D 3D 4A5B

Cloze Test 10 Cloze Test 25 Cloze Test 40 Cloze Test 55

1A2C 30 4A 5D 10 2E 3A 4D 5E 1E2A 30 40 5D 1B2B 30 4A 5B

Cloze Test 11 Cloze Test 26 Cloze Test 41 Cloze Test 56

1D2C 3D 4A 5A 10 2A 3E 4E 5A 1A2E3D 4B 5A 1A2E 3D 4D 50

Cloze Test 12 Cloze Test 27 Cloze Test 42 Cloze Test 57

1D2E 3E 4E 5B 1A2C 3B 4A 50 1D2E 30 4A 5A 1B2C 3D 40 5A

Cloze Test 13 Cloze Test 28 Cloze Test 43 Cloze Test 58

1E2E 3B 40 5D 1A2C 3A 4A 5E 1E2A 3A 4B 5C 1D2A3E4C 50

Cloze Test 14 Cloze Test 29 Cloze Test 44 Cloze Test 59

1A2B 3E 4E 5D 1B2A 3E 4B 50 1B2B3D4A 5D 1B2E 3B 40 50

Cloze Test 15 Cloze Test 30 Cloze Test 45 Cloze Test 60

1A2A3D4C5C 1A2D 3A 4B 50 10 2E 30 4A 5B 1B2C3B4E5E
Cloze Test 61 Cloze Test 76 Cloze Test 91 Cloze Test 106
1B2A 3A 4D 5E 1D2B3E4A 50 1D 2B 3B 4A 5E 1E2A3D 4B5E

Cloze Test 62 Cloze Test 77 Cloze Test 92 Cloze Test 107

1A2A 30 40 50 1D2E 3A 4B 5A 1B2D3C 4D 5B 1A2A 3D 4B 5A

Cloze Test 63 Cloze Test 78 Cloze Test 93 Cloze Test 108

1B2D 3A4C 5C 1B2C3A 4B5E 1A2D 3B4E 5A 1A2E 3E 4B 5D

Cloze Test 64 Cloze Test 79 Cloze Test 94 Cloze Test 109

1D 2B 3C 4D 5A 1E 20 3B 4A 50 1B2D3A 4B 5D 10 2A 3B 4E 5D

Cloze Test 65 Cloze Test 80 Cloze Test 94 Cloze Test 110

1B2B3E4D 5C 1B2A3E 40 5D 1D2C3D 4B 5E 10 2A 3A 4E 5D

Cloze Test 66 Cloze Test 81 Cloze Test 95 Cloze Test 111

i E 2A 3C 40 50 10 2A 3D4E5E 1C2A3B 4B 5D 1E 2A 30 4A 5B

Cloze Test 67 Cloze Test 82 Cloze Test 96 Cloze Test 112

1E 2B 30 4D 5A 1D2B 3E 4C 5B 1B 2D 30 40 5A 1D 2E 3E 4A 50

Cloze Test 68 Cloze Test 83 Cloze Test 97 Cloze Test 113

1B2D 30 40 5B 10 2A 3E 40 5B 1D2B3D 4E 5D 1A 2D 3D 40 5B

Cloze Test 69 Cloze Test 84 Cloze Test 98 Cloze Test 114

1C2E3E 4B 5A 10 2A 3D 4B 5A 1C2A 30 4B 50 1A2C 3D 4E 5B

Cloze Test 70 Cloze Test 85 Cloze Test 99 Cloze Test 115

1B2A3E 40 5D 1B2A 3B 4C 5E 1A2B 30 4D 5A 10 2E 3B 4A5E

Cloze Test 71 Cloze Test 86 Cloze Test 101 Cloze Test 116
1D2D3B 4D 5A 1D 2D 3E 4A 50 10 2A 3B 40 5A 1B2A 30 4E 5C

Cloze Test 72 Cloze Test 87 Cloze Test 102 Cloze Test 117
10 2D 3B4D5D 1A2C 3B 4A 5B 10 2E 3B 4E 5D 1A2E3D 40 50

Cloze Test 73 Cloze Test 88 Cloze Test 103 Cloze Test 118
1A2E3D 4A 5B 1E 2B 30 4E 5A 1D 2A 3A 40 5B 1E2D 3E 4B 5B

Cloze Test 74 Cloze Test 89 Cloze Test 104 Cloze Test 119
1C2A3C 4B 5A 1A2C 30 4D 5A 1B2D3E 40 5E 1C2E3D 4B 50

Cloze Test 75 Cloze Test 90 Cloze Test 105 Cloze Test 120
1A2E 3B4A 5A 1A2C 30 4D 5A 1A2E3D 40 5B 1D2A 3A 4B 5D

1B2D3E 4B5B 6A 7A8D 9C 10D 11B 12D 13E 14C 150 16A 17C 18C 19D 20E 21D 22E
23A 24C 25B 26A 27B 28A 29C 30E 31D 32B 33C 34B 35C 36A 37C 38B 39D 40D 41E
42C 43B 44E 45C 46D 47B 48D 49A 50E 51D 52D 53B 54E 55B 56A 57D 58E 59B 60B
61E 62A 63E 64E 65A 66C 67E 68C 69B 70B 71C 72E 73C 74D 75E 76A 77E 78B 79D
80D 81D 82D 83B 84E 85B 86B 87A 88A 89E 90A 91A 92B 93B 94D 95A 96B 97C 98A
99B 100D 101C 102B 103E 104B 105A 106D 107A 108B 109A 110E 111A 112E 1130
114A 115B 116B 117B 1180 119D 120D1210 122D 1230 124B 125C 126B 127E 128D
129B 130A 131B 132E 133D 134D 135C136D 137D 138D 139E 140E 141D 142B 143B
144C 145E 146D 147A 148D 149A 150D151E 152C 1530 154A 155A 156D 157D 158C
159A 160B 161A 162E 163B 164A 165C1660 167E 168B 169A 170D 171B 1720 173E
174A 175D 176A 177E 1780 179A 180A1810 182E 183A 184B 185B 186A 187A 188A
1890 190A 191D 1920 193A 1940 1950 196B 197A 1980 199E 200A


1B2A 3A 4B 5A 6E 7B 80 9B 10B11D 12A 13B 14B 15E 16D 170 18A 19A 20A21D22A
230 24C 25D 26C 27A 280 29D 300 31B 320 33B 34E 35B 36E 37B 38C 39B 40B 41E
42A 43B 44E 45B 46A 47B 480 49D 50D 51A 52A 53C 54D 55B 56D 57B 58E 59C 60C
61E 62D 63B 64B 65E 660 67B 68B 69B 70B 71C 72B 73E 74D 75B76A 77D 780 790
80D 810 82D 830 84D 85B 860 87A 88A 89D 900 91A 92B 93E 94D 95B 96A 97B 98C
99E 100D 1010 102B 103A 104E 1050 1060 107E 108B 109B 110D 111C 112D 113D
114D 115B 116D 117D 118B 119E 120D121B 122E 123B 124E 125A 126E 1270 128B
129B 1300 131D 132A 133E 134D 1350136D 137E 1380 139E 140B 141A 142E 143D
144A 145C 1460 147E 148A 149D 150D1510 1520 153B 154D 155A 156A 157D 158E
159E 160D 161A 162D 163E 164D 165B166D 167E 168E 169E 1700 171D 172B 173E
1740 175B 176A 177B 1780 179D 180B181E 182D 183B 184E 185D 186D 187D 188E
189D 190B 1918 192E 193D 194D 1950196B 197D 198D 1990 200D 201B 202E 203B
204D 205D

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