DBMS Personal Notes
DBMS Personal Notes
A database management system (DBMS) refers to the technology for creating and managing databases. DBMS
is a software tool to organize (create, retrieve, update, and manage) data in a database.
The proper understanding of data structures and algorithms will help you to understand the DBMS quickly.
A database management system (DBMS) refers to the technology for creating and managing databases. DBMS
is a software tool to organize (create, retrieve, update, and manage) data in a database.
The main aim of a DBMS is to supply a way to store up and retrieve database information that is both
convenient and efficient. By data, we mean known facts that can be recorded and that have embedded meaning.
Usually, people use software such as DBASE IV or V, Microsoft ACCESS, or EXCEL to store data in the form
of a database. A datum is a unit of data. Meaningful data combined to form information. Hence, information is
interpreted data - data provided with semantics. MS. ACCESS is one of the most common examples of database
management software.
More on Data, Information, and Knowledge
Knowledge refers to the useful use of information. As you know, that information can be transported, stored,
and shared without any problems and difficulties, but the same cannot be said about knowledge. Knowledge
necessarily involves personal experience and practice.
Database systems are meant to handle an extensive collection of information. Management of data involves
both defining structures for storage of information and providing mechanisms that can do the manipulation of
those stored information. Moreover, the database system must ensure the safety of the information stored,
despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized access.
To develop software applications In less time.
Data independence and efficient use of data.
For uniform data administration.
For data integrity and security.
For concurrent access to data, and data recovery from crashes.
To use user-friendly declarative query language.
Where is a Database Management System (DBMS) being Used?
Airlines: reservations, schedules, etc
Telecom: calls made, customer details, network usage, etc
Universities: registration, results, grades, etc
Sales: products, purchases, customers, etc
Banking: all transactions etc
Advantages of DBMS
A DBMS manages data and has many benefits. These are:
Data independence: Application programs should be as free or independent as possible from details of
data representation and storage. DBMS can supply an abstract view of the data for insulating application
code from such facts.
Efficient data access: DBMS utilizes a mixture of sophisticated concepts and techniques for storing and
retrieving data competently. This feature becomes important in cases where the data is stored on external
storage devices.
Data integrity and security: If data is accessed through the DBMS, the DBMS can enforce integrity
constraints on the data.
Data administration: When several users share the data, integrating the administration of data can offer
significant improvements. Experienced professionals understand the nature of the data being managed
and can be responsible for organizing the data representation to reduce redundancy and make the data to
retrieve efficiently.
Components of DBMS
Users: Users may be of any kind such as DB administrator, System developer, or database users.
Database application: Database application may be Departmental, Personal, organization's
and / or Internal.
DBMS: Software that allows users to create and manipulate database access,
Database: Collection of logical data as a single unit.
Introduction to DataBase
The name indicates what the database is. A database is one of the essential components for many
applications and is used for storing a series of data in a single set. In other words, it is a group/package of
information that is put in order so that it can be easily accessed, manage, and update.
There are different types of databases. They are:
In a database, even the smallest portion of information becomes the data. For example, a Student is a data, a
roll number is a data, and the address is data, height, weight, marks everything is data. In brief, all the living
and non-living objects in this world are data. In this chapter of the database, you will learn about the
fundamental terminologies that are used in DBMS.
One of the primary aims of a database is to supply users with an abstract view of data, hiding a certain
element of how data is stored and manipulated. Therefore, the starting point for the design of a database
should be an abstract and general description of the information needs of the organization that is to be
represented in the database. And hence you will require an environment to store data and make it work as a
database. In this chapter, you will learn about the database environment and its architecture.
A database environment is a collective system of components that comprise and regulates the group of data,
management, and use of data, which consist of software, hardware, people, techniques of handling database,
and the data also.
Here, the hardware in a database environment means the computers and computer peripherals that are being
used to manage a database, and the software means the whole thing right from the operating system (OS) to the
application programs that include database management software like M.S. Access or SQL Server. Again the
people in a database environment include those people who administrate and use the system. The techniques are
the rules, concepts, and instructions given to both the people and the software along with the data with the
group of facts and information positioned within the database environment.
The levels form a three-level architecture that includes an external, a conceptual, and an internal level. The way
users recognize the data is called the external level. The way the DBMS and the operating system distinguish
the data is the internal level, where the data is stored using the data structures and file. The conceptual level
offers both the mapping and the desired independence between the external and internal levels.
What is Database Architecture?
A DBMS architecture is depending on its design and can be of the following types:
DBMS architecture can be seen as either a single-tier or multi-tier. An architecture having n-tier splits the entire
system into related but independent n modules that can be independently customized, changed, altered, or
The architecture of a database system is very much influenced by the primary computer system on which the
database system runs. Database systems can be centralized, or client-server, where one server machine executes
work on behalf of multiple client machines. Database systems can also be designed to exploit parallel computer
architectures. Distributed databases span multiple geographically separated machines.
The Three-Tier Architecture
A 3-tier application is an application program that is structured into three major parts; each of them is
distributed to a different place or places in a network. These three divisions are as follows:
The workstation or presentation layer
The business or application logic layer
The database and programming related to managing layer
Database normalization is a database schema design technique, by which an existing schema is modified to
minimize redundancy and dependency of data.
Normalization split a large table into smaller tables and define relationships between them to increases the
clarity in organizing data.
Some Facts About Database Normalization
The words normalization and normal form refer to the structure of a database.
Normalization was developed by IBM researcher E.F. Codd In the 1970s.
Normalization increases clarity in organizing data in Databases.
Normalization of a Database is achieved by following a set of rules called 'forms' in creating the database.
Database Normalization Rules
The database normalization process is divided into following the normal form:
First Normal Form (1NF)
Second Normal Form (2NF)
Third Normal Form (3NF)
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
Sample Employee table, it displays employees are working with multiple departments.
Employee table following 1NF:
Employee Age Department
Melvin 32 Marketing
Melvin 32 Sales
1 Monitor Apple
2 Monitor Samsung
3 Scanner HP
1 Monitor
2 Scanner
3 Head phone
Brand table:
brandID brand
1 Apple
2 Samsung
3 HP
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 3
4 3 4