DBMS Architecture Lec2
DBMS Architecture Lec2
Lecture Content
Components of DBMS Environment
The 3-tier Architecture of DBMS
Data Independence
Data Mapping
Components of DBMS
There are many components available in the DBMS.
Each component has a significant task in the DBMS.
A database environment is a collection of
components that regulates the use of data and
management of the data.
These components consist of people, the technique
of handling the database, data, hardware, software,
We are going to explain five main components of the
database management software below.
Components of DBMS
Some authors will add
Data Access Language
which are DDL and
(1) Hardware
Here the hardware means the physical part of the DBMS. Here the
hardware includes output devices like a printer, monitor, etc., and
storage devices like a hard disk.
The equipment which is used for the visibility of the data is the
printer, computer, scanner, etc. This equipment is used to capture
the data and present the output to the user.
With the help of hardware, the DBMS can access and update the
The server can store a large amount of data, which can be shared
with the help of the user's own system.
The database can be run in any system that ranges from a single PC
to a network of computers, microcomputers and mainframes.
When we try to run any database software like MySQL, we can
type any commands with the help of our keyboards, and RAM,
ROM, and processor are part of the computer system.
(2) Software
The computer software is a set of instructions that is used to
instruct the computer hardware for the operation of the computers.
The software component comprises the DBMS software itself
which is an application program, other application programs
together with the operating system and network software (as
DBMS is used over a network).
This software has the ability to understand the database accessing
language and then convert these languages to real database
commands and then execute the database.
The database software provides an easy interface for the user to
store, update and delete the data from the database.
Some examples of DBMS software include MySQL, Oracle, SQL
Server, dBase, FileMaker, Clipper, Foxpro, Microsoft Access, etc.
(3) Data
The term data means the collection of any raw fact stored in the
The database can store any form of data, such as structural
data, non-structural data, and logical data.
We also call the database the structure of the DBMS. With the
help of the database, we can create and construct the DBMS.
After the creation of the database, we can create, access, and
update that database.
The structure of the database is called the schema.
The main reason behind discovering the database is to create
and manage the data within the database.
Data is the most important part of the DBMS. Here the database
contains the actual (operational) data and metadata. Here
metadata means data about data.
(4) Procedures
The procedure is a type of general instruction or guidelines for the
use of DBMS.
This instruction includes how to set up the database, how to install
the database, how to log in and log out of the database, how to
manage the database, how to take a backup of the database, and
how to generate the report of the database.
The DBMS can offer better performance to extensive or complex
business logic when the user follows all the procedures correctly.
The main purpose of the procedure is to guide the user during the
management and operation of the database.
The procedure of the databases is so similar to the function of the
database. The major difference between the database procedure
and database function is that the database function acts the same as
the SQL statement. In contrast, the database procedure is invoked
using the CALL statement of the DBMS.
(5) People
The people who control and manage the databases and perform different types of
operations on the database in the DBMS.
The people include database administrator, software developer, and End-user.
Database administrator-database administrator is the one who manages the complete
database management system. DBA takes care of the security of the DBMS, its
availability, managing the license keys, managing user accounts and access, etc. They
also monitor system perfromance.
Application developers/Programmers- These are those who write database
application programs in any programming language. They provide the required
functionality for end-users.
Database Designers: This is the category of users who design the database structure
which is divided into physical and logical parts.
End users– These are those who interact with the system from online workstations or
terminals and access the database via online application programs to get required
information for carrying pout primary responsibilities. Database are designed and
maintained to serve the end users .
People in DBMS
Diagram of a Typical
DBMS Environment
DBMS Architecture
One of the main aims of a database system is to provide
users with an abstract view of data, hiding certain details
of how data is stored and manipulated.
To satisfy theses needs, an architecture was developed
known as the 3-tier architecture.
In 1975, The American National Standard Institute –
Standards Planning and Requirement Committee (ANSI-
SPARC) proposed a 3-tier architecture which has been
used to develop to some extent most commercial DBMS
available today.
It consists of the External, Conceptual and Internal
DBMS Architecture
External Level
External Level: An external level specifies a view of the
data in terms of conceptual level tables. Each external
level view is used to cater to the needs of a particular
category of users.
For Example, FACULTY of a university is interested in
looking at course details of students, STUDENTS are
interested in looking at all details related to academics,
accounts, courses and hostel details as well.
So, different views can be generated for different users.
The main focus of external level is data abstraction.
Conceptual Level
Conceptual Level: At conceptual level, data is
represented in the form of various database tables.
For Example, STUDENT database may contain
STUDENT and COURSE tables which will be visible
to users but users are unaware of their storage.
Also referred as logical schema, it describes what
kind of data is to be stored in the database.
Internal Level
Internal Level: At the physical level, the information
about the location of database objects in the data
store is kept. Various users of DBMS are unaware of
the locations of these objects.
In simple terms, physical level of a database
describes how the data is being stored in secondary
storage devices like disks and tapes and also gives
insights on additional storage details.
Data Independence
Data independence means a change of data at one level should
not affect another level. Two types of data independence are
present in this architecture:
Physical Data Independence: Any change in the physical
location of tables and indexes should not affect the conceptual
level or external view of data. This data independence is easy to
achieve and implemented by most of the DBMS.
Logical Data Independence: The data at conceptual level
schema and external level schema must be independent. This
means a change in conceptual schema should not affect external
schema. e.g.; Adding or deleting attributes of a table should not
affect the user’s view of the table. But this type of independence
is difficult to achieve as compared to physical data
independence because the changes in conceptual schema are
reflected in the user’s view.
A block diagram showing
Data Independence
Physical Vs Logical Data
Objectives of the 3-tier (Schema)
Architecture of DBMS
The main objective of three level architecture is to enable multiple users to
access the same data with a personalized view while storing the underlying
data only once. Thus it separates the user's view from the physical structure of
the database. This separation is desirable for the following reasons:
Different users need different views of the same data.
The approach in which a particular user needs to see the data may change over
The users of the database should not worry about the physical implementation
and internal workings of the database such as data compression and encryption
techniques, hashing, optimization of the internal structures etc.
All users should be able to access the same data according to their
DBA should be able to change the conceptual structure of the database without
affecting the user's view. Internal structure of the database should be unaffected
by changes to physical aspects of the storage.
Mapping Between the
The three levels of DBMS architecture don't exist independently
of each other. There must be correspondence between the three
levels i.e. how they actually correspond with each other.
DBMS is responsible for correspondence between the three
types of schema. This correspondence is called Mapping.
Mapping is used to transform the request and response
between various database levels of architecture.
Mapping is not good for small DBMS because it takes more
There are basically two types of mapping in the database
Conceptual/ Internal Mapping
External / Conceptual Mapping
Types of Data Mapping
The Conceptual/Internal Mapping: It defines the
correspondence between the records and fields of the
conceptual level and files and data structures of the
internal level (stored database). It specifies how
conceptual record and fields are represented at the
internal level. There can be several mappings at this level.
The External/Conceptual Mapping: It defines the
correspondence between a particular external and the
conceptual view. It enables the DBMS to map names in
the user’s view on to the relevant part of the conceptual
schema. There can be only one mapping at this level.
Data Mapping
These components consist of hardware, software, data,
procedures and people.
One of the main aims of a database system is to provide users
with an abstract view of data, hiding certain details of how data
is stored and manipulated.
The main objective of three level architecture is to enable
multiple users to access the same data with a personalized view
while storing the underlying data only once.
Data independence means a change of data at one level should
not affect another level. Two types of data independence are
present in this architecture: Physical Data Independence and
Logical Data Independence
Mapping is used to transform the request and response
between various database levels of architecture.