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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:

- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /

MCQ] 8527521718

Section A 4 Four resistors are connected as shown in the

following figure. A 6 V battery of negligible resistance is
1 Let r be the distance of a point on the axis of a connected across terminals A and C. The potential
difference across terminals B and D will be:
magnetic dipole from its centre. The magnetic field at
such a point is proportional to:
1. 1

2. 1


3. 1


4. none of these

2 An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30 with

an electric field intensity 2 × 10 N/C. It experiences a


torque equal to 4 N-m. The charge on the dipole, if the 1. zero

dipole length is 2 cm, is: 2. 1.5 V
3. 2 V
1. 8 mC 2. 2 mC
4. 3 V
3. 5 mC 4. 7 μC

5 A plane electromagnetic wave travels in a vacuum

3 A neutral spherical copper particle has a radius of along the z-direction. Then the directions of its electric
10 nm (1 nm = 10 m). It gets charged by applying the and magnetic field vectors will be:

voltage slowly adding one electron at a time. Then the 1. in the x-y plane and they are parallel to each other.
graph of the total charge on the particle vs the applied in the x-y plane and they are mutually perpendicular
voltage would look like: 2.
to each other.
in the y-z plane and they are mutually perpendicular
to each other.
4. in the z-x plane and they are parallel to each other.

1. 2. 6 Two coherent monochromatic light beams of

intensities I and 4I superimpose. The maximum and
minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are:
1. 5I and I
2. 5I and 3I
3. 3I and I
4. 9I and I
3. 4. 7 The electric field vector of an electromagnetic wave
is given by, E→ = E sin(ωt − kx)^j. The corresponding

expression for magnetic field is:

→ = B sin(ωt + kx)k
1. B 0

→ = B sin(ωt − kx)k
2. B 0

→ = −B
3. B 0
sin(ωt + kx)k

→ = −B
4. B 0
sin(ωt − kx)k

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

8 The correct direction of the magnetic field in the 12 The equivalent capacitance across A and B in the
given figures is shown by: given figure is:

1. 2.

1. C 3

3. 4. 2. C
3. C 2

4. 5


13 A conducting wire bent in the form of a parabola

9 The current in an inductor of self-inductance 4 H
= 2x carries a current i = 2 A as shown in the figure.
changes from 4 A to 2 A in 1 s. The emf induced in the →

coil is: The wire is placed in uniform magnetic field B = −4k ^

1. −2 V T. The magnetic force on the wire is:

2. 2 V
3. −4 V
4. 8 V

10 An ammeter of resistance 20 Ω measures upto 50

mA. The value of shunt required in parallel to measure

current upto 5 A is nearly:
1. 0.1 Ω
2. 0.2 Ω
3. 0.02 Ω
4. 0.01 Ω

11 Given below are two statements: 1. −16^i N

The reactance of an AC circuit is zero. It 2. 32^i N
Statement I: is possible that the circuit contains a 3. −32^i N
capacitor and an inductor. 4. 16^i N
In an AC circuit, the average power
Statement II: delivered by the source never becomes
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true.
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false.
3. Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
4. Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

14 Given below are two statements: 17 There are certain materials developed in
The magnetism of a magnet is due to the laboratories that have a negative refractive index
Assertion (A): (figure). A ray incident from the air (medium-1) into
spin motion of electrons.
The dipole moment of an electron is such a medium (medium-2) shall follow a path given by:
Reason (R): smaller than that due to orbit motion
around the nucleus.
1. 2.
Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
3. (A) is True but (R) is False. 3. 4.
4. Both (A) and (R) are False.

15 A hollow tube is carrying an electric current along 18 Magnetic flux through a circuit of resistance 20 Ω is
its length distributed uniformly over its surface. The changed from 20 Wb to 40 Wb in 5 ms. The charge
magnetic field, passed through the circuit during this time is:
a. increases linearly from the axis to the surface 1. 1 C
b. is constant inside the tube 2. 2 C
c. is zero at the axis 3. zero
d. is zero just outside the tube 4. 0.5 C
Choose the correct option:
1. (a), (b) 19 The figure shows some of the electric field lines
2. (b), (c) corresponding to an electric field. The figure suggests
3. (c), (d)
4. (a), (d)

16 What is the potential difference between points A

and D of circuit shown in the figure?

1. E A > EB > EC

2. E A = EB = EC

3. E A = EC > EB

4. E A = EC < EB

20 Light is:
1. a wave phenomenon
1. 5 V 2. a particle phenomenon
2. 9 V 3. both particle and wave phenomenon
3. 10.4 V 4. none of the above
4. 11.4 V

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

21 Two cells of the same emf E and different internal 25 A rod of length l rotates with a uniform angular
resistances r and r are connected in series to an
1 2 velocity ω about its perpendicular bisector. A uniform
external resistance R. The value of R for which the magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of rotation.
potential difference across the first cell is zero is given The potential difference between the two ends of the rod
by: is:
1. zero
2. Blω


3. Blω 2

4. 2Blω 2

26 A dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of an

isolated charged capacitor. Which of the following
quantities will remain the same?
a. the electric field in the capacitor
b. the charge on the capacitor
c. the potential difference between the plates
d. the stored energy in the capacitor
1. r 1
Choose the correct option:
2. r 2
1. (a), (b)
3. r 1 − r2
2. (b) only
4. r 1 + r2
3. (c), (a)
4. (a), (d)
22 A convex lens made of glass has focal length 0.15
m in air. If the refractive index of glass is 3/2 and that of 27 A ray is incident normally onto the surface AB of
water is 4/3, the focal length of lens when immersed in the prism (∠A = 30 , ∠B = 90 ). The refractive index
∘ ∘

water is: of the material of the prism is √2. The deviation of this
1. 0.45 m ray is:
2. 0.15 m
3. 0.30 m
4. 0.6 m

23 The tangent at any point of an equipotential surface

makes an angle θ with the electric intensity vector at that
point such that:
1. θ = 0 ∘

2. θ = 90 ∘

3. θ = 120 ∘

4. θ = 180 ∘

24 An infinite line charge produces a field of 1. 30 downward ∘

9 × 10 N/C at a distance of
2 cm. The linear charge 2. 15 downward

density is: 3. 30 upward

1. 0.1 μC/m 4. 15 upward

2. 100 μC/m
3. 1.0 μC/m
4. 10 μC/m

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

28 Photons and electrons of the same wavelength are 33 Consider the situation of the figure. The work done
compared. Which one carries larger momentum? in taking a point charge from P to A is WA , from P to
B is W and from P to C is W . Then:

1. photon
2. electron
3. neither, since both have equal momenta
4. it could be either, depending on the energy

29 A metallic resistor is connected across a battery. If

the number of collisions of the free electrons with the
lattice is somehow decreased in the resistor (for
example, by cooling it), the current will: 1. W < W < W

1. increase 2. W > W > W


2. decrease 3. W = W = W

3. remain constant 4. none of these

4. become zero
34 Light travels in two media M and M with speeds
1 2

30 Two concentric circular coils, one of small radius r 1

1.5 × 10 and 2.0 × 10 ms
8 −1 8 −1
respectively. The
and the other of large radius r , such that r << r , are critical angle between them is:
2 1 2

placed co-axially with centres coinciding. The mutual 1. tan ( ) −1 3

inductance of the arrangement is: √7

μ0 πr
2. tan ( ) −1 2

1. 3r2

2μ0 πr
3. cos −1
2. r2

μ0 πr
1 4. sin −1

μ0 πr

4. 2r2

31 A transformer is used to light a 100 W and 110 V

lamp from a 220 V main. If the main current is 0.5 A,
the efficiency of the transformer is approximately:
1. 30%
2. 50%
3. 90%
4. 10%

32 A Young's double-slit setup is first performed in air

and then in a liquid of refractive index μ. At a particular
location on the screen, the 10th bright fringe in air and
the 12th bright fringe in liquid coincide. Then μ =
1. 1.8
2. 1.54
3. 1.67
4. 1.2

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

35 Two identical equilateral triangular prisms, each of 38 Currents flowing in each of the circuits A and B
which gives a minimum deviation of 60 are taken: call respectively are:

these prisms A, B. These are placed as shown in the (All the diodes are ideal)
figure, and a ray of light is incident on prism A at
minimum deviation. Now prism B is cut in half, along
the dotted line, and the right half is removed. The
deviation of the emerging ray is:

1. 1 A, 2 A
1. 90 ∘
2. 2 A, 1 A
2. 45 ∘
3. 4 A, 2 A
3. 60 ∘
4. 2 A, 4 A
4. 30 ∘

39 A p-n junction has an electric field of 6 × 10 V/m


Section B in the junction and the junction width is 500 nm. The
height of the potential barrier is:
36 The threshold frequency of a photoelectric metal is 1. 0.6 V
2. 0.3 V
ν . If the light of frequency 4ν is incident on this metal,
0 0
3. 0.5 V
then the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons 4. 0.25 V
will be:
1. hν0 2. 2hν
40 Carbon, silicon, and germanium have four valence
3. 3hν 0 4. 4hν
electrons each. These are characterized by valence and
conduction bands separated by the energy bandgap
37 The wavelength of the first spectral line of the respectively equal to (E ) , (E )
g C and (E ) . Which
g Si g Ge

Lyman series of the hydrogen spectrum is: of the following statements is true?
1. 1218 Å 1. (E ) < (E ) < (E )
g Si g Ge g C

2. 974.3 Å
2. (Eg )C < (Eg )Ge > (Eg )Si
3. 2124 Å
4. 2120 Å 3. (Eg )C > (Eg )Si > (Eg )Ge

4. (Eg )C = (Eg )Si = (Eg )Ge

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

41 Three ideal diodes are connected to the battery as 44 In a half-wave rectification, what is the output
shown in the circuit. The current supplied by the battery frequency if the input frequency is 50 Hz?
is: 1. 50 Hz 2. 100 Hz

3. 25 Hz 4. 60 Hz

45 A nucleus of mass number 189 splits into two nuclei

having mass numbers 125 and 64. The ratio of the radius
of two daughter nuclei respectively is:
1. 25 : 16 2. 1 : 1

3. 4 : 5 4. 5 : 4

46 The radius of the innermost electron orbit in the

hydrogen atom is 5.3 × 10
m. What is the radius of
the third orbit?
1. 11.3 × 10 −11
1. zero 2. 12.9 × 10 −11
2. 4 A
3. 15.9 × 10 −11
3. 2 A
4. 47.7 × 10 −11
4. 6 A
A stationary nucleus breaks into two daughter nuclei
42 As per the given circuit, the value of current 47
having velocities in the ratio 3 : 2. The radius of their
through the battery will be:
nuclear sizes is:

1. ( 2



2. (


3. (


4. ( 9


48 According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the

graph between the kinetic energy of photoelectrons
ejected and the frequency of incident radiation is:
1. 4 A
2. 3 A
3. 2 A
1. 1 A
1. 2.
43 If the energy of the electron in an H-atom in the
ground state is taken to be −13.6 eV, then the kinetic
energy of the electron in the first excited state will be:
1. 3.4 eV
2. 6.8 eV
3. 10.2 eV
4. 13.6 eV 3. 4.

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Physics - Part Syllabus Test # 12 Contact Number:
- Full Class 12 (14 Chapters) [ 50 9667591930 /
MCQ] 8527521718

49 A photosensitive plate has a threshold frequency

which is in the range of blue light. It can also exhibit a
photoelectric effect, if illuminated by:
1. orange light
2. yellow light
3. green light
4. violet light

50 If the mass of is amu, mass of a proton

He 4.0026

is 1.0073 amu and the mass of a neutron is 1.0087 amu,

then the binding energy of He is equivalent to:

1. 0.0294 amu
2. 0.0588 amu
3. 0.1176 amu
4. 0.0147 amu

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