A Review On Performance of Hybrid Asphalt Mix in Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

A Review on Performance of Hybrid Asphalt Mix in

Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Muhammad Sani Aliyu, 2Eziefula Amanda Ugochi, 3Onyowoicho
Cynthia Ohagoro, 4Usman Hassan Ahmad, 5Ajuonuma Chibueze
Department of Civil Engineering Technology, The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nigeria
PhD. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Cyprus International University,
Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Corresponding Author:Muhammad Sani Aliyu,
Submitted: 30-07-2021 Revised: 06-08-2021 Accepted: 08-08-2021
ABSTRACT Keywords:Hybrid Asphalt, Crumb Rubber
The importance of transportation systems and Modifier, Polypropylene, High Density
networks on the economies of the world cannot be Polyethylene
over emphasized. Considering the prevailing severe
financial circumstances; high initial budgets for I. INTRODUCTION
annual maintenance of roadways calls for huge cost Generally,systems are nowdesigned
reduction. Therefore, pavements should be majorly to be sustainability-driven. Maintenance
designed to last longer with few maintenance needs and rehabilitation of transportation networks
or alternatively hybrid materials utilized for requires environmentally beneficial as well as cost-
maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements. This effective processes or products. To achieve these, it
research is a review of novel studies conducted on require creative responses which are new and
performance of Hybrid Asphalt Mix.The various dynamic, such that maintaining and rehabilitating
efforts to modify the performance of asphalt pavements is attained with cut backs in finance and
concrete (AC) mixtures have gained much attention energy cost, reduction in traffic noise and
and modifying effects especially as it involves minimum environmental pollution.
recycling solid waste, appreciable reduction in The incessant increase and accumulation
pavement maintenance cost and pollution index of of environmental solid waste (particularly used
the environment. Introduction of additives such as plastics, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE),
Crumb Rubber Modifiers (CRM), thermoplastic Polypropylene (PP), End of life Tyres (ELTs),
polymers (High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyethylene bags, etc.)and the improper handling,
Polypropylene (PP), fibers, Polyethylene disposal and management of municipal solid waste
Terephthalate (PET),and polymers, glass fiber, etc. is a huge source of concern. More so severe
into asphalt improves the characteristics as well as climatic conditions and construction failures
enhances the performance of asphalt pavements. intensifies pressure on existing infrastructures. The
Pavement properties which include dynamic upsurge of urbanization and population growths
modulus, resistance to low-temperature cracking, results to large volume of road traffic, these builds
and antireflective cracking as well as moisture up excessive vehicle axle weight on road
susceptibility, rutting resistance are undoubtedly pavements and prompts the need for a
effectively improved.These additives can either be corresponding increment on load bearing capacity
used with other components to modify bitumen of the pavement making it essential to extend the
thereby generating a new binder or as substitute for overall service life of bitumen by enhancing its
part of the mineral aggregates. There is no doubt properties.
that these additives (most of which are wastes) and The various efforts to targeted at
binders when effectively utilized in asphalt improving the characteristics of asphalt-concrete
pavement maintenance and rehabilitation will (AC) mixtures and enhance their performance have
contribute in extending the service life of asphalt incurred much wide spread attention and improving
pavement economically, while leaving us with a effects especially as it involves recycling solid
sustainable environment. waste, appreciable reduction in pavement
maintenance cost and pollution index of the

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 119
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

environment.The introduction of additives such as sand, quarry dust, and other fillers in a bituminous
fibers, plastics, rubber, polymers, polypropylene, binder. Bitumen has over the years been greatly
glass fiber, crumb rubber etc. into asphalt improves utilized in construction of highway pavements,
the performance of asphalt pavements. These airfield runways and many other applications; and
additives can either be used with other components as such the need to enhance its performance using
to modify bitumen thereby generating a new binder sustainable alternatives through various recycling
or as substitute for part of the aggregate. techniques.Essawy A. I et al, [6] affirmed that
Huang S.C. et al [1] opined that use of these alternatives should blend effectivelywith the
alternative (or byproduct) materials in asphalt bitumen binder and improve its high temperature
mixtures for pavement maintenance and susceptibility without making it too vicious at
rehabilitation is most intricate of highway uses, as mixing temperature or too brittle at low
it requires carefully engineered and designed temperatures. Theyneed to be readily available,
processes and not just throwing the alternative relatively cheap, easily processed, chemically and
material into the mixture and blending it with physically firm during storage, production, usage,
asphalt. This requires the careful design of the and service.
proposed mixture itself, determining the effects of As HybridAsphalts Pavements receives
the alternative materials on the asphalt binder wide recognition, the incorporation of additives
behavior, and the pavement into which it will be such as Fibers, End of life Tyres (ELTs),
integrated and the required testing of the resultant Thermoplasticslike Polyethylene Terephthalate
mixture for compliance to specification. (PET),High Density Polyethylene (HDPE),
This paper is a review of novel studies Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene bags, etc. will
carried out on Hybrid Asphalt Mix encompassing likely increase.
the materials, specifications related to production,
processing methods, applications, and performance II. MATERIAL USE OF RECYCLED
on pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Not TYRE IN ENGINEERING
only does the utilization of Hybrid Asphalts The exponential growth in the number of
ameliorate problems of solid waste but it also automobiles across the globe has yielded a
improves pavement performance where necessary corresponding increase in the amount of End-of
in areas as enhanced skid resistance, superior Life tyres, especially in the US, Europe, China,
flexibility, oil and crack resistance, rutting Japan [7]of which adequate disposal have been
resistance, and reduction in traffic noise. worrisome considering their volume and durability
Hybrid Asphalt can be seen as an [8]. With massive worldwide outcry and criticism
innovative solution that involves blending bitumen against landfill disposal, it has become an
with additives gotten from recycled waste materials unpleasant choice [9]. Several recovery options for
(Plastics, Rubber, End of Life Tyres, Polymers, scrap tyres are available such as ―energy recovery‖
Fibers, Polypropylene, HDPE, Fiber glass etc.) and (use as substitutes for fossil fuel), ―chemical
other components. The additives can either be processing‖ (in gasification ,pyrolysis and
incorporated as partial replacement for the mineral thermolysis) or ―granulate recovery‖ were heavy
aggregate or for modifying bitumen to produce a shredders are utilized to reduce the tyre into smaller
mixture with improved characteristics and sizes [10] with numerous civil engineering
performance. applications such as playground flooring, paving
blocks, rubberized asphalt pavements. [11].
1.1 Bitumen
Bitumen is a heavy petroleum-based 2.1 Crumb Rubber Modifier
hydrocarbon. It is a complex and highly viscous The use of Crumb Rubber Modifier
mixture comprising of four major families of (CRM) in hybrid asphalt pavements have been a
compounds (saturates, aromatics, resins and promising solution beyond providing a sustainable
asphaltanes) [2, 3] occurring in large deposits such environment, it enhances pavement performance
as oil sands and pitch lakes (natural bitumen). It with reports of reduction in traffic noise, cost
can also be obtained from fractional distillation of effective maintenance, improved abrasive
crude oil as a residue (refined bitumen). With so resistance, superior skid and rutting resistance, and
much prospective properties of interest such as better solution for pavement cracking [12–15].
impermeability, adhesivity, ductility, resistance to Amongst some of the notable works with much
weathering and chemical attacks, etc. [4, 5]It is distinct and remarkable success are roads built
often referred to as asphalt, which is a general road- using rubberized asphalt mixture which involves
paving material consisting of hot mixed gravel, waste/ scrap tyre or Recycled Tyre Rubber

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 120
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Modified Bitumen (RTR-MBs). This is usually removed through aspiration and by magnets
gotten from recycled End of Life Tyres (ELTs). respectively) forms the structural skeleton, while
Tyre which is a complex product consists of three the rubber in the thread, side wall, apexes, around
core material constituents: (i) elastomeric the liner and shoulder wedge forms the ―flesh‖ of
compound (have major engineering interest), (ii) the tyre. [16]
fabre and (iii) steel. The fabreand steel (usually

Fig -1: Tyre structure, adapted from [17]

Following the enhanced performance reducing End of Life Tyres (ELTs) to Crumb
benefits, utilizing Crumb Rubber Modified (CRM) Rubber Modifier (CRM) that are clean and
binder in blending hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures consistently sized through one of the following
has garnered enormous interest with reports from technologies:
different studies showing that the general (i) Ambient Grinding: Processing scrap tyres at or
performance of the mixture can be considerably above normal room temperature by the use of
affected by the amount, type and source of rubber it rotating blades.
contains, prevailing blending conditions, particle (ii) Cryogenic Grinding: In this procedure, brittle
sizes, production and, modification techniques, RTR is obtained by freezing using liquid
processing techniques in place, and so on [18–23]; nitrogen (temperature between -87 to -198 ᵒC)
with the beneficial characteristics of tyres such as after which hammer mill shatters them to
resistance to heat and humidity, non- acquire particles with low surface area. [25]
biodegradability vital for their pavement service (iii) Wet Grinding: Two closely spaced grinding
roles. wheels are used to further reduce the rubber
Davide Lo Presti [24] in his work carried particles in a liquid medium usually water.
out a detailed study on existing technologies and [26]
specifications related to the production, handling (iv) Hydro jet Reduction: In this technique, finer
and storage of RTR-MBs also considering their particles of RTR areobtained by further
current applications within road asphalt mixtures. reduction through pressurized water.
From expounding on the monitored procedures of

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 121
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig – 2: Ambient Grinding of ELTs Fig – 3: Crumb Rubber Modifier

He further explained that the subsequent hand, blending bitumen with CRM manufactured
conversion of CRM to Hybrid Asphalt can be by from scrap tyres and other additives, as required,
either of these two processes: One application before combining the binder into the bitumenous
known as “Dry Process” requires partial paving materials to obtain a modified asphalt
replacement of the mineral aggregates in asphalt pavement is referred to as the “Wet Process”. This
mixture with small amounts of pulverized rubber produces a material with approximate
obtained from discarded or scrap tyres representation of valuable engineering
(ELTs)resulting in surface paving asphalt mixture characteristics of all the base constituents.
with highly improved performance. On the other

Fig - 4: Schematics of hybrid asphalt procedure from the ‗wet process‘

He further opined that the majorreason for can also be designed for optimum performance in
using RTR-MBs is for the provision of any type of climate. With the rubber stiffening the
significantly improved and sustained engineering binder and increasing its elasticity, the pavement
features over normal paving grade bitumen. They

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 122
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

resistance to permanent deformation (rutting) is shear condition. After which super pave binder
increased. tests such as Bending beam rheometer (BBR)
Bertollo S. M [27]concurred that it can ,Brookfield viscosity, Dynamic shear rheometer
also reduce pavement fatigue, retardsreflective (DSR), test conducted on different control binder
cracking, and impedes pavement rutting, aging samples (3 Nos. comprising of neat, 20 mesh and
deteriorationwithenhanced oxidation resistance and 40 mesh asphalt rubber binder) and a DRA binder
improved chip retention as it gives thicker binder specimen. The resultsshowed an improved stability
films. Jung J. et al [28] asserted that hybrid as the ground rubber blended well and infused into
asphalt pavements are highly cost effective for the base binder. The optimaloverall performance of
pavement maintenance because of the contrasting the DRA binder was realized at 20% (by weight)
effect between the pavements and stripping. replacement of the pulverized rubber into the base
ShengY. et al [29] reported that the binder at shear rate of 7000 r/min, 60 min shear
performance of desulfurized rubber asphalt (DRA) time development time 45 min and 170 ᵒC shear
consisting of several rubber powder contents was temperature,.
investigated under dissimilar development time and

Table - 1: Performance of asphalt binder at different level of desulfurized rubber powder

Percentage of Desulfurized rubber powder (%)
0 10 20 30 40
25ᵒC Penetration
86.3 80.2 71.3 66.8 62.4
Softening Point (ᵒC) 46.2 50.2 53.8 57.5 55.1
Rotary Viscosity at 175
- 0.19 0.32 0.68 1.42
ᵒC (Pa.s)
Recovery of Elasticity
- 56 78 81 77
5ᵒC Ductility (cm) - 8.4 13.3 14.4 14.8

From Table -2, the DRA binder partially recovery of elasticity and storage stability
improved the flexibility, plasticity and viscosity of penetration, softening point, recovery of elasticity
rubber beyond maintaining basic asphalt storage stability and ductility.
characteristics with tremendous enhancements in

Table - 2:Constituent properties of the base and rubber blended binders

Asphalt Asphalt
Test Items DRA Rubber Rubber
base binder
(20 Mesh) (40 Mesh)
25ᵒC Penetration (25ᵒC)/(0.1mm) 66.8 86.3 65.6 60.1
Softening Point /(ᵒC) 57.5 46.2 50.8 52.3
Storage stability segregation,
1.1 - 2.4 2.3
softening point difference at 48 h/ᵒC
Recovery of Elasticity (25ᵒC)/ (%) 81 - 53 64
Rotary Viscosity at 175 ᵒC /(Pa.s) 0.68 - 2.33 2.56
Density (15ᵒC)/(gcm ) 1.038 0.981 1.034 1.033
Mass Loss
Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) 0.3 0.02 0.4 0.4
ratio (25ᵒC 85 75.9 76 81

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 123
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

44 26.8 37 38
(10 ᵒC)/cm
Ductility (5ᵒC )/cm 14.4 - 6.7 12.1

The results shown in Table-3 indicated decrease in the values. The same trend was
that an increase in desulfurized-rubber powder observed with Dynamic Stability with peak value
content (up to 20%) resulted to a corresponding occurring at 25% rubber powder content. This
value rise in Immersion Stability,Marshall Stability invariably will increase rutting resistance of the
and Residual Stability beyond which there was a asphalt pavement.

Table - 3: Performance of DRA mixture at different desulfurized rubber replacement levels.

Desulfurized rubber
0% 15% 20% 25% 30%
power content

Dynamic Stability 1820 3096 3415 3503 3578
Marshall Stability (KN) 8.5 10.6 11.3 10.2 9.5
Residual Stability (%) 79.1 82.4 85.8 77.8 75.6
Immersion Stability (KN) 6.4 8.7 9.7 7.8 7.2

In another paper Lo Priste D.et al [30] initial costs, the use of ―terminal blends‖ or ―field
highlighted the importance of materials selection blends‖ are proposed.
and storage stability, general properties of Toshiaki Hirato et al (2014)[31]
processing procedures and conditions on the developed a high stability asphalt concrete using a
modification process, of the final bitumen –tyre thermoplastic hybrid binder comprising of polymer
blends.Generally the behavior of resultant modified asphalt anddistinctive additives. This
Recycled Tyre-Rubber Modified Bitumen (RTR- having high oil, flow, water and abrasion resistance
MB) obtained is influenced by the rubber source, which they compared with semi flexible and epoxy
the processing method adopted which affects the asphalt pavement.
surface area of the particles generated,
consequentlyinfluencing the viscosity and overall Oil Resistance:
reaction rate of the bitumen-rubber binder and From the residual strength assessment
rubber particle size and shape (which affects obtained from Marshall Test carried out after
swelling mechanism and binder matrix). Since the immersing the test specimen in 20ᵒC kerosene for
McDonald wet process exhibits poor stability 48hrs, shows that the high stability asphalt
during elevated temperatures storage and concrete, semi-flexible and epoxy asphalt exhibited
modifying exiting asphalt plants will lead to high ratio of residual strength higher than 80%,
therefore indicating high oil resistance.

Fig –5: Results of Oil-Immersion Marshall Test

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 124
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

A verification test conducted on the for 20 reciprocating motions at the point without
constructed pavement to examine its oil resistance driving. Figs. 6 and 7 shows that damage to the
required spraying about 200g of kerosene which is pavement comprising of shattered aggregates
prevented to vaporize on a non-woven fabric sheet surface was recorded in the control specimen but
spread on the pavement. the reverse was the case in the high stability asphalt
After 7 days curing, a forklift wheel concrete which confirms its enhanced oil
(approximate vehicle weight: 3.4 tons) is steered resistance.

Fig – 6:Pavement surface after test (in control Fig–7:Pavement after test (in high stability asphalt)

Rutting Resistance
Wheel tracking test was used to assess the rutting resistance. The high stability asphalt concrete showed
a high dynamic stability equivalent to that of semi-flexible pavement.

Fig – 8: Results of Wheel Track Test

Other Performances: shows a high performance of the high stability

Results obtained from the simple bending asphalt concrete comparable to the PMA Type II,
test conducted, water-immersed wheel tracking test Epoxy and semi-flexible pavements as can be seen
and raveling tests which relates to pavement in Table – 1: below.
flexibility, sustained water and abrasion resistance

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 125
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Essawy A.I et al[6]incorporated selected were used in the asphalt. Testswere carried out on
industrial wastes such as polypropylene and the physical and chemical characteristics, aging,
polyester fibers in preparing environmentally scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermo-
sustainable hot mix asphalt (HMA) for paving, gravimetric analysis (TGA).The performance of the
utilizing normal and highly porous aggregates for test specimens were compared with two specimens
the solid materials. Hybrid binders consisting of of asphalt concrete of penetration grade 60/70 as
5% and 10% replacement of discarded polymers detailed in Tables – 2 and – 3.

Table – 2: Physical properties of the improved asphalt 60/70 (AC1)

Modified asphalt with
Characteristics Virgin asphalt AC₁ PP PE
5% 10% 5% 10%

Softening point (ring and ball),

50.6 60 68 80 88
Specific gravity (at 25 ⁰C). 1.02 1.03 1.032 1.038 1.042
Penetration Index (P.I) -0.54 0.49 1.46 2.83 3.12
Aging (Penetration after 5 h) 17 15 9 12 5
Brookfield viscosity (at 60 ⁰C), 1010.
115.7 216.3 694.3 580
C.P 3
Penetration (at 25 ⁰C, 100g, 5 s)
62 40 28 27 17
0.1 mm

The results revealed an enhancement in content from 5% to 10% replacement. The polymer
the general performance of the modified asphalt modified asphalts yields specimens which are less
over the control specimens. vulnerable to temperature. Increase value of the
Properties such as softening point, Penetration Index increases the asphalt samples
specific gravity and dynamic viscosities increased resistance to low temperature induced cracking and
while penetration value, rate of aging to permanent deformation (rutting) at high
(hardening) decreased with the rise in polymer temperature of the resulting pavement [32].

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 126
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Table – 3: Physical properties of the modified asphalt 60/70 (AC2)

Modified asphalt with

Characteristics Virgin asphalt AC₂ PP PE

5% 10% 5% 10%
Brookfield viscosity (at 830.
95 180.4 492.6 408.9
60 ⁰C), C.P 2
Softening point (ring and
48.5 56 68 77 86
ball), ⁰C
Specific gravity (at 25
1.019 1.027 1.03 1.036 1.04
Penetration (at 25 ⁰C,
65 42 30 29 19
100g, 5 s) 0.1 mm

Penetration Index (P.I) -0.97 -0.25 1.28 2.57 2.83

Aging (Penetration after
35 24 22 18 11
5 h)

In a separate paper, Sayyed M. H et al Marshall, softening point, Specific Gravity,

[33] studiedthe idea of hybrid reinforcement of penetration, and ductility tests.
asphalt concrete mix using glass fibers and From the results when compared with the
polypropylene (PP).As a way of improving unmodified sample, the penetration (which
bitumen characteristics and performance, they measures the depth to which a standard loaded
maximizing the sticky appearance of PP fiber needle will penetrate) and ductility of the enhanced
within its melting point value, blended it with bitumen was reduced, while softening point value
bitumen at different percentageswhile the high increased by increase in the Polypropylene (PP)
modulus glass fiber was used to partlysubstitute the fibers.
mineral aggregates. The samples were subjected to

Fig – 9: Penetration test result for polypropylene modified bitumen and unmodified.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 127
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

This shows that the hybrid sample is much stiffer that the control specimen, suggesting a higher resistance to

Fig – 10: Softening test result for unmodified and polypropylene modified bitumen

The increase in softening point suggested lower temperature vulnerability for the modified bitumen and as such
less prone to traffic-induced deformation.

Table – 4: Ductility test results for PP modified bitumen andunmodified.

The result of the ductility test can be

attributed to the placement of the PP fibers in the Marshall Stability Test
bituminous specimen cross-section during the Marshall Stability test results distinctively
process of elongation. This increases the modulus clarifythe significant impact PP has on the
of elasticity of the modified bitumen and further characteristicsof the asphalt and enhance the
resistance to external load. consistency of the mixture.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 128
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig – 11: Stability for different replacement of glass fiber (0.05, 0.1 & 0.2%) and polypropylene (2, 4 & 6%)

Appiah J. K et al [34] blended behavior of the bitumen and change in its

thermoplastic polymers, namely High Density rheological properties. The fibers exerted different
Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP) into degrees of influence on the bitumen, decreasing
conventional AC-20 graded bitumen at various penetration value, increasing softening point and
plastic compositions, withan objective to enhance improving total dynamic and absolute viscosities of
its properties and performance. Testingfor basic the resultant binder by forming more complex
rheological parameters such as penetration, ring internal structure [35, 36].The results are consistent
and ball softening point, and viscosity in the with the views of Essawy A.Iet al [6] and Sayyed
samples shows an improvement in the viscoelastic M.H. et al [33].

Fig – 12:Penetration graph of HDPE vs. PP Fig – 13: Softening point of HDPE vs. PP

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 129
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig – 14: Viscosity graph of Base, HDPE & PP modified Bitumen @60ᵒC

Rahman W. A. et al [37] evaluated the replacement with recycled PET is ideal as it

optimal quality, handling and effect of usage of improves the permanent deformation of the asphalt
recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as mixture which enhances rutting resistance of
partial replacement for mineral fine aggregate in asphalt pavements. Nonetheless the resilient
hybrid asphalt mixture. To determine the variation modulus value of the recycled PET modified
in permanent deformation and stiffness behavior, asphalt was less than the unmodified asphalt which
theyutilized the Repeated Load Axial Test (RLAT) shows a reduction in the stiffness properties of the
and Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus (ITSM) asphalt. This is similar to the conclusions of [38]
test.From their findings, it was revealed that 20% and [39]

Fig - 15: Resilient Modulus of Control specimen and Fig –16:Permanent Deformation characteristics
PET Modified Asphalt Mixture of Control Sample and PET Modified Asphalt

III. ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF environmental impact assessment of rubberized

HYBRID ASPHALT asphalt pavement during the life cycle from
Feipeng X., Amirkhanian S. et al [40] material production, construction, maintenance and
evaluated the energy demand, consumption and end of life. With lower consumed energy during
maintenance phase, similar greenhouse gas (GHG)
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 130
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

emissions with those of hot mix asphalt but Enormous energy is required to achieve the
significant lower CO and CH4 emissions, predetermined binding temperatures for the
remarkable reduction in noise,rubberized asphalt rubberized asphalt mixtures. [42]. Production of
pavement is a technology to embrace for a asphalt mixtures every year all over the world
sustainable environment. requires an estimate of 1.36 x108MWh in energy
Pavement life cycle comprises of five major phases [43]. This huge energy consumption represents
which are materials production, construction, large greenhouse gas emission. Several studies
service, maintenance and end of life [41]. With suggested that with enormous reduction in raw
each phase exhibiting energy consumptions and materials requirement and extended service life,
emissions as detailed in Fig- 2, the material rubberized asphalt is ideal in energy saving. [44 -
production and construction tends to be higher. 46].

Fig – 17:Highways life cycle energy and environmental impacts assessment relationship [47]

Table - 5:Basic material and process energy consumption (MJ/t)

Athena Corti et Frischknecht Stripple Elliot
Source Material
[48] al [49] [50] [51] [46]
Nature aggregate 57.6 140 78.6 59.1
Crumb rubber modifier: Feedstock 34900
Crushed aggregate 36 59 7.67
Asphalt Feedstock 40200 40200 40200
Asphalt Manufacturing 5320 9000 2890 814
Asphalt Mixing Plant: Hot mix
531 551 2015
Crumb rubber modifier:
Asphalt Mixing Plant: Rubberized
375 404
hot mix asphalt

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 131
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF that derived from the batching and production of
HYBRID ASPHALT conventional asphalt concrete. The result is
As regards to environmental highlighted in Fig. 9.The emission generated from
sustainability, Hybrid Asphalt beyond providing the processes of manufacturing of rubberized
judicious use of waste materials, their production asphalt is comparable to that obtained from hot mix
and applications in pavement maintenance and asphalt; however the emission of Carbon (II) Oxide
rehabilitation presents numerous issues from waste (CO) and Methane(CH4) was lower for rubberized-
generation and accumulation, to improper handling asphalt mixture. Alsoexposure to hybrid asphalt
and discharge into water and finally emission to air. does not increase health risk of those handling it.
Jones D, et al[54] affirms this through his
4.1 Hazardous Emission studies incorporating RTR-MBs with the Warm
With several studies been carried mix techniquewhich shows anenormous decrease in
out,results indicate that greenhouse gas (GHG) emission generation during field operations due to
emission of asphalt rubber is higher than what is asignificant decrease of the mixing, compaction
obtainable forStyrene- Butadiene Styrene (SBS) temperatures and handling. Despite that
modified asphalt [52]. environmental concerns upon the widespread usage
Stout et al[53] studied in comparison the of the wet process procedures still exist, but the
environmental greenhouse gas emissions owing to development of novel technologies is proving that
the blending of crumb rubber to asphalt cement and this issue can be reducedconsiderably.

Fig - 18: Emissions generated during the production of asphalt mixtures [53].

1.2 Traffic Noise Reduction: rubberized asphalt in reducing traffic noise with 40
Noise pollution can be seen as the – 88% when compared with ordinary pavement [56
occurrence of invasive, offensive and needless - 59]. With the first successful application in
sounds that have serious impact in the mind, highway noise reduction investigated in Brussels,
affecting man‘s mental and physical health with Belgium, in 1981 after which other countries like
possible adverse effect such as palpitating heart Canada, Austria, America, France, Germany and
rate, excessive pressure, insomnia, probable loss of Italy have adopted. [60]. [61].Table – 9
hearing and dysphoria [55]. Several studies have summarized its successful application in diverse
revealed the enhancedoverall performance of countries and regions.

Table - 6: Traffic sound investigation using rubberized asphalt and resultant noise reduction [61 -
Noise Level
Country Country Noise Level Reduction
Belgium 8-10dB (65-85%) Phoenix, AZ 10 dB (88%)

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 132
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

Shown Noise
Canada reduction Tuscon, AX 6.7 dB (78%)
2-3dB/ 3-5 dB (50 - Sacramento
France 75%) County 7.7 dB
Germany 3 dB (50%) County 3- 5 dB on Open Graded Asphalt
Los Angeles
Austria 3 +dB County 3- 7 dB
Significant noise
China reduction Arizona, USA 9 dB

V. APPLICATION OF HYBRID  Use of Hybrid Asphalts in pavement

ASPHALT maintenance and rehabilitation is enormously
From the fore-going studies, Hybrid beneficial as they generate cost-effective and
Asphalt have been judiciously applied in several environmentally sustainable products.
pavement maintenance and rehabilitation works to  Hybrid asphalts produce pavements with
remedy pavement distresses some of which include enhanced improvement in characteristics and
but are not limited to:Use as chip seals [64], stress overall performance such as constructability,
absorbing interlayers[65], crack and joint recyclability, safety, reduced maintenance,
sealants[66], and in hot mix asphalt [67]. With durability.
extensive studies done to authenticate this  The material constituent of the additives,
technology, enhanced paving experience and processing methods, handling, etc. affects the
performance is evident such as durability, safety, overall pavement performance.
reduced maintenance, recyclability[68],  Properties such as dynamic modulus,
constructability [69], and more especially energy resistance to pavement rutting, resistance to
saving potential [70]. low-temperature cracking, and antireflective
cracking as well as moisture vulnerability are
VI. LIMITATIONS effectively improved
The use of Hybrid Asphalts are faced with  The use of Hybrid Asphalts is of great benefit
certain limitations of which efforts on advanced in energy saving, noise reduction and
studies are been made to ameliorate them. Some of environmental sustainability. Although the
which are:Initial costs of setting up facilities, lack greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is similar to
of Hybrid Asphalt Mix standards and designs, hot mix asphalt, however it has a significantly
limited blending, mixing, storage and lower CO and CH4 emission.
transportation equipment suitable for the elevated  The enhanced improvement in the performance
temperatures, unavailability of appropriate of asphalt pavements generally produces an
processing facilities within the vicinity of the overall sustainable infrastructure as evident,
project, lack of trained personnel for precise therefore Hybrid Asphalts and technologies
laboratory analyses of the raw materials and final which promotes use of recycled waste
blends which is essential in enhancing the materials needs to be considered as first option
modification process and the overall performance in pavement maintenance and rehabilitation.
of the final product.  More research is recommended to be
conducted in the use of hybrid asphalt in other
VII. CONCLUSIONS areas, also comparing the performance of
This review paper elucidated on the various asphalt mixtures such as Styrene-
enhancement of asphalt mixture by blending with Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) modified binder,
different additives such as Fibers, Thermoplastics Rubber Asphalt Plastic (RAP) materials and
Polymers (Polypropylene, High Density the effects of production process in the
Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyethylene Terephthalate performance of hybrid asphalt and many
(PET)), Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM), Glass others. Also government policies and
Fibers, etc. either as binder modifier or partial legislations to support the use of these
replacement for the mineral aggregate and the technologies, investments on trainings,
performance of the resultant hybrid asphalt in research and further studies will yield more
pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. In this effective results.
regards, the following conclusions are made:

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0308119136 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 133
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 8 Aug 2021, pp: 119-136 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252

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