English Class. 13° Class. Estado SP

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Língua Inglesa

Art (Part 1)

1o bimestre – Aula 13
Ensino Médio
● Vocabulário: linguagens e ● Reconhecer e identificar
expressões artísticas; diferentes linguagens
● Temático: linguagens
artísticas. ● Produzir textos orais e
escritos sobre linguagens
artísticas variadas.
Todo mundo escreve
Everybody writes! In 3 minutes, write
short answers to the following questions:
1. What is art?
2. Do you express yourself in any artistic
way? Which one?

Art is… Drawing

Creativity Painting
Emotion Music
Culture Dance
History Films
Expression Literature
The definition of art has been a subject of debate for
many centuries, and even so, no single answer has been
universally agreed upon. Art is usually seen as a way to
express thoughts, ideas, emotions, and experiences
through various mediums like drawing, painting, music,
literature, cooking, and gardening. It's a way for
humans to share their inner world with others in unique
and creative ways. Rather than searching for a definition
of art, it's more helpful to see it as a broad concept that
includes creativity, communication, emotions, and all
human experiences in their diverse forms. Continua...
Agora, vamos explorar algumas palavras sobre arte que podem
auxiliar nas atividades desta e das próximas aulas:

Art forms Adjectives

Dance (Dança) Unique (Único)
Music (Música) Creative (Criativo)
Fashion (Moda) Beautiful (Bonito)
Painting (Pintura) Cute (Fofo)
Drawing (Desenho) Amazing (Incrível)
Sculpture (Escultura) Weird (Estranho)
Cooking (Culinária) Boring (Chato)
Literature (Literatura) Inspiring (Inspirador)
You are going to watch a short video about art. 3 MINUTES

But first, turn around and talk to your classmate

about the questions:
1. Do you like art?
2. What is art to you?
3. Does everyone have the same opinion about
a piece of art?
Now, watch the video and answer the 7 MINUTES

questions in your notebook:

1. Is art only for intellectuals and art
2. Where can we find art?
3. Do people react the same way to a piece
of art?
4. What is art to you?

Now, watch the video and answer the questions in your
1. Is art only for intellectuals and art specialists? No, art
is for everyone.
2. Where can we find art? We can find art everywhere,
like music, theaters, movies, handcrafts, etc.
3. Do people react the same way to a piece of art? No,
each person can have a personal reaction,
feeling, and emotion about a piece of art.
4. What is art to you? Personal answer.
Now, list in your notebook your favorite pieces of
art. You can use the questions to help you do that:
1. Do you have a favorite painting or sculpture? Music
Which one? Fashion
2. What are your favorite songs? Painting
3. What are your favorite books or comic books? Drawing
4. What is the title of your favorite movies and TV Sculpture
shows? Cooking
The pieces of art you have listed are personal. In this
moment, share your titles with your classmates. You
can use the models to do that:

My favorite painting is… it was painted by… Sculpture

My favorite song is… Sculpted
My favorite book is called… it was written by… Comic book
My favorite movie is… Poem
Now, in small groups, show each other your
favorite pieces of art and talk about how they
make you feel. Use the questions and models
Unique Happy
to guide your conversation:
Creative Calm
1. What do you think about this painting? Beautiful Good
I think this painting is... It makes me Cute Inspired
feel… Amazing Sad
2. What does this painting mean to you? Why Weird Nothing
do you like it? Boring Confused
I like it because… It makes me feel… Inspiring Frustrated
● Ler e compreender textos sobre arte;
● Produzir textos orais e escritos sobre
diferentes obras e formas de arte;
● Mobilizar práticas de linguagem para
expressar opinião a respeito de
diferentes expressões artísticas.
STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY. The Definition of Art. Disponível em:
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/art-definition/. Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
LEMOV, Doug. Título: Aula nota 10: 3.0. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Editora Penso, 2023.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Currículo em Ação –
Linguagens e suas tecnologias – 1a série do Ensino Médio.
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 3 – Clint Bustrillos/Unsplash. Disponível em: https://unsplash.com/pt-br/fotografias/fotografia-em-
close-up-de-desenho-de-pessoa-no-computador-tablet-WYwT7pXuXvo. Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
Slide 4 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/art_5683943. Acesso em:
22 dez. 2023.
Slide 4 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/art_5683947. Acesso em:
22 dez. 2023.
Slide 6 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/museum_10078781.
Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
Slide 7 – GCFLearnFree/YouTube. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZQyV9BB50E.
Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
Slide 8 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/museum_10078793.
Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
Slide 10 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/speech-bubble_4860889.
Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.

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